HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-20, Page 4A • Abu signal, --- THAT erratic municipal genius F A. Maction .Itit is now Cluing a weekly tournial called Thr Nartor, ice Mtllgspr 6.1 soros 'any' Toronto. It will make thongs hutu ice 1• prig hare the quern City during the New Ye'ar's EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Rif Us$U.IKI R1L elections. Mice of Ib 004 M NunkstreeI. Puha Ontario. Tomas ealbereeptem One ino.th, la advance. Il It Ther mu.th.,•.••. 30 Mas •• .. S) 11 rne reddit 1 r0 1..•sd. ethe PADS 1101' 3eny will he ► 00 ) t hw ds , i • *detnWas ■M" ..d mast sal tomadvertlaetae.ts. L. /er mastfor Gest insert..., cud 3 cents per liar rsr .soh nubs. ue,•t tom:, .00. ]Iessurtd by Goole a nonpareil r am cards of u r I n.•s and under. >f.3 per Adverdorments ot hast. Found. Strayed. & Itwatts� Yanal. r;t.uuna Wanted and �•slnssa Wont• -1. not exoeedlat( t Maes am 11. 1111 per month. Hoene, Sale and F.arnu en Sale. not to eased t L ., el fur air -t month, 518. per rub- eas•mr se 4 larger rd. is. In pnrport,tr0. Any • notice ah • °ideal of whk:e le to promote the unisbreath r) trueof any udl- eir pa•y. to to- considered as ad yertteemeat an charred *ccurdlurly. Loval axions ie eooparril type one cent per word. no nodose len than Loos notion in °emen reading qt. two oasts per word, \u nolicr for few torn 50c Notices for cbarebrs soul other religious and heart°lest instil attune wolf rate. t•.on.sereal l•eslrerl Ad a eraIsere.ta. A limited •umber of displayed rat erti.e. Meets will be Ineere••d at the following rate. : Per loth. ono i•.rrt,ru. - 00 30 •' four !neon ions I Ori •• them months ........... 2 a. •' Ill months ...... .. • 3 0w •• one year No advertisement less inn two inches in iragtb will he c lculsr.d on above heats. 3 per rent. discount allowed for cub payments en three tnWelha'ouatra•t . 1e per cent. on sii months'. &MI 15 pervert!. on • year's. These 000diUoes will be strict!) e01urcrd. Abewt ••1111m .100.1" •e frool• Snhsortberb who fall to receive Tit u s,n.N•.. retook/1y. either by carrier or by trail. will cooter • favor by sequa.rtitg us of the fact at se early a dawn abrogate. took r Tem label. Your label is a standing' receipt of the dale to which you are paid ,... Nes that it is Mot allowed to fall into arr. sr. When a chanrt• .0 addry is desired, both the old and the nes ..1.1..as ehorld be gireu. Refected man mien ptr . retard be returned. (' e,a,t he written on one aide ef paper eddy. r'nNbMr. %ss1M, J. C. 1a Tomei of Gcderi••h. boa been ap pointed Local TIMArlling Ahern! fur ltie town shlps of uudeueb. Colborne. Ashaeld and W• wa lush. !Ascii poetmaaten over the district orc also empowered to receive subscriptions to Tim Mor Ar.. .11l communications must he •ddr.ww.l to 1). 31.0IL1.1('1' lDY. Tea nlu.•L. Tl.Isphalr Call s. Oalrrch, Ont. &ODERtCH. FRIDAY. NOV. 3s. Ims. - AN H(1_VES1' 1:8('flll(1;1. The Dallas News. t hr leading news paper of Northern Texas, on (k•tober 14th published :i lengthy judgment delivered by Judge Tt'us in which the Alien Lintel (tow of the State of Texas was completely knol•kwl out. Tlw judgment was not only lengthy but able, and dealt. with the question from every standp,int. It has given 'satisfaction to evert honest mall in the State, and no. News has tile 1•.1 lowing remarks eJltorialy : Judge Tucker of the forty -forth judicial district town, tell in Dallas. her followed Judie I:oodrich of Waco in pronouncing the alien land law both teehecally and essen- tially invalid anal inolwnhee. la a char acteristically .thle opinion .fudge Tucker aocumulates precedents and arIumenta to establish the eu.elus,on that the law tails for judicial au*Mlmrtlt'because of fatal uun- comphancr. with a remit entent of 11e• Stan constitution as to font. and hec.sse of fatal conflict with the well known clause of the federal rnnstiestion inhibiting the passage by a State of easy law impairing the eddiga Lion of contrasts. it is not too much W hop.- and treat that the pronouncements of the capable district juugrs mentioue/I will prase a happy prologue to anal adjelics- 41011 by :h. higher ..mets that will give a larding quietus to this ungainly I00.•trvei- ty wh,.h hr produced such a tumult of eonfusioo and mischief during ifs hobgoblin career. .1 udg.• TUCK it will hr W re- ynrmbrnwl. paid .I Imntx visit to fioderich lost year, :,nil dunitg his may made ,a number of friends who will rejoice to learn that 11e continues to give good law :111.1 good judgment In the admiaistr0ti... of justice lin ono of the moat t hrj v int !States of the 1' nlorl. THIS horse market is .fuller than a Star r,lltortal. 1'h•' hash.:'11'. .•f I? 'H) on th.• $IO0 j.:, hesvc'tow. THINK has Iss•n :a Ball 111 Irish affairs of late 'iJo• fork affair has indeed prove•'! t.. Is- :.n effectual ot)ppper. %'111:0 Mr. LCHAPLI:tt haw that Mr. Aas(,Tt was merely bluffing hint he would say tPgMlifl bat sae Woot., the Tory whip. -_ Tut Toronto Empjn• a issuing a Noe o'clock edition. Theory= at the Red Parlor gentry is getting really for another general el's-tint, THvs1: Is an Alegi •1 -.Mortal hunt mixt on The 6Wpir' now, ant! he to trying hand to earn hl. .ataxy His humor, net ert heleem. hs- :, kull.rkk Oetruer* :y•ee•nt Time P011.511. 1 new ran,,M.Pr w ill be. 1111110a_nt our r•/tilers net t tt eek 1.et pmpyy tVhee nb►r 01 Tel 'II.YAL give hjN a helping hand toearri swelling Ile list for 1st? :11np Mr. Awrwrrr ha* failed thus to make any effort to antelen. ale nsfjtinn of the enviousn101 is thi- ont nail, and the tariff err. h you ane not sew taking the cheapest and bead tlewepa)wr in the Hurn Trect send :a dollar .utl your address to Tor. $I,.m1L, Galeria'. (Mut. Thr hest la the cheapest antl Tt.v Tn..1L is the b -..t. Now that ilk. spi•.lal .v anion has (olnpletald ita session un the 1' tr.'Ft/ scandal wouldn't it 1.• :1 );.rel mit for I.on l ! r %Nit% . If Preston to have the saute inquisition examine ice to the I it1..wtt moralities ' Serve ell, all alike. Tlu: Empire now sneers :it lite i. r•- . s•11tation of a flag to a selitr01 tri c1rr out \%-east. A little while ago Thr F:mpin• ,in.1 its t.-hocs were going wild about the tlitg upon the school -house ••rtz.' Times roust he changing. 'I'HL .usr mow denies that it pull !lilted a .1. -fon,. of •• the lady who lives at the South i1*.undary. The nrntter is *o fresh in the\;\, of it.. reinter. that it i.n t lIt* tSarY for 'lilt SP:Ntt. to make furtiwr rgfen•ne0 G. the +object. 1.•• the public who read 'fh.) -tors ..r, -..I Ir•th.• Till; w0y Th.. F:ulpir• i• •• warminj: cold i;,bl .�.•' in the Metter of the alleges) N•IIe1.1ty w•an(l:ai la nausea- ting. The PAI-At.hargrs, which were to have driven MIKelu from public life, iurnnlilig to The Empire, have proven a hoomernng, and the organ is e•vislcntly looking for a .nslt ion cepa► which it can fall easily Tor. Toronto Tory autl,oritie* (lou!,ted the ...erectness of the Deana,. 1011 et -M.:11- and hail a .preial census taken by this )poli,•• The figures of the earlier .011005 Were increased be Nome seven or eight thousand. whish. conei.lrring natural increase and the in1ux of students, is just about what .hou1.1 be the rase at the en.1 of xis or set eti months. I9Ht1:,. •1'1J*T1:. who was ele•eteal WA :1 C's insert at it t• 1r: Nl outnetrenrv. who was the chosen Ill.tl'UI*i.'tit itf ('111P LEO: t.. knife Sir II1:. ro.. who voted to ohltrw•,sh 1't r'H R.A KIIt, x141 who edit.. Ie' 1 si.ioli.•n, the ultra -Tory journal of ljueliee Pnniner. lea town umwat•d, :O1c1 the fun of it is that The Empire and all the little fellows elan% 'F*RTI. as a licit. THS: bye-sli•ction in lb•vonshire on Friday has nuked tiles hots•% of the Liberals • ,sly. Tho 1•nionis•• carried the (Onlntitneney 600 Years top;•• by 1.700. and the Liberals hate Stow captured it with a majority of 1.900 in their favor. 1t is :► rural iron%tit umlxy, awl all the rigs% are that 111)1)341 is again iv ;tll the.- WILLIAM he• WILLI.ty by a big Iwl.p ritv'. A llwAwl.o wenu111 has shocked the ne•ighllors by marrying I)'r srtn-in-law• o1 the deaf' of lwr Ilushwnil. .till this peculiar thing about tlw .'sue• is that wiwis the woman married tire father the sou in-law left firmly in sheer (litigant at the old tluln's lovirn .•• fool ash as to marry her. The 1-00).1.• hove n faun in Muskoka and the nriuhlwrr, up there :ire working; ocerti,w at this .hart% ari bnsine.s. Is\ T 1t about tines• the tl.wtl .Al :eked the town exnn.tpbie to Live 1 report of his efforts to imppr•s% the houses of i11 faire that infest this town? A Ix)Iple of months alta he received instructions from the council, but up to slab• he has slide nothing except sign for his malars. 'chi. j. a subject that could Is. protit.Lly taken up at the Sunday iiftern.sml gospel temperance meetings. MN. LSO. WOOL. aerie stoney 1s fore the N. P. was introduced, hut warn he was elected to ParIi*Oent it was as an anent champion .4 protr.•. ti..n. He used to carry a kit of hats, flannels, .orttons tmsf, store maniple.. generally about with him when he stumped for the N,ationsl I'oliev. Mr S%'t,ILI: has just assigned. Ile evident ly believed in the N. P. and -peal himself. His failure will gi'.r inuo.ther blow to protection quackery tit Fe OWN. Tut: Empire is noir endeavoring en .how what !unser: Rime sit attitude would be were he in the Seals. The organ of the Red Parlor doom not reseed to bother its pate about the matter, • for it j5 not in a pn•it.ion to ledge 0r surmise anything about the subject in d hand (.00.11 Moms, if alive Corley. would stood just trinity he always ttrwwl in favor of honest 1, .gaiagt poblie thieves, in favor of tM THE SIGNAL : OODRRICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVI' MBFR 20, 1891. hoodoo tttttal.ure of ret•iprt•'a1 trade, and opptred to a subsidized profs of The Empire stripe. Tux many traders of Tint oleos e e will hr pleased to learn that Mr. Mc UtLucuuut has no far retvvenwi that he will be able to put is some time at bis. desk nest reek. Tac Show. Isar !Melt taking care of itself for the past two weeks and doing pretty well, tom . but we want the old Chief, all the .anw. IF the board of director .4 the Northwestern Fair initke a few more resolutions the public generally w ll not w ondrr why the last .how was rucll a disastrous failure. It first rs.dutd that the Nell fair was a sucertai in the face ..f a drop of neer ly A. -0,N) at the gate . and last work it en.Mavores! by :another little •• round ✓ /biti to shoulder the failings of its pre-Ai/lent. What is wants! is 1101 n0 1111101 .• result ing, but a president and hoard of directors to take the Ply lw a-ltet•t•i... 1\'1: ..r• infureled that reliable threshers in this county hare eonne &crops 1111i.telit2. where the .10t. have yielded 1i0, 70 and et en 7•r. bushels 10 the .sore. That is something !lurun shouhi 1r• prod ot. Fall wlwat :alto hits ;,riceu an enormous yie•Id, thrr•sh,•rs n1ti►y; as high :*1 til and 45 bushels to the nrr.• on different occasions. This is 3 noble .•aunty vet taxation I our imports and a tax upon what w export to aur natural market. the 1'n1 State-•. are keeping ourfHnm.•rs ins . - water financially. llur►n men a wi,ie awake to Ow fiscal fol tacit'+ •lin;; at 1lttawA. Mean- time they h ve to krill and ls•ar it, happily for a little while only. ( Mur slab sided protection system. is rapidly ri)u•nitig for the IlwriaL,, Ai•.OIIDINte tit tele inapire.l organa, M r N1Lrul:I'lrH is to go to 1►ttawa and 1)1!.ros M/ l'osTnt is to lead the. tnitario • ►ppositio1. Vhv Mr. 11e t 'tRTln. if he 1w• Al liet•n•, .laws not a;• k t.. u ►haws and tight for the prin..iplee he professes to •-hanlpion is a 4)0/21.• to us. and eat to u. unit'. Th.. Toronto bele rant. an Equal }tights pottier, thus talks out regarding this question of M M•('1HrHl's sin torsi, jd•. ••'1'.. begin with, 1i Alton M.1 *r iyy could not possibly injure the Untari.. Ministry until he wins }sack the confidence which he trifled away. Anti If aggravate.! e* 1111 can- not be :mantled at . flla0a for tear of etn- barrasstag the Coverument there, with what faint hope tit seems must a warrior who alwodone the greiat tight assail the milder iniquities aefen.led by Mowat. Abuses that cannot be even mentioned whet. men of the French race and the Roman Catholic religion are strong should not 1..• •wiled where they are weak. It is not Equal Rights tutlandon an arduous conflict against separate schools and the dual latIguaite w the \,.rthwe.t ui order to wm, a11 nosy ria tort sic ri d weak 10.10 .11ty ice l /Diane.' NAVIGATION NOTES. the schooner h.lfage, from 'i'hssaioo, with lumber for Detroit, l -ante m f.w shel- ter on Tuesday. '-'Inc. the wreck of the schooner Rath - Min. sone leu years since. come 250 feet of land has 1 tea added to the island north .4 the north pier. The steam tug McIntosh. Captain Peter Wylie, arrived an port last w.•ek to lie up. "[lie MsIuteeh had rebuilt, supplies and a ileh1s load! of • or•Iw«,d. At a point alottg the north pier where per'h.fi.Lmly; was successfully carried an ,n •luny &.nue boys were the. week gather ing shells o it hoot wetting fl,, -,r fret. The stormy of the past few weeks raised .the river level t.. such a heigght alone the tete that it forced a natural ehu,tel. such • MC as pickerel fisher heartily debet! is June and July. The weather during the present week hes been thr stormiest espenenerd since th.• opening of navigation. Monday the wind! tool .lupe fres!, from a motherly direction, shifting to the west Toceday morning and mereaMng to a gale with is heavy fall of snow, which Strew even worse hy Tura - day night. miring Tu••s.;ay eight • teasel • light was sighted about two miles to the northward of this port, tort It was impossible to render ant aautanre• as tie wind was blowing fully fifty mile. an bur. (hi \Ywintoday morning a large three• insisted so h...n.r was sighted lying at an. Mt about two miles north and half a mile toren the shore. she appeared to be deeply laden with coal or rue. She war Nyin • n signal of *batmen. but it was im- possible to render any amotaaoe. !hiring the toerm.no o1 %Vol/wa er' another large se..el 1.1ve in sight and appeared to be badly disabled. two of her mast. haying (ren taken 0way, and she seemed to be drifting helplessly to the northward, the wind having shifted to the south west. As mime was nut abut seven ,piles it wee toe pomade to make out the full extent of the demote dome to her on Thursday morning th-• latter ve•dwI was noticed to h..•• f...n.l an onchoring ground about eight miles earth of her. There are several togs in the harbor, but their machinery. we underitand, has been token a}wt trews tort' to hying them up for the Whiter, and it is A... doted ,f any of them could hare goer rwt.,de had they been in shape to do en. A river tag was , 1 fee from here Wednesday night, MN u'te the Owe of going to pros .he had ad pat in an perseco. ('apt. Rabb aunt crew attempted Ile roach the vasal Ryfeg the /.g of dims trees .hemi tiro mils up yesterday eller- noon, hat were obliged to pat bask am as - want el the armee wind and w whin\ till prhv.ile. Four of the crew of the steamer AlWmgm Me on ?MHO from Brasil to New York. le ie thought the dream was yellow fever. The sleet Coto mf F. 1: l orlon, M. P. for (terse • enoatr K. !!., will b. mvabdimi. ( seep* peectie.. 11y agsst. leve hs� .4 mit 4P ► PERSONAL PARAGRAPH& T. N. tla wry r et Change on Weems. J. R Tam, I. P. S., was is flagon Om week. N. Uyaent, l Horns, was to tows fast work. H. J. u 1. eke r,tttr.eJ from forest° on Tuesday. t:. N. Davis visited gi*ia1 11031. W. K. Hornell, et Lackaow, wow m town east week. Mau A. Wallas* was is tows on Theoka giving ley lepton' ,lames lama* returned to town last week. Mus Aldir I'kilton lot town or 'Tomato uo Set urday. Inspector Robb, of Clinton, ,peat Wed Dewey w tows. F. Falwtt, of Kiefer. was Is the county town run Saturday. W. E. Davis, of Toroutu, spent Thanks- giving Day 1n town. Mies Holmes, of !undue, was visiting in Cutlery'. this week. Mrs. Luling Leacey, of 1'lucagu, is visit - Ing rebut%ee In town. Ret'. Jos. "uuIlruu, of Bruceinild, was is I:atsnch t Mwelay. Mr. • . au, of the 1'. 1'. H., Toronto, was in town on 1% adnsday. R. H. Collins. barrister, of P.xeter, was to I..rfench last Saturday. H. 11. Pierce, of Luckuuw. spent Tb13.ks gating ley in 1:oderich. Mrs. *1. 11. Doe ,and Mir Probasco re turned td. town Inst were. 1:00. E. Kerr, of l.ucknow, was in (:ode - rich on 'thanksgiving Day. Mea Ihsncey has returned town after as •bweace of several months. J. T. (.arrow. tl. 1 . M. 1'. I'.. was r the Queen ('sty art Friday. :1. Murdock, of Ile.s•11, was *ening friends to town .0 Saturday. Mrs. Whitely. of Luc -know, was in town for a few days the past week. C. N. Lawrence. of Lucknow, vented t:udeneh on Thanksgiving Day. t Muaad I'r,be..o, of 1Voodstuck 1'ollege. was home on 'Thanksgiving Day. C. Mullit, of Belfast. spent Tbank,gi. ing I►ay with friends in I:udench. ('apt. A..1. Frame, of the str. Jones, left for his hens in W'erten on Tuesday. A. Vogt, Bagmen of the tug !'lues. Ir:: for his hurtle in t% u110u on 'Tuesday. lieu. \!urns, of (;uelph, ,pent a few days in t:oderl••h and t Ic y this past week. Miss Stratton, •d Toronto, is %outing at the residence of station muster Strailuu. C. :Mager retunxel home on Tnes.fay after sptndw;; a week 1n the Queen Ire*. W. A. 1 dung, recto. of St. eleurde s, lass n.•uvcre•t from his recent IUdeprlltarl. \lir Whitely. of l.u••know, was last week the guest o: her .oases.. Mlr 1:. Mart in. \1'w. \\'ailace,.,t Winghant,spent Thanks- giv ung ley at the penntal residence, \trot street. Harry f'•r,00.. .d Stratford. spent Tba ku.(l.ing flay a! the family residence, %1 est at feet. 11. 1. Weir, of Detroit, has Leen ti,e guest of his uncle, 1\. H. Welter. for the past week. .1. McLeod, insurance agent, of 10trn,t, was in town the fust week looking atter the wreeke.l I:a.aria. Mr., Mrs. end Muss A. M.4 larva, of C1in• ton. o[sited their relatives in I:.clench un Thanksg,vtug I)ay. Mrs. M.6endrick nee Wilkinson). of 1:•It. la spending a f. w day's at the parental rwld••tr'e, Flgin•at. I'. .Nalc,•Imsom. barrister, of Lucknow, spent Thanksgiving I)ay at the family rem, deuce in 1 Moirnch. Mass straIWo returned home on Friday from a tot months' %innt to Toronto and other eastern c1100. • K R. \Matron woe in Lotndos dart week. and returned on Monday t ll C. 1 by Mn. 11'atau,n and child .Sohn Sharman, who has bean wooking on The 1 tenon Tritium for sante time, is spend- ing a few .lays at his hone in town.• j le. 4:. F. Salton. Mrs. Salton and child, of Brus.ee, were visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cordon. last week. 11..1. 1). (•Doke was successful in peeing he examinations for hat nater .n.1 solicitor, aril 1'. Seeger passed his rumination as rolk:,tor last week. Rev. W. A. Strongman, Ph.D.. LI. D., hags been honored by being els.-tel a member of the 3anerlcan Academy of Political .ad Social Science, I•htl•delplua. Harry Montgomery, who has been i. Moosrnin. Man., for the past few years. arrived In town Thur1dpy on • visit to his father, Capt. Montgomery. Dr Aki. Hutchison, of Montreal, sou of N. Hutchison, ot t;.rlerieh. has received the appointment of chief nialnal °greet of the tmind Tri:ilk itailway ('o. Seaford Richardson, brother of 1)r. K Ric hards,n, of t:oder'ch, wee married on Wednesday of last week at San Franeisoo. It is probable that the doctor and his bride may spend a day cif the hooeymn un trip in e:odench. Leaden on -Meeks TO ADVERTISE Notice of changes must be left at this Mace not later than Monday noon. The Copy for changer must ha left not Tater than Tues- day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. •4 Travailing Outdo. OH AND TRUNK kAIL*VAY. Tonlm arrive .ad depart at (World • Wats • movie Wil sad leaseem tiepins. Mail sad Kaprem ......13.0 pm. Wood ................... Mt1 miss Mlamd . .......................776 p.m. tit west moires, ............. te...... Property RM Millie - Mr MM. HOUSE TO RENT -A OOMFt►RT. •t.'e two-story mama M lir•os•et., Nit to Ire. McLeas's Minae, mataklLag .la reams and cellar ; hard sod Ault water s prnl.{asa. Ree modeler*.lit Apply te 110 LOC It: . M-14 1 Ong' FOR SALE ORI) TLET 1 .-- A 1 e Iy te 81Rtw-e.. nor blur k from the Square a.a ehrhig itbt rooms Apply to W. Hei VA L U A BLE PKOPKRTY FOR t&.. - That desirable basemen lot front leg oeM. Square, melt le A !Smith's eters ewt�ea ut the most valuable propert les .0 the ones ofta•de►b► •oin•red for ee c. Apply to W. T_M>f1/t11. 3a•71 LIARS FIR SALE. --lee ACRKs- .is: L' tome. ewer -mom the south halves of lots V and 51. Is the township of K Luken. one mile east ofLiu ►muw. Good erste wild stork farm. well fenced arid is • good state to cult) rate. A it -ter tailing creek runs Ihreowh how fields. Two good wells and pump... good hearing °retard, All seeded down but in acres. Haan f0 2 frame ,..sine It i H. and •Curt Imose 18 x tL 'fbere are Ave acres of wheat. Apply to ANOUs KRRR. on the pre - noses. sad it by letter two IIS. Lurk.ew. 7iJt 1.1011 SALE OR TO RENT. - THS 1 tullowlmR va.s.bMpronto y is the village Of Ihleevele: On large arrLoge shoo . also Mseksmilk .bapDg. For further pee Medan' apply 3. TIMn,M. NIXON. HNrv.le fQ chit. COIR LOR SALE- STORE DOING A VERY F go/rf cuuntry business; with doellioitel- lacb.d. , Easel .bance fur a ut•n with • steal! 'aoltsl. Post uf&.e in conn•. , ion . da11> till. Setts:actu'y reasons for selling Appl) to (•IIAA. HAWKIN$. lion.. Pbeppardlen 1'.0., Huron ...witty. 17-, f • FINE TAII4hINC. CHICAC}O HOUSE, West Street • TO THE PUBLIC: You Hardly Ever '110 RENT. - A COMFOIITNIILE l Iwriao on the Ray field Road. neat to t'apt t.:teoa i rlvylence. The bottle tunla,se ae*ea roomsc�atd pantry. Apply to MILS. ed. KR ELMS:C R I1►7E. /t■�'f�1 RENT.' -A LARGE STONE a. from. mt Baia,, adjoiatng cam. $hep - harms. Apply et FOUNUItY. r -If VA BM FITS SALE IN EAST \\ AW.t. P nosh. Patti of lot. 33 and 31. on the flth ream -salon. computing 1� a. rte. belag the estate of the late \\'(p,am 11'l)onald. The (arm is to • gods! *tate of cubi*atioN. There are splend:n buildings ; well watered. rod twocrnlent to gate! road.. good market+ and school. Terre is also a first class to chard on the premises. For further particulars apply to the exec:mon, A\(iU8 Mt DON AI.D, JAM►s MCDONAI.D. 81. Helens 1'. O. A' -ten L•ARM FOR SALE --LnTS .'J AND C :3. o• the 1st con.. tindericb toweeble. Hayfield Rood. comprising YM acres. situated o0 the lake Shore !toad 111 miler from the town or ticrlencb. The land 0 of gad quash- *., and is suitable raiser for grate or for stark raising. There is a good laving atreme through the crone of the farm. For p•rttuu- lan address. R. C. HAYS barrister. Ooder*ch LXC)R HALE. -THAT LARGE AND oo.s , mfori.imn..W.diaa.tafrehosete at 1he the Park foot o '.4' ly . oppodo• . were dsbt irae lumina and would be.pecbhy meatier for Summer hoarders. For farther Particulars applT to A, T W ti1.SH. 2-11 PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE - Persons winingto exchamgs Ooderfe8 property, or farm hto a joi.'sg, for Toronto hos or lots can learn fall particulars by +Pen a to ALECii SAUNLIR8, tladerIck. Oat. batt volt SALE AT A HARGAiN.--THAT 1. commodious betiding on KI., deur Wan. Nuis ti F is on Terms" sa.;, l e ppil toy r. 8. n(V,T+. Brussels P. 0. Dol i LiAOR SALE. - THE FOLLOWING 11' vetoed* proportion : Part of las 7 and t ou.cemlos 4, RD. An- near'. 176 acres. The North of lot 31. and ooeoassl oto. Baer w•a Weosh.l acres. The shove properties will be meld on tors to suit pvur hser s. Apply to CAMERON. HOL! & CAMEKON, :ee 1fOuderbLj,`RSALE --MR. WILLIAM Me I., fn.mcoetlesed jU-kesith, oder,' ler ode big house and ground* .n the town of Gods rich. rowsbting of 0lot&,on which are situated an elegant and moat comfortable dwelldng- house hull and long occupied by Hu. Honor Judge'Sinclatr, of Hamilton. a beautiful gar. den, .tables and all necestery ow houses sad sPPurtenances. the while In 100,1 repair toad f, ermine one of theme** denirahte r•soleu.•-s the town of Gardena -h. Mur port',ular. apply to Merin, OA !MOW A PLtocur. rE. 0.4.. *)en. 14.,. V4Si'ofI4o4iejIo 11.11 L'IRBT-CLAIRI KRICK HOUSE AND 1. 1.OT ►1)R SA1.K ON ter. PATK►CH ST. About two n.hur's walk from 0.e Mqu.re. Two storks high, brick addition le, the rear 11 glories loch. Luil4iag .wvered with slate. Main buil,lis. two 3lartre rooms on first nat. t • ■art !herr are c Q� Iva ra, the _� 311* ms. w A mile arld toe there • ) are kit ,rn. 1411114 y. waal,ronnd, Vp.tam,', gins prom and twobroon.. Also good cellar. Apply to the uudrrs,gaed, who wUl love a 1 Dee.omry I•fornuuos. DANIEL Ltt. Public Notices. MPORTANT NOTICE /:h' UNPAID I taxes -Tates for town of tiotletich m11d be pard by December 11th, 1,311. Alter fhb due Metres warrants will comment* to .0n seroed o0 all whom* Is arrears. Tbe col/motor will M In Ins olio. as three flet days of nob week trove le a.m. to 4 rat. to receive pal moats. JOHN A. NAP'TEL, Collector. 3/-tf t70I REWARD WILL BE PAiD for seek 'aromatics' se will bad to IM orevtcifo• of the persue who set fire to ly corttll occupied by my gardsser.�M C CAMILINT 1 C s -TH RKE AXES, TWO takesIIronand W je 0t saw were wards B. norther.are •par rims' to - by a certain toolltidual who won teen t.k sat diem. Ample opportonity to mem them has bees allbrded. sod If they w not isamed(ately nlurned to the plane they were 1 from legal action will be taken X. sairltI.Ek. Ziff PhonoErspy. szHO::TIIAND-INIITRUCThfN .�lg Phoa.rnpb) Mere by a ampere•, tepee or. Apply et TAR flonAL(Ik-,. ---3310 • Wasted. WANTED -:to0 CORDS OF GOOD wood. 1 feet h'•m• free from bask legs and Iamba sowbk, for ('le) coal sad Wood 1 ard. Wtll trey dollvrrvd .or %,to�e�d��k.rs or at alit JuNN r. PI. A TT. I3 detss-- Tra- .1 01,1st OPtnonite Kscha.D. a Rows `• rRAYRD ON TVS PIt1c1l1IM OF 1J subscribr, lel L e••s•r•b• E wearer, dlw0(os of As1.fie d. en 1.1. seven bead of as*RIC e--yeaaro44 10.13. Tf••wes, seam toeVS!saw hPATK ULAUnHIW Flatau ieaNNMt Rselsiltls. iVERPOOL LODO>I.RO. i40, 901dN N oriehmil /w..tlsat Oackwy moor ea tee >M and em werhmosep veal•m of sash mento 1a esti ever faM.tl. pmsa Tee ewe rotary. Nee (lea Prise reseiveow ter rlo 3.nhip is Me stere. eerae i f !rem n =Oltootwree bd bee so eieroin ly stoned Teachers Wanted. fI'EACHER WANTED -FOR U. 8. S. No. 1. Were W.wann..: omit' tteebre hohlles Newm.l vette& mriarare and female tee. her 1, ,latiht 1.. tool or !Ion! t 1.., ,mild rate. 1)11/ lea •0 •...... 011 11.1 Juunr), I15t AVpllo.tros received op no Not ember ably ISN. Apply to R. Mt ILWAIN.secretary. Nile rO.. Oat. 1tt71 rI'*KACHER WANTED. - 3IOt.DiNf7 • ere or sse cad dads venues... for No. N S. a. A.hOeld. Duties to 050101,-.o• o, January fah. IMC TeOisamial', 0111. *polka - two malls. salary. will be remelted to0pp to the tow of December. Address to ROB HT J. tIxtIUAN, see. -lm . huawa.aoa. Wet rrKAOHSR WANTSD-1hef V. S Ill 11 No 11. A.haold. • female fe•ebee, Ing a we,oad or third eller eletMeate. '. yew 1153 Applkatlo.s re elv.d Of to Norm - her lath. •ppf) to CHAS. HAWK1NS. sain- tttaa., theppartlo.. (tit. 3/ LI Olts.-o Opwn MINIS NOiK�T�E,R RE. SHANNON * BHAA ON Physicist.. eurgessa. Ile elect 6. G •!1D 5M•m JA R rest CANADIAN E HEA sareVALLMAab OP) Oa 1 SOT• a s aces GC A t3oosa k 141101130 Guam OTS 1 00 PATAOta errs* es T1t0 theme 8 •RVIN OgppeT$ off 81.00 A11D W ID. 30Tsssalr ansa �gmuSN 10 MOOS TIAs. epeeist Attmettso g std Fa mer& Salem INN' Take a notion to he measured for a snit or overcoat with- out doing some thinking about it, and one of the strong points in connection with your eontentplat d order is Where Will I Go to do best ' Now. gents, if you would be guided aright visit the (;HL('A(11, HOUSE. WEF1T-far., B. MA. ('013A'', man- ager and cutter. and sir the large stock. Brown and hlue Cheviots appear to have a running demand for suits' nod Nape, Melton% in different shades. blue an.l brown Moscow Beavers arc goal selections for the tine trade, Yon will Lind theta all here You will also find the very latest monthly fashions anti a T uarantee to give you the very best style and tit If you want padded shoulders just say so and you will be pleased. but the tine trade ha, frowned it dOwll -it 4- mit .tyle. If You Wish to he economical an -1 imagine that a ready-made suit or overcoat will answer your purls",•, tt.i• is the right place i have secur,1 :111 agen..y for the ...Ile of SANrolw's CEL$- ItRATED itEAIIT-MAOI( l.'L.rrLir ;, admittedly the beat cut goods in the rea.lv-ttlade trade Vile '311 114v • a big choice 100 1 )vereoat. 4, s••;• -et fruit, ra'Itring In price fn -an 34.30 to 120.00 A POINTER--- siciew CHICAGO IIOUSE, "ESTsL B. MacCORMAC, Mechanics' Institute. tIODEKICH MECHANICS' r sri- Tt'TIC LIBRARY AND RI(ALINM- ROUJ1, cot. of Kist street .nd "opiate Is. +(sinkS . Open from 1 to 0 v.v... and from 7 to 10 ABOUT 9000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Lestding [oily, Woolly awl lflw,trutvJ Papers, Magazinea. etc., oto F. r. Itlt]IBKRIMIPTICKET. 0NI.V 111.1.. granting tree use of Library mud item/Lam Room. Applications tar memberwbip received to Librarian. in room. EI►, SHARMAN, OFU. HTIVEN. PresWN. Secretary. Ooder'lob, Marsh 0119,.sal )lir Alloremmeeation. THE ROWS HO FEL, - THIS welt-:.uow0 a*A popular hotel has erre refitted. calarwed aad improved rrreotly and is now .1•cued iso non. in quality of ac- eltnMMOlatleu for the Hawed/mg pnb0c. bong i�salnuel.ti..n for 1ru.sieat guests. Wit. pSA1H. Preto -Wow. the Seems. Oeder•leh. DMS, _ 1(`1AMEHJN, HOLT s CAMEROlf, _ _ vv msr-iuers, Setfcllon fa manor,. ad `�• NICHOLtiOit, LD.11-DENTALI h' M. C. Camerae Q.C.: P. toll. 1 roouo tpgtlsel. tee new 1bar !►Ase, Ihstmem Wes1-0t., (ioderfM. fuL-ly UR. E. RICHAR v - - tJ 301104 Iasuranew 1kiO L L. 8. MANAOE0 E N. LEWIS, BAR P*uc- ter Ii M•rtt'•e Owes tat 7starts. Ofiko--a3sNh t olburtr kw0. MU O. JOH NST'OR, BA RRiSTER., % .01,ritor, 0 fl.l r. ee. Lamm, (olk1-tloaA and real .stale tressactlou urs teU).ttends. to Odic, --(:or, Hamifu. sad !i Aodrew'..se. Rodench• Oat. (T016Iy1 7*HN DAVISON, BARRISTER. d Solicitor. C to : Mosey ds lend. Oflfoe over Psis -(Mier. Ooder/eb. 41 LI CAMPION, BARRISTER, J. *solicitor, Notary Public. et e. 0Are -Over Jordan's beast raters, the terms loran en occupied by Judge Dsylo. » 1) C. HAYS. SOLICITOR, Ra L. 0411ee. ,saner of Square and Weer tarn t, Oodench. over tekgraln Dice. Pri- vate funds to lead at 8 per neat. tote (1 ARROW & PROUDP'UOT, BAK- lI risen, *L.erw• a. imilelun. ta.. /iodt rice. J. T. narrow. W. Proudfeet. •ureeon Aeolis& Gas and idealized air administered for painless eztraetlrg of teeth. i1{ra.cel atteneioa given to the preservation of the natural teeth. (pct -Up stairs. &rand Opera House Block. entrance oo West. IL. Uodrrfeh. 2111.1, Mus.',.' Mtsic USic LEINIGerIIi16-11188 AGOtfiE TH01•Heg1 is to glue magic lemons on torgan. Yoe par- ulsrs laq similes W. Thomsons Mesh Stare. self. ertieleo ter Sats A GRAND OPPORTUNITY TO t� forte your borne. Hey, ysurImnlsI. smear easy payment plan. Ns Wer1R. toe' security toad snots se low as the lowest. A large mock and new resign to .ele.:t from. Spnoi0l value or mirky moon )SMITH'S Hamar 'tad furniture More. ('rabb•r Block. 31.• It 1i4()K SALE - A GOOD MILCH COW.; JL' Apply to JON. ICI DO 31-10 HARD AND `oFT COAL FOR ems.- ire.1 quality d hard and son coal, all grades. delivered to any pan of the town us short notice. Ott my pinup before ordering elsewhere. JOHN M. i t -ATT. Alf L . agtat Royal leeu,seee C� WOODCOCK, LOAN AND IN - 1i m�saoe P eal oe idl�laa,l. the rleh.-t sed inset likesal •'•mwy In the world ; Losdeo and la.orklie Life and Lemdoa G,or.htee and Accident !masa at lowest rated interest, umce-Oa' Der et /breast* and Hamiltonstreets. lief wrote eppsMte Mantle betel. sem V J. T. NAPIIL�rsg1 Rases,Dies AND oa.a .stili► MfiAlifia rait1140 hu YM- SONEY TO LEND. -A LABS A. ♦ 1 amorist of private cad dtkee fn. lowest noon en uctive U ms and property. Mpertai terms of repayment tel . the borrower,- No communes. -Caller M. u. JOHNSTON. Oo*lensh. 1001 tt L10R SALE -A SEWING MACHINE i' le ardor 180 ).11 with ono drawing sod . east 510, will toll for 51S Addq. K. M.. Oda Mies, batt LVOR tiALE -TWO 18 1N. CAST A: Pulley.- tl arts twee. 1 11-1d In. hare. or nem be norm toes loser sort. need as new. W IU be field at • reasonable agora. Apply at Toe AL Mteam Priming Hone, soroves.. N i1W 00ODd a ( d hReam =11.r•e from. 10 JO. WARD, CONVICT AN(.R$, . to.. sad oomm1Noser for teals' sad eir 10111044 reoegalances of bail. swains R aMrsrtloa., depositions or te3ema doom - Una in or encomia" any soros. suit or /re mediae 1a use High Court of fusion. (let (btwtet Apeea1 for (k 10,10. or in a•► (m all ar l$vleio• Conn. All earl and pronsipV1 eaocetad keid0.es lad P• address-f)0am,e0an, Ole_ sr- +t $6.00,000 TO LOA11•0A1 CAl11CROK WMA' s Heti MONEY TO LEND. -A LA ROI M lemma rats Mamount et NRO pino(Myr. naderistella Pa HARROW Of V RRRADOLiFPE, GENERAL f' . .•rga.s, Red 4te1e see >rae Iaeaita0 L Owl, I10 -cuss .-U5'' home.owe •t Sas *wefteam saeooSeImeWarta sir Y Pe sae ▪ Mer from eat Tref et wit4sAew TI ej toast ..0 i. fn A Mist d1010.1 Powder lura opeted 0fi& I7jo(, la emtot asm HhelmInv 1Or1Ss�Npsr EIIOY, AIRERAL AUG• 11+111d 1Mfum• item tie. mama ar IMtlk. b • week 01 tee dais we will *bee ^'.:r .cook I et plash. Iosker soot torten Ohm mass. Ns *ewe* to glow aIle .1. W'Leos 's P 1 ; >1111s Sink I b,is . ut rypresents our ossa calf Btal. We defy -n this line. We have mole a rduc' ,..i Lair for cash on our I.•_,;wl Ansi hand made e-•• Ilam. We gtlarante n wear from eaglet month, •h.s need no rubber., e..terpnx►f. Try A pair. I-hn s nt is Iwvsdquarte•r. "(,arta, or.iered work ane Ail rips sewed free '4 ,' I nspeet our .1.00 sou nl cash discount. JOHNSTON C 1,5 rH4' c THE TALK OFTH t rAdds mooing pa. M A. /odaa keg prof • K. I). C. at the Plons0ey- t Geode's rating matte is be„ new repwt test week. 11 pot for w err the best men for ' Pala/ craw - A full lee or and ember wader.. Look 0:r. et plush. looker and 01)d./ Wim •s'. preemie/ion drug rt0 11010 roe away with the id snot bas Ire•u 114 111. oT we are id 01 overrated t0 rece,v• w o .AI.1 11-.• W010011. 10 tit to Law ••:+ le ou: (inc. It IR- sr' The cold welt her t rir•e rata 'bey Were we 1110,141,1A wbu ,• by le. J. 1'1 t4ba.s. 14 m1 tear t very line •Wf d too you west'? need to see *4..i•r•t, kntcrpriat alwys receive. F eulerprwilwt 11am111oa at. tree Aur wart. he. re.slved a ea Tomah. 11.04 (teres rr t ■ He ,u • a amanat 11•0 of N a dome. Hair you teen the lar(r t•'N roods at Jas. ta•nde04 'smeltes of ever" deters, 1.•.ndraln. .1411811 •: half pet gond roealn5-horaes at swell: 1'tea.e sell awl see before g011 Spec;al slang,'ler sales eomu 40u115 the dry goal. teat. 1 liras to red ,ut of besinese. t Or ew 1 nal r N' *Irmo A ler h eat .tr nose ft.rnahlugs, is not se1P ander. bet the piles of Lis it trade all the time. Ha sole. •ord .Sade ataitiert bonito., Pore 7. G•e,Ptl. TRIO'S . S• -L sthlrth. James Buchan • he meeting in the Temper' o'clock All are wek:ome t. FAtsi Airiest. •1. Yater Lu hardware I,u.,re•t, au friends and new will dna h at his old stead to farce And groceries at bottom pr Mt..103 ART Mitzi-1mm err Ayers, Holnesotar, ' •otdtset miminaarY martin Methodist church on `Int !2nd, at 11 A. m. and 7 t. s an earnest advocate of me 10 gratified who attend th. Tna 1'Av ov TRio.r Millet. Deputy Minister May t0 • ,M,Ml1aai'a1105 regarding the payment 01 *aye : 1 am directed M Munition to state to rept• the Std Inst. that it w•.ieisal oo..•il shook' Ile• truhat a`ssr ervininl eipn0mly .tete that this yet the tem. rule migit goons as in the ems of M AsoyHRR MA• R*.,twea farm The Duluth Herald Hitrmitl, who is well 1 nor ro•dan " Art/tor : the Iegt! firm of toldwi aid dies Nellie Mato• *chord teacher, ware+ man the mew Mitre of Mr Cr '54., in the preemies el Rev. Carver, of the Celt chorwh. Mw !leges M inhigmm, ..d le w) whits her hg kali ass rf at the city, see enby see Gamut Orme Hemet twtiM'• ith to • 1 Orwtsi OUw. em 1 The play Its. HUM plK, lel .4.-"-- %ye N west of N welt the p• The epee title were vat .mould •.red • 43.. the rid el the hire tie east d mei The Joie M1111, Dr.