HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-13, Page 6fr THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1891. ,w,.. yt-ma". GIVING UP BUSIIITESS $12,000.00 TOS 13E S A ORj -ri i -OED .AT ONCE_ Having spent over twenty years in the Dry Goods business in Goderich,I have decided to sell out, and my whole stock of over $12,000.00 will be sold at prices never before heard of is this section. The sale will be conducted on the same busi- ness principles as heretofore, all goods being marked in plain figures showing the regular price and the reduced price, caking A GENUINE CLEARING SALE Of the largest and best stock of Dry Goods ever offered in Goderich, consisting of Dress Goods, Dress Silks, Velveteens, Furs, Sealettes, Jackets, Rubber Circulars, Ulsters, Carpets, Curtains, Mantle Cloths, Tweeds, Worsteds, Overcoating, Gents' Furnishings, Flannels, Cottons, Tiokings, Canton Flannels, Shirtings, • Cottonades, Flannelettes, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Fingering Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Berlin and Zephyr Wools, all Shades, Linings, Small Wares, Etc., Etc., Etc. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD AT COST OR UNDER Sale commences Nova 13th. JOHN TERMS, CASH. ■ All book accounts must be settled at once. A SAD RECEPTION AWAITS Ma pMtei dekal.•* flea ramose Nemo Vi'. ladia t. as" Nis tib eb... Ktve.rovi, Nov. 5. .lfuaiel Rinds, girder a *anew* of life imprisannr►. aid who was yesterday brought t., the pwitentiary Iran Htnitford, has • ...n no India. Some weeks ago hr sent wird tnat iia wow owning hone W see lua nothe:•. Nn weed et her earl end meali be scut t., limo es the family del not have his add.,... R will low a se. ere bow to this crow :.iao to eons home and 8rd:his mother .le,..l awl his father undergoing a life waterer (ocher murder. LRRAIoNEO FOR CONSPIRACY. (h-r.awa, Sot-. 5hi Ihr Pollee ("curt you en:lay Michael l.outedly. Niel oL... ('o ai oIly. •Hon. Thou•* Il.. ;nervy awl Pal rick Larkin were all arraigned fur defraud ing the l:o ermnent alwl tee Harbor ('.a..- mu,ssiorsra of Vuelw•.• .1 corium sun., ..t money. Slr. Lash. Q.t .. Toronto. appeared for Larkin. and Engine. of lht:.wa and Stuart of Quebec for TIM r. 11.. and Mr$:reevy. 11. B. tater .YM.lsn•ted the After oenw din.'u,raws I"•►N.•, .c ile Magistrate and -counsel it to. .{.•• .d."i to remand the defendants until Th re week. Mattie 1'. (•ooaolly. bor.kkeepee r'1 the firm, was !sawed over in the .airs of $:1oMl sad too defen.lanta to tlw tum of IjlIkkl, n. their owu re.ognirsncc., to appear nn Thut.da• wee., ulna' rbc .ase will r,.ne- sap A w•arraat way, weed for Richard ken matt, bookkeeper e. 1. rku.. who did not eery ties wmzott.. lloraor Talbot and i:n:.• Itiurtne, lately at the Public Work. lirpairtwent, wile ohm with .1 1'. I arose, formerly t is taloa. for defrauding the Public Works of certain suns of money. 'the story as to how Talisa •awl Dionne got rda g.d thter their own use from Larose, and e rune on fat..mi. olds. 1a the was Ira! lure .awl fully irreeti- tad at the Public Ac..e.nr. (omtnitte.. The case was enlarged taw a wo.,1, and tle prisoners admitted to bail ut $1900 each. Dreamed the !'rain el n. Itrocked Kv!n.srs v, Nov. 5. `ihoitly alter the train that is due is Toronto at 11.911 . nl left Kispta Monday. an exciting incident occurred. A uta, wino has I.•en peacefully sleeping suddenly en.e and .rade a wild rush for the door sod threw himself boon the Inoving train. The train ela. stopped, • t•e tsaa.argetw and the train aiu hand. troNA - the tea. k to render a. mangle.! r e (iiSarre or to pot =► u.. =time titItlbsl, scotch m sans WNa time the reliefp� Pty rn:urn...1 1.. ibe Was. Their s*epr(m• may 1b unarms.! 4/111111Shay mow ►►►ii%Ieaa calmly .•atrd in the (IR labg his tale d w It appears while dseping he dreamed . bait t here was a woe* tem the track, that the train arra vuelejiblattlong to datrnctwie and that safety lay in jnmpirg, which he Imitrieg with • f.w - tial demo Mew titrant. DIM Cynic*, Mev. 4. -At the Haldimand Area. yesterday. H•mral A. t nano, seed St was swtenced to 8r' yew, • .n Ole Twill ts.tary ter Memo. Hie wife i»•leve. him irner•sat and stack to hien len.,( the last. Rha stood tssaittg splash the d..'k when he receival the montane, Before lb•rng taken hack to his toll M leaned ore► anti bade lar ea a&rtisrat. gond-hyo. Whys asked whist as had M say why he sbeuld tint re - mem a.nta.ee, 1. generated his IanMMnr. sail .largod has eldest daughter wlM her - bNip*� shirrfate ether gid to lewr (shne What there, 1huaks. NEW \'..Ill:. Nov. 3. -Whet' sew at his lresidem a ip Ma.lison-avenue yesterday a i reporter, r. • 1'resulent (:rover ('IeveLa:id i ga.c hu opaawhu on the result of Tuesday s ,.kctiou as follows: "Any man who still thinks that tariff reform is a settled and ;obsolete issue, for that the importance of (sound and ode ninny is a ctueeti.w upon which the pe:rple can lir blinded. i• altos wilfully wring or dangerously dull." Thy Wirer t.a.a liter All, (•o1.4•wnt-+. Ohio, Nor. s. l:oreruor ('amplrll takes the situation pdiiloa.phi- odic red ..aye that the Democratic party was laboring louder too great a hamlieep in (Nino, heeauee of lack of funds to py legiti- mate expenses of the caripwigii. Brigs. %M siwntY of Her..y. Nn w YORK. Nev. 5. -The Nee Fork Presbytery to try- Prof. C. A. Briggs of the l uidwi Theological Seminary for heresy met to -day. The sesaiosu was most mwsp e. teddy tim.hr.l at 6 ..clock yesterday. The J,r - l -tery dismissal the c lurgre presented at the tictnlrr eussiusa. A Frightful Crow Re parsed /M @Wad. 11'.LL e.., Nov. S --A frightful crime oc- curn.l at IentRe . Poland A Jewish tim- ber merchant and Ills entire family of 12 were murdered hl rubbers, tie . house robbed and set on tine, and the bodies Inst red. K.ssu.. uuldl.r. Kill.] i. a W{.ek. ST. Pi rt: woo r xis. Nov. .i. --A tram QM - ver tug n targe number of soldiers was .lo rude.; at Ivan ,,r..la to -day. Three d the aulohrry, were kilh.l and 15 Injured. lea.g.d Meal ..If 0. a Iewalb Walter New 'Volta. Nov. a. ---John Cramer. • janitor, yesterday shot his wife Mary in the temple. caustic" gg a fatal wound. 1'miner then went to the roof of the house and hong himself nn the dumb waiter shaft. Case, je•In. ay. Mreagle.l by a Norkrhala. Wa"err m n. MAIM_ Nov. 3. Harry tonal, an unmarried operative in the %Fest Dwdley paper mill. went to the cellar to turn water into a water -cheat and a large silver '4..• which hr loner about his neck , as 1.t a nut on the shaft. which drew the un-ffortunate nun to hie death. When food he was en hii knees. the shaft was stopped and he was black in the face. &lard by Slim Teeth. YrLparaca. Nov. 5.- While eating &u tappet last evening Thomas Flynn. • man g. .w•alt•.wed hu (ales batik wail) sad wchoked to death. cc� Jr, a. Mos?Rast.0 [Inv. 5. -The Canadia• Puri - fir Railway return of tnfhr runnings from Oct. 4I to (let. 31, Dial It NI, 101511,000: t4N0, $6102,4110; increase for 1,4111, $54,000. Thr.. Feet of waew. F . N R.. Nov. S -- Who. Fredericton is rejoicing in anon held. the people of N illiatwhrrrg, eel man.' •r'.1.. away. hare lhrtr deo rrsrd. end n, Inc rot net-. decorated with dolts of mew es trio beep. sone Mer Weesbet Rtart.a.n, Oragea Nov. 5. -The Ilri1Mh .hip Mtartklww, iron Howdah', wwt behove RI mike north of Astoria yti Hanby. IN 31m heard 0n wear. tiMlnMl. iaol captain. Tl. rased i • tail Imo loinameta Uafmant •maw Serra.. to. ODDS AND ENOS. l awoken throat, Dough*. etc. Save i)50 by UM of one bottle. Warranted the most rt.ard'• Liniment relates Seeptrta. wonderful blerni.h curr ever known. gold by F. Jordan. 95' 1 \" Woman is like a cigar. Fon cannot judge the tilting by the wrapper. Pittsburg Dispatch. .\ chi%alron• roan will never make light of an old flame Itodon 1;azette. 11 is safe to use Freeman's Worm low - tiers, as they act only ow the worms and tlo I not injure the child. lm Lucifer was the first person on record to ' be helie.l up. Detroit Free Preis Painful burns, bruised. scalds and cote are quickly soothed and healed by Victoria t arbolie Wer. 1m A fool doesn't care for sight seei.g-he ie satisfied with a simple look. Elmira $.az- ette. The condi;nation of ingredient. f,.gn.l in Ayer'. Pill, renders thorn tome and curs tire as well aa cathartic. For this reason ! they are the lent medicine for people of I co$t re habit. aa they restore the natural action of the bowels, without debilitating. As lawyers would put it, Mother Eve had to take a nonsuit in an appellate court. 4'bicaln, Ti noes. Prompt. potent and permanent results always mine from the nae of Sldburn'a Aro- matte Quinine Nine. In: t All's well that ends well in a eon.cution of phyriciaa.. Rochester Past. Sick headache caused ).y etoeas of bile or' a disordered stonach is promptly relie.ed by using National fills. 1n A man with an elastic step should le aide to walk for. • lmrg stretch. Baltimore American. Itch, mange and scratches of every kiwi, on human ar animals, cute.( in 30 nunutes by 11'oolfned'sSsaitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-1y \ oil often hear men .ay. " I'll tell you what sued of • isan l am," lett they never do it. .Atchison Globe. Ladies, if you are suffering fermi tiny of the ailment peculiar to your sec give Dr. Watteau' Pink Pills • trial They will not fail you. Mold by all deals. The farmer who closely packs lois load of wood is sure to strike the popular chord. - l-owell (Minor. Children almost invariably rotifer from catarrh at this season. ito not neglect it until per consumption is oleo eloped, trot apply Nsea Nim at once It never fail., o cure, A liquid laugh may be infe no:no, haat it is not considered as stimulating .a a liquid " smile.- Yonkers Ilane Le. Both sir and orator .retin d in microbes, or germ% of di•seiss, ready to infect the de hilitated .y.t.em. To impart that strength and vigor a.nessary to mast the effect of these perimeiowws atoms, no tonic blood -puri- fier equals Ayer'. Sarsaparilla. How much realer it is to sit by the tire and resolve to do good than it i* to go out an the rote and do it '-IN.s. it (Tee. 1 dig nal e When our hopeful er.eres home and tells us of as increase in his salary we can aroma mat feel the glow of the sola rise Roston 1',airier. KnglMh Sparta Liniment mennoes all and hasomisless ham ho soft o,, blse Inilogood atafba p+htt. Nag, iesq array, Alma weir, mem ani Ill.atd . i/asnMM semen ttaadr.r. "Queer, 1se't it. that the poor almost al- ways base such targe families?" '• Fes : I have noticed It. 1 here seems to he a direct propurtihn between apualler and poverty. so to speak. Indianapolis Journal Blotches. Pimples, liver ptctien. U. M. D. nab, quirk eisnstebee. Drives aw•) in. antral tumors. Clears:le Wood trompoionous Iarmor; Ailing oat. whusier,no he. Trr the worth or U. ht. D.-- whicia is the great $;olden Medical Discov- ery of lir. fierce a wonderful tonic and Wood purifier. The „ tbeeo.•ery " is • standard remedy for consumptioo, bron- chitis, colds and lung troubles : guaranteed to benefit or cure, if taken on tone, or money refunde.1. Alphonse Daudet, the French author. who is reported to Ise dying, was a .•Dunt ry school teacher earning a very scant luring when he set mit for Pari, to better his condition. Twenty years later he was paid for his "Sappho ' the iargst auto ever received by ar. author for :i novel. a Pleaccee Nero -• oaring mdopa. The druggists tell w that people call daily for the new cure for constipation and sick -headache discovered by ilr. Silas Lane It is raid to he Oregon grape root Is great remedy in the far West fortboscomptaint) combined with simple herbs, at .'. i• made for use by pouring on boiling water to draw out the strength. it sells at b0e. and 31 a package and is celled Lane's Family Medi - cin.. q2 row') The ;rand llttabeaM u, who is repor tad to be can of the fist reseed women in Russia, gets but few of her gowns from Paris. she learned erienti8i eke raking in London, and with the and of a coop& of clever sermon of her bemd.haieher seaka• nearly wl the dreams intettdeifer beam tin. Only bar g•M atenrze. coma frosts deo ase Sats of Pate A *!.able tweet. home Sis•, -I hate used Hagyaril's Pec to Sal Balsam for bronchitis and Mel with the best resell, and can highly rough, it to all ..hers,.. it.mwxit Pranuty. 2 9110 Delawmw At., Tomato. A New \ irk maw emitted (le f.milp of f rels4ice is the oo.Otry Wimire its was eat a welcome guest by say trans* et $..ala After **stator had spirt •.ettph 4 *mg" Ida mach di.gwtwd hew .sal ore morals/ at the lera•►fooa table " Dear eealla. elsal think your family will ilia you palm fully • You eL t sat to oris (ham Aso so math." By Jen, ilbt'aes," e.alaineo1 1M New Tacker : i'll tehlgrap$ Atom es .rasa right .e hem" IAd. tee wbteb MAYA and Oast Old Keyte ssb..ld tared. Having been asked by friends frequently for advice for their boys in handling runs, says a writer in " Forest sad Stream," I send you • digest of same. Perhaps, as the ebootiog season will now be on soon, you might think them worth pblication : Empty or loaded, point • gin to ward. yourself or any other person. When a -field, carry your gun at the half- cock. if iu .neer, let your hand shield the hammer' from whipping twigs. When relief/ Inez one shooting ground to another, or whenever you leave your gun in any . - . remove the cartridges, if a breech -leader, it betel so easy to replace therm. if a muzzle -loader, remove the trap, brush off the nipples. and place a wad oa nipple, letting down the hammers or wads -simply removing naps sezetitees leers. a little fulminate on the nipple, and a blow on the hammer when down diaehargs t 1. Never draw a gun toward you by the barrels. More care is sem ewsary in the use of a gen in a boat then elsewhere : the limited apace, confined action and uncertain motion mak- ing it dangerous at the best. if ponible,so lore than two persons should occupy • boat. f , gutta are • ooastast danger to persons boating. Always clean your gun thoroughly as moo as you return from • day's sport, no matter how tired you feel : the eonasousinee of it always being ready for service is at* return for the few :nineties' irksome la- bor. HOW TO HANDLE GUNS. A Mvrrr Atlaek- Dealt Sinn, My children were taken ill with ulcerated sore throat bordering on diphtheria. I had nothing in the iwroea hot H•gyard a Fallow Oil which i mod with great benefit. 1 awl sure if it had not been for it the disown would here developed into diphtheria. 1t is s splendid medicine. 2 Mao F. ('sago". Moore's Salo, Out. When the anatomy of a soda foanti■ is defective it• fizziol.gieal coaditiom shows it at o•c.. --W a•hingtoa Star. M Its. heals ' i)on't d.lay. Tak. Kemp'* Balsam, the boot categh core. It will run Doughs wad cold.. It will cure sore throat or a tickling in the throat. It will cin pans in the chest. It will cure inflame' end bronchitis and all disease• pertaining to the longs, be- ce.s. it is a pare halms. Hold it to the light and sae how clear and thick it is You sea the exact ltat sleet after taking the first dose. Largo Spoils* boa. and •1. (2 -solo) There u setting so anemone; as • wait. Ily when ties wait is cawserl7 agarsw(►ywiw.-ilaghamteaLawlor . M.. now Keep the head roof, the feet warm and the bowels ngetar, aawi lb disarm e•r at tack pm This is • asbkrateA Owner, phyiia's advice,, and aril bat he wean pBimlti by taming ItitMiwk Bleed Bitter., lies loot reg.latnr and poriger known ft turas all disorders of the stomach, Ther, hors& sad Mood. 2 The ymng man babied ties nibbw *main« is net aaesswarily modest at bosoms iia tarn all enlaw -- Vaulters . • ata t►aFya. A sea ys i• ae . vs sad tatoa - time .e1pii.a, rape whet► May mil iter as regards health w to be 1 by- yam* taking I:urdock Blood Rit- ters •ooattiittR to diretwas. It . aapseitic for aripsp ia, *imam Sin Went. N tedwt s the liver, bomb sail Wimp and reauwes all impure vialbar Sin ias systeul. 2 The numettaisialeaddiaseas reported mdi .ate that sisals am tut made of aa good 1 ma tergal as they weer is other days. New Or• loam Picayune. Alfred .1 Taylor. of Margaree Harbor. says: "One bottle MINARETS LINIMENT cured a swelling of the gamble luiat awl sync a horse worth 3140.i Thos. W. Payac, of Bathurst. saved the life of a valuable horse that tee "Vet." hail given up. with a few bottle of MiN- .1ItUS LINEN ENT. lin Thd good aiebs a 70•1 Nod. -it u more blessed to tM to recirve,' and will understood tb►s►i.gAteliers= t noise.ink well _^ 1. Mut Sue., i am happy to say 1 have used Hagyard'. Yellow Oil f ,r burns. bruis- es, .pr•ins and cut and find that there is nothing better. I recommend it to all my friends around herr. 2 Al.t's 1.. kh{sou,Soarim, Man. .Lipoa says that these Nie Ines who go to political meetings bet l it thaw with out inebriating.--EWraUse en sae caw 55 Warm. The tear of Russia pesteil1g las his own troubles as well as we eemmmist tlAsttals. Where we have the advntoop fp such trembles as dyspepsia, bilisttaatttBy peau. potion, bad blood and tks lib ham being able to procure easily a pertest viol in Burdoek Blood Mn itte, ontere i grand re- storative tonic sad purifier 2 We newer new • man an sanctitod that he .mated whoa he paid his taxes.-- Martha's Vinyard Herald!. lord's Limners. Ar MN every aliens. The &tad el titan W be stakes More maPrl. It isn't the roan who tris to flirt with every pretty girl he seen. it hal the aria who thinks moire of his mustache and white hands than be dos of anything sloe in the whole wide world, unless it is his elothee and polished boots. It isn't the ma who is contented to have no bssin.s on his mind that he can shirk out of, and who is willing to depend for support on " father.' it is•'t the mow who is an elo.)uwtarwee ful talker erns* j friends and whamof mily never hear a civil answer from hie lips. it i.a't tele mag who hurries ayb.ad d Jou n p the elevated dap, Isaring you to climb wavily .p as boot you cats, and who is tot ailicitoes as to whether you alt er ' taxa. In .bort. tb. 0.1 wean who can really make lama • parodies on rsrth for a weauta la the Inas win loan Iso so well les 1. over . slid(.., ler her emery emalfert ; lobe thinks of her welfare Wars 1. does d his mimosa who 1w • Moe far W mother, his aeras, tad the hems of kis boyhood. - Youeg Lila& Save. Kerte Bros* Path$... Dashed. WI.yttin', (hit., Nov. 5. -111 the North Brm'e election case briber' was proves. Iwr agency eoubl not he pro% ed and the pedal to unseat Porter was dismissed vita's* costs. nM Neet.r's Csssastted sat. Twwas Riyzaa, Nov. 5. -The aimless Petition against the return d Sir Hector Lang. to for 'Three Rivers has bow dirt missed with coat Wilt Tarte nitre! Qrtscc, Nor. S. -It is reported thee J. Swap Tarte will resign his mat in !pont• tuo envy to -morrow and Lieut. -4:o. As,;rr. will be the candidate for the constituency Pined for tb. C.mmea.. Qranve. Nov. S. • -It is definitely decided that Kraut Paosud will he a candidate fat the Hoarse of Commons in Quebec Wert. rendered ra.•aot bss th. ezpp�skire from Par liament d Hos.T on a. P.ittteat ,.tats, Hon. J. A. Chaplain will likely be tea dere.! • banquet in Montreal at an early date. Sir A P. ( iron bee issued a. order Mr scrip for the maulers of the Regina .otos leer, who served to Ili $. The Brantford Home Guards and others have still to here their eerie passed. Mr. C. R. limbo. SLP'., is still la Notre Dame Hospital, Montreal. but will be Mese on Matunlay. A ea. -armful operation way performed upon hie throat earl last week and his coalition lira ben' steadily insprsv' ing Inc.. K.repss. Mali a.bsidl. (API/UM No.. 5. -Efforts are being made to embarrass the Canadian 1 orornnwmt ro it efforts to induce capitalists to under, take a feat At/antic mail service. The Oracle publishes • 1m% anonytnoca algid° again (aaaada, «hiicckk r(tlfcwles the t hs arwus•nt a odor d £130.($Jt It ssy. flat that the Allan line is quite prepared te giro np the mail lovelies and carry mote instead. It suggests that the (Iorernawat moat guarantee • moderate tate et inter•@ ar the capital required to (Mild anti "quip • $test of fast steamers This is as old proposal of the Allan sad other !lore, aka* the (ioveswmesnt and olbsr frim..° d (lords r.jit.d beeau.e' it was hollered 11 Ilse .series way b pec" a ander it mrd is. maw•go.l w r•pII ram m.reW has at t1a risk d tie ownlera The gam.ral 1eolitng hen h that I1 the iso aidy ° i•aufioiawt it *band b. inotaamorl. Int tb. t l"enso d trot LnlMve tM eoUtrtaetor from the .sea. 17 d snaking ille savvier sucaaaateL Sidled a Dear ilea • Lanais*. W .,,tear, Oat., (lee, & -While W . C, Predenbargl and Jamas Colley wan 00011- feons 11. Narrows is their Mesas yet Meerut yesterday the ebeerr.d • door la the water about • mile dad et Westport. They gate cow and with teale dignity succeeded i. throwiag . rope roar its bete.. awl with the help ort a penknife ieepelahed it.. It was • heel weigher* 214 pour a.s.Aiar.raerw... ..a. ate••h yon• 5...-• -,- T...n.•s r /AP. .ea ei M. M .,ra r .r..• a.. aa. nr .,.6.. tin► taw. •• on..n...weo.. . dee ..+. ..o Dres Dress C l n the Irail The taahionable Special r a Ladies run no n Res and take hack ,pection invited. ytlaheat Wyton oald he *.lour. B cOSMETIQ, SHA Kangaro0 Str For the co TH open on S,aadays for I)tspeusieg and Medicine. Daly. FUR is a.eaim tar for (5.is nae, ersh. sad We la itaotoSt&al. Ilan I carry a 1A i have a t- any one else. 1s leo teaser Nterave'lstook vely l have to all the ikon • In which) you That coat from tines we Inwood d We have iota ml .-hilnrer's liominios, which w Repairing done het:, ENLARGED IS PACES THE NO NO FL SOI BUT A. OL. Comm( GLOBE Will_ heretofore. Canada. F READABLE, Special pai MORS SPAC' FAMILY. &Jest: ;tat DILA/ (ion OF 1 THIS Mots For t(