HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-20, Page 2•
" hat a very peculiar Weak," mid Mr.
eking through his eyeglasses
• large mad handsome asie, which the
(Aril oalcomem had mat dragged frees its re-
treat Us MI sewn of the room
" Peculiar ! Yes, sir,' said the young
sena, lifting the lid, arid exhibiting the in-
terior. " This trunk. air, wa• mode to or-
der for • wealthy gentleman. la fact, we
made him two just alike. He never wanted
them, aad we are disposing of them at •
" Why didn't he waist them •- asked Mr.
Marrowbone, Whe had a streak of curiosity,
doubtless inhented from his mother. in his
eesapasitson. "Curious not to want whet
yes bare ordered ‘.
sir," replied the mlesaten, "very
earieuti !kit in this ,ss. there was a com-
plication that rendered the gentleman quite
excusable. He 013111111Itted suicide."
" Ah. very wrens!. said Mr. Marrow
Mine " very wrong ot him
"Quite so, air, replied the mleitrian.
" You observe the legaut receptacle for
neckties ; this place for your collar box
here he the shirts. if you please. Un the
whole, 1 demi* if you can find Anything like
tins in the eity.'•
"I doubt if 1 can. said Mr. :Marrowbone.
• Just put my innwls on it • M. M.'
ton MarT0Whalir and send It at once.-
" Very veal!, sir •411•1 1 think you will
sever regret the in.reliase,- said the sales.
Hardly bad he I. i ins customer out of
the door when a Ink tripped up the steps
and entered. "h s rather good-looking,
her age might have born thirty, and her ap-
pearance was that c. loch may be described
by the expression " Just turned out of a
" I want a trunk.. she begat), •• and
there, that is exactly what I an.1 she
pointed to Mr. Marrowbone's recent pur
'• Sorry, nia'allit, I.ut we've just sold that
, -
said the polite salesman, conjuring up au
expressiem et regret which was limit.: touch-
ing. " ant"--bere he allowed • glom of
hope w sparkle in Ins eye " but, madam,
we have another outwardly similar, differ -
tug only in the interior Cale in fact, more
suitable for •
lot me wee it, said the ...throttler.
Another trunk was trundled from vie t
!shadows in the fat ...rner of the shop and
whisked open. The lady peeped into it. t
" 111 take it ala said after hearing the I
price. • • I'll take it. 1 ni in a desperate °
harry. Put my initials on it. and send it
pond le be etaading, earl there inallied the
lelibemast of the ether gnat te their
I em Afterward he knee tha6 whim be
eseeqeed brain hie retreat he man have
farmed to the Left instead ad to the right.
Iliowever, atter much wandering Mini, sad
as MIA ohillisam of body as her of tem-
ple, he came upon the magic number " 5 "
skiers upon a Slyer plate spire kis door,
entered and closed it with a bassi.
Ali right,- be said, as he etwork •
somett, " there's my truak there le mit
another Like it in the city And there is
' M. on the aide."
Then he blew out the notch and popped
tato bed.
Almost at the same moment Mane Mut-
ton, with peilpitsdnig heart, caught sight
of the unser nuntber " 5,- opened the door,
sew her peculiar trunk, noted the untied& of
bee IMMO upun it by the light lit the lamp
opposite her dour, said " Thank Heaven !'•
buret into tears, and drew the drapery of
her match about her.
'• What • fearful adventure,' wee her
last thought, before she mak nolo the arms
of slumber. Ah had she but known it,
fearful adventures were ouly just begun for
Mr. Marrowbone awakened early. He
had Maness winch demanded prompt
centime He at up u. bed, took off his
night vop,and looked about him he looked
in lam Those garments which he desired
to assume were not v•tsible. In their place
hung, over a chair back, a woman's dress:
on the bureau, where he had surely left bus
hat, lay a bonnet anal gloves to place of
his timely boots there stood, at the fuot of
the bed, A pair of button gaiters, number
three and a half at the utmost.
" Have 1 gone out of my senses • crie.1
Mr. Marrowbone.
How did these garn.ents come to be
this room ` Where were his own'
gazed about hini and dew to his trunk.
•• Its mine, certainly,he said. •• He
are my inithds, but 1 never tried • bit
blue nbbon t, the handle.
Ile dashed lack the ltd. tl'ithin lie
held silk, lace, luten articles contrived f
lediel. wear, nothing that bed ever beton
tu any. mariculine being. A horrib
thought, engendered by certain works
fiction that be had recently perused, rush
into his mind.
Was this a case of transformation doul.
identity whatever it was Ladled • he ask
He rushed to the mirror, expecting to
a female faue therebut hes own Hort
.0untenance, garnished with red sal
whisker* and crowned by u bald head, wel
cowed line. He breathed a great sigh
elief slid sat down to recover from th
hock. As he stared at the drew upon
he chin.- a memory came to him.
she.the hvely Lady alio shared his seat i
lie car the day before. but worn one lik
1.1.1., her travelling onetutne was nod
1 that material.
'• Nemo, ma ant, • 'said a voice at the door
• the eleetne gentleman wanes to COON. i
• tix the wiresdriefore any ntore Warders
ill themselves...
" gracious !'' cried Mt.Merrowboaa
•• I say, wall you send a waiter te me ---e
man • bov
"There ain't only lady waiters in th
house, miss,- replied the girl trom without
-Why does she me 'Mlle asked.
Mr. Marrowbone of himself.
"Thenif the landlord wonldnt Mad, or
the clerk any man : • and a man to me,'
said Mr. Marrewboate.
"1 cant, maw : 111110Ith ti a widtler, and
don't hire only lady clerks. There ain't no
men employed,- responded t he girl, with
auspicion in her voice. "Plesse,the electric
gentleman is in a hurry.
"I out t arc any woman in this dress;
said Mr. Starrowbone. "1 must put 00
IOW gowus and strings iti onler to exp:ain
my ['outdoor to the landlady. •
Avicordingly he proceeded to ratio.. him.
self 1111 a grey draw which deserted hits
above the ankles, o knitted worsted elit wl
whirl' had deficiencies as to the ineeting ..!
hooks anti eyes, and. having thus aesui....1
the aspect of • bearded laity who has on•
grown her wardrobe. put tbe bonnet .41
backward. tiect a grey vett over it, an.1
opened the door.
lf 1 am not arrested before 1 find the
landlady, 1 may get matters arranged as
they should be," said, with a gasp, re
mend's -ring his pocketbook and watet,. and
with a Heeling vision of a diamond pin in
tbe missing cravat.
M ean title, Mims 'Jutton, aroused by •
tap upue the doer, hal received the same
infortriation concerning the "electric gentle-
man, • and sprang to the floor in terror.
She looked about for her basque, and be.
held • coat. She sought her skirt m rain :
in its plane hay a pair of inexpreseildes
where the bonnet hal been was a Tall.* hat.
She lifted the trunk lid, and saw only mas-
culine germents.
••I must have been in the wrong room all
ght,- she cried, jumping at the truth
ore quickly than Mr. Marrowbone Aad
me. A way id deliverance also occurred
her more speedily. And as she was in
more terror of the vague dangers of electric
res. her wish to escape wait greater.
axing into the depths of the truuk, a 4mil-
a! caught her eye. She donned it. Its
Is trailed on the ground. She pulled the
rby over her ears, and opened the 4100t.
queer-14.'11nm, female with a dress too
ort for her. with nothing Imo striped
whinge con her feet, was posing
".A re you the landlady she begen. • lien,
tit • squeal, seised her. "Whatever .iit
, you've got my frock on, she cried.
'• A n. 1 you,- said the strange ol.oct.
loiterer you are, thini. you are wear
it my hat and dustcoat.-
"Don't touelt me gaped tliss Nlitonn
'm a lady. 1 put these on bemuse 1 1
n't anything else 1 must have got into
Aher person a room. My trunk has the
ne initials, and it • very pi...niter
nk 4.1%, dear. dear ••
• I madame, • replied the being attired in
r garments. "1 ani a gentleman. We
ve evidently each/waged rooms in the
mutt necaaionsel by last night's alarms..
ill shortly send you • parcel. Regrets.'
1 he vanished
her readers know that he was Mr, Mar
hone. He had recognined Mae Mutton.
o ten minutes more the stlieetoes chum
mermaid delivered • parer! to lady, from
5, left corridor, and conveyed another
its destination ; and Mies viten and
. Nlarrowbome become themselves agate.
hey met at the table d'hote. He hewed
blushed, hut afterward
here are Minty� people to Ire found to
A Tree =ees At Bed
la litre De's dres-se tem Web'. NM
psaMen sham;
Onse was for Rob tat *abed toot Umed. in
mbar Daisy's ewe.
While weirs. Meals rause ses welled boa.
tniaaarit• renal abs Gear,
Whim seinarl titer dreareend, sea ewe wee
tam no Moro.
" Poor Leder. is your penny tem r was milted
lemmata kuid
Why, as, stine's ban r ••• quickly M.
" It's Rob'e 1 mama
-St Nicholas.
wlah adillanesbail j the
emaida ees
steam lorag
ths ase stab
1. nestego;notteg
dadarag lee With air.
Aa lienalial in liedisio, N. Y., bee de-
vised • preisna Set siskirg les adlietne
the steam cold swami 1y Ilia
of annul gee ones hberseed knatilL1111.4:
ea Miesists imam bent dm webs.
pions tin se b said de
no tatted peeneare trim wi
read" te. drier • mai engem. Adler am
in Or more the gas externs eon • Mew
ed hos. sail the mar
eat ueld ter leaseg=a7 re= inns
tire, te the sinent el three-quarenre 61
to •:•,"
11 11) that thr primusle ean lio ap
plied istunou.:,iilly as • ioese alas
laving Weeds.
Leaner wards win ems hat little,
Journes ism se lalll of bit.;
they maks tke weak sad weary
. _Strasser. braver fur the strife.
De JOU aunt them °sly trans 1
WOat w earth are man and rein t
Never wasa kind wool wasted .
Never our was said la Pala -
When the caresof fife ars ntasy.
And its burdens heavy grow
Fur theories who walk beside you.
Ifyou love hern tell them so.
N hat you coast at little value
lias an &Imam magic power :
And brunet l. that chewing sunshine
Heart. v. Al blooms Ilk** flower.
So, as uohle's werourney,
Let us scatter all the way
Kindly words. to b.a. sumiltine
In the dart and cloudy day.
Grudge nu loving word. my brother,
As alarm through life you go.
o the mita oho nears with you.
If Icor them,killtianitim.
ehmir ibey 10* ffeeetee.
"It ruakes me tired to ass you girki
oue goo**. tit, %•••• yuu do,"
Enid Jam, with a voice as itarele as •
re While nodding We pretty sweetheart, dine.
**But, whet if wader' alio replied with zest.
•*All indolret kiss to. pare stud 11141•Ot :
be• Ita quality vanes tis a ruse at the beet,
or - Aiist again • Violet er Vargurrito
le "But a kW. should J., kept tor ter,. dvor:
of 11r for hustaand and wife iu after da rv.
ed You gni. sago know • ent..1..1. jeer.
1 or tbr vulgar ervwd to leak at in amaze."
le "That's searealv fair. deur Jae*, .tou kuuw
id A Iwo:Ilan'. Li -e. a. ys.o moot cuotede,
1. always pure. soil ie }or .ir woe.
irtabu is of the ',adrift amt. -
That s very !erste. @owl Jac. to Hoe:
n: But • woman k to* woman betrays
Ifrpoeriev. anyesio's view
of Who riwilies it tree train the fashienahle
home at once.'
The polite salesinan tootle a Inc so pro -
towel that it very nearly becanie an av•ne
bane performan. and the lady canishe.i.
She had left her. ird
‘i v,rroN.
' Two "IA 'hear ltUlikv..108111111,'
said the salesman 14, hr factotum who ap-
peared at the touch 'tat, electric bell, " and
quick about it.
Shortly these !reels were sent home, end
very anon after thew v-ere.curiously enough,
standing side by set, ”ii a railroad platforui
and, atilt more ,-oni..idently„ found thein.
wires piled owe en the other in the baggage
axiom its way to Ni-. Haven, awhile their
respective °weer., Mho Nlans. :thaws. and
1dt. Milton Marrowhene, sat side by side.
A curious cunibination facts : but " fact, -
as we are Wit! HI et cry edition of ecery
daily paper, is " stranger than fiction. -
Mr. Marrowbone had lived forty years
without giving his heart entirely away to
any neaten. Mims Mutton was still a dear
little lambkin, aa far as her tenderest afire
Limn' west. Hat as they sat together bit
the flying the same cinder* trying to
get into their eyes, th, • name steam whistle
shrieking into their ears, the mune boy con,
usually offering then. newspapere, pepper•
mint toady and .•lieeing.gum. the mine
lank and sad -eyed youth begrudring them
the refreshing .lraught of the water which
*twat Ins duty to .arty through the ear .s
ennotinies happened. bachelor and spinster
alike felt edifies- ot heart quite un•
" What a ni, • .ns.: 1. looks !.. said Miss
Mutton to lierwit.
•• What a . harniiii„; ,Anatt '!" thought Mr. n'
-Now. Jack. t‘• l'IV 111141)g NW tar. on:esel.
A man e the. way wham bus bites the bit.
You see bit the anellace. east titter Lk*
heed -
O Of ea. watimenat that threarb life fit
-No aeuusa's kiss to a woman v.'
n lal ta rriroo. 1•• world ebb sr -
Like lash go ..1.1 iliseis.des met.
Aol 00s tie.' tu betray the Lord
Wkan he shut the indlaW for her she to
felt that there wen. toontente w ben - but no
mattes. However. their 11111iVal at the wi
New Haven station, they separated as
travelers usually .1... Moe Mendota at once
taking a conveyan,..- for the hotel, 'Ir.
Marrowbone haysng .bat he spoke of as ''•
little bit of armlet hang ',dere be proceeded
to the same lestelry. .tgain 4mincidettee
foLlowed them. Lir Marrowbone was rail- i
ntittlnd to room N.,. on the right eorndor, awre
Mies Mutton to room Nn. 5 au the left
Roth slumbered peecefally. both were '•"'
aroused by • (nigh] nowe shouts, ...ries, in
n hrieks of murder. wr1I• of tire. "I
Bewildered and turritieil, Mies Nliattoim. had
in white robe de nuilt. Ait•1 ADO of the last
remainiar night caps 111 the world. rushed
out into the hall, anal tonna herself in utter tru.
darkness, amid a ••root of ladies ea much he
alarmed se herself . 4nd in the right ivarri ha
dor Mr. Merroale.ne rep...red, or would tu
have appeared hal there been any light to lAw
see him by, in • night robe. with a peaked
esp with • tamel on its top, upon hut row
• • W hat • Where How ••• howled rho' 1
yenta, se they Mustered tweet her. No
Suddenly a glom of light flashed upon the Is'ir
scene The ferns of the hotel appean.I T
with lamps Mall worts. .5 voice was heard She
so explain that it was nely " something the th.
artier with the elactrie lights. Wire dis. T
asubected ; young man lurched down : int
esesise to all right." The hardier spirits
remailmed to get fit* new., regardless nf ens- wedd
imme tem expsnenned !revelers retired to Mi
ibeir renew Mil
MISS Maria Muttoi. whs. ha.1 never
ishombored in • hetet loafer.. . fled before the
styppreash el 0.. light, •nel found shelter
wader a Mairway. Mareowbrew, who M
gas dog eight -robe reed rap did not con tree
• enstunee. tamed soddenly We
hen * seem hall war he hap sr
rodnee throe who wish to know each
other and the marriage notices of a popular
ingof "Mr. Milne Marrowbone and
es Maria Marcia, dant:mar of Mortimer
tine, of Sheepolisall
'heir peculiar trunks .ow travel to
her, sad thke
e ys jingle lovingly upon
any women maw hem the
html parallbfir to their Max rather than
lt phyreisies. Let them try Dr
Risme' Pink rued they will or long -
feel tide • bards*.
Noy jou 001.Sailbed all account the
Dr .1 it an Einglinli physician,
writing it. the N/11111,V1 Mn21,410.". advances
some new id. au. a• regard. the theory uf sea -
Slickness, plactng all the reriponsiotlity for
thts uncomfert•ble rualadv- upon the passi•
Magazine nerve, which la the nerve that
chiefly vented* the mimes ..f the throat,
lungs and stemach.
lir. Stocker pinots our • hat the hist effect
of the Teasel falling is a swot of apprehen-
Mos. which callers us inn i, lively. involun-
tarily and almost . . , to clew. the
glottis and hold the bieatbm. so as to lie
ready by fixing the chest for any sudden ex-
ecutes. The constant end vont tnued repett•
tion of this provokes and :restate, the
breeches of the paeutnagastric nerve in tn.
larnr t, and tine alone is sufficient to upset
the movements of the stomach and ems*
nausea and vomit mg.
The ems few this trouble eon/cats w ac•
( the system to the motioa of
the vessel. this reeelt fellownig aa Noes as
the involuntaw fear and apprehension nits
been subdued by use and sent.
As illastratteg this principle. Or. stocker
cites teat old and practiced iIor., who
have tiara ton long ashore, are oreasionally
subjes•t to seasickness %IMO they %suture
agate ot. sea. The .iisorder frequestly an•
pears m weldaearetned seamen when they
leave • @teenier fur a moll 1..0. or vice
verse, on ' account of the . lumpy in the
character of the motion Some .4 the vet-
eran British tars who welt. transferred to
the fast cruiser batons were inade sick by
the novel and excreta'', c motionl'hnee
whose lives are temperate and auto.., the
very young end the vet) old, are ,•ompars-
tively free from sessacknes.
March In LeAViris.
IS flow proved beyond • anoint that
stank is formed an th• leaves of piaci' by
the action of t•hlurophyl, the green .oloting
matter. and probably of light.
A simple mpenmeni !or showing this has
bees dee red by M. lienerain, a French
chemist, and it is band on the well knows
fact %het starch forma • blue pigment with
iodise. As the starch which se node in
the leaves by day r removed to the in-
terior parte of the plant during the night,
the experiment should be mad. in the early
morning before
A leaf on a growing plant, by prefers.*
the /..ristolocbui Sipbo, is plmiesi between
two sheets of bleak paper which air, gado
opaque and fixed then. by gum antic Tbe
upper fell should have letters or • figure
cut in it hy way of a stewed, se that the
part. of the leaf thus uncovered may be ex-
pelled t.. the day ht. Aft. wren' bents
Konya for bliners.
A Welsh reitisny comply/ has tan es -
ample the • skarn b. Wipup,hi b,y ans-
pears ..at an 'nomad oninfeg to.era
t la are part edrSie rano la a pLar of
rehire to which die mimes toad retreat In
este ol ius.settel The Mom re supplied
with Ire item ahem greeted, arid ths
counpa, Ants are coondreard of tint-elitor
reraing so Our the uses au lime
of *olden*. kr* sate ...odd rescue is passible
coloareased Alt Power.
Lacerue is oke drat Swiss town to which
• compreirmil plaut Ina! its laid &nu.
The actual el...tab. vett er Maui bong karad f
ti. sad tbet. , large demand fax
small power, it h.t...aded to supply this
power sal the • err instate.- Four
tem hundred *nil tell) I are
seeded, 1st .t.000 Lured- L•rsit aze avaiLible
front 11., rover Reuss.
Sally Oee rules for Oink
Promisees, Nitrides "1 have dome •
good many favors for yrs. and new I'd like
you to put a friend at tura en your paper."
timer Editor "Would he de for a re-
. Ps•siburN:..h. basa•t any le
• • 70.. might make AO eschew edit.0:•.
• 'He melds 't read the
Peer febewt I 'an he hear?" lie's
No, deaf, ea a past Hip Is • tins wry.,
health. .anal lie has • Meal Unitratime..
-WOW 1 appitta bus London
reeemodest." News.
Whir tie was Irliere.
rho searkso, so way episies, wed tlit•
saleassae. stretrag the were ler and
- ft a caelidearer marmar to the mach
ars eats& Obr soirdar. sea
y bettor roam anythrtg we in
Mrs. a, 1 overheard tun.
• •f will take Mos ether tylp..” sAs
ed. with eruirbeais_ "1 Lrovight niy
sleug. to pay the MIL
Nellie'. Itlaadrr;
Nellie, a IIMie tees girl. went ow %Vitt
t• her aunt as the muutry. What- oat in
Ilse meadow saw "tesitlateels- for the
fit-st tune. "Oh'. what t ute bttleureal.rviles,
she said. Hey told her libel
ware "teed -Magda Nellie thought that k
very (unity name, and where site wino tut..
the inewe she cried out:
"Manuna, I saw segue such SIR r I III! le
frog -seats down in the meadow Wide
A wake.
Wrenn tiered Meal,
First Old Friend Vont- Ant,. 1.•
have a high tame after hie marriage to my
.1aughter 1 toll you. old man. ehe's ior•
eisely like irte. hsa'. ftioiril rot every
Serried Uhl Friertd- -It'll be tylli
ter wonder why peepl.• were horn,
aud don't :.ou forgot it. is pre -
ripely like has norther.- Life,
ttringiver Ulm Iteued.
Fond Wit Hashisl Youth "Julie, is
there an. er ounstratat pla ed on yeti In
regard to to letting ine to see run so
and there doems t seem to
bus much or ounistratat pieced un to.
when you do carat.
(He immediately oucistrauts het .
Lore's Comfort San.
He was • buyer iu a large wholesale
horse. sad he Wit in love. 'real be
snatched a kilo
exclaimed. -1 apt, .4, well
pleased wish Ibis ample that ihoulti like
to negotiate fur you have.
He wee :accepted on the seat. Harper's
Hat Dna Titles Held 111,,. !fork
• •There is Mit one thing.- said the dische
solete tramp. "that prevents we from junij,
ing into yonder river and enclitic my wretch•
ed career.
"And that IS ysour faunly'"
'No. It is newer
Merere tbo Prepeeal.
She "1 feel like a oke of ice this morn-
Re • That 's good. Perhaps lien t
sun comes out you will in • melting
mood. 111 hare oommthlaig te rap le ye..
The 'fele Ooll ••11114140•41.'"
Friend "Were there an, accidents
the football glum te-iflayr
Player -Only MN. A mule in an ad
joining field broke leen, got mixed up with
the game, Nadi was pretty badly hurt."
of t hie exposure litte leaf is marled, the fails A
romovod k•Y warm w•Ser• 'mod the Ind Anxious Traveller Itomother
his•ch•d soaping heiliell elfriel• Look here, toy mut. :Parma break my
which taker sway the chtterephyl. If now Irma It. rube, he„,.y.
the leaf be dipped 111 duets. of iodine the ..Amitter Cam t pronniee you. but
starch farmed I. at will sheer am* byrg try look amity xpoch.
marking thm letters ee the Igen ef the •
stencil la blue
Only Ono-tbini of • Mao.
Tbe Veto af Pallearlaird Cork. iy:•I have this* tailors.- said I ;calla proud -
la the Frew+ aavy sad Ity easy trio ..1 sum.d y 043 Lad De mor, than twit..
eartgatirie compeers, poleerteed reek isr,pius ILM-Amy. "You keow it require'
used kr painting the skeet iron partition nm. tminn, amk„ um,
raids" of the vs.sse
natter dolour.' the corder -Stith@ ed the Alt Rona *Made..
Smola -"I hear that pear old Ds Task
died Let night. I weeder where his see!
Cysiquis "la tie place of departed
spirits. I pregame."
•. linoir• Wbat No Waists.
hem a_lionleof.___-1 hear you are leskieg for •
w/174•41.14:a.estii,.. irid;e4Ta‘t•-•til'It" is all • inetake, Hunker.
7514 Asessei. bb, 110 What I am lost nag fee is • girl willies to
by issame heroes' a wife.
An nadapet.
"The jails are Med overfewirg. Your
Nigher. Shall we herd mew neer
11driet ..taialy set Precision a eseeral
patens taio earepasta Then we ass GI/
.41411 VP IOW!'
tree, toad Leese the eapleamat *Latins
is magi' weather.
The Proseh Wen use pereeriesi owe
mixed with piaster in the prevenient ed ems
pert to ataa. The maserial while in •
plastic rendition en he noinkled tete all
Idads of shape. sod sins, end it seed few
It in said te la a
sad ord, while it
Wine. reeds amid
greuad ta difereat
gelverinatieet heing
*team Mod to Put Oot
Reently • In Wok* out is ef the
ererkeliire .1 0.. flirts Mill. at
Abases The ereerrter esdr:e.
The Safest
A ND most powerful aliereein 14
4114400 Ihirroporlila. Yong mad
eld s. alMrs beastliest by its use. Far
the eruptive dr-
eam pertain SO
Mee is so elegem
hie Aim* make,
It easy to effeene
" My little boy
bad large scrota -
Ion ulcers us bbs
• Ail., 4 neck and throat
from which kr
suffered terribly.
Two ph
$tanded bre, bat he grew counts:I;
weals Rader their ears, and everybody
expend he would die. I had beard el
the rienerhatils 40411 effected by Ayer's
- i,,a& issiaid to have my
awassill bilailimasE, attar using several
sowbae"as heeMhyrill"11. andietWarYone;redna 'sr 11.boilly
a bM age." -11,1111ana V. yr.
Nampa. , Va.
9n May last, ta
fourteen monthsoId, n to loan soros
tioungest child,
gather on its head an. body. We ap-
plied various simple remedes without
avail. The sons increased in number
and discharged copiously. A physician
was called, but the sores continued to
multiply until is a few months they
nearly covered the child's bead and body.
soresAt .i we began the tuie of Aj er's Sar-
saparilla. In a few days a marked
change for tbe better wee manifest. The
I a more healthy condition,
the discharges were gradually dimin-
ished, and finally ceased altogether.
The child is livelier, ha skin is fresher,
sad ita appetite better than we hese ob-
served tor montbs."-Frank M. Orlin.
Long Point, Texas.
.me formula of Ayer's SaresperMs
presents, for chronic diseases of almost
every kind, the best remedy k.ows to
the medical wirld."-1). M. Wilton.
M. D., Wiggs, Arkansas.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
11.1LZPiliD ST
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man.
Prior 51. Ma boil *.a. Womb *3 s Umtata
tersairair Ckadsros Adria.
..4rw.ararst AP take. Cestans Mefr ewe
Panalste, is a rale, re,' aced r efer
lefloalut Warr. Laninforuag. and • bombe.
Lady for ••• la any quairaty. eat motes
sat • as es was Spouses Sal epee.
dead by All groom• sag Pritantoat.
. . Toavemaint
kai e-
Bisi ttIcation,
11111014 W •C0'•: 'tat •••
'fl E FOI{ EST ( • !TY
mammals cou•zo,
1.0:101%; DOW - 6
1.• • r t 11151011.11,* it% .1.,
J• In • Iffeeenver. leallnel eat
T. T. T•
Ind TEA.
Tlie Seem fea i• the market kw h
aad rarity. Ifull
Sugars Teas, Baking Powders.
ANA all ogle sed fuer oreerieries-
Floadlaarters far all holds of
Choice Confectionery. Fruit.. .to.
Nov to tubed same.
la noshisefene ere akin neer east pstreseae he Item 'eyelet ye
am E. CAMP...AIGNE, GEO. BARRY, - Hamilton -et
Bargains_in Cloaking,
Mantles Cut Free of Charge,
Bazaar Patterns Given Awa
Woolo of ...1.1 Ci
*04 -11.
MRS. R. B. Shull:2.6,
Poe eirretalog taseenew duty et r10
..1.g swag la••••r at 50-4. mad 57:2e:
se lest puitlie Periling awn bring Hie brat toms
Tore ord r wittiest.' • tette( roottell kers imam
null: 4 *Ma rum.
yak agree ti.eisseat resume., to •.s.a, is
vale. i rook pat, lus•••• reale& • a •wir for e•eiry
We ..peri poraw.r••••• 1. 11121. .par, ehra winO
SI beep 50,up *sod pull for tbr beet wean.
Reliable Prescription Work at all hours.
W. C. GOODE, - Druggist.
Give= Away at
Family Ibr000ry Store
To each customer making a cash pur-
chase at our store we pressat a coupes,
value 10 per cent., on their purchase,
whether It be 10 centre or $10. These
coupons can be exchanged for silverware%
Each article I so/id plate. This
beautiful line of goods le on exhibitioe at
our atore, and can be nen by all. Give
us a call and get one od our circulars.
Weir !rata la :
kagems, t'urnia*.a. Prones,
Oroogre, Lemons.
Orange, Leuven and Citron.
Latest patterns and moat improved styles. Prices righ
Just what you want.
Best brands and lowest prices.
K. D. C.
An.l all ,)ther irpular patentornetlicines at
For cleaning cottons and woollens, metal and marble ono
manta, wooden articles, kitchen utensils, etc.
Teo nominee Daum el soling all kinds W fareltggei1 es impels gaagaba pars
wed4110111111 hot that Mt
Sells CI:Lear)
per eon* He ie ab se the Wadi Piadervallier .4 .51. twore. ICeshabaldw• nold "1waI' lu
aria ifie aim ohm • of Paler* rnarnst. Oleo kat a eidi Wan levy
rundreare senewhme, avid rime wet tea ow Mai 10 4... as he ways-oulle .MSS
15or Cash. -
a warthreavere 011