HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-10, Page 4he b4t n
VP" morsel sewspaper See Mures mussy.
I l•t 5l..$lIt$l
Olio of Publiostiou • and la. Serthetreet.
tiederii 1(1.1 .1110.
Terms et isemeseptem
else Dwill A. is. ad, me
Three mouths,
Use year,
1. ...nonbit to sowed, ohs pees per Year
demo 11 10 • rowelateueery step to the ad
sninotratitai of einklillial j.
Poum reeling Ths Tehleto Fie-teir and
Saturday Night ma would adore' Asia to
believe to the doctrtie of evolutiou K. A.
iciesusitu, • one time Tory ef the Tories
has become le chief of an out and out
demeieratie ?eons& and K. F. 'enure sap.
formerly the howItug advocate of a govere
meet " ssf the people, for the people, ameel
12 by the people, • lam tiegeiterated alto a Mewl
•• ••• • ad, DItor for social, " kettledrums
1 111 Tiwunto •• high life.. What is this little
severstoias Oases
Legal 1•114 01 he, cA-1641 4a4VerlInt mew*, let
pae lose for Dim rod 3 ovum per lout
for each euheriueut iww•rtios. Mestoured 14)
• nonpareil male.
essord. 91 ti bees and under. esit
Adventerierata of leat,
fift Mae Vacant. S'.1usi1ink. Wisau,t aim
Wetness Chancre Waimea sot exceeding It
nosspareii 141 per month.
themes0.tSate and Farm. ni.Sale. 4401 to
linoseed0 lite.. flt for tir-t ,00ute..n0e. p r
'amok Larger *dna. in proportion
day spie-wil some, th -istnect of t.htb
11,1 pecuniart *tenant of
torloal or ...tupelo. I. be constelets.d 1111 aft
seism-menand c11ern....1 iti•cordirottl.
Luca nolo re in nonpareil type oue pe,
110 not 0.... In. Imo le.,
lomat or.lows in ordinary reading ts••
CMOs per word. No notice fer bee Omit etc
for ebonite* mot wear n1,1400%14 4.0.'
henevoleni 1,..u1 11 100. 11411 nate.
treaseiarellel feeseatt Advert twesentlIa.
A limited nointwr of displaied artvartiee-
mem a 01 he nt this IWROViliro/ WITS :
Prr Inch. on. 411
tour .1..eiaes I
hr., mota 2 •
•• six .0.0.th. . . 3..
. ete• . ear . ...... . Nee
N o en..., leee than two in, 4003 11
*Nil 41 W111 14'. 01..1.41e4 on ato•ve
err ..11ormel tor coml. na..i inept
00 Ihrrr m.o. ha' dionleael ;IU par tw...4. 00 *Il
memo hie. .1.1 IA per twat .41 a )IFI.
condi, Ions Ar41114prof..r.
A ewe" "Taw .141.111 rIlveIy.
Sicalisentisis might, fail to re civ, Teta atonal
restalsrly, eithe M carrier er lit mail. *111
center a favor Ay a -countess, soot tbe bet sit
M early •
tort at ifseir laillet.
Tour MN 1..114 4111g remits4 or the
to vibe+ 1. u oe ('ltd eV. miste OW le he les
allowed lo Isl. Iwo armee.
WI.,,. a bongo .4 aihlrese 111 desire.% hull
tbe ted and the tirn address obotiki desires..
it ejected malt 44.• ri 1014 co 11001 b.' ret armed.
C•irnr•poillrio tnitro no Written on 0-te side
•f paper only.
leommlber* Settee.
J. C. le Tonsil. of Iliidorieh. hes been ap-
pehted 1 .- .1 cert offing %spoil for ibr 1"W,,
shim ieetermh. h;ollesme. Ashdeld end Wa-
leo el oet assoters ,ner the rest re 1 are ate
emits... red to revolve subscript tom. to t110
All remiss tinieet 10111.1 nit...1 be 441‘11,11.4,1 10
eletileLlct loot%
71111•10•41110. at 111 tortoni:h. toe.
Dec. vs. am
It is not °fits we ask our readers to pay
their sulaeriptmes, but we must Urge those
of out sulecithers elm are indebted to us
to pay up. A1..1 the, enable us to isolate our
belle. There is a large sum due tit large
enough, if paid, to 'relay all deniands, and
leave u• a -uletant balsm, We trust
oar friends, iiiie and all, will remit prompt
ly. if they do so or shall 1.4. In • position
to pay erli.st we ore a 'Loy the discharge
of which is aswee• MR to An honest
THE gay and te.ta. .11 terms -toe semi -Ant it,
beginning to put on his most soot hem MAD
n er.
TUX Empire yet c'saineed that A.
B. I suasn. 414,' untwisted of Elgin. is a tint,
but there. ho kuowing how stem it well
°ogee to t het.
Tea holiday advertising visaile in the
pages .4 his SiOWAL this • neck shows thet
the truistic appreciace the value of the
people* paper of this see•tioe.
Ir as believed by some that the election of
• ca to the mayors chair in Toronto
would put the tivaincips1 condition of that
city on a stable haste as it were.
1.440 We of neer esteemed correspondents
111111e11.1 caught up tt the idea that Tut:
Sibeet. gore to Wins tiny earlier no*
than for.nirly, I, of course, their
budgets fall to cionneet.
AN Iriehman down is Fullerton who
heard that Hon Jous t7itittesti was gone,
to be the t'oeettrvistive candidate 111 '1004.1,:
Perth replied, "Thin. he 11 he shun, to be
Wt111.1 other town@ are wrelitling with
the problem, • • Which eanilelate will Ise
elected mayor liseterich sits quietly hy
and cogitates as to whether anybedy will
take the poition If the. thine continues
a clary will have to lie added as an induce.
men t.
tJi of thr finineet things in the mayor-
alty municipal ref; rni .• I Ili (WW1 in Toronto
IS the candidature ot .1R•1 1311 ITT, who
whenin Parl..srernt ingineerol eoaa to "get
something for the lsy The chief planks 111
his platform are ms-mteny. retrenchment
and Numbs.. I hie
.,.rl(1 of ours editing M. anyway 7
Hof.. t•ii tutell Tr reek, the detulent
young man who isresules er the lioutintoo
Misriee Iteparttasset. sneers at the. as he
styles, "faint-hearted lrtL,, who hair 140114
to the l'ettel States to better theih-elt es
If the young 1110.1) W1 1 1.101114. 1111 40 111111.i we
will show loin hundreds of families iu Go 1.
nib tea nohip 4 west 1• ..,tert &tit e •t rot;
hold a hat erepreseir et isealiviuguithe
Stet.... Ito t t hen the t ...tench townehop I 'oil
ho hate :well 10 leas e t heir
native land were tiot each and every tow
1.1.toie.1 with a fathet who tittered politic*
hout a penny, alei worked at the trade
omit be betaine 8 lailliemort. Ian4
a bad excitatory for son..
TIllet m. %Of ALL WO IT.
Talk te t 'outervative about tie
re."Lingrort u1.1 0,11 44 0444W., atol he will
•hrteg ht, 414011,1, r. and admiit that things
are lod state owing to the dogigs
of III, 1.1‘1.X4 \111 .44434VY14, 4.0141404.LT14.
llnyenys, Asisoitos, Seegreue Ceterutere
and Ore *hoer bor.k .4 hoe:Hem Acid thew
with a leer or wick the stalwart Cousery.
* lite itill ittenipt to parry the pollute':
and moral thrust by say " The ad! tto
The inference is t oat lint and Tory
are alike. granted the mune oppertuuity.
We decline to edmit that xii,h eil infermice
is at all delu.doir from the record of the
two parties, 40.1 in as arbors
toe is the dispute AU .1 11 *1. '4 ‘,1:41114%
. o partial 10 114. Lateral party. The Lon
Jos Staadanl, I.:nglish Conservator
journal, thee delivers iteelt regaribug this
h 11011R 11ILHRI.W tow given another prouf
of his versatility by publishing a book eon
totem.; • series of sermons which he preach
ea to the officers *nil row of the imperial
yacht Hohnisolleni, during the voyage t..
Norway lust Suisinier. iri the alissaise of the
apart chaplain The young Kamer reelect
,the &rise right of kings
sad kaiser&
1 us Mau% Maws ..wreepoirlent rye
kbat a fumed of important legislating! in
011141e4a pm.14omp.00.1 erasion is forniahed hV
the isiformation that the krItish Itieern
111001. atter eammultitig s,th the Law lords.
4.C141.1 1.0 ietrodu.. hill at the 101n
sag session of Perlianwnt mooting thk whole
law of is 'denote, magely with the object of
elhowias erosional. to wire evidence is their
�. bekalf The is the rider= premed sie
rarliainest for so mesy years by Mr 144 C
Cithhhon.the mainher far WeetHerres lust
sfeenien the Militate, 01 ..i.ashop promised Mr
onieseeps to het los bill on the williptet
ibesesoll as Sewn as the Rettish aetherities
llasf debtrilli...4 the preneriple 11044 4.410 oaf.
OVOID •Wellernry be Ow sew mho el eel
very matter :
•• A more unjus1 statement it would le.
dificultio make. Mr. Laurier, the leader
of the Oppositmei, tina Sir Kii•liard Cart
eriolit„ the premed leader of the Ontario
eying y_f the lateral party, were members tit
tine RIlattIortliin atIMIlitot rat ton, in ;sower
from 1T
to 1878, with eyrie. tipper t utet y
to wiltithemeaseunie mid prii.oise the arta
it few e triples of which hat to', recent ly beet.
ex:m.1.01 In the Nhundserial rahks of the la
Hellen Houma Continues ; but thouglii•rery
eff••rt WWII ma.k, ula their oppments voiollig
into °thee, to disown, something against the
ee •ablielly .11 speculative cornioission bar
ing been apnotnted for the parsec nothing
could be found. It is admitted on all miles
t hat , w hate. er i he merits or demerits of their
tiseal 'policy may hi-, they have kept them
selves clear of corruption.
To the Liberals of norm, and also to thr
Coneervetives with conscienete and honor,
we submit this juilgineet of n ISriltsh Coe,
e itrestive journal. We aek what acts of
corruption have ever been prove.' against
aay Department under 0 Reform adwitas•
'ration at Ottawa or retool,' • History ac-
quit. the 'Liberals of lamas from the
charge. They .14.4001 all do et.
Prull".12, *.kb"ugh they 14.4 maii.ged 114) THE TALK OF THE TOWN.
proe We the family milt imetagh to est and
motive up P1. 1.411.4* they said was for thief -
mother when slay ...Me out of the bu.ps1oI 4 chiefs assay re. lithOti seem
de' Jea a west st.
Mr. Hee ITT sent Hie throe vs/Yager 04)11-
dees to the almshouse, but let the boys
rennet* at liberty, es they had 1
then ability to take care of tlienierlys
ThIll'T11 1* 111114:11T11 a NO WILL ruse &IL.
It is • swum, iliedfr eax'orthang to the
restrictionist press, fur Mr. to go
at..r.rs the Mete rod eat the Americans the
positiou the i.:mutiliria Opposition faked im
the questton 4 'men:attune' trade relations.
It is positively awful that the lio
minion 1:overt:mew is 41404-41 4014 for • limits -it
res. 'p'ity the Liberal leader should openly
say that l'immais ts readytur a sull wider
range ot tree trade 150 44 the
Albtoittfte press forgets that BLAINI
of :lame Loows all about the debates &MI
Vole* u the House auil the voting ahem the
Ontario frontier comities ou the question of
reciprocity between (*mule aud the l'nited
States. l'ucle Sans does not fail to keep at
onr II 1 1.1.1114.4 40 tar end - Imams -se
eye open eight attal .lay. and he &mows
(*embalms thought as wellas,if not better than
the otti•Mt 61111itoti Vanadtiali proteetamsta
Lit -bete spoke to prepare the Ameriv'au
tool ameliati people for the wide range of
mcoirocity ter which both nations are
ripe g. Seem -eau Ramat knows the
110'u..1 condition of odium in Canada so far
as trade is comeerned totieh better than the
riry editors thigh.
1114 11.11Makilla Spectator isn't hunting
erith a Inane heed for the new• of Ism. cu'e
«notating In Elgin.
t..enserv•tive can.lielate ui tremolo
sill iiteke an excelket political mat for the
• los loos 411 MOO. to IILNIttLirib a second tinge.
Petite.), tornmeiy emperor of Kraal
is The iountry bas aot been aoy
happier even though he was extled, for he
.* a model ruler.
Se mine of the bye elections are about
to come u4f. Well, we Me ready for 'tin
But why not have the constatuemees at
preeent vacant opened UP the mine date'
Ter Linares Gl'111'..4 IA in the held and
will be us4 with fatal effect upon the
ktugston Tory sewer this. eleetma. 111, will
not he bred at UK pulls this tisie, how
et er.
ire 4rukarls ittaarat tett.
The chief p Out mole by Cit tet.,it; in his
Providence speech was that in which he
spoke iielemmeteme aa being Cenaila'e
ultimate goal.
In such a eontinirency what Is going to
become of thoi solitary French Conadrei
art illery men Whom. 1'11 IS so fon,l
prating of as the nian who will lire thr
last olio: th .4 4.'.,.,. of the Waists theet
Mr. Co 1.1-1.11*IS address to Providence
I t doesn't eliord with his whitewashing
speech at Perth in defence of Poem utter -
General 41'...,; Ake. 1.. then, the kind of
r41.. 11.11 lust tail that was 011 tap at Perth
would slot have been Jp111.•••1464.ed by the de-
sceidatit• of the men ot • • 1.14.1 1.. " who
heard the echo of tne shot sired at Bunker's
11.:31i The 11 imilton Spectator will luxe
1. hack It• peeler of the l`ro-
rolimes. address of the Bleu leader, or else
it will ha., to take dose the sigu of "The
Old Flag.
Sennettsing will have to gtve, for if " in-
dependence war 4.ro0n20 in 1776 it .:er•
tautly is not loyalty in 1891.
4 ILI4T414 4 elistAlbellei aMet 4111111OTAIIIILte.
litalollowing from The Gliiitme New Kra
make. us twheve that that, tbriving town
hall decidedly the start GoilerIch so far
aa intelligent awl honest work on the part
of its town ConatilibICII la concerned
Sottro Doves. Ott Saturday a aouple of
*0111011, presumably of questionable virtue,
isorivol here front 4;taleriell. iseonmpainell
by • eimple nien. *hie of the women had
a -beauty mark in 114.. shape of a Meek
eye, and both hail mow initialise's of re
maining here. Constable. \VIvertler and
Weleh gave them plainly toil iilerstanil that
they would sill re-
union they left town
placed ,.,the lock up, and they ,:hose the
alternative .,f leaving town
The female toughs above mentioned heel
,n 4 ;..1crich for several months mist, *1.1
the Iketerich town constable didn't know
enough to MAIM them Lib flit. This tow's
wants a town tenelable halIly
4 *KAMM nutter mama.
It. only • paragraph of neWil in 11 daily
paper, but it contains more real heroism
than does the story of the warrior bold
emhalined in his onuntry's history.
It seems that .1 arm, 4.01.1 444111R. of 270
Warren st , Jersey ..ty. us • worthless
scamp who wee mat le the pens
tentaary emu- tit1*1 ago for beetling his wife
en badly that she had to be sent to the St
Franete hospital, in that city, where she
now is. The taking away of the parent•
011 five smell chilaren in their rooms unprn
vided for three boys agent respectively 7, 6
sad 4. • girl of S sad • baby girl 2 years old
5005 as they found themselves alone
the two oldest boys set to murk to support
the family The oldest boy obtained •
place in • groeary .1,101 04 02 ho a tree\ awl
the ins year Mel hey meld papers The
attesting% 14 pone menet Hewitt was milled
to the esee and he foam' the baby in •
depkewhile sanitary eneditaata. Bar broth
0154411.41 Inane hoe ta take ewit el her
M Cash:Lig Maeleitileiblitti jibed tbe
kickers. He wantf yeses bleed" in the
(*Lime Of course the bleed alluded to
44 .111 to the veins of the member for
Tilitne'N something wrong rising on in tbe
toots at the foot of the mountsm. The
Hamilton Spectator hasn't celled Hon. Our
✓ Mt alta "MOM hatchet old Tory mice
Site_ WHITS'S annexatiou address za. Wood-
stock -
IL 11. ('1, st Plemeseamp. Om A. rear.
Tele Wart east wool itouepiohla Xmas eth
• Nati cal aloes 10 .11.04 rartarea rh. pen
mot bee le Y..ie Pberumey. Keep lune eye
eta our woulisw.
W111 you buy any Christmas premiu(I! If so
look mai around brio*. Ma tat ...asa go. Vise
snit ttad 11100.41 ever) tams mate ice preseuts
at &yaw' p.11.45 at butler's.
C. U. Nevoust has received sines her list
04 lailoo. foil .no ocasUr v./a our 1311.11•101011
tralilo. II ,bou want or** good* - use to ibis
Orr, tua‘t brie, ti. are ti. 11.55.4114 hart
wisest. r.s.
Pint Aims photos at no e wareestudl• tor ter)
me mice. iota to suit itie Iowa Picture
Ifainoo *41.084 10 :ocar out Nock. Loll and
siutoisoo: tOol "oft. 10 trunnlbs 111 snow it us
an :11.140,11.110( 0214cy wady.
Pomo r .s beet t soli call Use woollen. to tbe
t otussa.sse to rasa wiser su 10111 0. tor(, la Jar
Wary a .0 tot) woo ie isessi ist • maid
.1441 or ..ies•oat to ooroolunie (bib ello.ilioo
••. oonnt.nt 11 .111mC000.m.
.t friend it. 111411 15110 p01.01• oUl the silver
looms1 ,our l0d. wool to *twit Wadies(
40(1 a.. .likorellii. 0.1 1 14v lima who ma give
you 411.01.141.4 0) lou. .duo nu utotill.
io 40. tt. nwhollro. Picture trauma{ a attuutaltl-
Utiottle • %Wise wining.- dual result thu
wren -lion to the 1110.1. .114 1.0.11 Hu.ler Wel 4.
*11. totals; **,tial.,, into, , I4 . other. ouitinesco.
Noe. lboonlbibili 011101 int.:non wee. we tuba.
Jou to t • Wild 51.:0 oar Niunil tOlobs'
...1410•11 14. C. bleside. WIIII•t•
ha a•an Knee 403,4(41.14 041140.4114014)
tiooi • goes to Ilse riedat Weave. 14i. 1110113
414:1oulaun. Ittlt If Ito' WHIM 011.014 1041r'
a lirs4-c1aso suit of clatts.so rucatissitoni rar.
415-1 SOO tr..1 Prrtaami. w
hrs. au. hose IAA shoat/ orcrousilii.
tRa'. what *Ilia 1 to ter • Caristesa • two
.s Inv oboe...two porwou rake ihts Paseo. of
41/0 11.01. 11 ,bou resit the arlVertbar
meet et Alyce eauuders tut rage 704 this .1•US
04 10.614 100•1 401 5.0111104 WW1 atii.h.
*4.4.-n at,. maim seceotaine Hata. 0l14.1 pro0-
.41.. wol teem ever> sem. Isowe•er small les
Tug 144, 811500'. F.tisoi 1. It 1* some years
'rime the vi mite. ful unison! Mee ;deity tam
ily eppested tu our 40154,, hilt the iinpresi
sum 41100 meek has not been forgotten. aim
1.'.' ere sine a hi.' house will greet then.
when they appear at the tirand Opera Housr.
ou the 19th Oe.ein..er. The company has
been greatly ittligniOnLeol to ounibens sure
their east emit here and Junng teem late
15011 In T04%14140 he preen of that, city pro
uoutived thein the 4/11044 100410111 origami -a
tom whicii hied %salted their city In years -
Full part mutate well be annouticed net *,•,.;‘,
our hicti see advertisement and large pet
141.1.• Se.noin. 44.08511, 3111CI:TI0.... The
regular monthly 14ieet1ng of the public
school beero, Was 1,e1.1 on Monde).
ev g last S. Malconson, the chairman.
presiding. Present trustees Wu...Acheson,
H. 11' Ball. IL Crabb, K. W. McKersie
and Gro. Swanson. Minutes of las1 regular
and *petal meetings read and approved.
Principal's report for November,shua mg an
meets"- attendance ot 234 hots and 259
girls,tetal 553,aner0.eiVed 11/1•1 144.4. rho
principal ntported that be had "Impended a
pupil attending the central 501 041 offence
aganet the school regulatimme whs.+ action
was uneniumusly endorsed by the board.
Miss Hutton tendered her rosiguatt.oe as
teaeher of St. David* ward saitsol.
Un 1)104 1,,1 it was accepted. There svere
two applamuts for the %amine position In St.
David's school. Slime Allot Jokusdon, one
of the applicants, was unanimously chosen
for the position. The .k'rk VOW aut sed
to obtain were printed forint and to Aver
tie° for 80 conls of woods for the use of the
several schools. The contingent committee
was inatnietel tr. put up a 7 foot fence from
the allied Lein,: erected to the east end ot the
pkiegniuml. Acoinuts from Thos. Videan,
81-00. and .1. San:Aces, 90 cent, were read
and ordered to be paid. The hoard then
I '• fon114171.11IS %%TVA.. The following o
from The Au Snide, Mich times • On *let.
31st the WOW K. Truax left Stud Beach
for this place and uotilitig has been heard
of her stut-e. 4 hi the 11-0HW Were Capt. Peter
Cassidy Anil a young wan waisted Ad/1,dpi1
Guided. Part's:dais the scow
hat e been published in thi• different taper* In
the community, hut no a...,.•nption of the
two unfortunates has been given. 111 order
to help recover their belies 41 24.4)1) ati pO
foible we give herr their iltewriptions Capt
Cassidy 4. 44 years eld. Sftdin. high,
neigh" 130 pound.. ti_tht blue eyssi, light
hair and reel whisker*. Ile toes • star on
one hand and scars on right sule ef nose and
ever right eve. Adaulpi. Goulait is 16
Veers old, weighs 127 stmt.'s. beght 614..
dark black eyes and hair, cowlick int
forehead and wore grey clothes. It is very
essential that the hely Capt. Cassidy
should be found An 401.1 an ismehle, as he
%VIM a memlwr of Au Sable 4 'Itt of Forest-
ers. No. 289, and insured for $1.000, which
els family need, being in v. r destitute cir-
rug stoners. Address ft Aldred. Au Saler.
ich. Other papers please copy.
toriou. Garbutt teas through asitither
state at 1 hsgosle Hal test we. It, went
judgment wax given rat 411 appliiution for
the discharge of Lb. pf104.1111.1rite reasions
sulienitted on the prouder* behalf in sup
port of the mottos for diacharge were that
the jUnlor judge .4 the comity of York is
not an extradition judge withm the mean -
mg of the art ; that a foreign warrant wiui
no:emery before extradition proceedings
could he taken ; that the extradition judge
should have ailinitted evidence in suppoit
• of en akin : that twirler's depositions should
1 not have been received agains1 the prionner
in • ease in which proceedings hall not hem
tegun abroad; anti that, the PVItdenee on
which the extradition warrant was hawed
required ,, • by remain of the
pmaible intern* of the wanes" in the
premners conviction. The Invisioual
7ourt coneidered alo these points in • writ-
ten judgment of MacMehon, .1., Galt., C.
J., colti•orraniz. It is held that by the in
tenwetetion claneee of the Extradition AAA
a Junior judge is. a ivelge within the act
that under the act a foreign warrant is not
neceseary ; and that ne eorrobonetion is re
geared (under R ch. 174, sec. 2113,04
the evidence .61))),1111 1511, inasmuch as these
. proece.li11g4 are for centraittal, riot for con•
victim At all event.s, there was sufficient
independent evidence ef the facts to justify
committal. The tioestion as to the admin
sibility of the nepositions is not decbled, aa
other rot Wenn. was sahlueed for the promisee
Item. On the riteretton of the no -Whose" of
fern' in sopmin of an alien, their Loniehips
express themselves etrmigte, holing that
the extradition treaty would 1. 1504*'. paper
if the whole tomatoes of the guilt ,w in
Eocene. of the primmer were to he tried by
the extradition jades and foredooms odenspet
to despises the prima facie evident** of
volt• In all "mends, therefore, the court
101.4. that the applieetuse mast fail ; 044.1
the habeas corpus is therefore queated seri
the prisoner remended for extradition. A
meow& wee at mice made by presnner's
essanswi for • stay of , to enahle
hint to appeal. Judgment no this motion
was reserved, end later an the day the ap
placation was granted Proceeding, few
doraditines stayed for ono nwinth melees the
sensimmes of the Court el Amis*1 he gime
meanwhile Least, (,) (' • H. W. I'. Weyer,
Q Cand W O. erdeek few the primmer.
Alyesworth, Q.0 tied J. W. Carry ter the
l'ittrittio in his appeal to Providence (R.
1.1 came out dattooteil for Canadian nide.
penitence. and °trotted to tell Sir ETIENNR
r • e c's little halloo about the last gun in
defence of the British flag being fired by
• Fiel•Ch .4110411141.
Two newspapers le (Lime, all unineorpor-
sited allege of Mast 600 Int:Alittatits, is the
latest 'show of jastrealistte entertinse Iti
Huron. A.i elfitirt is endeutly beiug mule
to veork out. the 1.1nrosnian theory of "14*
sort ival of the fittest.-
Hicitaan W urre,of The 4400( 14.01 4:a11tte,
has been ounimittel 411 eland his trial fur
entsdually IibelIii,g l'remier Melo The
offair 41111114 IIlr11 Ilerlotn• tilon MIT of
1011111 Catirliews. Jokes, and the fellows
tha1 wort. .104(01' Mi:nenli to mine ,111 ore
mew howling for 1 be ...ailed tar
Tim Globe has token another step for.
I.y adding a column more to math of
ate pages, and intimIncing a minder of new
cud interesiting literary femme'. The et
pensi•e special train te the West has beeu
cam:riled 41111 the Motley thus saved hies
been put into The Globe** liens oluinia..
The change ea to the right blIro,tion and
..II !Old to rather than take from the
',polarity of Ce*dos leading news
MI. LADY Ruwatt.t. had • weak raw le-
.lictelly, but, morally it Wall '' st tong
enough to show that her ladyship was a
poor specimen of • lady If there are
Many More of her sort arming the reestee
racy of England then Society HI to lb.
aV•Hileol. The cigarette is lea enough when
indulged in by rattle brained dudes, but in
'Wailes, married or .,file, the habit is still
more reprehensible If sludtries will smoke
let them stick to the old fashioned " ,Ihu
deer. and let cigarettes alone.
MereitTillr is keeping very quiet
at protest, but his Ing la* partner, B. R.
4.11Lrit, us talking and talking and talking
for immense fees 'eel him by the Govern
merit lir %lee . twiner
bringing anything to light that will mime
the tioversoneat. Imagine DaLTo. 441
honestly ernicistrig the Miniver
Teniurnox 440,14: 1.111' triumvirate whilst his
law partner 1 raking in dollars by t he t
ands for leratiagaround the bush in the allege*4
prosecurions at littaWa It pile ()sum to
•,r4.1• hUl business pat ner, M.4 'Anent ,to
keep mom.
Ir Wein. millwmures are no1 to be envied
after all Otte day larit week • mem called
upon Ramon... Saar., the Vete York Oman.
nee, and asked fer $1,200,000, or threat•
marl to Mow the whole estahlishowist
means Whale tn. ciosetto• oat beteg de.
eared he dropped his reeled no the Icor.
0e01 all etpleseto resulted sewn emend the
Ions a severed hese 01111 injured • sum
1.0r o4 other people,eanossin the latter beteg
Mr Rasa The only redeeming feature in
the allair was thee the dyeamitard himself
west the first netiss of Ms rash wt. Out
.44. 01 tee nometary the
mem by Me ea* he .01 14.5.151..
Emmaus' 1e_. .,.-& Smarting of aiw
West Harm Farewell' %Abate will be,
hold at Clinton JE: Ebel and 23rd,
when there will be John I. Hobsows
chairman of the of thy Osumi,
tgricultural Coll. W.J. P Inter, BS.A.
and A. Nell. Albis, • ho will deliver ad
dresses on venues subiocta ot interest to
those engaged 111 thepurstutot agriculture.
tat Mit 4 ;41411141041 1.44141•• Sr Au.
MILAN.. A Mundt's., thapato . to Th.
Globe says Already the members of las
Hamiltou inicycle club aro talkie& of get.
taw up a big real owe their ows sootiest
twat semon. The members of the club are
full of mettle awl well .err) out auceesefully
everything they undei take. The Llan al
present is to have • road note from Woolsor
to Niagara Valk, a distance over 200 aides,
and if this should prune too big • veisture to
rime trout Coeterich to the Yalta
Kt t Pantos% While 511 towu the week
the Rev. Geo. Sakai arranged won man
or sautedere for the appearanor .m Fele.
1st at the Grand Opera House of Rh Per
kola, the humorous lecturer, in los well
known lecture, " Phtlosephy of Wit and
Humor. Kli Perkins t Lawton)
04141 Oi the beet known tenter& end au
t hors in the net diburing repubite, and is in
constant •Iein*ii.I I.y learned bodied. liter
:try societies, colleges. etc, He spoke some
tierw ago before a gathering of medusa mem
in New York city and one of the press re
marked thee they were netted into tsars sof
tatighters, natures best remedy. A treat
is to store fur us.
.1.eor The I:rand lepers House
is open this week by the Josie Mills Opens
t • dumpy, an.' those who have attended are
deli‘deteil with the company. Mos Mills um
one at the cleverest and timid versatile
rep.irtioir extremes on the stage, and she
has the beet support this time which we
have ever seen .0 ith her. The attendance
has not been so large aa the merits of the
plays or company deserve, and thee, who
enjoy coulhily drams .an attead fueling that
they will get the worth af their money. A
number of handsome silver preeents are
,141)011 away by the management nightly.
T•iiey will remain at the (rand Opera House
for the lialanee of the week.
TIlE T . M tell et :s. The nieet
Mg* being held this week in the Tetuperaoce
hall have been a great success. This
IThursassy) evening Prof. Mills will give
two recitottems and lecture on "Th. Illy
of the Hour.- On Friday evening a grand
concert atoll exhilstion of scnittkona Slewe
add be shown ; "ultimo( "Jessica's First
Prayer," -.lack mollies Hard Lump, • 'The
t1tti Kottle,'• •• Seim's, the Work•house
Hoy,- •• Robinson (*ranee," Bible At
male," English. Canadian aotl American
eceiter y, and numerous comical and irechan
teal slides. There will Alan be songs, reci
latices, dule.swinpeit, duets and nistru
mental selections by Miss Crabb. Mies
Henning, Mime Reid. Mr. Vonng and oth
ere. Ad1111111411nIn On Friday. only 10 eta
Sara Lord Batley, plump, pretty. eloquent
ana vivacioue, amemed ownership of the
audience instanter. Her cootie rembstions
dealt matrimony and celibacy terrific blows.
while her railroad burlesques 41,1 14*. Bynum
people right where they lived. Sara Lord
Bailey's imitations of a kettledrum, the d,4.
ferent kinds of Incinnotive whistles and belts
showed a culture and training of the vocal
powers es marvellous as it was pleastrig. In
Mr CiunplielTs parlor. she recited •• Money
Musk inumusble fashion. Skaggs
Lotta, or Minnie Palmer could
*comely have done et a. well. -St. Isms
Evening Chronicle. This lady. who ap-
peared in 'Toronto some months ago and re•
moved such high encomiums from the press
ref that city, has had • recall
and is engaged for a melee of estermanatents
through Canute. She lias been secured 14
teenager Saunders, of the Grand Opera
House, ter one of her select entertainmest•
no Christmas night, December 25th, sod au
enjoyable evening may be asiticipated.
Wanrsisi: Laws The Marine Re•
view, of Cleveland, in ite issue of November
26i41. enemies' severely the wrecking laws
of Canada and the United Statesolesignaung
them as barbarous and ihogramsful. It in-
stances the recent wreck '1 1150 resettle near
I joilerich, which were $y.ng signals of do
trees, and' although an American tugboat
was available for the service, she could not,
owing to the *event), of the wrecking laws,
he sent to the assistance of the distressed
Isadore withoul speciel permission from the
department. The attention of Wittiest'
Smith, Deputy Minister of Menne, having
been called to there strictures upon the
Canadian regulations, he mid the low, which
inflicts a penalty upon the master of •
foreign steamboat for towing ships and per-
forming such like duties in I. amebae w•ters,
mikes an expreen exception *11 141'. emir of
such services being rendered to vowels in
atstress " It is true,- he said, " that ie
this case the officer a 1:oderich did tele
graph to Ottawa for instruction, loot he Wail
under no obligation to ilo so "
A I keteintlett Q. C. Cou r ai N-rao. -The
Stratford Ramon makes the following com-
plimentary reference to J. T. 11 :arrow, M. I'P.,
of Goderich, who acted as conned for Mr.
:rieve, N. P., at the recent North Perth
election trial en Stratford. It nays : "On
the ticket question Mr. Gerrow made •
meet brilliant argument. He pointed oat
that there was no evidence of • contract
having been made by any persona liehelt
of the Liberal party to pay for the tickets
received fmtn the Graud Trunk Railway
and need in the election. The only arrange-
ment mule was that by Mr. Peter Ryan,
and he had a distinct uniterstending with
White that the tickets were to be fres t•
offset the free tickets issued by tie Gum
than Pen& Railway to the C • L.
Mr. White states that. he left the persowt
of the tickets, asi open question, huh ailmilm
that Mr. Ryan was warranted to gritageway
with the impresario that the tickete were
to be free. Acting ender instructioas from
Mr. Rya.. Mr Preston, secretary of the
Provincial Reform Association, imeed or
dere for tickets somesof which 1511. 111)1 to
Stra(feed. )4r Garroer clearly showed
that these tickets were eaed by Mr. G.
McP1terson on the understanding that they
were free tickets, and in . the
respnailmit shooed not be made to suffer foe
a.mitio4144 whke:. miwofhadati wagreentest.oes. But int „tat
in the MOS .1 its heing held that there me
a cosiest* wt.\ Mr. Premise for the ticket.
he agreed thmi Mr. Prism, meld not be
held to * as welt rit Abe epeprmdent. cit-
inin seopert two Seeimiese ,a the Knglieh
snorts in which the party managers them
were not held to he egrets 04 149. individ
nal eandidates. The entire argument was
ass distelneing full knowledge of the elec.
tine law and of the interpretation mit open
it by the pelage hoth in lantele and ,n Kew
land, and • keete logic, which not only had
• *Seep imprecates on the anthems bet cm
the mart itself. The other charges were
Malt with by Mr. Genesee in the same ie
telligent manner. sad, .n matter what the
elecierts therms% may he, 149. 1001,1 Liberals
have the satiaaction of limertng that their
rose was se well Imeolled as it mold have
hem done Iie wily enamel in the Provinee.
Mr Garrew wee pitted %p&.** the ahlsot
lawyer is the Demeimies, wise mass here de
tervanwri te make this alma owe to tie fought
nait 1411160 hitter earl, and that he sermitted
himself so altAy rem he ohm that he is itt
erwirmy far the WA of the Tenants
Having purchased a large stock
of Ready -Made Overcoats at a
great reduction in prices, we are
preparecl to sell them for
At leu than wholesale prices. Call and examine them
and see the prices
Boys' Overcoats, from $2 00 up.
Youths' Overcoats, from $4.00 up.
Men's Overcoat, from $4 00 up.
These goods must be cleared out this month ; so call
early and secure best bargains.
We excel, as usual. Our stock cannot be beaten. Fit and
workmanship A 1. Prices 1 ower than our competi-
tors, consistent with first-class work.
We are at present overstocked with Overcoatings
that are suitable for Ladi- s' Jackets, such as are not kept
by the regular dry goods trade, which we are prepared to
sell for less than cost for cash to clear out.
PILED. 3. PRID11.6.M.
x x
To are Looking up Tour Presents.
We have the finest and largest display ever shewn in Ooderieh.
Fancy China, Dinner and Tea Sets,
Lamp Goods, Japanese China, Etc., Etc.
We will be pleased to show you through our stock.
CURRANTS AND RAISINS cleaned, ready for use.
Special Invoice Sale
Your attention is directed to the following:
On all sides you may read or hear of some merchant offering
special inducement.; in odd lines or bankrupt stock, but never at such
reductions as the following
I have decided to offer my en,,, 4„.
NOTE THE FOLLOWING: That the stock is fresh and new
well selected from the heat markets and manufacturers, and bought
direct for cash. that all goods ase marked in plain figure'.; that the
public cannot be deceived in prices ; that the sale is genuine and not
odd lines, being selected for reserve.
So come, see, and be conv.nced that you 111111 boy goods at Ic/vitr
prices than ever be4ore. Th.• reduced prieoo asialkor cash and cash only
Special value in family grocerieo always on hand.
$1 a year, in advance.