HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-10, Page 6)
NUR Tit; 1't.1 NkE.i:.
teeerds t. Farmers I. Thew.
•.. Ins eir.L wed V.l.t • on Mr reedi.a
.1 %s•.,. the au e.ed - %, sect.. Their 14-
&.d albeit Lur, animatism.
It is a good thing fora oseeetnluarhuud • hat
hoe woe an soelleat r.patation 4s any .a.
perrecslar, to strive to excel .441 teethe'
u the .sate "tae. Doabad% . clear thunk
trig ptec ies •11 ruloeel sneer that make•
ter the 1 of the *octal. industrial
or ..,nimer.ul world. Meet a,j.g�t-lull a --• hike.
t. had by this limed of fl to I.I.•t„
bring out the hest thought ..ea the lest a•
tier" that are is the Nimal .mrmlteis roll..
%neurone it Theo the good -moue rod the
wperiee r•patauoa wht:h 1.ea bora wuu for
the ts-tsrin is the Latiwrl dWrict. hate
created a measure of enlhusta*ta *hub
has had a very heneh,•ul indut•mm on
the rles.ueu, un the ch...•woolen and u.
the thouwnds ot patrol,. tit Ilse ta, 1.w i4...
Amy iudi* dual or any *e1 i.a, 1.ht:h 111.1p.
141 u...pure ons wish •rwitidente iu btiru.lt
ass hope in the tutors of his di.tnct and
taunt, Vis moat isennu,rn,la1Jr. Those fora.
the Lest part of the ....tett. s cermet arch
'Would he risotiurage.' and cousrryed by
every poessble wean. It ,s a t nil*take
for :at mei , or Other , it.. ell• Of ear rum • • ry -
to .lepend upon any out.i-le, far-off oe
fore.gu source of help in the .oluti.n et
the ditto:utter tba uw'.t them in the
...et -uncoil of then own business,.
lank times in a 404014 V .car never he
made to yield eutlrvly to sae snit
lrgislaoos Liairypwra awl other people
aced never elf ;wet. t e •.t.ly troy 41.41
O....n.m"nt to legislate goo!tiawew.- The
.ally teal basis for substantial. p rm:taro
and progressive prssp•1 r, y 1. Ilene app6• item
of industry with skill' to rtery 'optic." of
etnha.or and the exer.,•c of economical
Itoj.salty and lair demons ilea -eve ail uteu
ani . Mean. These wItl, the I$erings til
Prot alrncx sad g,wwd harvests. aloe are
.t 'equate to br.ng .urd.go keep gond times.
St t!! the attic mit of the lot enwiaf. of to-
day is most friendly town..". the * Ii..l-
4.:•-al internam: mai they have lent ilun-t
...cry desirable and prootic -:.l help to the
tor:fling ..omnwuit% taro anis utcreastug
their profits and imploring t.lwir rotation.
t... \1, 'Rohn tsul . h:.:ry t ../utu155i• •Il.11
Points h the ver*Ii. .tf .Neer..
In the tastier of fhelong •t,ers kart was*
tel a: the l' gtral lit;.., ;to -total farm. Ott -
ow i, . roe iMors:tot! •u of r,' •at value' to
Or fa: -r:::.. was t,.n'.gi,' It Three set,
stets were p.: u).. t., ..falteg. .. The
Id, ton of '0n•' 1t,: m.o. r..noplsed of hay,
►n.Os rind 1.4.41. The r.t,' , .d (he ar4'.15l1
Int was tits le apo( .cru etoiL44* and ureal.:.
m the third lot. the ratio. w1a 5 mil•
lure of hay, runts., onr ti en -flag•• and
meet. Toa 5tet.r, It npu lay. toot*
au•1 meal cost 19 ce::t. *ern per day.
rw•.w upon corn , n.:la••I' 5w1 mewl cant
11 ti rents per day. "(Law noon the milt-
•,, ,•u•:la.•,• and areal
ri ,. L•n ' rat., i _
t e f t. 4 •
oust 1.1 ti vents CA -h pct do., '1'be steers
w1.1. It weirs fed u1.. ti c•,: n (0011ge A ria. seal
ga•urd 411b.11.1. 3) gi.au.L• a 1,11 forte than the
others, Ru; t •• •.•• p• d e of tel may- 11
coots per tlay al, .-+ 1 d ..t. a• the iv- :
1 those "Lit fed 'yin bay, naris awl Isnal.
That punt* 10 the r,-..:...um.,,l -) : =,.1u.4io, of
heat by thus -poem w.44 as 1-tlthrraioers
- wf.••i, they glee etus:la4;•. •m.:aiiy. let wry
judgment every ,lar. y.o.o. .4.vl,d keep o58
an average half a,... many no:. :ttag steers as
lie keep. milking`, -.4... -and hot tett farina
Acte at all s,.th,te:V. help to atIeu;l to as
malty rattle ,:, III*. 1oru1 uf• mslking
sotto :w a farm %limb! keep o4 stork.
4)o moot farina enough ....en ensilage ens in
pr.slu.-.4 t.. feed .;1! the Milking crows
a Lich c.tu be atit:ode i t•, ,4. the help
avadaWe' of the plat, *ud fop half as many
.tw•Is bow: les.-'f'he c is will room fur vn;r4
large Ow tease iu I :.e uuu.i .•r of lire .4.k,
stat,'- yre mold ; • 1;•.aa 1'.:tan n• only
*deco ''a) p -i cent. .•t g:.• c-..t;le tphn•ir she
iewp.rts 10 Ken... std -•t• tm,rbivaut.tge,
Ihr: ..,u+ as ttu' 1.1 • ' *54 i coon .Awl.
slMsiel tae mate t•• .:,,:e• :a ai the fall tit the
yesr. That i...•.,.• 2/4 1. a Muth,
supply of .itis.. iii:i.. . id whole milk
w1.; l.• .... "i.I'.1r . Ise terra, to lame
ea', ..• of t;.,• 1 •,r ..Irdaut:.n *11d fortis.
n.. tar as 1,.4- yet lava horned in cattle
h-,elser4Uv firer. 4. n. .rhea anti c i-
't.0t aubmtrltta• for mil Altai sk.u, 1.14111
It, .he, r*is11t_ 14 halite. a 4 y-.uttg pigs
w.:hln re: it .d the ordinary farmer. -
'rite supply of milk .nor the 44inter
y. ,ld uta:'..• .1 ise.;b14 2.. engage m
faulti'.�. aiakieg .:i••r•r a:1 t ...guerre tante lis
ire 44141155. 1581 Ino• most 1-'lilawtant s) •
v':trate ryould he th j,m,•rea.r. in the
nen.l.-r awl the 1111pone 1,1,1 u) the
rphai.ly ,r the catty Mel same kept epee
the farm caner' the pretime prevei!P.i.
.Ia'. W, K,.i.erta.tn. 114,r, 1 anitilritw,r.
Need*. __ '
It is not aims.• 10 the Lorin ,d toeless and`
obnoxious V41rtatlon in our fields that we
, ton o.ept tb••.ietiu.41411101 hue word h.•a.t
Mg this art 1l'cr.t• .11" i..t alone t.. 1.,
,-mond we .1 her.leh 44 ,1 pit %yids the lc •, ,
airy growth or .1.''..opulent in tour cult:, .•1
ed crops. Though ).•rtnapa led at glaring t..
the coma! dservr:, w.eofy are ninnies u1
the soul in the herd, and in the flak. 1t
is the P -wily devel.sp•'I animal that fails to
briny; a lance' equtl• to what 1i mets to
produce. 1t is then -foe iter.) growth
that mitre the .lhtenaace font, the grow
tug crop. 1t is the w•ee•1s among ant
nab1 that occupy the roan that .10.u1.1
ht given to the gorsl ■n•1 saleable horse.
whu.o presence on the farm u a delight
to the own -r, while the itis.1 is a Nuisance
et hrnne, At 1 ,•*mint to wild bemuse there
u.• tar many etch ue the market. The
It«el. t.o!p the play* ..t Dur last shipping
.Leer, an., m their pla.e there gnaw
monomials that tint nnly .s 11 1.y the room,
rake the ft OA. but wort et all, pervert
their nttuer from dg., d.•,.&ng a love mrd
151" a' for has ...rk witnon' -'1,1.11 Il* .•anon
peulrly attain sato«• u1 I.:.railing. Who
%could go to •.• a heti o.4 gr on abounding
0l 11444101!• w1Yda will. it I'. . •pe. -:1010 5 of
pies.un.• Who would Auto, • aur utufa.
. ties is showing A friend a lot .d colts That
tle words no hie own els, awl w hoes chi, t
twr.ttee are their ifiner'l)t degree. m:
• atl.resdi.t.d•' The to uelhng a ...t r1;
eo steer. whose no w, late ,ra:ner are
OMR as only the poorest Ars of butcher
t Mil only. •templl$w '4h. ease. It
'... j5 :4 1n:%e, /role fartn,iN that
':. doom thein. i• is the lower le ole
4 haiober that oris., and M ale, it, 4h*
Sewer grad,' ..•esunerw. (let result being a
inaerarsd• price •11 thIimth. LCner.•
1ww.4a err.
fail. In hente men to a.
lore 4e better methosle to th. •r tiling. %try
srs.MI* .ter 'n mud prevent, a too ;Ceti
falling sway Yo thin rea...l go.l ter
where ere rsq,,red ,n e.-ery 1.. . lty to mono
on dlestraueg that in farms•-; h.r rout a
h aim unset ter taken, or they wdl sinks
r th..taari. *hien mom, ,he hal•nee
to appear es the *4.012 side .4 the ledger
1 them throve/1. the i many will totems,.
Il „10-14*0'
.4••elaprotlu. hontifel crepe,wl
rw•Ir.ra1 r tl. Mmitug
p„rths•1 1te Aelmof*.
PERSONAL POINTERS. Tea Goad Tided. •• Nava.
Jolts G. Wk,1'Ier wiU be tN years old tri.
December 17.
A Lasalle aslety jourwl w• . that the
of 1 -closet Ralph \ ivas to %Ire
M.:.ttali 11. I4.hrrte as the seluatto.n 'i the
holo to Kusbuei
Sir Frederick 1 .etr7rht.ut ha. Clieweetatel 1..
Art as Clement, or the h,,, ar....et ton ..I
1h. Royal e'•enu.t.aom ot the Soy 'et j of
.kris fo: fort .o. ago
Mn. Amnia, liesant at -sported to New
York in a few ,lays, for • short Mumma.
visit. and slide then will ,14 liver • "Kir re
o• I'hceophv and lir•tu..r oat ism. -
1 do not tare for moodst.. agtl.... •
Mt est. t;,e,r clartL. (.4114115;
The r,a.,.t that 1 1 it.. then a.
1a Our 1 1•...• eau wale.
'len pure bred %1o.t«is buf*1oes hays tit
nee.) m:, Logien.' Lem Americo. std note
future home a to o.• in the park at Il goo
stoat 1 castle. lir: Island's platys in Not thug.
Fl..reh,r • 411 'pa and titlarks mud mei,
Plato will I.wg *ureic, him. "tot s..l..
• *ill his earnesWss tit the hnttle•1h0.11 of
buuau,tt au.t the neeintrn'r:.e de• I .gh.1ra
IOat IC lelrAm..
I...ly !leery Somerset. win. will ...merle:.
Iter .••it t...\an•rt-. n..t week. rap.•t• t
go soon, t.. •lat,m:t. where her gun loos. if.r
,. to ..•e the .w.ttutty. wed net to .1..
*0% nl'd4nouary l wok.
1'he itown has app.isttel ik. ('reser.
organist ..f the I..c'. s Pari• (lien -ti, to he
Witten,. Is the t Impel Jam.'-••
Palmer, awl contrast t.• tier. 11rjes1v m,
auccessots to !Ir. lrk)11
'tuber. H.rk rswr talk ..f !• lady who,
span •P!i1.tn. to hint fore pn reit, asked
if he .:shimtl his soft r.. Hi. reply nes u.
Ilip n -.,*Use. Tt•"*limn the e. Lim o -a
Thea 1 moat g:t r.n.ew•Mn• else.' -
Sir Jul,au Pauu.efort- is au rtit ontastae
he game
1 C +e. for t a
trues .Lacer. H dresses
wi,,).• �nnel, the coat t•dhtly twttoel-.l.
and u.a:ea star4L.41 high cellar sad stilt
.1u observer .at• that Sir Julio,
unto rr .1.er)s for a 1%ell. In ten I.ia g.snr
is c'o rgIoKk dignified.
The Yuma Indians put to deo h any
r .room out• ul:ni' of the tithe who talk t.,
hinny ring -whet, .v is wantrel.. and three se
the tribe{rte now wider: .t*(m:.•.' ' de -oh
..t i..... An;;eles for follow tote that etatom.
M•wlern tx•,nuakers Will make no enetr'a"t•
out there, Yum* actsiship.re it.
Olen. (hte•:f•.rib a nice t.asi is his
way, acid. tLo ughh :4 Ian*c.krr. tits
to le• .(uoerstoswl That lie likes • dry joke.
His latest is the *di tr. that he Is not a
rainmaker, and that :hough he nr,kew et
perinteuts he dra4 5,i ,-.nmcls•ion.. It 1'.',
gy• eralbeen en tic let it,.• -.1 th.a he d„•,•
rain ate(r •,i,i app. oiwiaittoot
t:eraltr, the Olive fox:., -:S .t1..•ra a, t.
ha• turtha..I the Palazzo, Mmi*w,., if Italy.
a{rrh'has belonged to the Rossi foully 4..
__want of t1.. centuries. The costo: is
ntoae* 1 irture'.•,ar situated o* - the ..Intuit'
of •lull..*tannin ed toy cyte'•'utiers. The
Ere• -roe* in the gitleric.-atnI limo are knots
to be Of great .a'la4le **ISI..
1'kr EInoetox Napoleon I11. piacs.I a 1.:
ratiuiato uis the military .bili• t I" n
Besureg^anl. the Confederate tondo& ler.
In one of his letter. t.. Col. glent.ri (trut
can the F4:I)*ror writes: 'if u wytlt regret
that 1 riot not learn till (4n lata td thhe pro
pus ..'io:s mode he elan. llnu .r,1, -tor 1
sbolad nave been pleated to van myself of'
his counsels.' /
The largru alum:It per word .14er paid
to ter Amer:can wri.:.1 is said to Irate Isco
that receive.' by lb lite Henry N. (sooty.
foam the New \•wk lodger. • \lr:
wrote to that pairitol tire 'client ru, thecae..-
he, .err.lition of the nih. U. averaged I.4),*i
words tar and w,rerjaid for at the rate et
trent' wort: .31 r.4lra.ly diet.*.1 the
first 1 ter to hotsteaegrap4n•r in twagty
nnnpteht, ttere!.y etrrntug 11111 a wisete,
tletter era. pr nounte,l tole the hest of
series: his cigars than ht f r
1 That salt will curie sew milk; hence,
u preparing milk porridge, graves, Me.,
wilt should not he added until the shah r
ihai char, hollorl• water w IU reenat'r
tea stiles end many fruit Nairn Pour the
water through the stun, and thus prevent
Go "preadult* over the fabric
3. That ripe tomatoes will remove ink and
other stats from white cloth: also from the
4. That a tate.poouful d turpsstiwe
boiled with white clothes will aid in the
whitening process.
S. That boiled starch u much impaled
by the addition of a hide sperm. ash, a
gust arabic ,iuwlve.l.
6. That beeswax and salt will make rusty
tlatirona w clean and su,o o*b as glass Tie
a lump of wax 111 r rag ata' keep it for that
purpose. N'hen the irons are hot. rub them
first with the wax nig, then Arur with •
paper or :loth sprinkled with mit.
7. That blur ointment rad kerosene, mit
sod in equal proportions rod applied to the
bedsteads, to an unfailing balk.: remedy,
Y a coat of whitewall u for Ib, stalls of
log hour.
8. That ker.*eue will ,.often 15oot* awl
shuts that have been hardened by water,
■rid render them as pliably as new.
9. That kerosene will Make tis tea Lathe
as bright as new. Saturate • wooing tog
and rub with n. It will also remove stains
from .arnished furniture.
10. That cad rainwater and sola will
minor machine grease from washable fah'
T. Nate • tIONO•Sa• tate.
{fere is an escelleot re4'Ipr from the 1)e•
.ruv/we 4:.lies' Hoon Journal which u
guaranteed to make a th..nauggbh g•tisfac
Mr) t hristma1 calix, molded, always, the
directions arecarefully follow.d-
One pound each of sugar. butter, citron
/ 44 ra urn. seeded ;
and currants :tutu pounds f
one and one-half pounds of dour. two-thinbt
of a cup m' currant jelly. twelve eggs. sur
tta.tsoo. f;tl of .twla,the same of wit : a Clash
rat 1: of .vyrun.• pepper and black pepper, -
and one cupful of r•olasito. i)i.ode the
flat: into t eau parrs : into me. part put oar
tcasp.on(ul of ,inr1►mou : one nutmeg.
grated : .n.-t.urth teaap.oitul of allspice.
Ni' fruit with the other half of dour.
('ream tot butter and sugar, add the eggs.
well beaten 1 dissolve the radia in wenn
water. and stir n' the molars. Mix all
well together. and put in pans lints with
buttered paper. Thi. will make two large
loaves. 115kr tit :, un .lerate oven for two
hours The res ,:t Is a Christmas take
which will delight the heart of 5 good house-
wife :rid please the palates of those who eat
Marriage 1. a gallery
'IA hen there :a towo much latchkey.
When dmncr :, not ready- at dinner time.
When either of the parties nonose fur
When too NatahN.rt .s. •• Eae1, for hint
%\'hero neither hus6uld nor wit* takes a
\1 het: children an obliged to clamor for
their ri_hta.
Are by one site
\ - -•tthe r c. SOLIS ar taken
\ h, rat w
of the house only.
When ' ht" snores the homiest while
'• oho• " kindles the tire.
1C hen the children are gitcnthe u*r!'..in.1
the lack of the chicken.
Nhen a toau attempts to tet,) hu wife
Nkat style of bonnet she must seat.
When one of the parties engages in* busi-
ness that is not approve.' by the other.
When a man'. Christmas pr.sents u. his
wife consist L! Ie.ot jacb. shoo.. at d glows
for h most .
When politeness. tine manners and kindly
attentions are reserved for company or visits
1\'hen the lord of creation Pay,. more for
hostler hale .loci o
A .W..d«w•. Kept,.
Verret( oat tae my boar -
My home Coon
Mr bon:, L. mater tb• itiltnw•. bits.
114 borne I. where the wild ands uWN(,.
'Td. ',hone the ,:u,gbty. waters long
1 as yr -sure ' •wild I *Can.." Tomas nt snot.
Ye as: rd ter my home•--
rh cwt ttie m•rtnl*,c's height
Whore fewI *4th'. -.os .Ter rt.aon.
Where e•g1.. mai:.• 1L••r no;.ler tlight.
To states upon 44.r trgo
ts.t . fail rr
A. angry thunders'uratl. thou, roar
Yeast of me my h,,m. -
My house r urn our
To 'dons the fetr% .1.:4,1* 0..m.•
That klhtw tett of t4i•.1 .rk Earth'. guile.
That sing front every hraurl: and tree
Their lively ate- mcrrilt
Ye ask of a*' me 1, •tit.•
Tis by the nn.mbit -iron)
Wi...o :Tater. flow 0mM%. on.
\1 ujuthe azetr• Il.1mr toe honv.n glean.
\t•bro+*.ACC A•flOol. oat.. the .1y
A. .at es sera{,' -h'. mclsly.
Ye tick of nee my home -
home it is it •t herr.
Rut where the tiehl. of heaven bloom.
My house, uiv w,.iu-1 for bras •, is ober,•.
%Vbrm the archangel. shout t.. Hitn.
111gh heves's brightest diadem.
Artthmree and I.reemee.
Teacher : ' ,, yeti Mal het had twenty
ti.., y.tr.l, of atul , eat made • dress myon
ins lout e:ghte•en carols. how much *0111.1
adltl have left'''
tattle girl "Mamnha .ant 'cake h.:
own dresses. She her tried often, and 1L. :
are alw•at a either too
'rev. her '"'I'1u 4e she pent it t., ,.
,irw.uu1k. r. how much would the dress
maker send heck'.
Little girl •'l)ep:ndp on 1.Melo are..
maker she sent tl 4. Some so uldn't writ
Teacher (impatiently! ••SopT,rr eh -.tri•
,t to a hotle.t ,.ne•.-
Little 1:ar) -' 19440e ot the h,n:totest moo
cut thm.ge W *ante 1, nut there is rev„
anything left, no ,atter how much yet,
sad cm."'
A Fr.nlnor. Triumph.
Old Lail* •'\•. use talktn', 1 sse.l i., is.,
this MMew..hea:..n of gal. was all fold.-
t .!: leo I sec 1 was wrong. There's rot
yn,n"ddnrter, for inot:eoce Rhes just a
1 cocoa - '•1 understand she graduated
e .21i )high honors.
I lis I.. ,. "1 -es. graduated iron, \'a.5*:.
and she kin do wiat neither her mother not
one ...u1.1 ever hope to do if our lives de
penile l .•n it, '
Fr,. oil "Indeed)' And what I. that'
IH.1 lady ',She lee tell the trio • train
w soon' to Kart by Ibokin at • railway
Lasolo. I44. realer,
Th. (;Ity of London a pet down by Ree
griplwrs w the center of the landed home
.ph.re In other worsts, • radius of •brat
Renal mike A the carved surface of the
earth with Lusa ae • emu« wool( ole
scribe • 'F inclining more land
Own M *,OM mak circle that could he
drawn fr.0 way esker eit7 o 1.o world.
Ilia Ad.esw,
He. hoe tea bol heating Book. MEIImprov. mai shMtnt4gg minium a
Il'relies wary kitchen (took
et may hie. em11
Surber is
hosiery. booth amt I,nguets.
When the money that should go for a book
goes for what only one side of the hour
knows anything about.
When lw.th parties persist in arguing over
a subject upon which they never have
thought, and never can think, alike.
When •• father" takes half the pie and
leaves the other half for the one that mate
it and her eight cl,fldren.
The Meal Set.
I)r.Ak Snc., )I% mother wa. attacked
with iuflammaton of the lungs which left
her very weak and neter free from cold, till
at hast she cot a %cry ...very c•.111 and tough.
She resolved to tri' Hagyard'i Pectoral lir1•
nam, and, on s,t doing, found it did her more
growl than any °tilerme.fieine she ever triol.
kiss. KZ.'roo.
2 SD Smith Av., Hamilton„1)nt.
she abaald Naos Thal -
I'aie yellow t.. one of the pi coast shades
draw new echo out as the kali et Welk
this se w11ed also tabbies or
olden, mereme o r wake a etiN1 f
over brtag forward, et cotton forward) tills
cotton around right -Rawl needle to be r
readiness for the gnat stitch • if you wee to
hake two Witches, par the ootttni twice
wound the mettle . d three .utca.., thea
three times- In the next row, what keit
long these sew mese .Mehra, loll the Brat
Ilke any other nut -b, bat la knitting the
second you must put the needle tutu beak
loop of .titch instead of front To pick up
or roe * stitch, pack up the %.iter that ler
bet worn two *lichee awl knit a Witch In it.
To "Barrow or take in Idetreose or knit
two together) take up two stitches ata
right -howl needle and knit them together
as if they were one : or you "may ole
crease by elipppptIug one *1,1,Ch to the right
hand needle, knittiwr the soars *itch *.
meal, then paring the drat stitch (asked'.
Ledo over the recutut To tle.•rwtae two at •
time. dip uoe, knit two atiwhes together,
then paw the unknathel south over the ogre
put knitted. Slipping a stitch means to
paw it from the left hand to the right hand
needle without knitting at. To join to-
gether or bind, knit to the uii*Iddle of year
soltchee sunless the .hrucltons say others iso),
wow double or la)' the two needles together :
take .n mitre ueodle, put at though the
first .titch an the needle toe*r.l aka,
then through the first stitch on the tiaak
orae tutu tatelher like nee
stitch. Continue In this way until al! the
dtltchta are used up. To anal on. knit two
stitcher, pass the hist oyer She second ; knit
a third stitch, pass the ..Mrd over it, and
so or, (111 all 118. iil.h.t en worked off.
The \.dens Weed.
Texas buys more cigarettes that any nth•
er State In the Union.
Ifr. Keds) has alms diaovere,I a cure for
the tobacco habit. says a )'hie gat paper.
Huxley la one of the few men of science
eye e.mmeictd the
who insole, and be never
hetet until he was 40.
A di*Uuyunshel physician says that many
totes of bronchial affections among; smokers
ore duo to minute worms in cigarettta.
Tobacco smoking is growing rapidly in
F.n,land, lhtring the lest fifty years the
consumption per hear{ for population was
nearly double.
Sir Morel) Mackenzie leaves in the air
the .question "4hn.l,1 Pavans Smoke S'' He
declare. that he ern arc nothing unseemly
in an archbishop stooling a germ) cigar :n
Pi••cadilly, but he draws the line at a "pen-
ny weed, "' _
,maser-.• s ewass
Another sewing machine agent reports 1
another woman ohm manages to get het
Spring drasrtwking done very economically.
All the agents have a custom of leaving
mat'hinco for a week on trial. 'twice r year
this woman up town has a atachithe left
her house •• at trial,' alternatthg Impartial
ly between the several makes. During tL, '
trial weeks he does as mttcii of her sewing ...-
.:she can conveniently. and when the ages,.
all. she tilt-an/tidy tells him the machine
Isn't quite satisfactory. Tho has hien go .
ing on some years. and it is supposed that
the w-nman gets a keen enjoyment out of t ter
of .
s little
machine is
The ,vert
.owad.ys that this tnano•evre would hardly
pay in anything but satisfacti4M, Net
York L - 'ter. _
the IMO a Coad r's•h.
.\ stout mrd very rr,i faced woman of
middle ase, hl.er..dly- besprinkled with
moods, mlibhutd from u1 opprr-sively 1111.
victoria the other .lay- in Iron; of a
jeweler's shop on Broadway. She .tor .1 it
Ione time at a coltecrion of odd spoons in
the window, "tel then sailed in and .tot to
the rearrst clerk.
•• \Clist kind of spoons are Ilion'' ells. de-
manded. sticking a pudgy hmdng.•t ..t the
articles in question.
"Those are souvenir spoons, -11,tlame,"
politely replied the clerk.
•• In,lasle,'.ud 1lodame, drawing in her
breath. •• 141'e11, you may just do one up a
dozen of thin'. Oar new Frisch cook makes
lovely sure1eer. ' New fork Tomes.
utt GNI 0' illSIESS SALE
It is nothing new to see a red flag or a clearing sale bill
advertising some undesirable line of goods
that will not sell, but the
genuine Clearing Sale
'no Altai, A:nr 0ni•, Lists,
Pnaspnstsas ce a•r blas.
This GREAT C('l't;lt CURIC,Ibis (dam
id CONSUMPTION CURE, Is without a per.
tdlel in the history of medicine. All druggist
tee euthorixed to sell it on a positive guarantee
I test that no other cure can suoce545 1y stand
:t you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bntscbitis,
use tt, dor it will care you. if your child ha:
he Croup, or Whooping Cough, we it promptly.
sad relief it sure. If you dread :hat ouadiore
bream CONSUMPTION, ins': /al to use it, it
-rill care you -x cast nothing. Ask yowl
7rwggid for SiiiLOH'S CURE. Prase to eta.,
ee els. and tom If youre sore o
Ink leas, ase SIa7oies Porous at. :sett
Me entemd fit.
He war a toting man. He hal studied
law in his father's nidi a and his father fin-
ally retired and gave the bosoms. to him.
(hie day, lass then a week after the old
gentleman hal retired, the young metro
carne home and proudly maid
•• Father. you know that old 4:11pin estate
,ase that you tat%.• been trying for years and
yeon, to settle."
•' Ye•," answered the father with a sug-
gestion of A smile.
\\'.•1I, it didn't take me two days to
settle at, after 1 got at it--
- What '" shouted the old lawyer. " You
hate settled the Gilpin meat,'"
" Vett; and It was just as two as rolling
for evening dreg"*. and 1. grner•liy 4ecorl. off • log.-
11'.11, you infernal 111101. you ' i1'hy,
The cloth gowns which were so popular
last year are definitely taken up again on
medium, light *no dark tants.
A curious tad in the way of a white led is
shown. 1t is a huge white swan made of
white enameled wood. The work.nauship
is exquisite, and at is very pretty.
Black skippers and hose arc still worn,
but for an *lab .rate occasion slippers are
made of the wine material ILA the dress, and
silk stockings are worn of the lame shade.
Hair dimmers announce that the classical-
ly simple ):reek styles are tending to do..
app•ar, that the chignon will grow more
vol.•ulmoua. and MMne curls are to be added
the. etc.
it to the correct thing now to hare small
total•. in one's drawing roots) entirely detot-
ed to a mingle tort a-a-br*c. A bronze
table, tor instance, is preemie.) over by a
low loudolr lamp In the precious metal.
and various accompany 414 1.rntre baskets,
small figures. teens awl the pike eltuter
also.* its Isaac. silver, Dresden. Ivor) and
anther tables are other treatments of the
same idea.
tiraeewl Nr,e41w•. 4'.r as*ilatt.
If the knitting roin1res many stitches. it
le Netter to hate own needles. for casting; on.
Make a loop titer the left -haat) needle near
end of cotton, put the rieht land needle m -
to this loop, torins 1t throughh from left to
right: put the rot ton over right land needle,
and draw rip the loop with the right hand :
now draw the loop on right nte.le through
the loop on left needle, twinging the right
nestle in Irmo. Transfer the stitch thus
mule to the left hand needle. Repw.t 0nti
y.,n have the 1'p1lette itemiser of stitcher.
that estate h.« paid the living expenses ot
nnr family f.w four ,„ . and might
ha%cvoid them for four more, if I hadn't left
the business to a Ninny." Lea to an .lour
• �
The hard rule, of the are whet
nwkc a loan l,nght.
The true lest of a greet mo is, can Ire
keep hi. mouth shut •
A man who will not get seared on some
.r1 *&5 4IIa la,•ks ge.nl ar4su.
A woman' can will a man', let a without
try nig. but she r'an't keep it that way-
11.s•t of that which is known as "th.•
cureInos of Dien t. simply )unman nature.
You will usually find it the stat* that the
man who has the utanst irons in the fire las •
wife who hes to furnish the kindling.
This world is Mi crow,ted that you caul
pat one mu, on the back will t stepping
on another iron'a toes when you do it.
There is only art'• r4na05 why a woman
should he afraid of a n.an. There are •
hundred why, a man should he afraid of a
woman, awl aro matey- more why . wotn•a
andul.' fear ■rather woman. Atchison
Ogre lop IN Temf/ll.
An interesting fact has cropped mut con •
,eT*ing a prominent ,fry goods me•rrhaat,
le weer %Vest Meet, what, is
well worth recording, and the example la no
tem worthy of emulation. It is said that
when he set* provoked or • little indignant
he rya little, but 'roe. off by himarlf until
he Rets over it, hut when he ge*• pretty mad
ltheirughly meal he goes Meme, rays moth
in11, but goes straight to bell. sof he does
1 not and up again until he feel. he is again
ht. amiable self H.nton ('owner.
For plain knitting hold cotton in your left
hand, pawing it over the forefinger, under
the mv..nd and third fingers and neer the
tette finger : pet the right haul needle m
tot At.r
r.t anh *ridton draw the esetothraneh
the stitch. and slop off the 1.1 .r, -h from
left hand needle. pnehusg dose the point of
tn•edI with the right amend finger Thu u
e BMethod .thod tot knitting awl le amp
ler awl quicker than the American "illy To
purl, britt( the thrilled notion er notn to t1• tenet
of the work, hnllina it over the Ileums of
left hand, u u plata keening : Mut awedle
in at the right howl of miters, bring it east in to
hunt of week, thew esus up the ranee ad
she. ants..
A tilted 0f an ineh gives u • fall Woe is
I� {lth 0f .how : a roti, fahs
rai•u the inter-
ut mediate pint het green two gores, 11141 as vim/
of which le desirable, if praetahe ; • email
fronton of breadth Iron • gond way in
s,ennna ,..wnfowt., and in girth of hall or
,step an i.Anilesim*l part of an ieeh se
werl.tin.ee an ell of freedom , a .leerier of
an melt n • rind deal of letting dnww or
elevating a1 the howl, end the .hferenee of a
sist.awtl' .s readily perrvpt'Ale .t the sole
For them. racoons, •..44544 aero extreme
Iahm.Mes in sine Of weight of dose err Mieldf
elect - sore and loather Reporter.
i/MeiY/ Mariam
AWAY ter
ere^ Trtam41.eot art%t0
No VS a CO:41 B. o s r.ww rer
. saw Ti.
rice -R 4 *nsal l.,r ..,•arms p teres m Atwesa.
24,51. potent taken 0.t M no 1. srsisnekt heroin
lo. paths Lr 5 rot hr r, %en free of Ware III tae
fientif is Ataericau
dr•alattne of airie seiontlrie more in the
ward Peleedtdly Io M, no 1
man .halls he *atN
m! It. W8l�
�!Y !i yl ,1 mnnl1, At4d.ess a
Tri:, •-new+. ffit Ihr rai
sd.O. new 1014.
E:T/SU111(D I/.• Canada's Best Family Paper. To ro n t
seasonable, high -classed Goods is something the
ple of Goderich and vicinity are not used to.
The stock is still well -a assorted. Bargains in every department.
All goods marked in plain figures.
Special attention is Ilirt'eted to our Black Henrietta*,
rti La I's
i.$MM11. ACTAEBIN rig
Try a sample package.
CHAS. A. UIIRN, Grocer.
tt:1 CCw::L c..MPLL►IMTS,
o M Erase. T •
9 - .e^twtaRltd aJow
• ..t , .'411.1 t aJi`tl4aosn.
.1 :..i...t 1 4aV.cryt,tmr:
tNG *_ST t3Vll" .111:410:11' trot
t3:i R:::.i. E : ac..;. EPRAII;
Oxo - AT 280 • nodm&
lme•w of ComssrhW 2c4 im:tsahtla
Buchanan & Son,
11 a' t' A,71.1411.11,
iA :)ors In all kinds of
tnd builder's material u! 'car) drnrr,pl/o•
School F'iruiture a Specialty
ElEluD 504,nmMr
t., u.. - w .' mend )011 by *[Inns. l',t i. b.
this. '441t•' rs,•h who% yon can elatntoe.enrl
if you do not find
it :.11 and even more
than we claim for
Mit if perfect ty tela -tore, pay (h.
Ex pie se Agent egg
M tills 3I1 awl take
tris wash- Sieh •
r•!since to secure •
eliable timepiece
at ouch • ridicu-
lously low price le
seldom u ever be-
fore, offered. TMs
of 2 piii.Artaluuu •w���
CND over contW:
tlnl emetaL 1t has
solid bow. cop end
crows, hunt log
ca.e,be nt !fully me
graved and Is&MI-
The were
are Waltham sty
ewe!, Jewelled. with txyaseto,l trtanes, le
seested and we warrant ft an accurate thew
k1sper tt *1 gettable for either • Mdy er
(enentlem•e. A gmeanfee N sent with
wateh. Adelman MO. W. WYATT £ t>
Watchmakers. Peterborough. Ont.
SENO US =5, poi. a p rI s ,
• risen( tmr
we will mud you postpaid this egrnt
These rims are Wo
l} e
t Ts
.eel•ef7, and have the
Wee app••rymce •e •
riNfraosaLa. Wil
Mul=aVaella fN
IM. W. Wpft & a
•• taerrea5h Rteedrr - and r F*r,gragrM
Th• Huhn , of Wakefield, sp.akine .e
Froday at • latsoh.nn ,n .'nnnseti.s with the
r.np.fniag of treat Yarmwnth chnreh the
Afth rwspenin(( within laving memory -itlti
the* 5 wmn►n in Yorkshire remedyOdd •
•i•vays•n that her heehaws, loon
tunnatut5 ked left leak aril rtes mew
Oontains All th. Nen,
Many Special Features,
Ortsp and Pointed Oomm nts,
The Most dtinsrtalnlag Stories
Th. Ohoiceet Literary ]Latter,
IVarYtaking for inertsigy.
This smug paper him new al Int J•awary,
Me -1! prices nadirs matter weekly -and oar
4re*t presmom pie, use. "x)0'404 O4 LOVE,'
Oronly 441.P'.
Agents Wanted.
Liberal commission to ag.ita. k Rood agent
for this district 1s wanted at once one who
w111 take an interest in pu.bl*e the caper and
will make • Shamus/1i marlin of hie district.
For tering and particulars address
tInineki all ton el.aaesd armors of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. �rryfne
off gradually without weakening the aye-
it n im ,,rinks and
foul humors
t -m • th
of the sreretinna at the sante time Cop -
renting Aetdtty of the Stomach.
curing Biliousness. Dyspepsia.
Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn,
C ..'pa . Dryn of the Skin.
Dropsy. Dimness of' Vision. Juin-
Mee. Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Scro-
fula. Flutteringof the Heart. Ner-
vousness. and neral Debility ail
Uwe. and many other similar Complaints
yield toDt e ha pfry inhaonosof BURDOCK
Ei�00 FrTI'E�3bF ell Denny.
T.m�raao.,P ldal%,Tte.
sod M ,use. ot•M.. .:+ wMir
diuesNefie.l with the Haricots and Coe•r r..mr..% w...r•, .r w.. Am
e awes .. �,,.ry W. ).. %. res %.. .... J•••••,...
1hnaaht, • " Yatsowth IUn.t.r " Whet rr••rie•-..••••• -.'» .-,ar.s w.. w sw
Me really meant wee that h. had Irma NO • .`". s •:••• e".. r ss s�i. p. .w �,r * . _•
.4... to Rrothlr.'- (we.losn Pubis i seer soa ..s.Wea,�mN :II• ass :at
.-toa w1. aM -s..
a+err.acne n.,•aws•w.r••Ime
... erba4r.r....4.. Trsrlt
laser •
...........“71..7••"":71%..7.„1"."'•..w a•r nut
11.e., A,:,y..*• ••,ss
.M .tart r••• Caw a.:10:".......".
w.,i.M..• ll,.
'.Iw w 154 -.*1.*. ' ..OM
r r.7s........1
o.n.o..' .0 v .- * IMO r•aeM.ed.mMM
awn arose Tmlrwn emtawgrl►
Specific, and Antidote for
Impure, week and impoverished blood, dys-
pepsia, s, pili sauna 01 th.
heart, foss ensp at, neerelgia. low of
memory, hsnchitls, • 101
stones, j*aatliSS, kidney end unwary
diaaa•,s, Rt. Vitus. dean., female int(
talerittea *ad general debility
Peeprtaser W fflsa a
l�r�cple�de;�etiRlatl!oRtwlssstsm � .M� s serlewa-'Mora Wmeltl�M
OoNsrtlh. seieiNgr lostermen Derbn a a as/otore