HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-20, Page 1i wEMMRYUM YOUR 'VT .Ane rT Ir S; L(If a l Wade is Ihe elemilld Gatlin. d • THE SIGNAL. qty wards ad wader, t . ; every dental were, W/ •asst VOL. 1LI1I. No. 2335. oVI R THE HURON TRACT. A Newsy Odin Obtained from the County M111 ITEM' OF INTEREST FOR READERS. mow "wee of recce Sews Served up Ilia 'everybody nth and Feint Slip• diad seedesasd Tress Ivory Mettles e,eese .fume teems, hews to Mere - num ear Loral *trbaages. A sea paper, to be ,oiled The Huwiok g, await, will be started in Gerrtc M J. W I,rern. Dr Holmes, Brussels, has bad . Asap six •t a Latter, but he s ,n • very weak Mittus yet. us brown, of Harpurhey. h•e hien ttatslr-•f :.e teacher of Roxboro school for a it ye .r. ut • snl:aty of x2,50. John B. lie.d.r.^n, of the Hunan road, hes, .,heifer hussars months old which s gen: uuirs au.l sever 11.14 & I.. eve Meanies and town clerk Gate. of t :aloe, are on the sick list. We. that 1M. m r recovery any Kt speedy wad corn - p1 . E;:jsh Townsend, of ituilett, has a lumber p en that has sees thirty two yexirs of sine, uussta.t use. and is still In g.Msl rc' par .1..•.•ph MoCuIly,an .4.1 awl ouch -redirect- 4 )u 'I'o.s,lay mornin. loth Inst.. Ed. Me ti tree. -at of $t•nley.died OP Tuesday. 10th Brien, of Blyth, was married •t the r..I rat . st the age of seventy-three years and , ,Irncc of the bride's parents to Mout Mimne users menthe Walker. daughter •,f Mr. and Mrs. IL T. tonal. THE OFFICIAL, WBPAP EP FOR HURON (r r "BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT, THEN GO AHEAD." --z GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER to. 11391. mowers were co.Nad .a the plant a few fear that Lord &babery 1s not likely to days aro. To needle plant is to admire it lied another soak Goverserdisseral &moss The bored of 111�,�.a Methodist church his awkward quad of place -hunting peers. has menaced the eii ry of the pastor, Rev. ..I i, 0►. iWPNv ant. H. Irvine, to Pei the circuit to pay the !;lobe : It is • somewhat reckless piece of ms.ay. Mr. Irvin has the uecromanry to evoke the shade of I:eorgr hanlent circuit to work in I:o.tetieh district, Brown to rebuke the Liberals of the present Y 11 inrulves • drive of thirty two mike' day fortbeiradvocecyof reeipro- every alternate Sunday to do kis work. The , city. Mr. Bourn was • warm ad.uoate of board dues itself justice when it tries to help cert sty, sad he himself ��w'T,'r"u'�.'I to the hitt financially. I Americo' 4:lostmtent • RNrt�libet•+►1 treaty, Alex. McTaviah, sun of Mn. Mc7'avieleof t embracing not only natural products but • the mid road, Brumfield, who is looted in large list of masufactaree, iseludutg wri- the /Wile di.trtet, Msnitobs, having become ',cultural tmplemente •nd other weary of living alone.baa taken sato himself of iron and steel. "1 shall ode allege for • life partner in the Person of an mineable one moment." maid Mr. Brown, " that there young laity from tVowktock. Mr. Mc is no grouted whatever for the loud ,wtcries 7avi.h's many (meads will unite u wishing we have heard from manuf.c- h,mself and Mn. McTavish a long and wren against the admission of their wires happy maned life. to the free list of the treety, It is now .lames Stewert,of the soeforth nutantant, certain that the Ametvans will ueirotate no fell on the evening of the 10th inst.. and treaty that dues not include a much larger broke bis left leg near the ankle. He was list .•f nanut eturs than Mr. Brown pro going down the street Dear the d:. T. It. posit. 11 is ale° plain thanit Y crt was station when he slipped and fell with the twelve yeah tiro that result mated. He wee carried honer by a couple ail tach and • doctor sent for. who s t thefrectuwe and hos him in charge It will le at least ,Ix weeks before he ton be around again The Victor.% Italy Timed of tktobr. 296I sats of a former litruse lite : " Foreman Frank Htn.les, of No. 2l'otnpany, Victoria fin deportment. was married at 7 oclock 1 at e.entttg to Miss Margaret Elliott. The wedding took place in the Methodist church at Va.arnver. Th. bride halls from Collinewo•, i, s hitartu, acid on arriving •t Veil c'user cit) the Rev. R. K. Maitland. formerly a res drat of Brussel', married thein WEEK'S NEWS IN BRIEF. What is Going On Over the Wilde World RECORDED FOR SIGNAL READERS. Theap .ln.r tar .r the fta.l.a. The Trial se L't.Nlea rrsl Unn Ma - nee wad gamine. Masa.e and anan. .legedeaM w.e An inrtdeess Pathe a . An dpersa■t rine • *sesame . • Italy reports large rice and wirer: crops. The miners strike in France continues to spread. Ven. limn Geddes diel at Ilamtlta10 Mon inahBrazilian waters to °beers, strict nm- tlay aftermuxa. ,.g The treapw ecploded wad Haan was imessitly killed. Horse distemper u prevalent in the eiwii baehood of Kingston. J. A. McDonald, M. I'. for Victoria, N. S., has bees unseated. J. G. Day, a brakeman. was killed in an ocidea st al !'ape Vincent. Revolts. due to the famine, are reported from various parts of Ritmo.Ritmo.Turoute curlers. had tae for the first play of the acarol on Weineiday. The election protest against Mr Chisel - tot, rl- tat, North Norfolk, hbeen dumssrrl. Mrs. Cartwright, formerly Miss limiter of Ottawa, It been maniere' in Chicago.The protocol of a treaty of ummete I.• mem !tidy and I:erntamy has been signed. ps the cro-petitiom against Ile. Wilson in the East klarin election can lee been abatt- dosed. France has ordered her naval mtsiols o Watts of the (Muted States is r.re.Lial to the prosperity of (amide. Liberals do not pre oThe Elmo-opalTsda I'ongres liege,. at Wash Cottle exported W Aberda•cn front Mont enoI are being sold at great low to the ex- tend to know whether. in view of these tagt°n Y' po Parte"- •Itered .trcumstauces. Mr. (frown would Inflnenes of a vtrul.:ut type has apptared { prupositi,xt to admit lawyers to mem- tnhave advanced from the advocacy of a large uI 110rdogne, France. Iu•nhtp in the Knigh:r uI (.ebur baa biro .ugh Itumatewl reciprocity to reciprocity The Roll River is nearly frown over. but unrestricted : all they know in that like /Amine; u yet unsafe. • him they air working faithfully. .eroding Prince I:eorge of Wakes is mekiag prog to their light, for the interests of their vacsn toward. rccoter).. Cpostry. Ise King Milan has signed a renunciation THE EDITOR'S TABLE. of all his rights in Servo. The eleetion petition against t'ol. Tindale. South Norfolk, was dismissed on Tuesday. Stan Ing peasants in Samoa strangle.) a boy in order to rob him of a rouble and a half. John Lynch, aged 70. died of apoplexy in a London hotel. He lad relatives in St. Thomas. The schooner Montc.ilm, of Toledo, was wrecked new Selkirk on Lake F:rte on Monday. The election petition against .lex. Mc- • Neill. M. P. for North Bruce, wag dismissed an Tueetay. I: The Liberals additions to the ledelou . Dominion voter*. list number 150 and the Lamed.!.', Ln ti.. A..r_ The numbers of The Living Age fur November 7th and 14th cream Ernest Daudet on (oblewtz and the Emigration. National Review ; The Spanish Story of the Armada, !marginalia Magazine : Helen's Inver. Argowy : An teed Greek Ex- lorer of lintels .ad the Teutonic North. lila eaGAM hos undertake* the manage- WIker• UaKincardine The yielding was Fortnightly Berle.: 14*. Petersburg to Nut of the thinsoeh en form nn the third a ionic one Rev. M. Turnbull tie,! the Sebastopol. Temple Bar ; (hi Some Extracts .ansa+ion of Terkenmith, and kaa drone o»ptlaal knot Miss Walker was a popular from Hemet Shelley's Letterer I :rut Immo 's there t» reside. v,•ung 1a4y and wa- highly "'Yelled ire Magazine : Sketches in the !Allies. All the tee. MeMultenand wife, Winglam.Kase Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. M: len left yew. Round ; West Nurtb-We"togntana let for Fort C:ratiot, Mich . wbete they in. on the 940 tenor for taro Inc„ein Mancha Magazine : A French .Amba.eaa'h' at the *suet 10 irnam for the M. inter with their ter (Int Court of Peals II., Nineteenth Cemetery : •is•tgleer, Mn. ('owan. Tholes Ko[ell. 9th ro nceesiow, Grey. had • #,t acs from which he hauled 4,852 l..i.• a of ter -nips. or an overage of over ehi t.taheli err the acre. .i,,ms Kelly, who resoles a*bort distance .uth of Wessels, hos bees laid up with a urokr of p ralyw. but is improving nicely sine. we are pleased to .sv. 1' lk.wermaa. teacher In S. S. No 1. Jnn. 1. -lot. all. iu S S. No. 7. and .lohn Stew - sr. in S. ti. No. 6, Grey. are all re-engaged for their respective schools for 1892. Mcl.ella., d Trenton. was to Kruse ••s lust week. The doctor was • former nor in Krnasek public school. He pur- p.o..., removing to Chicago next year. A • l:ampt ell has sold his fano. on the 17.1,..r.ee. sun of t:rey, to Iruncan .tohn- neigltbor, for $2,450. 'the fern' cwu- of y iscres soil is an excellent place. t'hnstopher, of the hast Zine, Hui - has dl,ineed of his fifty acne fan. to I • Repeal, for the sum of (33,000. The • •,.. 1t m sad, is bought for Mr. Rapson'+ Murdock. of Manchester, Inas bought 1.. form of Martin !her. of tat boundary Hallett- it contains sixty two and a k t h d good out, t ne night recently .1... ',sell. the wed- The Troubles of an t)xfor.l iteruty. t:eatic- 1. own breeder. of Hallett. inc'- with a mans Magazin+; Social Beth in the test - Conservatives 35. t.•avy loss. When he went out t•, the ata• eratury, part i' .. Murray's Magas,net: Shipment. oLcatlr front Montreal nom. hie in the morning M- found one of his finest Aeries the Kalahari 1►eaert to the BoLtetli • ( dung the past sermon about 15.000 impnrt..l breeding mars lying dead. Sha - River, N't.amilanl liognnan s May,• inane : = ihan last yea was the very picture of health the night Ie- Zoological 1 eirogrresem, 4enticman s Slag- ` Algorism bill foe the Northwest Terri- furc, and be is at a .ss ton ratan' w apse : non . hood. Met.- ' ! r tortes will introduced the id r - rejected. IsurCRTls !'Ottt LHE SIGNAL, The Hrl+teet aid Best M wspaper i. HE HURON TRACT. M .oa stud Ja.rary 1, 1183. foe $1.00 u advasee. D. McGILLICUDDY• neat to so owed • These and many other WASHINGTON LETTER, matters may be cited : but the stardom of our mayor and roundl hos never shown up au wretchedly as derai[lsy,, the last Sommer when question* regarding the morality °t the town were before thews. "A ntountaiu in labor brought forth • mows," and it wits warranted mua- aleil and harmless, while the reprr sentetire rulers of this t'Itrisuau town went down to their homes condemned in the sight of et ery honest sun aid wo- men, and t.odlrnch the beautiful becomes lawlsrich the foul and our streets are sur rendered w the night hawks and city .cum of the Whitechapel under Verily tow councillors have w crime to a ewer for that easy yet stnkr their ou a hoots in vcn- geaew•e. Now, it is imperative that we have a mayor and council text year who will work for progress and. above all. work 1rao. , 1 1: l'L to Illaa.sfa. usu,.I ly for dile morality of the town. Wt+Nttotor, Nov. 16. 1891. and 1 peoples Y an , eater that the mayor's h:t -Sewtor Van Wyck, of Nebn+ka, place be °tiered to rite man who will make • bold tight right along for the morality and .ow in Washington, who b.• cast his politi- progrem of the town, one whose action. m0 cal fortune with the Farmer: Alliance, is one need feu' would not in •11 circumetvm out one of those who believe the AUianur sea mor honorable awl energetic : and if the movement w be only wlts'orary. ifs says penpk properly take hold the right man "S� folks are sayittg that the Alliance may be adduced to come out. Now, else tees. wake up, and that betimes today is has gone all to pieces. That is sot b, and acme tow .Dort. It is a gratifying circum - they will find it out nest year. l duu't ataw.•e that when t is .lo much needed a know just what the AI(ianos will do, but Happenings Mt tilts unitfW States Capita THE DISCREET EX-GOV• FORAKER. Ix-araal.r raw urea asd• tae niesserr' A111ener 1. 111 seah$-rre+td.at Mares. son'. Thanes+ vt.e The Alliance Creoles at sadsarae.lis The .w erleaa• 148 Chili. mishear. The imperious firm of S. Wigle 4 `iota, Y„ung busineaa mart of the town has started they will do sorretbiag to make tM msalver L• an.u,gunt, has assigned for the benefit of a voting contest to tart pul,hc tenial oris felt 1,. the Prerideutial election : and, mark iia creditors this very matter. Let that and every ,.then what I say, though, from various caw, The business failures during the past week means he thee,! to pot at. latest some really there waw • falling off i. tar rote they seat nun.berel for the United States 253 and first -elan mai forward : and meanwhile let this year, the great working land) of tar or - (or Canada 38. the councillors are not forgotten, hut let us geniratum u all right anti will be found pull - The steamship Ontario, from Montreal have • complete circle of rightawas.s.. tog together nett year. for Bristol, lost 120 head of cattle during 1 . Ki.ru-ri'It. Ex -Governor next year. e[ Ohio. who is heavy weather. Godericb, No.. 16th, 1891. Mayor McShane. of Montreal, has taken THE HOUSE OF REFUGE. action for 160,000 against The Toronto F for libel herr on professional beldam in e0anectt'In with the selection of aU%e fora public build- ing in Pueblo, Colorado. has tor once dis- appointed Rhe newspaper cvereat...what' mpmrc Then -atop of • Holyoke, Ma+.., cemetery Aral ear t Tried .r "The who expected to get .utas sensationalinter- n; under arrest on • charge of burying seven eiswat'. ' Atltls•elee. view with him eoncensing his tight with bodies in one grave. That the movement in fat or of the err- . Sherman for the tls.afiankip and for scheme The situation in Samoa is strained. King tion of a house of refuge for the proper to d'I ' ' Senator .IYMR el W seat. His Malietea has issued a proclamation duelerWarping of the poor n( the c wady of Horns talks for publiatios No entirely moderate and lie tt41'a be u a candidate ing \lateafa a rebel. receives the full of the right- for Senator, moue a• the elections t° be by Returns from Charlottetown. P. F 1. • thinking people of the county ie shown by toe 1►hu, Legislator, and not by the news - of that the majority against the repeal the favorable attention which Tar Shi�tL a papers, he has ootbilsg to say of his pros - of the .' ep Act is 905. About the Brims muter be pleads pros - 'The Deputy Minister of Agricoitare suis articles on the question have reaotv-ed from pects.succ, and says that it is a question Canada will be properly repre.entci at the the county pies.. ignorthat belong w the !fanned :states Senate. World'• Fair in ('huag,o lite attitude takes by Tu[ SuaAt. to re- Could anybody be ewe discreet' Ile called Moss Gaya house, near Thorncliffe, was hard to the matter has been thoroughly ,u I,l an bo 1lwrrias. std also on exretary burned down, and his eight-year-old laugh approved and iia 'arguments have heels free Blaine,Gut,err the administration in under - and to Veath. ly quoted by its .. • anti if the camel w favor the re-election of Sherman, it 1 understand hat Aeolis and 10 Neighborhood. a Il be t faced t°r coos e a ter wY rniru Sara - could base caused tier death. For arced- ray's Maganne : Advertsu:;: in (lona. than ot time I.eptslature Wilfianu Mcl cams aged sixteen, tell from question a properly taken up by the people resold not have items to oak ad in hs Seaa- tsg purpose. she was worth w ver) large ('crshiil Magazine : A Sermon in Renee. During the sittings of the Hamilton a w�g'rn at Galt ou 1V'eelne.d•y *tad was the sentiment in favor of the eatalrlishnnr°t texisl campaign. bergsem. and Mr. Snell regrets her los roost Macmillan's Magazine : Cousins Getman. !'sort of Kevisiun !3466,046 waw struck off killed. His head came in contact with a • of • 1Nose of refuge will be sufficiently •L'IIc latest sews from Brazil u • cable gram because of her rider in this reepect. Gornall! Slogans : ot. Schoolmaster : his . the origiasl esiaton ret. strong at the approaching ekx tioolss to put to dace Mireister ben, which says that the norQ• to the p{•oe °f trees h ng ole. stick -tit o the Jana . diel :t, M . beloved wife . Wm. try an and his .lops, Reuly News: muan:e r The Spanish Government has decide! w Hon. Wilfrid Laurier was accorded an en- tau.la men who will view this paramount rcpuldic I, not our has it been is any dan- ol ilei st Sl r. 1'ngaleys evidence, Iry and miscellany. For fifty -tau more hen disband pa•tportion of the standing army, the thus.asue revep�ttwe' at Itdston, Masa, ('sea' issue In the proper light. ger, soil that trrwrfuihuiy Bae been entirely Willis/rust.. lirtlr stn. F:xrter, on Saturday nine evening. n( pity four large (egos each for than object beingto norn,luixr• daynight on the oocaahm of the complimen- restored. 7th fast , at the age of fifty nine years and 3,300 pages a yew, the sulecriptmon prices jec' q( French. The l'Istarition New En say : .V relative iuu red.Secretary}*ler will, a his annual re four months Deceased was not a robust 148f is low : while tor 310.50 the pul.liehere A boy name! Pratt has been found guilty lay hangoet tendered him by thehie been stated by TimEra :AWN tt., to twit, upowhich he u now at. re person, and every attack of illness shattered offer to mai ativ one of the American St.00 of stealing 1200 from the Dominion Express tianuLaus of that ..sty. the erection d a house of refuge, and the sommupo several amendment., to the work, re her eosaututioo. Some weeks aye, she wts monthlies or weeklies with The Living Age office at !Portage la Prairie. Four creditors of Joseph Regan. Henden- shabby way in which the county c.,uned al ►ankma laws and an increase in the sum tekeu ill with an affection of the throat for a year, beth postpaid. I.ittell 4 (o.. For sellingwhisky out of a tea -kettle to son county, Tennessee, called W collect • deal with any , relating thereto her of examiners. He will also try from which she suffered much. and to Beeler, are the publishers. Indans at the Oneida fair, V. m. (frown. of debt. He treated them to corn whisky in that are brought Imrfure chem. The enmmht- w above bankt the finers clamor against try which she succwnbed. Deceased will be Wu .r c M.v:.zine ('asvrn. A very good !.,mini. Ilse been tined! J60. which, he had placed poleax Three of the men, of the poor to jail is a standing dia- nthe public account (nudh known Y Mn. Rowelife, whose husband idea ret the amount of mousy it civets to we- Sir Edward Clarke. British Solicitor-tlen- creditors are dead. grace. and the attitude ot some members u( •hat Tailors of 14 04 al count of raudul, prior to kin death lived Ole the fourth cones+ ceshhlly eondmet one of the magaymeo of end, says the 1- . will appeal to The Manitoba Government has sent a the .o°unty council just Y much so, but w. f,hilwelptia ami other towns is unjust. He .ion of 1.'shotne. Sone- vein after the today is aptly illustrated in some figures the country next November. letter to the Winnipeg city council staving hes( almost grown tired of expecting w find has uadrrtakrn no light task. demise 01 her behead the .{wceasel married regarding the editorial emit of The Laths' 'Phomas Dodd. one of the oldest settlers, thud it will pay all the cross cuelnected with humane feelings where non.. apparent!! Pnsi,lrut HaItg a 'i'bankseisutg pro - Mr. I'ugsky. and for several years they had Hunte .lournel, of this city, sari The 1'hiI- diet suddenly at Keewatin ou Thutxlay the appeal of •the school act eves•, both in exist. No govt! •eicur w•hatc.c•r can le etamatiru was .t Ihtt:e bete III dresser issued loved is F.teter. Her remains were takes s.lelphia Public (.edger. The Journal is of last week wells •t dinlsar. the past tad in the tortes. offers! a�gaiost the er-t•tion of a house of this veer, but the date Ian become so there - t° the Mimi -ilk cemetery for nnterntent. elite! by Mr. Edward Kok. For .lwfrireg Hobert Work a thirteen -year-old Ham• Gain mea in Winnipeg are very anxinne rctugr. The I:ersrrnntent have made the hly a fixture in the public mind that the the thoughts of his 750 000 women t e41en 1 ld h conditions w generous that nothing 1 looked CURRENT ION 'Borden who ran .way : '.-i home, has over • threatened blockae e. The yield this sono t ions pruclannation has co nte to w upon rewcluel FAinbnrgh. Scotland. year WWI so enormous that itis not ex- but •close-fistedness will prevent mumeiprl- b an almost useless formality The (Darin Mies taking adsou of their offer. Kut each month SI r. Kok i. paid 010.000 per ea. and has an interest In the business int- PeCLe'T the Canadian Pacific Ratlw•y I•I be g ta(ta fhuishy in November 1 probably h tt 1 g from vee to year. f T OPIN yy M•sidrre which nets him fully twice moi. salary. The ^theirl declaration glss.lainee K 'w able w handle it before Winter seta m. halt *res. with frame Dose .nall f • wood mol e- be the has er goes wonInst as generally oFserve•. even 1 .oma- hu,hlings arid was sold for 114,000. He ha. a 'tali of weteee +•laded editors, wood w woody of a.0 for (oat R cllingt and well n„oaat efforts to vele++ the evil Halle several boys at Exeter were throw- A 1 t a I 1 i htlire lining to time damaged wrought by the fire 3 h thestubbornness and stupid • thing occurred to prevent the trsailsg , tea ewhich includes men awl women like ei the Prince °t 1V ales s S.nlnog rem • i ran. q pees at each other. • few , y a� arra jlay. ►r. Talmage w councillors who ought w kava • � I City sadly of the r Isabel from Ottawa. Achill named 1►ouley, hying deuce moot rel'san ane part ret bet town into his err, calmer I 'rhe s tion leader is dot Hallos a the lane a e Po' • every ted him to the President as the i w rr "iia•. - a the Dominion voters' Hnron. to this Government, and the usual At for reviews d the Dominion voters' r rich mere. Too holiest to stool, politics yarn l'he .!somal apewis each month 112, tut for Belleville the Conservatives succeed - the New co points t° the example cspeeches of courtesy were exchanged. Ind at Clinton. Judge Doyle presiding, tat has left him little time to cera wealth. He 000 „1 aloud !7.5,000 per year, O0 muuella- eil in 78 appenk and the Liberals in 91. t'astadbn earesery. the l litort county coursed, which has ac Senor Montt ha• saver wavered is his he- mmers^( fifteen C and ten Ike has to depend for a lis lag ups wlhaAt he can aeons matter sot contributed by its ro guar The stallion Palo Alto has trotte.i (m TNw i:ntrutt or tui tI.: ..i_ ] e.ptei tendon for the erection of a Inose Iter that everything would be settled in w 1„Horn wire struck MI and the names of caro in the nut vol between sessions of 1',1 eliton, and the working force in rite edi • mik in 2.081. equalling the time of Maud of refuge for its poor, r res. which Huron four 1. and two Reformers lament. Heves quietly sod cheaply at torial drp•rttnelst means at least 11b,000 S. which u ►nrpasse•! 'rely 1+y that of 1 con the following [nom the November satisfactory tttd►nwar, dl, now that his number of The Canadian Forester. "the Bounty ,snnot too span I.rothcr tan become acting provident of of 1..1 Arthabeakarilk, • town abut the sue •d more in wanes, tnaktng over !60.000 w Sunni.The Sick 1. week..,1"11°°- ,_ err gitinuotes Ter. Sir, �. tt diem McKay,of Grey,• patron of the Aurora, and practises mainly in tine co'irts ,a and tai' rc rets but • sin le de- „flici•1 organ 01 the order, " publiatw.l tl:. article two weeks ago gn in* [acts to -hili sad will ansa be regularly elected of Montreal 'ad (Iaebrt- Hr u • evil law. ) ice. g It is said that Lord •Salisbury has int' Guelph, I/lstarin: trrerident, his iibal (leis likely to be all -,l., t ('orae» cheese factory, was finer! p•rtanent of the magazine : and 1 , uestion tinted that Great Lienal• is ready p show tan economy n( eathc E..ng • hon/re mmaygt ( S 'Pel " The C. 0. F. way have a little reeervs 10«.1.41 with that t:orernment. sit)and costs halon P. Al. Terhune, Lists yer, hut •Toronto counsel of his rank wo ld whether any periodical 1s conducted on a of refuge, which. 'rya The ng the pe can 1 sorer •t the sum total of Wilfrid I. wmilrier s negotiations tncrar.ls regulating the affairs fund, but pot it iu the I, danced the lino not tee able! known among the , „. All .d rho promimxnt Natural F rrmera anal. for seeding milk from which cram more hunnor like awl eorrwmical hq••i. of E ernment atasauad std it will Ion delieNmt y Pe' Alliance offwots have gone to Indianapolis, find been takes He pleated godly w the earnings. thox He makes n• para.lr of poverty : than is The Journal. No wonder that Ie X The W imtgh•tR Timor give • cynopw of ger, h:.rtga. lett resat closest •coat him know it Y a 1. R. Lippincott, warn asked b - • friend The Nocod i, .St. Petersburg. saes that and vary L.rge lv w \' so Illnetratsito. Tim Moe r laid*, article upon the quem where the annual convention of that or t Rev. J. Philp.11.U., of Fiat London. (ct 4-.-.61‘.. devotion w politics has pinched why he did not ke•``, • yacht, replied "a t;ernians are femorally desirous of striking tar North American Life tea•,s• .boot ion, dealing with lie from an economical canoe re w meet this week. Although the• him •lscislly ,ran ,an sustain only one luxury 1 publish for Kusisus in the present •nwinrut of d10,000.Otx) of uraraure: their L• rserre'et Anal ion M to what. If any, err fnrmerlr of Hdisasvilk, because of his edo THE oxo rlvt.rxa'• n.,voa,.. •,tea=iM ! weakness. is i829.7Citi. The C. O. F. have the seine Theunmet, l.� gives place to the anti- tion the Alliance is to take in the fortnstion rttintal standing and skill Y a financier, The 1 colt Arion trotted a amount of tn•uratex in force with reserve Pant - cls and says : The Too arms with the of a national thiel party will not t., known b.- oiti n another tionurgent requesta to tate Mail Three times has Mr t Ontario nor.:. Course Dinner, - itt li le:Azisv.- t A mile in 2 10•' at Stockton, ('al., last week. of 1171..,)1. It .I.,es not require u.. -h skill at.til the national ,xwference, pros idea for q (novae 1►inner, with numrroru. illustn i sentiment orf the above and isold iheorpiwion + Position rtinn m ooalsochon with one d nor p ,. tlra ntly before the 1 tnunn pahhc thous showing a modern diener table treawti- Thu is the most remarkable trotting per- w see how fa we are !slow the G,s.•rndnest that this v important goestten. should .:Lthe 1'tne:unati ceerireatirm watch hunched 1 .n'oltan colleges'. Hs first e[ploit wag hi' rrtiei attack upon (orm•ate ecce known. to U. levers a' ...emn i l the pwopk'■ party. w he held at V1'uhmg �' the Marquis of Lorne for refusing to dismiss full decorated, a diagram of how to set it, come beam t electors d this mow" at Robert Wilson, d sucerstb, who is gaits c:,srrnor l etelher promptly on the receipt and oils° each aurae separately, and deacri The Supreme Court nn'1'usda ve standpoint we are insolvent. ....•I a le - ton em the 22nd of sett Fohrnary, shall he y ger tad*. Papa the mnnieipal elects and let th arm w dwell, there arc away who htllevt that the a horse fancier and • sacoewred breeder, has Hag in a eh•rntiug and explicit way every mint Inst the Great Northwestern Tele. premiam n,/..gany with fume . a Y much the county legislators that they belt several Y lin. suntan! -ares! mien 01 bah of advice in that direction frtrmn his Minis against nerve stop mor , e end lid by tar Gov- sorties of this week's maven:! n will really sus Y out be found in the Province. A ter". Mr. (►uimet asked in Parliament if dem"( s •ad service and the graph ('onip•ny in its suit v►ith the Mout thrxonRhly in the proper of OM nun noon, meaning hi. then Excel; Nloassud anu.en. " little" things that an road Telegraph (ntnpany. meat to stop eosin'.++ end twemolate." And I�td: a the gusto.. Col. folk mnake. ls0 Wok through hit suit!+ would delight any leery. was to mor •hre..° In rob *of oasts- saaeatal w the sucoesl Of stash an entertain The 1'beech of Acceuston vestry, [lam. further unit give• to state that •' now we the (tour. aqf w conceal bis sentimental, which it admirer d the.oble .deer!. tatioa•1 government,. Later os Mr. Il4iniet are only 1 according to the The establishment a w hnuse of refuge is et nal .1,to ncealsuppoa will t i influential which with stent, is see d the (dive Ileoem lidos, hY decireel to oke prrxeedings to Provincial Act, and have w 1eg•1 rittht to considered farrrrably also by The KI; !h the eoriv on He fnvon the few rrtN/n r lOTli .g.► .ArwttW-iS' r a 1 k in the (ktun sea cgs horn are defeated y s n la a Tomato T m ( sty Liberals ou the. err ted l 1 sty of w fs K n l' knMlal Peweianiau,rn • 1•T I•Robert I Bhr.ktbe A death from hid eba s report Senor Montt s crede.tiala having arrered. Yining . d James (recce had • ps .Nide . tack tat yntet y ed hoc. Margaret Kni e . 1ter. The question should he made anis re "Haim as fiatunla fo.t•ntally - th t has boy,taed financial suri4.e which Wilfrid I.anr• ml Maria g frons rto cwb r• rel the upper Lary Y 'k 1Parlors. The combined weer the Gatineau, was the victim. huddling. where the fin broke out must t the Il in s- ry muuictpality m nen ted careful of Pea -guns. ter m• making The 1p1vel salaried of these citron ezoee.f f�90.000 i t the revision of 1* rebwlt Minister h l of Nom (athari.e Welsh, formerly d Brea wee criticized for returning sudden! from her washer of Ilernoreet'a Family Magaslae, recover poea.eairrn d the (hereh rectory ods onlyin the D'rovllace of l)nta d dive Chir els. died at Ray ('sty. Michigan. recently the Northwest in the heat of the half-breed which. will he of interest to all women. and from Rev. K. P. C'rwwford. ., stand. which quotes TNc BN:• vt.'• •rti it is dented Mit tatrjO' co and itsiioeraw it as idlovn A r mother -.eat over to see Mei campaign. and more recently he figured u invaluable to 1 ko.eskeepera. Four libel snits of 160,OIS0 each kart here 1 an stern in aortae M there is any foo laughter hail departed thio lie shortly be • � Elland an advocate of leniency for From the initial water -soar. " Ahead of entered against Th. London Frye frees for oar Meal papenrotatating that the member A honor 0f refuge for the county of Hit m Italy atrf 1 re her arrival. Miss Welsh tato a deer Rxl. Atter the e{eetiat d 87, during - Santa l Itr., for hoose d whioin dl will printings document filed in connection with of the 1. C). F. were gtttg over in • body to r^a s now the question of the hover• an h�� f Mvernmeet had maker and was about t .Ivry•bre years of I whicn Mr Make had had to face the cry appre•iate, to the patters order M the last tat Hynnan eketi.0 Petit". the l'. 0. F. it s ;,,,t- like! thsat the 1. C►. the ,ihj.M is now looming pewtewtously air that he was • Itielite. Mr. themes, who =ma there in not • silt thug in this Customs r°ffi,rn •4. Vancouver, P. ('.. F. would does whew the C. 0. F. mer no hdnre all mumcipl *spinants. It m icing New Orleans. awl A shmnnting match, ter a jp•�t+trr d 130 had ala, haemo • Ridite, was elected to the plendid number that world wet 1,...regret were roughly treated on ibm steamer F.m each a poor hsaactal haste ea stated in the Fated by all the oownt♦ papers and the con 1., ween Meman. McMnrny. Aineltky aid Slreaktnhip d the ('orsso*. The Oppo- iie.1 were it emitted. The bsartifally sacro tars of .1 by u,mr ('hiiaeee whom chosen which will tiredly he arrived at will I9acbl11, was held at (listoa on Monday. sinew loader. in opera the 11' fwd (ell- via.. .. The anther d they s ip o The 1. () F. hes wow reserve member M. tM 1rrb1 universal desire that earl «h mt.,nsniti.f ice tavow d the Ent that wY user being page auspectel o optam .mngglirig. •lei of or.r 31.000 asd bar. a l.„,teal pr° Y 7 rias, decltrsd justice (lar !socio " Is a swan that i ly um. Charles Huller, t will known of r�i94.492 49. Vesnt+. action Fir tsatn in the reset irri of • hoose tamed. in the contest Blackall and evewl distributed, that while he was L end a Ch.vdsae byt.m eou.wwi by • piano w • for the pear. The arguments of THK Grrnr.- M,•Mnrr•y tried• hit the llatter half is denounced for his Waren his oonp•aion .r ill..ieated Leper e. "Hili. ice Belleville, [amnion. 1 .terbonr', St. Thom Mrs warm. *len S,,:o at. bear weight upon the question ".among riff the tie." in crime was elevated to the position o.1 isttetne lad the 1•al.-I,sJ - furnish m ee ma ntier 111•oe., is reported to have �a� y committed suicide ice New York i Inv ?He anrrosi or Till .,. v ts_ ] The suhjert when brought before the bt' J. Paisley has moil his farni of fifty First loa.moaer. themselves • holiday sear caw Mrcll it bac been voted down de five scree, on the Rayfield road. • short lis• ret sus cess A .sanies rA*i.i . he surpassed. omen as Amrgfflen, ' Edward McSab Ian been released from 1)w.0 Res: •itis • tact which mud he eorata'emed with the plea that nw, gain would lance from Clintem, to W. Wait' who owns London Toth Lord Atemky d Promos " The ('o.gsed of Neptuae" (whish rs the New Hampshire State prisms after thin- patent to the most swan•! observer thatbe made Fry such an Iustnuttrrs. It u the .1..'aiw* Mt -bre acres. Six years Ai ^ will resign hid as Governer valwshle std intenteting iwferalatios about teen yeas' i for • crime of the greet majority d the replan( 'ur town kenasn that tan Ontario 4 give card ,divers and bow they egoism miler era w41o4. he is now proved isse,rettt. are most retsarksbly mapnre in regard w a grant d $3.000 to each aunty which sty. those in authority that ion for tar sutement Ishlel 'err here 4.11.1 tr.I tar respnw- „the Italians in would pap .lomnity to the families of the mew. 1t rom the first been helieaeil that President rri.c. world eel! the attention of I''rn to Lisette mat roe sod p.ehop - the 1>it34;t namt n/ • ,stall sant d money to t he families d such of the victims as were Italian ciei rrts, but there has been two oBetel action d any kind taken conorrnuc this rn•ttersiace last !spring. it is probable that the Italia. , may Mare authorised asmo mach statement for the purpo•te of ez to .v own stn +orlon of 1 lsee.eer a 'anomie nett their munici unset 1 ear Ler year takes •,.tion in Ike matter of on, idieq • +..dine its iaittlor dao k to 1V'•ah' the place het wan for t. t100• but, dtho irk 1' g it t ps�sf our nonoil meets mnnthl draws through i_____--- oose d eefuga, rte% tar Imo The prwf••••nist wire pollen ace rare ice Mr. P►aky get • good Pito" be at.erted that Toed !Hasley aspersed keit Rom•.ee+ort Pre-(ltltasiisa IMseo►eri.e, " bury that (iktdetmNtt will he thrtut into the nide hw.inrw, y • couple e( neo o t t to tar n tneelodeeetlitM for it. it wan. has been • *eel, ad the a fea..ri.. "The T'lan !tondos Standard warty Loot tike- Pmt meek n Rrw this ,.Ile morale is Canada, and hisimiiiaexplicit traded y treed, anitall beedssmdy dies- power if the Government (ring. forward pa peen,*Pl' being n peo4lakM /++sial betw4i }nese egsred u working P •l •he the mill marl WO d id, who're,' L adorn at off era a salmoe a restTan there are aploeiU stories, and the Local lien -eminent &11 kr Ireland. labor yearly regarding the harbor sad oorwty. various candidates for `(Psaker: i1 het . ISM, rei the mill roam .41. i• nA who ttrwin aim just ythe height d the wren •beet (ltriatii ie win be railwaymatters, and drops oat of Mem at sated in sioicine last Fall. is waw Ionated ice favorable crisis has nnwted • very an- the ra.tisieons t. these w never eau Rr•ipea W roan hu been invited 1 viii the tai d irks year asking the people to be ed.I Mase. there are sees wire -pullers them Ofmgrese. Ssn Anteaio, • Teems eery, aced i favMabk impeensi'rl throuehrut tat T)mrrtin d great het to W inns -of and litter an closer el rime th•.kfnl they did no lees and to elect them 1►o you feel blue and • De large k ver has ram 'Iso! de what in wake has • pressed The 1 aa0est of flew gwtfoa of closer rsl•twms Nor the fair-sitadd d paw student pains rack l tear away at nerve sed alpha netters emeae at. them, a the rain, muesli , wad hare you been dim W is Irmo the charge of " want of snap" by rea- 1.41.4 • remedy that will alma .twain eon of the isiptwre.ant works of the ppesastt and .*adv relief' if an go at acus 4. any few yeses, esM semlable is th.mselme drag stere and bay • bottle of Pease s tboagh they het for it i edam" te MI that NorvWne. Polens s Nervilise neat fail. to "delity for the killing having • loge practice. ilei Hreadfle.t ft► is. I.oeol Ates y, are, .. ossa!, "nth"' el Hsroa'. eras ash^ i silos credit .tinted the fatal error d elestffparty in Ce yi him- ssie, sad, with numerous semd lmle lieu. Mai °Ter >b0 illritr�a t^ his write o4oate7 amass aedvwsary haws* lest off with • m7 small power ef rill ees time sebum's the 51 15Mione o h aihe l, Id (An the np d If Plot, the d •11 1 the ratter. Taking it all al the Gunpowder Plot. tM l Mldl Me k.tri low !g aid is�eeMism between (*mete amid the Limited States John H. ilr.., a millionaire, and prier dent d the North Redeem resat surface railway,was fogad dead is his haat-tub is Mia reeeiwee in Weehawkw on Monday. whoa he may origi y maw be Mar* the hider. 'Thaw ;mat lee named the seas' jobber a his Imeerer, a really Ar erg ams ef fisMelam.npt.ity is wean ,�p�d faOise& it will met Mfie >e•irhwy M sad est acme kfdrhs�d Tory pm* led s Nr is omelhamet a mid lams governed by • raaolrts and aide setlmm.o Uweethe day elwWoe Iwwd 1�m1 bet L .arena's Tastily Y. meise ygtives mast goner ewe retinue • year. It i p.klldd by W. Jeosinge De - merest, 16 Rest 14teaL. New York city. Maim -makisft by the .:pianos el der- taaw at the MUM w Madras ie prw►ag ..eemehe1, and it ie Moly the lod&a (1e. ...wast will make • series d explriamstc en • large sale. 1 • y1 Lodge No. 961 • tea- mwtisg i. the (hangs Ha11. Wakes. As """dost pregn_ was prepared and die t'ev e, resle.aess. trmadilg•. wi..i' and s;oreehem were the order of the evening. MLa J. is Osartl.o, of > The wires `rs is tehides yew mowwa` Lary d while aro ewe Ihre. atom in dim emer. We burr ties 490 bolo and Near Lansdale. Remi... musty, Jame. Mdiisoma, it is alleged. etr.ek Mere Fwd with a chili, the row having oeesrnd at a pkasghtag bee. Frrsd died from esiessaks .6 the brain. p ams named D. living.4 Mac - dr 's (`..vas's. Lanark meaty, i..ked dawn the barrel el his gad irk&* ..t shase- tither moi es a easpetities wide * have dews fa mere sad am saleg has. Why i it test with sash -Debi adwaatages we have re !lemma hotel ! May a was weeld jump et the salt d sass a amass. hy Wis o* e.li fulls peek • mere sew - paean whim the Stallid &herd a few workmen wa.M mobs M ahandfed apse st relieve neuralgia, eresips, headache. chew taaMsm, sad all ltaraa' or external pains J. 111. Clmratas, drwgglat. Mwribs% writes "AB the este. i y speak .waN� ef lferei8... and always purchase a esesal MC" Pelesai Merrill,' in in betake at Maisie.r yw l II seals -by ll eand eefey an ams. The Forest Fres hawse makes the follow mg reformat, te a forms 1ttlttlbrth bmf • Fed l'tebley, who left hen a h moott s Ago to w cepa a positive is a heaeh of the Mnlsnn's bask. Tresunn. has lees si removed 10 H•rnilaes." Jaws M who hem hid the Vaiis4 . ern, os the MO road, Taelherasilki sand for three yams, abrin reiN hem Mg He dem pereaseed a seep a tee- ter. and ..tesdfh jibe thee. a Moe a in ktaM. CM t the .grai