HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-3, Page 7Dresses & Costumes.' W. receive today a large mrtltiga.tent d Dress Costumes, New English Serges and Cheviots, ID the leading .dui dew of blur, green, brown, garnet and gray. Velutina Cord, Thr fashionable material for tiresome, jackets and trimmings Special Black Velutina, Our repeat cutler in stock today. Pre.' 76c., worth 950. Mantle and Jacket Cloths. A beautiful selection- entirely new Kid Gloves. all colors. Indies run no risk in buying our Kid Cloves, ail we guarantee nearly all nes and take hack any not satisfactory to t'ol•Ira to the alanufm•turern. in ;pectin invited. Highest price paid fee; meter. W. ACHESON & SON. ORMPALT ZIM4PORTATZON Or' TOO'1'� 131R,17 S DIRECT FROM LoN IN IN AT THE PHARMACY. We have just reeri%al a large ata ortaieut of trent a tineat Thorn Hat alas, a hick for beauty and .durability are a ci Ilexd by none in the world. They are ;uaranteetl to give satisfaction, and the I.rices are ter rrasonnlrlr. A large as.ortrnent to chaos.• from. See our window display. (Open on Se&day ) for hoping./ and - (Uraninite imipt. GEO. A. FEAR, Degrease( and FaatiIy ltierist► Sneemeer to OBD. IIUT$A1. tae ierehs. Ol0. 1891. Hatrper's 'Weekly. 1$9 . Harp is Magazine. ZLLAT E TRATFED. Z LLUBTR &TICI) Tim Magazine will celebrate the fourth I ..entre•rr .l the Lt:scorer> of Amens by ata 1 sol „y uvsar. through articles wittiest • mine 1 IfowoUsh reusing* than hes hNherto tree made ..1 the Krt•aaT 4. l-Itst-npe!ITCte In: 1e oe UaaaT ateutT NMT. ot tkear uteet�u will also be given to IntimAeta P.r1001.61 or Aw toe's' Htartan . Th. new or Tutt eat It.•maua WAR wail be described la • eerie• of Papeete oat the! Haunts " From the Heck rarest to the Moot i •;e•.•' M Poet:remm Hniu.ow aced P. U. MIL' r,.r, illustrated by Mr. MILL.T and ALwow I 1••twous. Articles also will he ,risme on the German. Aurraliapo sed Italian Articles. Anew :rated oy T. Us TII t'!ATnl r. Par. W. D. Howtt.l.• Y in contribute a tow! newel. "A World o' l hsucr," rhara.:terist ld 1 nt :, ertes< g..p.cl0I he mien 10 risme tenant* ..b.eh will l.ecOf-' tabu. d by T. B. A Load. n. 1:. H. Ua, Ie. A. fuses Dux kr- Al statuary Itctist.. Miss ty.wu.eds. •sod ether pupo:rr w niers. A mong t he literary feat n •r s w 1:1 be 1'aend %emit.,.a:ruces of hat h.[•mit horew• b7 w 'bikgv ilii..-0eale fuel IIfr•Iusa sr• -ad. Iloratio arida. .n1 r Personal llrae.nr of tb• %rown .0(s. ly .0 u. Thackeray Ito. los. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. iIARPF.tt'K MAO AZI%$. 1'ar 1't.r 114 00 HAttilait'! WKICKLI, •• 4 0000 IIAIt. hies RAZ ti, ItaItP6ltd YOJI:Nti rEOI').E. " ! M /'osl00e ire( to all autowr'ibrrs i0 eta Veiled States. 4'48.41da awl lirrieo. Tar• Volumes of the Magazloe begin with the Numbers for Jose sad (4))eecceember of tarn 7 ear. When •o time 1r specified. ••uecrlptions w.11 beg.o wttb the Number marmot at the tame of receipt of order. Hoard Volume. of Harper's M.,.Nne for 'lyre )ears back. in neat du4h heathen. will be ret td ma1L past- pmut u• receipt of $100 per volume. Calk cicies, for betiding. 30arm ■ each M mail. poet Sad. Itemittaaoes should be made by Piot-omce Honey Order er Draft. to .sold chases 01 .%rrspepers err not to rope lass auab9 gar vol without the ,.r r'aa order n r t !bothers. Add'. .. 1IARPiCH t -.CRS, 4.w York. 1g92. Harper'.. Young People. AN ILLUSTRATF:1► %VliliK1,1. Hawrsa.'s W. Lk L4. for the lar i( )ear will ooutain stare altractirr te.•t,rra, more sail goer I:l.rtr.tiots, and a Kreerer menthe:- of articles of live. intense interest than will be found ,n sat other per'odlcal. .tonna these latter will he • series of art ec es nn the twept; - five greaten cities of the world. inclndiog fire hundred .tlustru.oe. The Columbian Expo- sition. the Army mad Vary, gleet public *rents. dim.te•a on land zed nee. and the of ib. or.ebr.ted people of the day w111 urwcrated and of ttstrrted in an attractive amid , (mall m. sec The department of .4 ea leer Sped will ro•ti•re under the direction of CA.•r.e W. WNITN kV. The beret of modern writers 101 contribute short stories. .rad the most distinguished artists will make 'lie illus. trwtloe s. The edlteriel tinkles of Mr. (dolens WILLIAM l;t Ictus will romans •s na especial attract too The Ttirtoe.th Volume .g 11 memo's YOU ail Pio IS boas on November 1• •1111. Per the sol. Inc year this beet and aeon lee weakst in the world for youthful reedmrs nose's • %stied and fascinating prawn. la aorta to low It will contain •• N wo Phases: a Starr e ta. first %maim of Oases boishy J 0o. R. Caa- ,0111.:• ('a,.orwrtee:A .tory of the Plaid. Reefs aadP.rergtade.'by Kato MusrerAwther 1(0 'y by emeta 1 he bee Moira and roast popular M Atncrlrta authors; seed forks 1n three •.d Mir parts by T1suw.o 14.4,000 Pans. Now telt Afo $L400 T aLl,. e1L Borman set sem, gee Maar S. McCulta More thee two hooded abort WM/ b favorite wrttsra articles on travel, out. crw oever'te.l+Mar pm4 e...04 .meb$eets dear to the Merle le 'he teem. lion 41110 huadrole1f Ulcerations AT Irsdl. r teak.'.osm4ne to make H • at•mw s yon .o Malmo for 1e11t.arepast- WRYsteb.e repast - WRY el piesma stied ter boys nod Ode. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per tear: IRITIC.': WEEK LI' Kor ARPKKS .VAOAZIXi* ....: M I1Ai*4 itRS BAZAR. . .. '. res HAI*PFRti FO( :cu i'Aul'LA• r ea i'ostaorFeertoall outeseriarrs eo ter Vatted Shako, I', made aid lfr.rirn. The Volntees of the yt a s...% Wein with the drat Number tor Januar of each year. When no time as smut Mord. subscriptions will begot with the Number current at the titer of re- udpt of .mise Hound Volumes of HAKI•oi. Wna►tt for ttwee years book. in seat cloth hinting. will be art M oisti. ps•sa.Cr ped, or by esteem. free of tapeless (provided the frelgbt dues not excised ose dollar per tolumr', for 117.10 per vsturne. (Yah Gases for each volume. suitable for biwdieg. w all be sent by midi. post paid. on re- ceipt win 00 each. Itemattences should he made by i'eet office Mone) Order or !trait. to avoid •:hank., M ivaa. V.r.naprrn are foot to ropy Ilio adrertese meat e.nfeowt the e.rpre.o order of HARM/. t Bien Addram : HARPER R • The best weakly publication for 70Uae Pestle Is estaiseee. ID* edited our awl anemioa mid les.r.otiea and tater %lamest we mlagiod la lis /wins 4. lest chs nett prupurtleca to .apt i vate the salads of the re sad m lsawethe e. uin develop tJl.1r 'Milking power. -- (l*serO0 '. N. Y. Taetit Pmeli .v.wase. 0e.0*? tear. •olumeo V. VIII .• Cad XII. of IIAsre'e Towns ePlr W L0 bo M brand is elft. will 4 psttats Th•aster ve1t..1as ars ort prig. *M mai elsau 0 Nveneeo. rive (Am" •1•111 1111.8611". (ler O.t ea roeelpt of two mot Mass, 4omttlsaeom shwa/ he mash by Post edes owe* Oras or Draft. to oeda esemms d ler New 1"oak. 1892. $arper's Bazar. ZLLTJBTR ST11CD_ Harr les HAzan is a menial for the Mmk. 11 eyes the 'uteri informatics with regard to op /itehb.s. and ite ewmdrwsa tllsstr0tinis. Paris d.lg.. mad pattern -eke* wpplomeau gee ledbpeeablr alike to the home drat - maker awd the prdesdoa•I modiste. No ex- pesee flavored to :sake its .rtleti. attractive - sees of the klgbept seder. It. bright start.. .maria. osmodisik sad tb.ogbifwl ems/0 sal - 1.11 tastes. stet Its IgA page is famous as a h•.adovi d wit .d humor. In Its weakly lemura evertthiag u laeluded which loot *041,0st e• wow....• Tke Meds* for Mt will be written by WALT.* gtmIWF ••d WItW*M HLAea. Mr. OI.IrUAxT will become • Dont ibutor. llaatox HaitLAOII0 Timely Talks. Dar 4. •ad Uar Om,' .rte Intemdad for metras. sad Naito Maaw*t.t. Noon w111 Noonally ad - drys,. odds. T. W. Htoolw•no. 10 Women •Ld Men, will parses cultivated .•idea... .• ea/v gist b rf•��e�l this edee.f4ar fAe a•>rrwm •rd0r tel/ HH•1109131s Address 111ARPIIR t 111110T1ISSWhow Teat HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Team NARPKRQRA1AR HARPXKCH S WIILLrr 11.4RI'RRS r(,U.Vu PROPL6 I'.staQr Peet to all erksr rthers fa f ke Vetted Andre. taysedn. and .Messy. THE RIGNAL: OODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER a, 1891. EVERT FARMER'S SON Business Education. • ...11 •0. 00111„ .: atm WW1... )ItEST ('irl'Y Btied nese Collie., LONDON, • ONT. I/re! IIA Nu.l,.nle in attea..la•.w- • M. wr.Nrrell, trranelNt MAIM ODDS AND ENDS. Mlmard 0 Untmem/ 1. the Seel. 'The .mod Cook should bo given a wide range. 1'M ay mite. An old familiar strait : Cranberry jelly. Union County Standard. Kips! the worms 4.7 using the safe mod reliable antheltntnU) F rurinatt s 11'orm Pow- ders. 1w « 4 no t le The librate '• . snow earl, and avoid the rush • ,..wt't apply) in r f,n.tball game. Kioghawtow i.epubIi.an. National Pills are a mild purgative, act• ing on the stomach, hies .and leech, re - mut ut all oW'rn.•tions. 1n. The fernier Iwo the lu1gr on his turkeys intended for the 'fltaak.giswg market. Binghamton Republics. To inngoratr bot.k, the bialy and ;the brain. use the tcliable toad., Milburn's Aro- meta-',Meanie \rine. lm Spain's .i. year-old Fido, :s te l..,te his bust put on a new .rain. It should be a half susercign. 1'hdadelphia Ledge It sow eppe.rs that Sarah Bernlardt's mother was a nnl!iner. which tun)• account for Sala1,'s priors. t'lu-..goTette.. Victoria ('arl.,lic Salve ie r tmt'eat aid to internal medicine in the tretintent of scrof- uloun sorsa, nicer* .. ,.1 ab,et:t'.u'. of all kisds. dui g' (lid Lady •• What's that ..wful smell` Farmer "That's the fertilizer we're puttin on the field yonder." ()Id lady '• For the land' -Ake- Farmer •• 1 re. 'ten... Itch, ratan; a al..1 scratches ni every kind. on brntan or animals, cwrr,l in 30 minute-, by Woolfnri'sSmeitery Lotion. This never Sold le F. Jordan. 96-ly .0:,.lay School Teacher Miss Funny. what Cie et: to loom from the parable of the u ise and foolish vir.'tns •" Mies Fanny .age.! 10) That we are always to be on the lookout for the coining of the In',Ierroont. ( hon eahl. weather, producing cold in the head aril •&tomb, is responsible for one- half the misery l:.wadiaas endure. Nasal Halm at once relieves to:d :n the bead and will cure the worst cases of catarrh. •• Flu starry you don't like tee new nurse, - rite said to her husband. '• She ,s so good about ringing to the lathy and keepnag him yui •t.' •• Yes.- was the reply-. •• That is jus: it : I'd rather hear the baby cry." Mental wnrri, neer-work and .scrams arc tidefruit fukmttseof in.aaity. 1h. N'iIh.uns' Pink i'ills arm' an unfailing n•maly, build- ing nncw the blood and restoring Muted energies. I:wnl for nen and women. Jinks Well. I see the French didn't sum ooed to hissiug .low. the Wagner opera. Winks (1f course not. Nothing less than a thunderstorm ora dynamite explosion can down Wagner after the orchestra gets Ste sevond mud. The Volumes of the Uinta beide with the ons Number for 111.0.r. diem* year. When. me thee is meatined. veheerimien ll with Or Kawhhor current es 1W t 0111.. et.. etier. H.oad Values et HAstra'a Raa•s far three yells balk. 1s ae.4 deal medium. will be sot by moll, paid, er 07 ex p es. tr...1 •.pare ib. ridian dose ado nasal e.k pr volwmsk bar ie IR per ransom (lath (.tutus Mr owe .slum. seltaW M bladlms, will tap oswt y man. 0/.1-0011. en ramstN of OM 0*. •'l use Ayers Cherry I'ectoral freely in my practice, and recommend it in cases of an,.aping .‘ugh arming children, hasing (overlie taore eel tate to cure that troublesome disease than any other medicise 1 know .t." Soo nays Ur Beset let t, of l'oncol-d, Mass. Mrs. •looelyh 1)ou't you inisa your hats- t.:a id very much, now that he is away! ]In l:olighely Oh. riot at all. You see, Its left me plenty of money mod at break. hist 1 just stand a newspaper up ro front of 1. is piste. and half the time forget that he 414'. isn't there. -- "At last., 1 can eat • o.i.l eine • meal v itho ut it• distrewing me ! ' w.m the grate tut exclamation of one whose appetite had teen restore.', by the use of Ayer's Sarre- isarilla. after pars of dyspeptic misery. A :.wmpaonful of this extract before each meal sharpens the appetite. :\unt Libbie Where's tier piece ob bacon an' poun' ob batter i ton' you ter Of down to the 'bare • Uncle Rastas- Fo' de Lewd, I dun clean for. o1 'em : But i tell you it am mighty easy ter dens greasy thing' ter slip Soy memory dM bot weather. Nngltab Spavin Liniment removea all haul, soft or eallouae.l lamp' and blemishes from horses, blood ap•vin,curlw,aplints, ring beam, ewaettey, .rifle', sprains, stere and .w..11rti throat, comets, etc. Aare IMO by osis of nue (rsttlr. Warranted the mot wuu lorful blemish cure ever kuown. Sold by F. Jordan. J ly THE CANADIAN BUDGET. A NAPANLE GIRL'S ROMANTIC MAR. RIAGE 1140 Was IL.,rig.4 t. & Washout netrat. 40 lawae 0.rlona. WMa w (N• Minas .A relit'. Details 0a,t U..ala we Toe NarUtoa 1•.aapt_. N , Nev. .3. •Miss Edina Kay, a very pretty mod r, tw,pLaabo•i resident ul this phee, daughter of the late .lobe Percy of F:ruettuwte, has tier it Detru.t for stone mouths taking nutr..et. 1111111 411 muni, and was engaged 10 lou matte, d t., a %.aptly rlitlei at4 that :it: named I;oul,L **he returuad home t w n or three weeks ago .tad arranged to Isar for Ik•tr.nt het awning In the w.d.ltn•. w•unatiI1.4 toy her Meeker, lir. E. 14rtcy at Nes hurl:. mad Ler bt,dher•in law, 1•- Cowan, of slue plates. Mr. loullertou, one of the Limit knows of th, young buswer tom herr, it seam, was an old admirer. 111'.1` a ....et shined. Tory be is 111cedetd4 operant at mortal dew, wad esi0cially that Ir,t to -eke annotation. Il.: esideutly f(alnd ..il 6is old flame revive .,1,1 hon klnd4•. 1 rsteniay rle,ut a "'clock. th.!y dr..vc}wrtiy to Dow er,uto, a....hil.w)ed l.y a Nalwuee lady end gentianam, and wen: tom tied. 1►r. Cron:v mind \Ir. Merry were at the station w111 : n;.r1 tickets and beggey, .:...1.-.) for le. •.:mK rad remained until p. -.t Hain till , mime they were Wormed •.t Itct. te- gadding sat entire change dppeetotgyru. fo life. Jr. Fullerton and Mies Perey has. loaf beim well known and very realer here ilio! are h:,_hly ruepseted. Boy with basket Please, mum, give me some dinner for my poor, sick father. Kind t.oly 1.00k here i've been giv - iag you dieser for your sick father for two weeks, sad I ..w him yesterday in the street, and be is no more rick than I am. Hoy Yep, mom, he ias't sick any more, but he data lost the same as Byer. Thom who believe allot Dr.Sage's Catarrh Rented will es them an more liable to art wellarthan these who don't if you happen te he a.• of these who don't believe, there's s msety et 11600 M help your faith. It's for yam if the onshore of Dr `aye's remedy meet eve •nuhow war of haw lo., yw M your catarrh in the headway he. Thee make+ en the Weeia's Micheal Alnmelathx., at IledleeleM, 11. Y They an knows to �7 ottk. wo Faso a- IisMr endo 1y Aew�fMthe you ccs easily asewte-is that their word's es Rood as their head. You wiled your watch one s day. Your liver aid bn•lekl shook* tat as regularly. il ems heti mat eti be me b4 Pma 1f they do , nes a key. Igger7 Oder te wow te •veer ehe.ee d Na ; The key is Ur. Piero..'.. Plsakoat P.Ilota ere not to= Ms .lienee set I (Ase • deka. ewti/r , kir ANY FOOL Can sell goods for less than cost, but it req+yiras good common sense and business ability to get a fair all-around profit and please your patrons. The Public Look with Suspicion On the man who sells below cost; either the gends are worthless or he will take advan tage some other way to make up the loss. Tell LiEUT.-.'SOV- ILL a s oliai etf raralyata Quiff e74o0• M folwvto, Nov.S ,--Sir .L,lesustier t'..mp• Lel►. 1.:..uteanat•(1u'rrse., sit thatar....:um bees "ohms' to ache, taut for themet t 7:•sr days w :' :. A At 114A .4paralysis. 1 hou gl, 11,0 .Inlet ....• th'•',batt,1 kept that .t was last nstil to day :tort c..' Siert'. L..•a.ne pobIw. There w:ts a rentor on the street this morn- ing to the effect that the Lieateaaist•I:uccr- nor was :,t the point tel death, but although lie it yyouur suable to more, <-,11 them is e.0 immediate efau.e for fear. tar. (:el+aett, who is Sit Alexander's physician. said: Sir .Uexatdrr Campbell Win feeling a little poorly lot a few days pteviou. to last \Ver ne.day. (ht Wednesday last, in the :.ft•v• .1t 4 e'C)o k, .'I:ik sitting .1, !,is library It.. was seize', o alt paralysis of .. il- lation ami pertly of mraifs% in the right :kg, and it was Item.) m i cas..:y'to temw'c- !situ w 64 room an1 summon alarlkJl assistance. The stroke has confined him to his boo since, but his general health. as for as stat- ing and sleeping go, is not [Hach impaired. He dept w.-11 las* night and when I ula.lr a visit this morning Lc seemed soy bright and cheerful Of ...tutee it is an 011001 foe-able'ywpton. to late seen in d 1114114 of S:r Ale:au.ler's age, but I .in rot think thercls any immediate danger. The nee, of his sudden illness .a.ld1ce.l :zany a hart w Toronto this u.or ing among the boots ..t triee.b of the ',acmes, ..at -I ioi-ernm- He as Ii) yearn of ago•, but is still a h. -arty ..td Cie a.•., sad 1. I..•••n , bt•ely .,11114• •ted with l'ouadiah lit i..., ..fain. f..r the peat RT y ears. BOTH DEAD IN A WEEK. Mrs Church Dial sew tke 1Nr:d Weir etas• lion.! . t 011(11111. H.•ttt.,.•, Nos. In. lrs:erds' an- t was made of tate .heath. kat Statnrla'. of Henry l.'hur.-h of 119It.y•street north. He wan .turx•l ye.,:enlay afta :0'11 , %%hen t i., 0)011ttiers returned to tie hope they we.., cadet wills the rad wows that Mtn (:harsh !.,ad heloitlwr mach worse arta was fast fell... i.k her husband int,. the aletlt lane!. HAW an hear after ,he bre:theit bete last. It i• supposed that the nhn.k of her :u.L-,..I a .Matt: hn ;ten's' Mrs. ( Thrash'. .end. she ...an years of 't' •:nil leay.m a 'amila of Eve chil.Irea.:.11 of now.,hair are ew '41'ow 11 u!) . MANSLAUGHTER IN HAS TANGS. A0 Old Man Arrested lir a •n.ee.z the (Nath or a 1 eentrea'1:a.1. Kr.1 lir.: n.L4. Nov. 5.5. - 1} niel M.,anr. r:,:e., all nla man r'e•.•aling iu Tn..taw, was artrs:rd there Lat night •-ht,;zed with nem slaughter in killing a he • named Th•.uw. Ceerir,rc. It is stated dist on Suielay pirbt. 4.o.. K. \loar,truty 0.'. •a'.•lkirag '•) She .crest Ca/r'..e,t a iv1�' ,•wlt.:ri II .iw.iite when the boy 1:.:.. I :he beg 0.1.1 or .ke maw et the ari•c:.wr Nou.ta•us; k,ao. kind the levy ewe's sod kicked him th.c.• times in the •toulaeh. Tose h.": tmirk k.• itis Led on the fulow..gday Caw diasll,.! BIRD, SANG )i)SRECJI_:b Feetbere.l t.osg.ters ('Mer.d the t're.by- t.ry of Rev. 1 ether ,.Imrd \\'ISPeon. Nov. 2K ---Father I:irard a Belk River died here iv terday el din bete. He wee about 30 year..d n;:e oud a native of France. He had I.'.0 at It•lk River for over 19.1 years. Father tabard wan A greet ente-tain"r at hie residence, which in some respe'L4 resend,/a1 a mini More, as he had never less than 300 ..r 1'410 list hint of various breeds. - - - Fetal r.l: trees a Haymow. NswMAassr, Nov. 21. - N'il!uci t ,wy molly, while sesimtin.' : ' a %fir:•d.ing .nt- chine, f. il from the bop of the grew t.' the barn floor 0. his heed. His injuries will prove fatal. 11.0 thowerles t17ndi•.ted. VAosvrv►n, B.C.. Nov. 26.-- An option has been obtained on all the breweries it British Colurnbia by d • Reglish ,••pitali ts, and the breweries will he managed by ..or company. the preheat owners takintgg .t...k and acting as local 'I'6e manufacture of lager bear trill he u undertaken: st present ell the lager consumed here is imported head ...ey Veered e. the 11 reek. Wineskin. Nov. --The body of w itu font was found on the Miehigui Cksteal track about t ntr warn from Wier. ..r. be t ween Jaid dr ole Sidi Send midday even'._. It it not known wt. rh. rhi!d way thrown from the twin or •.L .� em the siale 01 the h.. k. A /:tasmlt1 .6.005 H.N»If SAnt ta. Nov. 46 Richard t:tette, gum - smith, acs -(dentally shot himself ')tn. 4.yr le the thigh while nee tring a rink. He bled �p��.er''f�.�Cel. , but u espy"leo 10 rte ..ver tl.iate• himod poisoning follows. PlEu=the Na'saps r Fire things are emen ie.) to snores is AYIMe t MAIM' t ,e1OTVIRr lila l)•o r &areal oder : the leer mimeo New ret. 1 sm7. - Rishtooad Rebmrd•r. IF r0U WANT TO BE FAIRLY TREATED All AROLIND 7A. Ywrih.loak. • Vl. toms !las Fe terms,. Nov. +11 A teler•am ghMs the netab.r of killed in t!se •bele Oita prefecture by the retreat earti..toake as MM. the number .f weaseled .e 11,080. sod the total windy* of harm destroyed I:r,IMM to 11000. Thome figures at norm twiner the eamoalties at (►g.4.1 -CALL CAT ALECK SAUNDERS WEST STREET. Every customer treated alike except Mr. Cash. He gets special attention. Take a pointer. NEW GOODS ire Being Added to Stock Every Day. Library Lamps, Carpet Sweepers, Decorated Parlor Lamp.., Silver-plated Ware, Knives and Forks. gots Nee Moon Pias. Num Ate.A, 1 hen boos troubled with Lr.e bash for &host 6 moths, aped tliea,ht 1 week! try H•g'yard's Yellow (Ml, w owed me. Am now free item all poise, kid resemesesd Yellow (1t1 very dl novo PAL , W Gigs. Some New Lines for ifede!ng Gifu. A Useful Gift Will be long Remembered. The IIPrimi, Carnet Sweeper The epitome .4 ell the rest THE BISSELL Sweep, sweet-,. gaily Siang he Upon the chimney so high, Sweep, sweep, gaily sang she Down in the parlor near by. 1 .dee a maid, sang the sweep up aloft, Sweeping so gaily and free, She has a .weeper -she calls it her " Prize. Oh, don't I wish it was wt•. TIIE LATEST PR(►D1'(TIUN OF CARPET SWEEPER COMPANY. I B:192 :ho 87LE CrNTSCL of It for the Town. Whoa ?on Boy a Sweeper Get the Bert. 11111J'P1/4fr-00=108TING. EPPS'S COCOA BB,ZAXErAST . "B) • thorough knowledge of the n.Innl laws which govern the operations of digestion and nn.nt.on. sod by a careful spplication of the fine properties of well -selected ['nom.. Mr. Km* has pmtidel our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may sate us many heavy doctors' bills. 1t is by the judl- ekeus 11.e of surh articles of diet that • e,,mgl- tmtloa may be greeneh7 built up until strong enough to resist ever! Leede c7 to Meeker. Hundreds of subtle melodies are floating around us ready- to attack wherever there is at weak point. 4 a stay emape many a f•t•1 shaft by keeping °enmites well fortified with pare (.loos) .rad a properly nunrishcd frame.' -- Cie./ .ticrrier (.,,:.'fete. !lade tempt) with trilling wat••r or milk. Sold only ie paekel.,hy Deicers. ishetir.t thee. J A MLI[ APT% t ('a.. f.semeMthle ('era • Ise. L•.4... £slid. ema•.M• row •Wog cabWJ sat r. 15....d.-..l,y.4. T.Ae..ra kw.. hal..tie Mr FeM A _.. soma,. Ma Int .e .. 115* 7.0a. -Uy how totem seals.. GI. a dot ',M war, sea mo*. e. yrs , awl .o v I .d•'. 1u a.! tin ..1 • mw4.. pie .w o........ -* •1 •..a., r. .e ate ••w. vier:0 Mee• ewl.a., 0 uu, 0.• •0 r e... t.rwt err Kea . . a+w7 neA*. W. ten b.eW. t wipthAMLT seem �tr Wm. ATENTS! IlElIS, 7110f SAKES ANO COP/RISNTS OfllOtnideed. am. n atteagsl toat business FRS& Our tides a opposite the U. S. fittest Of. Gem and w • nae obtain Pewees 1k lees time ha ■ theme reeso' a from W Aruowa rOV. Head ANIURL OK ORA WINO. aeaW o ad to akeas a1 '�OHe IRON hoe et WE Ole- red ke redIN PATI[NT. Wormier, hem to the Postmaster, the SN•+. tt derder Div.. mod to e1M1.M of Slee a In yore U. S tMMs4 Oeoe. Tor sleWON 40 semi nder. advice. MU Ma* sr att. wrlblo e A aeww & ets.. 0111104110 Moot 0111ca Wodllslr.D.0 IOtf NEW ARRIVAL -er-- WINTER COODS. LATEST STYLI:S. Remasash lba dem F'rel�a4 Ile mid H. DUNLOP, •i.. West•el. Tamer. 11111 KEEP YOUR FEET DRY. This can be done at a very small cost by purchasing your foot wear at the old -established and reliable Shoe Store of i. DO W i�TI�TG_ YOt' WILL FIND MY Stock of Fall Goods As usual very large and complete. Prices lower than thief lowest. :, PER CENT. 1DIS('OUNT FOR CASH. I give special attention to ordered work and repairing and I have the workmen to do the work. E. DOWNING. FOR STRENGTH, PURITY AND FLAVOR, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Try a sample package ' CHAR. A. NAIRN. Grocer. FURNITURE. 1N EVERY VARIETY. 1. spealsl, for W toll trade 1 all* a good Parlor Halle. want (rime. In beiLltria fie SILO net, ehab. Alm same is case. emu Moab. pier and other «s stylise e m 104 Wel In 11111011111014.010Ms.gSrte s pod Hoe from VIM ep to $*IS 6t� hes been WM togging 1 Yvt bolo trite, to *lag prices within ter reset of all ela.ses. 1 tarry a largo line of Wtwoow SnAnna and l'etrr•Ix PoLttli. 1 have • large t of Pu-rtta. Mot'I.newo and will frame asheap- as ally (1540 else.. the Utro.w0As��rket•0� I have e.rryt►I.r 11000111111000111111111000111111107 to a Snaees or eI t Mira,* le meek Most (11ab4mo. e.ed (ooed M o1HMwespd .• la orbits. alaPlods ••• white velvet. 1 have had about M y.a. ex 1a all the above 7ou will god prime tel, L DANIEL CON ORD Ogg .Mete 1Wt ref let -k ' Mtmeeal Rectal.. jelerie►