HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-10, Page 511 NI I III THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE l)TAIIL1a"ta LMT• HEAD OFFICE, .1101 .: 111YlTAA MAIO tIIP) Itttll NILLJON DOLLARS OPT. B. E. WALKER, Gu.EWAt h ssmeasR. 0111.00411.000. S 1110,000. GODERICH BRANCH. w Gasumwt. easoulto Buss atee TsiMsAorao. Fawner NOTtt C . DRAFTS muse PATAILL AT AL. POINTS IN CANADA, ANO T/at Per.NCSPAL anus M TR& UINTED STATE& GOOAT BmTAi.k FRANCE, e.NNuoa. Act SAtfMMOS SANK DEPARTMENT. atSPOMTS Or 11.170 AND UPWARDS uteeivtu, ANO consent mares or INTLRCCT ALLOIIr0o. U o.T ADORD TO TNR PaeNOIPAL AT Telt ONO Or NAT ANO IN CAWS VIAL &postal A1f.NttsN glees lo and iarmers' Sales Notes. tll. O.Itectloe of "tor sleeve; • sans. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. (Corin : This cut repnyttnts our $3..iO hand newts' calf Bal. We defy eon petit: on this line. We have ovule a rtxluetiou of 1T,e. per pair for rash on our boys' hand - pegged and land -mark •• grain kip (tine 13aIs." We gu;:ranter every pair to weir from eig:.t rosins to a year : need no rubbers. as they are 1. Try a parr. 4 )ur ••stab Iliabaeeatt is headquarters for rubber epet1., ordered wuork and repairing. All rips sewed fns of ehorge. insl,r•ct our $1.00 counter 5 " h di rnlrat. JOHNSTON CAREY, on Ttlll, t -- PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. eer+pps.oi:.1 i .1 with `tante tikes for holiday taloa* w iday goods. You hal better call an•1 -.e if it's so Thea ratan ottani. of the '91 mo.lelitr clam ••uireence.I on Mneday.nd concluded tow Allow int der The oral it uuw in prog ns reand will ..4 tomorrow. IR. M. Nicb.•lwu. the Weshst. dentist, makes the preservation of the natural teeth spee••alty. (:oa administered front 9 a. m. for the painless extractiou of teeth. Tito big ol.u,lhter sale of .Its goods still continues at A. 1•. McLean' . He is going to step right out of that tae and devote himself to the other Itraochee. ,x The ontract for the suppl1' uig of matt. /into and periodicals for the Mechant.•'. 1Institute reeding room has been o awarded to Eraser & Porter, tor the your I89Q The storm on Friday "harlot damaged the ' rlaMn.r light win. street circuit, in seven) s plan. The breaks were w hard to locate . that the tou was without tight on Salm- day evening. I T Mille. the , lecturer, me cupio l the pulpit of North-st Methodist chn n•h ..n Sunday evening, and delivered s stirring a•I.irras o., the subject of Versional influence The cheats -tit house to Casimir' to buy a pica.. or 11 tr sewing nutchine a at GeoW. Tho•�jr'a- Ibu'• fail to ,love 1 n ll Ie ion per. !lasing ; you a ill not regret the time sp•rnt. Repatn promptly attended to. The gents' furntabing business formerly a .rried un 6y A E. I'ri.Iham in M.•Istae. - Nock, has beet perch..ed Ly W T. Hays t ('o. and will henceforth he carried on by them The principal mernher in the tams firm, W. T Hays, se well known to our res 4ers tut• • Turrie • Hays, who 1r.a the push . and energy to continue ar1.1 increae the good bushes* worked up l.y Mr. Pridbatn. K Attrill was in town this wick. Hy r;11.-.. spent Sunday to town. Hy Rot heel) waa in /:oderacb this week. Rev Mr. Halton arrived in town con Set er,tay Miss Ratak, of :•theppardtoo,epent ruaday is teen. 31 C Cantron wee in the tjuetn 4 its on Mat noisy. John McDonald returned from Cleveland last Sark. Jas. Stod.tert arrived honor ..n Friday from Ihakoto Cotten Sutherland has returned home for the V..iter. Ing r. for of public scll.ods Itobd.. of Elia ton. is to Vows. 4.ee. Meru/port. of 4',intim, wax t.s (lode - rich on Friday. 11,.. Kase H Mcl.eoel has recovered 1 vas bet recent illee.s. W. R.d.erwon, at l'Inuw. spent the past week in 1 .wfenck. Si. lkavia, of Clinton, xun.layed with his brother, (: N. Davis. Miss Cale., of Rt. Thomas. is the guest of the Messes Polley. R. G Width, of Auburn. S sato the c,un- ty town rot Saturday. Mies Plunkett, of Meaaford, is the guest of Mies Georgie Martin. C eunty chief McKay spent a few Jays of the past week in :ieafortb. P. Maleemson,barrister.of 1.ucknnw,.pent Sunday at the family residence. J. G. Ward, treasurer of Ashfield town• ship, was in town Mo.d.y lest. Mrs R S. Williams. of t:o.lcrich, was in Town this week. - Toronto Satlenlay Night. Mrs. Rrayley and children are rating thi lady'. parents, Mr end) Mr. Jaynes Wilkie sen. Mr. and Mrs H. Arnold are vesting at the residence of the lady'. father, R. Rio an1y. .las. Martin retorn.l this geek item Nile, where be hal been working far some m.ntth& Mra Wilkinson returned on Monday from • visit to her daughter, Mrs McKee Brick. of Galt. J. .1. Wright, of the Point Farm, having reeneererl from his react indisposition, wee to town We.lneeday. Mir *4.lna.ie, who bad been risitine at the reri.knew of T. Hall, left for her bane at Hrsfnrth on Friday. The annual sale of maearines and papers at the Me•ehantci !militate will take place on 'Nester, the and test. THE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. ■ r. ,*,'rimer •roman• Mr. wooer'. Case saelved Till heat ween. Th^ re tiler non hly we• ti g of the hoard of h gh nck•►.1 restore was held os Id Qday Last. Toe use.•.ber+ were all pr -Tilt. Rev. W. A. Young ocesi i.l the chair. After tite mutates had lotted road end ap proved the following account* were peeled (:lobe, $1.80 ; Empire, $1.7b : A. Saunders, for repairing furnace, etc., 1:18.04: U 4tuddert, sundries, 85 ceuts ; Kucbaoau & Son, for sundry work. $6. 4)n motion of Menses. Malcuntson and Ionian it was resolved that $135 be paid le Huchanae A Soo on their contract provide.) they furnish the hoard with a written guarantee from lir Saunders or themselves that the furnace will give sstislic Uum. A letter from Mr. Stevenson, resigning his position an aa.istwot coacher in the school, was real and acaepted. The secre- tary Was in -truant to advertise in The tache :and The Empire for a teacher to take the position vacated by Mr. Steven- son. The secretary was instructed Alto to wrote Mr. Morden, of Toronto, that if the d esks or.kre:.l are net delivered by the 25th the order .111 he cancelled. It was decided that the school shall he closed on the Friday preceding theclaweo: the term. Apphcatior+from the following persona for the position of adeno, toaster, made vacant by Mr. Hails' resignation, were need: A. R McRttehie, R. A . Ridgetown ; r. S. Selwood, Ilea Kirkendall, Toronto ; Lin- coln Might, Unionville : Wm K. Evans, Port Ho : Freak D. (los, Waterdowa ; W. P. )Id., M. A., Norman McMuroby, H. A , Wm Bragg A. A.. Toronto ; anti Richard Lees, M. A., Brampton. Mowed by Dr. T.yl.w, seconded by .fudge Doyle, that the chairman personally inter- view the four bet -named applicants and re- port at a special meeting of this boar! to Ise hell tient Monday. Carritvl. 'The report of the committee re Mr. lioore'n communication waa rend... fol - Wive . To the High Wheal Hosni. 4:a'TI.ava', The committee to which was referral the of Mr. Moore in the matter of hie diewesseJ hrg leave to report as follows: tl l That With re- gard to Mr. Moore's defective eyesight there tui he no..40.rtion that it most inter- fere with his efficien ey sea teacher. (2) In respect of the queetino raised toy Mr. Mnore A.4 to the results of his teaching for the past -levee years, your committee has found it .mpssible to procure necessary data int which to arrive at s conclusion etitept for the Inst two years, in respect of which it +peon that the *songs of osndidste+ in Mr. Moore's subject* hears a fair Tampers ora with that attained by those is other I.rancha All which is respaetfully tub milted. (Mosel) W. A. 1'ousa. A.irrtnt (:oderieh, Dee. 711, 1891. R Price k Son have received their Christmas fruits. Raisins sail retrofits dimmed gel ready for use K. Weston, of Dee (o. T. It., left on Mon day to take up his , at. Mai. land. Ria family will Not Isay, f..r rotor theme yet. Mr Rnbewta, while getting throng, a slide d.rvr into a Inn at the Rtg Mill, slip- ped avid fell across a scantling and Iweks a rih H. will he laid .p for several days. LOOAL BREVITIES. Thee hoe the ieveliwa hoe of fusee per. homem Teen'. Pharmacy ell prima 1< is snored that the young ladies will wgmmew She New Year with a gruel leap Suit Witney. II e Wm P.i., a 111 modeli'., bag hese sorslaNd to tM - Re bels. of the Dee mtaaow ratioet>ww1 T. J. Priam oAewtUw • big iiiimmomi mie .f W ree1y•mile Meek. He has a WNW Itse of value la./awwb. Whom ttttlth ilme ,bat be bee ark Moved by Dr. Urn, secomied by 1k. Taylor, that the committee h. asked to re- port farther in this matter at the meeting of the hoard next Monday. Carried. ()n mntsnn of Judge lkoyle, seconded by Dr. Taylor, a erlmm$ttre.onmpowl of Mowers. Malro mens. Jordan and the mrtvrr, was lip printed to prepare a aaledar to he. sol, witted .t the seat meeting of the heard. The wasting theu ed ersed- TILT: Si^N.1T.: 1:11!l1:1'.(Cli, ()NT.. TN1113SDAY, UECl.:MBER 10, 1S91. DISSi)LU'CIO» OF PARTNER- * ARTNRIt- e SHIP Grant I)iseouut Sale of !My Iluutls. Basing decided to di*.ulve partner- ship artnership on the first of January next, We will until that, date offer our entire stack of dross trends, velveteens, mantle cloth* uLsteciug., ovcreoata, tuttelltl, *howls, dannela, gaaneletteo, blanket., cuulforters, ttu.lerwewr, Cottons, prints, etc., at discounts ranging as highs as 30/ Slowis oour prssent1ow prices. Slow is your opportunity to procure new, .eaaonable (mods at and under coat. Nimblest' elm: wiU you titin goods at such low prices as ee are prepared to utbr thew. The sale h;ut eoottueutsxl, is now' go int,: on. *nil will continue until the end of De•.wnller. All t►awuntm muttered must b tied at once. The highest price is.i.l for butter and air. J• A. HEID & DRO. lordsitlaOwler!. i. Sew. Sit iw, salt• • few .I Lys ago, while 1 Cash. tiedertt w ee dt to o.s some green hider on a hand. Weigh, the note by wlicb Ito woe pulli,q broke, ailowsm. tum to tall Lea, Sly uu tbe sidewalk, injuring his ).seek c.sun1erably. but he ha, s.,5. hexon :gid :;p, anal is alien,' ins t.. Ln..-,.•.+ as 61-5641 SR 00T • Po- Mai.e Medi- .. They are a ,:• . , , Buu.u.a, Tows and items weaocroa, ss supply in a condan form the substances' teeny needed twee - ch the Blood. caring 1 diseases eass/at roue Toon and war Its Btoo., or fres Ninon, and aim nrigorate and BOL.ri qg the Plume sod Wfrrxn. when broke down by ovsrwsl. mental worry. dimes% excesses and Walser* Bone They have a Brrcvlo Action en B.Ic at. ST,trnis d mon .rad women.. restoring Lori* Tenon and eorreetin.g ani raaant•IALTtr Wally rAN tubo Adds dull ba a menta fr or utalnea powers dyeing, should lake ltiss Mass lmid will restore his lost ,.erste*, both They mems. EVERY WOMAN .The hanw Isles Lb."- an w..� georeeus and ter. g,,;ariu.w. wl>b6core faeritedy •tea sickness when neglected. TOVUS,IEIes should eek. these h. They will cure the s. ▪ L ur yoe al sad habits, and strengthen Me w inos 10.8 *0.EAThese shouldY k i weal 1'118 WINTH1 IS KNOCKI% RT lilllt DOOR Anti at this seams of the year health demands. that .every individual should be provided with wane underwear to with - steed inclement weather. In view of these fact% we are: Klan to direct your attention to our FZA' 1NI .trmi eL e/S _ You must hese them onsl it is just as well that you should know that we are offering needling spexial in stand- ard goods. We look closely at the emitter of quality of these goods. and leave the buyer to look r' ••ly tit the prices, know- ing that they will bear examination ;ut.l comparison lust es much as the goods themselves, and we eNpeet buyers to shartill•• pleasure we feel in offering them a really first -eta., tine of Flannels, Flannelettes & Blankets With au high prices on the list We want pet to try as and get some of the cheap goods we are offering, and you 11 be glad, for you're sure to come stain ?4ic• minrepre h►ting goods No advantage taken. Beesley's Great Liquidation Sale W. • .. RTJTHEFFORD, FIE TAILORING. CHIQAGO HOUSE, You West Street_ TO THE PUBLIC Hardly Ever 'Take a notion to be measured for ;t suit ,t out doing some thinking about it, and one of 0.•e strong points in connection with your ce,ntetnplateiI order is &,rein vit- Per sale riall N��b��~ sent- et pries pox box).. y.ddeig XS, Da WILLI/ ZIP N . Where Grand Opera t II ouse. 1.111.t three .. of the tal e ite.l young Canadian actress., illiss 7osie .'dills, And der tirst-class .•o-o•ueny of artists in the following plays • Thne..lay Night, " Tea Co mieteet" Fri•Isv Night, •' URrCK TN4 IIA.LIU HT." Saturday Nicht, "Mot NTAI`.'.V*Ip." Oa Saturday aftern.s,o a special matinee for belies and children, when the beautiful domestic drama, •• Haul Kirke," will be pre •.l uoed. Admission 25 and 1:.5 sits. Adults 25 eta Children. 115 eta. Reserver' r' chairs at Fraser k Porter's, 4M, WM. s Usugg►. Will yew heed the wands, • The sigma chap of the sur appnmmore of that. re r -IT disease Ask your .all if you etc &Ned for the sake rel sa.log 60 meta M rams the r'i.! .ad .le nothi.g fec it. We knew from esperierres that Mon,. . (atee will cure your mush. It some Ws (br►au " Tem th0WAL" ems sou writs awe OVUM PAP= Is TIM tbmmTII. Asn MVO ,rale. A i)OLi.aa Aso roma ART MEM Tn "Tee RID*AL." iloo asci. OrIT- Two tin" ■ roe Onear ie, Ano lien Sieaas." m TMC taw. Matinee. Mealy, Tank Yota. `Thaa]k Who?" „ "Why the inventor of Will I Go to do best ' Now, gents, if von would be ;guided aright visit the CHIe'Aou HOUSE, WesT-ST.. I3. MA4CORnAo', man- ager and cutter, ani sae the large -Wel:. Brown and blue Cheviot, appear to have a running demand for suits and Napa, Melton* in different shades, blue and brown Moscow Beavers are good selections for the fine trade. You will find them all Etre. You will also Lind the very latest monthly fashions and a _guarantee; to hive you the very best style and tit. If you want padded shoulders just say so and you will be pleased, but the fine trade has frowned it down -it is not style. If You Wish ___-_ _. _ u_ . BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, >� 12,�,�,�,. REST, - ,000,,,00 A Saving Department has been otteaed in ton vection with this branch. Interest allowed at currort Fula. GEO. DRUMMOND, • Maaagw Gederick Breath. to be economical and imagine that a ready-made suit or overcoat will answer your purpose, this iv the right plate. I have securer] an agency for the !tale of SANFoKDH CELE- BRATED READY-MADE CLOTHING:, admittedly the best cut goods in the ready-made trade You can have a big choke. 100 Overcoats to select from, ranging in price from 14.50 to 120.00. A POINTER --- NM CHICAGO HOUSE EMULSIOI. wMll fly d COTN1." Garr Maas for its dimeoreq. That it don not make you sick whoa you take it. Gime ihsskr. That it is three these as efficacious as the old-fashitsed cod liver oil. Give ramie. That it hese4 a wonder fel flesh producer. Give Mash. r hat it is the best remedy for Cosswmptlimis,Scro/rate, 8remeA/Ns, Irissthigy Vis- eeaes, Aromas as and &'bis Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color ; OW by al Druggists, at sot. wad ono. fk NOWNT. ll.lie.Y4. ITEST-st, B. MacCORMAC, MANAGER. -- --THF. TRY at r1,:l ROBERTSON FOR l ROBERTSON Dress Goods, Ribbon:: and Laces, Mantle Goods, Gloves and Hosiery, Corsets (all makes), Shaker Flannels, Grey & Fancy Flannels, Sealettea, just opened Mantle & Dress Buttons, Blankets and Sheetings, Tweeds, Plushes and Velvets. A 1114. LINE. t►1• Shirts and Drawers 4 AKA EVER 17111/411 CHEAP AT THE GREAT CASH STORE ROBERTSON, O co rn 0 Z The Poor Man's Friend- -GREAT DISCOUNT SALE DRESS GOODS. v Our whole stock of BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS, comprising 165 pieces, is now offered to our customers at slaughter prices. Read the following classification list : COLO�i,ED_ 12 pieces brown Serge Dress (roods, 20c. to 28c 20 per cent off 10 pieces green Serge Drees Goods, 20e. to 2$c 20 per cent ori % pieces navy Serge Drees Goods, 20e. to tie 20 per cent off 13 eiece t cardinal and garnet Serge Draw Goo ds,2Oc to 28e,20 per rent off 15 pcs.cardinal and garnet Henrietta 1)ress(.oads,40c to 65c,20 per cent off 11 pieces navy Henrietta Dress Goode. 40e. to 65e, 20 Iter cent off 12 pieces green Henrietta Dress Goads, 40c. to 65c 20 per cent. off 13 pieces brown Henrietta Kress Goods, 40e. to 65c 20 per cent off 7 pieces heliotrope Henrietta Dress Goads, 40e. to 60e .20 per cent (48- 33 T., A. OH. iff BLAOH_ 17 pieces black Serge Ureas Goods, 20c. to :3.5c.... 20 per centoff 10 pieces black Caah►s ere Dress Goods, 2$e. to 60 20 per cent off 20 pieces black Henrietta Dress Goads, 40e. to 11.0020 per cent. off 5 pieces black Braude Henrietta Dress (foods, 50c to liar, 20 per cent. off 6 pieces black Alpaca Dress Gads, 20e. to 50c 20 per cent rff 4 pieces black Brocade Alpaca Dress Goods, 40c to 50c20 per cent. off SLAUGHTER SALE ROBEDlArT OT DRESSES RTiI.L (XINT1N1.101 AT A. P. McLEAN'S. As the Dry Monts 11 , , t must he cleared out to prepare for my Hp ng stock of clothing, 1 will mention a few of the following linett, Mich Am- 4 -ply Bee Hive 1•'ingt,riug. worth 10c., for 5c Ladies' colored Kid (cloves, worth 50c., for else AI! wool Grey Flannel, worth _'2e, for - . Iic `Bilk Cord, brown, bloc, fawn and elate, worth lie., fair !ie Shaker Flannels, worth IOc. and i2c., for - 7e Table Linens, worth 25c, for Ilk Ohm Toweling. worth 8c., for 5c Ribbons, worth Me. ani Irk., for - - 5e - large stock too to mention, clearing nut at about half price. Also, 1 perry the finest stock of Ready nssrk Clothing it town, whish 1 will WI at greatly reduced pricer. Roy'. Overcoat*, from 12.00 up to Mon's fhereoats, from 1400 up to Children's Suite all prices and liana. OBPalaw CU)TrrIWal A NPRUTAt.TT. Now M the time fee bergaisa- !Cowry After two or nag vilest be nosh. All rennunta must hr..ttisI. 111- St This is Me wag with the B. & C. corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you buy it -but you doe't keep it unless you like it. 110.00 114.00 wear, re can return it w Ms rya money. SOU ( >tt►.a t+.Speelellr� . Cheek W xLama A. P. McLEAN, ON =HOB In splendid goods at lona than wholesale price. (These dresses are a great bargain). This sale will continue 6 weeks. Derided bar- gains will be given, as the good' must be told. 20 ENDS OF DRESS GOODS, I5cts WORTH IRON 25 CILTTt TO 30 cc T. WR ARR HOMO A rel.; TRA DR 15 Soalottes, Astracans& Cloth da=l All Mantle (lads bought from us will be cut free of charge. We have a Sent-elase DRESS and MANTLK MAK 1..R in the store Our whole stock of ready-made Mantles AT COS's w■ NAva Great Carpet and Lace Clirtaill Warehouse OF THE COUNTY_ Higheat prier pard for butter and eggs COLBORN BROS., y