HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-27, Page 5I II TML CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE (.JY UMtaO 1007. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. adRAL (PAID 1111) SII IIILL100 00Lt1.ASS , B. E WALKER, GENERAL M*NAnER• os,o.o.000. 11900,000 0ODERICH BRANCH. 4 tysiartat. S' MAO Bii.N[.. TRANSACTED. FARMERa' NOTES ( 011AFT$ WUEo PAYABLE AT Al. P�OINTS IN CANADA AND THE PRINCIPAL email In THIS iJNITIO RTATts, GIILAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERMUDA, Ac SAr1MS BANS O[PARTrtNT. THE SIGNAL : GODNRiCN, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV EMBFJ1 27, 1811. I)1S$t )LI"Cluj4 t1 )Fd $H'. P`RTNFR-(OUR BIC LIQUIDATION ( art Discount dale of Dry Goode CAPITA L., Having derided w dissolve peettaer•--•p>t'-- DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY REST, - SALE BANK OF MON TI1 E,4 L ship on the tint of January next, we will until that riots *der our entire stock +,f drr..:roods., velyrteens, mantle clothe, ub'nringe. uvereaats, tweasde, shawls, flannels, flnnttelettk•s, Wttuketa, gunifurten, utelerww►r, t'ttit,.tts, primus ete..:it discounts( ranking as high se • '.341 off .,ear present low prices. Now it your opl•ortursity to prueurt. De*, resturrntl)io gli.l• at AIMI ander coot. N.•wherr else will you boil goods at *WA Iow prises as at. air pre'luin.l t� offer th ui. The wile hs. crotuuletiee.d, is now go.. ing on, and will rtattiuue until the earl of I . c*,nlher. All aueounte renllereil mutt be set- tled at otter. TIu• highest price paid for butter att.! t•4-. J A• REID & BRO. Jordan ' I... . Oowfrrich. tics.a•b,I*I. '�":t DEPOTS Of 51.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED AND CURRENT RATER Of INTEREST ♦.i OWED_ IMTEMEOT ADOIO TO THE PR1N01PAL AT TNI IND Or yAV A00 ,pvttalsgn IN RAOH TEAR- . Spools' Atteettlses riven to the Collection .,r P'nrnmoreITO tt'v.M. Jilt Formers' Sales Notes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. which to -mortal sem toe was held, from a cclebrat i etching : photu_t:.ph,c view of interior .•f 1\ rainwater : handsome new of *t. +'...d . 1 a lie.lral, it which It is pn.perrst to erect memorial tablet : interior of At 1'.. r. I'at 'tetral. The cover of this eolln,uou phot,graverre Is a Leautilsl work of art. the title Nene; richly emhorrrd iu slier. with a medallion of the chieftain in relief, sirron,Mlyd Iry his now menorab;e wont., •• .4 British subject I sae born, a British subjeet I will die," while the )rack ground shows shield with the Walsh arms, sod the whole is surmounted with drapiry Ito royal purple. fringed with saves. A premium like thin has never infer' been oder .1 b) a wewapaper to l'snada, and will ao d.wht Is. eagerly sought after, as it will be An ornament to • parlor table as well as a t t ali able souvenir of the old chieftain. 11o,. IO t'.1 of roe Woenr.Re. 1The Family Herald and Weekly Star, llee- treal, has been enbirgeel and vastly int- :a7aTe proved. It it really a wonderful paper. Its etexea is phenomenal. It's not strings This .cut repreeente our .i.:Nl band- 'people are wouJoriz.. hoe such a mages ••rani .:ilf Nal. We tl.•fy colltpetiti•,Ih est paper can be supplied for so aria(! a whstTiptim. 14•optc ..-ho arc interested lu ••a this lips. the wonders of thi. age should nee The Fuel Sr have 'noir :t re it,..t late of I:rr. IT Herald sad Wt kly Star, of Montreal. Vle'T'»I\ ••T. ('!at a. 11 AS'tern,Ant'.. per pair pair for earth on our boys' hand The anniveesury and bot sipp.r of Viuomia pe+flgeel .in•i hand le grain kip at. \Mtncelist Assreh will ie held iItcemlrer 6th and Sth. Sermons a ill be preached late Burls." W.' gu.irante. • .'r pair II). V. ou *unday, Ikcember 6th, at 11 u. wear font .eight months to a .at t. n and 7 P. w., by It... G• F. Salton, tito wed eta rnitla•rs.:t. iter M 1.. I:ri:ees. a former pastor. t1. Tuesday, (keen:bc: 8th, will be helot the waterproof. Try *'peri'. 1 Our ••arab- •antral hot skipper, which promises to ex :;.hue ret ie headquarter, for rubber ieerl aoythfng lieretofnrr att.emptel. A hoes tide 6.4 supper, consisting of every :..1,. orele-re•tl work And repairing. rumen: nteessary to make it asset class 41'. ripe .owed free of chneue, repot. n promised. Ker..l. A.Anderwn: will take the chair and Rev. Messrs Insperrt our $1.00 ..wetter ,nosh oli.coent. JOHNSTON CAREY, fNodeMsil. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. client assay ye. Idle' *Met ♦* faith_ -kelt preset .1. [.1•. C. at the Pharmacy. Geo. A. Fear. A New Haves moo Las stern the arae twat aft; Sv. yearn P. J. I'r.,tha.a d,ren't moneran that au his ta-.',oats wit( roach inch a awn ammo aim. bit obey are tasters all the sante. Now .a , he time to lea%e *eters with tt. 11. Swaim for holo:•,) work. Ile car give you the aaeeltwe to all stars of pbotu.ir..rby and vic ttre framing. The best to be bat .aa os Inst Nett hue star) time. If jou desire • liar of work in •he art ban - neer + •ti u ntlwart'a at unit.. tui Haaittua•s. sad N.; ear.. awl )ort are sun. io be .mretr. Tar atm* w. in►..•. in ;Mote *sire+calla tine teMr. ',on In arte.:.. l'reawr Abbott will .aill the member. of the . °maoon. to am nibi. al U. twee errly .•, Jas. .tar) a. d 1 .r►1 et Try min in rrer'4 w ...too•! •..n air aterwat to asa.aawk a: •be ......ado No•:a,, N'*.t street at oaoe. It M4. Coils or, Geode's vot.w.c te•twt le :wonting. nutter cads itis weal., 140votes; Holt nest, tat; U. Ilru ithcnAdy. V: Kadcnfi., l.. A it -permit: 't t tote. for K. Mart'ermac. the beat Man in amination for discovery, hut he fade! to at- '' :own ter mayor- total, sus Veba.( two week. fetid .and a motion was made to •.»remit him :sere. unire overdue of Xnts.* geode nest for • .,nt'twpt of court. lir. .lustre Street Berk. tail and see It. ,a*.le as order that he attend for exantiwa- LOYAL TO THE QUEEN. An A slow w.wtt,, 01 Wo.dat.sk N oh a •hwgle ngp..rrer 1Wr.trYn,rh, Nov 23. A meeting to .1u cuas the tutart le -tiny of Paon to ane held to the 1'..ntaa lltll )•-terdst. about Stitt beteg biro•. n•.. Mfr. JIM,' And, nos w»< .M.irr au and Mr. Fred Mitchell of lnserk*p secretary. The principal •f.eskcr was Ili. Solomon bt'ltite of tyrants..', wtw a il%..'ste:i a:ine\a. tion to the Unit, el states 1cttct from ltr. t:ohIwin Si. ith was rand, regretting t1:at hmulti not 1.e pi-, sent, in ut Well he attacked the tretie l.dh•y of the the. 'einem. T► ; other sptr.kera were: Wdlu», Stewart, Dr. Mclalle., Janes Pwtherlaud, MI.P., .john White turd Jolm M. *:rant, all of when! oppose•I Olid. nest at •lare.l in favor of remaining distinct from the United State.. On a.otan of M. Freeman. sa•onded by Ii. II. heard, Q,('., this resolution use pre ventM.: s.:t.J, Thu( ta+peyht .1Os(.rd..f rell pates are deeply attsebed te their beloved sovc* :_a, the quern of lire.t Britain; Tent they proudly rae'.euts, tee ebuk• lustier O'aupire as their ouuutry a.4 rejoins test cauda is part or that empire: 7tcat •. aoa.t:est bare 110 *toot [';”redly fee!neg tow -11,4 Ito. It...pt.• of t1s twit al Skates sod desire tae. Memnon of our trade relation. with ter -r:,; 1. bat white trate tog amongst onr`sbv• s es to the talent ret t1m r e ivroc ry to re .desired Howell, Putter and salute wall gives ad .r ayrvrt et, we trtrudtaw•si.y ue.eston dreams.Howell, Music by the s chs z sad ve ad [hat in erste'to ttceaar.pb,ih taw ni.ject t asa- Admiaua.t. 36 cent,• .ill arc invited. diens shoo ld cLen-e talar ell k.mi.. w of coo- to the surrender of the Ik,mialon to any IO! trig to Milt, .tt.u.. Oa Tues.Jay,tbe rowers power by satees-►Iun, pohtleat rr 17th Inst., Mrs ala: ret Anna, widow of otb`- 'w we• the Lt.')icy. Daniel Allan, of North F.a.: Tial resolution was cxrTie.l. ala,at two 'nope, died in Toronto at the age of eighty- Utird+ voting in favor of and the other one yearn. Mrs. Allan was one of the earl! third sg.,,nwt, cwt at that unto the hall had aettlersof the I'rorince, having corse from heroine r,mealwt d.•j,lete:l. a great nun, Rosrahlre, S.otland, with her parrots, bre- having left th.- buil4nrg. then and maters to thea country in 1633. l:uod artier prerailnl ao l Mr. White was The fatally sett:•vl in Guelph. and soon ad- accorded a Lahr M.ar.ng, he being; the rely ter -earls the father. Hugh Melhruald, took rlx.ker that advo.,.trd auw atr.u. up land about a mile to the south of that , city, where the family grew up. Her hug riess•alo.. Again.:-i.:tl*pos bead died •bent .even yea., ago, since V .U.IIINea*a, Nov. 24. At the lrlue..t which time Mn. Allan had resided for tate of t1.e Gov.•naor of Mi, higen and nu the most part 01 TO1-011U1. The ren.xine were �"nawndaiNm crf rhe 4utg•o ..•grnrr.l of rwtaoved to t.n.dph for iatowaegt. ora Al the Marine Hospital Pert ire Assistant Se. -i,. mot wthe mother of A. Mcl). 'and Spence tory Nrttleso. '1'rwu.la) directed time :.0 igp Allan, both of whom are well known to our men: of ',.edited inspectors et Detroit a.d rattle's. Pori Huron to bawd and teepee" trains TRE l:Aart n 1'\.r. Americans toar.ect. • ttrn.ul; from l'..uaoa. non 1. obi taken ,of with the Garbutt forgery and defrauded vitt': 41; 4. prv..he sg ". tntrdaatiuu thereby are ,•mdeavon.g to realist* net of of .r..alJrr.t, .vfd t.. he prevatlt in l'alwla wen belonging to H. J. Garbutt, now 4A ' l:rnw,lion• ' „I iu lder.NN•, Manitoln, Toronto jail awaiting ex tra.lit ton. Rte.tt HM ..f .tint.. Krowlfnot, . berme' re olent !ions aerie placed In tie hauls of Isola of Morro township, is t•;attia_ red *tl'e. and I;NV u, put 44,14) etlee•t' and be ee°1 up 1.o friends in that locality. It is eiybletn )es'a W1ugi.ani and had seized two valuable hoses belonging to elarbutt. The bosses rime Mr. flroa.tfa,r, left !falx comity. It s were with Mn. Conover, his .nother-in-law, hinod that h.. igtends taking a h.nhsviae1,rr who keeps hotel there, tool she chimed an back .ti'li him. innkeepers hen tor their keep. TM borers heing sewed she tepk%inc.( them and Gegg began an acus., 10 mover theme from hei, An appointment was taken out for his ex - .1 Monett. M \'.. - Ther' 54 a ran in oar *ion at his own expense and pay the cows of 'own and he is wowdrous wise : w•hene'er the !notion, fixed at $15. Toronto World. lie writs the printer mean he dotteth all his, 1h.\TII .e Pacer. Deer, au-atfl..l Bee t'rl .4n.1 wheu he dotteth all of them. with ( non ••t'ol. Holloway, U. S. consul in this °.cant sang fro,d and ease, h. puoctaatea 1 city. is on a visit to his old home in South *eh pastd creases all his t's- 1 Beim, Ind. In a better received a few days 1' . In u. sole .1nn. he ontea, and never , he reports 1 h death of Prof. 1)uer, who rolls his leaver : and (rem the nun of ink • 1 .pent a goodly portion of the summer here ,mile, sad :nark "insert," receives- And instructing the member: of the 1. 1). 1). F. its when a question he doth ask ttaught wisely the new ritual of the order. Death resulted had he been), he doth the Intl, three -cent I (nee, 4100,1 poisoning predated by a.arlus- 'talop, for postage back, pit 11. . el'. The 1'not, was • genial soul, a fine Hu. T1 *11.101 LITKaa.t S.. I7Tt. At' elm' utionut. and poirsemed of a fuel ..f the regular meeting of the High and Model 1 general information which male bite a it et school i.tterary `4 t,i.ty heti ma Frailty , entertaining Companion, though .omewlut ••going, after . for othee for' inclined to be dictatorial. The frequent the ett•aiag torn, had bean masse, the fol dir'uesious he (mused at the Windsor hotel lowing program was precasted Trio, last Summer were a great rime of •house• Mises M. Campbell. 1'. Wynn and J. trent to the patrons n( that popular hostel Reid : reading. Mile .1.Ibokano ; recitation, ry, and everybody who met bin'. especial),y _ Mies L Ferguson ;solo, Mos ('robs: edi. the Ilddfetlows, will hear of his tenth with gym tali. should P roan'•eislsctfon, f'. Tom : teestatioes, miss K dee 1 regret. ' Prof. Direr a'''dont e f a� The6khems.•alvlttawW Farrow 44peeetio.s sea t•riutes. w , question drawer, H. 1. Strang, H, i;Jerich some thirty yawn ago, and follow . atrtatl seek.' wbao to Th.ateet.d. .1.: raiding, )lies M. shepherd.al the trade of carrtegs trimmer, with Mr. onr0 r ah.>uld take ruse• ptxaaL A H \error** lfrutin. AI. At.retr. The Stotts, also • former resident. He showed gets or ail abits, mi la etrengtit. the then • disposition to follow the theatrical Beta a rely! loin DR.WILLIAMS‘ P INK ILLSFOF E PLE rot t1 RE NOT a P. native Medi- cine. They me • Tome and hatter rra11C1'05 as they ut•ply in a condensed toren the aabstaness really needed tom - eh the Blood. curing l . diseases waning Poo. sad WA?. sr hew maximRRewo . 1. e Bt.00n. and Matt uvteorate and HtTtta r the Ill.00n and ST.rarr when broken d -own bbyarrooverwork. •rare s and todfaio lima. They tune a learutn Accton en Rrxem. RTarw of ansa and wo s•se. tutoring Lour moon twmua rr sod Who ands Ws trental taw titin doll or tartless er powers 11•glrtog, should take thus Ther will , tat. bts lost eneegfes, bots gbetsd and meets*. kelpie is sending not • premium with its weekly tins Fall which wt / he highly pruevt 1h' the friends and followers of the late I're tater ret the Ih.nin..n It is in the shape of A memorial album, illustrating the roarewr d •;o: .john Mae•dooakf. frost bus hirthplar•e A I•lsagow ter hie last rooting place in ''ataraelti cemetery. The settee of hoed - soma views are in 1 , executed n . manner that n. • credit to Canadian ut, 10.1 comprise an excellent p •d the obi chieftain, takes a ,ort then previous to his death ; a handsome portrait of his devoted widow, the Baronets Mae- : his birthplace in Glasgow, saias • rtes of fbrunawiek 11.oe near tie Trulsate. whirl, will he by all who are familiar with that • Portrait d !fir roil. its • rout* ROMA bsirt( a fac-imile '4 the earliest e, . ti (sown to ise is etiste.ce : •a a mesa& Mid striking like. sus of his mother• from whom he inherited kis here of character and genitor ; the nld home on Rideau ,truant, Kingman, in which h. lived during the rebelliew of 183'7: the (.hest view aver peMished of l(artrcfi%, hu well-known rss4)esc. in 1 ►dawn ; 10 terrier view of the Senate chamber, as it ap 'shed with the body lying r dais. sbw tag the Sendti1}i lvetee .ad essie ere est r- Ihman guarding the .alias, with Ilks Qasw's wreath resting an tits ane. • vises eel Perham.et heildinis, with ftnarill !Fe ^rewutro rousing in heat ; the llelenl pas ,at the Paatwn bleak, with rag AIM wa thv Wettings : m•Esihant view el the Testy 1011. hawsers'. draped els M w(ti omni tag of (s..ral t Wendell p&otngr+ ti Ili* grave at eatarwgnl Ow Keel efferhage sad cadet, Kt a*t.htr view of Weltalasser AMy, l• profession, and amused his shop nates and others with .IuotatiMil form Shakespeare. He is well , here std on the occasion of his visit t. (''oderieh last Aunt. lar sale4r all driaggliew or win ka met ripe. mer calls.' on some of his !meter aor►naint- tai c Imu mie. Per hook b •ddytig totem The profew nr gave a dramatic re ?M/ Di. WILLLLMiPYoa vital in the (:rind Opera Horne lwre several arsdlogaiii, Oft week. ago Rosa.", 1% lee A.:al':. The nave of Kopek! of Rroanshil v Town of Sault Stc. Marie name up at rhgrxrle Hall, Toronto, m Tuetdav, when Miaow, Q. l'., for ase defendants, appealed from the judgment of Rohe/tam, J.. who tried the action at Gioia rich, in faror of the plaintiffs. The action w.. brought to !stover the amounts dire under debentures given by the .(efertrlant, to the platn(ifs as the price of the fire en gine sold by the plaintiffs to the defendants. or for the price of the regime. Silberstein. .i held that the defeledaata were hound by their centrart to pay for the engine and that the debentures hued were . alto(, and whe eds' juud t foe 4.310, tate amount dine beaten', and interest The d.f..iaals ennterelad that tire contrast was tail so evsestw.l one and that they were sot liable hrtautse there was no hyhw validating the oo.iaant. 1arrnw, Q. C.for the 'Isis tiffs, rostra Appeal diesait.,us with .seta, the rnwrt holding th•1 the want of a bylaw 1r of • sest'e't render the mrpurete real .•mull not relieve the defoodaata, in the Ines e( their sor•s,aartn end we of aha a.gisw la the article Haw v. Aitehese., the seldom. in whirs ties takes et llWarlek. the maw was aerial Were Judge Faloee ridge laawertl, o. (:., for the pinion/ t w, 4. C.far the 1kak.ileat. Jude - meat len reseiveL should b w PILIIAthla CAIN ONE POUND A Day. A CAIN OF A VO4'J*D A OAT *1* TNR CA/0 OFA MAI Tints 111/111 11000611 ALL RUN SOAP," AND HMS woos TO TAIL TOA? an lIA•NNAWS FIJIAN IBODOri3, SCOO'T'S ULSION w cwt a11 UM sit wow Iypopleuphltes of Woo 1 soda M NoT11111.0 Rw0*IA*. TRIS PIAT NAI RIM 1111.110111.100 1041211 AND Mai •SA1M. PALATABu Al au.*. ?*i- tiolasto 1!1 PNnrwr,Ates. 100*?','. Irstuus0N ■ vol. DF Ot1ET se illaimaa mum tfaamaa. Satan ani DaDo- MIM AT ANO .ea XO7TO'.O M1411411111►. Is still goring hal, and we intend to keep up the brow for sixty slays. We are recanting new goods almost tinily, and "tering many lines away below wholesale prices, bemuse we buy at mill prices aril in slaughter tuarkcte. This week we are *bowing 'special values in White all wool Blankets, st 1] 75 A pa11- All-wool t my Flaaa.l, at 1&. l"uien 1:rey Flannel, at 10c. Flannelettes, at 66c. Ladies' Bleak ('asharers Hose, ]O.:. Ladies Black tWshmere Buten, pair. Ifte, pair, Men's heavy `shirts and Drawers, Sar. Ladies' sad l htldro.'s Underwear, at roc( bottom prices. Grey l'• •n, at 3 e. yard. Marcy 1....iered Handkerchiefs, at le. each A11 -wool itlaak 1'millinery. at iii.- \ant. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths. LAKs:r RAMIE. (;MEAT VALVE. 31.%NTLEi l,t'T FREE. - MILLINERY. Lar,;, -et-' .display ul tax' county. WO bleb ('u1l :►u•l see us. NIM 'la tilt• .trp:.rune? t. BEEBLEY B Cu. ov.FINE TAILORING. CHICAGO HOUSE, West Strcct_ TO THE P UI3LI C . You Hardly Ever Take a notion to be measured for n ,u;: .r overe*44 wsti.- out doing some thinking about it, and one of tlse tarsi; points in connection with your contemplatt•ll • ;der i•1 : Where Will I Go to do hest ? Now. gents, if you would be guided aright visit the CHIi'.tl;r Hor,tE, WE$T-ST.. B. 31t*C.r8)gA., rnan- nger and cutter, ansa 'see tis.• large tock. Brown and blue 1'il'Viut, appear to have u rennin:; rh:turind for suits: and Nnp', M»Itons in different '.ha.lea, blue snot brown Mo'sc'ow l3Laiwers ore •',,s1 selections for the tine trade. You will tin.; tht•In all here. You will also find the very latest monthly fashion, anti a guarantee to give you the terry best ''.tyle and tit. If you want padded 'thouldors just say so and you will be pleased. but the tine trade has frrwii .I it .town ---it is not :tyle. if You Wish to he e'st0rnotoit•al 'cites in.ngi tai• that n ready-made snit 07 overc*Nlt will an -wee y.r,tr purpose. this i.. the right place. I have smutted an agency for the sale of SANFoltn:S CEL-- s1ummD Rltttuv-MADE CL'.THtsr:, admittedly the beet cut gouts ret the ready -math* trade You can have a big choice. 100 O%.renats to select from, ranging in price from 84.30 to 820.00. A POINTER --- CHICAGO IIOUSE, #EST-si., B. MacCORMAC, 11.1 Lintels to plain facts about the R. & C. corset. You can't break the bones ---for one thing. If yt>,u do, within a year, you'll have your money back. h fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return k and get your money. VOR SALK R1" W. ALIIKNON i SUN ` riteisklaw Deese Grinds mini Lines.. Bargains fmnKAT A\411'A1. DIMWIT LAL61 - is - Furniture h.rg.la. wk '= J. 11 (BELLEW, Blyth. MANAGER. T�3 M Toronto House 20 ENDS OF DRESS GOO D, I5cts A Saving Department has been 'section with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DR UMMOND, Manager Gods *b Brame. 1 ,000,000. f ,000,000. opncd !n GOi(i'• NOTICE To the hundreds of customers that visit our store every week : WE ARE NOT giving ap business. dissolving partnership, Dor selling goods below cost, but WE ARE doing business on the eastih principle and selling goods at a very small margin, which means at rock -bot' tom prices every time. Come and see us and bring your aeigh ors. TALK ABOUT PRICES, LOOK AT THIS Shaker Flannels, at - 7c., worth 10c Grey Flannels, all -wool, 26 in., at 20c., worth 25c Grey Flannels, all -wool, 28 in., at 25c., worth 30c Tweeds, for boys' wear, excellent value, at 25c,35c,40c,50c A big snap in Mantle Goods, double width, at 60c., 75c., 1.00, $1.25, $1.50. Sealettes, great value, at $4.50, $6.00, $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00. These goods cut and fitted free. DRESS GOODS. DRESS GOODS. A 1.1 lot ut black and colored Henrietta:, t; be cleared out at 25 cents, worth 40 (-ent, A big drive in Buttons. A few boxes left, 10 coos' fo: 25 cents. Great Cash Store, GEO. ACEESON & Co.'s OLD STAND JOHN ROBERTSON, THE Poon MAN'S FRIEND, d1ANA• tER. DISCOUNT SALE -OF DRESS GOODS. Our whole stock of BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS, comprising 165 pieces, is now offered to our customers at slaughter prices. Read the following classification list : COLORED_ 12 pieces brown Serge Deers Goods, 22Oc. to 28c...... 20 per cent. off 10 pieces green Serge Dress Goods, 20c. to ±Mc 20 per cent. off `1 pieces navy Serge Dress Goods, 20c. to 28c 20 per cent. of ' 13 pieces cardinal and garnet Serge Dress s Goodo,20c to 2l1c,20 per cent. off 1.; per.cardinal and garnet Henrietta DrR,sGoo*Is,40c to 65c,20 per cent off 11 pieces navy Henrietta Dress Gooch, 40e. to li:yc 20 per cent. off 12 pieces green Henrietta Dress Goods, 40e. to 1i3e 20 per cent. off 13 pieces brown Henrietta Dress Goods, 40e. to 6 e 20 per cent. off 7 piece's heliotrope Henrietta Dress Goods. 40c. to 6Oe20 per cent •)f B=aAC1K_ 17 pieces black Serge Dress Goods, 20c. to :3:x... , 20 per cent. off 10 pieces black Cashn.ere Dress Goode, 2$c. to 60 20 per cent. off 20 pieces black Henrietta Dress Goods, 40c. to $1.0020 per cent. off S pieces black Brocade Henrietta Dress Goods, 50c to +tic, 20 per cent. of li pieces black Alpaca Dress Goods, 20c. to 50e 20 per cent. off 4 pieces black akocade Alpaca Draws Good,. 40c. to 50c,20 per rent. off --A 1.0T nF - ROBED DRESSES guru will be given, w w« goods must be sold. in splendid goods at bass than wholesale price. (These dresses are a great bargain). This vale will continue 6 week,. Decided bar- gains given, ars the goo*ly must be ••old. IS THE LEAUI\l: DBI GOODS BYPORIITI THE LATKRT AND BRIT FALL AND #INTEB ca ooDs NOW ON 4'1RW. P. O'DEA, .ORTII 'lints 2.!5 emirs 7Y) :10 event wr \IE DOM: t Rau TU,WI ix _ Sealettes, Astracans&ClothIttes All Mantle Goods bought from us will be cul beset We have a first-class. DRESS and MANTLE RAE as in Our whole stock of ready-nsade Mantles AT 0011'1'. 4, V' wet Net? TRP" Great Cariiot and Lace Ciiila GE THE IN)l'NTV" Highest price paid for Matter and eggs. 1 COLBORNE BROS., GonElwN