HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-13, Page 3ee of Charge, erns Given Away )R CHILDREN'S WEAK TAMPED FREE DE TO ORDER MITH'8. IYOR FOR '92? MEE t.ly el- eteeo.M* and. awe en *weer beteg see berg man ...test rr.m arm te .s roma' le ..1e fr every ser. .Snare each week bed ana. ENGLign HEALIN(: OIL FOR ALL CUTS A!i. SORER IN HOMES OR MEN. I hours. Lagt HEAD I irME lyy at & SON'S r Store. ?OSITION Ing a cash par. not a compos, their parchaae, or $10. These for silverware. Aid plata This on exhibition et on by all. Give r carmen. Steck : Fey*. Dates, ns. .3 : lltron. J W ERS, red styles. Prices right. roois, ,u want Dwest prices. INSON & Co. r C. !ret tehdicine8 at TICAL HALL. ESSIVE 1, metal and mutein Orsi chen utensils, etc. "1R,13, -Y- at the hwy. Itemlw rrisso- 1a111.a►rp era /deem Ia/t • +r+--oed ehe• i� ~vWs hien Seinen s 11.10 1010001 of Hamilton-st A Fact *MOOTS le L that Mee/ die. eery whisk MI ether temere• fail sp raw, yield he �a Renominate. Fresh esellmea_ Bios of the .tete. seen comes to bead delly. Ana lea t1ilA iIa.i etenfl , 111�e1M` W Onto asl the '7 .ew—s-ma- efadlttlMtd sant tbrw - dertul aBte a e. its. iL Dods., Illi Wu Fmk, eerlW. i - Ann ten i.r Belly 1woJz7q.w_�.ater m�Or ed bowing Med mien „memos, lsepligles Mind wen% wriest relleg. Ia baa amen*. wt�nAirso pyo that a mea 001/6. t>,e o.. Ao ir make a Bahl et the meminte. Mak it regularly tot _eight L on pleased to tang ft eiiseted a eon - pieta car.. .ad dist I bate dans had N return of lbs lineage." Mrs- L A. nark, Mena, N. Ii[ writes: "One year ego I was taken 111 with neonates, being conned testy louse .lz >•oathe. I came oat orf the Manes very m.c.h debilitated. with so appetite, and my system disordered in every wa.yy. I commenced to sea Ayer'. 8.rap.dlla and bona to improve at Dore, gating in strength and soon re- covering sty usual breath- I cannot say too much in praise of this well-known medicine." "I have tales a great deal of 'midi - eine. test Nethiag has dose me so mach geed A,yer'a I quite Pal effects bad a;te ass bottle. and I can y Shat it is the beet blood- • (reel as I Woodland. Texas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, TmarA6KD ay Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lows Masa. Pries el ; Mx teals.. it- Worth is • twwle- of."-L, W. Wand. fir., T8� Toronto House Is THE LEADIN(: DRY GOODS WORM. THE LATEST AND BEST FALL ANII ¶llPEH GOODS NOW ON VIEW. P. O'DEA, Manager. C. SEAGER, - 4 1 .. 4.. l e•a s— NEW BLOCK, —Opp.eite the Harem— Money to Lend Cheap Rates, Farmer's Notes Cashed. BEND £0c.'a etemps i.,m asahl • fe/ to ... ..d we will seed � f!ou by express, PAIN vista elegr nt •ti wficb yon as exa1saa, Stn% if you do not int ever nets then we data ter it � per TNMreny eat WacterY. tet g Exprese ir• br..w+* a rel toady e i MTheo e.awi. beetlee,, esehheirstlielly 'irr. rt�m,sat y Ser ed wewarwarit=r1SMIlliatil=eselm► t A imitable 1.r direr :urea can....i wool' Address . W. a 00+ w.te m.ttrra. SEND uay,,,e,tZ = BMW WNW NUS *1 PLUM Therei� asnos remail m fa N. ksM TALKS FOR TIL FAtiYLR TIMELY INFORMATION OF VALUE TO CANADIAN AORICULTURalik ars t*yMr mi the Mandllag 1 ant 0.tte-A Puna ea which They Ane Dever Basel ee-!fete Sd.e.t►.. taremee Me ansa. Tee warty, iI Oa Swathe headleed's stook farm is Chil- '1..aia one are .over "brakes Wham they me three dy, old grooms bap. to to kande Nis them patty. N. harsh word ever spokes in their Series, .pd they soon learn te regard en a. their Nies& Aid mass to he afraid of Skop. Their training for the trotting track begs very gradually when they are rix ..sib. 0141, mid unless they are tWerally vision, which is rarely the mats_they ones nye to be brakes One mahardly Let • cult's .decade. tee garb; the Warrid1 ie p tined the harder is As job, .cad the m r. is re - first Early r late. is of the t importance, Renathat the horse is naturally • slew 'Making animal. He will learn to do se you wish if you rely be pa- tient, patient, a.til ►e fully un a steads what is wanted of him. Never beetle . round • pelt se if you were la • desperate hurry; you will only make kiln more ner- vone by .o doing. Penults is almost always better than whipping. If you have neglect- ed him till be is, my three years old bdorm batteries him, some furca nay be necessary in order to inks him understand that you are master end that her to be subject to your will, but teach hem this as quietly as p.w►le. After teaching bin. the bit, work over his ler several days before attempting to drive him. First shown him the harness; let him smell .f it and look it uver; thea pet it upon 4168 and let at remain until he repliers that it does hire uo harm - _several hours if need be. Before he is driven he should be led an hour every day for a week, and when first driven sbuuld never beankd Beforeby the line.. Before hitched to any wheeled rigg he should be taught to draw by the whiMetree and to draw many tbiaga of which he is likely te be afterward afraid. He should be accus- tomed from the Snit to wild sights, 4ke buffalo rubes, open umbrellas, blanketed cattle, locomotives, steam roller and what. ever will he likely to arouse his fears. i)urtng this ties he should be quietly but gently led up to the objects of his fear and slows how harmless they are. After two weeks of such 'laming.- mg the ippatl.nt m.� cell it, the farmer's Dolt may be harn.,s d with an old bone to • timber wages and driven around for a time. He should be driven daily, or at lead three or four times per week, and wbcu in Maiming with the older horse, should be dnven many times ea the crowded .treat, after he hu aogmre.i enough self-..wtideace **that his driver can prevent injury to the pr erty.4 others. There u no better frteaug for • colt than a broad strip around the neck, which ay be secured by • heavy buckle, and a rung to which is attacked • half-inch ropes, or • strap tc match the neck strap. Think, should be finely wrapped about the poet when he is tied. An old post likely to 4s broken down or palled up, should not oiler any i be used for tying, - aa once led to fear the object to which he is tied, it will be diMieult afterward to get him to stand quietly. Tiie use of extra commas Mese is mon fevgaemtly called - u pon in the handling of colts than in the rearing of all other farad animals com- bined. ••A Dare Old Plant is the Ivy Green." I want to tell you about an ivy a fnend of mine has grown out of doors in this New Englaiel animate. it is seven years sine - .1 ham been allowed to grow, having been accidentally cut back three years in succes- sion; sow, however, tt has attained suffi- cient growth to completely cover • trellis reachuig from the ground to the roof, and is still growing. This in receives only the shghtea care. 0. washing day the water which has been used for rinsing purpose* a thrown up among the laves, and when the perch is wined the water is swept off among the roots of the plant. In the win- ter the entire as laid down. The trellis being of wire is easily moved, and the whole is them lightly covered with straw, with boards placed at an angle above them. The owner of the vine believe* her socceme is dee to the fad that she does not keep it too warm during the winter. It certainly is a "thing of bessty," and people comm from far and tear to admin it. -E. A. Clark, in Farm .ref Home. New a Mester Nsgft a farm. I been far.ung fire years ago on a farm which I noted for 6w years, paying • ash rent, which is the best way for a renter. 1 was poor and wee obliged to run in debt 11250 to get started. The first year I plant- = el half the lard to corn and the rest I hawed to o&ta. in the fill I sowed the oat land to wheat At the next harvest as Boas as the wheat was cat I shocked it in wide rows end plowed the ground and sowed it to Hangarwn and the Japanese beckwbeat, which yields from 30 to 50 bushels per acre and makes exoelleit feed if you do not sell it. I kept all the hop 1 could fed, mar- keting them at six r seven months whoa they weighed 900 to 415 lbs. Now I have bn.ght • :116 -acre farm, and as it iv only • small one, I propose to engage ia track - farming and eke it pay. -Ira Memos, in Farm and How T. seep Martha' Peet Geed. A eimple way to keep horses' feet soft when they stand is to let them Sep is • puddle of water whomever they go to the water tub, or take up their feet and prem • wet sponge u three or four times • day. If th.-y stand as an n earthedoor they will be .o trouble. A Pointer Frees the City. The best trained heroes in this country are the.e used by the ire t• the largo cities. When W gang sennds tor a in, they rush est .f their .tale an are i• their places in • second. l■ Toronto recently it took *4 .goods to hitch • two - horse into roam, 111 to • two -horse truck tams, 1. for • threrherth engine team .sir S0 for • three -haw trunk Sona Primes ter Ole Lowe. The best fait tree to grow on the len is probably the cherry. When well-esteb- lisped it does well i. graves, Neagh it le hest to mew the grass se wham as ane • wash. A closely -shaven lawn doss set dnia W sail of sellar as when geese e allowed to snare. As .beeh•ns ef well decomposed miser* is important Ir tet highs* neon. Mees M:reesMve thee treede. Demme Olseglseee-What dol the as say when he night you seer his weed- Dade Rel.-Netb'.'. He in whistled 1b Ise' • Tanner -"Hew de MI prenees.w Hell► gehalser g(.1Mtrsre!>t~ hatevemsbe area d MR. red be THE SIGNAL: GODER10H, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1391. SOLO WHIST. Rubs and Pelage te a New Deme ravened la ttagieee. Daring the lent two or three years spew rag been introduced into British et which has gradually but surely claim u empty over the cant room. �y old Nehmen gad crusted e1 the orthodox game so*admg to Rte• List ,11 al uwmte upstart- hag its ay At has its votaries and eves drawn there iaiipla f and st•un:h protesters late the nein uI its vaned iso...Sings ..til it In atEw be - nee quite the oanees gams r b narat was tabooed. 1t lima Users attained the ef having • bout specially devotedT. tie subject, winch has already game three. several edition& With all the theorems interest gad Sikh) necessary to the older game, anis WW1 linage out fresh oumbinatiunu and varied hada which never fail to cell tor renewed Mid; is achieving pro&t..cy. It is a happy. of several popular gainsafted gron to the more steady -going whist, and is found to attract those men who hare . weakness for . special gesso qt cards, and who sometimes ubject te mow son; and parta.nkips. IMLm Or TIM malls With four players, A, B, C ..d D. the cards ase dealt by D, as in ordinary whist. The last one is turned up fee trumps, .ad the subsequent mode of playing is on the same lines, each player being bound w follow sunt, and the lead always commenc Mg next to the dealer. The calls are as f Shows: -- Proposition and acceptance, eight tricks; solo, fire tricks; miser*, no trick; abundance, aloe tricks The rules are very ample. A has the first call. If he considers on examination of his hand that he can stake four tricks with the turned up and as trumps, he "propose.- B can except him .s a part- ner or per, as can (' or 1) each in tbetr turn, in which case eight trick. must be taken by the p.rteer.hip, with the other two players united against them. Mould, however, one of the other players cvna►der kis hand of sufficient strength with the reg- ular trump to make five tricks, playing alone with the other throe in oppurtioo, he has the right to all "snta" "MSeen hes the preference over solo, in which ore the three players endeavor to compel the caller to Ike a trick. There are no trumps, but each player must follow the led. or in the event of ha being short he an throw away. The highest call is ".bunJaoce," which tabes priority over all the others. la this the caller names what suit he chooses to 'take trumps, and he plays as in isle, only he hes to gats nine tricks instead of five. The counting is made on the following basis: -- Proposition and acceptance, each loser pays hve chips; solo, Eve chips e•ch;rnis- ere, tea chips each; abundance, fifteen ships, with two chips for each tuck, over or under, as the ase may be, except in "abundance," when over tricks comet double. Hach player takes his regular turn in welting and ase only all once, ulres.slu..ld windy accept him and no higher call be made, he has the option of chaligiug his pro- positras to "solo." Inns es'I0 rt_11. The variety 'ei salt and the continual change of o .. ' 1- makes alteration'in the play .eea.mry i• .ea,rdance with the call, and the following hints will be found of mortice: - Sometimes your parts will be opposite, sometimes on your right or lett hand, sr that you must led or follow- in ac•ordence with his position. The great maxim of "third in hand to pay his best' does not rule here, as the _ . 1 sill soon discover. Generally in ' . . .. and a sept• .ace" it u advantageous to commence with tramps at an early stage of the game, as the chances are that the popover los called on the good trumps and the acceptor has taken him on a fair hand of other court cards. In "unsere," if you cannot follow the lead you should discard your largest ands or throw away a short suit. in "abort/thee- the caller would get out trumps and then commence on his long suit, whale his oppame.ts should disearl any suit of which tirg.gm'y ami the caller is shoat. Y The "sol..' call is simple enough, as ore ':vows his own baud, . .ile the opposition •ho:Jd alwase my to .r' through him 4y !wring the lead wit i. nght hand 'nen. It is a goal plan to cut for trumps with an extra pack of ard., ae .:u• does not dis- close what the dealer 4.dda, and will not leave him to be aught in the act of "ma- As in whist the game can similarly be J.Iayel by three player, dealing to dummy. only not exposing thee* cards, or it can also be played by taking one suit out of the pack. With only three Players the "pro- position" and "acceptance • all is abolished. With them general outlines of the gams tart) players can easily .equip ita uvular - Dia, and proficiency will soon fellow. it is a catel evening game to introd.os into the family at this wanes items ream Ev.rywh.re. 'i7e human brain weighs one thirty-fifth of the whole body. The barrel of the Krupp gun is 14 feet long. grad each charge nista A00. A elergyana in England, in an earnest address to his parishioners advocating the establishment of • cemetery, asked them to cros.ider the "deplorable cosdities of 10,- 000 Englishman living within Christen burial. Among Praha, 1ega ay be ahrosid- d that of the drosgelj eosSitoted widen who lett • stun money to provide real champagne at theatrical Paris, whew the drinking of wine was a feature of the play. TEE KINGDOM OF WOMEN selves re, It.b.r.4dee. AJ ge.enlisitioas are dangerous. even this ase. - -Dasa. file. The first duty of • woen is to be pretty. -Mass. 1. Girardia. The hutiasity that begins to take pride is itself is developing • rapid and fatal disease. .Judge. ROME MAN1fESTATIONBOf THE WAYS Of WOMEN FAIN. tAe Isaias .t the Telt titre -TM AmK- tMee of Seery Item.. -The Lanese seyte of Cenfere-Te Cies. Delicate Ices - N.w t. Maas a Pieter*, It u Ne twines for girls to be tall, says Mr. Warmer, i. Harper's Mgwsie*. This le Mesh nen Shag saying that tall girle are die balsa. It mane not only that the tall girl bee erne in, bet that grim are tall, Mad are becoming tall. because it is the Whims. and because there is • desisted for Nat Cert of girl. There is no hint of *test- aem, Weld the wilbwv patters is pre- tested, bat anther is leanness tad; the women of the period have got 1wM of the peen's idea. -tall Mad net divinely Sir, .ad ass• Ur�.g` up to it. 'er MI. him; in fashion u more so= in IC gad and on the Cos - tamest than is America, Mt that may he Masser chore is lass room ice ohasge in America. our `tris being always ./ as aspiring tura %ry nuked the time is Europe this year: on time street, at any °omen or reception, the number of tall girls is so large as to occasion remark. esp.etadly aiosg the yo.ag girls just oeming into the ..of The to iindac of the caw generation a toward uswual height .ed gramme slim - Wan. The situation would be embarrassing to thousands of men wbo have been too busy to think about growing upward, were it not for the fact that the taU girl, wbo must be looked up to, is almost invariably benignant, and teen her height with • sweet timidity that disarms fear. Besides, the tall girl has now mese on in such force that ossld.n.. is infused into the growing army, and there is • sense of support in this setyival of the tallest that is very enceirage- ing to the young. Gide mud Reda. More the 50 per reset. of the Mad 1• the United Kingdom belonged to Ole Clan►. The tidal salary of the Osman Chancal- y the Iiia lf'.ietr, i. $s a;arra-Leaden Awrwra. Me$•.asd 1a the mopas..fler. O.eiester I.Mmbliag is the side► --Are thaw year Met, sr! P--ager--Yes, sir. C.sde-ear Imraadm.11y) have W them sheked. new me Thea Every w.as•e's Asabltiee, A Loins (fauna bedroom a the ambition - of every right-minded woman with a liberal allowance for indulging her fancies. Re- member such • room has a ceiling set off in panels of geld painted with faint shadowy flower datigiu in garlands on • white - ground, and that this style of decor.tiat is repeated in the side walls below a heavy cornice. One of the most effective color _ oombinetioue for ouch a room ie a blend'ug - of old rose. leaf given, and fawn. The bed, which u a.1 one bed, but two precisely alike set iliac by side, has a spread of heavy lawn a.d green brocaded in geld cord. The double curtains are of deliate - crsani lace and green brocade. The carpet - of green Wilton a well covered with old I toes rugs, and the quaint, senlerlegged - chain are covered in rich *tufa expressing the prevailing *Wet The semi -circular - tailet takle is draped with creaui-colored lace over. rose rein, and caught up with - festoons of green ribbons. It you desire - the room to be particularly Frenchy, re- - member that ore corner mu•t have its white - and gold pre disci, where the candles in their roes shades bund before the pictured face of the Virgin. Yon should Tether Cease, now qq nes. SI' best - Jag about the bask yen tenni- the earl! Old Usd. Jahr -When 1 wee • hey 1 didn't bent sliest the bet mteehi Y� 1 wee thew ahem drag a ewesd, the bomb W • hulas of beaks a Haut aha. The Lateet*Ityle .f Celabre, This is the description of tine latest style of coiffure that has been designed by the Hair Dealers' Association of New )'orb, for fall and winter: Wave the hair around the heed toward the crows, about two inches deep from the line of growth, ...d fasten in a fiat twist on the top of the heed; place a fluffy bang on the front; take three waved tresses with curled ends, one ounce of hair twenty-four inches in length ecce, arrange two of them on the back of the head and with the third form a bow knot on top, with shell pins. It an be droved 41h or hew to wit the shape of the head. and the . t of the tresses can be vaned to harmonise with different crname.te. It hag been selected as • good type of the Greek style at present worn for evening oeider's. T. Clea. Dentate Leve. Hen is a recipe tor cleaning debate laces which an old laceeaker who has woven many • gossamer web for the great and lover of laces, Mn... Modjeaka gale to her pupil and patron: - Spread the lace out on paper, cover with calcined magnesia. place another paper over it, mod put it away between the leaves of • book for two or three days, Thee all it needs is a skilful shake to shatter the powder, and iia delicate threads •re as fresh gad elean se when first woven. Mme. Mdjesk& is quite an adept of the art of lacenaking and fasieions any dainty pat- ters with her own deft fingers. ■.w te Mamie • Picture. Never eat • sombre -colored picture in the shade. Put it who the Tight will fall upon it, ass The Ladies' Home Journal. Between two windows place pictures with light 1 nkat will stand oat the mitre promisent by resin of their dark earrsaadinp. Hang the big pictures first, in entabts position, aid group with smaller ease'. two news '. between. Be manful that the pictures do rot magic( in color. Use year own taste in fila It is impossible to give any brief rule ea the subject. Hang the pictures on a level with the eve. mime try be, as thine arepictures tied should be looked up to. Piaos Small pictures is °seams and Moores. Over doers piece large sad eanymes, anything that leeks well. Water-oolrs may be hemg as the mese wall with oda when framed i■ geld, kat not when framed in white. White margin ea Mathis sad eagravm p deet go well with ode. The ale light should be os the pied,. Len Tose Mat 1. Mer, Lift our het revs wetly, aye the New York 1, when yes pees the teacher of the primary .rheoL 8ke is the ggrreee.tt e asel d the natio.. She takes the k..t- Deng fresh frees the hams seat, fall of poem and peamisse -es eageversable little wretch whew ewes mother y admire that she made him to seised N get rid of bier This lady, wbe knews her redeem, takes a whole carload of these little manillas, one of whom, ingh-►sled and glens, is mine then • match for hie parents, mad at oars puts them in • way of being useful and up- right .Sucre. At what expense of Nil and patieses ..d seal wearisome! Litt your hat ee b..' Data rr we..... It is posible to buy very nee oaaab M night-gew.a, with Ink and (rest laid le smell bin Meths and the collar sad cat made of Implored peen., fee 41.10. Thews C78it wall. the materiel is sire and ave *4.iimes of lig laseth7 it is • ressarlsu tet that realise women am net newspaper readers, aid while creation with ascent history, pantry, philosophy and thearla, knew almost meting Assn earnest Akira Cede. mai, on the contrary, eel only rad papers ail megrims, his buy them reg.lefly. Lees or Olyle. J SYt etas-li W a lively Stena sit Der DoubledayII bawd thaw wap ens kIweirtba�emena imaIL _ihafe rights gib 1 Sir dm w "German Syrup Here is something from Mr. Frank A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt House, Lewiston, gad the Tontine Hotel. Brunswick , Me. Hotel men meet the world u it comes and goes, and are not slow in sizing people and things up for what they are worth. He says that he has last a father and several brothers and sis- ters from Pulmonary C . . . tion, and is himself frequently troubled • with colds, and he Hereditary often coughs enough to make him sick at Con.umptbnhis stomach. When- ever he has taken a cold of this kind he uses Boschee's German Syrup and it cures him every time. Here is a man who knows the full danger of lung trou- bles, and would therefore be most particular as to the medicine he used. What is his opinion ? Listen ! " I use nothing but Boschee's German Syrup, and have advised, I presume, more than a hundred different per- sons to take it. They agree with me that it is the best cough syrup in the market." T CLEARING SALT JAS. SAUNDERS' McLEAN'S BLOCK. In order to clear out his stock, rex he has no room for new arri- vals of Christmas goal**, he will sell all the stock at great!y re- duced prices. Jewellery std sil- verware in grelit variety : cut- lery ; nickel -silver tea and table spoons ; tea trays anti service : toys. in endless designs : vases and China tea cups and saucers orniunentx, well assorted ; combs ane! brushes ; toilet soaps- a bar- gain : spectacles for all ages : neer wall paper for 1S92- 3,000 rolls, all new designs. THE WHOLE GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT Low PRiC'ES FOR CASH. Call and Ilei his 5 -cent and 10 - cent tables. The Great Remedy —7oa.— CATARRH. BRUGMANSIA —:t*: - Warranted A SURE CURE SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. R. J B. GORE Sole Patentee an 4 If OOD ERICHI. ONT. Patronise True The Best Display OF SILVERWARL AND FANCY CHINA .ECV- DR BIAOWN_ w`ie1 A • �11.E�ZST' Smsll� �/ V PT1ce c AT FRASER 8: PORTER'S, Central Telephone Exchange, Court House Square. FINE TAIIORING, • CHICAGO HOUSE WEST STREE7, A'Iongside Montreal Telegraph Office. The right place for first-class clothing and gents' furnli hinge. Choiceore_ady-made clothing. BM acCO RM AC, Competition. Tors Cai,Antaw Pact►tc Runway lb.'. venni Yr. has bete reradlshed 'o give the mp.samts en.t- ass service with fair sad par - y44 ileitimmesed es beel.ea priadples sod 1 Ifeereet It dwrvee thin wN4est et every proms who hencmp e. a eptNwl /M �.�a� see thin lean., irk oII Them aced sten hs tlaMpd.easi . Basimis end tarsen. Direst the to all pokes Ie the gorliewasosessamme snit Pewee Coed 0M.. -n the Uwe Weer.t. a. aAIKLUIVR, !7 tt 14..1 Meaner. Oedrteh. MA.NAC+ER. NE w GOODS_ The subscriber wishes to announce the arrival of EW :AND FANCY GOODS! NOTABLY NAVY' AND BLACK ALL -WOOL SERGES, Extra wide and moderate in price. NAVY FLANITELS, 28 IN. WrDE In soft and hard finish, from the best Beakers. r ' A general t of other new and fashionable goods on the way, and will be noticed later on. A liberal discount on all cash . . front - one dollar up. Strictly one price. A. 1\/ivi 0, Drawn gad Haberdasher. gal BROTLY TO Tilt SPOT. • IOSTIIIITINEOUS III ITS gCT1O. Fat CRAMPS, CHILLS. COLIC. DIARRHQ &, DYSENTERY. CHOLERA MORBU% sand all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, 110 REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. In Canadian Cholera end Bot•, et Complaints its street Is magic -at. It cures In a very short tame. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOA BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAIN-, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA Bad TOOTHACHE. sumo Sr haemes of Al' elle. • OOTTaa. 1 fmaathni • MISS CA.lia_.liiONe i Desires to return thanks for the patronage which has been so kindly extended to Oar dar- ing the pass year, making it the most ewoseef.l year of her business" experience, .Ad treats that the reliWeas exiting between her emetemere and herself wfl ooetiane to be as cordal as they have hexa in the past AUTUMN MILLINERY. MIEN CAMERON has brought from the cities an extensive a..ort•ent of Yi1Bnery Goode for the Fall trade, the latest novelties to be had in ell Mambas and will be pleased to have every lady in Goderich and vicinity all .ad inspsd her stook at the old stead, HAMILTON STREET. TIE KEY TO mora M • �t .i....d e. ear anew b.. uew..e.....r 55 ewe x14 arae.., ... .•.e waw A1.,M. ... ••..rt•a•e We .r. , x.. ga. r...es s*...• r .. wNw/7 4 ,., r,M..A. Stall.m .r.,• r�.e —4'., h�5'.. 4 1m..w, r,ew. w..wf •wear. �.4 ..- .....r.r •on est v.e',wee%•.rb..�relisd�a. •�..ir�•..�. ••caywe..enA,br�.. w..... a..aw Tw sY.L haea•sa / r T rem ec r�.ti.. u1�Lae.. PLAITING MILL VITAMINS lam. Buchanan & Son, BAER, DOOR and BLIND, Deane is W kteis elf LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES Asti beads", trate. W eg wool dosaesttm School t ,' a 8p lbw i