HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-17, Page 4fr7
the Arid,
(1ae*kItsn, effillffIDAT. MEL P. 11M1.
Ilio tsahrllt ifM
Nue clear I1edeck* ter action in West
A 1.1.ISAt. asS•}veatiaa in W ret Huron
will now he in n.ee4r.
IT s not s4* easy tossed • Newfuusellawl
eras Mr Vote sot irmsiasa
Tusw case a lame turnout of the polio
cows ,n the('ttarthemie Monday last. and a
greet rnasy were present who could not be
coaxed tea religious ser a.1 .ervhx.
Mr. Fu-tr:s may hese to withdraw his
discs Wee fish duties before the New
10.0.1 lenders awl the Om ar to m ilkre rl ueea-
bin to death. Then he will admit that ti
was Jouo in a m truest of weakness.
Tab, time ! Tasv ors ! ' Tswana ' ' ' The
toast of "The gotten of England " was not
dr•u +k at th- Pr.velrn,.• 1t?.N:► banquet to
Hon 117 a'it •reset Call out the militia,
and 1 t_ " • '.c►t t ort .,f !item from oxer.
Hod with 'is 'std.
Some of the reerreuoolot papers object
to the net m n it.tr.I market for horses"
wbeo appLe•1 to the !'sited States. Out
of every 100 horse ••.ported from (.sesta
since Confederation at least 96 have gone
to the Cooed State+ Hur.in farmers, how
do tile.• iigurei strike van !
AT the H too w etewa.h at Perth the
Moister ..( J o.tice said : ''The Cossery
sive party will inset I'irhataeot next session
with • strong lioverunrent. ' if they tea-
time H lc34 i rani t'ii }x1.144' and name
awl 1)gwascv they will have a "strong"
t (Unto.. .Already cher smell to beeves.
Tess New York W•.rl•l has a.cceeded in
"dent dying the I.,rnl, turower who recently
wrecked ' Resanos. . sees office as ear
M14111 L Now ivies, • note-hroker of Boa.
4.e 71 The World were to retire from
besmear as a newspaper it would still be
sale to ale a good trade am • detective
°geOe).- .
ATIsstai•conna Sir Ric-HARD('ARTwl1,4eniT
Wee " •n. ung and still in the ring." bat his
elect i am c ..ort a•Iversarv. oh. where was he!
The '• c'w..piracy " chargee against the
plucky knight has gone into the limbo of
exploded resod/as. :kr Rk•nALo is receiving
tarry a .gnstd.tioar otter t.be fizzle attend -
fag his alle_•al ekactiwv teed.
.4 MEAT ant eff•rt ivr slap in the face hse
barn atlmiuieteral to the Bag -wavers of the
United States for t hey have fools of that
kidney over then, just as we have them la
Cas•'la Recently the e.'ntributioos to the
GRANT twesunieut hair t1 geed, and doubts
were entertained of reaching the amount
salla! for, when. like a holt from a clear
sby,ammes a prop oaten from the ex soldiers
.! the !Leathers Confe.lrrecy to complete the
feed for th ein•numer.; ..f the great Northern
Quarrel. That setoyo will do more for the
Mimi than all the talk from all the blather.
ttkites between ••tIeneral" P.sr.ria and
Corporal TAN. est.
. f'
Nair. SII*ws exp•nrnent et skipping
.heap to Ragland while there is a
elasal or high tolled market against us u
She Coded States w44 perhaps worth trying,
but we.lnuht if there is money in raising
sheep for the British markets. The Unite!
States in tile last lineal year before the Mc-
Kinley Rill took 251,640 sheep (mostly
lawmhel, valued at V761,565,while in the some
year 57.036 sheep were sent to gawked
from Canada, valued at 1486,299. Rut
stark this point : Yowls: lambs with an
open market sus be shipped at a certain
profit to Huffman anti other points. Raising
sheep for Liverpool is a less profitable and
more risky buriorrs. Certainly the United
Stater und.•r natural conditions will call for
many more C-auadian sheep than t treat
Britain will take.
w11mt .tsetl.
icy the decision of the court Went
Huron is without :t member in the
Dominion Parliament, and Mr. M. 1'.
(:Atluaos one.' more takes his plat''
as a private citizen. ,
This condition of affairs has been
brought about by no corrupt act on
the part of Mr. Cassels person: ally,
nor by any illegal ae•tion on the pert of
any of the leading members of the
party, but is simply the result of an
indiscretion on the part of one of the
rank anti file. SAN %. RLUM didn't
know that Rood fellowship on election
day in the shape of '•treating" was
batt politica, ami his exhibition of
last has reason to be proud of the Old
AW, wbo, lighting in a gerrymandered
its,) „ .. , turned • minority of :,li
into a majority of 379. And he uta
easily repeat the exploit and increase
the niejonty.
Thr cenditious upon which Use hat
tle at the polls was fought and won
on that occasion have not changed.
The. tariff still grinds the fanner with
out giving him a 1 market . !lo-
w ar
hewar of tariffs between Canada and
the l'nited Stmt... has; grown more
intense, for the full force of the Me
Kinky (fill is only beginning to be
felt . the c*talus of case crest blood ..f
Canada to the neighboring republic
t•O11tiilul•.. :tuel with incr'asing 1110
mentum : :sad the ,sines in high
pieta-, at a ltt;iwa, which in March
hist were only looming up, have bine*
heel) proved to the satisfaction tel the
ply plc of this country. if not to
that of a sutsidiztel majority in Par-
P'or three btlltaone.Wert Hurst can
be Iuoked upon as a wife constituency
for M. ('. ('4uenon against all comers,
and we have meson to believe that
is the coining tvxlte%t tlw Old Chief
will once 'more lent) on the Liberal
Phalanx to victory in this rifl-
ing. "A C AoERON never will yield.-
&rt while the Leiner has a duty to
perforin towards his followers in a !i
crisii such as that wch at present
obtains in West Hurotjthe rank and
file also have their duty before. than.
It is not enough to say that every
vote possibli• will be polled on election
deg, but work must der done between
now and then. and important work at
chest have been held to settle disputa of this
nature. "
The Liberal party of Canada has Whether there has been sharp practice or
no red parlor jq,fall bark upon when tot, it it alwaysor
me or tele difficult to
funds ars j-11eetied to tarry on a cam- trade with a tnlirket 3,003 miles away.
The Rritisk Teemed tor [mirky is not doing
p�l'n and be it knojwn that the ones for prion in ('auada. The Empire
legal expenses of an election campaign declared (bot it would give our farmers as
foot up n0 small item. As a result,
good a Prior as they could get it the Amrn-
. tin
the rest oelection f an tion campaignpaigu andvon market e vpwere„ basfreebeauiuhstantta
in.,lu byyly Mr.
its auxiliaries almost invariably falls Carting, Mr Foster and young Mr. 'Nip
upon the candidate, and when, odor- - 'Britfe4 it t wiidde 04100 vhde10 it. is .:1
ing the present year. the costs of an fag in this e* y at 66 to 57 cents, a Buffalo
election are followed by the costs of � � � c9 w The Empire Y �n gnai Carnia
positions estate/id front the industri-
utu poor are not to be computed. Thr
most atrocious criminals have bean
exempted from deserved punishment."
'Fix Lastige lwb,the Mel;astavye and
the (\emotess, the section H gentry
and the A*i*'rr Pacific scandal bribers
would have had a dainty colleague in
this model Tory eltateisuan of ancient
'rn. tumefies efies d the asesadty for erecung
• house of refuse is H urua has grunt
ground greatly during the put few month&
Au able letter us tae .40estioe from the per
of as ex reeve will appear next week, tutu
gives. text for besttugs a.dre os urn nu.IW-4
t ion day.
Tii■ r5ANINc ter Txa 0001) ".IA, U.'.
The word "cinch" has made its way into
Estero )ourualarn. umautng • "tight hold'
ur a "Mud" upon • thong, sod yet very few
people know the derw soon of the wort.
It collie* fent the plains of the West. A
"cinch' is Spaelah tor a saddle girth. Tbe
cinch.s ars made of parallel pieces of
rope, about the ill.. of • ssuall clothes -tine,
and ..owed together at tutenab by crux
forces of lest her. They end in Iruu rings.
The heavy Mexican saddles have loug thuog.
..f leather, which are used instead tet
buckles to fasten the cinches to lb. setae
proper. By taking several Mucha with
these conch -straps • purchase Cao be IoW
which enables the rider to &latest cut hs
broncho in twain, desp.te any effort the
little animal may make "to bloat." `4o
great r pras.ure can be brought w bear w
this way that the action of the been m a
mull pony can he stopped, and the mined
rendered insensible. New York World.
41e 4.414.1 Tflg s. r. ‘OAT.
The commercial reporter of The Empire
states m yesterday's issue of that paper :--
'• C.errd,an hurley is having trouble is
F:Neap,' ihr.ugn w at is alleged Le be in the 1'emperruce Hall byre, left for that (04014nl( of the a•uucd for the purpose of
sharp'pprrr.:tio•e ou the part of eapp.rs on city'I'uasd.y auoruu.g. The meetings we,t
rccwitn.g the tinarcial stateu.rut ler the
this side. Soles were made o4* samples and held under toe auspices of the Royal Temp year was IieId 7'uea.t* evcainb. It was
when the harley arrived in England it war Lire, awl were very _ucessiol. Mr. �l,l.. or.lere l tb.e 200 copies of for seta .ells
nut up to sample. ;several rrbitrauoss as r fluent
•wxl forcible .p.-a:er, a caput.,. 1*. punted for distribution. Geucrrl bust
elocutionist. anti •fair anther, cud u p.s naw was then taken up. A numl.ar of
seared of au almost met haustible amount of a.x•,•uuts were preseuteti and a.ta.w taken
matter o0 the Te:nperru.e posttest which ihernen• Robert J,ohustoo wa• appointed
is both uriguoil anti to the point Th, tellers officer for the town at a salary of 930
Royal Templar* have had quite a plusher o' fx'r year. The special committee Were
new mlemLcu a dc.! w their :•,uoc:I, beside- oven further use to report ups the croon
a reueweu Int.':est is t.:wperencr work 'nuniu►uou 4ru.n the W C.T.U. asking for
stirred up m the n.embersh:p. the Jsmissal of eos•table Yule for neglect
Tots Mouzeir 4 or 1891. On Friday of duty.
afternoon the nv.lel school etudests eau Irru*rANT rte TaAv'rl.t.ias -The Jr
eluded the usual .nurse, end those restdin_ ciau,u of railway men s that the completion
Out of town left fur home. The class of 1394 art 1 uproiug n( the St Clair tnmel, at Jar
was camp .. l as follows : Misses Mary
ria s the grsetesl aabirvemrn.ent n! .else
Mclvor, Ante Johnston awl F. E. Ball, railway esguseenng. Hy this route per.
t;oieneh : Mary Potts, Seltford : Aphis sense(i avoid the veiatwtu delays of the
Essen', Exeter ; Aggie Jou,., Colborne ; tercyh.su, anal they will reach their dei
Maggie Simpson, Walt.m ; Annie Dalton. tlatnwi much earlier (baa formerly, •I.o
Kited : Rul.y Roi.ertson, Carlow ; Edith forming ale uofroken mfrs e000eetitn b.-
Rohinsoi, Zurich ; Rose O'Reilly, Kintat 'ween the tau ouuutnee is gees whist:
Mesrs. H Murrtp�li, A. Chr,stelaw, C. Fish ''ago and all punts west buy your tickets
er, 4 olbun,e ; f1l1'homsos, A. MCly.ral.l, vi. the '(:. r. R. tunnel n eye: through
John Mcfley, .1. Mclean, AMU -telt! ; is ticket*, your baggage checked through w
Hamlin. \1 •wanwteh ; .1. Henry,Blyt[l ; A de.tinauon Superb a..c,mmodstiuo Tickets
Keine, Corrie ; A. Moir, Hay ; J. Mc end *11 reliable iafor.uatwrt sea be hod from
Williams, Claadeboye ; Wm. Hog;:arth, H Annstnng, 11 T. K town ticket of5ce,
Hessall ; J. Cleaner, Saforth : J. Foster, Op.•r• Ho u.r block. West street, I:o,ferr_h.
V•na: lino. Resell, Exeter. Re.iuoed Ears 1'bn. nam and hent Vear'.
Deere r►► N4 .Leser Norte. -T�e vu;. holidays commencing I)e.snrher 24th to all
lowing trete The Northern Ensign. I.ubl,sh poem in larta.i• iimelualtog l)etrwgCh,wgo,
.d at Wick. Scotland. and .fated Nov.17.re- !lagtesr, etc ,etc.
fere to the death of • brother in-law of our LOCAL BREVITIES
towlslr:an, Gen- Swans.: It u with Jeep A large straw stack on the Ridgewood
regret we have to announce the death of .,tate was burned on Mortality.
our much -respected townsmen, Ur. James late Louis is requested to look
\oble, dyer, which took place yesterday big slipper aCI l4* t6urewexk'. Signal
morsirtg, at the age of 78 reuse. llr The Ilodericb rade club had en oyster
Noble succeeded to and ersoi •Ily super s4* r last reek at lull's r,.lauraot. y
intenelel the bueaness rosebush 1 by his PPe
father M which he added that of coal- Miss :!lack most acceptably presided at
merchant up to within • week of his the organ in Si. George's on Sunday even -
death. He has !teen ailing more or less hog-
aerpenter.who occupies is l'anada much the since Feiruary, but w4* not confined to his
sante piece that Jay Blaine, 17,x. consul at
lied till Thursday I4..eaeed was an active
Dustman man, and stnctly upright in all his
Vancouver, did in the eyes of sensible I .lealing.. sed was held in learned
Americans when he male a continental esteem by the community. His wife
and several memhers of hie family
predeceased him ; and be u survived by a
daughter- Mn. t'o.wsek, Ayr rad two
sona,viL, Mr Charles ?lioi.lr, teacher, (;Is.
cow ; and Mr. Andrew Noble. who assisted
his father au his business.
GotweicII Orr Hann Kin. (lea.- The
members of the 4.o.ler:eh off seryl rifle club
met on the 26th of Covvml.er and held their
second annual meeting and elected officers
for the culling year. .4t the meeting it
was decided to have a series of fnrtnigitly
matches for a club 1.,phy. The president
and vice precedent held their annual match
on December 8th for an oyster supper.
This match included the fat match for the
trophy. The sides and scores were as fol
lows, the vice-president having tint choice :
soo -d - -( a
yards. . yards. ! %;
i; 4 oblate owe e oa lout r.9s.t
Ase Dant \Is prat .
mate yeses, meet creditably ba1•need tae
meg with Iter pore, der sad powerful
r The will be repeated
&ha •fterwtaa eat eveniee�� The above
from The Empire .4 November Nth r re-
gards% the woodsr-fel Mdlibe.y lastly,
who will appear is the tined 11p.rs Ileum
K. Q C, et the !barrel. Ora A. rete. - 044 K'riday sesame next, the 1fkL. A tull
W.0. Ooede.reek d tamer weeds a the pram house should greet them. Set thaw adeer-
'Ma to be sees, mad s11 very ems.. A awe twwsut u4* fl
Xmas card gives with seen gut panda, P•11�
ol N ted tee A Fmi*.rrsoa' INESI.0 The members
!'tell duet espeet le ren edetksd.)c rows ep 411 l:uurt t fudench wtsud buldm.ngg • eaoial
emp4o 141 ..nl ►semen; .d if 7414* west l5 awl enIert•luaasM about for o.hldle01 JY -
ret the beet roes for lour se..ary Is retlueie,c teary. It will be ars me Mateo atrau, to ol-
ren don't want w ease k7 r. J. Pridhsm. obs
clothier. urate sacral and
fraternal wter.uurie
Teo farmer who bides kis Ilibt under a the tosw1brr.. (bmmt1taw are at *O
r w3
Mabel layers tM risk of ae•ed'ng • new two. • pleasant time is anticipated.
but if iota alit an) they( 111 the nh.pe of not. 8. 8. A*v,vematay. Tito Viotoria-.4.
day mut elm s ill phis. terrapin or peel nee franc
tort K. 41. I iliums a obs visor to Tait. Methodist Sunday school •eatverrsry will
r'Irw clas.0a41uaat $ecwarl 1.taAtu fav rnr. he bold cru'bues,l•y, ll.c. 27rd• rt 7.30 r r.
low plc.. jt.et to cwt Ile uses, l•teiun Therewill Int • l,'brtMu*.. tree la.lso w11h
fess*. at cost w clear ser Neck. Call end el- a nub prufusioa of pree.uta for old ural
melee but were. N.. truuhu. W seer ,t la any
de part trent. Spinel Alan furca. -7 bud,. young. Ihtre will be good swgmg by the
1Rreur Abbott wall cell a►e n.rmbersuf flu 3•r'rtay scbo.l, aeJ its eiuelleol pugr.m .4
tame. mase al Oita.* arty in Jac- .:seer rsc.tat4ous rad dialogues, cu: , ran
s.e::1 orMuver.014 w .awmb41 e41 4.,. u IenJ by w •lde txxp. 411 young prtH.le. A
Hou., N',.i acre,.,, st terser. N 3d.ut;,,rn res orate' cavitation y guru to all to spend a
*40Wu .4.Geese- The baa plea* so 4457 4' 414.0.001 eyeetng together.
kisd. teres +tta o war..g of oudke4.�m...e Huan HCYUOL 1lo►au Mterlsu. At •
plush gu41•'.. 4t.. -bore., w g dwelt45. t9.f.. .p.cial mseung of for High schuul Lured
reds, dnik, W) a Dupre oI ell .mels, tmda.w
rood+ arc *ken rnr carets u laser •.a he1J last M.ar.lay, the 000 iter lnvewtig•-
aver) huts came..., r. kiwi., r (lag the case of A J. More, usei hew.ticel
1 be notary tippermwt to t'.e mindsof meal
• this veep, it . H ua1 .had 1 t.4*) for urea se.
..r tette - 'Leer or br.abrr.' Lw•, n. kelp
yea 117 . tn. sdvr1taw-m,ul tel Ile, � nasal.
ern •.t. p.... 7. and thee pa) . v.1 le te..w..r
OU Wes.• r.e•, cud,u u wtela'.d�w• *teat you
ernL Iupy*l. r a. are Igetnuj up plasma fu,
tnrtr towhaTs .huuld see the proscenium
lamps he is .b., w lees.
Asn 44.'s.1vsT As Bute»-Hxt$Tao, Tem.
The Uhutuu New Era eery.: ISvery chis.,
knows that the State Claus of the picture,
u • short, stout wan, wadi twinkling eyes,
lung *ashy heart and a tact that is Maui
ing full of full. A man who liar all the..
lectures to perfection, and who looks for r I
the world like the typical Sant., i. Mr 1)ei 1.i
Fisher, the well-known hones an of Ikele
rich. Now, well leave it to those wl •
a41uw' low to say 11 our picture 1 nu
A Scac*,estL Stalin ne M4,11101.
I. T. Mills, of Toronto, who had freest"
conducting a series of temperance iueetin_s
.ruler, raked for •further &'ijuurumeut,
watch was granted by the board. The
application ort Nurinee Muilurctrte, of To
unto for the p.wttuu of s.:ietwe master, at
salary of 11800 a year, was accepted, mad
Kruok E Shepard, of Hamilton, was ell
:iced u aau,.t•nt-easter to r0wn of Mr.
Ste ensue at a salary of 9360.
1.a.-rves AresacTluse Manseer N•un
.lers has terms for lectures from ten toted
Ite tures- .Naas thele& Lockwood, who w •
prominent lawyer in Washington, U. C.,
and eau three times a cou.htlate for the
Pru.idencv of the L'. S , and Rev. T. R
ties -lie, bettor known as the knapsack
i.niriat, who journeyed from New York
through India and Central ('lues was
smutty a hickory stick and a gnp fur hu
companion. Manager Saunders will give
good terms to any local ruatlwuoo for
tac-e two during January.
Tow. Cover Mseri mu. The st•tut..ry
e ,. to tot mar et, the hgury
revising a fraudulent voters' list, and [laciest been obtained for one lot of 5,000
that followed by the coots of a eon- bn.. . Tf3E' arc 'Ito
y Kmp►rr
u sehelelling is Toronto for 1b7 toTne 19 cent.
troverted election trial through the ac- The ButTalo ('utnmercial of Tuesday gives
tion of an over -zealous agent,it will lie t27.: t.he pr\C
ice there as follow.. : -State,
e, 25
seen that the candidate has had a premed poultry also,eo rnfeel thel0 effe76ects
larger bill to went than' the conditions
of the McKinley Komar,. The Tomato
price far turkeys u 7 W $ orae per
warranted or the position .:shed for. pomal ; at Ituf'alu 11 1°7
12. It would bs
Mr. CAM1 44o!(, has borne the heat interesting to know Just what di. average
and burden of the day, he has given Tt,oryBlofarmer thinks of The Empire. Term.
his time and talents ungrudgingly, 7 no t.... ammo 14.
and has paid all just demands without Weil, who u Dr. Reers, auyway' Where
murmuring • in connection with rhe 'Loa hr being, and *kat dna he do for s
living' Whrt ked of doctor is he -of
various calls made upon him during divinity, m� beiue, law, dentist corns -or
the year, and THE SIGNAL believes it .utile' Whv don't he tell old n Abbott
w abrissiwlate, and take the re.iieis
is hig$m time a halt was .0115(1 071410 *4 ester ± (k u he only small beers' (iui.thip
the drain on on hie pocket and porse. 1 Rxw Si.7Al.
To this end Sr Iwlirvv it wool*! 1 Yes,very man' H. is a Mnatrnal tooth -
be only a just tribute to the
man who has so ably represented
the constituency if at the nest
convention of the Reformer of
Nest Huron amintrements were
made for defraying all legitimate Costs
in connection with the forthcoming
if a contest be hail two thing►
should be done by the Liberals. They
shol:ld prevent the constituency to Mr.
CAMERON without the expenditure of
poi. 4101 on lois pert, and they
should int r•:Ise the majority.
NSW res tawttrts *M* $ 0 tell.
The hone hes+ins.: hots been sorely
hit by the hostile attitude of ('anima
and the United States during the pat
year or so. Since (confederation
316,464 horses have been exported
from Caned& of which :105.479 went
tothe United States, rind only 5,478
to Great Britain, the retraining '4.507
going to other countries.
Hutt NATURAL ■AHKET 1.11114 114,41141
IS TAR UNITED STATRs, for the above
figures show that over 96 per eent. of
our exports of horses go to the repub-
eputeIic just south of us. in the year end.
good nature on the occasion has ing ,dune 30, 4 890. we sent 16,118
voided the election in West Huron. horie'e to the United States, valued at
Tun SH,NAL (toe: not excuse Mr. $I,1t`e7.89fi, while only 125 horses,
Weetna in any way or shape. Treat-
ing is a had imminent' at any time, and
pnrticnlerly et election time. Never
valued at $17,925, were exported to
Mon and brethren, that. 9:40 (m the
ibelees, we cannot but feel that a hard 9100 is hitting our hard working
drip has been inflicted upon Mr. CAVE- i farmers and horse mimes,, hard. But
Roe when he ie unseated for an offence the, day of their political , /,'„ ,,,'
whieb he wan powerle•.s to conteeli draweth nigh.
directly or indirectly.
Hat while Mr Care140t4 has been R wea Toon
unseated it i• a sourer of natio In Cic.ao's oration against Vermeer
faction to his friends that his personal I he pictures a man who would have a
mord during the recent mutest in high place in official position 01 Otewwe
Wart Heron stands clean and above under the Tory regime were he now
reproach. No effort was made to !alive and in active polities in (7anarin.
itiriing home to him a solitary charge " What Mel been his conduct in the
4 11 . , with the prrto obip here at home i Tot the
comae* earl a greeter tribute mak! • • • public works negleeted,that
not have been paid to him. be might embezzle the money for
Usage hoer eimrumst•ncvss Tn• carrying them nn, hear witnea. His
Hteirai. NI ;wood of the liberal lender decisions have broken all Iaw, all pn•-
Wsd Hwertn, and every man who coni ent, all right. The sums he has by
for 1M a Cainut•un in March I arbitrary taxes and unheard of WO
for the
foot of himself by refusing to drink a
toast t.4(pen Victoria Norfolk Reform-
Connell lialiet•,
ITO Tu• rOlToit nr 7115 II ,IAL I
i)tA* Stmt,- Your editorial o4* town mat
ten in last week's Sit; NAL is timely, and
ought to set thoughtful men thinking. A
retied change in the personnel ut the
council is, in the Interest* of and for the
future good of the town, mile-rative. The
finances of the town are in a deplorable cen
dituo ; let those who are not conversant
with the exact sate of atf.in investigate
for themselves. Your remarks upon the
finance committee are contradictory, how-
ever, but you sue them up when you may
that they have not grappled with the ques-
tion of the indebtedness of the town at s11
and that prompts the question, " What
are they a finance committee for Thts
committee has shown itself unequal to is
task, and the council as a whole ham shown
itself about am poor • body as we ever had
to govern the town. They will wrangle
over little matters, and leave the necessary
and important matters severely alone wit-
n ess the harbor. Our town today is • re-
proach in this connection. Doubtless the
council will shield itself behind the Govern
meat, but the council, by its deputation,
acted too late to do the town any wool this
year. We want almost • complete charge
in oar governing body. The only two men
in the c,uncil who have the proper snap and
go are I'roudfort and Nicholson, and their
efforts are fatfk carr want .4 backing up
Most of the others man w•ell,but are weak.
Poor of them at last have proved them
selves utterly useless as councillors and no
town sen congress with such men at rte
bead. We want • new mayor. Wick all
dee deference to the present mayor's real
and desire to do his duty, the fact romans
that !1 : has not been a emcees@ 'this sad
mitt by many who helped to place him
where be is. We want • man who will coo
mend respect, and who ham ability to tackle
mar nnfnrtnrate finances, and 1 cnmmeed t.
the thoughtful . of the eket -
ate •t large the meta of Ur. Holmes.
(ioderlch, Iyer. R. 11191 T.
A aerials t&rIetimeet.
ITO Tutt imtrna or res s1o4a1- 1
Ria, in your (amt mase of The Bawai,
sada the E)n*Inp heeding. the sasses of
two yeti nips appeared, sad it was aid
Pros. Hide.
R. H W atson.9
l'. J. T. Nattel.5
It W ilkinaun .9
T. thwarts. 4
H. Arnold. u
a63 4 2413 910 0 -It -43
75611 3»,0101 4 10 -ft's -17
7 6 9 7- 1e-0 0 0 0 0- iv - 16060 0-'6. 706la A-04
•39 1-14.0 0•a 000-14
Vice wee. Side.
J. W. Health 0 1 9 1 3 -190 2 0
U. Pennln*ton3 10 1 2 4 r11. s 10
W Widows 7 1 10 0 9 38 1 0 4
W. Logen 1 6 9 4 1 -1114o 0 7
J. Plat . .0 5 0 01 500 0
00- t- -to
0 2 110 - 11
0 0 1-
0 0- 7 - 17 -00-7-17
The president's side won by fifty points.
Mr. Neftel, having the highest individual
more, won the club trophy for the first
time and will hold the same until the next
match, which will be abut on the afternoon
of the 22nd inst.
A Woene•rt•i. Fencer A fairly large
audience welcomed the Md:ihasy faintly on
their return to Toronto last evening in
Aasaematinn hall. Though the uaiience was
not in good humor when the programs war
commenced, having waited fully half an
1( Camp•igse,the grocer and confectioner,
is fully prepared for the ('hnstinaa trade
?lee his "ad.'
Boat budder Marlton has placed the keels
for two tugs to be built during the Winter
for Jas. ('lark.
An alarm of fire a Sunday evening di-
rected attention to oto ash barrel behind the
P. M 'a residence.
Rev. A. Potter, of I)nngnanos, preached
renes acceptably in the North street Metho-
dist church on Suuday.
Inspector J. K. Tom is in CIiotos, the
oral examination of the 1891 modelite class
being Dow in program.
A service in memory, of the late Willis
Price will be heli next Sunday evening u
North .t Metb.diat Murch.
The services will be conducted in Knox
church next Lord's day, morning and even
ing, by W. R. Molntah, R. A., of Knox
College, Torotto.
The tug Oreedits wee out on Morday
searching for the Se he's anchors. 'l1mey
were located, but could not be lifted. On
Tuesday she was out again.
Before you purchase your Xmas and New
Year's pra..nu all rad see the display
est lump■ and fancy good. •t J. Yates'
hardware and grocery emporium.
Ile. M. Nicboleon, the West -.t dentist,
lashes the pre..rvatios of the natural teeth
• specialty. (ias administered from 9 A. r.
far the prints.@ estnctios of teeth.
The ale of mngastnes and papers for 1811g
at the Mechanics' institute next Tuesday
evening will present • good opportunity of
securing good roadie( at • small oat.
It oast a Serforth boy &early 94 for firing
some snowballs n., the street 1f &ora of
the (loderich boy• were fisted lik4wiae it
would help the treasury and do good
The reviler monthly meeting of the t ied.-
rt.h Circle a the Order of 0.nadien
Hesse Circles will he bold eget Meader) •t
8 o'clock r. r. A fail •tt.adssee of the
members to requested.
The semi-•nausl electing d .dears .4
hour altar the appointed ►oar, **NT*" Eureka Coolant Na 103, R. T. of T., took
left the hall at the coneluaooe 01 the watt- g •t the regular i mating cerhelemony
.morns charmed with the _,,S• se.ni•g last. 711. iwstalMtioa oa.emoay wtE
Mr Hugh Mc(iiheny, the violin.oeist, is a Woe place 1111 first Monday is .lasrary
whole hat in himself. His most bnlli•at The rhs•PMt loll.. in Cana" o b4* •
psis of work was "Ain Hnngrow," by organ w ia4 m•chiae i. •t (.
Ernst. His eiecutiou of this difficult sone* • Drs• fail to give hie a
was almost faultless. His shading is moat ose bete" y : re. toll not faultless.repot
d.he•te and true, .nd his interpret•tioa the °e..past Repan pr'emptly •tteedd
swivel esti charming. Ten of the family ...the
enntnh.ted to the program, end it is rah Vtsit•.s to do /ie.al Neortbwvster& L -
to say that there is oot another inch p1.- habitioa (lis yah Rrsatly admired the ate
envie sal band of relatives on the continent. Pilaj tlN (ld knelt ()rgs. ('. Th11ir
Everyone from the youngest, 7 years of roollo 01 organs are fest ourpa.sisg all oh -
age, to the grey -headed father ms se artist. res IS boo", syr .ad oicall.n.y .4 * ...
they nod. • "transient visit" to that owl two or three of them of much more Rfnply . r order and sae0erage
"berg," a .tateerast which is not in scent than ordinary talent Little Len resited line" euen
&see wit\ the troth. in the first oleos, one now of Jamas Whiteemb R.1.]'. wnqu.
of the resew men was not thee., sadist the poems in • manlier which e.Hsa1 forth rap TO ADVERTlsfi.R$,
secret plow, the other did net take • walk terse applaew The ladies' quartetteNotion off changtw nut lye left et dexo
to the "hies waters of the kits," am he "Onnd Night,'. by Ooldb.rv, afforded Oder not Ismer than Saturday
wishes to take • hotter plane e of ingress then MiPlwior., Allis, Viola and Mrs. Oder
that of ilemMp. Rech • valuable paper as Hugh en ample to display me soon. The Oopy for changes
Ti.. Atai&L eaneet alined the space ter web wisrvelln . vnkeis they peiva Mise Allis% mut be left not later than Mon. (arpneeley when entree) as that widish velem, • sentraltn el rues pew sad await des .sea. Oeetd A
appeared le mei week's imam from the Dims soon, tree am • seaudieg lark, swlW the
Iltp) Team see,ribe. Team Yhathww charm mad roamed the sena .f a ebb Q to sees wow*" 01
CMM a( wpm. Yin Phrase, ,11s.
s. •
Having purchased a large stock
of Ready -Made Overcoats at a
great reduction inwe
prepared to sell them for
At less than wholesale prices. Call and examine them
and see the prices.
Boys' Overcoats, from $2.00 up.
Youths' Overcoats, from $4.00 up.
Men's Overcoats, from $4.00 up.
These goods must be cleared out this month ; so call
early and secure best bargains.
We excel, as usual. Our stock cannot be beaten. Fit and
workmanship Al. Prices lower than our competi-
tors, consistent with first-class work.
We are at present overstocked with Overcoatings
that are suitable for Ladies' Jackets, such as are not kept
by the regular dry goods trade, which we are prepared to
sell for less than cost for cash to clear out.
Wo have in stock at present the followin.. list of holiday good% :
Selected Layers,
London Layers,
Black Basket,
Etc., etc , etc.
Almeria Grapes,
Brazil, etc.
Catawba Grapes,
Persian Dates,
Bananas, Figs.
Florida Oranses, Messina Lemons.
Fresh Baltimore Oysters Arriving Daily
fiaddies, Bloaters, Ciscoes. etc., etc.
Tns Fosr.owtw.. AAs CHolc. LUMP
Campaigns Mixed, 4
Broken Mixed, at
(lioie. Creme from
10c. per Ib.
lbe. per Ib.
26. to 50e. per lb.
39-3t Corner Montreal -et, and Square.
S. aZNTTeA CZ.11A:7,73
Has shipped laige quantities of his choicest Goods for
And cables that he intends making his headquar-
tarsfor Goderich there during the holidays.
,ArY"r S 6frt A1♦ ^ a^:^ .r �F',•-r 't •.a.r t ^ia,
$I a year, in advance.