HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-12-3, Page 3Sufferers
post seems E and Dderange.
Liver dena.
e4 Worsenees, Bick-
and eafls a relief la
Apnea !Ulu. l e all
tees where a ca-
thartic is needed,
these PWsarereoten-
atiaatled by I.rl.g
Dr. T. IL Hastings.
of Baltimore. may.:
Ayee'a Pills are the
best cathartic and
aperient within the
reach of my prufre-
Dr. Jobe W. Brown, of Oreaaa, W.
►, writes : l have prescribed A ser's
la mJ practice, and fln.l them ex.
*Meet. I arge their general use in
families. ••
" For a member of years 1 was she 'ted
with biliousness wbk'b almost destroyed
ray health. I tried various remediss
Mt nothing afforded me any relied until
1 beton to take Ayer's Mee" --G. 8.
Ws•dsr!w'h, Scranton, Pa.
' I have teed Ayer's Pills kr the past
thirty years. sad sen .•tested 1 should
not ter alive today 0 it hod not been
for them. They cased nue of dyspneas
when all other remedies failed. and their
occasional use has kept roe iia • healthy
ouDdluon ever einem"- T. P. Brown,
Cheater, Pa.
"Having boon subject, fur years, to
eonslip.tioy without being able to find
much relief. 1 at last tried Ayer'e Pills,
and deem it both ...lay atul a pleasure
to testify that I lave derived great hen -
set trout their use. For over Iso years
past I have taken o•e of %bean Pills
every night before retiring I wuohl ant
willingly be without them." - C:. W.
Bowman, Nil East Mani st., Carnal-. Ps.
"Ayer'. Pills hare been used in my
family upwards of twenty years, tai
Lys completely verified all that is
entered for them. In attacks of piles,
from which 1 suffered many years, they
afforded we greater relief thalami, ntnd-
Mine 1 ever tried." --Thome F. Adan.
Holly Sprineps, Texas.
Ayer's Pills,
r.RrAain se
Dr. J. C. Ayer h Co., Lowe Mass.
geld by all fDn.eisis wid Dealers in Sled/saes
AND Twit
Hypspispkkas of Uis tad Sib.
No other Emulsion is so
easy to take.
It does not separa .. nor
It is always sweet as cream.
The most sensitive stomach
can retain it.
• Scrofulous and
Wasting Diseases.
Chronic Cough.
Loss of Appetite.
Mental and Nervous
General Debi i y, &c.
Beware ea imitations. Ask for
"the D & L " Emulsion, and reline
all otberi.
Derfwtees of a WM, Wise... Mesawnd
Wad te Cry a reeky Thrwega Mas ap-
\de -?neatens la Yeats -rasa, Ue. le
Perla-T1s [Mmes Ga.e. Sore.
THE RTGNAT.: CODER1CR, ONT., a l a rJ LiBDAT. D$(`EMBER 3. 1891.
M1881140 LINKS
Mho World aewewed r.. reale .f l.Mre i
se Ail.
Wise Mrs. Jefferson Davie began to
11111 1 111 IIIA ,1111111 111.11111•11•••11111 „11, 1 11
noun Mr hotbed einem alter they wee 99
sinned by &cling as hu amennusa, her
haudwnUug was teen g.. iah W plena haat,
and she .letereuuea a.. imitate ha noel
writlag. With tretIl , pnper who epee.'
&a.l renpioel his ?nano e•npt until by prs •
Nue .iae could produce hu wntuag Is lac
a Old amok el the arid• with wool A fronds rivalry dr..water r tis latest
ria w tall hew Yogis( 77064.0. 101100 ie 10.7. wr.hty un the read in Metre. She Is head
weer tail at • osrtaia juectur* to double some, dresss styli.bly, wenn • usan a soft
felt bat sad halts fon New fork. She le
heck their room doom, wad with many
flualw and heart beatings writs down they
(lowliest nesse, coupled with the wranesr
of the ten whom they have preened or
hope to terry,- coi nested • young mar
rigid women lately wedded to a fine man of
her choice. "1 suppose it is the way with
many seutimeutal girls, though 1 never did
it myself; instead, I utderwett a very def
Wont emotion of which 1 don't think tens
have any compreiseeion. bet which I Ind is
not peculiar in ssy nee
'1 inn grief .t hartug to give up nus'..
maulett near AU the time 1 was engaged
I sever took an; thought for the day un
which 1 was to drop my own nice surname
and title, for which I had web a deep toffee
tan, and be addressed by my heady. my
friends tad people to whom 1 was iatrodeoed
by an entirely different one.
''For the ant week after my courage,
even, 1 namely noticed the change, but
nae day there suddenly tsar over ane a
curious little koaome feeling It
amused s chilly and brwsal, w c.like
enroll to be asMelliesed as 'Mr..' at every
band, and never to hear my ewe dna,
sniped tarns- The more 1 thought ever
the natter the more despairing 1 became.
Never, never could 1 hear the old familiar
•Mls' when anyone spoke to me.
Thereupon 1 actually locked myself m
my room and wept so bus mrd Woolly
trona pure that my husband
besought are tearfully, through the keyhole,
to tell him what was wrest He was Very
mooch hurt when I first explained the canoe
•d my grief, but when 1 brought hint to a
realisation of my lose, he grow sympathetic.
sod, do you know, tot • Wag tine, 6'- called
me by my maiden name. That note off
with the honeymoon, however but even to
this day I thimk madly ef my lost nam
Illustrated Americas.
MMIy tie Iia 91Esa
Miele homilies in Pjs pack into eat,
el twit and three rooms; eat of which the!
idea.sheep remove a idea. which once a wee&
is set out to receive visitors, but invariably
closed to visitnrs 0o say ether .Ly. says
"Mur raja M.gaane. "Madam an
sortie," goys the uoacierge. and w oat• is
allowed to go ep to the fourth. fifth ase
wren sixth floor, were they nestle. They
work momently, the mMhin sewing and
meadia`, the daughtrers, perhaps. doing
•sbreidery ter the shops. At eight they
sleep anywhere ; perhaps. la a corner et a
dark pawage, screened off ; the father cm
brother on a 'shake down to the sloe ;
the mother and another daughter crammed
into a tiny oo11, tee small for true sleeper
rod intolerable for two. It u all dread-
fully newboI enene, as doubt, especially'
u -
'aa the whole te wenned ley • pe.
ential •''bonbersky'• move. poisace
oto, but cheap sad cutaeequenty
adopted in such henna. Detwith.tawding ita
d•hagerous effeeta. "We moat tnatage to
live wmehuw .ed rental are so deer that we
isnot stop to think of .uch thing... All
are very shabbily dressed. tonally the
mother is even frightfully untidy. Let. they
argue, Do on an get into theta den. "10
what does it matter'"
If that: anemia allow suck a lex..y, •
femme ate inner ovine. for • few hours •
day and ow.ka their dinner, which u always
very frugal and limited in queue ity if the
'•help" nnuot be afforded the mother dee,
the cooking herself, turning everything to
&cement, sack as bits of dry breed soaked u.
the water which has boiled vegetahles, and
thus rade tufo soup, with pew pnds, etc
If they' live near the Hells Centrales. or
principal markets. the another goes there
hoc in the afternoon and look• out for
*moles of food which could not hearadey's
delay, .col pomace. urea theme. because
they are sold at say pricr
told t v' Jt!'- J orctlan.
--case 1n NoLse s -
--Opp vile the Memel ---
Money to Lend
Cheap Rates
Farmer's Notes C hedl
Coderioh Steam Boiler Works'
aiuMohrd 111111.
I ,
I ,
Chrystal. & Black.
.(1 Stock For Sale:
1 50 -horse -power upr $kt
boiler, all complete.
16 -horse -power upright boiler
and engine.
1 6 -horse -power engine.
1 48 -horse -power horizontal
boiler, complete.
1 50 -horse -power slide valve
engine, all oomplete.
The ab aye have been thorough
IJoverhauled and warranted it.
reit elwles oonditlon. Ready for
immesh stn delivery and will be
sold cheap.
that wenn will resolee pros•$.t.satlea,
w`H. , app, ei. T. E. stallew-
a floosies promptly ettaisdid 1st.
P.O. BOX 861.
away up .w t l.e a. t .ef travelling, canu••t be
impend upon by hotel stere., 6ackineu or
railroad neem and adway+ sells v many
g ads as the smartest of her male ...alveo-
California, aevoroliue to the venue taker,
has 30o,irro orange trees, hut • careful
cuunt made hy the oat,. hoard u1 agricul-
ture show that Cabi•wet& hes 4,001000
°reuse trees, of winch I,O01,000 are in
beanie'. There are more than 300.010,000
biome tress in the mutt. The report shows
orauisa are growing in thirty-eight out of
the hfty•ewru counties.
The superstit of sailors that seeker
amen' mouciatwona being had leek to the
dap wall be strengthened by the recent ex-
plosion of the steamship F:vangel's boiler ON
Puget Sound, by wha.•h three men were
killed outright and five other. foully hart
The lemaneel had been a gospel ship, and
was built by weal sttbe eiptwous from a
greet number of churches.
On the African store. near the Gault w
Alen. and errline•tIIg the Woe of Awl
with the mato ocean, may be found ,one of
Ike 10.41 wonderful riven in the worl,l.
This cm weeny Saes taut flow to, but from,
the ocean toward %Aand. The surface of
Lake Assaf itself is Dearly sever, hundred
feet below the m:•am tide, and It is fed by
this para.lnxival river, whish ie about twit•
ty-two u:.les in least h.
A Lady's Rambles MisetsgtRr• Jsw•Nra
A ran jewel on a .l•eder ehairi pleases
fastidious tats.
Create wars in Reds ware are among
the new importation
Safety matches Ise eo.'raleed 1n o Mena-
cantare little wood heaket of eilwvr
Holders for Worcestershire sane betties
are like este. high coasters with perforated
A glees dick for Sowers hes as outer
covering of real laoe, which her i.een over•
laid with gold.
Silver gilt spoons with watnel bows, and
silver gilt bowls with e•sm.l handles, posse
in the rams seta
Little racks are sumptuous an bre Dees -
den chine, Berke fence asd silver. They
are large, useful and .reamenal. -
Mdeer with varieated
bonier hold silken bags that oleos with
cords and tassels. They are intended for
Little 1•m .sbinet* with ormolu tenants
are intended to bold the little pigeon of
faience brie -a -brae to which alludes has
been amnia
Trays for meeting letters have as edge Like
• crimpled raffle. Those bold a cradle for
the renal, • reoept•ele fee the stick of was, •
tie; temp and • mucilage pot. -Pais Be.,
in the Jeweler s Cinvlsr.
If you are to sleep iia a atrauge lad, says
an •xeheuge, and entert•tn a ausptci•.n of
dampness of the sheets, lay your watch be-
tween sheen and ether smoke or rad a
elide Then take out the wateit and if
there is mat on the glean do not go to teal,
or if you do, sleep between the 1.lankets,
whtrh are never damp. Hundred. of
drummers, espe *ally men past middle age,
take this pre•-autton and profit thereby.
While ascending Pike's Peak by the new
rick railway about one farsun an 2111 is
affected by the runty of the air at the high
altitude. The wiliest:oils of distress ate
it.•hlag and redeem of the nose said then
blackness tinder the eyes. A woman who
was dying apparently on a trip recently
was sent back on the locomotive to the
loot of the inemntau, where she recovered.
The summit is 14,400 feet ..hove the level
of the sea.
Near Horn Hod, CotnstJ t). uiegal, Ire-
land, then ie a bole is the reeks celled
Melia -may', Gun. 1 t ar esu the sea roust,
and is said to have rounaction with a
cave v. W hurt the north u ind blows and
the .ea is at half good the wand and the
wave' enter the cavern and send up pita of
water from the "gars to • height of more
than a hundred feet. The jets a water
are aroompanied by explosions which may
be heard for tines.
A kind of bituminous rock which is found
iv several placer. in Conferees is being ex-
tesivelT use.i for street pavements to that
stele. Those pavements are very like the
asphalt pavements to New York sad other
eastern cities. such as that to Wall street_
The only difference between the two mate
flak is raid to le that asphalt is a manufac
tared article mime of bitumen and send,
while the rock Fess practically the same ole
masts .aturslly combined.
S.tua-l.arr, who Yes passed some sum•
men exploriag in Alaska and the Selkirk
range. of the leeminlon has this season set
ont for Co' astral Africa He writs home
from on. of his camps on the wa to Lake
iauuggaxnvlka that some people told him in
Fngl.nd that it would require at least
etelee J tea fit met a pleasure expedition to
Dake Tanganyika. He says he would un-
dertake to go from England to that ()astral
Afncsa leke and back for 81,000. and that
the expense eonld be still further reduced
if then were mens than ecce white men in
the party to shoe the cost.
To send flowers by mail cut them early
in the morning and let them stand in water
for wme tame before peeking. so as to .b-
enrb immature enough to p' event them
withering, in which came they will not need
to be aptinkled after they are in the box.
Pack in a Tight woodeu hos lifted with cot-
ton batting and ouvered with tisane
icy the flowers, sol ea top of each other,
but in rows side by sale, the blossoms of
each row en the moms of their neighbors
aced as close aa possible: cover with paper
and oottoe; see that the lid Of the box r
securely fastened, and letnrmbee to write
on one corner "4'ut Flowers," as that will
insure the package ►sung carefully mad
quickly hared ed
• PIve-Da, raw.ag.r ••N to t.bash"- ore -
peen awIR east rew.rtw111a.aw ut.sm.r
-Item, ahem, lag Ma•'s r.rward Mate Is
-Ana I:leet.1e Stare Trask A T.rp..ts
Sieve tbe Charles w Wetmore areesed
the Atbwtic to Liverpool end back arain
there has been considerable tale *beet the
°onso uctlola .d • patentee steamer on the
lame model. An illustration of • mecum.
of the, type, whwh is renamed as en
Hee/ of a safe, epetdv and c.wnm.elous
corner a •In.Mi; 1u the S.ic:.lib. Maine ear
LIfl t'salO%l •-rD l7APACIT1.
'r6e hull n of the steel Ing., ,aett-re.
&lnw.t submerged, and su14e•rtiug so. u`
1y Ludt pier. Two 1'nigttvdinal bulk-
heads divide the craft Int. three main
compartment. which are .uW:videl into
tweuty one separate water tight aur
Lions, without doors below the al 51.01
liar. The vessel In 5.11 feet lone 72
feet wile, and Sit . , t depth of hold,
draw mg '_!l feet .•1 ere the displace
merit to rom-k.eued at .• 00* .:a: and the,'a•
pn city of tie hell u tieure -t ALMA/ tem..
r'.l1rtei .con rn..riLI.7I'.
The ear tar. designed to drive this crit
at a .pee of _4 loud* p.te hour are terve it
Dunit ei, . 1 10,5010 tot.. power, running at
1_Mt re.oktionx per nimete, with poopelesr
of 11 • feet diameter and 24.2 feet pitch.
It t• e,: outset that :t vessel Ie::bt on this
plait woold lave accommodation fur'!'J1
brio lase paseengrn.
Nets Abet 01•ve..
Mode shads any be were with say est
Pale W yellow shads stitched wank
black ars considered very chic.
Slate shads aro 1aa. i.d by •cesomteal
shoppers. as they d0 set soil easily.
Gloves should net he fitted to erastp the
head, nether sheald they wrinkle.
A heavy stitching is the easter with
ligbtor lies es the sides bee been intoe
The "naltepay" ester rovers about •
deem samba ahem* riesling tan ice the
Mew's meta; gloves i..node grin hardly
become the standard favorites that glenna
kid are
New glees sbo»M 6. kept wrapped is
.aft paper by tie lucky owner of atemy mo-
wer. para
Odds wad sand. of Deem.
Jetted not for pia/trees appsaro with jos
Jet linnets shooed `ameemo nay the esu
row jet gimps saw worn.
Thick rolls lake woes are plod me the
batten el skirls sod begets
1Lbimn ef joie are shave in seeey M
signs, bee the girdles Wet beagle.
libeled pearl bottom may Ie_ I s•d is
agree with say ef the Isiiw•bie ebbed
Towed eegee s pienmm are met left
adgiup, likewise the eddeb 10u
llmin and
gal reek's era
Jameson* on tea is....
Simon the Mikado of Japse permitted hie
subjects to emigrate to other countries
nearly 100,000 of them here left their na-
tive lead. There are about 50,00e of these
is Hawaii, and more of them arrive them
every meets. There is a large member of
them is Australia. They aro to be dot std
in marina countries of the Asiatic Contin
ant. and some of them ars is Europe
There are theist 2,000 of them in California,
and others are constantly arriving there to
work in the vineyar h. In the Qty of New
York there may br 200 Japanese..nd there
are • few of them in many other Americas
cities Wherever they go they have the
reputation of being industrious and im a n
sive. The population el Japie s 40,005
• Mortaor's Wand,
Her hand 10 soh and whits and Sot.
It Mutton tae seeretitces 1.e 4.
1t lies.
Its woos, mutat/ayAles,
Fever ll r mutat/new
ay me with
it M en daklAy ad se Ode!
(ht it elm hewn bee tread ie prayer,
Bot ease she spanPeewee..
s .ward bops,
With whist a load.iug NOW
Aerial Medidtees Trip.
tenet ruregrsph. Of Gnat taterest
Mw.y Itesd.rs,
The demand tor rubber cash nate is in
great that the output of them Is reckoned
by tons.
Au imp.rovod pneumatic tire for bicycle*
6as a senor of little balls placed Ouse:. the
air space. the (abject being 1" precept the
undue flattening of the tire.
l , scow meal are the alio tale ..f the Ch:.•a-
go, kltlwaukee aid S. Peel Rodent et the
value of creaeohne tis thea they intend N
erect a plant for that purpnet.
A recent E.aglish iuva,uen relate. to au
apperatue applicable to gas and other me-
ters fur arresting them when • deter
mined quantity of gas air other fluid has
peMMaanufacturers of football shoes say that
the deinaud for them has trebled worse lith.
The most popular and u•etol Kind a that
with leather clews running dtageoally torose
the roles.
A new invention m &n mitts rubber cosh
ion for the sols of the shoot, the epeeist
object heiug to give relict to those who ars
compelled to stand all day on wooden or
marble floor..
An automatic cat -out that r.phu'es a new
fuse when one is barn' out is being intro-
duced by a firm of electricians. A routing
drum with the .ever-m.1Me oe its aurfece u
w arranged as to turn around and insert a
n ew fuse when • burn -out ocoan.
There is a train on the Central Red -
road of New Jersey that rens bet twice
year and is called the "stove trop L
Mrs Sarah M. Black of Settees,
Mo., during the past two years has
been affected with Neuralgia of the
Head, Stomach and Womb, and
ivriten : " My total did not seen: to
strengthen sue at all and my appe-
tite was very variable. My lace
was yellow, my head dull, and I had
t'e's loins in my left :i'ie. lie the;tc,rtling when I got up I would
have a Bow of mucus in the mouth,
:and a 1:.: 1. '.....e>taste. Sometimes
adv bre...1 became slant, and I had
.uch queer. tumbling. palpitating
rn3ationS around the heart. I ached
ill day under the shoulder blades,
in the left side, and down the back
of my limbs. It seemed to be worse
in the wet, cold weather of \Viuter
and Spring; and whenever the spells
came on, nay feet and hands would
turn cold. and I could get no sleep
at alt. I tried everywhere, and got
no relief before using August Flower
Then the change came. It has done
me a wondet:utl de..l of good during
the time I have taken it and is work-
ing a complete cure." it
G. G. GREEN, Sok Nan'fr,Viuodbur .N J.
a y,rx w..
Others try to follow by selecting fancy goods
we had this time last year. Our goods are entirely new,
all fine art goods ; no truck. No facies or coupons to de-
ceive people. Our profits are too small to give premiums.
Goods are bought for cash and paid for when due.
Oars is T Il E fancy goods store west of Toronto. If
you want dry goods we've not got them ; go to the dry
goods store. If you want drugs, go to the drug store ;
they should be able to sell them cheaper than we could.
If you want
A. he intends retiring from business, hel wmock sill sell his large and uela'rtcd at
la,ttom prices.
Chinaware, Jewell°' y,
Wedding Rings, Silverware.
Nickell and Plated Knives, and nd Spoons,
Albums, Plush and
Other Goods. Toys,
Fancy Goods,etc
8,000 Rolla of Wall Paper and Borders,
'•111, 11 w ILI 111..01.0 AT II.ILI• rte..'
Now is your time for bargains.
20 PER CENT. will he deduct-
ed for teachers and others getting
the spring it colleetoet all the stoves ?loos up Christmas Trees.
tee nue and in the fall the train gang puts
them up again after they terve beau rop.Ired s The Great Remedy
and repovated. d
Pore hopper wires are the best for ails
peoue rouduetors, but as they easily *keg -
ate under a swain. a Frenchman has pa-
tented • wire with a . e.1 core and a cropper
cos en ng. The copper pretexts the steal
from rust, while the steel keeps the copper
from stretching
A new compound has been introduced to
the --
e attention of electric light users, which
is applied to the outside of the globes of
incandeacent lights. When the lumps are
-sow. -I
i. ole It setaas a rs diffuser, and whenBR,UGMANSIA !
the lights are ern out the globs are
suffacaotly luminous to be sent in the
Some Sgares have jun, been annoueted by
the Hungarian Board of Trade eon -truing
the operations of Inc sone system u that
toantry. Daring two years 21,000,000
store persons went by rail than in the pre
ceding year, sal :,,000,000 donna ranee
were received. As seal/at this the *epees**
were cooly 1,:)00,010 tlnrins greater.
Electric nese-Tvee&.
At the Frankfort Electrical Kxhihitioa
ens of the most .oval •straiten a as
ele•tnc race track for the et -
visltors. Eight parallel tracks are hid is
the form of an ellipse, the length of the
outer track being MO yards and the inner
sae about 900 yards The wooden hotss
are mounted on trucks placed under the
flooring, the steel rods avpportmg the
horses sppsriag through a onntinvnos slot
Electric motors of two 1 . each
are attached to malt car. The potential re-
quired is 150 volts, and a speed of &butt
might nils an hour is maintained
Swatches, however, control the .pool of
each horse, en class timid riders can go at
slowly me they plane, whale the more der
ins mama ca. 6. fully sstu ied by • eying
This warty -go-maenad ie asllmd tee "Man
trench* Rennbehn." and is oussous snow"
fee its projeetora.
Jemping a Se.g.
IC were trade a few weeks ago
in Portamnutb harbor, England, to neer
tau if • torpedo beat , ould jump • boon,
securely fastened and covered with spikes
and farther gu•rdrd by • win hawser
stretched above it.
A torpedo beat, weaned by four men,
whose hes had bene alio-tally nsered by
the s.vsl authorities, merle straight fee :bs
boom at fell speed. The host wtouutiel the
'i hewn. het was impaled and held by the
spikes for sews time When at last she
1 was cleared. the beat filled sad mak, the
Nese beteg pecked up by beets in waiting
IThere le being onnetrueted by the 0p
deal Institute of Mtsieb, Aolrtarny, •
neeaos,ope that will have a •tansies el
111,000 diameters, with aa illemisat ne se
Ale who h bees use. bad ' enrol y ea electricc Lamp of 12,0000•ad1.
yee^ °' P power. Tim .asoentrating of Ibis her
f *T eig "•
will eases se much heat that it will serious-
ly cloud the image obonised Te ebvisse
Wm eldest tie apparatus win he smiled by
• estreat el earh.wiw acrid pr heat •
cylinder sN•isin it is • liquid .tats, the
expenses. and et t6m metal el
the esitrmseepe •sieemile.11y spewing awl
abetting the wive trete the cylinder.
tied as determined 1s wtheir
way is theft wow beam in Stettin by halloos
veyym iwdemd d bathe railway josrs y
whiek ft te a is su ear
b be 1... a1. (w t .Lr 0( fregD..t
(}mtiaastal railway aveieleeta The Wiese
rams down at Be.skew,
sad mold net he farther seed without re-
Mw • precool fee wits\ there mamas SO
bee. been ea facilities at \mod. The taw- ( Teist•5M winaa.l.
tried ..ops were, after all. Wird *0 Mani Ossary eenteins • .•ober of m-tahWh•
M *Iwl be1.1.1 and prosaic railway train.
meets engageel in Ike meriefstt.o of eased
and muni textiles from pie leaves, the
articles made Wag nasi is 4wpita1, bar-
i p ye reeks, et.. Owing to the fast that se we-
. •'then . nth can ledge is them. Whew epee sad
1 eves the material resemble. hemp, mid M
i way he employed ie mamas army artieim
ensu wee, nal- el averrin apparel, es the garb as. mem
Newel/ carte ad nib
•■ tMesvvtng
"la spite ..4
lueasrked the vielgilella
bmwe\ great is
••Ysst wee the pose
Pole Pates.ee and M
TN. CARADtaw Ir acme R•n.w•v CO's
Tatra:mew hes Area esweli.hed to Rive a6.
mobile • arst elssm nervia with fair and per
eminent eompetlltoo.
II r www.wed ne b.Mees prlaclols and
the Interest of 14 patrons
1t 4.s....it the support of .very person who
believes In compooket
?•,. male& esp.setr wee Ma Compee .
Iloesnowt.•Ulm with all Ila. and ealshe
Ie rawied •(ws.n. 'mese■ and garage.
Invert through who. •e •11 p•Iat. Is the
yon h w est, Keitsah (•alum hie &au I'aeeae Coast
omr..- •touts1.t.te Woo cr.
E. area aarrs.
Mal Ls 55 Maargev7 Oderleb.
to FRASER & PORTER We buy twenty times the quantity and yell
20 per cent cheaper. Only a pleasure to show gOods and
prises ; that's what we are here for.
Central Telephone Exchange, Court Nous Square.
The subscriber wishes to Announce the arrival of
F:'trt wide and nsArierntc in price.
to .oft :and hard finish, Ervin the best makers.
A general essorttnent of other new and fashionable goods on the way,
and will be uotiord later on. A liberal discouut on all cash purchaties from
one dollar up Strictly one price.
1\4.1. v
Draper and Hal. .
• •
e -E` n t °
oc- 4 est t
ds• 0 •
tap a _
oGoa e S
seas v 1
a s
1_83• 8
sty.. i o4►
t la v
z atq •
-°*? $ o
s of
2, $i
8 e,
• rt_a -n
0 PA: O4
a Viz: to
z tEr tr
74Ea ..
foo KE
sed 1g
1 41.2
a ;m:
a ;car
w 1 zi AWAKE
A few of the good thing!:
for '98.
100 paste each month ; only $2 40 a year.
Perfect Entertainment for the Pfcssini Hour.
"FAIR HARVAnn.' SeT.TsJ members of
the class of '91 have promised to contribute.
"Svcs Berm A. 17mFAN e Awn M %DROP,•• by
(sun of W D Howells),
will appear in the Christens (1oc. i number.
"Ix A T u , by
(Eon of Edward Everett Hale).
The clever mooed of the set. will be pub
Imbed later.
Oen Mens A e by
.e dart thrilling adventeree, streetly tree.
1. Bent I tea.,. s *ween Indira.
II. 11. ::cranberry Fast el M. Leven
111. was& v.erwty embalm
TY. 1s. Per. die Il001.4111•Neli
Bent AID.
TER LA RCB sur a•Ie*TA
ity AND Rt. AenavA.. A br,Hant story of Off
eats' adventure sett yeethrsl patrlOti•at: blr
torieolly tree.
NtTW.' metres s
sty MRs. MARIA MClNTOSH Cox. A true story
.1 t6. Civil w.., • NoriMo village. and •
unsex bone twee.
'• TWAT EAST Alin r
By K ars 1'r•ooR Cues. " Merl •.." r •
wlrl of oar ons day. Sore to he the serge
aerial oflh. year.
TEs Nw. •r
NEtrrwr e.u+ws
Two 1.0110000-00e00. real wort met d g(lis their
reverlencos and various h.ppewl•Rr, .. 4..N.
le Arctic park lar.
• Types Beath.
(tut et lora. hy Halloos.
004ttwg .w. 8.... (744,.016...
0a Beard • Fleets hal
A Nyht with a Chimps Penis&.
A Now Roan op fronts Reny, Ay ••^
' Renata i /Sr ill Herz tgi klaigwfwNaa iAl !nCi
Mier* ateril s 1 //•w CkiBissss
i ow. Hall ; Wer ./ 14. lk•.lreallst Nareerill , atmhelr el dMir Peppy. M.
AIMtie Jie Tr lasNw r/ea d•t. e.
JJmhhaa lienee Tree, 1. T Meed.. stn
?issue FINDIM al AeMmiso. M Wary EdaManor,. wattles Remo f"selte. 0.11. anor,
1111111=441. •serfs Mrd Others.