HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-3, Page 5rHE WORLD weemeat u ixand- isa.dpa well marl r Malamute, Wean r itis hem declared ' arrest. Mouth Dakota, arp■th. clamming for the remora u sow ! k Adj. oda of *:kat spirt t caul war. he leu no ambits* wn \I tubus . on flier& Lay is aenity of t:tasgow. Al 31 iroa.•L.Is, ik its, and 51 4•rpeilt ug a *agar trust is J of $23,1l110.001,4 h.o the Baited Kat-, resume his duties ('aped i w iU Leede* erutsn kuper..r I. I ggeenaer►Uv ant ap- Thursday through,- artriunces that the •i!1 reassemble os relkrt Resticass, • ,1'eeen at Wi,dlsor .ttalium. I'rt*tle ut tried tit hang an td with lite steamer Thee. . mums U,IPJfl pwpie have laza mace Noveeiber lune. I armed heals de- li o-•1 is the northern ('abiset of the late of Chili, are to be public (suds tight Hon. Edward Lytton, the Knish ea held Saturday. Vt., oo Thurstat bemuses. buildings *reh. Low, sue.. -.termer Toon oil miner Baltimore in ;tit Nu lives were London that lord ,wit equerry iron his family mat at 1mrn.an echoun., vel at tjueenswun overboard aid (aged Texas forger, kuaduioa. A stay rover, ben granted appeal. Meander H. M. 1. s t by the court ng the fatalities at e off lk.vear. Ilex nays then wag tate of Sour lags ng .Ntly 161. (t1t errata the pnviou• Prisce of Wales scenarios year, be ta• trrwud master id Lodge meeting sed 3 horses br Avenue Tra.•tim tar Pittsburg, 1'a.. ►, a Ions at $11115,3011 four addressed a' C iaagow yeeter- 10 matter what to 1, it would never d. the King of Ike es railway steam Corded gree4nge and reception was castle. ir Fiat Belfast, de at Beehigne to an- -unseal uldeoewcy da .eat is Praha - ant. He m a (as (linger, the prise ng at New York, at death was the i •mall blood me- at, dseat, l.sa ►ws bald ix i. celebrating Sunday referred to I sot regret whit d the fart that a Auld not 10v the nowt has notified raiment that there .mtitUtio.ahty of ass that Quads nit • tart arse to nL made an deepest Bs WWI psra f, Ilei d teras with Bra my*. premie.@ in re iasport.at them en minister, while V. agreed to es des with Prance, ..sate "rasped. ~a the i.v series Leila by 1 Wait sad Mem- maritime a MIN Iona Tb• INN I. meet month they The msassise- s les oloArisls `Ma .Ns. oeMlasa wpi • tombyliss a • a1 WUM-b+ v. bow sr Miran Awls' ear - Is se MIs me i RAM ,[..*dors, f THE RTGN AL : t ODERICH, ONT., TH URKDAY, DECEMBER 3, 18$1. CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE LINMI ear.ao sass. HEAD OFFICE. . RO .: $AMTAL tidos IP) OM MUM DOLLARS • MOT flr S. L WALKtR, (RiNutot M.NAggR, GODERICH BRANCH, A OepKaAL BAUM BusNEas Tw4MeACTED. FAMOUS' NOTES C CRAFTS MOM PATAILE AT Al. OTS 1N CANADA, AND The tNttteCIt+At- OmS IN TRK US ITER STATS% G ISAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BENMUDA, ac DATUMS MAMK DePARTMEMT. DS►a1Te OI !LOO AND UPWARDS NICtiVED, AND CURN[NT MATE& OF INT[Ag5T ALLOT ISD. it♦11INGO► *DOWD *DOTO Torg pleNeiPAL AT TNg goo or MAT AND M MON Test. 00.000.000. 6000,000. **saki AftSsfbs gives No fie Oellectlon of ^en-rnarotnr waRN. ..m Fafweers• axis Metes. :erre :-- This cut . our $3.50 Italia- * wed calf Hal. We defy competition u this line. We hair merle a reduction of lac. I r pair for ."a►h 011 our boys' hand pegged) and hand made - grain kip lace Hak We guarantee every pair to wear front eight months to a year : they need no rubbers, :ax they are nsterpna(. Try a pair. t )ur estab- lishment is headquarters for rubber ;omit. ordered work :►add repairing. 1II ripe ..•wed free of rhanfe. In.1,er•t our $1.00 counter cad& dliscount. JOHNSTON CAREY, ••\ THE Goderfoh. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. A reish dsenamg re, hart' asses. Ali loiLA eau Maar U. E. It. d'. 01 the Pharmacy. Geo. A. fear. The sews* and hat goods .n cesue1ea s arroshu5a ss, haler' fun ma be sees at A. L Pr,dhsdn's dere. )kcl.+sa'. Mock.. *met Indian Wet sad the *(quare. w.C.t.00de's voting eo.,tewt tit:4 week giros neater oru.nroeaa. 10 the Iwo wades. sutler ;U vote.. Holt ]Hit. inhere aeon: statiu.ary Ore a ,tron,1 putt mow fur cm week mdse. gee ad. Now is the time to send to your orders foe (arislmss phut.,crashy. and by .o ••',.all anal the ;what ib. betidati .res...•.. 1',kr w.. -k N eattei u .o*Me as uses. naewart .. and the )lk'.'r+•.• ra.ot every tone. You come tie in no etude mei I''l do the test. Is Ile.un•ennoemeat it R sallow' :ush.s le et.-:)o.s who w.•ts anything la the art lisle fro:., • hadddsxn.Ny trained .r.otyp - ,, the hustles: plI,Aoltn.yalc Aram. Premier Abbott w.i1,a11 the Dentdoersof the commons tease mole as Ottawa early to Jain ear, and 1 call eery Nan b need of • stood ssn or overruat to asaewable at the Chicano a N•e. N'vet street, at 00.0 a MacCsrn..c. If you wast to see bariares rashest cell around to Meek $auodeas. the Nest rarest hauler Sieves dual eel •Mame 'o set is Ade.tbey are said before they ate, unpacked. The prices do it. See his s4vertisemeol on Paye seven. Ererythiag Ia Its season, and this is not the uases for straw sola wad li•ea dusters. To so right with toe times rat loci your bode at ad have the cutting do,*n ey Befog F. J. l'ri•1Mm, the Uwe aped a. sohwiitb 11"1111c1"••"clad N Ort -.r Tut Hem SettOOI. Eirca7uNievcr. Preparations for the to be peen m Friday @va.ing by the High School Literary Aoriety are well advances(. A first -dam program has Iwn prepared and the aelicatio.e are that the Society will W..1 maintain their put record in the es- lataiment line. The proceeds will be de- rated( to a fund for the purchase of a piano for the es, of the Society. The reserved (rat tickas. we understand, are Pallas him kat rakes, sad the ()rand ()para House will !ANY contain • large audience. A (:•.nakICN Roe t. rug STAVE. We deb by The Aso Democrat that R (.ossa, of felt Sia. Marie, Mich.. has been awarded the onntrart for the plumbing at new Fort really --a oowtrsct assisting, in rough *us*. to *7,000. He had to compete with .doe of the argent firms in the sone* . list, The Democrat. says, • perfect k.owi• f the work, as well ashes. judgment ad ppm -heal knowiede.. mere 'paddy the made track sad he .looped them all. Mr. low is an old 4 oderich boy, and his %ssds here will be pleased tdopmew of his Teo rennet r Msmear --A .ries d wsperance meetings will b. held in the Temperance Hall, wader the .napiers of tie days: Templar', Raday &set u 1', o'clock. l'rol. 1. T. Milk, one .f the halt eloc.tteeisie is Ontario, will Me- tm1, veaday afternoon and every eveehg Me - 41, mitt week. The subjects of his Me - tares wall be 5maday aftwvoaa, Man's w •ak : Smedley evening at 8 1li o'eixk, &mmhlia5 Pb.ee:" Mdrdb ay, "TPlaine "- K(d07 . Tuesday, "Beware of the Dog:- l lady, "Rxperigee* ;•' Thursday. Duty of the Hoar.', Os Friday eveu- a(mad exhibition of eideptiew views sir he given. The week stint die Neon .t a n'clenk. The bass Meal tal- dM ken bees secured t`. Mist at these meet - NIL Silver eolhrti.0 at the dew. Cunw,a,em ( ,nr —_if 1111.111 •( . a tart that PeMort's $trvili.a is without 'f ise ib,va a simimi .m....a.g i. exception the awls* powerful, pis.sa.t andhit kNevw's sill* by a .sees* ~tate anew, tate remedy is ib. work( for pais. it The aumdieaew, tint g .l10s1 be re- asset fail, for It gads right to es, battens to the isv-Itatki.e most estbv the ad pais, psi trate. to thn nerves. , othee rrew .ms isr ,e.od ddd.ddadly ! J Hass ist. q.Mteesa, red afford* preempt aur( R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. of the old laud the duty they owe to their adopted e'aeada, but to seek by Scotch pluck en•t energy to build up and deaelop this .-o..utry of far wider temtory soil 'pester ree arms. It is not ton much to say of th.ecn who took part in the other Marta of ch.- program that they did not al low the " braid Scottish tongue " to *idler in their rendering of their various ``rets. The dancing of the little Mures McLaren was very good and to judge from the ap- plause was heartily received. The ('amp have MIAMI to c.nrgratulate themselves on the stomas of their tint entertainment. \'((Teal a -r. Cut'a'H. The anniversary and hot supper of t•ictoria.st. Methodist church will be hold on Sunday and Tues day neat. Rev. 1.. F. Salton, M. A., Brun eels. wall preach at 11 A.11. and 7 r. v. on ' Sunday. tan Tsu.Jay a hot supper which promises to rampage anything of the kind before attempted will 4..-a genuine hot supper wkieh wi Ill w served lanai 6 4. 8 cu., after which the chair wiU be taken by Rev. .1. A. Anderson, IL A. Addressee will be given by Rev. Mauer*. .1. F. Howell, Sl. i. A. Potter and (:. F. S•Itas, M. A. Admission, 36 cents. An ea• c.11ent time u expected. ONE of THE cOUNTY'S POOr- An inquest was. held at the jail Tuesday afternoon on the body of Mary BRady, one of the vag- rants.-,,committed to that institution to spend their last years. She was tint committed November 18th, 1887, from Seaforth, All a vagrant, att.1 since that time had spent on- ly • tees weeks out of jail, hating been con - hoed there ever sauce her second reoommit- sent. Last .August she fell out of bed and broke her arm. The arm healed, but front that time, notwithstanding the beet et at- tention. she failed until her death about six u'ck.ck 1'needay morning. She appeared to be about sea nary years of sr, was of weak mini, unable 4, take care of herself, and subject to *pelts of extreme weakness. Coroner Holmes, in charging the jury, maid that hen wag ane of those Lases in which it was the custom au the county, strange mit seemed to be, when poor people became old and usable to take are of themselves to ..semi* them to jail them as criminals The jury rendered a verdict of death from natural .rumen, aiding. That in our opinion It is a diagram to this county tint people like her are confined in the jail as, criminals. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Hy. t'Iu.a. spat Monday in town. \f b 4. . Rusk sprit Sunday in town. T F. Rance, of Clinton, was is town or. Monday. J. W. Taylor, of Exeter. was in town on Tuesday. W. YowClinton. was a 1.odench yesterday. J. W. Buck, of Brantford, was In town Ism week_ 11. Mullin, of Belfast, wan in d:oderich the past week. Rohs. Blair, of Barrie, W1111 in aioderich lam Friday. Mrs. Carrie, of Dungannon, was in town on Tuesday. E. Le..lky. of Stratford, was ie t;oderich the pest week. R. (:. Webb, of Auburn, was in the coun- ty taws on Friday. M. 1'. 4'amen.n. M. I' . was in the Queen City the present week. F.. Lit flagstone and wife, of Blyth, were in town the past week. Win. Mau ton was nrtliaetl to the house by illness the past week. Mrs. Mc('lennan, of Brantford. was visit ing in d:oderich lam week. Rev. and Mn. Dyke returned on Friday to their home in Bdgratrt. John McMillen, M. P. for South Heron, was in town Friday hut. Mies Cooke wall return home this week from • lose visit to Chicago. Wm. Jackson, of Clinton, was in Cue county town on Wednesday. Inspector of public schools Robb, of Cita tot, was m town os Saturday. i). McLeod left on Monday for lletro it, where he has enured a situation. N. Bd Ake, of the poet was seriously indisposed the past week. H. J. \Iclooaki, of Grand Forks, North Dakota, was is f;od.rich this week. Mies Kate K Mcleod u at preterit reef tering from a severe attack of a grippe. Thos. Venmane, who had been visiting in this vicinity, returned on Monday tut to West lay City, Math. Mrs. Mak-omen. aft os Tuesday for Burlington, having received intelligence of the season ilheen of her father. charge McMillan. of (ioderich, left w Friday for South Freak fart, Benzine county, Mich. He intends visiting his two then there for the Winter Dr. Nicholson and Mian Nit—holies re- termed estarred iaturday set from a trip to Wash- ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. They had a ptsarnt trip. Oise* a. Are a nuisance and we think it behooves publishers to examine into the matin of many article+ puffed up in their cabanas We do not deny that many remedies are prrrpsrly to VIP eansed under his headliag. Take the hnndreds and thmseanda relieved from severe suffering by the .en of Poem's N.rnfiwr : wnnld it twit be unreasonable to expo t thaw te onewld.ma that far famed rime(! No. wa know for M R., an aothdsisssie Esass t prmassst "thd •_"*IJ the etkaar 1e W epas- Zramrb bet Arm tis aafestids et UM iPerk tame he with quite a rod haat Fri te to ass segoslsa et+ su iw w lay te Brde market Thse . prim rangedeke*muirksr the enters was held. ie from X6.50 to els e0 per hundred 1 hr.. aatkadiey bis ranine ►t aged .11 gss sit- buyers will maks thaw lively here this MINA Net be lama is feed ssomps ss roses--ilIvolds P. DI;B$OLUTION OF PARTNER- SHIP. (:rest Discount Sale ut I)ry (Ioodlt. Having decided to dissolve partner .h w. the Brat of January next, we will until that date differ our entire stuck of drooe goods, *elvetewsn.. mantle clothe, ulsterings, uvert+osts, tweed's, shawls, flannels, flannelettes, blankets, comforters, underwear, cottons, prints, etc., at &event* rouging as high as 30Off our present low prices.Now is your opportunity to procure new, seasonable goods at and under coot, Nowhere else will you find goods at such low prices as we are prepared( W offer tdwm. The sale lugs .. . . 1, ix now go- ing on, and will continue until the eta( of I)e t:ember. All accounts rendered must he set- tled at • •. The highest prow paid( for butter Anil eggs. J. A. REID & BRO. Jordan'.. lases, /.ulnen. Noa..dh, Ilei. 'Sta- J. Entn.d•rt.at hoe returned haste after s profitable season's work at Fart Wallace. A. M. Todd, of The ('(intro News Roc - ori, was in tow rd a few .lay the prat week. Mies Jamie '*radon left this week on a visit 4, Sir. 411J Mt -i..4. Straiton, at Thorn .I. T. (:arrow, tj t'., Y P1'., ors attend- ing the Supreme 4 bort in Ottawa lbs past week. 1' A. Malarnts.m, of Lucksow, has been matted us a notary public in The ()ntario I:arette. Slut .I. T. l)ick.on and daughter spout s few days the bast week with relatives in satforth. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ball kit on Wvd- needay tor Rluevale, where they will reside for the IVintrr. Situ Tena \t'atsnm retuned( on Saturday from, a monstn month's visit to her sister, . - Straiton, Thona.lale. Stn H. Stowe returned on Thursday last from Luck now. where she het (wen attend- ing the obsequies of her father. Mrs. Rottman., of I) -•trait, who had been vending the Summer w•itli her mother in town, returned inane oq Monday. .John iplan, of Kincardine, who sailed on the Sephie daring; her last trip this sea- son, lett for that port Tuesday last. Mrs M. Watson, Light house. *t., esu su one( to liaytirld Wednesday last, owing to the death of her uncle, Mr. AW - worth, of that place. The following holies anal gentkmes at- tended the bachelors hall at Suaforth on Friday : Mrs. and !lien Maloomson• Sirs. .1. M. and )lass Simplon(, Mien and Miss Annie Wynn. Mime. V. and f.. Cameron, Misses 13 Wilk.nenn, JU.ie Shannon, Nina Strachan, Iiinlio Hay.: Messrs. l..o. !'rise, R. P. Wilkinson, Thrix. laundry, Ciao. Nairn. Thos Nairn. t.., . •r• -..e •a. ter Cd.tales i aAt:ags/a v' •.• .rd.sa SOGT►IIPIO. C.cAMONO, NEAIIlG. Instant Peke, Perrrr•►a.-f Cure, fan un iepoemah Nosy so...' of &um.. pro .ha,.tr ay notart.. • , ...ora, •,.cis a. s4 ai al fw•..Joao, .aa re••••• .. tam, as..... Tens*: I.r*ir .fwd. briny. e... If r.,,..n tr a1W day of i....t ..,.:,,h. •,peso••.., your L*0... .. ,4, W 0400M ,(e la: b ) uranne o ►n...% tear. s.a ski if saw, wiibr d aid la ►.•a r.•.ns I. cat•.f . t a "mu' by om.aw. .w. 4,150. '...•s nogg i. w .:i dr•ap.u, r.rta.,rt psd .e INK 1 gdrt bousadga t7d•dhuio b. 1)MLf .Breetw_a, CO.,lOM. Ale nw SidYY-- n- Growing Too Past without ei6Or" rye become aid w.sk. F blind been up, by the um of 1 .g ULSIO THE WINTER IS KNOCKING AT 01111000R cB; K OF MONTREAL. And at this season of the ytssr health demands that every indivithi4&1 should be provided with wane . to with- stand- weather. In view of these facts w.• are glad( to direct your attention to our You utast have there and it is just a5 well that you should know that we are offering something special in stand- ard) goodly. We look closely at the matter of quality of these goods, and leave the buyer to look closely at the prices, know- ing that they will bear examination ..,ed comparison just as touch a, the goods themselves, and we expect buyers to share the pleasure we feel in offering them u really tint -claws line of Flannels, Flannelettes & Blankets With no high prices on the list. We want you to try us and get tome of the cheap goods we are offering, and ) ou 1l be glad, for you're sure to conte again. No lui.rt•pre• ' -iitittrg goods. No advantage taken. Beesley's Great Liquidation Sale ! W_ A_ RUTHERFORD FINE TAILORINC. CHICAGO HOUSE, wase su a TO THE PUBLIC You Hardly Ever Take a notion to be measured for a suit or .•.v •rr'.:it wit! - out doing Borne thinking about it, and one of tie• strong points in connection with your contemplated miler i - Where Wi-II I Go to .lo best' Now, gents, if You would be guided aright visit the Cliff 'AHO HOUSE, WMT -ST.. B. Ms( •CubtMA, , man- ager and cutter, and see the large ;tock. Brown and blue Cheviot. appear to have a running deulsn.l for suits ; and Naps, Meltons in different shales, blue and brown Moscow Beavers are goal selections for the fine trade. You will find them all here. You will also find) the very latest monthly fashions and a guarantee to give you the very best style and fit If you want padded shoulders just say so and you will be pleased(, but the tine trade has frowned it down—it is not style. If You Wish to be economical and imagine that tt ready- mail- suit or overcoat will answer your purpose, this i, the right place. I have secured an agency for the sale of Sseroal s CELE - MUTED READY-MADE C1LOTHIN( 4, admittedly the best cut goods in the really-madle trade. You can have a big choice. 100 Overcoats to select from, ranging in price from $4.50 to $30.00. A POINTER--- CHICAGO OI NTER-... ,. rr eeIceca IIOUSE, OF P S u'U •g AN/ NYPOPNOOPNITLR Oil Lina masa Mors. iillage M ma AS A 0Oppell • es lee sr ails w osiaM" ■ Lm ni file me R M Wwho w: st O gap To take the plait of the old-fashioned corded corset, try the B.& C. corset This is just what you can do. You can try it, and even wear k for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you're not satisfied, you can return it, and get your money. TOP 44A4.K It 't at•N1tietN h WS f1piEMe—i ods Odwi ..d Lamm i STst, B. MacCORMAC, v SUBSCRIBE FOR TH>D MANAGER. Canada's Best Familj Paper* Toronto THE HAMILTON EEKLY SPECTATOR! ENLARGRD AND ISt/MCKIM. , I Ooatalias ill w xnes, Dia ROODS ]hang Opsolal (loans, r 1 2,000,000. REST, - E,000,000. . 4 Saving Department has bf'en opned in cots - vection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DRUMMCND, .Manager Gobderic/i Branch. ' NOTICE To the hundreds of customers that visit our store every week : WE ARE NOT giving up business, nor dissolving partnership, nor selling goods below cost, but WE ARE doing business on the each principle and selling goods at a very small margin, which means at rock bot *tom ie., every time. Come and see us and bring peghbors. 4 TALK ABOUT PRICES, LOOK AT THIS Shaker Flannels, at 7o., worth 10c Grey Flannels, all -wool, 26 in., at 20c., worth 25c Grey Flannels, all -wool, 28 in., at 25c., worth 30c Tweeds, for boys' wear, excellent value, at 25c,35c,40c,50c A bigsnap in Mantle Goods, double width, at 60c., 75e., 1.00, $1.25, $1.50. Sealettes, great value, at $4.50. $6.00, $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00. These goods cut and fitted free. DRESS 000DS. DRESS GOODS. let of Wail and colored Henrietta., to• clearesi out at 25 cents, worth 40 cents.ir A big drive in Buttons. A few boxes left. 10 dos' fon 25 cents. Great Cash C.tore, GEO. Atdrix,a0N & Co.'s OLD STAND JOHN ROBERTSON, THE Pnoit MA\. FRIEND, MANAGER. DISCOUNT SALE DRESS GOODS. Our whole stock of BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS, comprising 165 pieces, is now offered to our customers at slaughter prices. Read the following classification list : COLORED_ 12 pieces brown Serge Dress Goods, 20e. to 28e 20 per cent. off 10 pieces green Serge Tress (iouds, 20c. to 28c 20 per cent. off K pieces navy Serge Dress Goods, 20e. to 28c 20 per centoff 13 nieces cardinal and garnet .Serge Dresi Goods,20c to 21X,20 per cent off 13 pcseardinal and garnet Henrietta Dre tsUoods,40c to 65c,20 per cent off 11 pieces nary Henrietta Dress Goods, 40c. to 65c 20 per cent off 12 pieces green Henrietta Dress Goods, 40c to 65c 20 per cent. off 13 pieces brown Henrietta Dress Goods, 40e to 65e20 per cent off 7 pieces heliotrope Henrietta Dress Goods. 40c. to 60c20 per cent off Bzd.ao8- 17 pieces black Serge Dress Goods;'20e. to 35c.... - 20 per cent.. off 10 piece•. black Cashel -ere Drew( Goods, 28c. to 60 20 per cent off' 20 pieces black Henrietta Dress Goods, 40c. to $1.0020 per cent. off 5 pieces black Brocade Henrietta Dress (loots, 50c to 85c. 20 per cent off 4; pieces black Alpaca Dress Goods, 20c. to 50e 20 per cent•.1f 4 plass black Brocade Alpaca Dress Goods; 40c. to 50e20 per cent. off A LOT OV - ROBED DRESSES t in .plendid goods at less than wholouale price. (These dresses are a great bargain). This sale will continue fi weeks I)ecided bar- gains will be given, AA the goals meat be sold. H O U se 20 ENDS OF DRESS GOODS, I5 CLS aria and flet Oottataents, The Most insetibung items fibs tllleleest;atleeiaarr atstfu, averrthhis Ole lreleyMty. 1T1!,!*1!!1ARY8 $1 Nw 1111 1st Jsermey, Ise. -w pmt..r "really- amid ear pest 'Auwrae Of Ll)TR,- Agents esWanted. sa n ted. Ief wseteoE di t ayamt w least In pahlee ww4N .... a tb.eg e. d a•a» .ai'r !sr rerws asd pestsM•ea .dens+ Brise AT01t P1tMT1170 O0.. Resna emi QAaaea. KORTH IRON 25 eases To :10 CONT. sir. *RR f►ntS(i A R,c TI MLR IN BIPORIUri( Sealettes, Astra cans & Cloth Man All Mantle Goods bought from us will be cut free of charge. We have a first -claw DRESS and MANTLE MAK ER in the store. ( her whole stoek of ready-made Mantles AT C()ST TAR LATLBT AND HIST FILL AND INTEB IZE1\,CIM2\.4-Jz;).r..,•.L-N;' ---wa HAVE THG -- coons Groat Carpal and lata Cuila Jaiihoiise NOW ON ViRW. P. ODEA, OF THE COUNTY. a „'R6' 714yay Higbee* prig paid for better and eggs. . COLBORNE BROS.,