HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-10, Page 2••11rtrtrt....
‘3, LOite. 'sore., eve IC.,
S l son% Plike.h.. Nib %Yea.
Jock All he did nut mock cure &bout Mrs.
Mhos, although she % Ail by way of bring au
lite of his wile s. somehow 111
101M4 preosoos Mn. Hope always felt more
wises hopeless and as it her stock ta trade
of looks tad coquetry were All decidedly
" Why, eves Mies Nugent has not been
allowed to look into the room yet, he said,
bluntly. •• Veva know the poor old chap has
mid the terynearest slime in the whole
world is fact, we -au seareely *ay that he's
eat of the wood yet. Ruth simply won'
out and demi asleep et this moment, and
1 In not much better.
' • Rot surely I ...mid I.eof sonic use,- she
" Well. eaudi.II). 1 don't t hulk you
could,- be said blun•ly . "stud. of course,
every extra oor the house nukes et
harder to keep gousg. 'tut it'sawfully kind
of you to ow.* : I'll let him know as
sooa as he's fit to hoe ..! outside Interests.
By the bye, are you dosing, or shall 1 call
a cab,-
ttit, no:
She was both ng over with passion as she
eromed the hall and Sero down to the ate.,
to her turriage.
And poor Yerr lied geese slowly .util
drearily up to her remit. foe to face with a
new and terrible trouble. even before the
weight of the first awful one had lifted from
her heart. Could it real4 be true that he
had gone straight vi Ay en.1 engage' himself
to Mrs. Hope of all women in the world • If
eo he must have gone to her and asked her
at one* on arriving in 'onion. at least duo
in the course of that day
From Blackwood flee :lad learned that
Mr. Lumley lied retaar :Lbout 3 ..cloek,
having sent his luggage up to the studio in
a cab three hours earlier that he had dress
ed and sone out, telliag Black wool that
he might possibly not return till late at
I have to we a lady in queen's tate
about a sitting.- be laid., "and if lei tom
ing home to dinner 111 grad you a ware
about 6.30 o'clock.
He had, however. heen Nought home
about o'clock in a cab by a policeman and
a strange gentleman, tube told Itlaek *sal
of the accident, &s.1 that the only ..-0111C14.1111
mods he had spoken were •• Take me horgie
not • hospital 1199171.• . and accordingly
they had .Ione so.
She remembered nee se well Mrs. Jocks
eumment .01 hearing lila. km -eel's story .
"Ab, 1 al Ondler if io• Mel been to ses. Mrs.
Hope. She lives in resects Gate, you
W .11 •t as et lent that he had been
l'in des mg, thank*, she
( , 1 w 1.
there. and from what Mrs. Hope Mel said that she would go to hurl . - 1 errs geing to
it was equally evident that he had gone bed &bloat Inimediately, Miss Nugent, • she
there in snip t and despor and 1101 asked said, " but nurse Celan, will be in ..hitrge
• 11 • •
Vete wee & WM... for he hell her toad
tightly so time eke out release it.
1 can't move," 'he Emilia a whoper,to the
" you 11 du mom -owl sitting there,
she whispered hack. " The pour *Max lege
worrisel his heart out about you ate/ wee I
sante. ou pot, sit there.
After about three hours Lumley awoke,
w ell firmly km 'thug Vers..* hand. He did uut
look surprised t.. see her there, but &auto'
at her and :mod in • 3i008 that was pee.
toptibly *tromp.' and more like his owq :
'heeling, how mate! e! you to 5147there...
Het heart grew sick at hits words, bet
she woe brave -aye, and ehe was loving.
" 1 have been Isere a lutes time,- she said,
gently, "awl no% nurse is going to turn ine
out. •
" And Mos Nugent must have her &O.
Der, put in the nurse, eeing the shadow of
• remonstrAnee in Ins et es
• Yea, go mid get your dinner, deareet. •
he said. at once issela:19/1% a tone of
proud IseeersaloU of her. •• Rut, anxiously,
•• you'll tone bitek aftereerds, wen't you
"Oh, yes, sir. the shall come back,- mid
the nurse. •• 111 take Are of duet:-
I %ill come back, owl ere.
She gut wifely into the shelter of )ler own Something may be very mucli the mitt
room before the ‚Who, 'leo that Lumley
ter. • she replies' gravely. "lain you thiuk,
was awake again. And owe there she gave eet• 4 'eorife
" 4 ih, yes, tolerably well.
• • %%ell, then. do t think you ever asked
Mrs. "tope to marry you'"
He stared at her for a momeat as if the
idea had nut wou au understanding from hum
" I don't think 1 quite fellow you, he said
in a perplexes' way.
••No " then 111 make it clearer. Von are
not engaged to Mrs. Hope!'"
'•1'.. 11re. Hopr *Mod lielli-1---1-moss-
gaeol 3lias Nugent,- he answered
• • S., 1 thought.... dryly. "Vere. how-
ever, Apparently thinks etherwise."
• o of e.siese dors. How ‘,1111191 she
under au&u>'..tremostances ountemplate a
sma:on Po ludicrous
as my being engaged
to Mrs. flops.' It is Absurd on the very
see of 11.-
1 know it iv, but Vere does think so,
Awl *he has gone off 1.. the Fish Pond,. to
get mit of the way of of your billing and
....eine, 1 el a wild laugh.
1 am hour' to say that when Lumley
with incredulous epes had read the limn
chOets letter he, so far from being, diaereses I
by it, went into the wildest fits of laughter.
Tuirre.s nothing to btugti at,- remarked
Mre. dock vexedly. She berm': had loon
laughing alnseet hysterically Int menient
•• No but the situation, even in owes
tion, teo funny.•• he erioL •• Still, to be
serious how could she itave got such an
idea •
•• I imagine Mrs. 'lupe teld her so.-
•• she ewhint it s
" I dont know. Anyway. you are quite
sure you are not mixed up in anything of
the kind •••
•• Quite sure. •
get wall before 1 west away, wear he re•
mesubmed it. He es well enough sow not
to hat e a relapse and 1 shall be at the nab
howls before yuti loose thia. I ass suing
to put .11 117 things together sod 11 will be
must kiwi if you willjust let 11* 1011e ley
One lute fr lion 1 thual 1 shall go to
Switzerland fur the Summer 1 have plenty
of money fur that it*4 111 the Autumn look
out for work of some k mei
'100 *c been au fully gum) to me, dear
Mt* Joat, mai 1 an. meet grateful. lie
to me still 111 we trying to keep me in
F.ngland Your grateful and loving
•• Vesta.
• • Well cried Mrs. .lock. Then she
went off to leutiley's 00001.44 Can 1 WOW
she asked.
" Oh. yes," the uurse replied.
" Nurse, 1 *sot to *peek to Mr. [Arnie,
abuse,- Mrs. duck mud. " 1Vill you leave
•• t
Lumley turned his eyes • wonderingly on
the resolute little lady, whu was Just then
looking Inure resolute time ever. " Is any
thong be matter, Mrs. Jock !“ Ise asked,bet
net in au alarmed tone at all
way altogether and hid het face in tile bedclothes,
clothes, sobbing piteously "Oh, how stall
I bear it los forgotten ' he has forgot
ten ' Awl every day will snake it worse
an.1 worse harder and !order! ih, dear'
my dear it would be racer ou thd not leo
me quite so well."
She was still sobbing when Mrs. •lock
faille in scorch of her.
• ' ith Slily dear. my dear,- she cried. '• but
you must not cry like this. It 18 all well
with him now he will soon pull round
again. You are not used to secuig him like
thia, but it wont he for leug, dear child,
and be is so seraphically happy. It ,lid mes
heart good 10 ere Ins dear old fate. looking
as pleased as Punch in spite 01 115 pallor.
Vere got up off her knees.
"1 got upset a bit, 1 think,- she said,
unateaddy. " As you said. 1111714,1 used to
Some instinct prompted her to say noth
tug of what she had lesneel about Mrs./lupe
antl her engagement to Lunsley. For she
hid resolved that whale site was noceoury
to no well le•ing she would lei things re
main en their present footage/. Whelk be
was once more strong and well she would go
qu,etly away:, so that there should be no
1. no complication. There
should be no torrent of reproaches from Mrs.
Hope on the score of her trying to make
Lumley break faith with her.
I.umley did not forget whatever other
failings he had an the way of forgetfulness
that she had promised to go back to him ;
and as souu as Miss Nugent had Meshed
dinner his nurse nune down with a request
her to take possession '1 the heart which l.e
believed that ..he, Ver... lead rejected • Rut
oh ' no, 110, not the Mort of the life, the t
name, the fate. if you arid. but the heart was
hers 411 hers even yet. Hol he not asked
for her in his tiro enneloue monieut, hall he
not wished for Mr presence Ah yes,
Whatever hAppenoi 10 lie 111)15 to come,
she was sure that heart iota and would
be hers forever.
ii -se still there when a light knock
sounded .m the door.
"Come in, she said, when it sounded a
second time.
The door was opened a couple of inches.
•• Vere, can you *lane
It was .Jock's voice.
she ran to the door, het heat is her
motile, and films it wide epee. Jock Air
lie WW1 standing on the l•tntling. 'Could
you come. -be **i.1. "Hes asking for you
and as quie: and ofosihk. Reth's still
.• Oh yes, she sod nervously, .• 1 wi:t
" And you will remember bow miserably
ill and weak he is still" You'll be "route
steady and edits?" he mid, anxiously.
" I will be perfectly ream,- *11.*11. said. un-
hesitatingly. " Rut tell me, how did he
know 1 was here'
'J don't know ! He &eked for you, and 1
asked him what made 411111 think you were
here. He says he's enown all along."
The girl reeled a little and stopped short.
" Is anything up' 'leek .ekes'.
" Oh, no, Fin all right,- she replied, stead
ily, but in that one moment the iron of an
guish had entered vet deeper and more bit-
terly into her poul
The room in which Lumley lay wax a
little less dark than it had been during the
days that had pot gen. liy. Vere walked
quietly in. and a. quietly 7,, the side of the
bed wherein Lumley. gaunt and white .uel
weak as a child, was lying.
" Mr. leontey. • she owl softly. lock
drew the nurse ti..- w401.1,15 and asked her
if &be had ever wei. •ucli forget nie nobs in
town bL
efore. umley openees l his eyand
moiled_ Vero shivered
• • How good of you to he here,- he sae' in
a orange. weak voice a Ito very unlike
hie own pleasant, mellow weenta and the
Liv n
be y looking at her 8*if the very sight of
her wee all sufficient for hi. erintentment.
Vere bent down over the bed. "Vou are
better much better, she said very tender
ly. She had not forgotten that he waa
bound to another woman. but he was so
weak, so pitiably weak. that she del riot
seem to think it worth while to remeniher
anything else.
" Yes I got smashed. Then, after a
rafter '('801 you sit &earn
shepat a ehair by the •nel est
down faeing him. Then by Nene. instinct I
liewherness she laid her 000l, firm bane op= ,
ks, white, wastwi one as 11 lav outstretched
Erna the reveries His &ogees dosed
eggloggiy over hers, and he smiled
ttlisay, there,- he said, drowsily. And
-4Klibege vows stayed.
no painter sash haw • sewed deep mid
an11 a goyou a hint stI ien volt eught. t
go away. Keep him as happy and JA
lied si you can if will lo the salvation of
• • And do yen think,- said Vere
that ,'.Ir. lemiley is Isriter
' yes, distinctly better,- she repbiid
1 expect the doctor will be delighted wawa
he -sinless in last thing.
Su the doctor unmistakably was. Ho
came In after 10 Ochek and found Mire
Nugent sitting l.v the bed, her hand fast
clasped in Lunilev's waste,' one.
Vete tried to drew It away, hut Lumley
would have non.. of it. " No no don't,"
he said quickly. •• There is no resumes why
the doctor and everyon- .•Igie, for that mat-
ter, should uot know. -
Ali a new nitrite, 1 see,- said the doe•
ter, be way of comment end to spare Veer.,
blushes some.w hat.
The girl wee not •blushing you must be
happy or ashamed to blush, and she was
neither ; eh,. was only utterly wretched,
awl looked it. Indeed the doctor thought
be bad never seen a sadder-loukisig girl to
be a 'man's happy sweetheart.
So a few more days pouted on. Lumley
with each one improving more and
At last the happy day tome when he was
get up, and he was allowed to totter
downstairs in a very cautious and uncertain friends nor nurse nor doctor made the small -
fashion, and was onnfortahly metaled in a eat improusiem upon his resolution. He had
wide and eapacious lounge and given Vete node up his mild to go down to the Fish
to " keep him very quiet and good.- And Ponds to put everything right with the girl
somehow during that afternoon Vere came he loved.
to • realization of the truth that the caner Blackwood Woo', who had gathered a
she went away from St. John's Weed the very faint Idea of the Position of affairs, ert
better. couragel him in his purpnsc. " 111 tele
With startling vivelneas het mind revelled graph to the groom to meet us, sir, he
this episode at the Fish Ponds. Vere said. suggestively.
played as well as she sang. and one evening " 'tes. and tell him to say nothing in the
two or three.lreamy airs stole oatfrom under house about it, said Lomley. promptly.
her skillful finsierii until at last she felt that To ease his master's mind Filo-keno.' et
she was tellingany who might be listening 100 -ronee made inquiries. and •hrough him Lem-
neseh of what was in her heart. She would ley league." that Miss Nugent had arrived
play n.. more she would sing and almost in the early morning. that she had hired •
withnut her own will and knowledge a
pathetic little air shaped keen into melody
and she sang
Fate came between, Fish Ponds looking very pale and u eery.
ther dream was o'er, I.uttiley knew that cart, having wed it on
And forever and torever we are tWfs. Several ocousions hinutelf, and did not mon
Lumley jumped up and strode over to her der at it. He also gathered, however, that
side. " For God's sake don't sing that to- Mi.. Nugent was very busy pecking her
night,- he muttered in a shekine voice. things, with the help of her maid, and that
" Why liele !" she asked without looking she Ind told the groom that she should
want hien to drive her down to Parkston
that evening 110 es to be in time for the
Antwerp boat.
They drove up to the house by the hack
way and stopped at the Wile entrance in
stead of going round to the front door.
Milli Nugent iv at lunch, sir," the parlor
maid said is reply to his questions.
So Lumley walked tottered, I might
mere correctly to say to the dining room
and there d „ 1 himself by fainting
dead away.
ht you remember what you did the af-
tern( on that vett Mut your woident
• • Yea, I went to see set erel people. Mrs.
Hope among them.
"Why del you go 10 505 her
"Because she wired me to go and sec Tier
es important business...
"'t'hatwas it !"
"Well - 1 dont think 1 ought to tell you
that,' he said hesitatingly.
Mrs. Joel'''. tone repro..m.1 toluniee.
Lareley wet.? on eagerly, "But 1 am pet-
feetly sure of .'n' thing, that I did not
leave her house in any way pledge." to her;
iu fact, I had every intention, in spite of
what I had said in a verym
bad temper to tou,
of ask ng Vere again before very long. 1
really don't think Mrs. Hope could leave
given her to unilentawi that. She must
have mistaken something I said same then.
Anyw..y 1 shall get up and go down to the
Fish Ponds and stop her going away.-
"You toll .lo nothing of the sort.( :corgi.,"
Mrs. Jock cried.
•eth, yes, I shall. You'll go with me,
wont you, and I dare sae. Jock will be
good-natured and go, ton. And then there'll
be Illackwood, wh., is a host in hamself.
" I won't answer for the .
Mrs. dock said in a seared tone.
But he was firm, all the same ; neither
rough spring cart, which was generally
use.' for conveying Iuggsgc an.1 pareels
about the nountry. And fled reached the
He reefed his hand heavily on her shoal
der for an instant- " It's like an evil otnen,
he &torero'. and tm
hen dropped hark e.
his 'hair agatn, not daring 10trust himself
to stand beside her any longer
Now Very. remembered thee incident. &gel
lialt that it had been prop/otos It helped
her to decide upon (0,0, away. 50 w hen
Mrs Jock came down to breakfast the fol
lewieg morning she found a ante &detrained
in Verges handwriting lying beside her
Phan- "Why, who"' this she r"refa."Thrd "1 was afraid it would be too mach far
" Dearest Mrs. Jock." at Nita, " 1 have! hini," was Blackerneel's while is
sneered all that 1 know in 'demo* .ver since his heart, ha thought that em -ape from Mrs.
that efternona Mrs. Hope was here, Meanie Here was worth • 11111. suffering and "•rer
11 NILS pima that r. lAnaley had forgotten issigas el body " No, don't rite flurried,.
hie to her, and 1 wished hist to Him Nearest A little burgundy and water, 1
NW Lou weak. Yes. dam', it. He'll be all
rigkt us • 80(4810 of two. -
Linsley was lying es the oak us the
drawisseroutia whams he came to know&
avian. sad Vete wee headisgaseio.aly over
Mei with all her 'MU% IA bet eyes.
It'e all right doe's he irightmeed," he
was able to say.
" 011! bet you oteglits t to have mime, -
she cried reproschiuuy
" Needier ought you,he retorted.
1 it•
Rut he was soon aloes.. humit again .lid
that Yale aitnelesnill, all be to . War het
on the turf, they MAIN 141 4 thalami, einl
aelAled, amtaniteaaalind.
" 1 dolt know 1,0e slut *solid hats
you thee she vow esa‘age 1 10 iste, be NOW
1115*401.11ahubent. glom Vele Owl NW fillet
Vert. wets wieut for a inteneut. " %telt,
d )4e1 knee, two 1 aunt wok calmly, I
don t Aim del aoemily .ay mat.
What ah.' did say Wed, )1 VII, 1 elaal
Illitioa•Lolti that 1 all• 10111.114,1VU 10
course tbet to not the Malee 016 p00411416)
tleahrleg thee else e01,854a.41 to )
" l'hkre a not NYCO slider...nee nos Ile 1.
just the mine," and LWOW) odious, NOW
IOW). • eut, a11 the awn*, 1 think I, •.• •
excessioly mot) you to run **ay like
that • 'Nisei giving ins • chose e ..1 tvIbug
my story. 1 thuitt you ought to be tem
ougely &shame.' lit youraelt and you keoss
you're. not, not a bit."
"%Veil." mid the gul, slipping clime duel,
Aele huge •• 1 ago &&,.t 1 aso 1.ol.
you lintleratalki that it IL been au 1
....uldn't hese argued the auboc
out with you or her or Mrs. Jock • Indeed,
raising her love') eyes to hsui, " 1 weet
as long as 1 could without eat iiig a %me,
until 1 thulight you were on the mus.) to s.
coyery, and then, all at gave, 1 teltas II 1
hadn't strcolgth to go Du asay 'moor -I teal
wanted to go? tith tr, hely mysel, - tole
1111111 all.-
•• Darling," was all that Lumley coal.
fuel 10 14)?. "My darliug, lute..
We carte MAUL
Three was once a turkey who wAs
When his bretioeu scratched and acre .,
bled for Nate at the first telite, be Wa• 0o0-
ly pushed wide awl lett. betuud.
This gave him much time for molitto. ue.
so he stood bythe pump aud relleetol ue,
the folly of too &rime eating.
" These fowls,- thought lie, "think •••,!t
of the pleasure of the moment.- for thou,:.
he was yet young he (deserved that fie
plump, sed-indulitent among his kiwi wee
earliest tuviteel to miens the market "Joon
cert.- or inteleasty dispatched upon.
twiner s owe privete
He grew old and waxed wise. Ile oeue,
have eimileuged the (Airflow in knowleeo
of Name and 'rhatakutm tug Itays.
Clioi,... might have untie him a 4yissree,
necessity made him a philosopher, and 6,
lumped to be thankful in (8 gone hungry
sort of way for the intro/Ey that kept tine
out of danger.
.% great .sty id!,) his soul_ \Was a 1'.'lits duty. nay. his highest privile#s, to teach
11111 fellow turkeys this doetriue of &heti*,
ence inifeeleci te him 1.y his affliction'
lie was a modest turkey, sensitive t.. a
degree but orinacientioua. He was not a
bird to shirk duty, so lifting up his voice h,
gobbled unto all that feathered throng.
He gobbled from hes heart. %Yhat stories
he told of countless 1.1.esily deed,. ' Fhere
was not a dry eto• ill the audience. 14. 101,1
of the ',ow approach of Thanksgiving laat .
All were unpleased, attentive, subdued.
ethey bad jast demolished a huge dish of
corn.. Their %AI. for a time, profound
silence over All the haneyard.
But the dootrine :am*410.41,e is never a
popular one mei long before the farmer's
wife again threw ou. the food a frith)
young turkey •t rutted over to the pompano
publicly invitoi the philosopher to hear los
aide of the store
A great flapping of singe greettel his au-
dacity, for •• is a talent even in tur
kelYdloo."rnis of dust ani101111end that tb • meet-
ing was to he a ,.rowdol One. Rig eineks.
little chicks, seam, ganders, ..e en yeefings
elbowed pardon wineed with the turket
to hear what this young fell.,* could say,
on this, the burning question of the hour.
Yeah apal many quills present it is non
streus tha: there should lits no %erhatito re-
port of the masterly oration. It was a
strong rendering of the sell -beloved old
tett, "eat, drink and be merry.- The
.peidter gave • grapho descreption of the
happy lot of his hearers, showing them how
rarely fortutiate they were its that their
greatest *suture If Ila at the same time their
hmghest duty.
Ile gobbled with burning satire upon his
learned friend- who would have them live
for this life alone. 1.1» asked his audienee
O it were credible that in this nineteenth
century a turkey so well posted as Ito
" esteemed adversary lied not heard of the
doctrine of evolution.
Here he painted in scholarly Language
the slow transition from turkeydorn fo hu
memo), by the 1 larwiniars route.
His an Ilene. was eirpreollefl it seemed
such hopeless waiting that long, *tow, is.
.'hanging. Therein that anoentat
of inner anguish. he burst uleon them this
" And yours, yews, nay winge.1 brethren,
the pewee to Imp this multitude
of intensieshate stagee, this frightful chasm
of time, to hecome IP few brief hours
part of Man, a living factor on the noblest
work ot nature. You have only to be young
and plump and testier to be with nue blow,
and • little drawing, translated to the
realm* of your highest drums -
such cackling ' Such (-reefing • Sash
quacking ' Such gobbling ' It woke the
farmera man to a remembrariee of unful
tilled inetruetions and the orator turkey
turned pale as he felt that firm, I-elm:oleo
,•Ititch upon his Inns red neck
There were many deaths limit day, but Ow
plideeopher stood by the punip unharmed
He, of .vmree, saw the fallacy of his late
friend's reasoning, hut se deceased was nn
Inger his rival he called him • " prognisoug
yynenun: turkey- and was even tolerant of
thane who shook their wickeold
heads and said, "Of a truth the gond die
h. nester turkey will be buried on
Da,. la the Month faintly No
Rowers. After dinner speeches of • rare
order may be expected. Foetid"' are in
What is inner Annoying than going &boot
otaustestly hae=1:4 minis( 9 This is
the rank iusd Need Hahn will
ewe wag am wing thtally west
• ',I.
1 991111• 1
wRAN • tow demo et A7eros cherry
Pectoral will relieve you? Try it.
Lep It ta the hoses. You are liable to
\awe • .-ough *1 51(7
Mawr, mid au other
lowed; Is eu effective
as tht• world'
resow•ed prepare,
tem. No household,
with young children,
should be without it.
heores of lives ars
saved every year hy
its timely we.
Amanda R. denser, N. ,
Nam., writes: Cowma,0 gratitude is:
pas in• to acknowledge the grog hese-
Its I have derived for nay children hone
the Yee of Ayer's most excellent Cherry
Pectoral. I had lost two dear children
from croup and consumptkin, and bad
the greatest fear of losing iny ualy re-
mainiug daughter and son, as they were
delicate. Happily. 1 find that by giving
them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the Ard
symptoms of throat or lung trouble. they
are relieved front danger, and are ties
ceasing robust, healthy children."
**In the winter of l4 I took a bad
old which, in spite of every knows
remedyorrew worse, so that the family
physiminiconsidered me Incurable, sup -
teasing me to be in consumption. As a
last resort 1 tried Ayer's Cherry Poeta.
rd, and, in • short team, the care matt
complete. &nee then I have never loses
v. about this medicine. 1 ant fifty years
of age, weigh over 180 pounds, and at-
tribute my goo' health to the use of
Ayer's (berry Peetoral.•'--43.W.Youlter„
Seem, N. J.
"Last winter I contracted $ severe
cold, which by repeated exposure. be-
came quite obstinate. 1 was much
troubled with hoarseness and bronchial
aritotion. After trying various inedi-
tines, without relief. 1.1 last purchased
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Oa
taking this medicine, wiy tough ceased
almost immediate, and I have beea
well ever eanee."-Rev. Thos. B. Russell.
8ecretary Holston l'onference and P. IL
of the Dreenville District, M. R. C.,
Jottesbunu, Tenn.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Palerallell BY
Dr. J. C. Are allt Co., Lowell, Masa.
11,64 es all Itretatiow- Pr(.* 01 ; 5.1 Wu-m*4k
HEADACHE. 111110 Di ***** er Tee
STOMACH. LIVER AND 11011111111.
TO 14011110Ca 11111.000 Noreen* In rue
11 A T.. gir'le.s
Ready ter Ne te soy quantity. for mating MHO.
bettestas Water. Inainfeeting. sate • hundred outer
me& • Ois egad& II owed* del Bodo
Sell by All 1 Nowa awa Illremeretet..
EL W. ISIalrialailleTra Tosewswellin
10 4.
A • , • -.a.. .•
....• of frith..
ow* Tow
8. •kOrourooO.iro....or • WA,
••••••••• tot nor who(•••••••••••••••••••• to O..... Too,' •••11 qokil
1 4.6... b.o 4. 8 Pea. .11.0 • r.00ay.
• ...NW •4,4 1•1 • log_es
.99410119,1, 1140 .w WY* awe *WM airs. rots 11•XZW
soi *OKA pe.tOrrotor FIE. egi glom
1E- 1'. ALLMON, IfIrrr. 4444. Ammean, 2•548e.
Bargains in Cloaking,
Mantles Cut Free of Charge,
Bazaar Patterns given Away
Wools of .41-111-C1,=%.6..e..
•.001)54 ARKIN'
See ever...4ex 101. lannerIaat eel, of
• si me41.4....I. Is • .w.».r al M. it. and la fewer ....sun. 1. rims',
be 'ea be penile feeling an • bring tar 1.e..1 mans
forward we n11111e1.1 a teats, rostra{ frees 11015 SUITABLE FOR
nem 1
mfr, wise nee to remote te
veseat bereeenat a 4-64. for merry OW.
We segues pros le OM. •pnee each week.
whaep bre wp. pull rise Mae bent mean.
Reliable Prescription Work at all hnurs Report of v muse eso
tam InWednesday
W. C. GOODE, Druggist. ' bead of
S900. 12.!tel-res N. 'n
ictian,t.,(1..Gninlia.. In R
r* 8, a .1. one i.e.. to tre 'toe a new mull
Ism •Inaolarst book
Testimony of 19 Centuries to
Jesus of Nazareth.
rer ,.,m10 n..r.. Ale Ior•oiri sp ok of' the est*
VI 9 91 (III 19 .4 •• II 1.0 94,9 19. k999ini 11. 11-1999999.•
r) 11.1•114111611 e•07- it. I'z.9.1961,Y 901,11•,,
•9%.nAopli lo TOW Weary 4.11 rit17li..161ng
4., 'Newlyn. Isas. 7-11
Dion Awra.y
Family fircrery Store
To each customer making a cash per.
ehsuse at our store we premed a coupon,.
value 10 per cent., on their purchane,
whether it be 10 cenUi or $10. Thew
coupons can be exchanged for silver% are.
Each article guaranteed aoitd plate. This
beautiful line of goods is on exhibition at
our More, and can be ween by all. Give
um a call and get one of mar circulars.
Yrs la UNA :
Raisins. I 'urrant s, Prunes. Pigs, Ihtters,
Orange*, Lemons.
orange, Lemon and ( aro&
In which we lead.
At prices which will make you buy.
The finest in the land, at right prices.
141- TEA. R. P, WILKINSON & Co.
S.A.1•Trr..A. CI.. LdHas shipped large quantities of his choicest Goods for
And cables that he intends making his headquar
ters for Goderich there during the holidays
The ruraitnes Desieros maim ail kat, di ifereottent itt His Desalt DIUMOMI wog&
wen -kneel" feel hat be
The Airiest r.s. in the, market for strength
5411 rail
Sugar -s. Tess, Baking Powders,
AIN *11 stash. iota fewer arreaccie&
11 tor all k(54.o(
Choice, Conftwitionary, Fruit., etc
nwr In hasol
Sells Caiect.p
friw each, He wake the 4.s/i5( tlaSertakar of she taws. liCsabahaiwkw Iluld shrive heft
heed. He ahe s akar • servelatir of Pierer, Frasier. Oivs hors • sail Ware perebmis
leurattaire elsewhere, awe yea wet fad 10 1844 ha dam se hp 1111S4 walk obese
For Ccazaz...-
la thankless mid all ter their met nalsenree be hams sareni•• •
OAN.PAIGNE, EO. BA R RY Hamilton -�t
7164, 0/1111.1Faml Oss.t..srleaer