HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-27, Page 3MB SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY. NODE DIRER !et'. idle
Peoplo Wonder
WfiLey lad how health
r .esteeed by pilo Apses sag.
s•r.rula. The resew V that this
preperstaos es• Mns only the Mem
sad mat powerful aberngves sad
toile.• To %bos s& yusrly it prones a
. eritable Misfit d 11fo
Mrs. Joe. !.aka 1Mskw t'raue,
pooh., writs : "User eomplatat sad
iwdgeeltt'a SW* my Me • hoodoo
and ass wage oodles my esietesos.
for mos AY aws 1 malfered no -
est/ agony Iwaswo) reduced slows to
s slidasoo and hard!y had strength to
ae g myself .bust. All kinds of food
distressed me. mad ugly ibo most deli-
cate could be digested at all. Within
the ups .iasiIosed several physicists
tressed r without giving relief. Huth -
jug tint 1 took seamed to do any per-
manent good until I bops the use of
Ayers Ula, w has
duced wonderful results. ioou ratter
to take the Sarsaparilla I
could see an
fo my cuoditloD, my spppeute began to
return tiled with it came the ability to
digest all the fund taken, my strength
improved each dais. and after s few
months el faithful attention to your
dire.e•tioes I found myself a well
woman, able to attend to ell household
duties. The medicine has given t»e a
sew lease d Me. and 1 oasuut thank
you toe inoeb."
• We. the 1, choreas d
Brockway ('entre. Mich.. hereby certify
that the above statement, made by
Mrs. Lake, M true in every particellar
s.d atatttled w full Crede* .e."- 0. P.
Chamberlain, G. W. Waring, C. A.
Wells, Druggist.
• M brother. 1n England, was. for a
lung time, unable to attend t.. his occu-
pation, by reason of sures to his fort.
i rent him Ayer's Almanac and the tea-
timooniais it contained seduced him to
try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using it
s little while. he was cored, and is sow
• well teas, working lis •r auger mill
at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia." - -
A AtUewell, Sbarbot like. Ontario.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
mamma. BY
Or. 4. C. Ayer k Co., Lowes, Mass.
Prise N: els bottles. et. Worth M a beets•
Bypepbospittis IILis UI SNL
No other Emulsion is so
easy to take.
It does not separate nor
It isalways sweet as cream.
The most sensitive stomach
tan retain it.
Scrofulous and
Wasting Diseases.
ChroII Co Appel ""
Loss of
Mental and Nervous
General Debility, &c.
Beware of all imitations. Ask for
`the D R L "Elude/ma, sed shoe
all others.
Sold by r-'.
A times. Maar Things Wert* ir5awl
Veld 1a Few rimes
Powered tats, sprinkled up.os hat and
- •pphr.l to fresh wouads will stop bleeding.
`lour buttor.ulk well rubber'. to, dewed
A new W.wd• ow (:osstping lsmager• .: mrd then seabed ,.f1 will remove tea
irahr (aretayee For • tele Winter's stoles.
Night-(ilaiew.re s Np,•, Ordariry rubles, wk erasers, at r said. •
will remove rust from pulutb.d cutlery 1
As Apple salad --A11 About ran. *diesel slur). •
A girl has writes this to me: "Is gawp Whites of eggs may ue beaten to • still
a mu' I am quite positive you will m) froth by .0 epee subdue when it sesta be
'Yew. Rut how would we know with tmpuatble in a.teamy kttcken.
To suppress a sneeze • tktul{ r.ry often
desirable Prethe linger ham &gamut
the upper hp. It will always peevest •
Cetera water that hsi become fowl may
he purified with powdered bast or alum.
A quarter of • pound of each will cleanse
t esty-6.a ur noire hot relit.
If tite hands are rubled en a .tick of
celery after peeling canons the smell will be
entirely removed. (Inions may be peeled
meter writes without ulle,n.e u, eyes of
To prevent hair fruot br.wmng pram
surely gray,take one ounce of glycen4S.
sumv y rue marl we pint *trona Mee
Lea Mit and Edd a few drops of the al of
A good way to discover 1 he pesmuce of
the and also to destroy them, is to pias,
a lighted caulk in a Isastn of wades The
Booths will be attracted by the sane, mad
whom we were aswn•yttag if we di.i Dot
near .4 them' And w. .aan•t speak flood
of people whet we know they have doer
wrung.' 1 had u. stop whew f read this tt
think for a miawte 1e there an) seed fur
you to say anythlag' 4'an t you remember
that there are alit0)5 times wham, if speech
siker, silent( 1. gold" and what right
have you to all and judge people about
*hoar ternpptLasoma you du not Irmo, and
wheat plates rata ...sanest put yourself -
tens,long are the urighl.or who was gotta
to )ort in your dines, wk. dies to you 111
your *erne or to your illy. and discussed
ibow the flowers grew, hew the baby's
clditee were mode, bow the chicken,
trotted around. how the bride lu.iked and
all the. lunwent talk of the day, was relied
• •rlotlsihl,," ur gossip. wreathe • •tio.l
ur.ghb..r lou see how the wort has
degenerated, aril simply. pure, honest gos
sip baa beams evil speaking and dander
tort. There et no hare. in aduunag the
pretty gown that rout neighbor wears; let •ill drop tulle the water.
there a more them Lars,. there s wands' ill ‘V hen • t:ann bath is taken. if the whale
tamdenne its a mysterious way haw she body trout the crown of the hewd w the
ran lobed to get it. 'there i, no berm ill 110104 ui the feet is onstentlu teenaged with
h.paa that NOM buy. who s• perhaps not ould water there will not Ire danger of Prost -eras ow r Tmi•heli.
duet what hu mether would web hum te be, taking Lehi. The cold water doom the By a muton of nil arid graphite, .trews family U)e(ijcjnt.
may grow hotter: but then a harp. 111 sag pores naturally after a warts Lath.
used about neon machinery may be prevented .
gnaw; b) knowing leeks An.l uiuenel. et. You au yr 0veut your pretty new gag from be• ueong rusted. daitaT
tpetty oma t m heedful volae 1 Ions frena is ling if you kt them la for It u amid that 4Yo,i$).i people est France
think. eftet all, it a mutts hatet t.. say a, several hours w rester In which hes been i
thing dtsaar. Me. ani not to repeat what dlswirel a goodly timidity of salt. Put are afldict.d with the dieters +> file thvtut l R 1
you are unfortunate enough t0, bear.. the dress in 1t w. .de it is hot. maid after gland. known as goitre. CIJE�RIN(1 �ALE
tt icked gossip is as sinful as it is vulgar. several h.,. rs erratic it out. dry awl wash as It has been found that if a wet cork be
and it 1.a. Jnven ntanv .11141 r.any & set11 lis , usual. rubbed lengthwise on a glans Wit• .t ..JI
C item a but est rtant re t tis sa1 bbn Ole song ,.f a tT
t,om.. and I think if tont will kut a bout:, risk
s by "Its .antral stove
lire. Never lake
Ihble you will bud that the future loll• mak b. l,t hung fire u. +lore or (wrttax w.t At uutecticnt ensu hu In.,wtei stolid hue
Pell BOTTLt. 1
--3Mne la Melee n s
Mt... rredtess •e need • inny rears
of I..estitN t• Came so ibo Last Malt
Cooler) Sas Geer 00.4E of the Weeders
We tea, iapeos.
Mea.u& thinks the iaeea�oes .l the sett
Shy years will be woad M those of the
last, mid says. '•It seems M, mw that We
•re .c the begtnat.g of tarenttass.
are discovering skew principles, dell powers,
and use materials every .1•r. anal no ore
eau predict the pu.eihihUee et the future.
Take eleorneity. When we get ekctriaty
directly front anal, • lump as lug as this
tumbler will hght mad h.a• • whale house
lei hours, and a basket 11.11 would run •
factory a whole day. In the generation of
steel we get only fourteen per cent. of the
energj et anal. In electricity we get
muety-ma per coot. When we got ells
electrical power directly from :nal a few
huudred pounds would tarry] yeti ae:roes the
Atlantic, sad • few ly/ketfut. will take a
railroad tram from New York to San Mian
ciao. 1 believe 11... to he sue of the great
problems of the future. dad I have so doubt
that it will be sole." I have heel work-
in on it for years, but l haven't got it yet.
When it Joss come it will rerolutinn.0
everything. It will Aeapte% everything,
and it will bs the invention of ntedieri
times. As .t is now, we have to b:tn the
coal to get the .tear's. and the slam gives
s the power which tum the dynamo add
produces the electricity. -
Sunday School Libraries I
For children a medi-
A Cough cine should lw abso-
lutely reliable. A
mother must be able to
Medicine. pin her faith to it as to
her Bible. It must
contain nothing violent. uncertain,
or dangerous. It must be standard
in material and manufacture. It
must be plain and simple to admin-
ister; easy and pleasant to take.
The chill must like it. It must be
prompt in action, giving immedi-
ate relief, as childreus troubles
come quick, grow fast. and end
fatally or otherwise in a very short
time. It must not only relieve: quick
but bring them around quick, as
children chafe and fret and spoil
their constitutions under long,con-
finement. It must do its work in
moderate doses. A large quantity
of medicine in a child is not desira-
ble. It must not interfere with the
child's spirits, appetite or general
health. These things suit old as
well as young folks. and make 1io-
scbee's German Syrup tLe favorite
-- -oppose & the Maram.-
Money to Lend
dr+1..n. This u My asewrr to tour .lues oust pia important 1 g pro.iu:r .4 0,011. tcsem g
little that ii Waal for the sd.n.tal auwit •r. , known to he renesy and safe. In building bwhich sutomalt.a .y feeds hts hi '
Lstd to -der the gossi has become the most o r repairing see that the pipe hates to the at 'sight and monung. it u 11111 ley clock
wicked of people. Eadie Smear Journal. I cbunnry . t.• tight ami well plotecteJ tram i work.
- - - - , lath a rt s:.itiig by use of clay pets made for M there is • popular eup.rraUUem 111
Dangers of espy Carriages. the m se. C'biDS that telegraph poles emit luleful
t emirs m Ladrp' H
none • "unal m)■ .( sopor and .i<celle.t pe.o preserve
Van"' .heraeos of the stint and "brain asei surug:hen the eyes is the.: Every ! tom, the wins are Icing buried to mare
trout Ir, true. which sur hshtea die, could morning pier some ,old water tutu your trouble.
betra.-ed to a fall front the tentage, if poor esthete, bowl; at the bottom et the bo
baby eoulel tell: but there hes the secanty tame a silver ,vis or some other bright ole The World's t.ne-Power.
of the svrrsgr mune. I do not mean ti je:t: then put roar flax in the water with A Berman authority states that feur•fifthe
tv,DdsdI carrtngea• be.sm.e obey or, ayour yes open and fixed epee' the object at of the steam engine'- of the world have Item
help to mothers. and benefit to hebies I the bottom; ntuve your heal from side to .pn,tructed wtthut the lest quarter of a ten-
i.ut 1 w.1'1•1 'all attention to tl:r fact that I .tile neatly, and you roll find that this wiry. The total gore -power. of these en -
the hely- is uftai use es.•ursly faceted in. inon,Ing hath will nuke your eyes hrighter
The sttap ta left unbuckle!. 4,14 1u mason( I sad stronger. and preserve them beyond
streets the • hid s le constant .danger of he ibm Ordhnartly allotte.l time.
ins thrown out. 1 saw our !title *shad fall
from OM cause: 11 was p•-keti up •esle.l.m. 11 (•orr..t
. o• f r
sins. is estwIated at M1,uoo,O' . of o.
tie United States takes the lead .•.tit
;.ato0,000 horse-; ewer; Unlit
.,OW,ODU; Germs e, 4,509,11410; Fran, e.
3,01.10,010). and Au', rte. 1,3tas,(MM1. 10041,1d -
carried into a drug revs, and . est ,reel t t
win ti t the bone power o an engin,
A chivalrous 01.14 will mover make Beat
ceax•trutnlela., and the nurse cent ot. het equivalent on a0 average to the power of
of an dd Mame.
sea) rejotLiug: and probably the mottos
men. the worlds steam engines repre-
heard of it. Lucifer was the bra person iso record to Sent the energy of 1,1)111/,0/10.41110 1n11'. 04
A hulk girl climbed up on the seat. ani . be bsllo1 uee double the number 0t workers in the +,orld,
reached for the handle wb.ie the nurse had . In society we ty the hardest to please she total pupuinti.m being esp:ruteti se
left her ••a minute : the *armee- wee user
terser and the child reorient an ugly Lill
the people who love UR least. 1,460,000,000.
A fool doesn't care for sighi srelag -he is
00 tie forehead. which will disfigure is satisfied with a simple leek. Jews Lite a Mast.
for life. 1 Sore aot,c.d lately ell a number Vault often hear men say, "I' 11 tell you use of the must lwwerfnl .Mart that he,
of c an improved strap. which is a what kind of a nlan I ant. but they never ever been built was recently to in phare in
step in the right direction.la
I do it. a steel mill at Newburn. hang mi.
J •k -"I an, m in awful dilemma-. This machine will Shaer an sago
a 1 of steel
Icor • C.Id WIHor`s NIgh1. 1 lhck._"Engaged tu tw.' girls. 1 suppose.- • thirty inches wide aui twelve inebye tte.h.
A "Russian Tee Is s e -:ally attractive I "No; to iso.. mad d., it as easily :u a child tan cut a stick
on a twl.t 'sinter night. The vestry may I'Teacher -"Now. Tommy, tell me who of candy. The hlock of steel is carried by
be decorate, with tykes. the Russian cos. in ( first diemeared whalebone.' :-mmnty-- rollers to the jaws of the ma.hine, • mighty
tertwmeI with theme of the matin. ...beak.- -Harper-s You'll; People. font steps on the lugo% and holds it finely
Fur ro • and robes may be spread about. Quer us _"Does !lies I'n:n believe every- is place, and the knife desc.•uds and snips
and if there arc girl waiters drr.seltit peas
ant ell tone it is an wlditiu. The costume
had better be the regula•.iuu dark skirt.
white waist and brightly teamed 4.041.5.
with white tap for the hair: si the correct
Hasson peasant costume would be women
fortable mad difficult to arrange. Tea Dm)
be served from Russian saaloron. or urns,
on nand Woke. and a veriety of sakes and
sandwiches, with olives. puswl- Black
tea of a superior quality may lee need, ass
the Russian caravan tea is rather ape.,
sive A di.•e of lemon shaded be placed la
sock cup before filling, segor may be used.
bet, of coarse, no cream.
Cheap Rata,.
Farmer's Notee Cashed,
Goaerich Steam Boiler Work;
RstaNishee telt.
Ohry & Black.
!n Stock For Sale :
Glassware a.peree4lar Miser.
Glees has largely taken the place of
silver on some of the most elegant tables,
many i collecting and prizing
rut -gismo as they would jewels: but the
lemma of moderate mans and good taste
will find it peaulele to set her to k with a
plain, clear glass .f Minty and elegant
shapes which will add brilliancy to the
satire table service. Water -bottles, or
.aralos. as they are commonly called. are
much used and are a great
ladividual .alt cellars are again used
instead of the salt shaken which were w
popular for many years. These salt -cellars
come in glens. dainty china and silver. A
small elver malt opens is placed by each ams.
The china and sliver are by al odds the
tont effective on the table.eepperbo�
of odd designs are placed hy
Castors .re not In favor. -Ladies' Rev
1 50 -horse -polder upright
18-horse-poWer uptight boiler
and engine.
1 8 -horse -power engine.
1 48 -horse -power horizontal
holler. oomplete.
1 60 -horse -power slide valve
engine, all complete.
The above have been thorough-
1 overhauldri and ,
Mut clans condition. RR�yfor
ll or
immediate delivery
..old cheap.
wail omen tem meats rows 0tsaa(lae.
Weels n OW. ca T. t. (MMses.
UM *swim Fremsitt' attels/0/ 1..
• P.O. BOX 361.
boiler. a complete.
thing in her Rit.le' t"ynicus -••Pest ex. ora piece.
sept the entry of her birth." Hydraulic power does all the work. and
Ned "1►id old Mr. Tbt ea.is sat aril-( requires omll about three secuinb to ::lake
thing shout a riot when you asked hint (or a cut.
Sylva•' Jack -No; he use.! dashes.-
"1)id you read shout duet aider with
two heads they found in tieor•oia" "\o :
how useful it .ould make itself in counting
election returns."
Timid 1 ltvew iwho i:m jus: escaped from
a riot l •'LVitn are y .0. sir`" Policeman
I am a member of the p.liee force. There's
r♦ ledge." Teel -I Conten . vociferously 1- -
An *ppse staled.
For the hosis she used solid tart apples,
pared and cut inttsmall ma l bis s. osis eoh !
she mixed an eq qtT y•
in hits of the same size. After tbnree`hly
witting. she dreaded them in the salad bnel
with a simple mayonnaise made ad fellow.
into the yolk of toe egg, previously beaten.
• sufficient quantity of salad oil was slowly
dropped to make • thick crease, which was
then thinned to the proper eooiateory by
vinegar. addend aa ear -Melly. Adel poppet
and salt to taste, and the was
ready to dress the salad.
Craft ,.1 the .A,.Hewts.
Ptolemy I'htlopvter pnse.•.wib a nuptial
yacht, the Tbalaasegon; 31•' feet long and
43 fest deep. A grateful gallery. supported
by ewrimaily-carred alumna, ran round the
vessel, sod within were temples of Venus
mad of Bacchus. Her masts were 100 feet
high: her sails and cordage of royal purple
Probably the largest veers, of remote ages
was ..ne belonging to the same rwkr. She
was 4'al feet lona 811 feet broad, is feet
from the top of her prow to her keel, and
140 feet from the highest part of her poop
Her largest ears were illi feet in length: she
hied two prows, two sterns, and seven beaks
or rostra. tin both poop and prows were
figures of nen and of animals fully Is feet
nigh. H. crew consisted of 4.000 oarsmen.
3,00o soldiers. and several hasdred of other
ranks. Soweto* is said to leave had a ship
400 fest long, which wee covered inside
with silver and outside wit► geld. This
story canoes the adventures d Baron Men
chanson to pale into uDeignilesnce --('ham•
Mr's Journal.
.Al int Fees.
Sealskin is now eo expansive fiat it he
increased the price and created a demand
for the fur of humbler animals. l Minns is ill
be most pop ornament -
ididwith charming hale wand clawsand lof the all mals.
eel wratMads
(,lotion is .other for that will i. extern
steely meed ter dress trimmest. it is bog -
haired and durable, but lacks the one Lt
tan sad nch shading of the better [rads+
of mink The beautiful gable fur is wap
desirable, but its l igghAmice
r ders it he -
red the reach npd
A New Tia Aller.
An alloy of 16 parts et tin and 3 parts of
copper Is ..1 for cvnnertiva
metal, with gloss foe electrical aid other
purposes. The :.Slo7 ie pit -part .1 by goer•
Ing tb/ copper Into the molten tin, attiring
with a wooden meter, and afterwards re-
melting. It adhere strongly to clean glass
surfaces, and has nearly the sane rats =!
expansion es glare.
Ry adding fr.m a 1, to 1 per cent. of leaf
ell ries for moreie ma`- i.e easily
f 1l softer or A SURE CURE
harder, or or eta e.rily inttible. as re-
quired. it may also he used for .vat:ng
metals, imparting to them .1 silvery np-
A Ores* Newspaper C....trr.
('hilt is a great country for
there are more than forty of them ie 'Val-
paraiso and Santiago, and there are others
in all the head times of depsrtmsnla. Chili
has many literary men, hat u,liag a regimut
of pmts. and also many sctsubr men and
• multitude of 'Weems and generale. The
schools .re free and the educational eyetem
provides for provincial lyceums, normal
schools. an sgncultursl wheel, schools for
the arts and trades. military end Maga
ao•doeues, sled s national nnirevsity, all
supported by the In some
veers then have been 1,000 students at the
heaatiago Uai.erwity.
w .•
Tb. fashion of wearing the hair arrived
u errs s/ merle and puff., though still
largely Ionewed, r gradeally reins plea
to a mat, eompoet roil. • hick chews belays
the brim .1 the het behind. This style has
many rd.a.Lges; the hair ea be quickly
pot up, and it reruns seat • meek lesger
time. bosid.s biding same of re defect. of
s oily Awed brad.
Lm 1 Sees Seam
A skeet dram is mads of blas wit& s
resp& eat strip 'A. Hast .4 the skirt
sed agars el warier seeel a Ascii. ThMoedThe
errs is $ prettyrerier asa her begs Mwariors war.
said bas .•nisei ese sferriwe (lereie--41
le eery
O K S---
Public School Prizes, tc.
We will also give a discount o/ 20 p.c. to
Sunday School teachers for class prizes.
:Central Telephone Exchange. Court House .Square.
Thesubscriber wishes to announce the arrival of
In tinier to clear nut his stock,
as he has no room for new arri-
val, of Chtistnute goods, he will
sell all the stock at greatly re-
duced price.. .Jeweller' anti sil-
verware in great variety : tut
dery : aiekel-silver tea and table
spoon. ; tea trays and service :
toys. in endless designs ; vases
anti Chinn tea cups and saucers :
ornanic'nts, well assorted : combo
anti brushes ; toilet soaps a bar-
gain : spectacles for all ages : new
wall paper for I$92 :100 rolls.
all new design+.
and 10 -
Call l:nd see his 3 -cent
cent tables.
The Great Remedy
---rem. -:
Extra wide and moderate in price.
In „oft and Irani finish. from the best makers.
A general assortment of other new and fashionable goods on the way,
and will be noticed later on. A liberal discount on all cash
one dollar up. Stricty one price.
A Ravine of Feel.
A western engin -Pr has patented • device
by the nee of whit , the steam thio is ofsea
allowed to go to wattle when a Incwnutis e is
standing at a way station taking wood or
water can be naflir...I for pumping water for
the tanks around the station. 1t ie castum-
try ■1 most large• stations to have a teat town•
ary engine and seem pump to raising the
water. hut the inventor date that by his
arrangement this est of fuel is saved, while
the expenses of &dateg the improvement
will he lees than the cost of the pumping
, - t• mow ID 1111
What is taw measly' at Vulgar?
Sir Walter Moett's daughter once spoke to
bis bearing .s( e.en.tbn `she repaid me ea
are bemire it wee lodger. "My i•sr,'•
replied her father, "yon speak like a very
young lady. lie yen kens, after *11, the
weaning of this weed vulgar! it is sly
or Mem: nothing that in a ansae. imespt
wick.da.ss, can dresses 1a be spokes of
with onatrmpt. Who. yes bar lived to
Chl.riwe Tests ter Pere Water.
The 4Iassschuatt• State Board of Health
bee been nsktig sante very interesting ex-
periments in regard to the pollution of
riven, with the result of being able definite-
ly to say that the amount of chlorine is
water is an indication of the degree of the
pollution The Beard barn rot1•eeuenity
pnhliahel • neap slowing the normal 'mount
of chlorine in the water in the different
parts of the State. All other things being
equal, if tbe amount of chl.xine in the
water is above the normal it can be takes
as evMesee that the twee is pollutid with
A Rallwa7 Demure Wbistio.
An English railway engineer has invented
a useful adjanrt to tiie erdinery wnspher*
.signal. resisting of • whits* operated by
e ompr•eae.l ass. When the Wader at ASO -
sn-g r a spring lever is made w rise so as to
Ikea along the inner side of the rail. Thin
lever prnjerta slightly above the nil. and
when depremed by the wheels of • ps.0iug
..glee a purring screech is emitted by tbe
whistle as *he side of the track.
This .•omblhattew of viable and ►udihbs
mr.i. affords additional sesareses of
A wiao f asters
my Tears yew will be disposed to agree with An ingenious inverters, in IN nes It
me is thanking Odd Hew. seething tell]r.phy is announced from Visalia.
worth having er oaring about is this work 1 ,.waste '01 a miniature apparels et
in ensemtnea-Leekh&rt's Life of Soot* aluminium, which is attached to the ber-
m of the ga.. When a algal is (ked s
New to tat PIsa.•pLa j nnslantmremie exposure s mauls, maul a Me
Raw W i ny lovers of ir•it waderstawd re cnler photngrspb is .MaiwwA el,w'h .haws
=re way he eat m piswaroM. Here is • the ohieet sieved M. Tb. Liget ., game
studs as taught by m g.utleemei holm the might he r"p,__' is Mls manner.
lard el _.__, l_ mod ample s 11 proves
Wan.amr! � � y wi
R. J. K. (1011E
Sate Patentee and Vaautaotueer
o(uDilti('11, ONT.
■1' o the brit e -ml th its 1 roper as • 6.hoottaa. M Lw...
Inas toward amu. iesert the ez ef s 1 Water prt''tot 0111■alto, paper ell sew. and
sihw fork in ei s t.Lrstires el obs 1444 Sad Mew rolinvd s hww,t int oral lis • S:ears.
Poll it She fedi -.kerply] "tea At mase SIM (or various lira, eneh as ia►1«-lnths1
oke pin.apple "Wei"hat the rwrbas &oil !Mak !sib. awl • temporary cover fur reefs,
I cease of wine" it is farmed, i sled few packing ge'.ie 11 is mneh ehemper
and wbnrb ram be eatm ,flsbtuy eswtyb Wee pnhr .st pgprr. saw dews suet Lasers
reboot sailing she liegsa. Mlieb y by hmae, eat - o von .odd.
Tut CANADIAN Peewee e Reit.w•t Co.'s
Tar en*Are has hewn .-wrbHSbrd to mire the
public a aver -clew• seriI.e with fair and per-
manent etenoen i I leo.
It M m d on Menne. netnd0lee and 1
rhe Infernos est lis patrons
It dwries the support cf every le rein who
believes in comlrrtton
Par quirk wespear% mole 1&M fewpms ■
11.rw..onneetIna wlthall Hers and rate.
la Malted aft...a. 4'a5Ma and taeepe.
trowel tkremrh wins to all pointe In the
Martha eseito tsh cenomld& •e t Va. IOC ('rapt
Opo- Sowth so41. Weer..
M. .AN'a'VVL.
ftlar•t/ Leer k.M.r.Oederleb.
Draper and Haberdasher.
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10 `p >°a d
vv thE AWAKE
Affor few'92. gii of the l things
100 pages each month ; only 32.40 a year.
Perfect Entertainment for the Passing Hour.
"FAIR HAay..an." Several members of
the dams of '91 have promised to contribute.
" Srcn Storm As Deneiem Alta M . nR or,' by
.ton of W D. Howells'.
will appear in the (Instates i Dec. l number.
"1• A Tut vores-rens" by
(eon of Edward Everett Hale).
The clever second of the e't, will be pub
lisbed later.
p c W
)114‘.. A , by
A damn taint hog alve ntures, stnctly true.
I. Hose 1 asses m Seneca Inds*.
ff. 1St :(1r.,ir eery rest of N. Loos
111. W/SA Nemo!y sepia,.
Ill'. The Vire My 11.usq of /saws (tletiflreet.
Bw ua.
Ry Ann at Anneveor. A troilism story of Otte
ental •dventuresod youthful patriotism: hes
torn -ally tram.
JAA i TtitlM
rossow a sass ti's.
Rl Nis Meese Mclennan' Cox. ♦ 1010.0•
the Cleft War. • Northers vase
yo.wg boas hare.
.. Ti1AT MAtr ASR r
Hy Iters Urrtolr CLAIM Mary Au- b a
airier our own day. Harrs to be the WOK
serial of the year.
Tilt Wt1Tlwn'MWA e1
teet*Trr S •lefOSt.
Twe- reiedeonelle'their
et and various
h&pesalys. preemie
fn Amok' Pack ire.
A TICor'. Hrwarh.
Out of Parish; Helloes.
Gendag away from Oltraltar.
A•amid Niaht sin%t. ('411.10 Prdimt.
A New KIND 110 141)1.15 !WORM, by
Mart aa.r40. t How CAridwns (7ewe fe the LOW iM.1* Tina. rCathemrinti. M+y. Wane ; VF
Awe a Rern.ew Torek, Mary Hertw•lt Ustber Otani. � . Ow is. !1. Ad ami
Neave Hain; ear War .( ire monad+. tl'w.'&sedan' d Pi, • '..Huss Pepper* W (growls
Mb.ee, by feels p&ers Fremont, Mattseet
Jobe Premien Tres, L T. M.aAs. w(e. Samoa. E. Wallis* .dead ('e.Mdew uses stR'
urease. pts.m..a1 *1110405. ay leery
Mt: 111•11nis nn. Amalfi as/ tabors.