HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-13, Page 1AnvRRTIu YOUR
/p'/C<IU POR
Of all kWh ia fire ebismred esismas el
qty words and wader, Ma ; miry •ddi-
Sisa•1 ward, ha • sat.
VOL. ZLIII. No. 2334.
,■.t a 11 APE 9% WO= HURON
The Briehte.s and Beet Newspaper In
From sow mail J.seary 1, 1893, for •1.00
h mina ns•
Flast) 11ed 'OVER THE HURON TRACT dthe led nen., Hallett, died so suddenly tore iso+a.ectioowith Use wrecked schemer TOWN (U['NCILYBBTIN
Four Y ago Jamey, u the Iowa of • wed
ibs.perker, i uteud,whth s gmaoo . se.e .o p5rt5cu*ar5 wrro known •t thetine. R.vara
Palmerston, special services were rpt ML ate, to reach every sea1 i■ this "NI" I pen
bete. i used w go to church out dst - - bit it has•ince been la•rned that he died o/ A H. McLeod, d Warba, • t r few i
t W ix Snider, OF b my adv trod sometmms 1 thitai,be j " Z Life u wrrounded with danger.
typhoid fever. H• had been working days ►n born last week.
1 Pink and ill read 1 i some time in Stay City, Mich., from which
Stanley Hays, barrister, of `ieelOrth, prO�edlnHf at the Last Rtl�.
,ai 1
A NOTrq Ordr.t Obtained tr0m
the COtrnty >Ie1L
n <+P, up . paper you w u ac paod the ren es Miff pt for inter• spear Sunday in town. lar Meeting.
Wln�li�. P7'laoblw hke b be a Christian : but 1 said tot daub owtl•nt!7 ovcllmng on le midway. meat. Yr. l'uok jo'asd fie A. l►. U. W. }ter. Its. Campbell, d Listowel, win
myself . 1 can't be • ("brume word • email 1 To provide agunst teeme daagsn a s meow last August, and to 0. 1•1:d a t;oderkk the p 1 les sk.
road ria •t the same thou :.sd when 1 wast 1 rdi beck Ass mesa printed, and it u 5dem- -- insurance of p1,000. spew Which he bad pard C F'nngle, d the larlF lMvara, LETTER FROM MON- FRANK SMITH
iv wmpanran tame thoughts fieri sway. the fee No men a the road w atsdy but two 713 pea,.
icy id p•vWe left for Sarnia ou 1'oaday. 1
Yy wife wsste,l me to to w the in will l the rami, comet Neo to oeawry end pas to his widower • lady feeble sod
• bided, bet 1 made excuses my train was a take. examination w Nam. No man u albwed to hie ed io dymother, whom this amount t )sir old bwrisnan, (:has. ('moth. of Lo. -
•Unit Mie, or 1 was tired for 1 was afraid to take. charged •train until be us familiar Cook doe,
to gu for ism 1 should be Ooaverted. 1 i with the rules, for Each to of them max
well • worth incalculable
n blessing.
soehear. char- R. L T ylor, barrister, ay. Remota, was
west w church Sunday evening, as wual, msan dslauctios Mach tram u provided will be AR
rad they started evangelistic servtcs right I with aiglsaM a rad. •white and a green icier and reputation. stLesdtaig court hero on Friday.
after the sdrvioe, without demising the The Methodist church, Kneels, has had Mn. John Smith, d Clinton, wail this
a red letter day. A few weeks ago the new- weak visiting her easter. Mn C. Rake.
ly appointed pastor, Rev. (I. F. Salton. B. baro. Jud. Loot", of \\'iaghane, was
Is•.rs»estrd Yaare hued at Seth Oerm-
ise sad altruist. services with anger
he.sr--The C.adarilor Tar Mr see. et
al. 4 5Vs,Nsu and batten '• Setr-
ear resume "-Tor. aaeemr Msswrre..
The re -opening d North -at. Rmthclet.
:Sob wok pilaw. en Sunday Iset under -
raat.1 auapKtoue t Fera Month
pre, ems the 'emcee of the . ,
ori teen held iutbe Temperasc>sl lI, ksh
pro, ad to be • comfortable and corere lost
nee of worship, but was cheerfully vassted
.-ben the condition of the work of impro,e•
'sent in the church admitted of as again
,eing .ex upied.
The renovation and alterations which
'As been made in the church hare resulted
A. a wonderful change in the appeases
the ulterior d the edifice. A pretty
scroll has been painted around the edge of
the e•eili.g, and the oeatre-pa.oes over the
large gas-cbaAdeliers have hewn beautifully
decorated. The remainder d the ceiling
by been papered with a light design. The
ceiling under the gallery o calsontutal and
Ms a border similar to that en the Maio
coiling The walls also hese been talso-
amed and the windows re -frosted. The
supporting pt1Mn antler the gallery and the
chandeliers look bright u their new oo•ts of
geld and green. The pews have beet given-,
▪ mahogany stairs and the woodwork
slirouchout bas been brightened up with a
hard oil finish. We believe It a intended
o. cuahton the seats uniformly. Egress
fr..e. the church bas beam male much more
easy by the 1 of the lobby. which
;row runs across the entire frost d the
bnrch, and from which a howl dight of
.:aur. Tads to the outside. The entrance to
s.- iraensent a Mow at the south ale. The
.: rectors ars .law. Wilkinson, for the tar-
widenatg, .ad K R Weise. for the p int-
usg bad pirprtq, and they are b be rose
emulated opts the work which they hare
des. Tbe est of the improvements is in
the neighborhood of $1.000. The church is
ass . plea in which it will he a delight to
meet Sad its appearance is such as a body
se large as the congregation of North s1.
Yettodish church may justly he proud of.
eirs ori -roe a\Ibt.R.
Tine man chosen to fill the pulpit on the
w•asnioa of the re-opetang was conductor
smiler, d W ingham. and a mere happy
cbesse could tot have been made. Al-
though he had never Setae preached in
the town, his name and fame were well
known here, and the crowds which filled
the church at both servicer showed the
▪ gerues. of the people to see and bear the
ora whose good reputation hail precede.]
him into so many homes. Condjctor Snider
i. • ma of about forty years of age, d
medium height sad sturdy build, with dark
hair and moustache and bright eyes. with a
quiet manner and ono othly-dowins[ speech
a man I5tensebr in earnest, and with a
forte and ckerteess hi ha utterer... which
wakes then go straight to the heard' and
mails of them who hear him. Since his
c m ersion he has preached in many of the
town. and cities of ( )stet io, so slut his
y the
ort W.sbl, Mem orf ease, Stews *awed s'/
N 5.m ay.rjbsds -POO ala r.1at cu..
l asst rea0wstd From aware :- IT
-The Cream .fate Cants Sews r Mere -
Codlings from afar Yeas MzebsuNs•
people. Mrs. Sheppard. of Forst, prayer,
antl a wooderful prayer it was. She sail
there were husbands in that church who
were srvwg the devil whose wives were
serving God, and she spoke of the separa-
tion u death : anti 1 saw that my wife was
prsyiag for me. When the benediction was
prewousoed I got up, and I shall never for
get the look my wife gave rue when 1 put
on my overowt. 1 met Mrs. )impperil at
the door and she urged me not to leave- the
church. but I wouldn't stay. When I bad
gone a little way 1 beard a cry
"w.tiT, ears, i'W Goin.. WITH to, .
1t was my littlegirl, the only child I have.
I aakd myself :.-here an. I going' I knew
when 1 waw going. and here my little girl
said she was going with me ; I felt ashamed
of myself. That was the longest .lay ! ev-r
lived. When my wife tame home she eked
me why 1 didn't stay for the rest of the ser-
rice. 1 answered : " (►h ' 1've had enough
d that; 1 don't want to hear any more.
That night 1 was taken ill and was sick
Monday and Tuesday, and through that ill.
new 1 know I was hghtiag the spirit of t:o4.
My wife had left me to Goal, praying that
Re would comrert me. Tued•y night I had a
dream, ted I dreamed that I maw Jesus
walking on the sea, and 1 thought that my
father stood by m) bedside. 1 awoke at 10
o'clock sect morning. got up, dressed and
weal into the room where my wife and sis-
ter were all •lase. My wife asked me why
1 had rot up. "1 want to love every person
in the world: Jean Christ want. me, ' 1 •aid,
and my wife ivied, -Glory to God' •' 1 'sited
them to pray fax me -" I don't know how
to pray; 1 don't know• what to my. " Then
they canrtmnced praying, one on each side
of me. and at last I cried: " I :ext have mer.
cy on me' ' All da i uttered that prayer
and at night 1 couldn't sleep : but when my
wife read the wools Him that cometh to
Me 1 will in no wise est out, " I commenced
to pray for my baggastenan and brakeman,
and then 1 had iso doubt, and I believe. 1
THS. 11 leele..1T MA♦ W. K%KYR.
t)s Sauday morning I couldn't stay sway
from the church,for I felt that l most go and
tell the people what had happened. The
church was tilled and when 1 rose and said
" I know that siod does bear sod answer
prayer,' a sa.mt went up in that church.
The mews d my conversion raised great
excitement. The sermon in the evening was
a the wards : " There is joy in Heaven,'.
and 1 knew that my father and my mother
in heaven were rejoicing over the conversion
of their eon. Next morning 1 hail to go out
on my train, and 1 had some fears about
meeting my churns, lint prayed that my
comrades wonld that me kindly : and
when 1 asked the men mot to tempt one
they shook my hand and gave their ppre'oo--
min. • i commented studying the Bible,
and. es before I used w visit the bar -mom
and sing comic angor and tell stories, Dow
i was happiest un the prayer -meeting : for
1 bad rallied the truth of the words : " 041
things are paned away, and ail things
are bacwsme sew.
.nWKT111 ' t LQ'OMdrIVK OCT% ore Tile
or tt may be • " dead -- engine no steam.
no fin u it- -glad it is then helpless. So it
with soma Christians. They Day have
flag by day and a red, a white and a ems
light by night. The white stood indio•tes
that all u right. the main line is clear sad
the train may go through at thirty or forty
mils an hour. The green Nag advises cau
tion : the engineer Beta bin tree' under con-
trol and epee slowly. The red is the stop
signal ; wheu the engineer w it he shuts
off steam, puts 0n his air brakes, and when
that will not stop the train quickly enough
reverses his engine : and he often sands on
the step, ready too jumpoff. A great many
nen are color-blind and therefore their sight
is tested. Wben the train starts the man
in charge d the train gets his running
elers,aagoed by the superintendent. Every
person in this congregation, ui.l the speak-
er, is running • tram, and that train is
carrying his souL
11.1S mkI,T[O A 0I IJ RI%ok
for you and me to study, and it must not
be disobeyed, or we shall meet with dedtrur
Lion and death. trod has given ns the red,
the white and the gran signala. Jesus
Christ a the great white light, which shows
us the .rain line u clear and we slay pro-
ceed with safety. The green signal warns
esu to go slowly, or we shall be wrecked.
The red light say Thou shalt not de cer-
tain things --that's • atop signal. Many
Wag years i had been obeying the railroad
signals. while I rushed madly by god's sig
nal.. 1: as oolor-blind: the world and
the detail had blinded my eves, but
through the prayers of a lbristian
mother ani father now in heaven
and the piayeasof my Christian wife my eyes
were Opened stat 1 could see the sigtub,
and itis now my dutyb show them to oth-
ers. What kind of light do you Barry,
brother the white. the green tar the soh I
have eotnetillnes had to warn an
train of danger and as my signal lantern
swayed before the tree, which came rush-
ing on. I cried: " My (1.4. don't they see
my signal!" wad sometimes a man will
dash a stogie through the nab window and
shout as the train passes: "Stop ' My God '
.top .." God help our young men w stop be-
fore they are wredted Won ean't run t,Oil's
train without orders. You may go along
safely for yarn, but it u no credit to you :
it's God's mercy. Von may often have hem
nearly wrecked, but through the mercy of
t;ad or the pis en of a saintly mother have
been spared- This may be the night of your
trivet MO. /:et your orders from
JI.$10 cm ANT, THF .:n0AT .t r Kea WTwe at.. T.
Sante men haven't life enough to pray
with their families. Sat .loses says' , If
I couldn't pray with my family 1 would find
a good colored man, ad I would hire him
to rx+y with my family." When 1 was
converted I erected • busily aye said
though my train goes eat early, I would
rather iel�pt to the r that
it ha. been d.beyed tin g*e int without
committing my tinily to Cod. Sometimes
the railway despatcher is two hundred mils
. sw.y,bnt Jesus l'hsist,tha(Jreat Despatcher,
is right oo the train with us yes, he will
ride even 'n the via on • slow freight. train.
No matter how black a mat's hands or how
dirty his overalls, if be has Christ ea his
train, he will go right b ;key if he is
wrecked, sad when tG news r 1
to his family his wife will say : " I know I
shall sot be atom b recognise his,
bet I shall now him in heaves, for his lest
.dohs H. Omar, L b, had the
misfortune to owe ai W ribs broken
last work, which will lay kis up for sane
E. Parker, • highly respected young man
el Dixie, bas increased ha responsibilities
by taking unto himarlf • wife in the person
d Mies Minnie Sutherby.
On Wednesday evening. 4th int, about
8:30 o'clock, the barns and season's grain
and implete nta on the Morrison farm. 9th
cogs, McKillop new occupied by Wm.Arm-
stroug. were destroyed by tire.
games Shaw, lot 12, con. 15, Grey, has
leased his farm to Duncanson Bros. and
will take • well-earned rest for a year or
so. He will likely reaoose to Branca and
make his home tbere in the meantime.
V1 a regret to hear that Mrs. Wm. Bishop,
d Beechville, formerly of Grey, is danger•
oasly ill with osncer in her throat. Her
friends are •mzioss shout her, as the trouble
interferes with her taking nourishment or
Wm. Taylor, o Henfryn, was fixing a
teooe recently when a rail slipped back
and drove a pin which was in his vest
into his breast. Inflammation and erysip-
elas set in and be was under the doctor's
Dare for over • week.
The maw mill of John Renneweis, reeve of
McKillop, which was located at Rrndhagen,
was destroyed b) tire on Friday evening,
October 30th. The mill and nachmnery
were completely destroyed. Tbere was an
iaiegirimoe of 11,500 and the lase will not be
very bevy.
Mrs. Bake died recently at the residence
of her son, 6th concession of Hallett, at a
very advanced age. She mu the mother of
Ma. Felix Hanlon, of Clinton, and was re-
cently visiting with her. The remains were
interred in the Roman Catholic burial
T. A. Agnew, ltelgrave, has been distin-
guishing himself as an athlete. At the Var-
sity gates held recently he succeeded is
winning the first prise in throwing the shot,
putting it 38 feet 9 inches, which u the Uni-
versity record. He also woo second prise
for the high jump
Thomas McKibbin. of Welton, received a
telegram a few days ago stating that his
daughter-in-law, Mrs. .law. McKibhin, had
diedvery suddenly in Michigan. The de-
ossed was a daughter of Charles Brodie, of
Saforth, end leaves a family d six chil-
dren, the youngest being only one week old.
I'eter McNeil, Morris, who recently sold
his fifty -acre lot to Thos. Miller, intends
removing to Colorado, where he has rela-
tives. Mr. McNeil paid 12,600 for the
farm to H. Hamilton, now in Rrusselt,
eight years ago, but owing to depression in
pace he reolivd only $1,800 from Mr.
Poteta'e have yielded well the year.
Wm. Michie, Morris, panted one and • half
acres of and with " Beaty of Hebron"
.ad " Rose " and was rewarded with • ni-
ters d 150 bushels to the acre and none
rotten. The same gentleman had thirty-
seven bsahels d Spring wheat, Lest Nation,
to the acre.
A. startled his congregationby announcing visiting friends in l:oderich os .- tunlsy.
sided to rodsce
the large
that 11(x10 (sorely Ikputy rove C olemuaa aJ Mia l oleomas;
church debt) would be asked for in cash owl- of Seaforth, were in town un \\'dltadlay-
letion on the 1st day of November. " (� Mrs. 1). Marwick returned Lust week
way ofd dollars or nothing, " was his terse groat • mostb's visit to relative .t Kiptey.
way of putting the matter. On the
day announced, the Rev. W. S. Griffin, U. Inspector of hand Revenue A. Cava,
1)., oft lilt, preached two admirable sermons, d Stratford, visited t ioderich last Friday.
and the highly delighted people gave cheer- Mrs. M. Foley, d Metall, u visiting her
fully and liberally. The plats literally brother, A. McGuire, inGGodernch bwnehlp.
overflowed with the burden of $1,123.87. Mr. Clemson, of the Goder,ch niodcl
Inst Thursday J. W. Johnston, of Us- school, paid • vat to Seaforth on Saturday•
borne, acooatpanied by Mr. Spe-kh•m. of Mrs. A. Meteor ass a pa ginger on the
Exeter, went through some of his fields to Jones free, the Fishing Islands on Friday.
inspact some of his stock. Mr. Johnston MrL Ales. Craigia arrived inbwnper the
took a smell bag of salt with him to malt the Joos from the r sshtmg Id .41. ou Friday.
tattle in one of his fields. Afterdoing wast
oxd • riot b Godencli. Kincardine Report -
very macular acuou of a hue young cow,
which was evidently making for them. Mr. er.
Speckb•m maw at os« that the animal wail Ju. Clark esu a passenger ow his boat.
suffering from the rabies, and, having his the Jones, which reached her dock here on
gun with lain, after running for a short du- Friday.
once be fired at the now, but without ef- C. Tanner. wife and child, of Toronto,
feet. Bythis time the cow wee almost up- were this week visiting at the Wilson resi-
ns Mr. Johnston, when he threw the bag of dance.
wilt into its face, which staggered it for a Mrs. Whitt, d Clinton, was visiting at
minute or so -long enough to enable Mr. the residence of Mrs. John Robertson this
Johnston and Mr. Specknan to put • good week.
fence between themselves std the infuriated
Miss Ksderp, of. the Godermeh model
bovine. Mr. Johnston's brother on Marie so hoot, spent Sunday with her parents a
of the got his ride, climbed Fad..-
into a the in the pasture field and succeed -
Mrs. A. M. Roos u in London vesting her
edin shooting the cow. wet'1)r. W. K. Rom, who u •erioady inds-
Mra \tectum !'syne, d Kgmoodville, pood
passed peacefully away to the better land N. •
Bowleer, d the Post Opti« itepart•
on Tuesday morning, 3rd inst. Mrs. Payne Inset, u spending a few days u Stttooe and
had been • severe sullcr•er for several metals,
and her death was not unexpected. Her Brussels•
maiOeO name was Margaret 1'alker. She Mile May Bain, of St. Catharines, u visit -
was a native d Twynholm,Scotland, and wee tag her aunt, Ma. Al... Stewart, Welling.
the youngest daughter of the late John ton street.
Walker. She came w this country with other Consul Chilton and Mrs. and Mas Chilton
members of her family when about fifteen will spied the coming Winter at the United
years of age, and was married to Mr. Payne States capital.
in 1846. She then west to live with her Geo. Russell, student d the (;oderich
husband on the Mill road, Tuckenmith, model shoot clam, spent Sunday at hie
near Kgmoudville,and continued to reside bone in Kiefer.
there until a few years ago. when Mr. Kia lraham, who hod bees sailing os
Payne sold the tarn. and retired b KSgmoud the other side during the Summer, returned
villa. She was the youngest sister of ]Messrs.
home on Saturday.
George and John Walker, d Tuckersmith, F« l (wt.se, .1. Platt, I). Johnston, 0.
woad d a Dote urge family sly them two T scat, P. Sheppard and Hy.Rall visited
gentlemen now survive. Mrs. Payne had Y pPa
a family of two loss. The eldest son, Dungannon this week.
John Payne. who u a prominent resident John Phelan, who had been employed on
of Stratford, was present at the death -bed an America creamer during the Summer,
of bis mother, and was privileged to soothe envoi home last week.
her in her last momenta. The youngest son,
Witham, died a few years ago.
turning away from them, they note the
)lies M. K Anderson Sof Tivertous u on
H. J. I). Cooke u u Toronto.
Satan. Chisholm Suniayed in Rayfield.
T. H. Rothwell spend Sunday in Oode-
A. McColl, d Reefer. was in teen lees
Mrs. W..1. R Holmes was in Toronto this
R Wilson, of Safo rah, was in town oD
Jas. Fair, of Clinton, was in t:oderich me
M. McNichol, d Ethel, was u town last
Clinton New Era : Wednedsy evening Friday.
near u familiar over almost satin words this morning were : ' ford Jess, take l'1aae. !Seager is spending a few bays in
Province He is now NtMlng on the Lou- two ponies from l;Odllrleh drove down hero,
carr d M soda Italigioa M tush is the Toronto.
dors Humes and Bruce division of the been in the charen for forty or fifty yarn. sod when they went bnek had four obes
'ion d trod. rc a ns ohs d nes who that did not belong to them and also • ea J
■ owner of the articles Chemo-
transferred to the route running west ole have ridden hundreds of miles on t rat ' lives are in ' wept u1 t;ederick ort • tote hoar, and secured N. Fair. of Clinton, wee in (odenc�h on
Toronto, which will enable him to devote way with Christian people who have never We Monk! have faith m Jew Christ the the return of the articles. Headily.
more Hese to the work in spoken about l'htnt :the people on the wase as a the desp.tehe-. We should Franca If the , fetes. y of Ashfield, A. Waddell bas returned to town from
chichi he has proved so osefal. trains talk about everything else but .loess.
bbelel that "('ed t.1[Avs tis. amt Jssrn win had been living with his family at C1in- Sudbwry.
TOE MOaNlza .Lae 11 K.
t nmrl Trunk Railway, but will short)/ be and yet are afoul to • for ('brut. 1 I: sckma rets town wet week for
prk exercise mace faith than railway era : ter horse tun . the
y' j 1 he 1 1 h the hands d the daspteher.
1u the morning eoeductor Snider preached
his " conversion WOOS " wad aivay of 14.
hearers were visibly ablated by the teeeh-
tag tory. Hie text was the first sad
mead versos of the tweltth chapter of
Isiah : " ta that day thou shalt sy,
I) Lord, 1 will praise The though thou
+ash angry with me, thine anger is turned
ora), bed thou comfortefst me. Behold,
'a(d is my salvation ; 1 will trust. and not
he afraid : for the Lord Jehovah is say
+Irength amid my song ; he also is become my
Tat Issrox.
Col. A.M., Mrs. and Moes Aggie Ross
leave this weak for Toronto, where they
will spend Lbe Winter.
Mrs. Kyle, of Wingham, who had been
the guest of Mrs. Story the past two weeks,
left for home on Saturday.
The rector of St. George's. Rev. N . A.
Young, was so Iaduptred as to be unable to
conduct the service on Sunday.
Ur. and Mrs. A..1. Johnston, of Toronto,
were this week vesting at the residence of
Mn. Ridder, Wellington street.
Mrs. hie('oll and children and Mrs. Bar-
low left town on Satur ey for their borne
in Britiak Cdr mba. They took the C. 1'. R
Contractor Alex. Stewart arrived home
last week from the South, and lett again
the week for Pittsburg, at which city he
km • contract that will last till Christmas.
Scilah Finch, who has been acting as
foreman in the apple evaporating factory
during the past few months, .-turned 1.51
Friday to his hone at Clyde, New 'York
What the ■Sault..- esu reap.- meets. lyre
Irma Srfrreaee se the Crediting of 4eN-
neb 6r•er - Tb• Trraaarer • •Wateearal
of the rysaaees eaM 0.r•. to be lair -
Heil toss Cher Ili UeT. laddered.
The regular meeting d the town council
was held on Friday evening, the bah int.
All the members were present except cuun-
cilloes lets, McKenzie and alurney.
The minutes of the bast regular meeting
were road, approved rod signed.
The treasurer's •t•temeut was read and
referred to the times nos ,hitter.
Tse.Ast: rtY.u'..STATOMONT nett is -rt0KKn.
Balance from September... .. $2460.10
Receipts_ -
Public rebottle 1 110.00
Taxes . SSSS10,000.00
Rills payable .. 3,500.00
Fred. Rluett, jr., who was so badly hurt
i couple of weeks ago by the falling of •
i wish that people wow leve hoisting gin from the meat d the John I:.
i. lore." to halt been trying for 6,000 1 weed b leek ahead hi My We • year or tom for some time, was taken to the Londa Wo. Robertson, d Clinton, was in totem Knlfage, u, we are pleased te say, able to
years to make people believe that God hates ee; stow 1 lire Inc the t. The Israel- Asylum on Tues. day. of at week. He has a Sunday. be around again.
ties : 1 myself thought that way, bat 1 prom n bees t d hr mind t for
sew the trait, sad Lock Kenaialy, d Clinton. was in town Rev. P. J. Shea, formerly d the diocese
.f Christ, of His wandering upon the once for • week ahead. The engineer when was ter. which, i seems, was so
r� gip 10 la Hu trawler not loaf over the fields or
.i the • re -ea the for highly esteemed fanner, was instant) killed lees Friday. hood. The reversed gentleman has nary
storing eight to the bhstl beet► by the he knows that if he is looking esnimdy on Tuesday d teat weak by falling from �• mew Bsmi.lhiltom will spend the Wistar frhesde here who wale bhm every prosperity.
the eorrowityg Y•ry YMtba: rsitang perhaps ern e • now on the track. `lo we over his chert. Deceased was • hrnt6er of A W (Menai, d Mel, was in Godeeiek CURRENT OPINION. An application d Hersh Voss for ramie -
Os dead 1- erns ; ealmimg the sea with can not afford to look away from Jaw Mrs. Ed , now d Acton, and the (Hewes- sine d taxes was referred to the court of re-
bs still ; ' dragged bew Friday. ruins.
(~ aot•mand, " F'saoe, led (tont. When it glee dark the fiestehete i inti ent Domes with •Navy blow aptute
crvrwted with iheras :tat to d J. win, d Detroit, was is (Sonde- HON. ALEXANDER mA.'K[S7IK. On motion of reeve Proudksot and coun-
fcre Piate, lights the head lamp se that Is se tee • her, so soon after the los of • child
the eros, ad Drying, " Father. (.rgtve tittle farther; Ord says this book is to bea A. Huh Fulton. Walton, s few de ria' Inst week. Kne:oniate " to (+nada P rillor Neftel the tatters of gravelhag the
Nes, Inc they know not what tote 40, lamp unto our fest ad • light Onto our wit . was ge.ing the get. en the we hemi Jen. Parttime. d Carrie, was i. the mougit7 one of the obj ctiar med. egsunst the 1 bridge hill and ereetiag • shed to cover the
td 1 reed over oke une t Oowai m ltisesd•Y. Hoo. Alexander Mackenzie when Premier street watering cart were 10(t in the hand.
Aaidnw WiIbassn 1..e reter.ed home and Minister d Public Works was that he d the public work. committee, wfth poser
Inc the Winter. was rather ear. The curtest u hid ease, if 10 act.
Ctrs. Poetise visited his parent. in Port lienwee asy,aert intyacrefranoveru rk. The layer tnformsi tM ooeecil that
Hume lest week. Inc Alexander Mackenzie is as genial ad Hector McKay dsind the 10011 10 prooun
Jas. liadse d Ethel. welt in the Dorn- kindly • Mas ever lived. The honorable • house fox him and hu (•laity 10 U'CT.-
7• The matter was left is the heads d Doran
t tare on Friday. tl.m•a was es.Mar d the detua of his
7 7t. alto.- Mersey to report at tbe nett meeting
Mr. ad Mme Haney left oe their return .prtme .I sad d memo had n" stens to of the eewn.-1
boa ea Monday.
spend "smiling- len the reef urant awl telling
Mrs. Judge Riaclair, d H.miltea, is M 11
visiting in God.ricb.
Mrs. K R Wass. is vinithsg relatives
u the rarest (Sty.
J. T. Priebe*, et litowel,wta I. theeas-
ty taws the pet week.
Hort Wella, d Brentford, was arss.g kis
old Mende on Friday.
Ilia W. J. Perkins, d Corrie, was visit -
tag he tows at week.
Wa Mashes swim • business vien to
Bramlheld ea Tuesday.
Clem. D. McTesprt. of (Baan, visited
Goderieb lest Friday.
The Meese M.Dete.N. e1 Miens, were
Need that sight when 1 was sick that. he is Itae Ird to gather waw every corns g, was, ate, a oceupan aroma pia, on T.edgy. of lomdon, nal one of theMoot respected, as
• God d love. When 1 read the history and 1 limy that 1 omit got gram enough at but was taken out with the bops that he W. Jackson. d Clhbn, visaed /ioder.cb well as talented, prhsts in this ditrict, has
bet t not en Twe.tlay. been appointed w • charge in Cleveland,
earth hat pacesou the look*D. C. Taylor, d Grey county, • most .. . Clinton,
had al Hr be. n� at the crops:
lam lard m throttle. gh y Y
Nos•reaulent lauds...
Water rates
Justices' fins
Electric light rates .. 160.00
Market 400
Maitland cemtetery 16.00
-- 14,166.18
Public schoohe .
Sundries iJ. T. 4:sr-
row, taw expenses).
t'ublhc work.
\\'.tering street.
Pumping station
Bills payable
Council chamber and
other ea penes ...
Separate school
High school
Mattand exmetery
Printing and adver-
Klectric light
1 6114.13
2,000 00
OTMga tegPOST5.
The report of the caretaker of Maitland
oemmetery, reporting three interments in obi
month of September mad two in October
(three of adults and two of childreua, and
asking if the hydraulic ram in the cemetery
should be put away or lett as it a during
the Winter. war referred to ;;alt cemetery
The •trier inspector reported that, wooed-
ing to instructions, he had examined the ex-
tension of South street and was of the
Opinion that the grading tan be done for
abort $13, and that, for the amount it will
cost, it will be a great to Mire
who have to use It. The inspector's report
was referred to the public works committee
with instrurtioos to have the work c re-
The following letter to mayor Butler from
Hon. Frank Smith, Minister of Public
Works, was read :
1)r... Six. -Volt' Letter of the 211d io•
.cant with reference to the d
the harbor of (ioderich is before me,
and 1 find that no dredgingcan be done
until next year. When Parument meets •
rote will he asked for the purpose d dredg
hag the harbor of (:odericb. yours truly,
Flunk Sarni.
The ties wee referred to the
harbor committee.
The following amount were real and re-
ferred to the fiance committee .Sohn Hil-
lier, relief. 4175: Stevens and Burns, Lea-
den, waterworks supplies, $5 25: A. Saun-
ders, . supplies. $18.81; D. C.
Strachan, relief, etc., 110.66.
The finenee oosmittse 1 the
payment of the following accounts: Ogilvie
earl Hutchison, 12; Ball Electric Light Co.,
164.40: . IGraham, $15.75; TIM IG%to.,
• I.O/LO,
wayside • classing the.r; wolfing with away be nay dash into a open switch or laded waggon, the wheel d whir
is Tomato.
M l'S cur snore at -.e Look
i know that God is town. A
over the wires ties wile knew se eteW* I an, whose i aha11 ass Jdnn the Relovel, 51(15* to aha wpseer: so this book illuslais. while driving from ch. Royal hotel
mei "Wonderful ! wonderful ' Seder ase- Peter and £sal, and His apostles. and, mon osr ars path and we own signal nthen mild I ha tam spin took fright •aid educed with
Wise the ass. d M eesveniew dashed The hrakeoaai rat. been bis heehawed ra away aid ase Sxok. moa let.
Y Jeb. the Revebstor s desanptxm of tea- dark wile hie lantern. with wbicb ons I She to be dbot The folbwiag t.
rerfed' Can it be possible!" Many
cionu wit
glorious d all, Jori. -Oh . what mast it wars them when daag.r is. Then w a �. estashing the tool i axle wed other
Itteal it, but 1 grad here, • Hang
to be there and b bear the welcome, " Well 'hal
said 6iNfs1 newelco May 1
TWO awT TRONA r tvmm parte d the wagon.y
es too the (act. Acis d yea mry have Y°fi ell a keayseirvant h this ooanLry, the C. P. R word the G. T. B ; senother d the piausss el the towash' d
heard me tell how it li. e.sd hat it ori" re THx wm�nsu. M tie (inion depot at Toronto the tracks d
itsw telling agsia. i bin • preying father Tanterry, h the peesm d Tbegime
Wk. widow. My father was ow.erMd el The regular sating esprity et the large thins tern boom err ales to ensb other. Mt Ings, passel peurefully away b Mahe. rest -
the age nl .i .s.eai. Re died at slaty 7w" Murat was overtaxed w Wore the hoer as they have tube depot they broaden oat I ing place on 'Friday. Ooteber 23rd. after •
•'i age. and his last words to me were : d esrvioe h ire evenuig. and chain had to away from mak mbar. Jews says "Strait � dil ness ofthe o4 t twenty-four
• u' orsa. Ls 0. ora
'.\ly M teller. this Bibi.: believe ....try tow s ilio alis rated Mbar swsiMble M the gate, ad narrow is the way, which Re leaved a family d savor ten sad
+e+d it :' WWI though infidels shealel ion far the 1aiilith stn M. : .ad bred i. the way bares ..t.. to move t►. hos d • bwigg •ad
write hooks that would make • desk as places to prov'd• that lasdettt to " e7od bttlp
lelb u th' h b they "cold not shake targe vasesbi The ""tel sere" in Vic- these who ate tm Ne beau' way - .►sage �ediotau father. The l.emsed was high -
r c err
5.. belief to this Bible, fpr obese wen -e. M.tiodit cburrh Das wttbdraws se arias Ines Christ aura m M work on h ly ►asPeeted ley ell orbs kit" bil.
father's hot wards to oil 1 hare as to allow tie sambas ei tJrt aosytr•p Ihae and to win psegigen for hie line. A it ie said Nat tie UwHed Brake Asecie-
at" the more s:prnwa as my ties to hem the eedeet r. rdlw. eewijAer t. psiia ated ererimes. tis of the Dated Aims have mad. the
hr old i• laY Cod •ed his HAW ray Blbkr. The bxt from winch the swims was Hs M�ps aai eM trowsaa nR the .trete •ad tdloteiag n(er to H. (larkwtt (h aha oar.
Sova years 5(e sr MAIM ltd. taken wee 11dii.w r. 16 : " 1•11 year light eM etcair "Stbiswi that Me's* Zorn, sags) t4wgh Nstr dee.-
n tea 1 was twelve yam ohd 1 left home sn -mine briar. Nis. that abet' Mry ss your I'm gents k.d '"'"en Hat Its. H 1 hart to "ye.
A. loners : Tlut tkte(r w411 ray the
sed needled with arena= and theaseie d works, .d whish wait • Mask." jogai Christ waste as be ha bevelling expense el Garbutt's wltaess
"'m •eel drihed dmm to tdle ►ova Mr• NY.M aaiMweed � Mr w him Ygin Be oissai't want yea kora W hgham b Term .rod Erek
, besides
pe do. gaially i.
ate your lira Then a no aorta. loaig.fseeml exa• • •+..a
aAl (hritiegia Be toady ahr.ye I. Itprrk hr without any This neer le aeeape Me try efsampersetatesmts for taaidhg in his yard a bora dgs age orbile
"law% At that rise there awe fora the sersw wbkb he would dmYver was wear a iseae tom ea perms
win travel Ovist. them • day wail. away.
H y
Isst few Isar', years s wonderful oh.etas Itse sakea
mem en the mewed, but h the sailed 1(>ashai) wfn o to toT t
omen tremble
rank election and other stories. The On motion o1 deputy reeve Holt and
wanted another kited d Minister in t a.mnci or ..ehomw, the d the
Public Works Dsparttet.at. They got mot anal fitano•i•) 5 5temeet was left in the
Yes. they got his. heads of the tm es oemmittee.
The meant then adjourned.
saner TAX ATt0R fag .iVAP$a Mgtmno.
ileeekvflle Reoorler . The Ott. A novel contest woe d •t Farquhar,
Pegs Wake that if the people were the cmm�ty. the other day hellions two
as alines to keep down the federal Pew° r'''"I need d route M e1 the piaeo-
taxes eo they 5re to kap masteipl it was to deride whiek could oaken the
tams Aews the bendier, wield have lets newt K.gld' •P•rr w• Is a seek's ss.reb,
paddle Rmen.y to handle. Thu last is that •d as • ^wilt b.117 d the little krill wen
wlssee tower aro levied hettreedy y mens. est ei the inky. The whoring side W
e/ amtosis antis, es they are h (.sda. • five h.•drer birds te their credit Move oke
tarse pw.enty. d aha p.ple moons w ronnb.r "e"'"117 timer eppieaieata
persuaded the 00y mea py50g oikas. No 0. Swink*, who *wen a first u the
regio iheMs a km for
pm 0aderiet ea Handay. ands, tier seem steel they ere willing to
tewfi5blp o.l Usberas, esmpe.wl
IA 7. ewoasiste d. ISR Iterrel as eN/
l wav .atertem.
and many a the beet isrp .iiy the Mater. gide by the banks w aesm.sut of the ey
the Inkh are new emplevel ham Y wtM • theM- Haid was det eme livered Int iis Ywtresi to rail a M• M ► h pd t it that
is oohs Tim „wthee he would me ow
a W
r "Os 1 had Nay mea lila hearers, he M. sight tori*, w OW ora M boom."PI not beat able. t)mssd Sly, to tmlt. wilsnrite
• think: This 0 me IgMaO me --1 em • Th. day's sm.mAd M .Sar with him Septtese W hs.ees.a
mwiaai.- a Ismer i " bels" iYN/ IL 0. Cask admen ens rt MMM Ori.
i, tlt.e M iii pyeir d ►t twit idols. mm illus-♦
Mn. Freak Kilian W maenad hems
fees • vlehs r Ieadhrry.
lira 1f. Yea ef Tenons. ors M
(Uinta ea A .telly.
M. C. Wiggins, Inem..es yest, s1
Ham* waif h Silva w Friday enei nee.
M that man gM eM bas p•td the SS m
If be wear to •Mead • tssal, Imagine hisits peels e/ Meade Tail Mee aatenet eel- esrmen en wtasrshtg is 1.d dm tM
till.• Gemhtaa in the pip had tarsi ever ire barrel sad Amok
mise Area maw HM shay tank pis d the es i , and ware le • W
1 tt►ms. N world mites a rmmmhmd se ler �' A delle es tray
• iw_I_M_ Ia ilea msib... etMein of
foray -M Tema