HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-20, Page 8•
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.,.,.. F t °t+ ) tr °�' •. .a;:: ",a<"11tL'$i
�kCuiy � .k1
o. -sends Awok• 11. Lstlroe Comped P. 3
• Illeriemer • Magazine 4'h.,. 4orthaires
burs .
Harper'. Yore P ogee - limpet ! lyssa •
Harper • Meer N.q.. a Sleben sees .. ,. •
(lone* W I'r.mlees e. M• Dries. q.....,, 'e
t • Houser ha! wanks J.K. Walleal, t. -2
\ • ()Oho u p Itualnrm • dela Jar A ' •
s.• (101/ hats Johnston Carey fi
lbw Taalurlag M. Moot41111.1111 ....1
.0 Orwod (spportusdq Wharf Olde
o New toad* J. Wilson - ... /
1• Rar,.r • Manama, Harper & lbw
Harpers Weakly Harper a 1•IIIII♦Y
♦aluabts Progeny Ise mile W. T. SHIM
,'..-her Wanton N.J PUNY ..•••..
Disuouwi Ilam --J. A. Keel A ON- • •s ell..
Teacher Waslstb- i MAlwllyl
Tit s r:w a mi.... ../
Motive Air Ws as to Ll -M'. T. 811116
ALKIMP In Uud h, n the deet., the
wheel J. A. Walker e,( • •
HICKS -1n l sburur, un it. :ed SH„ the w.1it
of flaw Hicks uta sue
LI.LT -- In tae•afortk. os •he 10th last. the
wit. of ('lart•ace Kell:. • ' • mop,
UIU'HKlan 4. N'beih•r• on the 'ah imp .
the wife ut ()liver UJ',rot. a son.
N' KIR CNl'I4:K.1411.8,\1. Al ('pntou, on No
Towbar IT. Dy Kr. .e.-trwart, H. A.. .1.
Weer. ILA . 1.1. it.. tee- ..ter. I'etroka. to
Miss Awwcs ('ruin►-..•,.'., eldest daughter
of C. Cruickshank. t buten
MAl CH-MORITZ In '414.o4, on the 3.4
that•, Philip Hauch to Ura. Hannah Moritz.
811KA In Ooderieh,,w W,dnesday. Novena
her 11th. Mattaret Ain. eldest daughter of
Teter shut, jr., av,d a years and 11 .40011141.
The funeral will tali plate from the row:
Amor of her fattier. ]ap.rr. net. uu Friday.
Nuvealber Mt4. at a oc:daee r♦ u.
Spline- In Mealtime's, on N.n.iiliaise !eh. !acid
tlklel, egad It year.. : •mouths and S dy e.
HIGGINS -At Toronto at. 11., 1:1h few.. at
the residence of his lee mcr. W 111110 James
I N' tine, youa(tret and dearly Moved son
of Michael tlr.Kinr tcr.nductor U.T.H.t.
aged four yaws.
Oman orR owls • oilorerrSttasT.
U. t'.. Steadiest. the. p»:pular grower of
tiaderfci. sprat sough, :o Luckuow this
Hay is so high ea th. I,t1•know market
Must snare td user culotte talk of importing
the pressed article.
Alex. McKay, fu: a.1mtriet of a century
a lake imilar. returne4 house last week. He
reports rather a stone., Fall.
Mr. Mobriag ..f tIr I.ucknow hotel, 110
re abiegMI and I argil) Improved' the ap.
pearawee of that papular L.wtirry.
I)liOcte McKenzie ',gurus to Nanain,o.
ff. 1'.. this week. Mr. Mr han struck oil
out theme. He takes with hint a carload of
Th. Emma Wells (•.noele 1'0. hat's sent
for amid their ads, awe •toet.. The exact
date. .1 !hear uppeeerane- hoe has not leen
7'I•r (ilt,fotrart. pr ,foss- :e hop :and ,up-
per sox M. Andres:s night. A series of
asirnldiea will 'in• earned on during the
A. M. Polley, 4:vele! ,',,.:tet Harry harem,
etaRinuw, spent a week art ..ud around I•ark
.now the first part of 4144. mouth. That
picked up quite • groin:.•r of I,,rans.
Revival •ere•ic.• atm going on in the
Methodist church at present. Mr. 1%'hite.
d Hatailten, is tire ret ivalut. 1% ith what
sas has work well 1. -attended time ahem
will reveal.
444 aft['riuuon. •torr of the Lo•knpn
Caledonian Sx•i,ty. hie. I.•aen appointed one
ofelhe executive other?• el the Caledonian
games M he held at the .1%'o4:d'. Fair, 4'he
calm; In 1853.
Town althea.,, of e..ete rich. has male hs
hawlyuarteret at Luck:low and in minion,'
with .las. l e.Urlg has 'hipped d h50 headof
e the and about • 1.000 14411.1,.. Ton, io a
hardier and a good buyer.
en 11* sine thee i. IN, plate -e is the limn
wows which ren laeaet or I'u1ent a• many
batisitin lie this villay;e ,.4 etude. In tact.
the man who doesn't "an a gun &eel hound
u►ight as well Ret up :arid t &,•ate.
Tee large number of !mintage % that hat e
taken plate and timer on the Lapis make p
ecan ity of rentable houses u1 town. /ate
•Waal, whose landlord 4, a lI14'he)ut, has
Teeeiveel reek* to alit rithtn a month. r.
we may look for a wedding about I'htist
4 M .1.. tr 4'- light a. to In' . vended .1t
rr resent we hate el/h1 fighm
t. on the ars
7lue,• omit, are a l.8 put m. Unless the
!fighting is I..-tter attended to there u met
mash 11111• u1 melitug may increase. past
.iunday night was pitch ds! k, hut the
lights erre not put op.
l'lanksraenig I..% erne .1 out very wet.
:eery -ices were had in all the chute hes.
Every one J lie malty grinv m town was en-
gs4teel. lout meet of the •ei,eters manage)
to get In 8.•. oral sh,t• at ' deem -rat' is hen
o/ artndge•s. A friend .1 UMW, however,
tel sir ul meeting on the road a young
time, with a loan wile asked him if be hail
seen a partridge ertrdv that way. and was a
good deal disappointedhe received*
aeg(at ire &newer. Thar- ve4. & football thatch
in Co- aflxrnoou of Tlwnkegiving Ilay he
41144 a Idol) rood and the .ieth e.•o1•pesion of
Ktubes against fam14,0r' and the second
ea,leasi(tl. It resulted hi an racy tictetry
for the latter teen. In eighteen. three and
moven minute. r..pectively. The Holy rand
hey.. are eleglant kicker• in more ways than
ONO. For hrot-.lase, wranglers they take
the *hole iakery. The nowt of the tune
was spent in finding fault }we:an.,% as they
aw•rt.d, they were play ing a man short.
Whether or not the 14 SO 4 •tri inlaid' to
say. but that was Ihe' h.,k,4,t, 8101 the •
other aide's The following are the play
LI. %Neon.
W' Irwin
A. NlcKenrie
M. Saunders
J. WI i.g . f I Geo. Fraser
A. Sunbelt4 tier . p left wmgt. •
4 Toter Corrigan. om. Correia', 1
C. M,Kinaos ('catle Wallen.,. 1
D. Mel/mail Rypht temeI les. Nskw
rid Nt 1►uaaM 1 Harries
Z:• Conk
(.won or* ow. d uaWYulwpna.T. )
%less !lamer Mi keote, art Iruknoty . paid
ea a eying '.,sit a few dais ago.
Mur Ha.ulals Mc Know luta returned home
w w ,
after a le weeks wt with }seers w the
Kouseeau hat returned to ha haute
w Marinette. Mich., after . muuth's v wt
John Agnew has returned 1.. his home in
Whitechur.h &ftcr .ps+udtag the Sumner
The thrr.lung lean iwen .wr:yleted u, this
me -time and the entre have turned out
fairly will.
Thr 1'lover % alley As.Geasuuu of Petrone
of Industry intend hat tug a taffy pull in
the time fu(ur.'
Peter Mur.-hlsewr has gone le Yogurt.,
where he has er urt,l • goo.' pu.luou ,a the
4:urt>ry foundry.
1 iter Murdock has reuto,.il his farad% t..
W Ingham. where he hua u*-urnl employ
14,cu1 in.,,. Mr. 11 ell. • ..I.
Mees Maggie Mc:Kenete Ism left fon Reel
Jacket. Mich., to attend her sister. Mn.
McLear, who as se • sly ill.
l awdr.p Lodge, Iit. 4.. 7'.. i. still 1u
• flwruhing condition Thr following edh
ter» were electavl un Friday excising, Ni,
vealber (t I : (.•uhu Breton. invading Slay
M.Kenrie, vice president . U 1.. McKee/ie.
secretary . .1.». Agnew. F. secretary ; .f.
Murray, (re'rurer : 1. ('oak, c • , .1.
Martin, guard : P. R. McNay, mai
(rsdtt OCs. care tlnaa7!1p0"t PEST. )
The ( Semi Template intend ape Ing a .ort
cent bef(w0 lass. -
.I. 1« MoBidt.a,li'of %%.Ikrrt..'s, .sprat
Sunday in our tillage.
Mr. Myles. 04 %Valkerten, tat. tutu,,,
his sera. '1'..►. Myles, lost week -
Mr. l'rskey, collect r of tate» ten the
tow0ahlp. a of 111» ,Quad. again.
Mcl rtwl
Bros. sre benne again after .a
good year'. teething ,u Irak. Superior.
Messrs. %Vill1n,. and Armstrong. of
Kinks*. gave me a tall on November 14th.
T. Myles; held a shoeing match un
Nov ber 12th. whish was a grand sue ess.
All t g.»d marksmen are living o0 fowl
M U True Ks) le I • Again from It'd
Jack Mi.h. lbw, Kay reverts the Huron
ppoeoo Sall doing well under the Stamani
Rtri s.
H. Stewart shipped tau carloads of eat
tie , Toronto on Monday. and H Har
n• s ipppd a .•arhwd of lanbe to Kodalo
tiro Abn•Lsy.
VVI' are glad to hear that John McIver,
heat 100.her in 9er public •ch..,l, u to be
with us another year. Mae. is eioing goal
work, Judging by the number he passes en a
'Two of the Paranl,wllt sheer/rt./looters
were here at the »hooting marcs. 'l'hoy
e.pttyrrd .u,ly one oust.. 'llley leokeel a
little reline.(, as tar as gored clothes are
tuns-we,l, but the high-dowe linguae/ether
used leve room Man swat.
town nre .,w n•oulhnn sDIIST.)
Thetaalt block is .shut devil this week for
„las. Found, of I :orrlr, was in tow■ on
S41ni ;.
Rob*. 114'1 ea., an Iwladom on %Velar oda%
of bust trek.
Mr. =end MIs. \I. M, le Flexing, of 1.,.
towel, reprint thou 1'hank•gming in %Vin_
John l'atte•rewut, e4 Blyth, u in town. !it-
em V1 d'., we are angry to slate. u etlll in a
critical condition. there bring little hope .f
his recuw.•ry.
Hanna Is out cant asa11g for tote. tot 44,.
reeveshp He say.. of he ,..torted he will
try w es 611511 a market. w kith „ Isollt
needed in our town.
:1 side Ik was lad from ,Iohi-»t. .town
Josephine. t. in front of the new lank las!
week, wit' h is a benefit to the merchant -
on that aid of the *trete.
l'heplaia ries, of .1ul'urn prison, New
Ynr.L del)v rni a lecture w the- Metho.lut
church on '1' today .evening under the nus
polo of the ire*' .%i.1 Society.
.1 union t h nk.4icing eteryiva. tela* held iu
the I're,l.,t,r an church on 'Thursday at 11
•1.eck v. r , 'hon Rev. Mr. Se•llery'. of the
Nethodiet chur.h, e.cupie•d the pulpit.
The annual meeting of the Wingless
L1aweL of the 1 ( sada Tract Sweet )•
will le hold in t e (:awtgregatiurtal 'Lurch
on Friday ex 'ng, the 20th November,
when Rec. Ia. oftatt.Peeretary.4 the Sect
st). willsalaresa be meeting. •
John Leetlie, ot',1Vylnip•g, em of T. Inas.
of Okla plat'', [m In 10011 purnllaais1 for.
niture frau the factories herr for the nett
hotel which u being ereetell in Winnip,g,
called " the Maniula. The (x,utra•t for'
the furniture alone to 1130.00.1.
hire. .1a0 .1n.1er,o n, while %alone: relit
lives in town, reset ed r. telegram from her
htulan.1 that he heti leen shot in the arse
Mn. Anderson left for her home in 1 11/1,0!.
villa od 1Vednesds) morning. Word h..
tot yet. been ree•eiv,d as t.. how the: ac,id.•nt
H'.(.1.don. r
East - Hater.
1l(a,.k, I Wm. Pone •
I %ares Frirrell.
111.111.1.•k. 4..1'x. Framer •
[s'n'ow OUR nes. COnfir„Gt na8T.1
%Ir Skilling, of Terewatcr, has orgamied
seism)/ echoed here.
The Cheese factory herr will sown lee el.,_
ng down for the. e•aem.
(:tial umpire .11.e. McLeod.
Refers, A. R. 4 ol'grani.
. i. the third same Locknote has taken
la three straight vial., Mr from W Ingham.
Sas from lhe„nnnon, and one from HoF>
__ppppp4. _Alt.gcther the plates. have stare.
red speed in the game .m.. they began t..
ploy esr11 he »geese.
4(001 in 1, OW', "Y1Rar,,..t1.• T.4
A. Mclatn.4, London was '...e•wn Satin
Mn. J. M,Inkai• retnrnr.l fr..n, Galt last
y N.turday.
Weis M. Kennard *n.4 F: N..lu are vain
1e1g M Koster
Oar Isparta hawed considerable gams
• Day.
farce 1• /tare lee. made e■
iI . Q --I aidowsik*
Mr. nod Mrs. G. Yams, et usage. wrest
is fess Illsokesiwiss W.
Mr 4'..nhn. formerly of 1Vinglam. ha,
farted a *hoe .hop in town.
Keanlark l'Immin, a visiting his fathcr..4.
7'imnnn,. our general merchant.
Mn. F. 41 Scott le ver- *ick, hot wt•
tope she will ewwl ler around again.
1 "mintier Snider delivered hi* celebrated
octan, '• Life on the (tail ami the People
w• Men," 1s the Methodist church on New,
as, PM.
(room ora 410 y Co11>:,1•..\n&8T. )
"modal Mureh, who ham hr.•n employed
in New i-ork .Mate for the past three mullahs,
returned on Saturday Iasi.
.lames Ford, a resident of lintah 1 of
nmMa. to suiting Ma friends here He will
probably remain some time.
11• regret to learn that $amuel 1C alter,
of the Arron road, Inst a valuable hnou. on
Saturday last. Inflammation is siarpr e.1 to
have tern the case.
There has hewn considerable talk of late
in this In ality in referen•e to dammed beef
whieh 0ertaen persona are mid t„ have weld
The mile of hof has in been
omiderahls diminished, muss having on
great a to it as remedy to 1Mk
at it
The 8J,.• w opt.`. ars stIb.
wettest Osseo Iselory kis bots aril .t •t
emote per pored.
lesion w a uw t .onalarolla*T.1 [raua (WR uws ,•oaa�ro.tttayr.
W' H. Mclkwir Fee. e0pl(ad • ora I The old 4 wane hall is aadsrgsi18g some
baker. rcpus ltrt ewes
The *liters mew u "la this sopa 80404' 11w Eck..., has rented kis fano to 4.).
Inn envy. ' Hadgeley for a ter•ri of seen' years.
1' hr hook ing la.hkr omegas) were out Moss Ikrwwter, of ( arriek, 'pont • few
oc Sult.1y night day. with her brother George that week.
Ah•t. M. Keene s unable- 4o w..rk. befog G. 1% Meeks, a rel .glare agent d To
&Misted with lumbago. sato, u .pooling .a few days in this
The slater* have eourple4wl thou work oar vicinity
Ih. Milne'. .rte reddendo Mir Lena Fugal. of St. 'Thomas, and Al
Seth Mather. and wife of Luck now, fred Fugal, of Carrick, spent • few days
wen- timing friends herr on Th enkagl t i ng undo. the parental roof.
lay. [ .(' 1%illi, formerly' ca this play. bat Mf
%%m. Kelly butcher, has tenon r.l to the of 1C,ug(tam, smiled on a few of hat troth
premise* formerly ....upie•.1 4.'. u: %%..t t herr oar l'i. uksgivwv
Rex . Mr lege, ..f Lowden, Fora hod M
ro ('hun'heiF:u laud u, �
[nor 04-a OWN eomaa OONSSIT. )
%\'tutor with her toys sad sorrows will
ru1)41 be tepee u•
The "ytluw front r Suing o rushing
4.1118.e this week
'file a•h.rtlog match at .1. l . 'fuck • take.
place today (Feeeley ).
N. G. Rowleer, l:odenck, sprat • few
days in tow a this week.
W. A. Itru•ks. l'heeago, 1. sp.n.11nq . few
days with Lorne Hunter.
Dipid Cameron and Mir Jennie Shlrl, of
[ /:alb. w ere in teem last week. .
Ward Yarrow spent last week at Lost
Kt. A. 11 MI.I101841'.). ,t ~•forth, and the people f theg
Me -
Rev. .%. Mclean, of this norm exchanged Allister '• hall last Sabbath 0wr0ing
pulpits on wu.sy, 8th last %Vhile unph•u.ott .gent ('outs was near, I
Thr last emetebly which took place to tiny; this village one els, last week hu horse
Industry Hall gas a great Saxer. The hwvrne fngI4•ned at a .eels thresher and
boys intend "holding 'en• regular. .luring( upset hu wax>(.e, which contained a turnip
the 111utr•1. .'utta•r into the ditch. 111th the eveeptiort
Firs %V. F 1'ainp4ell prtarh,l • ar, mew: of •e broken loll, little• ,latnage r -al drw1e.
00 ••Toleueo last Sundae tu 8'41,.11 he
showed the .ells aridly; from the *era It WAWANOSH.
tato he hole,! that It will hair A gond [r.WrOra On iemtatsis•sea88T.!
effect on sonic of the youths of this plea'..
On Thursday !tied last week K. l'.
The aunitrrrar tea inertia,ufth. %Iii Prate., the vest' wise appeared in the,
ochre church was
ha -hi herr en Thalk.gevmg a. hood boom of No. 4. There was not .
14y all o.vs very) suererrW. the pies44Ys vcr large 4*.ce a. eke .,ads were ret)
amounting 44 u. about t31 tS. na'lu•Itug Inv model alio did stirnd were well
.seal rho w 'on.l ni;ht, Nhrn I:. sdlaty de repaid for trarlptng through the• loud. Mr.
livered an aide and not rani it. lecture. fosse and his tau friends, 1ox•. and .logos,
N hieh a A. heartily 8411..(.•.1 by .t.I.
.sorted a great ..m0ullt of •mUo •host. Jer
n acted the Irishman Im perf44ue,n. ,lot
LEEBUHN. well abb. to give and answer questions.
T' J i Hla mimicry was very .xwl, especially that
(/fires ol'w uw'% 4•u6*F:,t'u\ag\
The !ra's g ret Porter'. Hill, I of the bre.g I
visited relatives here this week. r Empire Aseweeatiw,. Patrons of industry.
Thanksgiving serene 4art• had a good 41'4,1 Its ineek ly meet Me o, %V„ Inesdav,
atteassee. 1t teaa conlaun1 by Rev. Mr. November 411.. some of th. eueluIer.
!deck, who christened two infants during 1 eirrro4 to take a apply of tea from Mar
the .erler. Tlrs week Mr. Black leaves Mud! •t ('0.. London, Int., when the hue.
for Hamilton. He may be with us again ism was concluded 1 literary courtier
fns u longer time till arrangements van le took plate between end s rh..een Ly George
made tura eettkel pasts (:anon and Wm. Thouri. 1% 111. Th
Mk wee slimly represented ani although
The Ilea? rani of "1inla4 et, ,1111.; J' 41-
mine were tr.keu r41 (n the side who were
Ira+rtnet� the athra.lau. • a the elle;+ s•I
fy t , 1 taut chosen George 4.artnn s sett. was tie
d•I !tall u
ten,jwrane meeting u1 1r to 1. ..tdedle- the hinter. Sortie excellent «mgr. i
G T. A forei6le en.l aide a.ldres. was recitations, real' •-, speeches, ors, des
�„ PN'
green by Iter. air. black. ..f Hamilton- ' l,gue and one urlgmal poem were given.
4 he sundae- ere1i0g nett Altce Saunders, ,
of I:..derich, will be t1.r speaker : meeting Nesociation.The meeting; then adjdwrnd Empire
t.. open at 7 4. r. %V .4i . olay,l�Nnovembe•sof rdlltIt try nSone mom'.
MW Sarah Hell. of the 4th ,Y,nosesifn. ; of the members signed for tea. The so.- i
t .olerith township. who was rmr of - the i rotary was given orders t.. ,lend for what
frost of the t .xsaful candidates t the 1 i all
yyews •.c r . was waste aitty polo s LI 1 goo
holy eaanutattlon kw third clary teachers
i graphs clam was cher. en then. Chas. 48'tatten
ecru's..sten, awl w•huts now attending the and Mir Rachel Martin being rhoeen ear
high ..•hod to t ••eleri.h, undertaking +ere- tains The nine, were given well for ,ogle_
und•elass work for th, r•oming ecaminatioo, ; but u couple of words beginnh,c with
.enjoytd'1'ha>kaglcmg 1'. ni onr burg. the •• Ie•iuc shelled .11 of 1.•th .41.1.8» were'
guest of her .orris. Mies %I. I:elton stuck for a word and the Judge. t'harles
In the'I'ern,tttu Smite. Iasi week we not ! Fraser. qacr the decision ail A tie. :1 abort
toed that a brother .4 .4. Reilly, who was pr'et Bram wet, then given and the ,mastisg
pastor in chary(' of t h. Presbyterian church I clasel.
here Shrinpe, the :.artier months. was '
dryweu,l olio .aamrthg. He was the I'ns y:everal i.eni•l ,n mer hent. hnve beta end
i 1 44100,41 141 a yonn� 01411 11110 ordered goods
. bytes -tan pastor at "ehreiber, :11p(.waa 'awl tendered (raaolulrnt rhelun. m pay -
now attending Knox 1 (liege, l oroato. A
large cirtye of friend, here reppres
s their deep!A sad event occurred m B.ue'a:•• ort Fri
anal sy nipee th♦ with Mr. Neill y • in the ela) ryeninx, Otto inert. Mr.. Timmins IMw
dew he has met with. 1 Carson., of that ti! met with ..n accident
Aitken time ago. On the .L, mentioned
A conspiracy hi 4.e11 unearthed in l she underwent a painful operation, which
'I:u»s1.4 the object of which was to securewas her ouly hope. and did not survive. long
reepon.ible government. Many arrests have; after it. Much at'n.pathe is felt for the
been m,elee
husband sad friends of the deceased.
+oe. with friends and relatives
Thursday and Friday of last week were
holiday. for *41. school •tuldren
H. Watt and Joe. liallaatyrw have been
on a hunting expedition w Jt. Clete flats.
Nauta ('lams will wen 1e here,
And may he bring es all Roo) cheer.
.1 .I. (.,wick has te.'i.Ic4 lit stay with us
h . Muter. He will purchase• pork in the
market herr.
The orchestra in the Metho.Gat euod ay
school u a stoat iuy.nornlelt and render»
route good n usi..
Ton of out sport.. make lrapurut .Isar to
the country to parties, they .s.1 Well.
perhaps 11 Is. Lot rc doubt it.
Irwin A Mc1 am are now' ready for bun
nem et they new *tore, nett *loot l.. the
.%tnerlran hotel. Tiley might 4o .10 a
splendid I. ,singes here.
Mrs. and A ie Shirt lett this week for
t,.lt. where they Inxrnd uukm,; their
homer. We deeply regret losing Gut o11
foetid., test trust that prosperity a Ill at
trn.1 theist u1 their new 1,011e.
On Nonday, November 9th, laced Shirt
,Led, c.lmly and peacefully. at hie teal
donee, (lotion street. having attained to the
patriarchal ago of ninety six years, *even
In••nths add five day.. Hes dr*th was. out
altogether unexpected, as the uta gentleman
had been astute helpless for some time, hay.
ug p a be even fed like a child, and over ewe
> cars had espsn l since he .sold get about
.utskk•. During his illness he had beim
carefully and constantly cared for by bis
d.lugghter is -taw. Mre. Frank Shlel. Mr.
Shied was hors in .1t;rick. southern ••loot•
:and. and came to 4 •roads ,u 1832. After a
»hort maidens. et 1:alt h• took up land in
the lht•kie settlement, four melee trent the
town, whore he continued to leve until
about tifteen years ago. when hr .ante t..
Brussels and resided fora few years on the
farm of hie .on. John %V.. and after has
death moved into the village. He tea. Myr
mil to Miss Agnes Thompson w 1853, his
.bride coming out frons Scotland te. him.
They had seven children,, all of wham are
deceased. only throe of them having attained
twan10 af. Mrs. Shiel died to .duly.
19Re,, rt the rip• age of righty two years.
(yrwuulpia Sher as &latest every bed,-
144! hum wail a true Scoech man.
was a very hasptablr and venial mut
1 his tom y was often sought ht Gn ac
%'Inv. x
Count of th1s. The oh1 gentle -Dan h:..) air
idea that he would live to he 44 eferrortat
sled was a dory vigorous, active mai. for his
year... There is rather a rem..rk,al,le his-
tory In temps -tom with the dr•erane of the
three sons John. laved and Francis. The
second mentioned was a Lawyer at Windsor
and while en rout,. to &.alt, aeov,mpaniel by
his wife, took ill at leaforth and dle,d at a
hotel there very suddenly. This wee about
twenty-three years ave. to 187o Frank
Oficial Newspaper
Only $i.00 a Year in Advance,
The Best is the Cheapest and THE SIGNAL is the best.
drew from Oak to Ikuses1s to visit his
heather sad &feet atleanding to his fast.
went to bad at twelve u'e4xk sad the nett
abortion,. teas found amid to hie bed, hear t
autism Le,ng the .&use Jobe Shell, ,aa al
the hurl knows airs Ill this 1 'ality, was a
vtee imof that fell destroyer commit pOeu
aa.l while ewe his way to FM irad t, W 1878,
Ger the purpose .d spending the Winter, his
strength failed him and he died at Rich
awed, Virginia. H. body was brought to
Rrusess and followed by • aorrowuig Ota
smote to 1u last rw•tiug plate. Thr funeral
of old Mr. Shi.l took place os. Wednesday of
list week. the interment being wade at
Brussels twuletery, where Mr.. Shaul and her
sup John were buried.
(noir ova owe coaki,4e11(Ii(7
Our popular implement agent, JasKew,
IS on • trip to Ir.w's Heat on 61111111014.
May he ..wool will safely return.
c are plowed to he able to stale that
Nies. Bowen. wife of our deputy reeve,
who hoe helm w ill for waste tame, a tattles
Thr munlcllwl council ..f %%'est %Naoa-
nosh will tweet in the township hall ea Sat
ur.lay, the 21st Nov. All ,vucern,d will
please take note.
Peter Mullen, who h., been in the employ
,.f Iola. Mellough, A.4hrld, left hetet Mut
week fur l'hu'ago, where he hops to betty'
lee condition. It in k, One hopeel he will
. 0,88414,4.
It ,. with deep regret that 41i.,. numero e
Inen.lii hat.• herd of the diem.
of the editor and pnywtrte•r..f Tier y4uwa,.
It 4• smeere!y Lapel fleet: ,• nut *&41•,•.,
and a speedy re. of er, h i.•.ket for Tyr a11.
•1"....11 appearsnee %% luta r has fairly s,:
it. Un Tues lay uiuw toll .144188,41 the wl.,la
.1., r. 1.•tng ateeempareed by blustering weed.
%V.- may, If sleighing dares not cline Olt,
L.,l, for had meds, eouseepu.nlly hurl tr-t.rl
The first 01 the le:lnre..,,c• the' Winter
under theauptces •tf the Epworth League
in eoutl,.ctioI with the %I.t40.11.1 church
formerly known a th, 1 1' i., wilt la
given by Ker. .1. F: Huwt11. 11..1.. "4
f:oderich. distn,•t e•ha:rutan, on 'fur.,tay.
24th November. a the 4l.theellat church,
to commence at 730 P.M .% »ei,.•
arolbaCtiuu will be taken ups tel the
door. Moltke, &bye..,
• Thr IAblr dud Now t.
US* It.' .111 alt 01141114111.4 8041t4,4 to a
Maty of of ye mega px„4 le are leaving n4
for t'ne!.. •4alll'a .ion:sins 8., 14.144-441.e'• .
,htwninlit,. Itis, 1, lire Milligan, Awash
ter ..f 11.r.•. Milligan, %Vest %Vawau.rh,
near 4)18ugaltnuu, (eft here 011 1'iturolay
ui••rntux for taekota. erhcle she Iles secured
• 444181114.4* as teacher Her nutter, MI,.
Maud, who left hire saw two weeks ago,
also has secured s irrarsi p.rities as teseher.
We congratulate the ymintj ladles. hoping
they will Ie sur,vefu! Mess alanine Har-
low. ,laughter of .la.. H..riew. .1, 1'., left
on Townley f..r Mores, stare of 1Mio, where
elle has :a prow., . of securing ie 48..8118.n1 44
stcnograpiror. Al its Harlow hat .ueeres1r.1
m oIraniIg a diploma at Toronto We
wish iter •oetesa in her undertaking.
Thaiiksgtwing lay of 1:.:91 has c..m, anal
guise. 11 was ushered In 'ivy Wel weather,
rl:bd, disappointed our ntrr,nnh, who had
arranged to have a }tool time healing.
However. a, the .is._ advanced the ran,
slues fra heal fly and ,,westanthy part of
the forenoon. alsted..inel in the afternam
the weather was more {rupitton•. Thank•.
giving se•reive- was held 1n Erskine church
herr m the f.•renon, and In the afterme n
at the i'restotrr:on station at Port Albert,
but the g(ret.at event of t11.' ,lay which
took pL•ne in this nlhype was the Thanks
(riving supper. and exert :res 'n connection
therewith. wta,b was held in the etenm44
in the new &net 0omrn,xir,a. hall of the
1)uneannon '.grieultelral awl I►nvmg Park
4'..., which, by the way. as a splendid iuild-
nig for ruble: anotings. on ae•toont of which
the .1aw,etatiow, ie to 1* highly complineeut-
el. The supper. which was partakes of
ty, upwards' of four hundred, u* ludtng
young; and old persons. in the hose/tent of
the building • an admirable pima, for It tea
announced to be excellent, there trots( •u
mple supply for nearly a• marry more 11
test of all kinds of teleh.k,e. .1ft., the
tereptutme feetiya) of go..l things was over
n invitation to all wall extrude.' by
, 1 h pestor, Pee.. Austin Pot tcr, to
I go up stats and behold the Iwea-
1 tofu! scene there. The of
Ithe auditorium was indeed a sight to le-
' hold. bering decorated with emend hand -
tome scriptural mottoes. which were ex-
evedingry appnpriete for :a Thanksgiving
celebration. also by a splendid ar.b of ever
sm'.'s 111 front tit the .Fakeers' platform on
which were suspended, in every pos.ihle .le
' sign. samples of terra's, fruits and other
p nwlu,ts of the season ..f 1991. The de-
rotations showed great taste, .kill and
energy on the. part of the energetic tont
mate- appointed to that department.
.1m.ag the h,egltifnl .rghte tole• seen waa •
very hug Minch rt wheat, which was nicely
arranged and placeel , in •
8 pl mgh. 1t was brought from the town of
(+hrt8ville. State of New 1 nrk, having
grown i/1 the vicinity mf that towyti0 1891,
hp Mrs. Wilson. our popular milliner, who
snore time ago hal been on a visit to her
I.nn, William, who rerde'» in ahortatille
town. The armee mentees d bunch of
' wheat was used as a bouquet at the Fall
exhih*tiown in New Mexico by Mos. Ss nip
5041. her in law of Mr'.. Wilson,
aha having acted in the rapacity of Floral
ileo en at the exhibition. there teeing
threw of them on that ewcaaion.
In fine. taking toe exhibitive, of cereals, etc.,
in .•.wlncetion with the temaU0n of the
hall, into amount, too much praise cannot
he given to the ladies and gentlemen of the
sternest Ma oosnmitter. The intelk.tual part
of the entertainment and celebration of
Thanksgiving commenced shout eight
....leek, The pastor, Rev .1. I'r.iter, nee
I.ideed over the meeting1n his usual happy
manner. Rev. Mr enner, a14'ecme r to
lir. Stnrty(man, was vaned upon to open the
meeting with prayer, after which the chair
man *tatted that tan of the speakers who were
expected to he prevent owns t.0 unavni4
able circumstances could not he present.
The chairman, after raking a abort address
apropos to the neeneioe, called rima the
choir After tt• rendition of some music
by the choir Rey. J. Carrie. Ep.cophan
Clergyman here, wee called upon (by the
way, the. reverend gentlemen a eerally on
hand to do sets ice when moored, At the
rose of his appropriate. address • deet was
given by Miss R. Pentland and W, G. iCli
Ina in *a effective style. entitled. " Who •
That A tolling' " A r.e(tal itn. by Miss F.
relied lle" The Habits., " was well re
olivel. Some musk 0u then given by
the Ante. Thee eaanc the speech .•f
the evening by Ilse Mr. Kenner
in the opening tart of him address he very
highly I the farmer speaker.
Ret .I Carrie, although Letag a.•lergyman
of •.1trwrent deelwninatina, en kis willing
1800 to render •ssistan,-• on this u on all
oa.a.ro.a of the k,wd ohne *04ioitod The
reverend gentleman followed the sum yes
THE MAR[BTli. , -=
114.4.rtra retires, •
Utr.0wlla, Nov. ii IMI
Iola Is
03 tot
•,..••••• le M telt •
•e « ate toes
134 a
Stem el
W ie 4 44
Mle• N
rail W IteW,
egoism; W'104
lieges What,
Shona, w lea
Bran. w ton
1(ererula • tom,
('bopped Feed MI
(lata. new. • M•,h
Haas. Is bush _
Harkey. two meal • bush .••s....
Hay. 1 on
li,tan•.. a husk
Apia. ..to bush ._sees.
Mutter. 11 n
Earn. (rash tapacked, i RIRMime
Drrete& Hews. • o at
tillages Naelledi as,
Msh. 1:, ism
Fal: tt beat ..,......4.••
opting Wheat .... ......r•.....,....
Harley . ..... •••d._
Pte ..
moles 4 w..•t1U ger �,•........ , .
Potatoes sees
(Novi wood
Pork .........:.<.............
1s wits
Ss toes
to it
It to • IS
tom / N
SU to
M•v. 1: hale
Flour, per yes L ........ ,411j• le 3 Ss
N' heel. Kali. AIM to 0 tit
.:rout............ •oh•tooM
Pos. . 0 14 toe N,
o,' Y .•• el
Pstalew* 0 f7 to • 3;
Wool. per 17 I.) • 31
Mid.. 4 V, 14 4 •
Skelly skim .. .. 0 til to u 71
Hay. per dew. 10 • to 10 N
Kra', Orr dee 0 It to 0 1/
Rutter. pawls .. 0 11 ru 0 K
Perk ..00 to
axl. mast sees Jl SO 10 1 1
■ata•asl sow utters Market
Th, geodess at live mock at the )ardor ( :1.e
Montreal Stork Yards Compass. Kest et.
( earl'a fur the week endow Nnc. It esti. -
Itere,pt. of Intretort at the
Montreal Stork taros, let.
al a h.rlc,. Ger Use 080.8 tit : 1171. tis .M
IA'el oi.r haat. preylou• '
work Mo.
To' , 4 ,.ort .. , 1 ! •3e RSIs H
t)u ease ha..
The ,sport season 4 drawing toe . io•r, lead
traete in this elan, of rattle heroines proper
tionaely dull. there were nled.enr norip,.
with little demand sad little cheineiag heed.
The local trade with havy supply of enferwl
.tock was dull . anything eseept good bora.1
sells at amour* an) price. Ther_ as no enrage
In the hug market . there are targe metals
tic i• the best value.
%4e noise the folio.' inn as beteg fair values
''a•I!e. .•44.nrt. k to 41r
t silly, b:.•. hers ,t..si - he to Sir
lnfetn8r to to Ste
stockers eje to 1e
' b p 1. 1.)
of th,ug11 am the toeless' *posher, ((pea
which he rtpatwtod at mew 1tsitth est
gate as auelkot seed ppeern..•tical sows. A
reitati.pm, " E,g6»h Ji4a'. Last Rode, • teas
well and effectually rendered by Mm
('rosier. who is Itemising very popular as
reciter. .1 duet. " Mur:•:wring 4s. was
sung�( by Mir Carrie W hyard &ad Miss A
I'rrkaren, and anther duet by Mesar.
I►. %1'hyerd mid P. Hamlin. A quartette m
ekara.trr gas giten by the choir. All were
rendered in good d .tyk. We take this op-
portunity to a ongratnslr the pastor, char
and the various • g nlme:no, who mat aid
all did their utmost to got up the excrlleat
supper. the intellectual feast and the is
*tractive entertainment, on their success.
The nor»owls of 1h.• .senna," amounted to
nl.,tdt (1180 The meeting wan Imaght 11.s
riot, by' the singing al an anthem by the
eholr and the . ..,:fsg of the Impede -
(gnaw trot 00*4 , , ,,..1
The following is a het Of OW pupils d
No. 1 S. Y., ('rdixxne, who were promoted
at the October exanunatia.n : From part 1.
to second part .(vie Green, Nettie Tye -
dell, Lizzie Russett, Peter Rissett. From iI.
to IIi. $usie Elliott, Nancy Moore, Tilly
Gallagher. Edith Walters. Rom Reaa.
Jennie Mar Millen, Ernest Young. .lames
Meletyrp, ('herhe V'srcox•. From 111. to
IV. .Mode Hogan. .lens' Ilreen, lett!
Gallagher, Mato., Mallows, Hero, Smith.
.lames 4lallagher. From jr. IV'. to sen. IV.
('ora Tyndall, Mabel Varooe, Jennie Mc
Hardy, .4ktt. McNeil' an. ht. Ro,ratvso'.
[ satin or ow. e(.R►_.ro. nail. )
1.1.1eiti\ ens. r. Misses Helen and Maggie
Porterfield *0014 part in a eYmaert at Kipple
last Friday evening Henry Mcl:ee wird
John Keeeroft returned home from Masi.
tuba lame week F:d. 11'ightman is baviag
ate excellent .t•amon•s threshing He has s
line outfit and well deserves the patronage
of the farmers Harry McNee has re
turned from visitin;p friends down east.
Norm. There wit ..ate a heavy snow
storm no Tuesday of this week, weigh
looked very much like Winter. Although
we have hal an exceptionally fine Fall we
should like to ase "one open weather yet
There is still some threshing to 'b In this
vicinity. . Turnip.polling is a thing 0f the
past for this year. which is • source of COM
fort to many Many of the farmer are
bogy hauling out their grain. it has turned
oat pretty well 011 an average .ad as s
good price is being realised already for it
the farmers are legitiming to hope for better
(rams ors owe , , , .1
Missions ry rewires will lie held ant
Sabbath, Nnvenoer 22n4, on Rennriller sir
gait. Sermon. will be prsaclwv1 by Rev J
Ferggnarn. def L0 . follows
Rethel, 10.30 4.S. t 11s i! r. r : Rail's, 7
r r. Mullscriptb*a and reflections will he
takes up after sero sermon.
(noir 000 Owye
Wm Tobin was in (linton who week.
Wm. Fraser has returned from • trip to
C. Rankin. from sear y4af,rtk, w445t
Thanksgiving 1.y making a pl swat rivet
to err burg.
Our jovial trpead, .i Merril, had several
of his es,ttk weighed own ear city .salsa
getsrelay het. Awn.wng thew' wits • ewe
year old heifer whleh weigher' 1,1110 Ike
John Ryer, our market e
weighiag to the eati•tas4w .1f all War -
UI ail 106 r dr dull
Twe'1/ MI Aups /.
Wast a tout,
Waal a Clerk.
Wyant a Partner.
Weal a so mons
Wast to•e11 • HAI
Wool to llu) II•.1
Waist to Sell • 4'arri
4% ant to Ku> or Bell a
scout :u Sell Honor 1'r
Wait. t • Ie4 a How, or
Waal t.• dell Urex cues al
Wool res tell I one. hold
w old to bell Ilry 11••ade
t%14e' .e trynd l'ustomer• 1.1
las Very )4••.( %t,d,u' in
4181 Kae.. ].w
.edt rI H.lea rip kool{.1184
Ad,,,, 14•*4 4114••eT44 f14 at.
,%drerliring mate. ono
,..Ie reusing barns ow
de. re Mina Mew••
-%diet: iota; ramie -s
deer. ,r then ■1
A.I•ertla• ee.•Iewi
Adv..H..• nitN.r,
Adverts, hr.1
.t✓•.8404. her.
A3"t-.n *11814
Mss a e(rculati .' more than tl
Man tiny ether stew eloper po
rich. avid M on'y exceeded N
eo. tsewayspIeor . ,11''e mad.
Penh earl iron.,•
Swots are clsodint and tb.• n
words &ad under. 94e•.. each
one -ball teat
EN. LEWIS, Beltltll
. tor 1n Maritime ON
Oreo south Colborne 1..1tr.
`� O. JOHN f01!1,
. solo -icor, a ammi•ai•wl
nolle' Hous and real stair lc
n i, attended t0. Otnos-- Cot
... Aadrew'sit., Seeders. to, Os
Solicitor. r:aareyasor•r.
lend. Olney over P000likte,
J. • ole -t s. Notary
onto, -over Jordan's terse
formerly t.it..1"°I D> Judge 1
ItUdko. .-..Ler et dry
street, t, Uudvries. over t•I.g
c ,t. Peoria to lead at 6 per
\. ]( r:.'.rM, .1t.omry. e1G,M
r.J,. J. 1...arrow. tr. I'nxi
lJ Bel -Iters, 14eileitalre fa
U ..+.erieh. N. C, Catae4wo.
U A:.••)
Loans and hili!
`• W ul)Lx'lx:K, Lu
L surface amnia. Rena
Mull 01 Y.r.Aland. it. richest
,'..mlauy to Use world : lout.
Lir and la 01100 e,.aea,et
'AMY..1 lours, rale GI 10•.
ser tot N.•saatr stud Home
crook. optwsheirr Plumes bo
L' J. '1. N 4F`i'EL. rill
C • ae•Oiident lasna
rates. (/Y,ce- Coe. Nurtl...t.
!4•4(►NEY To LEN1
1'L surest of private as
inters: rate.* .an 4N,14C184'
pro, tiro . stye i&1 tell.* of
the 81 rroxv.l.' • So .•mess«
M. U. JUN S8TUN• Dude, w
U. WARI), Cu
•� . &c.. ted evmmnsioner
'elate( reou:tnuaoces of
aRlrns,,,,ns, depositions 1
tions In or eoneernmwt any I
.realm in tee limb Cow
t:own of Appeal fee Uataa to
or Division loon. All trwl
and promptly eaeeetsd. 1
address - emesaa.o. (tat.
( 500,uuu TO LA)AA.
‘11' CA2l44lw . MOt. C a
1 •443041,81 of Private re
at lowest tats on arse class
• au •ane, Real Es
Loaning A114•0t. laity gt
rciwesen:ed. Nosey 10
loons. at the lowest rate a
any way to PM tL• •acs
odd door trout glees'.
. wet
West -lots.
lJ II -
mailman n denti t. li
ntmeu1Mer.d for painless
$peu4l altentl00 plea
of the natural teeth.
Woad Opera 44000 Block
St.. /ioder4eh.
l'l ODt1L1Oe YECi
1-A )LisuARY
Mani, Orr. ssallgt
Opp•'• from 1 to e.a., •
ABOUT 2000 VOL'%
Leading /laity, Woof
Pap •rrss,, V
M g M RLR•N I ltd
muting tree ase 01
1 4,
ApplIr*tIose lar IMI
llbrortan. an resae.
lla prieh. Marie
ilgoaer-antra Op
yea '.N