HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-6, Page 5THE THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOV EMHER 6, 1891. CANADIAN BANK VF COMMERCE Il>tTAwe S S. ism HEAD OFFS TORONTO. Ufa& P* OP) M= 1811.1.10111 00LL_s_O • 110.000,000. SEM • 3900.000. S. E WALKER, OENEwaL MaNAOSIL OOOERICH BRANCH. A ell&Maid SAMNA SI LM Ta*NSACT*D. FAttNO ' NOTE. C DlafbrTa IBMILO PAvABta AT At... POINTS NI CANADA. AND The sensicIPAI. WITS* 111 TNI UNITED IiITA11111 OREAT ea1TaNt, FRAME. aERMUDr., Oa !lain... BMW seriu McRT. 0E19019TS OP SUM AND uueWIARDe RECEIVED, MIO COMMENT RAT[. OF INTEREIT• = AL/0M 1101110, MIAMI VIALTO Mt Pw/Npl►AL air TINS p TE ENO OF Mar Ao epeeist •Its.11UIt sham to Abe Oeflwtiow of r•asaaseriIat ewpw• ear /answer, Oils* I NEE' R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager, THE TALK OF THE TOWN. .t ckie't•a owes Irl. tauter addalt Aa' funk AeN !rent (L K. 11. (L. at the }decree!. Hew A. rear. J... seeder. MoLestas Nook, has .one ter the UI Uwoa vtolia st half pesos. ,awn. .I roes aim how.. limo forget .t you want to order buiMmy rent• la photugrapes that you oleo be well .erred hi George Tenser. measures. not nen. that you tore to oar Mks who.. 0110.10 good at, mW the {rv�pre • ,-lup ,-luster. F. Ptidhaie is fur laIIu la• fallible 1eea.nrvi. which make Ins suits et any shape of men. The -fluent purl urea herniae la Iowa and tbo mast elegant picture. for framing eco •lw•ya oe had at K.H. tiatbwM' etude,. He mates it . mist to rat the whole b.Moewo so far as art i. :eseernew. aad hada.* It a 11. Thr .e,elties is ream' furoWttat, sled ladle•' lure oan always be found at A. K. 1'ndhaniW wportea,, l/cl.ean'. Week. censer of Mootrewl-•t and :ower... 1t est newt sae what )ou want it cam be ordered .Islckly. The estate looks with supecrat un the nun .bo sells below ono : ether the noes are worthless or he w111 lake ad Late / 1n some. :how else en state ,nod the loss. 11 you wart to be fairly treated oh around Call on Alert .yaunpers, ibe Nest street hustler. Hr hay the driest 'Mock of Mores and house furbishing. in the lows; his .tock to sew sad fresh .ad his Prices always right. Frac. Early Tuesday rooming the base •s Trttfalawr street owoed by M. C. tame- res.)1. cad raceme' by Robt. Gore. his gardener, was hurtled to the gr,urut. I u supposed to have been thr e ewel �Ihi fire. (katere. TEwrERA\. r 110:elv,•. Next 'uinlay mftrrnooa Lir. James Mitchell w JI Address the meeting lis the Temperance Hall .t 4:15 o'clock. 'I•lo• Royal Templar, have about ,onnpkltd arrangements for a series of temperance rental meetings to be held at an early date, farther particular* of 'thick will he annousee.l nett trek. He'% -e Fi ria. .(well tad touting fellow :imitating to be the investor of • wetland for .•hrwnatk pxiattng by • single iniprrssioa was in town fern Saturday to Monday. He a glib of tongue, with a 1 ankee:iee l English Accent, and wears a prominent new and a u.ovstae-he, and menu to best every time. 1•N r. Nu. Al IMAGO Its eootemp,r.rtes t.. par ;be bellow round as a fraud of the first n... nitude. C. 0. F. At the last regular meeting d court t;oderlch, No. 32, C. 1). F., the fed - lowing eaters were duly installed by U. 0. 11. C. R. Brother Alex. Saunders : A. B Ilavisoa. 1'. ft. ; W. et. Sharman, V. 1'. R. ; It Fulford, chap.: T. )Iseyd. F sec.: W. //Wreath. rwr. sec. ; C. fright., tr. usurer : W. Joh.eteo, S. 1V.: M. t. Sween., J. W.:.1. W.?:.., S. B. ; R. t a ths% .1. R. Dr. Taylor, court physician. 1'et it. It RE orE%t.,.. The extensive rep..im and le to North street Methodist church bring Hearty completed, the re upeutng will take plate en sun.lay next, whet conductor `meter will preach at both servicer. (ht Th.nk.giviug flay ilium ,lay nett / the Manna) harvest hone sapper and enerrt will be given in the evening. The *dt,wmn t.. supper and c.osecrt will be 25 ,woes A good program is i repa.ed. 1.14 n Orxu t Hnr:r. 'rife )0.rlie News of Moiolay last mid - "hells'. Fspecta- tion• played in the town hall here !Isturday evening 10 a good home and rgave splendi.l rtiefa.:Isom la fact is ter best show of tbe kind that has struck Berlin in nears, Man- ager Phillips being so well phased that he hes re engaged these for Thursday eveeitlg, November 5th, when they will appear again. and we feel sure that they will be greeted with another full house.•' Kelly's kxpec talions Is hooked for alto(:real *Open. House for Thursday. November 12th 1Th.uk.gtc• rag itoy!. It svete of the Borst Irish com- edy ,opsnleu new on the road. Wse•Yag beaatif.Uy with duo, of Boone. The members of the °D!" pony., all wined people, hitt perfect ladies and gentlemen, Hoe w- bring possessed of culture mei refinement, well versed in the Iitera t.. a ..f 1 he Jay, as well as Garrett topics, awl N.., ing a moat eotertalntnv convener teooahtet. t(houl.t he none ,gena the 1.rrta.l 1Ipera House will not be Imre enough to hold his awIiefce. tau Sunday ,teeing florae attended the song 'ervioe in Victoria street church, and hu singing and playing was rn)uyel by the large ,•ongregouon eeret prP1111.1ea '.'116.11.1. 11.1 6i11, Miti-rn.., The public school beard use ou Monday evening, S. Mal omeon, chairman, W. Acheson, H W. Ball, 1'. 1'rabb, K W. McKenzie, M. Nicholson and 1;, Striae* being present. The minute* of the October meeting having heen teat and approved, the principal's re port for October, •ho•.utg an aversive at t?Mlanoe of 274 yule and 297 boys, was read and July tiled. I'rioctpal Park report- ed the attendance for t k to bey to be 20 more than for the saute math 111 '90, and that it would prolmbly to much larger if a truant officer had been appointed. At -counts from Fraser k Porter, 110.00. and }state of (leo. I,teat, .11.10. were read and ordered to be paid. An apptie*tinn from Miss Addison for +.n in. tease of salary ww. read tail tiled. Mie M..tlte Rusk wee •pp.miel to ronin No. 5 ata salary ..t $250. .. m..tp.n 01s earned that in the event of \Ire Rock not accepting the rppniltmenl advertise mats Is• iwertel for a .tualifie.l tom. The out -taker rt-pectd sine tweeted altera- tions s :.1 the waterworks ser. 10,1, : they were e.rdert l to he macer. 4 *none.* that St. Patrick s ward wheal by thoroughly scrub- bed not on 4aturda_y was serried. The hoard then *dem owed PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Harry 1lures sae In town yester.iav Mrs Mollie Rusk spent Sunday in town. F. J. Prsdhae, spent Stanley in the Queen ('sty. K. I:auiry, of Clinton. way re town .n Monday. 5b1. the Hno. .1 ter week. John E. NV 'loon. of I:a1t, was in l:oeierich on Tuesday. W. ft. Hobertsa left on 'Tuesday for Vernon, 11. 1'. 1)r. ('aasaly, ..f i' su .bri.lge, ass in town .. Saturday. J. T. Garrow, Q. the peat week. H. F. McAllister, of ritkh yesterday. W. T. Brown, of on %VedUesf.y. It. Mcleod, n( Lucknor, was rich on Friday. Joseph Roach. of I)rtr.Nt. town this week. T. A. Mala, of Winghant. was in rich otn Toeite Jas. T. Shaw, of St. Tinruls, was in town on Tuesday. Stanley Hays, Io.tristcr. of Seaforth. eat in teen on F'rnl.v. Chas. F. Frost, of Philadelphia. was I;.wrench this week. .1. 1'. Heffernan, of Ethel. was in the ,minty town yesterday. \I. Row was in town A TALENTS". Lmrivoita Mrs. Owen Hitchetx, the lady lecturer and singer who it :If appear in tioderich as timidity. Monday slid Tuesday, Nor. 5, 16, and 17, under the auapioss of the VT. C. T. 1'..is thus apok en 4 by The Toronto /:lobe • •' Yesterday Mrs. Owen Hitchros, of Paris, ieldrea•ed large audiences in the Auditorium at both the afternoon and evening services. It was the third *left of this talented lady speaker and singer u1 Tomato within Mx weeks, and the flattering tempting she met shows her popularity with a city audience. This lady porterage' a rich soprano voice which she u• re with great effect. Her address in the at l rnoos was. thrill' p� �t�emperance talk on ' Removing the ()*M[.CN#,' and in the evert. mg /M /peke o0 11ed', pity for fallen and sobering humawity,which was *d by earnest words from Mr. Wilkinson. Hoiti Sce.wlt. Naw+. H. 1. Strang, R. A basal ninet.r of I:oderich high school, has been appointed an examiner for the ap- proaching exaoinatiowa at the School 4 i'edagogy at Tomato. Mime Charles, R..4.. Ins been forested to set • paper on "Meth- ods an Kngltah " Inc the wine examinations . 1'r.par tiotm Inc :6s wtartainfieat to be given by Use High School Literary Seri Hy early in December are soder wayand e varied and entertainieg program wiM pre' santod era the °,•rasion. J. E. Hodg- son, high nrhewl inspector, nide an ofIIeial visit to the scbnnl on Tuesday hut. He ex prewsed himself well pieaend with the work of the carious :lames which he examined, congratulated the board cos the great int is the .chnnl buildings piece era previous visit and pnimiord. ss. s reoalt, to raise the grodteg d the wheel. Blinn Hetet. sT TVs I:aAvh Oran* Hevemg, Those who attended !died linone'a entarlaieeceat art flatarday vetoing enjoyed a treat whish people living is • town of this opportunityWee seldom of heariag. A esiectinas were rimmed to ith rept at untiow. He preys the west dint of the with Me grosbeak anhaving enure keyboard. and in Ids penes and rapid w.. 1115 g 0011111111186iii his YBe !R • • desoriptivs poor of his wens , w • wonder- fully refills ie awl wM the story abase* es well as if spokes. it wan a plata* in wads. The singing of Mia Alois Mai wee.IM the lost miry%• part of tis 1. The weird soap the of die Neat# were rendered le M prawear be hwad!, her retro was is Stratford Ethel, was in t rorle- Petrous. was to town !n I.ode- was visiting in (;ode Mrs. Outran was the past week kiatmg her ,laughter in Toronto. W. M. Sincla:r. of IIruosels, waes in the county town on Tuesday. ,1. 1'. Conover, of Syracuse. New York, was in town on Thursday. Iwo. Every. of Kruoefield. was in llte .Yxlnty teen Oil Satunlay. R. 1'. and P. 11 Rieke strived its town from (litotes on Saturday. Captain 1). Mcleod left town this week for he. Moue in Kinterdine. John Washington has been ...ntined to Isis holier this week by tureen. Miss Rate Melcorl t• at present suffering front the effects of a severe oral. Mr. ani Miss Harvey are Platting their brother, of the Bank of Montreal. Nev. L H. Mehl. of Holmerrine, was this week visiting Rec. Rogers Howard. A. K. and Mrs. Pridhani were in Toronto this week in connection with A. K 'B health. Bra Creasman left on Moeday for l;uelph to spend the funeral of her brother •ia law. Mie. Aggie Ferguson returned this week from • four weeks visit t. (Heads in I,.wk now Mrs. 1. and )Iiss Lewis returned on Friday fawn • month's crit to Albany. Troy, Nia- gara awl New Vogl. K. Hoagies reacher ;,tench on Friday. .ad left thin week for Detroit ac ompaitied by Mrs. Ifodgki.a and family. Mr. Sarah Metered, who has been reit ing friends in Seaf..rth (or the past wroth. returned bows- os Moeda), last. Mrs. S. Pollok, who bad spent the past fear or Nee mora • at St. Monne, North Dakota. virtu to town en Friday Myo. .1 W. aster sad c6ild)et1. o1 Meant Ste. Marie, ho arrived i. town Out week, are the gegen of their relatirer. Mr. .ed Mrs. 1('..A. Rhynes. TSR PERFECT 13TOCK1NU. raTaeTsn, This velebrated full fashioned Stock tog is Inetnu1.s1 trr•l only by the King stop H ueery Company, K lugnton, t'aault The attesitwu d is called to following iatporiant points of superiority over all other nukes : let, Being knit tubular it Inas no scants and cuun..t rip. Sctl. It is not stretched to shape but is knit to exact forst of foot and will always maintain its shape. :Ird. It has a gusset under instep and will not wrinkle in wearing. 415. It is free frau all lump* and hunched. so objectionable in English and German Hosiery. 'Ali. Although being superior in every respect to imported goers it twtl be sold much cheaper. lith. Beware of imitation. snit sere that every pair of `stocking% has the lobe! attached. For sats in I ioderiob by J• hA• MID Bt 1311°.• JorLora, ne, Co tench. MID Mk. !lel. 7s4 1V. '1'h.unwu's. lks't fail to give bio . oall bee -1'•�•,'�u ening; you 0111 not regret the W e: tineer Repairs promptly attended to. Visitors to the (:rest Northwestern Exhi- bition this year greatly admired the di.plsy of the t:oderich Organ Co. Their unties of organs are feat rut -psalm %{ all others in beauty Ai case end excellency )• .d tone. Kindly lave y.nr order .rid encourage hone manufacture. 11. NIelkien, Jr.. has .10.,011 a newt mark et in .1. 11. I: s Ants old stand, Moul awl -at .rl.t solicits . .Lire ..I ptll,!o palnl.lagr•. Mr. Mcl:, sen n'dl by found to be obliging - and painstaking in his :Ifni. to .rovide for the ...mi. of his customers. .1 II. Edward, who is well sod favorably- known. re In uharge of the shone. The .ae+mno•nt of the Load's Supper will be observed in Knox ••hur,•h meet Lord's Day mortung. 'lone oullectiou will he on lerllatf of the par lured of the evstgregatioo. The service preparatory to the ocrasioo will be be1.1 this (Friday 1 evening st 7:45, when Rey. .1. E. Howell, M..1.. of \o.th sr. Methodist :burns, will preach. NAVIGATION NOTES. OUR BIC LIQUIDATION SALE BANK OF MONTREAL. DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY EST, CAPITAL, REST, Is still going iso , and we intend to keep up the boom for .haty Hays. Wu are receiving new goods allnolit daily, and selling many lines away below wholesale prices, because we buy at mill prices and in slaughter markets. This week wu are showing special values in White all wool HlaakeA1, at 1276 • p•Ir. AU wool BrewY Fbewl, ea Hoc. Union tUray Flannel, at 10r. Flaanelettas, at ladies Black Csalinsets Huse, 20c. pair: Ladies' Hack Cashmere (fibres, rbc. pair. The tilt hasping left .u. Tuea.lay evening foe Windsor. Ile- schooner senhie sailed oro 1Vedneslay for Knurl hater to le...I !melee- ler 4'kv e. land. The ..e-h.waner Kolfa/w' Ault: l on %Vales - Jay for 1:olden Valley t., lewd lumber for .11s:berrl l,uu'y�. Thr tug °Nutping. of Windsor. arrived early en Turel:.v w ith the ueec.rlry machin- ery- to No,it the Bavarian. .1n inspection of the a reek +bowed that .ke town git en away amidships, and this preeeeted all ps.ileiftty of pumping her out. The tug returned the sante evening to the river, {eating the selee ser and her 700 tare of nal .s a utnpaawo t.. the one -tune well known Rathbun. 1►n Monday morning the steam barge .Virus arrived in port trot. Kincardine, and while Welting up besi.1. the 1:. T. It. dock grounded on the Canadian. Altera consider- able evpenhture of steam and shifting of freight she was Boatel ref st noon. rise barge took ar some 2,300 barrels of salt at this port, .ad 1.310 at Kinanlinc. making 3.600. She left on Tuesday evening Inc Kingston, drawing 12 feet 6 inches of water. awl passed out without the slightest nuabap. 1M Saturday &firrnxnu the schooner Sephie, Captain John McLeen, arrived with 525 tons of teal for •Ineoph Kidd and the organ factory. When the Sephie appeared orf the harbor the tug ()yogis steamed out to warn her from entering until Ow Stumm subsided. 'rhe Oreadi.,h,wcver,waa a little too tale, as by lite time she netted the Sephie the latter has rimmed Inc the en- trant..., end under a full press of sail she pewsd safely between the piers. Having considerable headway and • strong wind astern es she passed Hie check water *be let gopher anchors. This action checked her awl she swung round, and in doing so her lame anchor snapped in two. Waal, the other dragging, she grounded lightly near the old wreak Norm. .4 hawser and the tugs Orvadu and Seibold soon placed the pret- tiest craft em lake Huron male at her dock. On Saturday morning the three-msatod barge Reveries, with 700 tens of coal Inc the North .lmerIeon l'hetntea1 Co., when about 000 feet from the end of the piers struck on a mod bar and toeing way swung round and drifted northwards before the strong south -rester then blowing. She brought up on . bar near the north pier and although she hoisted tail and had .line front the tag I ►r .die she could not be moved into deep water, but gradually drifted before the gate until she rested firmly in the sand in • line with and about 150 feet front the end of the breakwater. In the afternoon the lifeboat took off the crew and their effect., but be• Inc,• leaving the vessel was Gleet with ether to prevent her drifting until fine weather allows her to he lightened and floated into dock. Cotsi.lerwbie discussion has taken plate in oonnecuon with the disaster, but it s evident a vessel drawing 12 feet 3 inches of water einem enter this harbor at Mw water. 1t bee been panted out that the Sephie entered port the same day without foundering This ie true, but the Sephie did not draw as much water is the Raver - km. and, besides, between the morning and afternoon the water bad risen acme twenty inches. The whole trouble may be fairly laid to the neglect 01 the harbor by those in authority and until such time as the h.rhor and its approaches •re sufficiently dredged earl the present piers extended into deep water gcxlerich harbor will never own its government title of $ " harbor of refuge.- ENO efuge."ENO OF THE FISHING SEASON. H. Meyer. Q. ('.. of W ingham, spent suedes in 0;o.lrnrh aid left Inc home on Monday with has three daughters. who spent the pest few months at the residesce of their On Monday Wt, Mr. John head, in lift Mg • vwl of belling water nL Use stove, was speerely welded by the ,arrests guise over her right ares, and in the attempt to gave herself the left nee was badly strained hl0Iiral aid was melted ,n. LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. U. Niehohe., the Went.t. desdisi, rushee the ptweresueo of the earnest meek a s peen lty Gee ad.ieiM.004 hew 0 a. r. Inc the painless extraction of meth. The clusaplot house ie (laced& le fief a Phan, origins or sewing wswNe. Is M 0' Men. heavy :Skirts and ilraww, 291;. retie,' sad Children's Underwear, et rock - heelers* pricer lire. 1'talon, at Sic. yard. Pam, liorderood Handkerchiefs, at le. each All wool Haack Cashmere, at Abr. yard. 3,000,OQO- f,0W,L 00• fl Saving Department has been oIe,led ire con- vection with this ranch. Interest allowed at current rales. GEO. DR UM_tIOND, Manager Goderich Bralecdl. New Butcher Shop 1 Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths. 3=)_ Zvtc3MRIE1T, Tr., Ins its a Roam (1fa:AT VAL('E. MANTLE' l`UT FREE. MILLINERY. 1.Itr•ge•st display in the county. We lista all others in this Call and fee us. BEESLEY & Co. 1e•pa rt men t (W. . RUTEMPORD, Liquidator. ) 'The tags Oevadis, l.hptain Jerk* I'ra f. MUCH awl Seibold,Captain.las Inkster, and tM�ETTERI,boats owned by J. emigie, 11_ Barwik and1 Role. (lark 5111 a fairly good witch. but ; the nwrterl of ter trait beta !sled badly, : 2 Thank You! 0 ow' p•reou who had bets south of the town losing over four thousand dollars. wkile a L'::syit: ^S r:l':rss or, rase: - well -known toww/ne a did not dip up (t:.T•'f taws soar hors arff'►n.t/r..«. enough fish to pay wages to the meet ern• 4::4:0Nl7 t2O.V U1PUt, cut (,Nat. to e 1 in the work. The to Mvrtie, top- (.rain. (1* A :r amt (.•:' rr.tar- vin Peter Wylie engage.! to gill net fish- l rB III4:"44r4,,es aythey Mon tried tug wben trot employed colketing from trap I nSeffirlS i ets did not stake a large catch. TIie additional boats engaged off (lode rich aeoeoitated the almost mammon. pretence of ,lames (lark, who used Ilia e spare time to argdevising phtus forbe tee's tubie- treat and enlargement of tfte firm's .wane Meet. (luring the early part od the memo over fifty men erre exclusively „n in iii the bustli•a.,and after the hftunett 1 e trap Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and trete over thirty were em oyed. The tisk shipped from this port bat beet, considerable. for in addition to the catch of the goderich boats the owners of trap nets. Booth .a far as the 1:rand Rend, and north .. tar .a Port Alhert,delivered large quantities of . turves mad other tinny ones at (lark's warehouse during the Wean NASAL BALM .,,.•.....ala 4161,111,411 e.ae,• tor was warm .'FAILS .layer SOOTMIHE INC. 8lwtl, H EAuteO. Instant Rebel, Perna.pa'f Can, radar* lmpasarbta C°16 iimeft g wetba f ,.sure. aim moans ofivissee r' isle* • seen •wti.1 r.....)....( ••••••• t tweli sus ern.. t.. .4./ .a et M. tesla,., n.. ins o 11•41111•L111 d M ..y Of 110411 w uM. .u., )Miff a.w UWrth. boa.e.M..5 r w.. la tr.a+nr • 1.wau .t Y.1.4 fru- 6 .4...3 u 5 (01 14. ..0 r tree .....I . to c.r ss.. red y ..*0 . w 15i *a emu Kral..• esti 1y an effa.aVn4 A D you,s.w Meat 1r . aman' FUIJOaa & CO.. q Brockville, Bel. il CATRR NYPOPHOSPHITES -0C Lunn- and Soda. - 1T 1.1 AL.7I081' .:s 1•I1..11fISLIf .:a MILK. IT l.1 A Irr!\'DI-Nr'r f I'LE•11 PROD! -('1'R. 1' :a red .rel , ..,.:...uses by P.,yale:waa Amid .•1 ii4MS:ewa or ara.t;M•iene. tb.1d pee t 1'rrgpis•a of ::O-. um! Rea (eq. :score .! lle►!> 7 Jr R -h• -.41M. fe COLBORNE BROS Our Stock of Fall Goods now ('omplete. REMEMBER We have the great Carpet �1;ucil•,u,r .1 the musty. !'h,• uto,t of our (Carpets are ,lir,'et from the milk. Our Lace Curtain stock is the finest in th • trade. iulpertc.l direct from the maker, in Sum. - LAND. It la needles" to say any- thing about our prices -they .speak for themselves. We have sold 201 tete of Curtains since April 1st, '91. Our SEALETTES will stand the test in all competition -a ONE NiGHT ONLY. s7.0o one well worth s8.O0 seed a °mad Opera Ilierae, $5.00 one worth $6.00. Our As- TH URSDAY NOV.2,'!)L tracers are just as osvalue as 1 our Sealette.s--a good heavy one, trouble fold, for $1.75; also at *3.00 Oast ■ wI/.aitila' IRISH COH EI►1' 1 Y1'N E'ANI', Mani e;value in Cl ths; black Splendidand colored In 1he nrigh.test. neat sad Fueslastblth in great variety, and prices away Play in Kxlsten•e, entitled • down rockllOttoin Kelly's Exj�ctaollz.Mantle Clog bought at COLBOBNE Banti eta and fitted free gag •N.a .ai aays n. waaEaarr of charge. 8..5.4 wa "erta.- „jut .'" "is "' DRESS GOODS in black eesgasy a/ owe Newer* orrb a and color, in ail the leading new frame creat resaeds... fabrics, from 10 cents to 31.35 a teethe I...y tit,erMlit.s. Oso reiarlW. eoasedy aha keeps the pease to yard. '!'hese goals are equal in roars of laughter from beglwatnf to cad. melee sed ole. and ag1aM style and value to anything ere: A ingot of fun Inc .olid Moen for ell who attema offered in (lotlerieh. KELLY'S EXPECTATIONS, Presse need M the press to be nes of His Ino A■ *Mlve tom. deo This IlimmisellsM Ou.tws s alt. ,meal*v. The fishing sea.oa for (knferich is ended Oar town has this year new more activity in this branch of beano than fax massy osseous post. . loading hat« is flee naw daperture Wog the ars of toga, the Int titre in ear that dean yes - side have esied M full reason .V this pert flaring the open tern the teen 0twdla sad Ne.ibeM were .z.l.s(.dy nomad. the tag Myrtle sesasio.ally. The bras owned by 3e. Ik.lgkl. U. Mamie! eat Rail (,reek ooseeeeMt la the Rprwre awl lifted their whits fah awes hi September, vise. wits% ties (`r.fgfe'e haat w b... 1e her berth, hat Merwtek sed (lark Piave h rempsay ilshod awe goer of trout .ss ter • Ie. weeks. o. meek .We el t bodrlri try nota were ask thew to the south lobs veep ekes le mach ether. Our LINEN DEPART - mew blab (.paled:.•.•.,,'ite rend this er...a. VENT is furnished with everything Kalifs Morcott moo has wood Mak you tray need from a 5 -cent towel os. B fe.rw•1tt.te of form •marten, tamM t for tw.httig on earth but to make peeper to a fine linen table cover; also a huEh- Reseed seats on ale at good range of colored tablings anti table co : er s and sank isl FRASER & PORTER'S. PRICKS. 25. 36 a 50 CENTS. We have a great variety of black VEtvgrt, froth 35 cents to *1.00. We have great confidence in these goods and would like you to sec them. Dress Trimmings -In gilt and silver gimps. gilt. and silver cord. black and colored silk cords. BEAR IN MIND we are not showing Ott) stuff worth 50 much on the dollar. but new, sty- lish and sound goods bought for net caah in the best markets : and they can be bought at ruckhottom .Never broken prices. -Kabo. The "bones" in the A lot of Robed Dresses. B. & C. corset are made of it at A dlacowit of 5 per cent. -warranted for a year, too. on all regular prices in dry gex►tds It's a corset you can wear on of *1.00 and over. a few weeks, and then get P.8. ---We have 20 to 30 your money back if it doesn't pure' of drls•wt goods not this Fallow purchases, worth from 20t• suit. to 30e., that we are clearing out a But it's pretty sure to suit 15 a tntit a yard. (loot sound gond+. --else it wouldn't be sold so. 8°I1A ends of mantle goods, to.; at 1 great sscriflee. COLBORNE BROS. leas flown wholesale price Has opened a Meat Market in J. B. EDWARD'S OLD STAND, next store to E. Oampaigne's • Montreal street where he will keep constantly olhand a fresh supply of all kinds of meat. All orders will receive promptiattention. Meat delivered to any part of the town_ :12 Ira D. McBRIEN, Jr. Bargains in Cloaking, Mantles Cut Free of Charge, Bazaar Patterns Given Away WITH GO(MS PURCHASED Il'OR CBIDDBRN'H WEAR. ALL LINEN COODS STAMPED FREE 'Wools of .All Mrizids_ WOOL CAPES MADETO ORDER --lT'1 3, eta("v •; lfALs 111T W. 101110011 it RA11 -Dress Grads and nieces. 7ltt41. MRS. R. B. SMITH'S. IF PEOPLE ONi,Y KNEW THAT SANTA CLAUS Borrows THE SII:NAI.)t snl►seription lint to get the names of families whom he intends_ visiting on Christina. Eve wouldn't every father or Mother of a little boy or girl in the county rush to get his or her name on the list. (fine dollar front now until January 1, 1 893 you see the names will be on for two Christ- mases. TO THE PEOPLE I)Ur MANTLE .AND Delle: YIA111!N: I)Kr.INTildWT a big tunicae. Work roods piled up with orders. All hands working day and night to till orders. We are ready to do lousiness with YOU, and we an. happy to guy that our position is such that we are able to give such satisfaction :net you .'onld only hope to get in ter law centres of trade and fashion. See our Mantle Goods, See our Mantle Goods, Fancy, new shades, Beavers, fawn and black, Ready-made Jackets, Sealettes, 50c, worth 65c, $ 1.00 2.00 5.00 6.00 1r if to et 75c 85c $ 1.25 2.50 &00 8.00 DRESS C000S BOOMING! Just opened, a lot of nice Tweed Effects, 5c, worth Plain and fancy Melteons, 10c, tea Jersey Cloths, in new shades, 20c, Black and colored Cashmeres, 25c, All wool Cashmeres, 40c, ALL T11r. LEA nevi; H.AKIM It CORSETS I sr N u 10c 12c30c 35c 65c Yo(* %MOULD an THIEL wa U'OW we've got tin hearts of 11 i u . WS UO'w wive got the right goals et the dight price*. WI >CXO'W if yen buy frost us once you will buy from us otter. WI301131Ir we .hall win ltemcnther we. OUT anti FI'T' All Mantle Moore Nought frons us FR112 OF CHAR4)*. Don't forget the place, Ci-ree t Cash Store, LiEO. ACHESON & Co.'s OLD STAND JXO. BOBBBTSOB, - Tk P11 h': Erni.