HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-20, Page 5THE ;ANADIAN BANK VF COMMERCE arrawww. Wt. HEAD OFFIOE, TORONTO. gTAL (PAIO SP) IOU MILLJOsi DOLLAR* • PST. B. E. WALKER, 011119MAt IARwwogR 00.000,000. 11000,000. GODERICH BRANCH. A 010/911104. S*tsuulla etIMEU TwurACTw. Famous NOTES C . DRAMMUM PAYABLE AT ALS POINTS Si CANADA, AND THE Pa1NCIPAL emu 1M Ttmi UuiTBE/ OTATpr OMttAT Otto AIN. FNANCI. Bintasuoa, as BAMBINI SANK OEPARTMERT. ag/QMTS Or OI.00 AND UPWAaOS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT NATES Of INTEREST MMISIOST A01110 TO TIM PRINOIPAL AT Tag MND OF MAV AMO eM/1 IM MAOI YIAS. MMMIaI Ataotl.M Owes t. Farawrs• Sal.. IIN.s. t THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, tflI. DISSOLUTION Or PART$U- ouR tSHIP. °runt Diroutent Bald or Dry (loud+• Having decided to dissolve, partaker ship* the drat of January neat, we will until that dMa offer our entire stuck of dress goods, , mantle ck,tiia ufsfendgr, uvert'onta, tweeds, shawl., dattaebs, 1 , blankets, comforter., undlerwear,.00ttosuk prints. eta., at disiwuntsl ranging as high as 30, ode our present low prices. Now is your opportunity to procure new, sesannabh goods at and under cost. Nowhere else wiLl ds you find gooat a such low price. . a are prepared to oder thew. go - I. O.Mestlon of esorenserotw) Paper. The sale has . h w two Dig wt, :end will continue until the R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. end of December. All aceouute rendered) utast be set- _ - - tied at once. booked for Ow week of December 7th at Thr highrat pupulal prima with a new repertoire of .;snit standard plays. Me is *bays a favorite 4- A• REID & BRO. Jordan'. Block. Roder.. h. 1 Not. ARb. 1tlrI. price paid for butter herr, 4u.1 should draw good houses ME, oaths ISsTITI'TI('l.Aw Ea. A sleet ing for the Iwrp.rr of organizing the Mech- anics Institute clams was held on \1'ednee. .lay e%enifg in the nonce, w hen •fort ad - dreams were delivered by Molars. Strang, Tact, Park and Sheppard. The speakers dwelt particularly on the Imptrtazwe to the young; people of .eeurlug. r far as pomade, • good, practical armmer.•ia1eJuintine, cad show. 4 t he benefit. 40 loo derived f n.w it. The mune will embrace commercial arithmetic, book-kespinv in all its breaches, Waimea' tortes. .. sad letter-wntwv, cad penmanship. The classes will be ar- rattrd so 00 to accommodate the mnie ad - will .. well at the begirmtrs. The else the subject of temperance with great ability mooed open on Friday evening, the 20th trot. a,,1 the powerfully to both the Intel MA.uc ..VA' ('ter. .Iarlgtnent in this Imolai and the enwtiotul qualities of het action wee given by Judge F•loonlrtd,(e in •udleuce. Besides being an able speaker, tie(uuonoe Meas thvisuO at()egoode Hall she alsu recites and sings, escompaay 111E1, . bet week. 1 In. was an &clew tried at I:ode- ing herself ow an organ which she .wr- Thiw cut ropriwent4 our $3.50 had- rich for seduet ion aaJaleo toset mule •mort- ries with her wherever she gens, sirl to Riga made by the defendant .lubn Henry which the Grand Trunk Railway gives free -rural .elf Bol- We 'lady ��i...•ii i ' VY camp to Ma father, thr Jeferelant 1.. psasag.c over their road. IIn Sunday e'en •, this lifer. Van G' nip, as a fraud upon the plaintiff ing H. 1. Strang, B. A., acted aseliairman. •` sal other creditors. Theclaim for eeductirw Mn. Hitcher( gave an address on •• The W.• have, rn ulr• a reduction of Ilk'. Was tried with A bury, who found a .enhct Power of Influen.e, showing what a guest for the platntel for $500 damages. The oth power for I,'oMILD. od a a. r weans& or e'en A rashher (air for rashon our boys' handl er ebtim was tried without a jury. The little chill may he. Rev. Rogers Howard pegged and hand °lads• " grain kip lesrnc.l judge holds that the plaintiff has • took the chair on Monday e'extwg, when stators to avoid tee -transaction, and that it Mrs. Hitchoox treated the subjeei of " tb,l.. Wr guarantee every iwir .houll be a'vi.kil. Judgment for the cease, _ awl vigorously denounced the •„ wear from right months W A year : ;eV►..1 l' pray f.ndenrh forith ousts. , the plain liquor. tap by evening oche could :too nosed do rubber*. a th.•\' are tiff. Aykswo�rrth, tI. t'.. and Dickenson how the women of Kansas osrrled the W Ingh•mi for the defendants. prohabits(w law in that St:rte and afterwards r..terpruof. Try :t pair. s bur "staid 1. Ttir. Slur Later `.-Thefdtowing is from delivered an lnaddress .n '•Stumbling r.htn. nt lo headquarter. for rubber tth the e 14th . The delay is the urinal greetstatnh ling e Monitor, of Au %Lisle. Mich., l,lu. k tha• agent t uor'tntli.h :CO MIK. Ordered work and repairing. of, or the failure in the arrival of. the scow should he taken out of the way in the. C. R. Truax. which eft Sand Be..-). for this umrteenth century. 14er..i. .. Anderson. play Oct 31, t'.pt. Peter I'amide and ow R..\., occupied the .:hair on this evening. young sailor from Alpena. undoubtedly 11u. H.t•t r�T Hoyt'. Thynnkaglvia> Day means the .frowning of Mr. t'assIJy and the was observed i the customary faRlIKat by a tailor, whore name we do not know. The harvest home skipper ma entertatuntc•11t in 'noel was of thirty-three tows burden, of North -at. Methodist church. The usual I'm in Bay. And was laden wl' h potatoes, large altend•ne. fn'm both town &WI cow.. ep}.les arid .•rope.. .User she left Nand t,ti dol ,10l fail to make it. appear - seethe' on Monday and 'Tuesday merinos prevented many from coining out who would otherwise have been Formant. The first meeting wee held on Sunday after noon, when J. E. Lon., impactor of public schools, .n•cupte,l the chair. Mrs. H&4.cb"ox gate an able address. She is a talented speaker, with a good commend .1 latigurige and • large stock of anecdotes stored up in her reteu*ive summery which make her addressee more attract*'- aunt interesting to her hearers. She tw:.ta BIC LIQUIDATION SALEt BANK OF MONTREAL. DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY Is still going on, and we intend to keep 111p the boom for ,sixty day»- We are receiving new goods almost tinily, and yelling Horny lined away below wholesale prices, because we buy at mill prices and in slaughter 1Darketr This week wu are showing special values in Whim all wool Blankets, •t $2.75 • pair. All -wool t:ray Flannel, at 15... noon tiny Flannel, at 10c. Flaanelettoe, L*die.' Klock (•whine more Hae, 20c. pair. Ladies black Cashmere Gloves, 15e. pair. Dress Goods. L.tw;i: RANGE. Meas hevy Shirts aid Dowers, Ilk. Led/es' and Children's Underwear, at rack - bottom prices. I:my ('• ' w, et N.. yard. Emmy I. Jerod Handkerchiefs, at lc. each. AU•wool Black t'ashrnen•, at M1c yard. Mantle Cloths. GREAT VALUE MA4TI.Es CUT FREE. MILLINERY. lairgest display in the Call and sew us. X11 rips mewed free of charge. Inspect our $l.($) counter cash (list-oun<. JOHNSTON CAREY, oN THF: 1"-1 • THE TALK OF THE Ton A reads 44mrr!/ Ila. Ishii Woo. Aw faith die mod U. K. D. 1'. at t►r i'harmaeY. Geo. A. deer, eaods's vai0g cement km Snoring. See sage Pita report sett week. 11'te1w non and out forwaro the freer man for , he town ' rwith clam A full Isar ! walkour sod ssthet po•dere• Lo•.aidisplay fit purl..s'•. Molter and *lid,/ d caws. silver ca. K %Is prescription dr•rg store. Deal run away with in. idea • bet the rola snap boa inner, WS lit. or 144.44 11.e.'.r.1 us '10. f.r mil and suede .t.• M 7 r- a PI pntea.ed t u ese•- w u ao Ilear•h the mond veered to ti.e west and blew cies np the uccaaion, and the assn. kept in gal hn mor by a happy combination of clerical ■ h•atsking, vocal music and orehe.tral ying this, of course. after the lawnttful of hearing tram him alive, are very desiroat■ spread ill; the bailment hub receive,! the a gale off Saginaw Bay. Ne tidings have Lied coropasy were p leen had of the boat or either of the men. Mr i'assidy's family are greatly distressed cud, although :hey have given upaiy hopes �t l...uu county. We lead all others in this ind • 1...111 Mi ire BEESLEY & Co. all, (W. A. RUTSIar 1-- • �'-�. Liquidator ) Ala • wWa sal eowir ..rr for t.rl11nl the Mal s,-unt,i..n: R SoOTWI�IO• CLEANSH,O, /natant debet, Parra n.e( Cwt, Failure :mposribla Mar .tsa!A .roc.. r. a:• ws�7 q�i�onrrtyu.4 a.... NL, 05 41 w Y..a ear, .l.11 x.41)11. iwiar Noe •.t ...,. n�ar :« ter yaw t4 torr ri .watsow Calarib. Awl i N•• tlr wOol INA so yrwar1w •Moab ..t A,w. awe. 0..e s..a w fir.. LAU h loot r......,a is 4...a=6, N.t:.. 46 ord YAW. HNod is. n .041 ty_ dol atec6•.f rVal to. +i.✓sd r.y plea4bossr s.a .w y olw.0ar fYLFSreck•Uk OsL t0 know his fate. He was a member of the atteatioi which its excellen.s merited. We Foresters. in which be held a 22,000 pohcY. rneutally listed the pumpkin pie ' • A 1," and Phu hti'anuly will have trouble ill cedar- the other good things followed closely in ung until proof of his doth is at hand. Aoy soder of merit : mi fact. everybody was innrmatioo of crew or boat will be Omsk- pleased with the supper. !rum the mayor to fatly receive) by Henry Aldred, Au Mable. the, sn.rll boy .Mt catered so ete..rtiwlly (I riper papers please c•agy. i int,. the spirit. of the ooca.io n. However, 1►s.. IrLlaly: H4..il S.'K.s.r. P*•rnx. The ev.ry good thing has an end, and, after Seafcrth Expositor makes the following.these t had been given an opuurt unity comments upon the discussion which took to Admire **al.e work with r hack the decora- p :cue at ch.- last meeting of the t.o.lericlihigh ter hAs during the past few weeks adorned school board : The trusteasr of the Gnee- the church, the 1110.0 edifying porton o f the rich high school are having a tittle trouble erennigi nttertaiwhen t was comuteo •rd by oval the re-engagement of one of their teach. 11e singing of the familiar harvest hymn by en. Nene of the hoard are Joriroua of Don• the choir. Rei. ik. Strongman lei in tlnuiug bis N.ss-uea, wink others wish him prayer, afar which the following program I Re • w .t tt.• l: l.i.1- of tnnuldlaga N arty I was ted : Anthem, Y ilia+ .•t.e iw nu: line. I. R"lit•..►s, diaiuieRd. While dsa.:urtng the cub presented Make A • o to Tb. cold wrether . ware Huber ...d.+. sly. bet one 4 the trmaer■ is reported to have said Non., ;into the fwtrel. - choir : aeon•+, hY the boy wNe well...... r..1 aha hs.l IMr0 Anted that the teacher "frequently lost Ina travel. lialtwlss Rev .1 E. Howell : instrumental, . ao b, 1'. J. P. rdtvson. 11e makes no. , na.for cad boxed children s .cry. ''''eh a wive') youreery h0o soot if sun riti is t .us eras Wm nen A r one to teach the children. yon Roe's seed to N.• ,1M• J.wtw this Wittier. F'n'1'r Enterprise always receives its reward. Th. A man who has NI little coot MI over him. emrrP•curt Hamill -.r at. poototuwui.er. Is self as to strike children entrusted to kis t.tewarr. bib' "'Red a new shipment fit ire i•, woo a At person to be allowed to ire ha. froom Hemmer -the b4nrt u (beam cls to i'&ch in our propsed.arllegiate institute ' H'. l donee. ..- W (N ••ourse it a not well for teachers to lose Navesea- c of Christmas their snipers, but if the t:oderich trustees Have imams the large t:' mode rt Jia tlasoterrT IieLe•r's block k•,« nntkrngaaresrriru.againettheir tercb- \orelI rs of every dearriptus.. dub* be the "boxes the chtldren'e tan er than *het be. *menet+. *frame a: heir uric-% hob) cutter • 1 better keep him on. If then was and reseeiaw-are■e as greatly reduced pr:ass. they P Flew cell sad see betake gelne elsewhere. ; • g art .b al more of that tort of thing dere Special slaughter rim .eras to be the rrder' in our high schools and Folkatatc institutes, amuse the Ar, goodie ,wen. rMy all eeQrr as" i and Ions nuudlin sentiment&}sty about the sinus to Irea out of business. Aleck ear*d.rs•' .. h with Lou happiness ' of the children, the Weil *Wow dealer in Ho.... tinware art bootie b.rnN)rlug■, in sot selling out at Y better discipline wouldb progress mucin- mule by the re ore .dews arwrtiSg neo'+- many points in favor ofa Page 7. th • c tinge to "lox the children's ears" and I i.eth Tao .*.m_. kKA eh aMwig o:. ?:ext the settee to do it jrdiciously when they re - :he mer, gssies Rupe•a will adeno uire it, even if for an doing he vete a few t hr mk"tin in the Temperancentothew n at 6.15 '� doth parents on hie Isck fu perforu.mg e'cioek. All era tr.lrotne to these w,eettogs. ; a duty which parents too often neglect. Fetes Aunts. J. Yates has not, sold out . t: ARnt Tr'. F ns'.lr10' ('s r. Harry foe harmidn willIwaido r.4414reported. old ' (:shoot, the borertra ser and driver. was .t hia and new othrid ab atm a Sure t,ken frem th. gal •1 Toronto to (NIPem^ At hia old stood to furnish them hatdwah I Hall We InreIsy morning by detective and groused+ at hotted prices Charlie Simon The authorises of the MtaatnsAaT a1EETlin'. The Kev. 1y1. 1 state 0. Teens keep been prraaing to hue. •er Ayers, Holmes' ilk, will preach and Gtnrbatt cwtrseited for many months, Iwo •ondaet misasary meeting. is Vtauria ct. his awra.l. W. G. Murdoch, h, has been mrk- Methodist church on Sunday �lorember Ing s bard tight is his .sure. Harry Mey- er, Q.C. of W *t gbam, and Wax Lnunt. Q, Methodist midv0oate of miesi°as awl all win C 0 'l'ommo here &leo taken part w under. but the prtva ..f hos 1[0015 maw ` vast ygreaK trete art r1.. time. His des heves loss at at the pupil. We would consider it • gond twee.? if he has An car led A R. Ayleswoeth t1 l coria in E xcelais,"orchest roc: solo, ''Zion.” Miss Graham : address, Rev. I. R. Wallwin.of Itlucvale : oetette, •'Moog of Niagara.," Mises Wilkin.on, Acheson. Martin and Washington, anti Moors. I'albick, Morrish, W. AtatstrOog and Halls : address, Rev. Dr. Strongman : anthem, 'ti:onsider tlae !.alis," choir : J, •'(:onercra- tion, • orchestra : anthem, "brrnt is the Lord,- .•hoir : quartette. "Italia l:elscrcl," Mrs. I'ridham, alis. Grahain, Messrs. K.d.ly and Halls : Instrumental .election. trcbes- tra : addrene, Rev. .1. .t. Anderaoa :.ep- tette, "IIIow, t ;eat le t:ales," Mrs Pritiham, i.aes Prxlhans aid Grabens, Maas. Halls, Sl evened., Iridium sad �. Mrs. Moore played the :, 'floe audience dispersed after �K .God `lave the queen. • The pr'ooeess •tstouutel to $109. EAL100. LOCAL. p VITIES. .\. Tiffin, of Hills Green, was in Thanksgiving I►ay. The regular meeting of the town .•otu11eil will be held this iFndayt evening. N. Weston, of the G. T. R., will shortly remove to Brentford, with his family_ D. Marten ha. removed his meat market to to well•kaown stand .n Hamiltos-at. omit to L bird's store. St George's choir went out to SL Steph- en's church, Huron Road, on TI F()R SALR RY W. ACHSSOIv A SON night to t in • Thanksgiving_ .sends. i 4 AIF. Ores 41 b and diens. town coo The Cod That Nelps to Curet The Cold. The disagreeable taste of the cos LAVER OIL is dissipated in Maslow 11110 ceMlplauliag against tatted States official., and the formation of a Tem Idris! Government is being advoo tted. Barge, s Fu rniltire 1 o:we =ane` `I J. H. CHELLEW, }Myth. GREAT ANNUAL DIS6OIINT SALE ! 1891. Harper's Weekly. 1LLTJSTRA?r r). CAPITAL, REST, 12,000,Ooo. ,000,000. A Saving I • ar/ment has been ojencd in con- vection will this a ranch. interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DR U �I�IMOND, Manager Goderich Brame& 11..4114.1.. W..EAr. fur the ..vo ..g y.:4: wall contain more attractive feature.. ^nor•• aim Som. illustrations, awl a greater articles of live. iet••nwc interest than *ill be found in a.) otbe- ✓ rt.oiicaL Amon,: these Ibiter w 111 be • earl.• • ..1 u WOO Oa She t...'n' BTO ggnre+a�test cities or r:sr wart 1 irl:l,idtsw mo hsasrea Uhntrstsa.s. Th. t'olnnobian C':•0 �reMlts. the Army Yid disasters ow land and ....a.aand�t the • damp of the celebrated word,. r.:. he day will - bs described cad it ,,rete• in an attractive sad 1tately n.•.eser. The d.prrtlu- n• of .1ta,. Icer 4pwrf will onallet.e under tbe direction of CAnrAK W. wli1Taet. The bbl tit modern writers will contribute short .tortes. and the most diattnaalehed artists will make the Min nutrient'. The editorial an Ivies of Mr. (ic•IRoe %VILLIAV Cl ItTla will remain s• as especial attraction. SCOTT'S ULSIOI Of Pare Cad Lover Oil with HYPOPHOSPHITEl 07' T...1:3400 AI'PD tllODA- The patient suffering from CONSUMPTION. ll)11L . K WANTING It;M/EAa takes the remedy as be would take milt. 1 pee - bet aaaalllms• sat a wendMfil core ___ sew news. AM Drw!/(ats- .1.4411. $COTe t DOW11E. De JerWe. isn't HARPER'S PERIODICALS. DISCOUNT SALE DRESS GOODS. Our whole stock of BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS, comprising 165 pieces, is now offered to our customers at slaughter prices. Read the following classification list : COLORED_ 12 pieces brown Serge Dress (Good,, 20c. to ±Sc......±0 Iter cent. ort' 10 pieces green Serge Dress (foods, $Oc. to aSe $O i er tent off M pieces navy Serge Dress Goods, 20c. to 2se 20 per cent. off 1:1 pieces cardinal and garnet Serge Dress Uoods,20e to Eric a0 pvr cent. off 15 pcs.cardinal and garnet Henrietta Dres►lioods,40c to 65c,20 per cent off l 1 pieces navy Henrietta Dress Gods, 40e. to 65c tU p' cent. orf 12 pieces green Henrietta Dress Goods, 40e. to 65c a0 per cent. orf 1:1 pieces brown Henrietta Press Goods, 40* . to 65e 20 per cent off 7 pieces heliotrope Henrietta Dress Goods, 40c. to 60c20 liar c.•nt. off BLACS_ I7 pieces black Serge Dress Cheats, ?Oc. to :45c.... ' 20 per rent off 10 piece. black Cashes ere Dress Goods, Vic. to 6020 per cent. off r cent. off 20 pieces black Henrietta Dress Goods, 40e. to �II.0020 per .; pieces black Brocade Henrietta Dress Goals, l0e to El5c. 20 per cent orf li pieces black Alpaca Dress Goods, 20e. to 50c . 20 per cent. off + pieces black Brocade Alpaca Dress Goods 40e. to 50e....±O per '`ent...ff Per Seer //Aub'/•:Ky 1( I' EKLI- R� d• ' /l.1 KPr.IIY .NA(:All.\'t' .. ...... 1 .q 1IArlPKK4HAZAR ••.. HARI'Eti POs,'. G /'EOPLIC. 1 rn Pwlervr free to all .•.I...-ribrra iR 111. Unites! Stntea, ('mead., and Weir.. Breakin j in needed with the Ball corset. It's easy from the start. Coils of tiny wire springs in the sides make it so. Try it, and you'll like it. If you don't, after a few weeks' wear, just return it and get your money. --A Urs •IF ROBED DRESSES 111 splendid goods at less than wholesale price. (These dresses are a great bargain). This sale will continue d weeks. Decided bar- gains will be given. as the goods must be sl0ldl. The VolumeAof tb3 weesi.. begin with the Seat Number for January of each year. When no timet. mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current st the time of re- ceipt or order. Bound Volumes of IlAKI•Yrtw Walrai.Y for three years back. in mat cloth Molina. will Id or by snores*. h il, pomace t rru be eo• r Posr t{r freight doer not free of expeLse.procldod he exceed one do:lar per volumes, for E:.O0 per volume. Cloth Cases for rack VoluIne. suitable for binding. will be sent by mail, post paid. on re- oeipt of 1i.lw each. Remittances should be mute by hoed les Morley Order or Draft. t,, avoid chance of Ntawenpern art owl to ropy this adrrtleve- Re•Rl without ler repress order ef• HARrIR & HROTHaw►s. Address' HARPER R BROTHERS. Yew York. Ir [ratified who attend the.. services- �(jttit.11.. defence. 1►urin the •Issence 'f air. (_--- Tn. l'AY ov Tat ANT iliTWERP. Joha �C., Aad .1. W. (`arry .p44ean•1 ren W,dt.me- bn.inean of the U. S. consulate will be w I V RTZ $ �+ Miller. Deputy ti ter d 145100at b tste of Texas and posteuaster('ampMll who is ride Ftml he � reply to s tins frontl regarding the payment of • truest officer. I the bench in the Common Pleas Ihv'e,Mul have . •'I •m directed by the Minister of ' court sat fMet .lustier Sir Thoma. Vdtacation to state in reply to your letter of • awl Mr. .lectin MaeSf loo. when siren. :he ant 'net that it would appear the m.nt on the appeal wee cs•mmeaced. air. municipal .council should pay the salary of Lomat went .hr h • recital of the whole the truant ..Alder appointed by the Polios cane toad argued that before .budge Morgan dose Not v'. an order to have Gerhdtt ettradttel ton. e, far the Crown, i e . curved 1.Ot It WANTS IN lerill•. {7 ty Hank of Van Alstyne, Teras On 1 i ( vn.ul num el prepay state that tllia should be ' °ne. hhoutd nave Chia, Mr. yet the MEOW rule might be eepeoted to dehrenfa corr.'hnratire character. d that fact obs gonna that arrived in t:oderich last week gnv'm s in 11" as. 01 'Aber polio'. Mbc.ra looms held.ha.I net beset done, to rind___+_. ahonll he carefully taken into ronaieeratiun Th. ehwaptet hour in ('an•da to buy a fro,m The i NAe veld r Toe following•forgan or as machine is at (:en. Hair The Ilw48 diwpll reefer t. w former b their Lordships. (dote credit m° II'. ti,,, Thnm*sn s ltdrt fail t° give him a Hnnraid wenn our 1.. (w s easy et in the Mame so Hawse. .rhe had. jOA 0480 raiders Arthur .L Crt .wallet, .4 ne believed, mime over anlidy for 0*. porpoise all he. parchaaing : win dot ragrrt the DIM flaw of lb&ldwh a. Craaswdlar. of identifying him u the man they merited at. times spot. Repnin prn'nptly attsid.d end Mew Nellie Seat0. formerly • pwhlic in Tessa, mid when they g.rt the prisoner hist evesail •t neer there Howse would clam the large re TkW Templar life Bon& (, ew will then ho e, f Mr. red s at e• Irani thea hot Ivan offend. When Mr. Tt tir+dmreh • a sort meat►. The the new krone of .iSlows wdMr hilt/ Lordship of •taw friends, by latent flnuhw•l hs. argnwoeut, P 1 revi iota, Isaac. T. Mille (who ode, in for prwiea tari•a the chief just Mn ohset veel that in hie opinion 1 r •lrssly well hnoww bol aid Mark Rev. (`&rrer� mf the lakltmsNr Jl ace taro was no doubt r to the conuitiaron of Wilr,a err the ti•mbiraml 1b crew. '17tey 7417.n,.-wenld decide d /M city, awl Roam materiel, faria f s evrewse of an •114 wwa 14J IA We hibHirn this year gently admired the ms. GOND Nina Rooea " Ki117s d�•e tli- et.rvliti.a proo'.aetiwgs. Jaidgmaat play of ,b„ Dederick I Origami ('e. 'fair an. . cps • Ile. 1. . ieh°'an• `he w`" • 'dm`s` - T H E SIGNAL maks the preservation of the natural teeth • specialty. Gas l from 9 A- IL for the parttime extreetir.5 of with. Wm. Rntson and Walter Munson ie tome.' last week from • throe woks' d.mr hood •x hind et Stokes Bay cad wigk- ►sen careful to aeenrc evi• berlwx.l. •{,at the hunters were al he eharuh. iM lesatsa it from a• the erins. atsd they wwnld wlpr+m wn°1' "'' will bold nteMfag. ban DesSatbmr 5th to Minh sad Y ,.rl highly spokes fit 01 the .owner. All they whits husband r & riving r own the identity primmer. ibeh. was whether, or not the (arta- Ciwtees to tM (stunt 31 Rt - the tonne" played to • tr,°dt hews* at area tharrfin reservist and G•rlrwtt seat mints 'I' ,lc (fit wrp•.Nag •f1 eth NH ONO- awl of Dread ..as 0a Tlwkepviag • = Irak to mss in hirsute of and etceil�se Tb W *stDM i F bet i. ms weds the she M Rrawrot'e Mcirri dem Mre. &hNIly "wee yoer sedan sad Ir till, Went a C0uk. Waal • leek. WR, t . PRHr.r. N'snt h %.out b. ;itwnkwse, *1-•i • ty►ttl44, \A'wat to Hwy .w Bell• rano, wont to •e'. 1 Home lemur t .t•.nto lie s 11ew•...r Confute Wee' w `d. It .in•..••.,•w sad Irma-. Wart to Pell now.-,'bn d 0 armitatr, Wast o.. Sell Irry bends or CerON.. Waal In flied Ca1esnen too AeitN•N. The very lest Medium la the (,uuserr. Advertising w111 gain New Cosemew. Adv.rt/st.e will trawled enamiserw. Advert Ming Ret..reIII sways Pare, .:duet Wag owes. sero as y. Adr.riI.('R Iw.r-t■ oo.MWuen Ad /M wise shows •w Aisartbirc .48mwm Advtrtsee tees. .t ores• Advert ter eswstlatrnl. Advwtl-e aksitratly. Advertise' hest!• Advertise hen, AD rva'f)w'u THE SIGNAL • I9. 20 ENDS OF DRESS GOODS, I5cts Harper's Magazine. ILLLTE3TRbT1CD. woleTH I-N4Y 23 4'EXTn TO 30 t•MNT7L NE 1MB Do1:t: A BIG: TR kill: IN Sealottes, Astracans & Cloth Xantlings All Mantle Goods bought from us will be cut free of et•arge. We have a first-class DRESS and MANTLE MARER in the store. - --w I: Ht. F: THE Great Carpet and Lace Cui'taiu Warehouse The Ma&.z4*s will celebrate tlu founb Centenary of the IHsoorry of America by its through cruets+ dNieg • more thorough •:position than has hitherto beea made .l the Rimier 1 Un• . r.,Atr1RliT Or otos courtier. and especially (5 oto GROAT w sr. Partleolar •tiwwt oak will akin he wtvea to DttAwA•r'' F..•t.onlea M AMRRK'A4 Hilr.sIiV. The mem,. OW TIM 4(54T Et-i11WIA4 WAR will be described Ina Seale. of Papers on tb. Rochper " Floes the Meek rarest tattle IUaek Bea." tllustrwted by Mr. MILLET and sats° Pennon*. Articles also w111 be R1 wen on the German. Ada rattan sod Italian Armies, 11.as crated sy T. o1 Tncurea* c. Mr. W. 1►. HowCLLM will contribute a new novel. "A world of Chrome. c6ara*t eahle ly Amoebas. K. dal ,sirens. ewoNT 9.0411 1. which MII bsoon trib•wd by T. R Al oat. n. R H. Davis, A. (ins All DOYLE. Ma1m*NMT DELAND. Ybe W001/1014. sad other pawalar wr(tera Amain the literary features will he Heminisceeeeaof Nether lel Ihs college class mate and life -lose Mead. WidIwis.'tby Anew T'b•okaray RMtebr. and • Personal rle of like Brewn- HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAO r RINt[. HARI`10111 WEEKLY, HAIt ✓RR'+( BAZAR HAM rains TO('No rSOI'LR, 1)F THE COUNTY. Highest price paid for butter and eggs COLBORNE BROS • CH DERl4'll. Down, Down, Down Per Year N 00 4N 1 0 lr Posta•• Fret to nil swasertber•s i. /kr United Rtalr., ?'anode awl JMsrh•w The Volumes d th. Mas aaise bola with the Numbers far June and iileae41Mr et each year. When es item- 1r epwcI$'.d. will eagle with the Nnmb.rearnest at the time ef re0dpa .4 order. Sousa \flume• of seeped llwastehe. for ION. yeas hoot. la seat .loth beadlest. ten he ret by wall. pest- waM, wi rwwlt►t or IMOD per esteem Oath Mr rid fie. weenie meta by mai. pelt rasa. R -a dttaspie .bouts be m•d. b7 POat-elaw Meow/ OIow er teats. ee avoid eMiese at hos • atwaltlts• mere oboe three OMNI (eras► Ism k sl sita•tl.a. Dave R- Williams t drat d d'aai5, csadoMd •scrim ha,n,. thea =Miser a...Wooer treMt.hed is tiedb X ary oat ,e /Au ./rwtr.f mow of itiwith Las pme tirr waste y(=ors tio hod. Owls littatifw. 1015) gnupd ��tha a *skk rA tleorge 7wnekl.r, • ...!1117 basiaeat icor Ash.as is ' erly t T p.bI HAwrow seat .ittsa.r the "1"."..=:14.7 +free•• sl Barter s n•M Desacs►.sake ta bolewM to T1mParea°1 R5n 1 ITwteoS etf of Wheeling, Vt'. Va. J1b hb bombe out All o15d0.rd ldvatettr Mrat►1a► W owsa's(hris ii•• wiporwes 'w• .roc �50� .Ind the esu.. saw rwwwty bmw.tb east of Ihf aadhR he : it mosso iso t� tows. The attssameas. the trot two on Wad.oadfay. H. had hoes h pow a.i1r SU_ the fen IPS at wad Alarms: ■ARP<lt ItRt► lI > biro am offset d depi5t r meetiaas was leap, bat the disgrsa.MS task& WITH THE PRICES. Stook too Heavy and Inst be Reduced ! SWEEPING SALE FOR SIXTY DAYS See Hand Bills for Prices. mew Turk. Remember the stand :--- GEO. .Ldrix,JON 8& Co.'s OLD STAND A11' Mantle Goods bought ofrom us cut and fitted freecharge. Come and look through. No trouble to show goods. GREAT CASH STORE JOHN ROBERTSON, ' •N fes P0oe MAW* Fairs!), - 1[ANAasa.