HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-17, Page 5CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE LllTA1h*NSD IMT. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. it1*PRAL (PAIS elm $UL M UJOIS DOLLARS • REST. S. E WALKER, Gamma Msutate% A.fw 401114011.111111111. s N.... GODERICH BRANCH. R GOsaAAh lassinna emotes TRUMACTto. FARMERS' NOTV$ DRAFTS DIED PATARE AT AL, POINTS IN CANADA, ANO THE PntisSi ML CITU (N THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERMUDA. at DAVINSS BANK DEPARTMENT. OPPOSITS OF 61.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED AND CURRENT RATES OF INTENSST ALLOWED. ►MTUR$ST AOOSD TO TN! PRINCIPAL AT THIS CND OP MAY AND IN EAON T*AR. SPsslaf AttsmUsa Owen h thin Oollectlon of sad L'artxers' Sales Notes. (-ern-wired-0 Doper, R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs Harries kit Lot work for 'trat .nl. C. M.Lor returned from loots -tot the last week. W A. Rhyne wu the past neck in •4191.1.Kelly. of Myth, Friday. A. Ja.•kaue, of (Lacon, war in town os Monday. Y. Fur. of Clinton, visited I.o.lench ns .1. Spooner. r. d 1 unton, oa :n town last ".4r.1AY. -lames Edwards ha.. taken up his renames u I�tu.e,go. John Murray, Jr., has returned se for he Winter. Isdg.0 Kerosene and Robertson left town .t Tuesday. Miss Jessie Cremes returned front Detroit .•a Satanlay. Rev, I:. F. Salter returned to Brussels he past week. Mass t'any retursed boss. on Fnday,from Whithy t Mir Maggie Breckenridge kft en later 4y for (Iucago. 1'. Elliott, of Exeter, vested the county :own last Fnday. W. t:. }Searle, of Wisrtoa, was is (:ode :.. k the past week. A. McLeod, of Lam -know, spent the past Friday in Ilerlericb, Rarriater Dickson, of Kidder. was , ie ; •,odeneh .at week. Mir Acheson returned hoes on Saturday "osi Whitby College. Capt. McIntosh is spending a week with relatives in (:odench. Fred. Pries retarn.d to ba hams, Smolt ",te. Msrie, en Mosday. Mr. and Mr*. (;. Hetchiasoa,ot Grey, are visiting relatives in fawn. Min Maggie Strsebn, of Detroit. is in .nes visiting her parents. R H. Collins, batrider. of Kidder, was u the musty town last Werk. .1. C. Harrison returned home from a long net to the Wats os Fridar. (apt. A. M. McGregor returned home last week front the Georgian Ray. was !n eoaler.. h UO Fred. Platt, of Deetroit.who ns ""gig ra- istvaw, will reale till ('hrisimaa. Harrister Vanstnns, of Wmnglsm, spent a few days of the pad week in WW1- Mrs. nwafirs. Gavin Struthers a spendi.g r! i Wiener in Chicago with her children. Mr. and Mrs. Pear, of Rr•ssela, WINS i 'own the past week besting their ten, desk A. Pear. Iliac Paye, Jr., who was watelinian a. 'hs Mr. Moms this means, &Meld blase ISM week. 13. Campaign*, who wee wbaelmite •l the ser Royce Ibis mama, arrived bene r `%Manley. Rem Price prom/skid b Termite te es- eepan ny the reins of his deemeed ora M r:oderieh. Al" tN'ailte, who was watchman on the Nr. Norma, the past *masa, arrived beam as Saturday. w- •1 Dowling. choir reader el Rh 'ie%rge'%.waa sei*rin6 the pest Week team a aware attack of la rr,pp*. 1). Murray, who hal hen's in !flank Rime, Miab , few the Sesemm, reterad name REM w�• ' Shemin " links wen. (1•pl W. McLain, a the ser. Alfa Srrii .sed Norman MM)eie., flet !sass •1 as oar boat. r+i.e+ beams an Mk* Chola% %kb we la POO MIMI ME Kiatail last wee ► on wreekair business, large quantities of lumber having been washe I ashore Istwer'n these places. Leen- friar, 1" 1'. it. tekprapn operator, Sault S. Marie, who accompanied the re- mains of hes namesake, the late Wm. Puce, to4iedench, left for home on Monday. Geo Acheson has purchased a general stock at 1:abridge and left last week for the purpose of selling it off. Mrs. Acheson accompanied him They will probably be away two months. ('has. Cooper, having , .tntpleted his trade as action maker in the I4oherty organ Vac - tory, bu taken til. position of tint usist- mit in the action department of . the 1,ode- rich organ 1'0 4'itnton New flet mentioning the visit of J. G. Ward, of Dungannon, to town last week, we inad- vertently ndert.-.l to him as the treasurer of Ashf'w!.1. Thin was incorrect, the genial J. 11. being the financier of the township of West Wawan.sh. Robe. Breckenridge, of Norwich. Conn., who visite.i his brothers here last Summer, has sustained' a great Irss in the death of Ms sen, a young mean of nineteen, who fell from .a buihding on which he was working. Chas. l'oatinr, ship caulker, who has been working in this town for the past live years, Ir11 cn Wedoesday for Pert Huron, where he will reside with his parents in future Charlie will he missed at the dock, as he was a general favorite with the boys. He wa. els o a member of the Salvation Army and "tarewelled" hers em Ib.sday lash HOLMESVILLk. Irtum OCR ow' roRaear0%DINT. ) A reopening of the Methodist church here, is to take place shortly. Date not yet fixed. We regret to learn that • serious accident hapyreed en MahSath morning last to Mn. Ii eok,of the Huron ford. She was in a rig os her way to church when the horse took fright and threw her oat, ireaking her arm near the wrist and dislocating it at the elbow. Under medical treatment she is pro- graming favorably. AMBERLEY. [IRON ort owe dies rrompaJT.) Rev. K. MacDonald has disposed of all his goods Mr. MacDonald intends leaving us before long. Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Kincardine, *- espied the pulpit in Asbbeld D' church last Sunday. Mn..George Hunter, a1 West Superior, Wiesteme..Otl at pa: visiting her par. NASA BALM NEVER FAILS CC111 Hen 4p CATARRH a..wWe aa• - sale awn MONO MOO, PwWral rf Car., Fader* impo IAru Inas s►.4 w'sho.aeel= desess,..4 Nam soma WI 014 on coy =roee oe.erA, W a beed "welts Is OMR.% fee ..ea i'.. a .e,1 srsew r rsaboort. r.irW .. g clash mn W tt a m.r M.neane ~Ma M. .IIN. Sal THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THITRBDAY, DECEMBER 11, lql. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- SHIP. Great Discount Hale of Dry floods. Having decided to dissolve partner ship on tate first of January next, we will until that date offer our Dation Mock of dress goons, velveteens, mantle Moths, ufsterings, overcoats, tweeds, shawls, Aauuelr, dareeelettea, blanketn, comforters, underwear Dolton, prints, etc., at discounts ranging as high as 30'4 off our present low pria..- Now is your opporturuty to procure new, seasonable gouda at and under Tr)st. Nowhere else will you find good* at such low prices as we are prepared to oder them. The sale has • owin ucwd, is now go- ing on, sod will continue until the eat of December. All accounts rendered roust be set- tle.' at once. Thr highest price paid for butter and eggs. J• A. REID & BRO. JINIBloc&, uoda.icb- NNee�T >rlk, Itil, 1Dl- seta. Mr. cad Mrs. Ala. MamDo.ald, ciao bit tht.r, Nt.. U. N. McKenzie. Joseph Swett, L.nom,and Annie Mseinto.b, Isle of Skye, were visiting at Jobs N. Mac Keosie'e hast week. We are glad W state that .Rales MacKen Nie who was hurt ata wood bee by a root f alling:on him, Is elite to be around again. Thomas Telford is home again, looking late rod hearty. Mr. Telford for the put stammer has beer wrrkiug in the roppet Mum. Justice Meredith at Toronto the other day grantee an injunction restraining Michael Masfor.' from interfering in :in way with or selling the farm . r its prud- ecta t. hick fir. A Sanford none in CHICAGO HOUSE Hawick towkip, Huron cuuuty. This couple bad a curiae, matrimonial history. They were married iu 1863, and after three years of peaceful married lite Mrs. Sanford developed a tante for attending a sewing cin k, in connection with a church, which wan distasteful to Mr. Sanford. Upon the understanding that his wife should remain at home and quit the sewing cire'e, Mr. Sanford deeded her one of his farms This produced a reign of harmony that lasts'. 011111 September, er, 1890. when differences nose again, and Mrs. Sanford left her bus- lrt.das house. Then he tried to ort lack his farm, but was '•injuncted." M. Sanford en r, very wealthy man, asd owns valuable fai ❑n in Howick, Minton and Enclose townships. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL C11 ti RINTMA13 will be herr in a few days, 11..111011g with it all tie demands incident to that gay and fretivr Newson. H.'.. you C1 thought of what you are going to buy for your presents fila year • Anticipating your wants, we hate been auoceasful in a -curing some elegant goods suitable for ('hriatwar prrnent.•, hs,tli useful till. I oruaowntal, ,awl at ptieea within the reach of all. W. have the fittest range in the county in matt good. as Handkerchiefs, white and col'd Silk, Hemstitched, Fancy Japanese Embroidered, Initials, Fancy and Scollop Border -, from 2c. up ; Fancy Towels, Tidies and Drapes, Fancy Plush Goods, Wool Squares, Ribbons, Lace., Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Underwear, etc., etc. IN AlIL LINERY W,. a:c ,till showing a very choice +selection in all the latest novelties and shapes. - BEESLEY & Co., W. A RUTHERFORD, Liquidator. FINE TAILORING S A RARE TREAT TO THE MU91c1.OVIN0 PUBLIC. narrow or Tits cGI]ENY FAMILY, I!1 Ut.t Or THEIR REFINED MUSICAL EVENINHS Grand Opera House, DEC. 18th, 1891, Received everywhere with crowded houses. ADMISSION, 95c. and 35c, RMIER%ILD SEATS, 50c. Heger ed state ram *secured without extra chance ot Fraser t P .rter e. Corrals . Was at s o'clock sharp. Doors open at 7.15 o'c1•n t. Carriages can he'adored for l0 o'clock. !UCH BETTER, Thank 'You! • l T-7711:: TOE t.lrrEES,IL TAT:- ; =o: -Ty Corso who hare simenved Awn cuter Floitos(-nr7R. reran&, oz..Li kG..JI me weal: j••}.ti:. lids:.ts. we:sa tom ,hsefrail i Eit071118 t West Street. TO THE PUBLIC . You Hardly Ever Take a notion to be measured for a suit or v..'re. at out doing some thinking about it, and one of the •itroo points in connection with your contemplated order is Where Will I Go to do best f Now, gents, if you would be guided aright visit the CHICAGO House, WEsiT-Sr.. B. M.te-('•►RMAe, man- ager and cutter, and see the large stock. Brown and blue Cheviot.+ appear to have a running demand for suits , and Naps, Mentons in different shales, blue and brown Moscow Beavers are goal selections for the! fine trade. You will find then all here. You will also find the very latest monthly fashions and a guarantee to give you the very best style and fit If you want padded shoulders just say so and you will be pleased, but the fine trade ha, frowned it down -it is not style. If You Wish to be economical and imagine that a overcoat will answer your purpose. this I have secured an agency for the sale ready-made suit or is the right place. of SAN FORD'S CEI.E- RRATRD READY-MADE CLOTHING, admittedly the best cut goods in the ready-made trade. You can have a big choice. 100 Overcoats to select from, ringing in rice from =4.50 to *20.00. A POINTER--T-- • HICAGO HOUSE, ¶ESTst of Pure Cod Liver Oii and r �Y . f B. MacCORMAC, NYPOPHOSPHITES MANAGER Or !dine sand Soda. - Ir I:; ALAftor dB PdLer4a/.6• ..Y BILK. 11' IR A MP VornrI I r r.1,41 PRourc'pR. 14 (a seed esu/ , rn.1..r+..e1 As PA yNe:was Amid w:I j udr-flows Dor Dai if•el .-., A.44 a . ' ...'1 Isrwgrybra .r 10.-, •...1 it oa • r Fcerrr ,e no frtr-. n-,ler7►... � SLAUCHTER SALE STILL dbNTINIJF1S AT IL' easy ehoufh -the Ball cont. That's be- cause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sides. They clasp the figure closely, but yield to every motion. They "give", but they come back. So does your money -if you've worn a Ball corset two or three weeks, and find that you don't lik" it. VOA SAL.R BY W. ACHESON a 9011 Spaalahiaa Dram Oe.a.and Wiens. a y. A. P. McLEAN'S. As tits I)ry floods Department must be clearod out to prepare for my I4pring stock of clothing, I will mention a fe•w of the following lines, such as: 4 -ply Bee Hive Fingering. worth hoc., for Ladies' colored Kid Gloves, worth 50c., for All -wool Grey flannel, worth etc , for Silk Cord, brown, blue, fawn and slate, worth et, far Shaker Flannels, worth IOc. and 12c., for - Table Linens, worth 25c., for - Glass Toweling. worth 8e., for G, 1.,;; - Ribbons, worth Me. and 10e, for - e - Large stock too numerous to mention, clearing out at about half priee. Also, i carry the finest stock of Itriady-verde Clothing in town, which '1 will sell at greatly reduced priesE. Boy's Overcoats, from *100 up to Men's O ereoate, from *4.00 up to Children's Suite, all prices and liana. f)al►REISD OloTR1110 A $P1CIALTT. New is fiMllams fair `resins. *very thing natant be Mal. All aoeoenta out be Stlttfli. 311-4t 25c 15c 5c 7c Sc,. *10.00 *14.00 A. P. McLEAN, ON ; Ae•01111 BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, j f $ i 2,000,000. REST, :. �,000,o(40. A Saving Departrnen: has been vitae(' in corn .section with thus branch. Interest allowed at current rales. GEO. DR UMMO'ND, Manager Goderie'k Branch. 1 t 1 fk Y TRY ROBERTSON FOR ROB ERTSON Dress Goods, Ribbons and Laces, Mantle ,Roods, Gloves and Hosiery, Corsets (all makes), Shaker flannels, Grey & rancy Flannels, Seatettes, just opened Mantle & Dress Buttons, Blankets and Meetings, Twe.ds, Illushes and Velvetb. 'A RIR: LIWR of' Shirts and Drawers ('HEAP. EVERtiTHiNG CHEAT' AT d'` THE GREAT CASH STORE ROBERTSON, - a The Poor Man's Friend. DISCOUNT SALE DRESS GOODS. Our whole stock of BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS, comprising 165 pieces, is now offered to our customers at slaughter prices. Read the following classification list : COLORED - 12 pieces brown Serge Dress Goods, 20c. to 28c 20 per cent. ')ff 10 pieces green Serge Dress Gods, 20c. to 28c 20 per cent oti M pieces navy Serge Dress Goods, 20c. to 28e 20 per cent off 13 pieces cardinal and garnet Serge Dress (Jou s,20c to 2Mc,20 per cent. ..ff 15 peecartlinal and garnet Henrietta 1)retlk(:oods,40c to 6Sc,20 per cent off 11 pieces navy Henrietta Dress Goals, 40c. to 65e 20 por tent off 12 pieces green Henrietta Dress Gads, 40e. to 65c 20 per eent. off 13 pieces brown Henrietta Press Goods, 40e. to 65c 20 per cent.. off 7 pieces heliotrope Henrietta Dress Gond. 40c. to 60e 20 per cent. off BLAC$_ ,5, 17 pieces black Serge Dress Goods, 20c. to 35c.... 20 per cent off 10 pieces black Caehu.ere Dress Goods, 28c. to 60 20 per cent off 20 pieces black Henrietta Dress Goods, 40c. to *1.0020 per cent off 5 pieces black Brocade Henrietta Dress Oools, 50c to 135e, 20 per cent. off 6 pieces black Alpaca Dress Goods, 20c. to 50c 20 per cent Taff 4 pieces Mack Brocade Alpaca Dress Goods 40c. to 50c 20 per eent off A U/T OF --- F ROBED DRESSES In splendid goods at less than wholesale price (Thews dress's. are a great bargain). This sale will continue 6 weeks. Decided bar- gains will be given. as the goods must be sold. d4' 20 ENDS OF DRESS OODS, I5cts woern rums 35 CSST, To 30 corm. WS AIR notes S A SIN TRIMS If Sealettes, .stracans & Cloth Man All Mantle Goods bought from us will bo cut free of charge We have a firth -class DRESS and MANTLE MAKER in the Aar& Onr whole stock of ready-made Mantles AT COST WS RATS THS- real Carpet and baco Curta OF THE COUNTY. Highest price paid for butter and eggs. COLBORNPE BROS., -" P kt11116. ".;*ii 4 44 i a-