HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-10, Page 7TIIII SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., TH IJI* DAY, DBLIF4Bilt 10, 1 $$1.
Dresses & Costumes.
We rtweive today a large eiinsignment of
Dress Costumes,
New English Serges
and Cheviots,
In the leading ahader of •blue, green, Bruen, glet'nst rod grey.
Velutina Cord,
The faahionabl.: ulattvial fee Breese, jackets and tr fib all colons.
Black Velutina,
)ur repeat under in stock toabty. Price 71k.,
worth 9.'k.
Mantle and Jacket Cloths.
_t beautiful refection entirely naw
Kid Gloves.
Linde* run no tisk in buying our Kitt (:lovers, se we gultrtutteue nearly all
nee and take beck any not iustiefactory to return to the ulanufaeturere. in-
apextion invited.
Highest price paid tug
Creme de la Creme
Nn old-fashioned oekilnedd silver or faller) plush g,^otid:c_
Our ur stock of Nutlet gifts is entirely ire and well oeloutetl from the very
latest style•ec.
A choice line of Seely.* std Kickeeckrr•s fan• .' perfumes arid toilet
pr ei*r*tione
A pleasure to show ;nor!- Keep whir eye on ,,.0 window
Open os Sundays I
for 1►iapeoatng and
IMedicines only. I
1)isprn.iul :Ind F:uuily l'hentiot,
deeossmr to UW. K*IYNA8. I>.deriah, tut.
49 L
Harper's Magazine.
The ldaraz:ne will celebrate the foo.rtb
('eatroary of the Discovery 01 At.,ertw by Its
Kk 140. .0% EAT. through articles all leg a snows
trorough •smoothen than has hitherto been
(nate o4 the Kalax1 t'st•gtat113,c4Tru De
• KwrirgxT ow own tbe-xille. and erpeciany
.n the tlftKA? w sr. Particular atrr.Uuo *IU
also be given 10 DivatArn At•cyrncr 01
.s wrap'&% BImouY.
The Piaui or THE !rasa Et*urear Watt
will be described to • Series of Preen es the
Danube " From the Haack Purest to the BMA
edea_" by 1•ott.TMET 1111:w0* mrd P. U. NIt-
ixr i nMrrted by Mr. M/u.aT anti Aurae(
I'Anaur."_ Articles also will be given on the
German, Ans•rwliao •ud hard•* A^.c(.r Mee
'rated ny T. lira Tnttstwtr.
Mr. W. 1►. How ruts will contribute a new
novel. - A Work.' ut Chane(.' ctaracten.tieal-
ly Awericao Mipeclal pronuwa« will be
elites to rra.KT ri0111Eoy whicb twill becos-
•ributed by T. fL Audio o et. fit i H. h•. tae A.
t o'•% Homs:. Mai*iNgt .,EL s 1.. WO
N d olnoA • and other popular writer •
Among the literary feat urea wiii be rerouted
Reesman. eat esof ? what, wi If. tiiurue.by Ala
college clan en sae sad lite lo..f Iriend. Horatio
Hridnr. w•1 a Ner.o...1 Memoir of the 'front,
.ammo t, .t ,tic T!:arierwy tUr.a ie.
IiAIt.PKIt' MAti %INP:. Per Veer
HAttt•bt:'elot NOrF]OPLe,
Postage Few to all new -.b re in lit, Umit,,i
(',troch and Mrri.,o•
The Volatiles of the Magazine begin with
ch. Numbers for June ono December of each
year. N' hen so time le specified. suescn$.00s
will begin with the Number current at 11,e
time of receipt of order. Hound Volume. of
Harpers Magazine for three Sean !sack, la
seat cloth Wading. will be Beat by msfl, post-
paid. en remiss of 13.00 pre refuse. Cloth
Cameo. for biadwl..Yycoos each - by mall. post
Itemiltansm should be made byPost-oflloe
Moser Undes.Draft. w avoishame of
.\'r•repapyeerrs are not to ropy IA,s raffinate
went withered Her crones Oran of Harper it
Address HARPER t RIt1)THR
New York.
Harper's Young People.
Harper's Weekly.
ZLILUlerr 6.TEI),
Il.Koto, W. ,-I:t.v for tbe nominit )ear b.it
eo.lain more attractive features more sen
doer illustrations, and a greater number of
artictrn of lite. intense interest than will be
Mum" in say other periodi•.1_ Anson these
latter will be a series of attic ea on the tweets -
the 11fgrreateat c,oie. of the world. Including five
bemired illn.trwtiosa The t'dutnbian ktpo-
sltioa. the Army sad Navy. great public
wrests. dimitieson load and sea. and the
doings of the colt' Lasted people of tide 4ay will
be described and 11 seri tel in an attractive
toted timely sew net. The department of .ossa -
f, wr Spud will contisce under the direction of
CAerau W. N h1Tear. The beat of modern
writers will contribute short stories. and the
most dIstleg ilahed artists rill maks the .11..-
tnttoes. The editorial •rtio-los of Mr. Gleukus
I Wn.t.ux t', aiiv will reasons as an especial
Per Sear
11.11:1'EKli II EKEIX.. v; o.,
HA/f1'iR i YOUNG PEOPLit. : a,
i'•..fatr. Int ',Pall .rr.o-ri4rrs in Mr United
• Stater. 1'uviado and Mtrirn,
The Volumes of (ha Wallets NA tin el.). the
. Arst Nnn,ber for hussars of each year. Whoa
no gnat 1. Melo weed. subwrlpriuts win begin
with the Number eutTent at the date or re-
ceipt of order.
Honed Volumes of Hstteer'. Whet s for
three years back. In rest cloth Waling. will
be cent to Mall. pia.lean pail. or by exorrm
fee ns wirer ..e .provMed the t relight dosis not
esve.d unu do!i*r per volume,. dor *7.00 per
Cloth Cass for each toluene. suitable for
Wding, will be sent by mol. post paid. on re-
ceipt o1 eine each.
itemittances should he Irate by Postotl4a'
Money Order or Draft. 11. stood .haocc et
.li wepa/p er. are mea In ropy leis ode dime
rata( rifles( the . eprran order o/ HARrga t
IlinR/l rt*n
Addres HARi'EU t
New fork.
Harper's Bazar.
HaiI•VJea RAi.R la ajournaal for the home.
it Elves the latest latrine lea with reward to
the Fashions. and lu sasernn. funsuaunn..
Paris design& sad pattern -sheet supplrmneats
are Inditerena.ble alike to the home di..
m.ker .04 the profendeo& modiste. No ss -
\N ILLUSTRATED \1'F:KK L1'. so -
pear is spared to make its artistic attractive -
AN neon of the o pbnlMgdkest order. kg bright atones.
amesieg oomsedisr, and thoughtful essays tet
i.fy all lastate. sad its lest pegs Is famous as a
budget d wit and humorla Its word ice
The Thirteensh Tedium of HAidrYA a You're
Plion.a began un November 3. ISM. Por the
metre year ibis beet and .no comprehensive
weskit 1s the world for youthful readers Mears
a varied and la.ematlat p Is *ern
Ot:tMa it will contain " in�t1yno P1mos. " • sten
ef tee aro rny.gw of Coitus he. be J sea H_ Gaols
tart,'.Caoortmtes.A story of (be P Weida Hosea
ydICTSrsl.tlsS"byKn to
H by mired the Asst knows .id most popular
et Aa sets realises : sad stories la three rad
her pone by 1nora. N111a0at Pros. L H.
IOI sR AileitUne Tana, ELL.A RODMAN
(inland, rad Masi 8. Stemma. More ,Joan
two bemired (bon Merles Of favor". RPterw
mardedio s travel, own of -door .por & 1a -deer
Pales, and W .ubierr. dear . the harta ee
t►i loanR• besides headrests of 111•rntr.i ions br
hadim.g .all.• will 000mWne. make H A RISK*
f00rcb0 Pauses for 1100 en ineolia4lbte name -
WY 01 Homan std Isllrnrrta.s ler b.ys.wd
-The bast meaty pwble.tla fee mime
melee in existential. iit1edited witheemledams
/are and attendee. a.d I..tremiss *d enter
Wninrnt are Mailed la Its moms b lout the
Seng tbenlin•• et the
nice sa to wi dem W 4mbp shear
g (Awv
*At.kh.power.-s- .. N. y•
11118111111 rssasga metal/. bm.MPer Tear.
Too emcee V. VIII., •sot XII. of Hump',
�a1 /'wnq,sl�pmm� OWN. M ssuI kir
r4l• ptlld, or meelps et OA elle'
st rNmmm are out of orbit
NunisaArtee awn .a.`Hpmlmna
611.1 ea 11motilltet Memel elsms.
idwant 114•0040 AVON I or bran ,: lear't�s6
A are -.1 fe =aft a hror'r(ar111s
tie .sprue erisr of Hawes
Add,. HARPER t
Vee Teat.
everything s Included whish lad latera, io
women_ The throes for ISN will be written
V WALTttn mRw
Na. +T and Wti>. Maim.' al n. O1.11PHAIT wilt beron.e a contributor.
MaRIOx Hant.Axlia ninety Talks. "Dap In
avid Day Oat," are Intended for matron*. and
Haus MAs.HAu. Nonni will specially ad-
dress era. T.W. Hlnussaox. 10 "Wo,nea and
Men.- will pleases cultivated audlenee.
Po0eyt liiu'ii Witigristrbef ilafii
Mates. remade. wail
The Toilsome of Um RAsaa begin with rho
Irst Naber M Jamison of each year. Whoa
so time IN .sentlened. s.hacript o« will begla
sora the Naber current .t the time( reeelpt
et older.
Demi Vilumm of 1Iiaras's nesse for
be years u isgoatelsth bindlmm. wig
pmmlta'eMp er ►y express.
free el et poses Iprwv the t deem met
emceed one Mlle per velum* IN OD pee
y((lootthtams far mad Mom. suitable for
rmedpl1�1• Tt Is! MOIL pes-pud. en
nenete mem domed r made by Peet•dee
Mesa (friar se Dna. to avoid Misses et lass
Newspaper* see net le rept IMi edierMae-
Rid w�imi M e 'spermorder v arosom a
Moe.: stM/R
tVtNY tssMEk S SON
•iteu.,I. ha.. -
Business Education.
a l...tal 4.,11 serum the omelettes
1'11 F F.()1tE 'F ( !IT Y
Business Conor.,
ice students le attendance.
.1 N. Wes', viten. ier asetesl.
0006 AND END&
lfaard'• LU.lueat rwses
The burglar takes great "pried" to o•ynl
tog into your house. Columbus Piot.
Mao wants the earth, but it la tbe bowie -
keeper w ice gets the dust. - Itochester Port.
Expel the worms by mug the rade and
reliable a:Abel:mutt, F reelttan's %V,trm lbw
dere. lm
A 21..d..1., wumiu hal a %let•'•iat arrested
because he holt her when he pulled her
Tu lu.lgorel.. both am body and Ube
brain, use the reliable Maxie, MUburu's Aro.
nw•n' tjetuln• 1'i ins lel
The perfect lute letter is written with a
line .disregard for future pu.sil.tlitiee Kate
F'ield's V. nahiagton.
NaU,utl 1511. are a mild pu:Tithe, .st-
ing on the .Wurach, liver .and bowela, re-
moving all uberm-liooa but
A young man mho is ggis.Le t1.0 mitten by
his girl generally considers it • sleight of
haul Lowell t',miter.
tVo niece suffer the afeiettous of the ser
vant question aa:t Iy he..au>:r- they won't
help thtmselvea. Union County Wandnnl.
Victoret l'ariolie Salve is a great ai(1 to
internal medicine in the treatment of scrof-
ulous sorts, ulcers- end abecewes of all
kinds. ice
\Yr know then mit., think they have dis-
clsryed their full rcll'101' duty when they
stuff themselves 00 Thanksgiving Day.
Atchison •:1o1Re.
How ioapproptwto sonic thing . are in
this world' i Poughkeepsie undertaker's
'favorite expression is "moan alive '" Von -
ker. Statoanar.
Itch, mange and 'stretches 02 every kind,
on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes
by Romford'. Sanitary Lotion. This never
fall.. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-1y
\1'c don't know a {at Rev. Mr. Fulton, of
et. Lou,., 11a4 been doing. but he remarks
with an evident feeling of relief : •' Thank
I.0.1 there,will 2,. noe- in heaven'
Successful remedies alwayo find unacruppu.
los irritators. .ask your dealer for lir.
Williams' Pink Pills and take no substitute.
They are ' never-faiitng blood builder and
nese milli.
The king of .'ishanter 1e allowed 3,333
wives. Manv .1 them are the daughters of
the chiefs of tributary tribe over which the
king Isoa jurisdiction, and are sent to him
A. h.stagev.
This ia the time of year when the young
man at the dance discovers in the pocket of
his dre, coat the camphor ball whose pres-
ence the other .lancers hal :cstesl liners
before. Buffalo Espresso
The eorre_tnese of the mexint "nothing
succeeds likeenceess" swell exemplified in
.tyer's Sarsaparilla. The most successful
.x nhinauon of alteratives and tonics, it
always sue'eeds in coring diseases of the
blood, ansi hence its won•terful popularity.
Urs. Lucian Mayberry. of Little I:ock,
solo, is die mother of ten boys. all born
edible a married life of 39 months. Their
are iso seta of triplets and two pairs of
twins. Mrs. Mayberry is a pretty blonde,
,plttalp and hearty,of barely 24 years of .age.
Tis liarah',dra.tie purgatives, onto deemetI
w iodispetwble, have given place to milder
at,l more skilfelllyprepared btxstives: heu.ce
Ow groat and ;;rowing tlernand for .dyer's
Physicians eter •where recommend
them for costiveness, indigestion, and liter
Pat : Axcnne ane, tor, but fwat snort of •
herd d° yez callthat frickled janlus jigglin'
the parts of epochs on the tinea beynt
Farmer : • • W hy,that's a guinea lien. Pat :
i• .1 guinea hes, is it . Well, be the poipes
o' Ilollyowcu ' it's not c.orth it, so it
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hand, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes
fnon horses, blond spavin,curba,aplinu, ring
borne, sweeney, stiles, sprains, sore and
swdlen throat, coughs, etc_ Save $50 by
use of, one bottle. %Yarranted the nest
wonderful blemish care ever known. doll
by F. ',Ionian 96 ly
- -
" l ea, my rem, there are times that try
min a a;w l.. . I'he other day in Now York •
thine museum took fire. There was ootster-
naiw. among the freaks sad some of them
hal a marrow esaepe_ In his excitement •
".Fiji peewee" who had ham advertised as
fresh tram his native jangles and amide to
rssppe.aak a word of English, W.A. forth in the
charming dialect of • Ouargla Ask' hard. "
Thr hrowi+iie anal fumy impulse of them
days of false unlashes would rata down
all as worthless because one i. mwortly.
As if there were no mous in seabssnr !
Or comets among stars ' Or cataracts is
ppeaeaooeelub rivers ! Amami Ore remedy
fevers tr. An what it sever wag to
de, are all remedies worthless'
awe doetor 1.ts his patient di., are all hum
bags it it requires • lima eye send • finer
hum to dieerimi.•te - to draw the diaries
• hoe.
•' They say " that Dr. Pkree a ()olds.
Moneal f>i.eo.,ry amid Dr. PI...4 Pommels
1'rescriptios by sated Ne 04..
" They my " for a weak system there's
mum bather thea the " Dilermey," sad
that t ' Favorite Pre•eriptism ie the
hope of debilitated, feel& wmman who mad
• r..tar•tive task sod hewing wervisa
And here's the pre./ -
Try ewe .r i etb. It they 4eset lmlp yew,
tell ti. World'. Eli•p.mis_.ry Medieval m
.l Ae-
eati.m, of HufM
•, N V., amid me get year
mrmey back seats.
IS Nes ars end t■sL Wlle•ee.
•' Ow tgo nese sera. thea • gurgle M-
iasmas et • - Ili balers m•rryag •
YNeary wife t" asked a Chicagu writer the
saber ,ay. •• Nrwwaiag • Ta. 1 know
•author i.rtease width comas pretty soar
it. 1 do not thud' the feet s gees/ally
known, but James WLiwulnb Riley, to the
earlier days et his literary .sager, was •
must ardent admirer el Klia Wheeler, the
poetise of pashas, *mil a labored stator for
M 14.th the young people were pour, how
ober, .a neither hal attuned a national
Reputation at that true, although both hal
written suave very charming speculum of
verse. 1 do mut kuuw whether Ella ever to
tended to marry the young Hester poet or
sot, but 1 do Iowa that young Kiley was
nearly heartbroken whya their cordial
INA/stir/TA were suurlw1.e- u Mel
('. 1 . Its. 11 tete t es..
I have uaetl your MINAKD'S LIN1
M E NT ■uw.wefuhy in a serious case of
croup In my faali.ly. 1 consider it • remedy
DO house should be without.
'ape Islam' J. F. 15 NNI.GHtel.
That string .o ay finger means •' hatred
home a hoick td MIN ARD'M 1.1 N I U ENT.
A Tem hlMIpleme. _
\l r.. Ilrnsu I'm afraid M 09 ]sit h••• •
Little Johuute Omit feel tbst way, we -
Et en
►I•:ten if it dirt kill me, reoigober that it
womle be the List thing I elver asked you
L • !•:push.
\e. Frey from Pala.
Di %v. Site-, 1 have been trouble(' with
lame slack for *Lout 6 months, and thought
1 wue?d try Haevare's l ell„w Oil, which
cwod me. Jou now free from all pains, and
reonmmewd-7eilow (N/ very highly.
2 /ai!ca PALMSR. Winona, Out.
salsa le Malar ins ern...
Kbits (te kis grocer) You seem angry,
Mr. Petk.
('eel l am. The iuspectur of weights
and mraaures hal bus( burn lr_
•' Hr. ha ' He caught yoc giving 15
ounces t0 the pound, did he!'
•• \Corse than that. He said I'd been giv-
iging 17.
Csleeisa a blealwO-
Dr u: 1t:r1, Last Summer my younger
Sisters were taken tory badly with croup,
indeed) we were almost in despair, having
little hope of airing theme. Finally we ap
plied Hagyard's fellow Oil, and to our
great joy it cured them perfectly, std they
are now enjoying the blowing of perfect
2 .1tsl5Jouesr,i, Ualbowsis, N.B.
The et rags P51800.
Ringo How is the new glenss pebble
Mrs. Bingo- .She's gone.
Diego - (lone" Why, Mob's s2. mate' I
Mr+. Ringo -My dresses didn't K her:.
.l rase •ewadS
SIR,. 1 delve great remands speal. well
of your 11. K Bitten.. I have taken o bot-
tles for myself sad family and Lind th..t for
loss ret appetite and weakucas It has no
equal. It cores sick htvdrehe, purities the
bori and will not fail when used. 1 heart-
ily r, omrtcnd it to all wanting a pure
2 Ni.. Ht ell Md'\ciao. Trued, N.S.
That'. a Way WHIN tax Is. yer..
An exchange says : .1 ft t veers ago a
woman living at ('ern Hill. N. Y., died,
leaving two sons a house, which sold for
81.700. In settling the estate a misunder
standing areas and litigation follow•v1.
The cae has just Leen concluded_ One .ot
the sone receives 48 as Sia share of the prop-
erty, an4 the children of the other son, who
is dears, reeeisC lt2 apiefe, the remainder of
the estate having gene to the lawyer".
Slam W. element ewer. fold.. to
]•xgte 4l10001 rem.
Tapesnn It's a th'nsan.l pities that be
embezzled and skipped to Cainala.
Tickerly -1 hare no patience with emelt
fellows. Why didn't he first lose the money
in the street and then Wow o:.t hi, Lrains
and die like a gentleman .
4'e4d Weather Trials.
Dr. to Sirs.. 1 lei. F'al! and Winter 1 ,:of
fered from neuralgia in my face and had the
best medical advice without avail_ i at last
thought of trying 11.IL.B. and after using
toe bottle have not felt any symptoms of
neurslgie since. 1 regard it as a tine family
2 J. T. As.T, Heaslip, Man.
-firueeege Papa.
Young bridegroom (looking over the wed-
ding presents) .. My love, here is an anony-
mous tote incloning • check for $1,000."
Young Deltic . Why, it's in papa's hand-
writing? isn't he generous Y'
" Ys, my love, but the -sr check is
-('hi.ago Tribune
Milosollra 11111romat Ise labrisasatYm.
A tinge M tae.
Little Brother Is Hoetea an old city
Little Sister (who has been there.. •''Deed
it is. Why, thestteeta M best most Jou-
with age." -
The Msmseitti leas.
The remise why Ilurdoek Blood Hitters
leads all other medicines in the race fur
popularity is became it nationhood, pare,
cannot harm the most.elicate invalid, and
neer falba M bre billowiness, dyspepsia,
bad blood, constipation, etc_ 2
TTt. 1 reedier 1. swierltas
Ntm«•It ata New ieef.
fsrw vnaa wolq tel
Owen Murphy, the lwaodler, was • w;odor
attendant at tl,•• Horse 'hoe durie,; this
week. Ile was a visitor last .veuing awl
he hell hie heal high is the air seise mixed
a the crowd.
Murphy is evidently not atrai.l of the
District-Atterese •. edea, the greed jury
sr the marts He en sulted • lawyer be-
fore he same beck to New V.rk sled wait
told that he maid not be Indicted for run-
n ing to ()Loads tonneaus years ago with
160,000 of excise Nada. Hb act wee
mars! • he oak of trunk, mad °sly • civil
emit . recover the 1(amiey can be Lreeght
again.1 him.
The lends .mbmted by Murphy were de
posit+ made h •pplieanta for oaken liessess,
and these manta may co mon , on an-
tis• against im to rwonver tis. money.
The hwa.11e badness which Murphy ewe
is while is sails is (..aada was a
• .sots It ie said he be..ma.rd
OMIT 000 imine he lett New York in
Dhariet-Atterwey Nicoll said estenday
that he would deride severwvww w or
U PI be w..M preserve. Lf er phy
Mr wd's {4saus se tar Sat.
EVER.I. Io ►.taRE.
Just What You Want
Presents for Your Wife. GIYB YOUR WIFE A S'*EBPER
1n.1 mol.• her w.tk hghtrr,
tdke Shapes,
Ili,. • Moulds,
Porridge lith ler..
('serpent •*weeper.
And you will sure year carpels
S',h',•r-Plated Knives at1.1 Forks. take Basket-,
t ..
dug Knives and ForI t.. Biscuit da -a,
w gime w'!4 Dessert
Si**.,ns ane
Hall, !iMiller & Company,
Fruit niche'+,
eructs :tn•1
- - GIFTS. -
Al Goods. Quality Guaranteed. Prices Right.
"Rya .borough knowledge of the natural
laws which govern the operations of digestion
sad nutrition. and by • careful appleation of
the Ane wropertle• of well -elected Cocos. Mr.
Epps' has provided our breakfast tables with a ,
delicately flavoured beer rage which may Nivel
es many beery doctors' bills. It is by tare jndi-
-loos sec of such articles et diet that • coned-
tutee may be gradud,y hunt up until .Sroog
•nougb to reshot every tenrtcney t0 disease.:
Hundreds of subtle melee/a are postbag !
around us MAY trattack wherever there la a'.
week point. t1'c may escape many a fatal i
shalt to keeplo: tamales. wen tortleed vita
pure blood and a properly nourished frame.
cirri IRrrier Qazefle,
made simply with boiling water er milk_
Sold only in packets.by tirorere. labelled tins
JASlral erre t 1'. Seuwepatrle Chem
Mb. ioodos. aagbi.d.
142 V
elt.eras► w. rev 1•1•1••••••. be 3.1..a
WMw1s-Tny t.y.,01 ,ora ha a Orr
yes es ar 5-5. tees.ww
r tees. s ..w
War ray�r,.i•.sores sew res IMr i i t.
115• My ski re rd. w .
mart e... se...,.
Darlasr.. on .r.•. 1. My P" -,
moss. rrr . rarer, as Mrs.. • .
all raw ll...
en •rani tae,ew.MO) e
en wM. Aarr. se14•14 pay axaa r.•
awry woos,. or. won yw, .wi..
tr. erwtr
tlfiwi • smog ewsansa iia '
tf:irt. r't1E MAW AID COMMIS
Obtained. and all business is the U. 8. Pates
Ogee attended to at MO1rKRATR PRA7Y.
Oar pees is °peonies the 11. 8. Patent Of
low and wt sr °wain Patents la less idle
bas sites roma(, from tfARHl',OTON.
We ad
sie w•esmaike NO CHARGE friss
We refor, hetto the Ponvi.ae.r, the 8m
4 M Oe, Order Div.. mad to edictal' of tie
U. 8. I01..( Once. /� etrculor. advice_
tatA and references is riS•ml rl gen. 1. your
nn 81W er Omit v. v1Amto
nstpsmK•lease l !l
Mosses le b Swed eel. Mahalere Atm, abloom
Tim W..la. -
This can be done at a very small cost by purchasing
your foot wear at the old -established and reliable Shoe
Store of
Stock of Fall Goods
As usual very large and complete.
Prices lower than the lowest.
I give special attention to ordered work and repairing
and I have the workmen to do the work.
An Exceptional Year,
T/IF.' Yrar .•-• t Ans Preen Marked n or. "•,I, nd,vrn.vlkern amp nwdar h.,owl s.wrr the Mooaci., ran esfabliahrd. Not only 140'911w literary and artistic 'eel: en Aram ■ aars.
'pined and iarrmsrd, but a rnrrrapo.diwp pair ban 6-w1 made in her sale and i.Rnraee of tie
Napa :ate. At the n-
and of 1. •l the rsrlatIon Ann rift n to won *kat /b�,me. ie wngl leuyp
he prominent teat Die farther for fAr rwwiwp war trill M '. fa /Agar
largely , rrnard npperfwnifka.
For Next Year.
It is sot Partible 10 Siva, Ina brief apses, an account of all the features in preparation. stet
the material is deficient In neither importance nor range of subject. Among the outman
treated •
The Poor in the World's Great Cities.
It is propa•ed to publish a series of articlesupon a male not before attempted, g.v fW
r.•aults of meets/ ready and work .mon. thepoor of the greet elides. The plan will iwahjaap
amount of the modifiable of Ilse In those c111em tin many landau where the mann. of
will be helpful for porpoises of .vmplri.oa es well we fur their own la'M.ri - Interne.
frcan • scientific point of view, the articles will 1w• a eontrlbotlew of gyral IM
gemination' w111 his thoroughly popular, sad the elaborate illustrates *111 fere
Itreseetatla of the solder vivid se wen as pidur'eapor•.
Washington Allston.
1 wr*Nl.M4 Rembilar sees and Leiser. of this foremast gong early An reisa. petal
ere .t n.n.ber sf Illnnrertow will lead additional interest to the artlelee.
Important Moments
The aim of thin soon of b,ery short articles is to de..•HAT the *mai occasions whom same
dsolMv e.eat tank plans, .w whets is.. great esperiasent was are shown to M aeeesofd-_
smith weeseeta es that of est aM asset the Miser rata, the bot we at the mel er•ph W
Mlsoakswe the Iea..eem ethl isperimenl with ether. the night of the els e.mo item the sir
M tuYsment of rho rota se tea tworresweve of Andrew Johan. ata. ere.
Out of Door Papers
la tioeerly ewes, edea be bores • number of ss..osabl. $itM4.a worm than betel
small eaw.Mry P1..r% bow to 1•y out awl o.ut(fy them, ►/ 8Awve• PAemiowa, Ja.
/1418105 Lahr Memo o ami Aslpsteo S.a-1110041. by nit Imes, M. Yat.
IMs.t//s setas LOA 1. Maw sselaset. he'toner• Dn's,xsoa.
Miele. Is A..m.1a... sty browny Iles lame. with 18uMrsstla.s y It... HAalrssM.
Tie iR54a.tlsw. see mho Prem orlsl.sl material
A Ilse prta+s.eso Deere is the Ifsl/da r ,\-soman• tsMw nee&
emend, m e7770. tp 00 171111.
N1RLa IUIMM'1 110111. Puillishers, U3 ad TO Stably, Ile bit.