HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-27, Page 2THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBM:R 27, 1891.
���4 BUTLER. � III � Mr � Pmu'Omd ��. �. �.1�-� � ike Iagic
,_. _ abs hoot rather intended w bulky Joke " 1,4ok hen, Yr. Fisch M sold, yette pGyatul wuty, paotlriltg properties
1 h tonal ttr•w, the
apologias THE 11AD!
lmnaieg' good, poaaiWy fur .ail. Yet silver M .
• Ah ' said hies Mathison tk. et
ups. hien.
tliAnthems, sty w iso
Parkins, but wrte►oa thv manner d the
y till mem, sad might. Let as 0E- Bieiet� �W A7''a a:
It oder Mrs. kladMos . o{mei.e iia the „spade t. No, Mr. Medium' card the was, 1 Ply those properties 1100. �l..... 1 tints• Cent k•. Cm.**
staralY. " 1' vu ere uo butter ' our .alae ,
isn't 2 kiss ' Why s51 you lie w mar
copy .x
non i 1w the 41400,000,
.ascent u iso 'e well" be the •tante 41f Mr. Hat tag this unacrounteble fesitag that uta rot • limber end my name isn't Parklike, sad note some d the mita of such apply as eoee'Threat tri. b taunt ecus. us.
'vee " question with he memo, generally, further hat rtigataui. would t'r almost an sed he is sot • weed to we awaeg Beetle eats"° v tedd.tely relieved
bow Wag swill the newly roomed domestic tmpertsbem(%, eha pew:mi.& w laatruct the . naOe '
remain on the Bald of his or hod presentt, hang u, 1'.rlitr--Fisch-nkat
sew bother es w what would hemeefone be . ever you aro, l can't altss gait* yet that
usefulness or weekatsar •
ylr. Neilson sena rick I5 the worhi's expecte* ot him yon are not whet 1 thought you eve mare
a. Thr had u imdulgest t, su.l, He showed great nicety, anal out a ago. And think I have a perfect right to
goodcontuse to knowledge. Itut m emus of 44 few know why you bate imposed us ore in this
•harm ag children a nary than mentor-tabls1, 1 prod (eoi a. way," said Lir. M. beou, still trate.
tsoome, and emrwgh beauty to make her •aawl'b n , w u •
"Of (rousse you have, sow Mr. F' inch,
impression impreon ou her lira mistreat • {etc Joho Parkin. "The story is simply
very pleasant 1414411 "PeeuBut all theme limner that day pared of1 retiarkably this. 1 was pretty weU laws os my luck,
a hue
Otte °I d I'etiekkwm were Y nothillti well. eossltlenne that Parkas was rather' after holm% tried ranching ani faded, Y
weighed to the balance •gailtdi llla i uslttsg meow, w sereaata are aPt to he in new ',easy a cleverer turn than 1 am hasdosie he.
fact that eteryume of the Maim butlers places. fore. i was too proud to nu home Their
was coram than kg ,i , H. , . The par MIs. Amus tvuhl tat licI f admiring hu was w4 one of whom 1 could borrow, aid I
Ialy leJ tried eveey Batistealsty, "elle
eaid, f1Ora°ea1 . foul gwutlenwlly man tt.dn't a penny. 1 saw ?our advertisement
et • • the flumes t More she dein the lie. ver and Mr. Madison sit at the head el the leu the piper anal .},plod for the situation
pi.table. smiling blandly and full of elation at 1 Aida t as ides that you'd tale. me, but 1
The trishaw° sed so de«'nprea.. 4 kher the moms ot his latest veutures war t„uu
uchsd by your atileoue, .Mr. Mr1r
n:ea were wofulh lacking in "style.” 'Phe Whoa dinner was o.er, yin. ldabwni son and I'.t• done thy very best 1 c»dd for
erodes r wee niere•teyand would heave to entered the pantry to asesrtai° how the you. 1 1 the old butler at h•,me,
hope ot higher wags. Thr t:ermaia were new fuurta.rsary sews * 'set t she 'sea earl 1 trial to uu.1r1 myself on elm.-
d w ro
surprisesee a w of wet Plat"' .land •• The other night )on thought, no doubt,
iso .ouuetbitrb ' 1 turgrt Ovist, Yr.. lag all totted the oot, truing their hacks tort I was drunk l w.ummen
but the wn
Nation would .a • to rr looting her nus bgiltut Ibe wall. m;who sat nett to )In. Mattoon was a fellow
to an 1ntanote friend, •• awl the Frenchmen •' Why, I'arkins.;whatever arc you doing who knew me well at t►xfor,t, tea years
fou something or other rho- . and really, my with abase plates' she cruel. o
dear, asou m,tne seseral grey hair. Englishmanunder The Englishman her with a Thoth tern had been standing while they
sit. talked. )Iadisou read candor and integrity
my bo.net 15111 not .urprlw. But what
cut 1 •to • 4:oorge will ,;,s5 dinners, and
will not have a women watt at the table.
At the tints where a his veracious history
opens, the latest •:eulurc in the pantry line
had proved to be a:smpkte failure. and
was i(' depart on the mlorrea.
Mrs. Medians sat iu her . kerning uttwg-
room over a wood dna, isle: the hot water
kettle hissing genially :.nuns; its oompaniou
tea things, which had been brought m fur
the but time by the prevent incumbent.
4 apposite to her was hoar mister, 'ylv is
.mien. She had just coin: in from walking,
and her lung seal81in garment was thrown
open Y ahs sat toasting tier •old feet and
drawing ofl her glover. the ladies. \\ hrrc i, t!vkiro' \!rs. \Lulwni . e:
She was one of the pr.•tti•et girls 14 New The defects w his education es a dander man. went. It was a bantlrt of rveu or eight
ort. which remedial for Mrs. \ladisnn was .. o • out, ma'am, with Mr. Madunem." houses and a chure6 lend a store, and that
sen excellent said is i:u red•ite
lovely indeed. take untohl trouble to instruct anyone whoraarasaD s7
•• 'ball you lose that dinner r.a the 15th, ) \Pith Mr. Madison How .ceruse .cane, eller was to arrive and organize a
oda. teachable. duraq revival. His name wets given as Carter, but Or. J. C. Ayer i CO-. Loma. Mai&
Nand' asked the young lady. She ramie Phe fresh. handsome 1445 of Parkins, his lir ,ad hr ar.r;bt nut taus hack, 'riot
as she *poke and direate'l herself of her furs, respectful and manly barring. and his the maid, rather enjoying ?In. Madisoas no me could place him, nor had I once such riwp :eta b.Niss 41N wewkr•►sr►
English accent, which was est- a man on my travels. He united about
and as she did r. one caw what a lithe send .tear g g surpr:.r. dark, and he came tot •aco's to stop. He
shapely figure she had. densly not that of a cockney, ingra*utea! lyrkia then enteral. KY A tel!. gwbt, yellow-Iturel young nun
It all depends on thy butler," mud her him Kith his employers and rt Cb their (fir, table isn't set. and 1,an'1 tinct I'ar. of About twenty4'trr. He was Loose la the
arywuttan.•ea kiss anywhere,' she said. joints. loot a by to hie left shoulder, and he
plater. • • 4.eflrl e w Al get wniebody today bed: J test th
Coired ase doslsrs, the Product will
weigh over 12,000.000 pounds
car 1,000 teat lora ; and if 115 mos .t 5441. u
(kuraWe, will mx.rseitaa for* doing the
ux' of 1,000 railroad freteht oars carrying
eleven tons ewb, or 2,200 tars carrying
live tar each, or 5,500 two horse warm
carrying each two coma
A cubic mit of pure silver weighs about
0.38 puuad, and • cube: foot about ��
pounds. Hese the $400,000,000, If
into a soled user. Ovoid weepy wine 33,
500 cube- feet. which in tura would make a
*did column of pun silver a loot square
and about try miles high the Washiness* „I have used Ayer'( Cherry Yeotorsl
monument being o50 feet. .krumlI44, loadt. nay Rosily fur thirty years and have
of 100 pounds per man, an army of
always found it the beat rem° d
and wuuhl make a file in cisme order, t)0 leve been awbix:- t,apt. ltd
mils lone occupying 30 hours in "pawing Brooklyn. N Y of over thlrV
• e tell pout, t4,Uowwg °ohiuo; fur :.alta or
'From an experience mkrty
rash years hal
the ale of
The Treasury count° its silver by weigh. cane I feel jnsudad In recommend. awing
tug it, which r the part of *laden, ib view Ayee's Cherry Pectoral Ome ad the
heat reeau5mendstlu°s of the Pectoral b
of 20dolt thpia neo. counting minute,
Iate the rate the endurtrg quality "Letts populatrily. le
of 200 doll. • pieces per s.tnute, steaiily for being amen +&table mow than It was
eight ho a day, Sundry' iududel, would twenty-l*'e years ago, when its [rent
be kept ou9 for coutdarably user eleven women was conwlder.d marvelous."—
B. S. Drake. K. D., Beliot, Baas.
by thew of ihle
wonderful remedy,
i$ stras,gtheaa the
eeoel organs, allays
tueltnttoe, sad pre
mama Yr larueds d
Consumption; *5
.very stags of that
dread dl
Ayers Cherry Pim
Sorel resew ems*
lag and fudge.*
refreshing root
atm would be nryutred to carry the mass, croup,,, awn oomplatat int -- U. Carley,
1 was letting them dry a bit, mna am,he in the haudwute far. of the other. yaars.
of ago,
said. " Have I dose wrong"
• • ;it .lawn, Mr. Finch,- he Md. "sad hhted one upon the other, the is00,t100, - `• yly little sister, tour years had
••Certain!)," said Mrs. Madison. •' The mil me otic seat.' 000 would attain a height of 4)75 notes; and WAR w t11 from bronchitis that we
towels iu that drawer are for drying the •• I would rather stud, thank you,' said p15554! ride by .de they would carpet • almost given up Dope of her recovery.
Our family physician, a skilful man and
chin. Finch. "How do , ou know that I'm tell nota 50 (art wide and nearly 24 miler long. of large rxperie•nce. pronatt°osd It use
Parkins blushed w hnghtly that she rally ink you the truth'. Is my Oxford friend w Great, however, as u tlw niers cat silver {er w tar leer oriy mon medicine ;
pitied him. towey tet' at present In the "trussure•houses of the saying ihat he had done all it was pee.
'• Beg pardon, ma'am, ' he stammered, t• 1 1 1:eve as +aid Mr. )laJi.ou. Uoverautcut, It u bran,; steadily increased stble w do, and we must prepare for Use
•' but yes see a man gets se awfully rough Will you g" there with me and get tete he the pun hase of 54,000,000 ralditiowl worst. As a last resort, we determined
in the N'eet, ma'am. \\'r hadn't many idrnt.itied ' naked Finch. 'Theo he added. ounce* every veer, or at the rate as before car try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and I can
towels vu the ranch. 'thank you, nisi ant. smiling• little, "I believe Lae got one pretty stated of seven tow for every working truly Mj with the most happy results.
I'll use theme In the future. l'a) very' as d(ernt LINO." lay of the year. David A. Wells. an Har Aller taking a few doss site scented 1.0
breathe racier, and, within •week, was
ikons t, learn.' About b o'clock the Lashes carne Monte. per • Weekly `__. - out of danger. We continued giving tits
The drawtng.romii was heua:ctorth enter- The imam was full of Spring twilight. �e lMn wM Wasn't .ilii.., Pectoral until We cod she was entirely
Mined with the pantry episodes, of which why are no 'amp:, lightel'" „led Mn. well. This has given me unbounded faith
this was the hegannmg. Slatisots •' Where's Parkins' I never I had been recommended to stop over in the preparation, and I recomrsnd it
In the morn, however, Parkins gave setts. knew him to hew carder." eight 1n • certain locality with a t0ountat° confidently to m7 eustomen."--t.'. U.
fatten. He, was ober, deli cat, alenest ar{) fancily named l'aeco, •cad 1 reached the place Lepper. Druggist, Fort Wayne. IDds
�e ;be rang„,the bell sharply. It war we For Colds and Coughs, take
CMS -wrens in os attention to eke wants of ewer. i by tees nail. one afternoon to tind suite an exclte-
1 k h h mens that she was very were won sena
hnu•eieeper, and was w+Usug to 1 t1 id demurely.day the peropi. tins' 1 word that au
yer's Chem Pectoral,
11,ing alh• r new ro • or Pala" was 1\'h4 ii 1I C hw:y'r mai alt nod e
uton ines5 knows what.' main. from the sitting room, and :note meters et •d themselves nxmre freely. chewed plug tol,acad, hke an old briudkd
Irbl "said 1 Icier than .rear I1 as -as in the {,entry among Always a the way with the butlers' Is cow munching carrots. The term •'00er)• '
•• .\a :ruhew°, pm ). y ort fitted hint.
All our French dressmakers are 'risk. the rough cloths and plate powder. In nue this frightful servant hunt gong to begin l 'Throe or four neighbors hal dropped in,
Our •ty is ruled by t he Irish; our policemen case the miaow, .glume was+ one of l.te•ky 1. again . moaned! Mrs. Melissa. and when the neighbors
arrived with •big
and Naas Arden, who had searched In cats. •. A°.1 really he was a Iran one uoul hare satchel there e evwaangelist
ar Meowing up big
are Irish, why not our butkre r easel Parkins If he had earn it. He cxan• loyal, if hr• 111811'1. Ixen a butler, .igheJ
•• 1 shoahl think you were Irish yourself, footed to having borrowed it : when '.yly is )Its Aralen- */ands in weudernieu+.
"thee° my aka. but what ar
dear. from what 3144.1 ear, sad yin. Mads- rood At rooked tum with "In."'" .urpoue he i•reeently Mr. \lalison returned .Done. yo' lois'
made'"we, etwiniel remark about •• better- Without .5i° his wife time for indignant yore, Jim Masson'" exclaimed Casco, as the
nom, laughing. -\►. then s t:eorge's key g' g. twang', hat entered the house.
us the door. Now we shell see what news i' el fits education. suaistiotu, he bald tierela the had• )aylx:r, 'mein' the
a he can aPpree et• ;hat look,.' acid 1 •• Porkies wanted to bee luck and serve had,. '''.the had, mph'.
he brings... ?Ir» Ardeu afterwards to her .tater, •• h`s boiler. 1_uvuldu't let him."
La a moment or two the master of the eluratiou docent mrd much bet J But yo' ain't named Caner'"
tering. hod pray ahs nut'' asked lets wife- When 1 rot a chars o' heart I changed
home entered. tine everting when John Parkins bed been ,•- tt hat ha.. he dour'' change
He took the cup of tea %Itch his wife hal with the Madison a month or more several •• He haa gone and {cat hu»seit a their, and 11Y °kine• I ce cum down to weasele fur
newly-•rntel English oaruple dined at the l thought that a dinner landed rowed the [,rad and to tenet }u um in paths yo'
Th himself. h f Ars not tn„1
e , re got hint Form the IIs I'm w hen it all. Coe*, as *he .ante for ward, •• pais don't
" Whor his wife asked nombievousl•, down at the table Perkier began w behave The ne:,t .i•) L.r1 (4i, lead. futmcrly
" Patrick I I'Mulligan • strangely. He beewine abient-mindL l and Cecil bench, altar John Parkins, 1sodeaNy portend that yo' hods got over brio' Doer)'
•• No. John l'so kin.• an Englishman." 1°attent,t'e. 1145 rtr»u+faat deatry rppefree requested afew moments conversation with 5m* become litter'.'
to be t. get out of the nom es :prickly ea )fro Mad+.ou. "I'm now a-1adtn sinful souls in the
Wes there ever an Englishman who right path, Mrs. Casco.
iN,rrtble. she w'as ls. at iter eerie than lie.
wasn't named John.- said Sylvia. Mr..laiiwu was annoyed, attd thought .. 1 wanted '•o souse hark last night. ),Ian. .. Iloe-gone it, .atm, but I cant snigger to
"Good references, of room,- mid Urs- to: a moment that his butler rulght he un- Madison.' .he rid, :outing fot•war•1, with- that'.' exclaitneel one of the mea •' \ ou s
Madison with grim sarcasm. "They always :ler the tutluence of liquor : but attar he Rad out extei,iil,g hu Asea', tut your husland atlas bin so poen ma:tn that it would take
watchd uwi fur a lt111141 e or two he wu would not lar of it. 1 ale sorry that your °11re'n foety Bibles to work a change.
have.' 1 1 h w r/atl entree \\'h ou's awl. hogs right m this tour
" No," said her hushes.' cheerfully. Pert.'"). ba had I h butlers l l out y• Y "g g
None at a1L hal perturbation_
I fear that sou mutt supply int• pla•e beret forgiVel, . "Plied* lm -
Mrs. Madison was 4411.••• ,u4et. Rut, ar ,car mood watch one's butler all which wool.1 he ea. -1 date. ' And lees souk sharp up at the forks
•• You are tired of •h- elv,•r, ihen •.'- the es cuing. Mr. Ildroi.ou 1 attention was ••Tberr )mi reals .t mistake,- she m• pipes' an oh Is.I) in the background.
"• Not at all : but he u.m t take the sit aou ,11Vtized, cud the curunuttmce passed towered. +m.tiomng Ano to • chair. •• 'You " Yee, I was a wicket man. ab:.wered
ser. if there is anyt:un. dishonest about Ire 411 hie wind. were the very nttr.t :;errant I ever hal in Jin'• " but the lewd he dun made me we
tete day In early spring a letter same f.. the hour..- how had 1 was. And then I changed. i've
John Perkins. then I stn, wotull3 :lois- t:e.rge )lotto* froom Use Urttwh legatee And then they both Lutghel ion; 4uad colo down to lead yo' um up the hatter
em." at \\ a.uutbtu. hear11 '.
'• You generally- ars said his wife. It requested -1 Information in regard to the "May I see ?lir .\rden before I ga.'" ire •• Jim \Casson, yo paint fitter) to do it'"
a with emphasis. "The Lased
poured out. en. ...Wing urease 14 mid,
try my Lord t:rimamedl would choke w „ Look alert, slim Wesson "' laid Mrs.
" Well, I' h I 11 part) wt Y
cuut•mcty t at i e titan ar • proverbial w• fuck with :u ars e+
et)deutly Lh,rIug - uuder great men been changed by nae. 1 mel tomorrow. a°d •• But, bless the Lewd, I've repented and
whereabouts 01 one C .x:41 Finch, an English asked presently. with a decided •'eepeumg said Casco great
dryly. °tlrmui, who ars u ( 10 be in the never picked out no sick orrery rums lea yo
Thank you. rna.lam. No, he may less a t'fK1°<' of him cuter. er to retire us up. 'sous been ateahn', lye ,
Y Y c r that 111,,4. \Ir. \lodlsuii v' anal in
netted w...• at Fsa Hr... )laiis.0 said, ••C'ertaanl,
little green, but he is one of the Iineet-bol the 1110 eta plays' bei .beim oil the Lived
reP11a1 with {*,ldr br•stty chat h4 hal a few moments Sylvia entered. He rose K eatta t Bend o' out w sial to skunks: "
tag men 1 ever saw." nieces hall ilea pleasure ..f knowing anydmie ant ;;ave her hu chair. and ahs.oul not
" Ib you remember our lt: stash Adonis of that tame. 1 ere he thought the not {,vet n..;sve hew the nlrnlul,nn a:acn:y of the " Doan' yo caw believe he ant me! "
asked Sylvia- " when h•• handed round the ter would rest. But by returuol poet carte batlsr hal nen way t, the welt bred{ man- 'asked Jim as be looked around.
jug. p smother letter, Which mtinsated that the , " No!" answered a choruevof voices.
blaster mace in a kitch'*4 u'. and then put err •d the F.sgbsh gentleman. 1od hue's 1 titters u, retjte yo' up!"
kim.ell Into the dash Waiter unsuited of the
legation (d,°Id cwt tater ?I r. Madison s m i want to say before 1 go, he sail, el -
ply as h°al, t1r I'ectl F1uch hr1 been seen most brokenly '•that i thank you for the „�o.„
empty dishes'.' going +n mei out of Mr. Madison'* 11.5use in happiest and moat innocent month of my And can't I be titters'"
" Am i likely to for.i t it New York. life. 1 have hal constant kindness from ..Nn.
Then why," seed Mrs. )iadinos. with Mr Mash:ou was by this tint. rather ••u "\fell, then, nay' dearly beloved brothers
noun. mud hot a little indignant. He was •yougoni"'the and d hope you 115 all come to and sister.,, continued ,Tall Y he untied the
sudden asperity, "d° you .nbjeet ods to A thenga o „nine day, that 1 may do ewer- ro which secured his satchel, " 1.11 hev
art acctutotned to laving his word doubted. thin for ns. in return. i should like to Pe
similar experience! How eau you lrimit a Hr, therefutc wrote Lack somewhat a a snack t, eat and then I'll ogee yo' pills,
'limp chow yah the old park- It w tH he fall of prim- liver k to amedicbe, then III cur., pitch-
without references into my hawse '•" ly to the ede-t that the only }:nglishman recce in a few week•. And a stet e.mne
•' On the sante pnm•,ple. •sad ?Ir. Mob who uuut and went in his household to the lecture the 53.5. of the strong man as hu plasters• ager remedy end played heeds,
ma, setting down his sup with perfmt in.. nuomer dr..:rll.:.t was ha butler, John Par- heart turned toward home. and at the lowest prices ever hoard of on
perturh,.hilit " that you me, said you k1°" Jtat before ne went away • he said r this side•hilL 1 was a tryin' to :n -mingle
y' ) "l'pni nay odor', hr said clef night at softly w Sylvia thee sinker teeing somewhat relijun an these .was
things together, but of
would advertise for an atheist, having tried ,Cutler to hat• wifeni, siuerm law, "1 as 1 hunt titters on r5lijun well let that drop
ate re in the house maid line and in advance of them, as they walked towards sad nn the whole ted g awa patent medicines.
„awry religion peel cat Nr. turd Finch without .tole Rae" the
foiled lamentebly with .all the sects repro- ing seen Mm. The dogged pert)macaty of hoer 500 think that )os. can .ter forget \\ 1 was ready to leave .t noes the
seated. i am tired of the men who have the English diplons dues them credit. that 1 was your sister's cutler." next day he had sold all out and was gang
lived with all the Et_ash an.w.-rracy. New, 1'artnrs, who was hooding a duh of 1 don't know what she answered, but f 1°Y way to stock up again.
Parkins assure me that he hasn't lived wick sweets at the moment, started w violently do know that an account of lard Crim.- reams or TreIb.
that the duh almost slipped from his ling meal's walling appeaml to the ('cnrrt Let the tarot men )ret know he the mon
fey of ellen. He has the taw of an hnuest, era .1.-4;-;,-:,-.)--ataout a year later, and that the yOu bat know.
l h 11 1 hsMr.\fad' Mit 1h
path to the better laud above."
trey lovely Ameri•an. Anot
steady roan : am a tell. nor that s This did not .nape awe, to w Tears often peeve the telescope by Khi
willing to leant." .aid nothing. er fact, also. I can tell, you which the Courtmen se far into Heaven
Mrs. Madison gave • newt gown
That means that 1 ant willmc to teach,
said she.
And are we to have the lettingen •n4
the 15th!" asked Sylvu
•• Hy ell menses," said her hiother in -las.
And w the conversation ended.
The next day. it `4.20.1 th• 1st of the
tenth, promptly up* thw hour rilrreel
twee, .1ohn Parkins presentsl himself to the
lady of the house, with 9.044, deferen
tie] hearing which was '411214 del•ghtful. He
was • strapping fellow. *Mout 30, dresses) in
worn Mit well int game, -nes FI a features
were rather hatdsrnne, sod los *month -
Shaven .ppe - lip 1hoaei at lime, s glimpse
01 very gond teeth.
•' 1t n not our custom t. •'n4nge any one
witmowt rrterene a. :aid Mr. Matinee.
We sue placing great oontiden„ 15 you in
yking you like this tete our hon.►.
"1 .m •wan of that. ma am. said Par
kine• •• I am sery thwskfinl for sour kind
news. 1 hope 1 shall snit yen •
•' 1 baps .n." odd Mrs Madison, an a
!Dios wh*ok hinted that the hope 515 114*
lore ass.
' glare yeubdmnek expenense in wsit.ieg
at Sable •"
o 11d meek ma'am,- said Parties. Many mom are known of persona living
.. say 1 ask where you have lived hist:'' "Hew •n. sire" nuked two rens( mea., tbrtsore. is lawman' this itmeae Mere to he over 100 years old and there is no
iadlsks'i for • tsrrwtent thait.(mng •o1r • little. by buyirag seem additional tans of silver gavel reason shy this shoots, not neer. Ry
no mom " He lass jest este into his user's tithe .very merlinf day in the year.pp•fyint .t.tswUrr. M th. keilth ley eslaR
• • Oe a mink. mw 5m," he said wick • sod estates, .d he eel t be toed." flow what dos 41Mb,000,000 w°Rh of sit- Rerbek Bitter. when --smitry 1e
a ale of beig ' t1'M h' Pomo eke ` " By Joss 1 1s lard titimemeed dead!" rw uses 1 Stated in tigers., er ex purify the hlnrwi cad atresgtlee the
hied Portlier. nom he died. wkk stew cried the better, ie a vele• 5547 dtlreewst is weeds, it convoys to veinlet es at+ilsen!y emelt may 1r &AAed to the .sailers end leap-
hot hie usual gwrid ons. es.. easd so .1. ite .dee ether rhes Noel lslessa 01 life .ren if the ewatr7 hark is
,1 pyre see wt M a gwdtihs eat it adore h. had Yee to pull hiaassI1 to- est M f i►ie -steNig. esiswtt i ilei •noised. 1
Afterwar s, however, he remarked to his Journal knows nothing at all about. '1'o Heli is the hest armor a man sari
ori(.:, "lf I am not mistaken, Parkins knows this day leads tit'imemewl sells her lord Religion
something about Cecil Finch." nothing haat "Parks'&" base, Fut it is the norm cloak. itunyatt.
1n .a day or two • Hurd letter beating the -._-. You may gather o rich harvest h) real
\\-.44Ionics* postmark em' ed for Mr. The>ieenty asasdatts. . ing, hut thought is the winnowing machin..
Madison. 1t said "Strange as it may ap- The standanl of female loveliness varies Law when kept is nothing else but law.
pear, we should t5 glad If you would later greatly in different cottutriea and with in- ' whereas law 'woken is both kw and exr
moos.1 •I h 1' k
the man about yeti oat
. d. n •ar Stu
ea to the whereabouts ditinual tasted. `ism e prefer the pomp .rwhereaboutsof Mr. }loch. Tell buxom t smite admire the
type slender and
him that) our roman for asking to that Cecil sylph -like, and some the tall and queenly
Finch has conte into a title and S fortune by erelong 1 y
the unexpected death of his tin-le.-
...Riaumlden. Rut ems all purple of the ten-
%I la won was now thoroughly elo•rte.l. ro v , one punt of lean°ty is always
\\ hat If has Iutlrr was the new Ion' in rens. alnee.l a pin% clear and ePothwe men-
queiede : He laughed to himself he PIe blends• l,ru.etthte •nrhaiel�r)pd typp^t This
Lural the face vet hu weir and anter whets tint great redininte of losel:mem can he AN
they should hear the news. .nmol only by s Poo' state vet for hh,00l,
it w happened that Shu IYC otter fMrti aetise liver, goo.1 appetite and digestion, all
the tion had been sent to Mr. Madison's
hoe, and it was there that he read it. His "r winch nee Ml 1 the use vel lk.
i wrce's goldenu Media! Ihacovery. It is
DellPark appeared.calm Y
veru t
when there wY nothing w ds.eoaeert him Oho. use the ' I:old.° *5.4440.1 !►tstocery...
Parkas., orad he. reenter, ' diol you
err happen w bear of an Vnglnh gentle rear t1srM/rei 11lfltrens of Miser.
mum ,-aped teed Finch'" The Trrraur of the 1'.itsd Stats hal an
sir." said the butler. " i th!nk 1 y
have hearth you neriine his trams, air, at stare os the 1st of CS -user, 1881, 348,341.
diwsar, • night ver two ate. " lf13 silver dnllan : S115,A48,6d0 i5 the form of
'•Hare you ever wren him'" subsidiary silver ; silver hues to the value of
"Ye.. 5r, in WyosuRg, 4111,571),163: trade dollars (bass), ✓)2394,
"1t would he • thing for him, Par
tins,. said Mr Madison. osrekeely, "if we 260 total, 41119.161,31/6, ow, m amend nets
ass best hint.' burs, 41000.000.000 The government, fur -
to was one with Sy Ism. guaranteed to accomplish all that to claimed
Hie decnwn was quickly former". He for it ver .none ref°merd. 11 vire* *1,41111
end ver the bin a has a clear, 1°4.ly eomPle'weit1ree 14005
1551 ••051551, lir h. ma in hie beet momenta 4415.• north palettes, spots anti
Yon "an form a pretty fair idea of any
one's Ammeter by his method of descrilnn•1
other people's.
That ntaassuul is mu :leer to himself 2..
%hoot the *mils of his brethren are nM dear
S. T Coleridge.
No one O art Wind to his own fault. as a
moan who hea the habit vet detecting the
feu Is nt ot hen. Fab, r.
Mu -about said in order tin make a goal
I.ov he would hegin twenty years before he
maa born by educatine his mother.
AN the holt !stream rushee on, *arming
os5 shores. err Anes every trne soul send
forth intd life • warmest inflame. in mans
• hr di+tut place.
Religion is not a label to tie round our
neck with the name of some party screwiest
thereon. I can till • bottle with vinegar
and write en the label "Syrup of Sugar.
but the taste of the contents when the bot
ti. is opened will pretty quickly declare
the truth and .o it is with vele and woman
the inner life is the real thing.
over Comore Sid
A *UNE cunt
M[ADACNL, ae..tstasss or Tag
TWIT awn 541•,54505044*$ ams PROMPT
tet •:T)05. Ari 5055 • 5•WA•tx •111
70 Du5a.Ca BLOOD B/TTt51 I5 roe
75t•TMtRT •is CUNT or cmeoloC
Bargains in Cloaking,
POWDERED) 1 0%;k
Ready roe ams la oar. omItr• rat ratted S.
IDars1. suT*.we1a. 1
.1tpwwdsd00".,.sa•dahreee0 odd/
SW by An Sewers sal ••.carina.
tL W. d ,ZXsZaINIC Ee• 'Ib*oaed
Mantles Cut Free of Charge,
_Bazaar Patterns Given Away
Wools of eau 4-131 4 d
t.(X)lkl ARRI�'-
6.........Aa.Are •• „_,......s...o.ty
.W M
.w /.i.rlbw.rr
Tow Ta..drd Ws.•.• .
Cowl. tacit.... i..- ' , 4,.r r••44be....4...Is... 1M-1 rile oho ..M
.•we .....w. . • ., . a ..... ..5 ...esu
p.. _d 1 4.. r.......'. 4-... r.1.n.. 0...44 oar'awl
..,.,d 1 r..... row .,,....rt.. of.....w Aircird .r e....ty.
Wm *Marry -.ea, es, ie..4 led MHO 0494•10.00.
_ r ase gibe on wa4r •.w per .a... r. u • YI[er
$900.BdLARa• r i O Ars
0o Arrear.. Meta en•+ naso.
ere and f'Irrgrmen to ,ntrodece a new .5d
Mpolar standard brook
Testimony of 19 Centuries to
Josue of Nazareth.
The moot n workable rrli*iow t..,k car the age
w rimten by Rill en.ls•eul rbur,w, \..n.reirri1a
E. very Cuafu4. wa.tr it. eselesive ternt..rs
trite.. Amer to The Weary •i11 ►wbliiion
ices. tierwisS. t'..m. hitt
T. T. T
:t01 -
fe— TEA.
rode merridag lar y.pset*rt dolly elf .locate' w EYKIiI' FORM,
a msat.trrtr t..•ew IN,. at ba. d. and u■ er
5. seM • be nubile Melton rase Arias toe Ord was
fsewerd sr will held f teats' rr*le * Woos sew SUITABLE POE
•ret. a Arteries..
The. et reformed to s. resets N AT REASON
vote.; .sere p.rrlu•e remit- ■ tear tar every Nr.
ser report pewees. la tit. ...rev reek wsrk. ABLE PR1CR',.
sekoop bre .p.oast poll for Use fest oma..
Reliable Prescription Work at all hours. ! RenOrt v lseto aam
W C. GOODE, - Druggisttj,i s.1 1.d at
divan A.wety rat
Family Grocery Store.
To each cue -tomer making • cash per.
chane at our more we prwaat s. coupon,
value 10 per cent-, on their purchase,
whether it be 10 rents or $10. These
couponecan be exchanged for silverware.
Each article , 1 stolid plate. This
beautiful line of goods is on exhibition at
our store, and can be seen by all. Give
as a call and gist one of our circulars.
New Traits is Stock :
Sabina, Currants, Prunes, Figs, Dates,
lkan;,n'4. Lemons.
Orang••, bone and (Itrnet.
Latest patterns and most unproved styles. Prices right.
Just what you want.
Best brands and lowest prices.
stresaNlr�. cz,ta.
Has shipped large quantities of his choicest goods for
And cables that he intends making his headquar-
ters for Goderich there during the holidays
Tie• n...4 r.. in the dirket her strewth
and parity. roll linen el,
Sugar•, Tears, Baking Powder'/,
And a0 Mole and teen rroeerlea.
ter ell kWh' of
Nolo. Confectionery, Fruits, etch
The lenrwllempa°{s► maim all kiwis .f t'erstture st the lowest SONANi• arias . it Y
sen fist ie be
Sell. Cheap
tree esmsia, He hake the Meet g thole takes of the tows. 4541.1.51'.. nets whey• kept ss.
11.4. Rs otos * ekes • sp.elarty of P4OI.rw warless. Glee him • wR before perebehe
r.r.N.re .insane.. Burl you will Sed cwt u•t Its dose as bo sates Odle rival
For CeG1�
la 11eeUeine e mid all ter their mat MY'uMem to ps• to mreseeit* a eseitteee of
New to head. tar
E. CAMPAIGNg, GEO. BARRY, Hamilton -at
Orem sed Ones tineas.