HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-17, Page 3onseen People Wonder ‘A/ HEN they hal how 111Wly health TV is reamed by talc*/ Awe" lime- eaparilla. The reason Is that this preparation renames oaly the purest sad most powerful alteratives end tonics. To thousands yearly it proves • veritable elixir M Kish, writes : "Liver t aed Mn. Joe Lake, Brock Centre. indigestion made nay Lilo • burdea Itha Marna Wet ceding my existence. per mare Mae four years 1 suffered um - told agosiy. I was reduced almost to • •koleron, ami hardly had strength to dreg myself about. All kinds of food distressed ine. and oaly the most deli - este could be digested at all. Within the time meotiooed several physiciaes treated are without (ivies' reline Noth- ing that I took soolued to do any pee. maimed gou1 until 1 beggar the me of Aye's Maraapurtlla, which haa pro- duced wonderful resulta. doors attar . , to take the Sarsaparilla I could see an Improvement in my oondttion, my appetite begun to return and with it crone the ability to digest all the food taken, my strength improved each day, aud after a few months of faithful attention to your ribeetions, I found myseb a well woman, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given me • new lease of life, and I cannot thank you too much." "We, the , I, citizens of Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify that the above statementmade by Mrs. Lake, is true in every particular and entitled to full cretience."- 0. P. tleatuberlain. G. W. Waring, C• A. Wells, Druggist. My brother, in lesegismill. was, kw a long time. unable to attend to his occu- pation. by reaa0D 4,1 *ores un his foot. 1 sent bun Ayer's Almanac and the tea- t inionials it rontalmed huhu-eel him to try Aver's Saouiparilla. After using it a little while, be wait cured. aud is now a well Min, working In a sugar mill et Brisbane. Queensland. Aistralia."- - A. Att.:well, Sherbert Lake, Ontario Ayer's Sarsapardia, riltraltED XV Dr. J. C. Ayer h Co.. Lal" BIM Pelmet as beltheiwaL Weak Ms MGM mulsion OF od Liver Oil EtThopliespidtes et Lime tad Seda. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoiL It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Aek for "theD &L " Emulsion. and refine all others. POICt SOC MOO $1 P IDOTTILE Sold b -y Jorda.n. C. SEAGER, ---estitee In M. loan's - NEW BLOM, -f)epeeire the Martirt.--- Cheap Rates, Fauna's Nota Goderich Steam Boiler Werk8 THE Kpiano M OF Wo MANY MATTERS INTERESTING TO THE FAIR SEX HERE TO RE FOUND. S eseetlites Altera the Welsh. of Weasels -Tie Artier. sad lie limier • llotitele As Ear el (.r -Wks. a Mot- DOM About Were.. While a ninehreeth or twenty tech wane ta • tirforsaity it. au adult sua.au, it, may justly be delighted whether the tweoty six lath watt of the Venus de Medici u um somewhat too large toll be un proportion with the figure of the average American Welton. It le charactOrietie ol wonlou ot the highest types of the ludo -European races to have wide !op* And luirrOW Waists In ether noes the hips are narrower and the waists borer. The American wears& of her large hip appears, itt 1, to has • smaller waist than she actually ha& To the unskilled melee hue eye a girl with • waist of twesty•two or twenty two and a half inches may • fo have a wasp -Irk. figure. when i• reality her 1 is very markt what it should be to satasfy the critio0 judgment of as artist or her Mandy physi- cian. The Venus de Medici iti 5 feet 5 iiiches in height, inches about the waist, 34 in•-bes about the host and 44 about the hip* The *omen entitloyel as •• cloak Models- I.y 10011 of the great dry goods o stisblisloneut• In New Work v are •le.ut the seine height. rim. inessureurents re quited of a • • nualel " feet inehes in height in me establirhurent are Ow fellow ill IA aut. tan t., 24 inches; beet, 31 oi 33; hip., 4.S to 4. bear of skull to war,' . 16: bleeps, lI. to 12. The doctor's "model WoUlall has smaller hips and A smeller limit and about the salute insist as the •'eleek model... New York Ledger 11.1. Alcoa Woutt.n. It may ;altered the to know that 'ime. 1 'arnot.t. (wife Ir retie h Prasi- d.ut t .11:tier* cow elo L. pltee, and hall is given by her at an 1-,;eitse 4;,orti. At these halls somet toes 1 ,04J11 kitties of thampagar are • wieurir.1, eitlition to other wives ..O41 1. The Wooten Patti nalints of England have ft.rinesti tirenoldres Into as ntganuation known as the Wnter. 'Int, eitourn John Strlintre Winter, Pteeeleto John is entirely eligible um aptte of her team -aline engnomen and knowledge id garrison mid circus life, for she is reall) \1r,,. Stannard. The Ettiperoof laps.. taken a Leen Intel get in the advancement of woman'. eau; a lion in her conotry, Jed deitotes considei- aide tune suet money in the. °loot. The Japatteer Intl students, wbik eager lo ''opy the erudite'''. have copied twtt lit r the tires* or habits .4 the Engiedi ape:a:tug st talent Troy are .till the quaint. shy . gemtle aliasItrives of lapin ni :low tng. gayly-tolored rGives. One .1 the prettiest feat... e. of Benin e its t-orps of uniformed Sower girls. Only pretty gels ere eelocted for the 'lock. and that 'nions. the trattoria atone t hr Idle of Rigel., is furnished by the stock .-outpany who manage th.• enterpriee. .11 home 41110 trete-rally provided for them, and tl he in at blight 'Me voting swells W the high priced restaurants and oafs lay ilisultle and trelde the price of a flower to the pretty dower Joh who is allowed to sppreprtate the earplus over the price required 1.y the company. .ta Ear et Coen - Thi. • pretty deviee for the handle of a hot tea or , ode* pot. It is made from a ball of corn color kwittitg silk an follows: '.t. -,-i ;mettlesmedium s:rc. t'aat 4it Witches. kilt Oath across. carry two threads,. Knit titre st 'hes at*. one thread: Chrystal & 131ack. SECOND HOD NICHINERY !ri Sink For Sale: 1 50 -horse -power upright boiler. all complete. 1 6 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horns -power horizontal boiler. complete. 1 50 -horse -power elide valve engine, all complete. The. above t ave been thorough - 1,7 overhauled and ted in urea elute condition Ready for Onmediottei delivery and will be sold cheeP Nati fleet...* will resod ve prompt atteletlen. 1'. M. Ileotiee. Mk. Iteparts prometo .tainted 1. P.O. BOX 38i. Ct. tr. ..1 carry aecttrul thread over and kint moo.. Knit five mere with first t read. S.. continue until the forty stitahee are knit, representing eight keruels of own. On return seam five *Inches, then carry th. thread over inside and seam five more. So cont 'nue to seam until M.MUS. Make t he holder about oar -eighth of a yard long. I tallier nue nod and erwhet art•Illni it in single crochet, to form • past. and frill • erre-het of shell stitch on the other end. THE SIGNAL: GODER1CH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1331. WHY NNE- JUNOT LAUGHED. scIENcE AND pm AiREss. lie/Poteets Was Sorry ilersoute Ws Was Called lea. 14 Howls. INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS CULLED Mine. Junot, ta her "Mato -tri td Napiel FROM VARIOUS stOURCEb Icon." relates Many ustereettng ainue mg amodote, of the emperor s youtti. He re a hal, quack tempered, sessiliimia. arid roue:orbs' va.0 111Itte perentel arrow- to e. but isollOssel surto:Ma good ltIrtglitelli to neared ism temper .pus evassima, and tu give no ei% ideate of injured vaulty. ; "1 well rest -edict's,- o rites Mine ititiot, t "that on the day When be nest put ',1 ata uniform he wise rata as youNg nen usual- ly are too /Mull occa.s.. . There Sae One pert of his dotes tribal 1.511 . '.sry droll appearance that was his Welts "The) were en high and wide that Iris little slim ler seemed buried in theta aniptituslehung people are always reedy to ..bserve anythiug rulicielot.-, and as e.on L.11 My shatter Old 1 IOW Napoleon enter the .1 -Anna -room eve could not re ' strain wt. Litighter. "At an earlsage aa well as to after life. not mese i juke, and wheu he betel Ismael( the object ui merriment be was evert/via to. hocome *fiery . -Mv melee, who was some tears older llama 1 said that *nice he von: a sword he •001 to he gallant to ladies, and. ituiteml jai ng envy should be happy that they joked with hint are irothio5 bet a child a little pensioeinatre' raid Napoleon. in it WU. of , etchipt. • -Celle. who etas then 12 or 13 yarns of Age, was highly Indignant at 1.,•ing eitehl, and she h potty tosenle.1 the affletait by replyiug t» Bonaparte, pea me uothiug but a 1$I' ID hoete. -Thu, excited a general laugh proem.. •%rept Ne4olcon, wh, tee rage I sill not attempt to desvrilite. ;it not much accustomed to oetrey, be had to • numb tact lett to per,eive that he might to ho silent te heti personelitsea were intiodneced su.I his adversary was a child. Though deeply mortified At the libber- , tttnate litAtiAnte Which niy teeter had giveli I him, yet Ite iilTeetad to forget o, MO to prove that he ! !4.? Is ittaillee on the sulsiert lie had a little tey made mut g.oe it to 5..• 'mi. toy v....anis:eta of .11 laatate. a! a &II the '! of A f. titian running %Atte A carnage. It Iran well amok. 4101 must ha% e been rather ti ,pettriv• to lent toisseleting .4taiteivel eireuto • '' vtan1 Ile hmeight .*bog with it a pretty tittle t, Welt WM of the popular tale. • flue it. itoots.• • which lie preseOted ft, my sister: begging - her ,1 . keep it 4, tokett of his remem- hralsee.- -- -- A Satiable 4eaqsiesl. 'im you Wye lout. Nlabel There W.41 unnintnikalyle ring Of i. t lie proud lather's vides ami lie deemed the quer*.hto to the lassailal, queenlr girl who blond with dierimat .7•• befurelibt. •• Wee,- she answered softly, the rich blood mantling her cheek and brow. ••I have told him,- rejoined the Other, •Nisist I iuterpose no obstacles in his way. If he eta whit your a:teething he I.as n ,'. hill and free reagent. I may ray to you, farther, my daughter,- he contistaed. -that in tile love ef a Voting Man like liareid thIlmore, you have made a Cori- ilueat that gratifies my pride as a father and ceminetois iteelf 10 iity judgment as a man. He le of goal faintly. npnght. honorable, high-minded, the possessor of a competence, aud in all respiltuts the one whom above all ethers 1 should have chetah, ea the guard- ian ot My only daughter's ha:pines& '•Wee. papa' ithe replied. her face light mg up with a proud and happy entitle. "he'll .a corker I liteage Tribune. What'. • Klee, The esteem of tu-hr ttwo The only gift • generous lover likes to get hack again. Temporary facial friction generating in stentanemis rapture and bliss. The soul's ambassador. The dew gathered from the lips of earth's fairest Sheers. A lubricant, sriOtost which the machin- ery of love, gets roltir. The cream of rourtakip. That which is Op:banged between two persons. is somethigg *Inlet In the act of exchanging. mato the exchange is made, .nd for iris' can 'hew calm received. Matrimosnal bird -1i . A Ines is Love's press telegram. Ilesesee Blither Tomato soup with stook is delicious. A quart of tomatoes, a quart of beef stock. one raisin. cornstarch mei a little emyseivre pepper sad salt are the inirrodieuts. The tomatoes, with onion ,liopped fine, salt and pepper and a tahlespootiful of lard or butter, shoal.' he boiled down well tor st least half an hour. then premed through • neve sad *third to the stock, which has been strained. Shake .n • little cayenne pepper. a:14 tablespeohful 01 eornmareh railed with water, boil for two or three minutes sad reeve with cretonnes. teenstom are so amply prepared • it ia sidoesshing bow Many pseple ioese . nasty mess of Owes. Saerlierie of an Italian !Isobar., All Italy Me hese startled hy the impel sive sacrifices recently made hy the The'bess Sageatis Litt. Deloquine, of Milan. I% eattc usb ins gag swami with the pleasur.• et Vanity Fair, the Duchene puldiely ex- pressed her disgust of it all aad ordered I. sale of her magnificent jewels, mists tuns. fairs mil lams. Thew glum of .rt =t 100,000, which she placed ie the of her private emsfessor, with ardente for Um orestine of • ehildree'r hospital 11. the emberie at Wan, the work to trim se more Her Orem las &stammered bet intentron of filling • imiberdisato Mike l$ IbS osavalesaisi want. alareted • Osse&. if be hadn't hem fend el good 1151.4. Sy say, Se algae have is Milseem tar Set be *sale/ • *ea -prepared Meer eseb thy, .5* 5. wade a sileashe wiles the And a eel* be meth love le as/ Inisit as, las• of tailldore. !attic girl. eerily contemplating empty akin ot largerwaseherry she had rust eaten: ''Icisahesl..t he gloty is departed.- A little girl .1 si•. who complained of being left alone in the derk after she Was in heel. was told hy• her mother that she need ted he stood. as 1o4 was with her, ali'etugh there was no light. Whete.upon the child nulled ••Mother. dear. I'd much rather yoa took 4404«way and left theca:1.11e.- A boy of 5. after has ing been checked to • pt:rpose by his mother for teasing her when Mut 5$.' homy. was thus &detriment: ••My dear little leo. of ,) oil loved mother you would try and phew. lier hy doing what you a•e %1 hereupon teplied the '•Mother. I'm trying to please God: 1 can't please everykely. Corrent Notes. The VA Lely man hate his set and the prize- fighter has his oet•to. disgrtwe in being poor. The thing ta t.. keep quirt and not let your timle onirs 'm know yth mit shout it. Teacher -Jimmy, iu the mutenoe, 'The fire is low make it burn,' whet punctuating, mark u.meeker.' Pra. t ical Pupil "Colon.- ••Ditl you hear what the gentleman said, Perker, when vou told them I was engag- ed!". ''One of them said he was sorry for your tiancee..' Hunker- "Ever since 1 can remember. Mies Flypp, 1 have searched for the heanti fol, the true, and the good... Miss Flynt "0, Mr. Hunker, this is so sudden. Bet you may speak to papa.- A Weigh RUM. Sb. looked so sweet among her furs I longed to prose lase to my Mart: Bet with asehand to rightly drive, Al..' did not bave die art I tried. and tried, and tried again. Bat when my arm stags rested bow *510*The skittish nib wouki leap midi And maks me draw it back in bests tilhe chatted gayly all the while *od did not seem to am me 'trim., Until .t last she pouting said - "Dive me the and I will drive." Tee Nay Cate It a Tartar. Dear frilled, doe% hart the slaw with pistol or with gam: And ask him if be said ft, or Expert that he wilt res. His threadbare linen darter May still ins patches hide, BM inimeeles ars developed, Ansi the Lewd is on him ids! Tie Chaves illroath sod Vogt Mrs. Oothass-"Th paper says Mat chewing 1$111 keep pen* awake is eherek." 111r Gotham "It might be bet. at the theatre, I have found clove. very etlicsal- II I owl Mos me Flayed. Kasten' Bey "Did fan ever play feet Wasters Boy twaddle*, jittilialt "Ne: but I mice re comoiwei• Sesee cd saes plied melee 70.raise eitW. "What a world of Amy this I. sighed Mr. Rifles, leaking over se .0sanr= • 'Aad Mir limb I its heed of !- Mrs. 0.411*. leeking ever her 44 ewe. Roospili in ass Osbert IVO* It tar am, seek be ma am, &aim- gog nsatellilseelag Tlac evil that epee Ile Hess ether Mena »samosas sea molly Dab allays Isms elle ets her eseltIng tem so le seas's h.rt then dodge ilk • Illiestrirtly la a (Isar Parisi tea Net.. o ral 0.• o-operativer ASS•lau Irraorra Cheap Power trout las• 11,a4lat•• The K rurp liosmall Purred.. It is Wild that the unit of gas o. Ittcaries muses the destrelethe of the les:het head- ings. of the Isadts A single tannery in Mcintiati .••osumes daily 11.10 hides oi tite manufacture- .•1 pat- ent leather, lelt ling and sele Th.- Roseau 4:overnmeat leo oently cetpleted the work of light nig • he harbr.r of 'Mows with (Metric the plaut ourot.ting St ris: and • t m•erbocenti laps. A tesent discovery his Leen tivole of • nein deposit .1 the well-known je•olsead tom .tres ot England. The 2, al 111 4.111. PliiCe. is fully dere,' feet thich. ou,lcst•ers an area of sudielent extent to pay tor s ork- mg. The corporation of Mancheste • Eli -glottal, proposes to borrow the rum, .1 thew; •iurr- tars .1 a milliou of dollies to erect an elec• tric Itglitinz plant. the niachinery fur e Inch will operate the hydraulic power sup- ply of t h. 'city . 4 eleolian eleettician etates Ono 0kt-- incite causes the tidos, and derneted rates it by ensctrifying A ruble.' ...mit by rotate's* sieicr myself a well malI. sine,,rep. it ttattugh the tee. awl then time mg it • recommend thm is edw icine tsuffer- ing humanity the .wor1,1 over.' G. G. GRFEN, Sole 11,-;-.-.afactaret, W,..4bary, Neva Jerst7, S A. "August Flower" For Pyspepsla. A. Bellanger. Propr., Stove Ponli- dry Mtmtagny, Quebec, writes- "I have used August Flower for Dys- pepsia. It gave me great relief. 1 recorit4end it to all Dyspeptics as a very good remedy." Ed. Bergeron, General Dealer, Latizon. Levis, Quebet.. writes : " 1 have used August Flower with the best possible results for Dyspepsia." C. A. i:arrington, Engineer and General Smith. Sydney. Australia, writes: "August Flower has effected a complete core in My ease. it act- ed like a miracle." Geo. Gates, Corit en. Mist --..writes: writes: I consider your August Flower the best remedy in the world for Dys- pe-.)sia. I was ftlmast dead with that disease. but used several bottles of August Flowor. and iit;tv con - °Yet' tte top of a glaso tilled with welt' .t hs result being that tidal ware follow- the comb. ' A . t.itipauy has Levu formed MI:ern:any er. • t works for the productient of the Sd oxlikaive 4lathintuite, which u. especi- al!, stisittnik for mine use... hiring more pow than druamite. at the name v' be- Mg I teed!, miens ander ordinary eta" cun.stsce•-. - -------- - les Clear Chit. A *cries uttereettng esperiments with atintophero. electricity have lately been made it. 1•41 d. They were accompiisited th• pronto e lightning mtcher steel be Benjamin 1-• ma tin the ....notion kite, with wire points and la insulating reaching the Hu-th. Mr. Alexander Mt Aare, slot node the expen d ts. e ,,,,, noed tatthat electricity tan be dawn from a kite high in 11..- tor. no matter the sky is aleodutely eloud less. The k te under t hes.- cote] i- ti0113, dtreliarged 'e spark* at the 'ewer cud of the wire, w re the energy of the discharge was meter toed by an elec- trometer. 'the: quality of n•tricity 411 ties optic. air beernr.1 to ime too warily propor- tion:tic to the height of the •tre that Mr. Mc -Adie could deter mine whet er tne Lite -watt .sing **thug by simply ming at the eresik of the electroineter. 1 he be- liever% in tain-foreing may find a analogy betweeit the existence of electricity am. id moistere when there are nu visible I tea - trona. rumples !Carona Rat, When natural gas was plenty te yosti aM dementia, a few year% medithe suggestion' that the natural pre...tart might be supple- nieutcd ivy the use ,,f pump.* in eartying the gas long distances, was ;net with in- credulity mei even ridicule. T1Vi, impos- sible has chine to prim. however, soul for more than a year gas lute been pumped iron' the wells to Pittsburg. Laat year the People's 5.5.'ompany had two pumps 111 the Murraysville regime, by meant. of villieh the pressure of the gas was iacrestsai from t a -en t y seven to eighty pounds. -I he Vereadlea 4.5.t.ompany is now put- ting up an *4,4519 pumping plant at Onipe- vtile, ENs., and the 1:roritsburg Friel COM- panv is betiding a FIO,Min pumping station at tin, sense place. Comm Miming In Frames. this of the twat recent .. ven- tures France is the acquisition et the property of the Nfonthieux 0o., by- the syndicate of Miners of the Loire, an organization composed of about 10,000 work -people. Thr property purchased ern- braees two collieries with ali output of about 5.000 tons per month. t:oke ovens, and workshops tither eetablishments, the whole consorted with the French Railway bysteni at Ht. Etienne hv • branch road. three-quarters of a mile ions. Cheap rower from Gite Enemies. There is said to be small demand in Eng Land for electric motors which are so popu• lar in this country With small power users. The low price of gas In England O largely responsible for this condition, gas engines being very extensively used. A gaol engine will furnish power at a cost of abwit 2 rents per horse power iter hour. whereto the cost of electric power is about 9 cents per bores power per boor. Electrie Leastale. Inexpensive but handsome ineandesestst lamps are oow being made in various colors. The huller are made of white glass and them dipped in colored varnish. Mush is as due. able as the lamp itself and „ . Sandlolaseing • lamp first aad thm dipping it in red varnish is said to pristime • San . 1 effect, and eve. legerriegg ere amp bulb may be prod -.aced in Ude way. etweeen Telephone Illtruellt. Statistics show that in Sweden the tele phone is more generally weed than in mil other Europese country, the ratio been MO to each 100,000 inhabitants. Switzer is next with 316, after which comes 4 .r=any, witit 106; Great Britain. with 5114 France. with 41, and Russia. with 7. The Eruese aad Their nano. Mr. Pr. Kropp, of 'fileaso, has meet • doss - non of 1.000 marks to the widow et the Norwegian gunner who some little time ago was killed by the explosion of • Krapp gon He had previously intimated his ta teatime of replacing the expiated gun with • new Mae. ?be Weenie UgbS es tie Sues. The electric light on the Bees (Mel has reileesd the aroma of transit am fellows • Last, year the average tame was fit hoen 4 minutes. In IPA it was 23 hoses 50 minutia is 1581111 was 31 hear@ 15 mime toes, ited 15 MO it wee over all home. AN tacbmerestrate Robbie. A mem is New Hampshire has immolated a devise ter iiiriag • smooth surface to belt - bier It comeiste of • facing or tube which ie drawn egret the bobbin. thus .r.s.kiai it practically iedeetrortible. The farm& it Wild, olla be attached to any hobbit. trionsuie oriosiestes. The prodectioa ef briquette* le harm carried en witlagreat &Minty ite the Mow ink sad %Westphalian provisoes of liernmay. The delivers. of July anweetwil 1. 43,558 tens. wad those of Ample to COM to., - - mew otInshastiate. The C•isetiltic Arai Navisation Corm pasty 5.. arranged the the 4 araden r. 515.' Railway 1. r58Dee el weasmis to Alaska, we le is hol.evel th.t a 'arge issrist lemmeas wdl be erased thereby. &limbic Americas Age nc y for PATENTS N DESIGN PA TIMOR 111 CAVEAah COPYRIGHTS. esto. For information ert4 tree tlerutimot write to Mt 14N k CO an IhroADWAY, Nrw Vona. OkStat bereattler wearies name* in America - Ivor!' Plow 'btu-, oat bY ria is brought before the resolve by a et* kw riven tree of charge In the go CI elltifiC , • mn'ican Lam. -,t eireeistitm et any Nientale Meet tn the awd. Splendidly IllwAratel. No tolidlt Man aboele be without It. Weekly, $3. • year: 01.4) eiontla. Adttroo. !NUNN • . Pint risers...3n Broadway. New I tart. $ XMAS PRESENTS Competition. MAZER & PORTE11. Astonishing bargains. The best of everything for Christ- mas. Any quantity of suitable gifts for old or young. Tss CAW • AM PACIFIC RAILWAY Co.". fitLitORAPI4 born litre the lt 'bile • tinge lam vervi,e with fate and per - antra t cornl,etI fan. , It is managed *ISa oniros.dri,,est re:nrieles IPA .tte interest of it. pa It down 1 e sopoies of every tetre.n who believes to eenoweltion., Fee q.SsI. Ae.peteh lesigiani% 15.5 euvite•-•ing with a11 115e. awe 15011. 11. 1.40151 whites. fusee liked turepe. hlircelthretoth .ras to all point• in th. N orl h west .iiritish t•otomhea ap. 1 ',Attila: 4.511 flake- Nnurti SiOe Wecs. -0'. R. ItallieLielrg. fart! 'Axel :traeeg44,oderieh. SHILOH'S CONSU 1 PTION CURE. Gents' Dressing Cases, All Leethet. Ladies' Dressing Cases, F.nutheel in (Id %their. Fancy Work Baskets, l'phohitered in Leather mud "at 151 BRONZE ORNAMENTS. PAPER WEIGHTS, INK STANLS, CANDELABRA, &c., &c. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this OMOIM CURB., ts without • pot dlel in the history of medicine. All dreightt we authorized to sell it on a posedye =rs ise t test (bit no other cure can sucl ft you have a Cough, Sore 'Throat, or Bronc▪ hi* Ise it, Mr it will cure you. It your child hat he Croup, or Whooping Cough, we it pin, sod relief is sare. If you dread that basilica Meese CONSUMPTION, dale r /sal to use it, if owe you or cost nothing. Ask you Druggist Mr SHILOH'S CURF.,rios to ch., to eta. sad *am. If your Law are sore as Back lame, me Sbilob's Porous Mom. 25 de SEINE') 506.!::.?""..'::IV,Totifrq!,* t„ nnd .• tt .1.111t you be es teem. -rtieelegent e which you can examine, one 1: ) a do not dad it all and even more than we claim for le 03 WIT TAP IT, but if perfectly sal, iefanorypay the 'express Agent OUR SPIO na.ed entriPlial VS CVT ttoc watch Snell • elnuire to seteure $ reliable Us/septette at such a ridicu- lous!) tow peke le seldom. if ever be- fore, offered This is a genuine F111111WAT01-1. or t lames or beg Om over compete ties metal. It has solid hew. cap sod crownlit.ating eame.beaut Irony es - g raved sad is dust - g weal The works are Waltham myle, mad, yelvelred. with expineloo balsam, 18 roorablited, and we lea 11111114 it Se theetatette We& keeper. It MB saftehis for tither balle it tresitlernaa. A swajcatee le aeitirTidt .„,,h . .•tehmivirers, Peter tg 1. SEND LIS $1.00:71.:41==' Too potpaid tho Helmet WHOM* MAXIMO NUS 011.11 HIM INN These riaip nee ewe warn by Maim mill Wellttelesen le the beet Plerlety, aed have Ilhe 114 same ries entst asersence ant eao addeas W.Wyettitei Jewellers .e.e. sue FRASEIii & PORTER Central Telephone Exchange. Court House Square. FOR SIXTY DAYS ONLY 1 Special Invoice Sale AT DUNGANNON. Your attention is directed to the following: - On all sides you may read or hear of some merchant offering special inducements in odd lines or bankrupt stock, but never at such reduction; as the folkwing- .7-CCIIIMENCING ON DEC. 15th 1 have .1. tided to oft, r uay ciaire OCK OF DRY ECOY, CLOTHING, BOOTS IND SHOES AT INVOICE PRICES. • NOTE THE FOLLOWINC: That the stock is fresh and .new ; well selected from the best markets and manufacturers, and bought direct for cash ; that all goods are marked in plain figures : that the public cannot be deceived in pries that the sale in genuine and not o41,1 lines, being selected for reserve. So come, see, and be convinced that you can buy goods at lower prices than ever before. The reduced prices are for cash and cash only. R. B. HOLLAND DUNGANNON. Special Vaitiv in family groceries always on hand. XMAS FRUITS! Raisins, Currants, Peels, Etc. Raisins and Currants cleaned and ready for use. ALL TIM SEASONABLE FRUITS FRESH AND CLEAN, AT REES PRICE & SON'S. 1 W G-OODS- Thc subscriber wishes to annotuwe the arrival of NEW AND FANCY GOODS 1 NOTABLY' NAVY AND BLACK ALL -WOOL SERGES, Extra wide and moderate in price NAVY FLANNELS, 28 IN. WIDE in .oft an.I haril finish, from the beet ntakern. of other new and fashionahle goods on the way, and will noticed later on. A liberal discount on all:leash purehmen 1 mai one dollar up Strictly one price iVeL. 4,NTIZZO, Draper sad Haberdasher ‘4, • %.