HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-6, Page 3THE 1 INODOM OF WOMEN
with taeu.s+s
and aeetmee--The Lwow PWteee In a
M seSRsssiose W
ruiners Meats flaw ager M
TM tont gems, eosSpaflies M est wiri-
est its notch of perry, Gad may of se re -
parr r the yeagb empar.ktsg rarer es •
day tar savored of the freedom sad defier
d • gfim, mop than as the maker sad
p.•atiod time war eiders repelled it.
There w • per rows, hyo .pet.
Were the Are d kenegoen built frees time I
agree. -
w ooral, two --o.ed poste held
ria stout cleflt*iere best which the um
moss kettle bang --and how the emerge
,ad sorrel Warmof arm
leaped ar5d
it! Asthe Fd how tis had of gore glowed,
and now weird end vest its bu►Utag, rah
lig sorbet seemed to the timid raid. As
.serer11 tamers .f mem
resod the • repro, or t�► d
an Mors;
mos over from the djeuing far -b. -..e to
tr if the may was gang to "mar"
Theo then was sameti erg
.rt the great res kettle wader the g
with Its gnldsa-Mown w of pod .smug
bye, a which • Mss d egg sed porter
was mites. "If the lye will Mr up es
e gaud; if it will bear op • pate, it
Zone', prate,
ran soo.pted dotting And
the proportions wore Worse pounds of grease
• pultul of lye. When thu nurture
baled up thick, it was needy to put in the
barrel and have ram water added t., It until
It was the right , .
11- dei formula for setting up • leach
ear as follow.. To make a 15n-elfel of
■rp. it 0111 require live or az burials of
shag with four tarots of atom hoe; if
Wiled doable the quality. The time
. 1.uld not be pat at the bottom of the
WWII. but dumbed m two or three pailfuls
sf baling water end turned on the ••Ire„
diet it be. rein • pailful or two of strung
I he harrel should hate horns leered is the
.,lam, mud be rayed with four bricks: a•
:arrel without s bottom will do, with sticks
or straw to keep the a.hea in ;Moe, email ,
og on • wile hoard, with a channel wt for
:be lee to run. bark the ashes In putting I
d little water at a tines for • day or two. ;
sat then a gars every Inver or two. until
.treetith a exhausted.
H tit" soar. six pends of aslau,ls, az
puuuds of grease, three and terse-luurtb
!oriole of na.1•cked Irate, four g•llos. of
:un water. Hod the .ode, hese rad water
:.tgetber twenty muwtae, thew remove from,
tie stove and Ire settle. Whets akar. dip
od the liquid and •ai.f to the- grease; put es
die stove end heal until .tnngy. take it of
u ,mot, add two ounce., of oil of •srufrr.
Itr and pier into earthen dishes. Wheal N
,. herd, cut into ekets and put away- so
.In If the. soap is partly of mutton sal.
os. sad has two ounces of glycerine stirred
s It. it is exo.lieat for the toilet. fare
must be taken ant to allow airy 04 the .edi
sant to dram off www ppo,ngg the lwfuid
;own the lune and miswis.
Meadows and Nf1•• Aare* 1••"•e•g in
quo's Mae,
Dr. J. V. Olaf., .f New Vert, mear
limo ego busih6 • jot w (sink eared Mat
este 1i•• the mange sorer of 4/roe,
fort. *her • liar the by wae ee.tdrat
efl sap...d tees te.
./ OM sea; I hydrates,and w dierelerst oho
wart ee
assie•tw wee found to dew to the for
(nosier .i sulphide a led. The tlia.aless
leer was darker u• places where the per
apieatlaa W w:smulated and tired. 1'ar
fel araiyw of the sweatband .rowed it to
.etlsia ne lees than Q fl3tl3 gram d lead
per rare rash, a 37.348 greats ler the
who/. head, TM composed used wan
apparently Wine les.i. of which the gear,
lily of lead ..o,.l indicates I Ogr *frarms per
alums tares, w 494.W. gnu= fes ILe satire
Q. Griater gives the diminution tag after
aliom that white lead and litharge are fro
gamitly u..d is conneetoa with boiled oil
to give leather • glossy rain. Some *wart
heads ooataan more Lithe lead ,omp cad
lee others, .mid also is different combine
tier rsedariag meow mire lemmas them
No LP yon Clewing° CLars. .---llmieesnrr .
.1 ■msaoea, oft* woe, of oaaIde soap. one
fourth =ace each rd ether. glycerine and ase
.punts of mitre, two &ad .rne-h&lf pants of Mw
left water. Boil .aril ropy sail ounl in
• lit hen dubs.
H .Ito Boar MON *We Ho tr. Take eight
;onsets ..f soft neap, bull it two bun with
at pounds of cea.ases salt, and it will make
-le pounds of bard map Add a little roan
.ed scent with fragrant o11.
. tt'It menti tat, l'.1wTLl doll•- -`slice
lbs Wei whit. neap as thea ,, ,.,e, &mid .iter some re&•etoe. she was led to give up
eek over a sioW bre. Take it from the
yen foil a horrid au4*iug in
7051 log or u tour eyebrow,
la your foot 0r is your 11.er. in
First your bask or la your ms.
If yearahnaklerblrler Kit creat-
ure keg or your ribs pain elan
you're 'rmasking.
Aadd you're eataa51 thief s scrib-
ing quite so bad a bnesan
11 it taken you in le laeep., in
i..ur eves or in your finger,.
Haw in tour -mets. or este, or ankles.
It feet. 10 your hips of in veer knee.:
lepra -
Sono Aaeude*at D.•. --A 9•eket5oe Op'• far
-- -- - i
she f>rwr,
INTERESTIMG PARAGRAPHS CULLED I. the town d 1- -, Muar.hin, hooey
FROM VARIOUS FIELDS. ' sgrr•er who had • defensive ere' end al-
wys wore • grain patch over u
Ore market rreug he wee visited by
• neighbortag fares, whit hod • hooch
The rear sorted w brews with •
mane, o:
A Saleable rola for T.■tl*e moa■fee-
torer.--As Artla.t.: Rotel Closely Re -
emu blies tole-1.1.ile,,,. •am Pal lad lsea
('ryetal.- I) .rlpta,.a of the Now Verlag
A enter Is . French teeh•eal toenail
maims a valuable p•.lut for flow en;alt1,I 15
OW aaa&ufActnra ,.f textile., t1•uwe!y, that to
o btain a rtlai.c4e v .Jack or woo. t.v chew
trials m,K,t.ut. and to w,sore a .milt that r
both eyes and of a p,uud, a:pl.le feel. it u
al..dutely eseenlal that voru..•f tonne hr
used to addition to sulphuric •ct,l. This M
not otast,lered an teDPnitd by nowt Eng-
lish deers. hot in pont ret tut, H .5 goner•
&ply admitted, the French wool dy.n Ion
out superior work to that of th- c::.g.;w.
• ed ,JIP tn.p.wtatins of area M.. Is ,n1e
Eag1•ml a know,, 10 be very extensive.
The procem for o0• hundred t".nod• eon -
sots In ianl:s for °M&n.I • hall I.*,.,. Math
three pu.:nels of tartar- two an 1 on -half
pounds Mchromete of p..t•sh, flue toil pentad
•ulphate..f copper 50.1two au•l one tlunl
pound+of .ull.Lurr a. td: 1w httirt, ,t .a
passel thrwyh lukewarm, water sn.l i luted
well. The Ave loth u wmiseed ..i the re•
.fatly proposed liquor from 14:teen 1,0.nul.
of legsa..l and fourouuces of wipiu,• 1. add,
the M..,! 4. Le ent.•,rwl Wit the ••o •' 'd
liquor, and {soled gently from •n• -half to
three fourths of to hour this for a hlu•
A Metal Closely IL•.eahlleg (4.1A.
Ow of the portals devoted to the je wa-
if vou •115 t help mapisg Hoke ler • art states tart au.u.g the marry natal.
,i„a, m the p'rr.le lit the Whet. lie rulatancer employed at press id for pre.
When rover arra nnh1."I Mr- during meet.) slowly nseml,i:n. gold. one of
lured with • cough or stab a the moot p"•rfect r well or ..:u,.rnhle imi-
rm.rst I (5lion. Is AIlaise.l by the folInw,n_ premia:
Tian Tou It got the rheumatism tare nnndre,l parts 1-t weiont are t Men d
Us wave flaall,h form or other, I per„ o•..pper, fourteen pert. ••t tui nr xinc,
tt hot I'm room rlmt.r duetwt• o511 it , ret of magna.. fifty ►it ,.f nal-,uintott:ami,
tan what 51x7 plsaw, eighteen of .lure khme. owl tone of errata o1
dome. Oout, lumbago, or tnw,, w a�1tr
my. I eau„ruffs tartar. The copper t. melted. an•1 to this
(k ne'rralga, balk .Iepuut d., are suite uVely Al,.t gra,tu&L'v ratted Ne
rut he de,rilv.d by there. ma;,mew, +a1-a,nnn.na&r. ,pu,ckliinv and
Fr Met ttuow. tb.• wily bum • resin of tartar, rich b.. it•eli. in the form
bug•. there 4 little.u,e le try- of powder: the whole is stirred for half an
rug hour. the one or Itn befog :04.1..1 m uc.L
To persuade • mere Optimists- pieces and stirring resumed and -intuited
to give air into their talk ; till the whole a milted. the "n' ,!.1e being
&bout Hew(5' the nam.,, foal th�•, v•- ; them covered end the mixture kept in •
i.yeutvd 1., get the 4ee. tb.r'1.
it scented
molten condition f•M r:,r fwru.l o thirty
Hud o4t Y.5•ulapMn. Miami them. ; tire mm.atcw after thio the tiro.• 1• .•are-
wuuld bare turned him white fray] ...1 ruttrrl))• remove"t and the metal
as chalk
, poured onto n..wlds. The substance thus
Twit to anal as h polkaed po pedu. rel has a fine grain, it malleabl,, and
bums. and with salves and doss
^^t esstlt tarnish.
plasters frescoed. -- -- --. - T.-_.
read And not only by (15 4octors, bat Platl0Ss W Pd/adMaCry elal..
what r authors of a fad. 7;he artificial preparation of crystalr of
do Your deer asters and your crow- plsttnuut and palladium is new. i1 1s am
abut ,t. in. real Tew, aunt. nal trends.
(scuta rad Intl oar
b doses, awned, a comparatively any chem:.•al
tut their lin schielenoent. A nhl.nn of pure Metal u
will drive you alma mad Wretched horizontally between two hording
Ii.h' ('os.ign th.m all to Nebo! sstews• and on the riUru, finely powdercJ
Tare's no ninety more ewe as .lusted, awl an elm-tr.c .orient
)aro .,, tau, pas...1 through the Wiliam of a degree of
all Tban to he in unto of torture. strength 1ufti.•ient to raise it to a bright
quite es patient a. a lamb.
sal on ju,ttff..1 •n•,e.utn, then
t "u 'en w ttbu,lt p.►r,.u.MN,n,
Just ,«lave v.ureen a trigs try •
%only murmured d
red heat In the spar of ,beat half as
hour. "n exannnnI2 the ribbon with a mb
creecope. it is (mod that very moult Aril -
hero crystals cling here and there to pro-
jecting pouts of the pnrtoally deo.onipoaed
4 Titled Teetotaler:
topaz. louder these conditions. if the hest
lad Macdonald, the wile of the lair he maintained the cryat,is ateadlly grow,
y .ad ou shoot two hours -1,o. son,. will haw
Prune Mmaster of t:....d•, u a stauttck attained t,. a alis of about t.Inun. The
total abstainer. The stn of how she he. „Timid. are opaque, mud *liner a higi, met-
cama r hr Lees t•.IJ hy�rsolf She aye, . alio: hat re, like that of clean use-•-••ry.
slave and when lukewarm add enough .rel wine dnnk,n� .uddeuly at k»t, on i'hrio•
rete) !et It remain u s drye fit.• dial on the au"ject, bet never made my ds•
of esMway to scent it. Turn tato mshi.. mas I)sy, 1 r. !thee had "'might • 01"11
totted reeolntws until that dao- Convents.
•' mons r ;loay a made ley I,omliug manna" tion at dinner turned uu tutwl &bo,ltanic*,
e,i; in lam oil three house rad a h•H. ped s guest, a strictly teammate non, who
*5. P held high mite a tits" IbarMlon, s•el (bat
e se. %TOM t30AF,- Take a nuance ef _Jyt rn_tal � wag ImpoWdale
•,, .n.l of costly reap, we cols d old or ani �• hr. tK1r." llaodvld
tt;' I*.,r .carr, • gill d !.v.sd•r water, the combated this, awl, as a result of further
sr.•.. ret
„Air. water Gnrl • huh. •ltebol. discussion, she wee challem ed as tnwh•ther
Si • {all these together until thoroughly the would herself "give up her glass of
ittl$Eut:t ten Mt ATLI Soil..- _Dissolve sherry at disuse." she u once doodad to
tea,, oast sod • quarter d white tet • ayi•g, "Henceforth 1 eater the ranks r.
p"' q Pott ,l(the total akre•,.ers, &sol drink t., out ; II"- q wit- •:yak td dark- purp ah .mean
n hie quarts it of water;
oILUlt boil Oyer a f bayberry w,tc!v5 is ws!r. - Hr ladyship'• trio- aa°o omen in the small examination
uantity the ma-
tire, with ten •• moray a that • ;$4 .s than, thank God,
ilea „r my rtle with, until : lOFSI to iwsap : have nicer (sued any gecmssitr for s ire. Do renal, but a quabtatire anal sir .ikibite
Uwe add a teacupful of cold snort end boil the preerooe of silver, arasnoc, end sulphur.
tee inmate& 5(eat with say tragrast oil health 1 tan oho my life's work eritbont &ay The ap,e••:tr ' on. and hanlntas n the
••,d turn in moulds to dry. Let it stand in aid from dangerous stimulants; in sickness angular eubstaece have nee Leen deux,
mold. a oath 01 ten d• •mid l late invariably and tively refused to
)•, then rel.Mva teach it.• --New York World. mined
a It u useful for allavi :,, u good for
napped hands *parka of Selene*.
Sore Soon -'I'l. 1.0..d Hu reit., ma.•
ul rein water I A bicycle elevated road, to lo istod
:s a brass or ire r (s11511w �s .01lowing :xquuote ham by I.agk l b'7 ]
,•went- ' •e. kettle rid,. ora liox d i ,the beautiful ewe • al are ever electricity. u proposed between aroma
d Ivo. When diaawawd put One' ` y aril -scans. The distance s thirty-six
yli°w poor of prase or boil nand it hire @. 71 nag l ,ita this e.1,! i.crs•@e miles, and is i• estimate.) that It will take
.r "P rep] o. the stick noes for dalliwn A• > but forty minute@ to make the t,ip, where're
It Haw in the barrel used for bolding the And ft. m to.ttb@omowel4.• 51 o' hiof pro*.
man. by steam it esquires an horst and t hrTe-
Ileerrlptl.a of eewguislt.,
•• Walla Mr. .1., yea have got u with year
par paes year heck."
Yrs„ ryes the •a.wor. -mod b.1.re you
Mr get the shatter d your widow."
Kepi MM Ryes Ore..
An Irish bricklayer woe cue day trosgtt
Se the hosptal sev.nly mj.red by • fall
from • Mea.top.
The esedicel ora 1■ atted55oa raked at
what time t►e aemdeat securer.
"Tv. o'clock, ler Honer," was the
• lz
bei%g asked wby he come to ix the
hear ss accurately. he =towered:
"Because I saw the people •t donor
tht04lgh the wt.dew se I was dowse
MM 1.114*. Joke.
A clergyman who was a widower hod
throe grows -up daughters. Having oc-
casion to go •ear from bouts for • few
weeks he write home from tune to tun•.
Is we of hu letters he informed than that
he hod "earned a strapping widow with
six children."
You may tumm•aggone what • stir It crested
u the h.5seh.ld. When the nomretertsed
hems one of hos daughters, her Byer red
with weeping. mid:
••Where* the widow you married,
"Oh. I narked her to another otos."
Mickey'. flan....
Dunn`` the Crimean Wu one of tb. tricks
of to. soldiers who wanted to get on the
sick list. so as W get out of as much service
as passible. eras to get some small wooed.
is the Mind If possible.
One day esu of the soldiers who were
stationed before Sebastopol was seen by the
officer on duty to deliberately hold up his
heed shunt the walls, at which the Russian
sharp -shooters were .•onstantly firing, and
on being asked his reason for doing so he
-sum, lir, 1 was
feeling for • fur -
Trost Mam tike a Tromp.
A gea1Jenan recently carried a letter of
rl. irotn • friend to a stranger.
received him coolly end showed
him. A late iOessttption told
him the roses. The letter said: "Treat
him Nike • trump." but the stranger had
read K. **Treat him like a tramp."
Geed for 15. Ka...,
A Mag fop, who had just begun to
shave for a bard, stepped into • him-
dtotsrs shop sad after a grand swagger
cleared to be shaved.
The hair dresser went through the natal
movements, and the sprig jumped top with
• Sourish sad exclaimed:
"My tine fellow. what is Theoharis?"
"Oh. no charge,- replied the barter.
••No charge' How is that'! -
"Why, I am always thankful whoa I
can get • .at calf -skin to sharpen my razor
Mere'• Moassty for Tem
At the recent destruction by fire of • pro-
vision chop the crowd helped themselrs
One num grasped a huge cheese as his
.hare of the plunder.
Rising up with it he found himself face to
fere with • policeman, and, with admirable
ptesenee of mind, put the plunder into the
officer's arms. saving:
Thea name of ssngoonote ha. Lr•en gates t. ••Y,,u had better take arc M that. police-
• Yaw mineral described in the Mwera10' I 11141.11, r pule one will ire walking off with
peal \i•garine. Accordtsgto this It was ole
s•rvnl on specimens of argentin„ fr05
(.San:tr. ,Uo. and is :nasi'jere:l to be a h ma-
gma, ailph&rseaiteof hirer, cilLC-i to fres
.,_.. a lay ua u.•,w
peated to be gothite, its different •. h:•ra• ter,
however, being revealed no esaotivats
with the microscope. it has lustre. like
earthly hematite: color, bronze -red by re-
flected It ht .and blood -red ley transmitted
dila I. tlr -..., • 110
top twelve gallons of cold Min water: pour If.tp nrh anti hlf R s m bloomyta 441..
'he snap from the kettle oto the barrel of An angel minting in • book of geld: Ranee tafy.•mi engineers have tnv iP,l •
entre and stir briskly. The rs@.lt w41 be ; pixr.,.mding Peace tet ta•da Bea Adam bold, am luting for be rings. it is swede of •
s n:.Ie h ht •colored soap ezceUsat for isrr ' And to roe penesd4 s m the roam he s•W: thio layer of cewrnprewse,l regNsMe pan h -
do purposesWhat wettest ,boor The rakes rabid its rest, ..rep may be m..de to steed Erst bee
Wok by noo.otnoally waled.
And stir •Irk see d d swot 5000rd hter is made ,at
Tows TWO Are Trigg. I seines el than who love Anew hated electric gas KR
Many (-other .ilheks: in fact, afehahalbertos
ll . all p.rtis.luM
s like e onlinary kind except
Karnitnres sell well. ex Meg plumes- •Aad 4 mtoe•..er mid Lbw. 'Noy. sot so,' that wher. the Bark its formed • little
ifost•T corded ifor visits •ad Killian tan .age. Ah°S more on loP• sad makes 'gnw, hood collects the tt baa
I.^me gowns, to dark shades ler met iia fiat ebe•rly Mil. mud s•fd ' '1 Pr+] the*, ^ursine
'Carr w "'hair Rrcde• Wilitd far qla,- thee. Osie of the big Florida hotels hos the great
e Write tar r or that bow it (•. Ttmen.' o,rchestnon whir* Mas exhibited at the Perls
x ` ra,llrn we• nude in thePleieMHor Thr Beet wrote mud emitted. TW ant
•til« � .pght exhibition. Telephones are panel is each
It ryas with se awakening lig*t, I room and ars ;connected with the wren -
ft' ark alk and ----- fir "In" tris d „om) Awed lb* name. whortow of find trios so that each guest may hest the music
4 with jet few second merwisg metres
✓ elvet
bed bleat wbe he wishes. toss. Atte to' Bre Adam's an Ind all the rest -
bad Tbe city of Vancouver. B.('., is ,•tnaider-
VelvM Imagoes, with eitrt, stomas and tag 1*e . toper..., a the .ewes
est el plain or striped. ,month or rough Manm la Pare., railway in that vitt. Ii the sale is egicted,
trenllra goods. (:old cresol rust. V$nrowver will he the first city in Almeria•
Velvet ribbon trismlln's with velvet oor-
aletti p.sant waists or girdles, as they are
leeenlly .••Iled.
Meows Natters.
Never leave vsget•hln+ in the water after
they arc enoked.
If sa.s•fras hark u iakled once( dried
batt 11 will keep cwt tried
t ••tehep keep better .al pckka alae if
you Pot • hot of kors.rwdtsh in the Mmol of . the Treasury ler • I minces• ee he he he the dark
the bottleI d the memopolLof .
satchels m P'ewt with
February had fire Sumid•ys is ism.
b own $ street y.
Masher is spoken hy 4OO.OfMI.00n people. As electric meters are slightly wan,. they
A dor to r rye fiat owe person in use la �* a harbor for iweects which &Stet the
110beity of the instruments. One of the
sad introduced
only three tie a Indeed. _ .e.'. @pidgin.
- - • An h:nglish enrrsrn has patented • rnm-
LasMellFr•es 1. P'Ttfg.t' =dote he glared on the outside of Incas -
The Derr ds Germs •ssoeaene tet do•rst lemma After the current a awitoh-
clew will he ,..foal ..til O•teeb.r 1M1 by ed off the compound remains luminous, es
twelve ]esu, flat t hemp
es. seen t■
the of loci- it ' proposed to supply Charlotte. N.C.
In betting meat few soup use cold water ler 1' State kr fixed at
electric lights. the power to he rtes.
to corset the tut d the Leat is venue required hy theed irons One Catawba lily at the hems -
granted for itself paione put it into bodies g177,sd►. The 'raster mest hey sp tan shoe beael, roe distaste* from the city.
water three *miscast' ,na efaetenes. TM river is ,rid to have • peat veleritr at
If doughnuts are cot out en hoer before The Odds Aga15ss Nim. H. pamt. d Rves.iMrg I)eamark, res
they are fried, to allow a little time ler
nrpg. they will no much lighter. Try est- A. erness4g scene °regrind tie Mane dor eently found • meterite at 1.]..bnld. The
hag at night sad frying in the morning- is ,.o. of •*e cowls, and shoe* who saw 1 steteewitr has hem, (twwanled to Prof ha-
lf the Magda are rubbed on a Welt of Wee not yet doss Isegbiag over it D Rt. strop. of the Copenhagen ('inversely. few
erten o1 Rt The eirTvm
drmno « •
to I (Minns 7 h"'pa, '1 �11 ecaeet (ao As the finder saw the meteorite melt
par, who is se jolly sa itireme r ever .,, sate day in August, mu,
Idt beaded. eietne ..m,penlew inti • stern enstnlnr
'IUs nlgbtl.g•1. u said to have hie heegd h.e1 pried his meter open
dory after pod onion the warren will
Mat one of W old
� t weaning of tylltag ie•d on armee le comae -tine with the. And i. the
he eaurey s,, may t wit to .rimer it. Inn •t f l e n K
order ureter withwnt eegelw to •yes or whom
m Um. i el trial swam the e d art Omen tato & willow tree, shout =Ay
iaade W►•o tan Bey M hes t of the
won rlb.a'Ireck• top" •little 104•46•••6"1212 sew dieevered it in the vette. role
T. Help Twang
Keep r .yetr.hell is year tam"•
mad it will prevent the fir matte• d • sera
m the inside by .ssete4lfIg the .trj
limbers is is it ehoold be ttlst4"d
Ail si vefwiu wad .semi- may he
pMr•d bun leag•rdsYrd snakeef "y
. they have bete powder
• OW map.
rad 1st jury lad bee ,mpaselled tree
ewers. fie "nerd. std bol"" Ih@ •&1.1r The Swedish aatnteli.t, Karl A. Ru-
ney at•d rarill7 rale hi eye over Ao1pM, pw pig et 1.ineu ns, has given •
What he relished ran bpi Mea M, 551 1 ' detailed description of the electric tnwg.Y d
his (551 mad, regaedlace of .cruet dkgw•rt" the nri&Pts►o is lire" den 7Atterwi
real dower cried ea:Thi• Ash. .hirh w Arae cell Red ell
-Hol Memel Jeer. .ler N,ekb.r'. Reath (reader). gives its dirt -hoer when
s,a .m t foe, 5W am • h6L flie=s meshed ea the hard bur is p.ewerlmes what
the twee err ell I'S tees V .4Ir'I an 111whid by ttail. the .kuawn e 5 r lir
deka "--Ek. Par as set resehiag the metal Is.
The rind Cigar.
A ogle( eve
brtmatn the
eters, with
brother Ntsive
and t Ivo cigars.
Reboot the sheet
we slowly creep !
the folks Wheel. the
worldasleep. 1
•tnke a light with
,bake] hand. in sorb
a fn;mt 1 many cos
stand. Like veterans
groin we puff the
amok• Sly eye. grow
dim, 1 almost choke.
Another, anti •nears•,
pelt. How bitter
street! My mouth is
full of the hitter weed.
Mystomach tura, oh,
uty,how slick! My throw,
too, burns eh, help me
gawk, 1 roll, I squirm,
worn (rightesed look.
just like • worm w
fishing hook. I cry for
Steve; my cr7•e in vain ;
I sea him heave with
awful strain. When hope
is &•d, there breaks •
light. helmet that shed,
tepee our plight --
and dad is here : a
forth we crawl, he
gr••P• my ear and -
let the certain f&1L
An interview next
worn ear bra. Our
words were few ;
but thou ou, dad
i,.Llnd tIt•I
shed he showed
as .tan that
till I"m death
ou r first
•ig•r I'll
a • v • r
1 o r
People Wonder
TTHK$ they Sad how 7
BM restored by taking Ser/,•
SSSarilla. TM rearms Is pkat tble
uranins ado this purer
said most powerful altererb•s end
tonic- To thousand, yearly K proves •
veritable sitar of Ufa.
Mrs. Jos. Lake. Brockway Centre,
Mich., writes : Liver comfiest ltad
indigestion made m7
amid came sear ending m7 externem.
For more than loan years 1 suffered un-
told agony. I was reduced almost to
• akeletoa sad hardly had strength to
deg myself .boat. AU the of food
dtstuse, e, and .sly hmost
deli -
Bate could be digested at all. Within
the ba moutioOed several phystciw
treated mek givingmid trelief.
ing that I took seemed �o oanyper-
manent good until I began the use of
Ayers Sarsaparilla. which hes pro-
duced wooderful remelts. Soon rites
to take the Sarsaparilla I
could see an
la y oosditios, my appetite began to
tours and to
dligdet all th. f000d takes my . it came the tyrenati
iotprovd amok daj, ami after • few
sotlfb e d i1Wfa natation to your
mopes, I fogad syeeif • hal
we sea, obis to attend to ell household
dorm The medicine has gives se a
new lease d life, and I crows thank
you too much."
' We, the undersigned. titrate of
Brockway Centre, Mich .• hereby certify
tint the above statement. trade by
MM- Lake. is true la every psrtiealmr
sad entitled to full credence.' -O. P.
Chamberlain, O. W. Waring. C. A.
Walls, Druggist.
Mybrother, In England, was, for a
bag t, unable to attend to f--
on by reason d sores on his foot.
sent him Ayer's Almanac and the tes-
timonials It contained Induced him to
try Ayers S•raparlU$. After using it
s little while, be was t.•ured. and L now
a well man, working In • sugar milt
at Brigham. Queensland. Australia." -
A. Attewell, flbarbot Lake. Outario.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rtaara&KD sT
Dr. .1. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mese.
Pte 31; @la bases, $1. Worth N • Leith..
,The Best Display
Potosi' comma.
A per oan.ot resign his peerage.
There re 74,0110 Vienne. is Loden.
The Strand was ort, • riverside tewisg-
JI snapre'1.
-0000 is DkLean',-
Central Telephone Exchange, Coated Houle Squares
The subscriber wishes to announce the arrival oft
Extra wide and moderate in price.
In soft and (lard finish, from the best makers.
A general t of other new and fashionable goo • Ho May,
and will be noticed later on. A liberal discount on all cash , heat
one dollar up. Strictly one price.
-Oppcatte lbs m.rSet.-
Money to Lend
Cheap Rates,
Farmer's Notes Cubed,
BEND 50c•prea"17701good "•
b. nae and a.• tedl red you by express. C.O.D.
this ,learn: '.ymic`i which ;on 'f 1511 eyou dumnot isaand Sod
It all and even sere
than we Halm for
but if perfectly sat-
isfactory, pay the
Lemon Agent ell
Shakespeare's will is le he seen at Homer
•et Homo.
Only nue Englishmen ie twenty -eras
pays income tax.
Over 1.0(10,0(0 people withered Nap
hoe's formal is Pare In IMO,
Preston it supposed to be the most Rssaa
Carrie tow. in Eagles..
There • e thirteen regiment. d homy
mmvrky in the British Army.
An average of tour peewee dim duly in
& gbaad trees delirious rear
Time hundred British d.anrre and mail
lelg voce Am lost at sot yearly
�mh s
i• now ...mde eall@d t7
"the `aeries leagsye."
M. Wsidlaglws, the Frere\ A..Mmemrer
M Lemke, resi.o 350,000 s year.
Il1W4ies leave that only err aro r am
who essigraeu deme with edse.tage.
Beth ilk Jeb. Millais nes) Mr. Were gel
fret Oaten is the Ad
y ihs
use watch. Minh a
chance to 5501110 a
reliable timepiece
at each • Adieu -
lonely tow pries km
' ,Idioms If evehe-
fore. r y
fon, o
ts a MUMMAtan
pm�1� 0 op �M
(Van msr•L It chess
solid how. cap and
ileum, heating
emembea.tlfull) en-
graved and is dee-
per" Tb5 weirs
are Waltham style,
Wahl jewelled. with exp.fen Miser. (5
end we creme*. it we oeeurete note
weper. 1 is eatabi. for either • lady or
geeft.see. A rtes b Dew with ..��.1k
ware.. Widmer to. w. ATT a 00.,
wateks.sioset ,(M•
SEND US =1a00:▪ f'"p''f=
too will wood you postpaid tide
pgSMM SONS', ti
SSIM NUMMI me i W rm pal( of 11S
Them flags Ire » ,
la w ban Pati d kW*, the U,ird 5 with hese 11111 at 1.e. h. P!t'd n M
h•v. tan Pon otl.•.m5 the 4th sad Ufa tb from hirer fes n. • it is
ppmrfssp ef• V!LLAU4 OF M ROAITZR.
%* A_21416.UdiAIRO,
Dower and Haberdasher.
.a•• urea Maleue*7 ad meleeeleMr.
r seta ewa5iy, •Qrdt•5 siert freest - 002._ 4r Oars • IOryaa.
moo from sae •meress polo.
1ISTUTUEovs tan ITS Amok
In Canadian Cholera and Bow t
Complaints Ira effect Is moats.•.,
IC cures in a vary short time.
t gee d ol.r.atba d 7.nowts
117 einem of a warrant under the band of the Warden and seal of the oorpor.tioe of the
county of Huron, dates the uwentieth day of July. MI. romma.dlme to levy epos the
land. hereinafter described for the &errors 04 taxes respectively dos tkereoo, together with
costa: Notice I. hereby riven that unitise such taxes and conte are sooner paid. I Wall. (a
compliance with the Assessment Act, clap. (W3. R. 8. 0., proceed te all by public sodics the
sato land.. or ao moth thereof as may be necessary to discharge the same, at the C'Ct. RT
1101.81 L. la the TOWN of 101NCHICH, on TL K$DAY. the TKNTH day of 41JVh:MB4R, 111111.
at two o'clock In tke ahertaooa TOWNSHIP Or ASHPIKLD•
LOT A ND IDKSCIt11'TION Couca•1ot ACRIS OR Taxes m
corns TOTAL
t•7i retro $ (.TL 1 ('Is- 3 O
Part of Were half d North half of 1t It. k Pst'd 14 M 7 M
>R i32
P•t'd 6 el
` 1•
1 •
1 11
1 a5
7 14
7 14
2 7733
1 Pi t'd g 741 1 2t g M
Part of Park lot 17
Albert -M, North I
1 77
1 M
1 M
1 e!
Tr: IS Pat'd M 1 M
an 1-5 174 1 •
851 1-3 K 1 st
p Pst'd 111 1 M
1 ss7 121
14 se •• If M 131
N le " 4 I 113
North half of 11 2 15 Peed 351 1 •
Soot hwest quarter e(4 7 se • M 1 14
West half of P (1 la Pat'd 13 .td 1 33
-,- -,", 1 or STZPHZN.
South ball of 3 in N Pard 12 s 1 31 13 e7
Part of 1
Pan of M
North part `t Wont half of 11
Mouth part of North half of 11
1 !/
1 •
13 00
41 11
14 i
Pa -k 11
Smolt •1 10 of ft:
mooa llulf oo
St f St
41 Peed I; ig 11 64
t 24 1 M
4 • 1 le
5 Of 1 It
1 -es
VIL1.AGR or RBUS11rL7.
4 w
�l�N��a�stlt 1pw• etet 16
-- o0drba rieglst Mk• MM.
Male et. N. + Para
$.Hens -.t. W. +1
4. 4
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it r
Is M
f I 51•
I M 1 0
1 12 11
!M 130
I 11 4g)
1 f !�