HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-13, Page 7resses & Costumes.' We receive today a large tel Dress Costumes, New English Serges and Cheviots, • In the leading shades of blue, grags, brown, garnet and grey. Vel uti na Cord, The fashionable material for drossiN}sketa andtritnwirtKK : all Special Black Vel uti na; Our repeat urger in stock today. Price 7:x., worth Mantle and Jacket Cloths. A beautiful selection -votively maw. Kid Cloves. THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEM BER 1:1, 1891. tTHE IMES Ladies run no risk in buying our Kid (:love*, as we guarantee nearly m nes and take hack any not satisfactory to return to the manufacturers. Io - .peition inviteti- Higllst price paid it* I purr. W. ACHESON & SON. BARBERS' SUPPLIES COSMETIQUES 1 T rtk'.Irtrawoh.6gtlshsod' stkee, t Pearl. Pirtle% Joasi and Colgate's. • SHAVING SOAP soli', LATHER BRUSHES ' lent" ;4' " Kangaroo Straps, Rose Magnesia, Moustache Wax ; Egyptian Pimple Cure and Miraculous Water For the completion. New goods. and 'hr most popuLr articles in use. THE PHARMACY, •I to on Sundays, for Dispensing *ad Medicinal; only. f GEO. A. FEAR Dispensing and Fatuity Chemist, Successor to DEA). RHYNAS. Dederick, Oat. FURNITURE. IN EVERY VARIETY. in opening for the tell trade I eller • goat Parlor Suite, walnut frame. 1n best Mir cloth for $'a.eD eat cask. Also .tae In mite rotas plush. $51.014, awl wilier toles up to 1140.00.100-110 sped et la Redre.ta Salus a geed hue tro* 412.1.artto I aunt Ettsorioi, 9.Wes from N 00 to IHS.ea. I Isere Ossa tryta( to brie( priors within the reach of all classes. i carry a large hue of WINDOW SHADES and CURTAIN PULva. 1 help a large of PICTURE MOULDING and will frame as cheap - 1h any one else. Is aha t: Ntworragtxu I have everyihten sere esty to a Gnu -cleft estab:iednn eat. 1 nave •twat'• It Neck Steck alma Caskets sod Coles and for children In white .•lnboteea plush said shite velvet. 1 have had *Mut W years' •xtnrtenx. la all the &Dere eau win Aad prions rigid. DANIEL GORDON Om door Last of Hack of Montreal. Wetst-et., Oodertch. )n One Dollar BARGAIN COUNTER. Just in time for the wet weather Johnston Carey iNTRODUCES THiS WEr A $1.00 COUNTER which you will final about 500 pairs women's, men's, minium' and boys' BOOTS AND SHOES That Dost from $1.25 to 81.75 wholesale, huh they must go for the 181.00, ss they are hoes we intend ,l ping; benthe ascrtflce in price•. Clore buyers,doo't nit this plum. We have just�p tad beam se oar shelves one of the largest stacks of Iadiee',regna', misses' end children's Roots and 'bo.e in the county, front the leading of the Dominion. which will be told at slaughter pries. also a cash discount will be gives. Repairing door tetter than the bent, and as cheap as the cheapest. Men-* half solos. 50c. ENLARGED WEEKLY LOBE JOHNSTON CAREY, On the D G-oderioh. 'I" I-1 t9c-)2 16 PACES I' "r AND BALANCE OF 1891 ONLY e ONE DOLLAR THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE. 10 PAZ ! NO (MEW' EOOES ! NO JACK-KNIVES SCISSORS OR CATCH A tot*.o t OFFERS 1 sign A CLEAN. WE ;LE3OII[! FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. - Commencing with the i -flue of ;th October TuE WEEKLY CLont: will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve ()ages as _ - , fore. making it the largest and best family newspaper in Canada Every effort will be devote I to making it BRIGHT, READABLE, ACCURATE and IX TlRI. .TI I. ju all its departments. Special pains will be taken with its Agricultural Pages. and MORE SPACE WILL RE UFVOTEI1 TO SELECT READING: FOR TNM FAMILY. SURSCRiKi:Rt; Wllr)!tr f)Rnt'1:" ..k1. KFF,..:Li 'FI) PREVIOUS TO 31st Dce-1ruAc�1$a .. Wll.l. "AVE Till: PATER S. NT THEM UNTIL CLOSE OF 159, FOR I Illi (1\K V'I-AK % `UltSeKIPTiON. '11 1. A , iS 13 month' vela f 6-pooe for $i to IS1 evert. lair who subscribes now. AGENTS \VAATkfi IN AL1. 1.1NREPRES1:NTED 1STRiCTS. D • For term*, adti. c: BEST, SIMINE$T, BEST. Heal.. ao Muir, &canteen • Link R. W. «LL$TT. Tereass. ops. DUNN'SI nrc�raWE�erdmo eesaLa • y..• k h...e ism. by sae a 4..4" 1.• •.q. \. \ ..•, w w► M Y 1.r•t•• yes r. •• _k. ••r..t•. 1.1 •• . ...•f-•.•l••y 1..w t...•• a.•_f. •i• • A•..• ••• soon. ••e • w. • r t• 11Ma...•.188.1 Mew 1. say pee •e. •••••‘•. ,•.•.MX-11ii"w. Iran.. • e.a ... ....••bw...*.e._•.•r.w..•; •.- •N •w•. A.. la r•. •...a•, y Nl e • .er w•Aw N• ".,1 S. r.t•y 1114• S.11.1, •rxi<l1,Lt M*.A• pros 1-A KTKCI-•1:8CI-•1:85►ldL A.ai,••••.,,• •l nalS • (a. twitLa►•, *An._ AND TUE lypeplutphitie of LW ad kb. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous lous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility. &c. Beware Oa imitations. Ask for `the D. & L." Emulaioek sad refine all others. PING( DOC ANO $t PIR sOTTtt. Sold by F. Jordan. SYSTEM rale Ginn TCATlo Rt:ti LW Lw. R.mw aat s raw hosts • Our that grow by she eloetrie Bight— Wild The wase who araaet keep • asres tassapa M kskd bee age all right Wlsdigis[ makes • Dock go, bat it has as opposite eN.ae upon as Anotrast cunt- flan sell goods for less than cost, but it requires good common sense and business ability to get s fair all-around profit and please your patrons. COOL llwtl r—••I hear that Tintia ng girl has iaJwai bias to giro ep his aerate " Y •bs- by---"H'w►' Thera men Ura any of the hays eowld aver do." "Mir," mid the tailor, "my suits talk for me "But, my dear air!" ezpi .telcted the etMktmur, "Dan you aspect ase to believe statements trade out of We whole cloth`" Wilkie* "Before you stoke • emu me that he 4..,,,e it." Billkina-"Pooh ! I have • better rule dies that." Wilkin.-- • What is it pray!" Balkh. -•flee tont he is smaller than you." tt'dl - "How many girls did you became snMed to durissg yourvacation!" Arthur l%lerea." Wvacation!"-"It rust have cost you • pretty panty." Arthur -"Well, yes; the rings oust me SLID • boons whole ack. Ponaow ala that Pompano coming dos way, ur.," 1)e '1'wiliger Tw'•Peat Pow1y —"Lot's doe down this street. I have every reams to believe diet be bas the first photograph of hu first baby is his pocked,- 1tatper• Haran. •'1 hear that water is sold at YS mints a w the rawly opened Lada of Okla hams. Is it so!' Quite likely," replied the returned boomer. "1 Jowl know, - though. I didn't bare dons to wash while _ l sou there." Lady hat charity baser) -"Mr. ('1•tssfist, wont you buy this ria! It 1. only 8S." Mr. Chartist "Very lorry, madam, but it is rather too dear for rte." Lady (biose the res)—."Aal sow!" Mr. Cloy. ut (with a low bow) --"Now it is priceless." Tho Clao and the N lased, A cant who bad become very much die- guataltsith uts station to life paid • visit to a wdl known Wizard who dwelt uear tbe w shore and said •41, N'imar.f, i stn ;mute to ask a great favor of you. As a !lain 1 am an object of ridicule, sad the funny man is always cam -king jokes .m me. I want to be trans- posed into • bird , The Wizard, woo bad dipped of his Sante Fe stock before the slump and then - fore felt in good humor, waved his haul and the is.. Bow away. Ho returned in about ad hour, however, to loudly com- plain : •'O, Wizard, as • Chun 1 had to put up with only ridicule. but as a bwtetd 1 am the object of everybody's awtrtnpt." ••Well.then, "replied the W Trawl, being as you are neither satiatied to be a Ularn nor a - bird,l'll make • snail of yet," and he forth , with gave Wei a shell and curled him up in • sct.ihill. wVaAL In trying to be somebody else we may come to nothing. Specific, and Antidote for - Impure. w-eak rind impoverisher blood, dys- pepsia, •leeple.•ner, palpitation of the heart, (deer complaint, neuralgia, In.. of memory. bronchitis, -, , gall stons, jaundice, kidney and urinary disease*. St. Vitus dance. female ii ie- uaritie. and venerel debility. LABORATORY. MODERIgU. ONTARIO. J. Vii. UeLEU►I), Proertctor earl Y • Mt Lxoo's r•Trls itsirovaroa ilia be awl trout all Aru taint• la tensa. no sell es from til the &modsta between Owes tioaad tad dsforth. Hrum;**. Durkee, sod Toronto. Y117.17. 3::,,,ti,.......:......./...I•r,.:..,.',r... .,d•5. .••e d •h• ••.a tate, •.......e.• t.... —4 lI1 tai.•. . itib- .*-.+A.•"w Ne*..•a 1.01 oho Alwr M die•, t ..q.•......st • mt. •urn•• w.. that r••ist M t.rwr._•.....•..w• 11s•n•a~�a1.t•. F.• ............. r, ..�.a.ar W...• 7 r L.-1,......„ . t_w.. Allo Y ors rs x. R. as. w.e.wa. Italsea Goderich Steam Boiler Works Established Irl. Chrystal 8: Black. SECOND BARD IACBINEBY In Stock For Sale: 1 50 -horse -power u p r l g ht boiler. all complete. 16 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horizontal boiler. complete. 1 50 -horse -power elide Wive engine. all oosnplete. The above Dave been thor1�oe� g.gb.• ly led and warranted in first oleos oondition. Ready lbs. immediate deliver, and will be sold cheap. MIK ANION win lib as,a•s ypa.p+p etwteea ami. 'i� 11 L G 1• O B L. TORONTO. P.O. BOX 11111. The Pouf* .f sae Plows. :L• Prinaw had three beaux .he said she would marry the one who could tell her how maty plums she bad in her basket. Lover No. 1 was to take one-half of then, and .vete more; over No. 2 a•m to take half of what remained and three snore, while the third Leer ahnald take half of what remained and three more. whereupon the basket would be emptied. How man) plums did the asllov The man she ed solved the problem, and the Princess gave herself all the plums W him, bestowing the empty basket on the two uuuatheratiaal fellows who couldn't solve it. Debt's. trop Grip. Beeche-1 think, Howy, the best thing you an do is to make up with the gorrroot and save your ,Honey to pay your debt* with. t:ibbou- -.sod wear old clothes! threat Soott! Rocky, I'd ruin my credit forever. Noah. It always has seemed queer to m., :nor reams' yet Pre hoist. That Noah ebuokh bars goer W .ea For tear of being drowned. Nothing Goat. Waiter—Haven't you forgotten sane tbtsg. sir! t'ustotar--No, I guess not. Did you Gad anything. rattly. ' Heti porter 1 called No. 11 an hoot IsS.srly this morning. CYrk--Lid he get up! Patter He got his back up. The C.leael Takes • Treatment. Doctor --Did you lathe in the whiskey- aad.water, as I prescribed.! Col. Bourbon. Yee, thoroughly. I nasi the water os the outside and the whiskey en the inside. xteeA.ser Wealth. Jones --They may that fat man over then is a millionaire- Smith--(ues not. Thai man has too happy as expression row his face to be s mil Iionsirr. -Testa Siftings. Miele They Awehe. Dr. Poser "I'm sorry on weren't at church last Sunda) , ItAitler Sinnick. 0, bot there was a great awakenlag.•• Hinnick When the organ began to pay after your ssrmon, I aupposs.' Out of strut. "There was a fight deet the strait a little while ago. het they couldn't Aad e detective." "What use did they have for • detective?" "They wanted him to Aad a potion/ran" A Fns... rural.• >• Mw,. Rangnni, the farness Italia& mu m- taineer, has recently made an ascent a the highest peak 04 the Oriler Mountain., whiei has t mer before been reached by • (awed( tourist. reread t. 1t. Melton i ase that Mauger Me balsa e/ his Lobus *hot woo the difficulty? Melton--Hefowled out that Mgnalleg get alarriad without rattle, • ass dose sem ihopaed se )led.ew a....... "Aug w, Address." remarked tie Mon- day as be brought W reefaw elf tie Lewes tea else*, "if the My irks brow his father tad seaher ie to &midi twig IN Ow lend what may we ems - dads as Se Mr bay wbe des ..s1 8.1Ra hies iu Nv surae el Ills dhgbds, with dues .wish Me Net PMisr -Ala, yeas was. you wast to gengliterf wTsu.gy R'IA.sA. Tee, gr. ter lift sr --Wen, what are yearenvie- Imams" Tete, Mar t you to ant #es resp drlRasat, awl 11,..... a •hall base t• gsa sap fid vlthwat it. 85 The Public Look with Suspicion On the man who sells below cost; either the goods are worthless or he will take adsaa- tage some other way to make up the loss. okittik IF VOU WANT TO BE FAIRLY TREATED ALL AROUND --CALL Olf ALECK SAUNDERS WFST STREET. Every customer treated alike except Mr. Cash. special attention. Take a pointer. NEW GOODS He gets Are Being Added to Stock Ivory Day, Some New Lines far wedding Gift. Library Lamps, Carpet Sweepers, Decorated Parlor Lamps. Silver-plated Ware, Knives and Forks. A Useful Gift Well be long Remembered_ The "Prise" Carpet Sweeper The epitome of all the rest. Swc-ep, sweep, gaily sang he Upon the chimney so high, Sweep, sweep, gaily sang she Down in the parlor near by. THE LATEST PRODt 'PION OF I see a maid, sang the sweep up aloft, Sweeping so gaily and free, She has a sweeper—she calls it her " Prize," Oh. don't I wish it was use. Tuts BISSELL CARPET SWEEPER COMPANY. I Zan tits SOLI CONTl1CL of Tt for the Town. When To Bay a Sweeper est the Befit. KEEP YOURFeer DRY.EPPS'S COCOA I BRzwaras*r. "By a thor.mgh knowledge of the natural i.w. whish govern the operations of digestion std nutrition. *.d by a noire/el appltatton of t be Ane neopertte• of weH-sideaed cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately Csvoured beverage whleh mal save us many heavy doctors' M11s. It is by the Jodi- -low use of each articles of tliet that a comet - tunas may be gredlalty built up until strait =tired. resist every tendency to Atacama. Hes red. of subtle maladies are (Medea around us read attack wberever there is • weak point. thu. e may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood std a properly nourished frame.' -- Vied Service Gatefte. Mar's st'Ply with billing water or wink. S..laf'ouly in plckeu•by tinware, lshetled thus J.tr1Fx EPPS ea w.. 1 (Teem. fel.•. 1 wins. Lagiatsd. D" LOWS ORM SYRUP o• AND REMOVE MAD 14 Or ALL KINDS 1N CKILDR5111 OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT HARM THE MOST ONLICATC C1 -11L0 $9001r f3� L.e1 2and t omm►seloa FOALen tad Wanes. Teach- ers and Cler(ymee to introduce a tsew atsd peputar pttMardd beet. Testimony of 10 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The mem rem a rk•ble rell¢ow book of the age ..ental, by :rD rraises' gavots re. Non-sect •rlao Kerry( ..riaian watts it. Kzcloelve territory Riven. Ap]7 to TM Sera Neu riaMMM*�.. s'.. %.rwieelh. tens. �tf PATENTS: MEA ti, 1110E ■ANAS 111111 C8PIRNRTS Obeaiseel, and an business In the t . e. Pates Oeloe attended to at MODRLATl FALCR Our dine Is to the U. B. Patent 06 has hese remsit ote from TrAIMMO O use Rand WO.DLL OF DNA WINO. of .ree s ad St.entakts NO CNA duos Ity UNL Wit Oa - PAIN PAPAW?. We Mer, hove, M the Poststaater, the e Lgh� pkv„ avid to officials of the ur- U. !. Phte&t� Oiled. Ter etreular. advice. tortes sae regresses to cental attests i• veer alta gauss es Wet tv. write to • a MOW Ste.. •8 lrlMelrs,Wa.bfagmn.D.o NEW ARRIVAL SUMMER GOODS. LATEST STYLES. fine ns — t b e eat. Pe eNlal NIB sail showy shausa. H. DUNLOP, " 1a. wess,L Walk N This can be done at a very small cost by purchasing your foot wear at the old -established and reliable Shoe Store of E_ DO w NTNG_ YOU WILL FIND MY Stock of Fall Goods As usual very large and complete. Prices lower than the lowest. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. I give special attention to ordered work and repairing and I have the workmen to do the work. FOR E. DOWNING. STRENGTH, .. f AND FLAVOR. THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Try a sample package. CHAS. A. NAIRN, Grocer. Fall MIIIIn.ryl JUNiGIOPEIND--A�i•� astosroolt OT s OP LAMLR' AND 21I5RSIW Hats and Bonnets, Fancy Wings and Trimmings. a slsstping dnne i& Bret -clan. style. Call arid or tea Bylaw and eggs take. i. towbar/se for trade. THE MISSES YATES. tt(ars O Y" r