HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-11-6, Page 1•
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The Iinght.a red Deet Newspaper is
Mruma Roe unit Jeseery 1, 18D,1, for $1.46
in *Anew
1111I .111i
giGH S tHOOL NATTERS. he added for 1,600 out of the rine Moores cen.mmucatlo. the M
' document was k d b M
A Lively Meeting elf the
hers of the Board
Alison. .1 is tut feu to usseelt u.
That the ,:lasses M artthmeta•'. algebra,
) . euchd and Mousey are the hes%int In aunt
' hen. In all these he full elses i* take
while In the sublee-te of Iran, I;ren
bawled to hint for psrtte 1, so that he aphid to corroborate the china. and adv
state. get on all four. with fire dreusstw, ee far
Tn t-erse .ata enebeiI 11.1s The. nook. '
Trustee Ma man/to was sol w favor of i The Question le time Heinen. Question el
resciuding the rrsndetion, for he had re- the Hour in Huron.
calved no new tight. He was surprised
Ili. l're had not taken action at the
**us meeting, and no* he was surprised to I
ate him taking action. The doctor
evidently bona 1*4 astray. end wee takiat
(y p "
There was at the Ire%iuu. incstiag •
... 'Ptd THE HOUSE OF REFUGE, pru0.s1 l. a....y.ttmt beim: °Witte' Ulla
ehystea, botany. French and cwe:me,
porta ns of the clan. are taught by the
• •tE MOORE DISMISSAL COMES UP. pertinent master Individual help
! as it had gone,
n, - t Teltr0RAR4 .*'471'0 tort.
k. While Judge Doyle was analysing teach
only er Moor'.'s epistle the chairman inked if
de any action had been taken by the board as
tM aer,t.a Wrted le s teem., Oohed
rs*alus, sod avertible' seamed u
! 1 . .ateath e Dees Teacher
t,elaaa fee a rill .fend e.t0a. el
pracutehle with dames .4 from tw..
twenty : it lotem es weU-sigh Impo..lbl
r with de I chinos 1 ofk forty, fifty and sixty
to the question of a rebate of free for broken
t• erms.
Mr. Malcomaon war of opinion that he
bad moved at • previous meet„,; that Ito
• rebate he allowcl fin a broken period.
Tb•eacretary look the nonuse book over
rent to the window and in the gloaming beget a
ra•'te smirch fur the resolution hearing on the
by question, as the earetekri had departed
ch' and locked up the Iampa-
11'bile the secretary was thus engaged
the the chairman naked the bead master foe
1*It the high water mark Rumler 01 pupils
hem duan' the present term. The answer was
alts latiefactory, bring 160 as against 148 at
,ey pros,ou* session.
Thea the trustee. took mite themselves
pair• the airs ,f a mutual admiration society, and
conrratulato 1 themselves o,' the result. Hy
Ir the time they had all said a goad word on
',r. the result the secretary had turned up the
life motion asked for, *nit said •
tel " There la no notion on the hooks in ro-
ast gent to a broken period rebate, but it was
generally understood at the time that no
such rebate would be mat!r.
Mr. Maltowum.o state.' that lie certainly
Med intended to embody an explicit state•
meet in that regard when nuking the no-
tion et the pre% tow meeting.
The chairman had been informed that
there were two pupils who would come in if
a rebate were made,
1t was moved and seconded that a relate
be nude, rad tatter voted for end three
agaant the notion. which wee therefore
n e nstived-
The following . - ion was received
N)L 11 t' 1.•.' Itrl+lcv4Tlo. •
vets tan It 11 denied
the mathematics, if riot the moat a
4..r.. cult, are amon • the
mown the pri ra
► most dtMcult subject
w 110
y assn lack that *len
of attt-acuven se which semi ether sub'
d this
k must le
vitt* rneroy and war hfu ness on he tea
era part.
The *beer mat p y seem to
than) oke magnifying my ata or mak
1eb int ellen .wwpunseu■. 1 can annul,t
sthe nothing a further (rum, my thoughts I
toren *tams merely th.- fact, of the case : t0
sees an• 0 *...1 from tau Is sell defence.
...teem*, then. that the work to both th,
taut and laborious, the quewtion arise.
the II Has the work dune under such .
trot • nmstaxece hem properly air fairly do
n, I thank that ally 0411 who. take. the torso
' to get over the r.'nults of the• depart men
we. and 'maternity rxamintwua for *he I
eleven years will say that it has.
to -•lltlwegh i say' ;t, *he, pertupo., shoul•1
io '.ler,: h high srb•.d has taken a high
n e tion .0 against the )'rovt*te and *0...
as again** several sch.nlo with larver staffs
etre .'f the malt of tnatuutea. The clan.
sr She *..clay -14R Mahe 4ri-0
*es the Int et -i.i d the
-gill tee yesti0! tri/ the suntumry diem
d 4 talether Morro kis girw nee to n.
car sent swept the old and young of
WS, sad all Hods of opinion have
drrrmsd cueotrnt*g 1 r
fee the Acton taken by the hoard.
Ter Ste%tt was not present .t
!vow nieetlug. or the public would
wee ha.i to guess at the reaeors that a
timed the nws.*uent against Mr. M.
sad so thrt the public wield have els
4 "how the eat jumped" r represent -it
eronhand bright and early that u
as, woe Aleut 4 r w , Moodily' afternoon
take in .'.nights and renes.
-err• n1...r 1114: rerTlr...
(hr n:e:Lug was held us the 'county tr
.-era nth.,•. owing to the bolting of
sl;aurue•1 Disown Court to the usual bus
entre:, 441.41. Rev. RY. A. 1 Dung, t
Ma man, presided, and the full board w
erwul it the outset with the exception
hag. 1/rye , who was h'dd,ng court in t
other nom
After th.- reading •ad approval of mi
.:s of p.rev,oux meeting. acts ants w
•uhautt.d from ,Ian- Strachan. $t5 ; T
war. 21.56. ami school teapertsor loin
227 iO , all et which were ordered to
paid. After sluee little diacuseton en th
last a. .unt Thr Item reuses' a ddacuasir
r 0. wnether the hoard should net have
',Kee in the fixing of fere for pupils
Were .sent,• , and it wee
nal or.vonrled by trustees .iorden
mai Taylor that the board take anent as
tkr fres of pupils et future ewamanaun•
ens lists for 2,d, and 3rd.. are open to the an -
'peel tom of all : an examination of these will
prove whether or ro; tiodench high school
rd •u0en by semparison with the rat of (he
he Protium or I by companion with the re.t
of the staff.
Not one of oar loot claims bar so. far haul
he the m,sfurtune to tail Out of over forty
metraculants in arts, Lie. n.edictne, theol
a, arty. surveying and phlarmory only a very
ere few cane four or ht. hate tailed. Nor
M' have then failures leen always u, my sub.
Mos. The heed :anter wdl tell yon that
I.; of honor or en.t o•hoolsrvh.p mei. sent up t.. the
e uaiserutur 1 have had my fair share. He
n will ala. tell you that of the candidates sent
a up by me in ("emote and surveying not one
at h" holed.
The $eotlemte .4 fhr• board will notice
that my rroor.l in this anal is not of use
to ..r ton ye*r*, toot of eleven yearn In dura-
s deal :.nal that it 1, founded. notnuoersonal
lava u,d,ridoai opinion. tut m results
• Has my defector night in ally appr..7e-
bk degree affected tee oiler anal discipline
be id the Armee. large though they are If
f e.. how could the results of my tem:long be
anything lint tai • If so, how u it that the
tu*pr.e•tern and bards of the large public
as ...hook of Uhl spring. and (.eorgetown
, , where I was principal - un,,' in v u,me*d-
tag my order and decipher' lisle how sit
that the high school ispeet.,r. Sstb and
t Dudgeon hare both given me their higbeet
grol1Rg ` Hut i f.cI that I can safely leave
thee matter u, my wlkaptues and to my
pupils, either present o past. There are a
dotsen teachers nal other et pupils to this
a very town wbu,1 •m confident ,will deny that
of their i1terett ever suffered fawn such a
o canoe- •
In conclusion. ;cntlrn,en, I claim too have
the respect and .-onnde*r of the principal
and the other members of the staff, both on
the more of general scholarship and teach -
t i(g power m my own special line; I claim to
have the confidence of the Depart ovens as
represented by de tw.. inspector ; 1 dm
to hate the confidence of the pupils no
present and slip of the hundreds that haw
passed through me heads in the haat etc., en
years : and 1 think 1 am an warranted i
dimming (with regard to my vocat,00i the
confidence of this community sad the pa
trona of the echo.' whether in town n
i.IAtt. M' Aer.r>o a roe 7(47. Hu-tl, w t•Tx%
The *Mins•* stated that the head mss
ter of the school had lemon invited to
prevent as an examiner et the Schou) o
Pelee/et, at Toronto for four days, sad he
lree•4 it was compliment to the achonl
well mite the roaster that he should be ei
*04. e•
Tr ....ten Menominee and Jordan were en
-!.rve•1 unanimously whom they moved the
I.a*,• of ats.en.'e be granted the head nes
4e0 for the purpose specifier'.
4.4.1-.1 imen e r e i. a en t i14 4.". 1.
`.erretary Holmes said he had nude
tumid application for the recognition
aelerech ee a collegiate Int*tute, but up t
Tats had received n, official reply.
The chairman They evidently need a
pn.fr.aor of mennerw.
The secretary The (:orernnteet gran
has not learn received, either, although
snailx it has been received in September.
Thr chairman Why, what has heroine
a( the t alarm an In • f Laughter. d le
there anything else for pre.•ataticn to the
The secretary tea ; there u • ca*mu0i•
-stein from kir. Moore, which 1 shall read.
me. a.y.RF•w eon et T11R t't.0
T., he I laarmen end Mennen rt 11/sta $.bort
r•rtn.r-rty [duly received notice of my
dun.iswal trorn your secretary, but the
seethe r..nteined no Intimation whatever of
the ,-mute of such dismseeel. and I have been
left t.. Kathy from the reports d chase pres-
m: the reason alleged therefor. vii.. my dr-
fee,lae sight.
it is not neeeseary for me to
Iny defect that is patent to everyone who
meets inn upon the street for in excessive
light or the open glare a day my eyes ice st
then worst But in a room properly shad-
ed and to which light is properly admitted
i hair no d.ffuulty u pupils as
Moir seat*and never had. Whoever clays
the contrary saps what is not true. 1'bm
Vlry few mistakes I may have that. here
been ,.wing to the above cline. As far as
dinars•e of vision d. eonorrned 1 thick my
071s'tmernee, as as very commonly the case
with myopia.
Evers ,f such states Bite were in a men.
4r. true they lire half their fore' when it
rvmemherwd that every papal lira his own
two front which no change i. allowed. F•v-
ery teacher of mathematics meat he strict is
this respeet,lw,usltse question end a,'ewerare
enntinuelly exchanged white the master is
08 the board. fa fact, this beexwnet for •
.emoderehle part nl every lesson the only
mean* ..f a once lusting • pipit and meow -
tag kr attestant.
-tlthough 1 have sow bees more than
eleven years in (iodeneh, yet, ea seem mew
hies .,f the bowel are compsratively •saw to
it. they may h e sotnewltat un•altteint d
neo rite or the work i do. Under the
present 1 may well hope to be
excused of 1 draw their atteeti.. for •
e minent to the (.Mowing pointe:
1 TMgr*+ t of my work (nowt
the esamisaties palet ef Yew- This is
t hine from the relative m.atlters o
marks attached u, each @abjrrt .pew the
ri'1 10 'at.e fee teaches For exasepls
1rd .•law certificates the total mark h 1,$0.
I em re.pe manila in wnmthemet.irr Won for
400 of these. mod H history le *deed for
MO IhOp 1n Seel awe oerti0rrw the *04*0 is
The ulathwimetin..+reet Boo. Wad my
w•rk m history 30, or altogether, 560.
in 1a elan srtiflesM the seta/ is 1.
.f which n»lisustics noun, 460 sad r
M h cos ars. 100. Timone a the bar depart
nuts repeewaessd at the priniafy, ler
leer'vn tg swim
ming& Nh imamsII
annum/MO far 10110
.1ri0 out d? % i.1 *14,461► ed Y N►
To the Chairman ane hoard et Nish !School
Trustees, Ooderich.
t;t.TttwrS. ('nderetandinc that you
are afe.ut to make application to hese your
high school raised o. the status of a col-
legiate mamma . anal not wishing in .Ry
way to impede the consummation of your
d*stre, 1 hereby tender you my resignation as
teacher. reed resignatiew to take effect on
January Sth, 1892_ 1 have to take this step
through a technicality In the rr'gulat,oe re•
garding vpeciahsts. *hich the arb0lrary
junior Mvpector of high school/. interpreta
to suit hi- own peculiar views. thus doing
me, do int' op1nmn, ai' well as in the opinion
of coy fel)ow•usehera, a great injustice. I
inure yet, 1"gret my severance lreiu the
school with *inch 1 was couoected when
there Vert only two teachers in it, which
i have sees rise to iia present enviable pooat-
tem, and in which I have speut so many.
veers n aoduoue and faithful, but loving,
labor. Although I am debarred from
teaching 10 )oiIr expecte.) institute as a
specialist, my desire is that prosperity may
atten.l the *mine, and that thathunony
which has prevailed between the pnncip.l
and myself f..r the past fifteen Teats may
priori" among the cults¢ teacher.. Thank -
ing the membrer» of the hoard for the kind
they have shown me in the
past. and hoping the same friendly feeling
mat- prevail during the fattier, 1 remain.
Yours truly,
SAKI_ i'. Ii tete.
le S. -- If the board tan see its weU char
to give me a te.timo vial. i shall feel Co/stored-
.7. '.
hated Oct. 6th, 1891.
e Trustee Moyle and the chairman paid
tributes to Mr. Halls, and it was
Moved by trustees Jordan and /aye
that Mr. Halls' resignation beaeeepted, and
that the secretary be instructed to draw up
• a testimonial in favor of Mr. Halls to be
signed by the chairman. tarried unwire
• nusly.
,*.L 0ona4 s 1'051: A .A1♦ 04 (1q -a.
✓ trustee Doyle said it was impossible to
deal with the statements contsioed in Mr.
Moore's document at tibia meeting. Mr.
Moore had put the bast possible face on his
tsar. Still the hoard hard the right to
centing the privilege rd dealing with the
teaskerw ander their control.
• Trustee t're here asked if there was any
motion before the chair, and the chairmen
I answered in the negative.
!tow unite rte Terrill! 1 Rs.
1 ask you, gentlemen. to consider whethe
your decries, although actuated by the 1
of tnntiv1., may not after all espy.- you
interests to considerable risk. Pleven years
ago I was chosen by the thus board on ac
count n/ fhr rather wide scope of my quay
banana, bemuse. with one or (we etorp
tions. any class in the n hoof could h' en
trusted to my charge. I still posses@ those
general attainments and have since added
to them, having 117114 •11 bat the Irst e:
emmation for in Tomato Uniren
sit , • degree devoted to the study o
IticeI economy, most ltutions I history and
w. Peen in other lanes I have net erect •
ly stood still, n your pineipr) will testify.
(N course es you know. 1 have the proper
speriahst modification in mathematics.
Isit then, probable that an untried and
unknown man would be more useful in the
school, whose success in say awe mast he
decided by time' L it probable that such
en 1w1e would be mere reeilmts than I, whose
emery interest is w this town • surely the
retention of • eatable rod faithful roam
(es i claim to have been) a an axiom of
both justice and elpedieney.
1 ask yoe to conaider whether such • Ma-
mdsavl far 'inch • roman does not convey tam
1 centred it d..$) a fate imputation um
warranted) by the facts of the ase and .a)
related to do ass lasting injury' F'.r his and
for the varioes other reawre0 before gives 1
rape -OMIT mak the boord to reconsider their
prevons declaims and to misstate an in my,
1 remain. etc .
A..1. Meier.
TI1R er weno% aunt' TOR SOAR(.
Trustee Taylor asked that head mister
!kruag he heard ie reference to Mr. Mrwei,
quall*catio*•. as it was eowtwded by some
that Mr. Strang had gives w opinion at
the as aweet4n44. whin others mare an
positive that he had not.
pTrhe.ccdhairmoan Mr. fttrang ..drehteely
e Toasts Mair sn.ol.-l-ou7) excite* In,
sir, het M1 ferng was met .aked for es
evasion at the net meeting, tllth.wyth he
ga e nue. He was asked to give an (minima
of the third ts.e*er, *ad thea went re to
ere nese of Mr Moore_
Theebafrvirn Ys, that's it. i err
ably reaw4M► dhtiaetly that an ocean
wag A gthe a oliege tames*
gleam -
At the stage
Doyle neared the reser, soil, se M tie* test
ynrewt Wino the aera+esry I..d Ifs.
Toaster Cre tion said he saw his way
clear to twice for a ret'atsideraticw, o` the
motion peak[ at the last meeting. He be-
lieved the only entive that impelled the
hoard to ita action of last meeting was •
desire to promote the intonate of the school.
The gentlemen who advocated the motion
hard, he felt convinced, done so with regret
He, himself, had been takes byMwprtsw at
the last meet's* and had maintained .,lens,
in Stew of the strong expressions made of
the lack of teaching ability nes assonant
of defective eyesight. and the difficulty to
msintalniag disci the in the sehool. He
, wise the less d0aprlaed ander thew cirrnm-
etanea to take setae owing to the fact
that Mr. Moore eros a personed friend of his
owe. On that occasion it was intimated
by the Judge that the question could he
opened up •gam, snit so h. hal refrained
free. taking part do the matter. Sine* last
meeting. however, he had received new
light upon the (mention •uftirient light to
cause ham to nine that the previous mottos
lea rscinded, ems he hoped that Mr. Moore
would be remittance
Trustee Royle seed that whet he stated at
the nevem. meting w•* that when op.
pheetioes were received for the position of
te.eh.r mow declared venal Mr. Noose's
mak' M dtson*sed with the When
Tastes Crssaid .see retire of the pert
.4 the hoard woad phi Mr. Moore at a
d de t.R*. sod he d •. to *my
the heat.
Trustee Taylor oseo.ded trines Ure'* r*-
e.luth., .ad didn't think it was neeseare
to add to what had been said by th.
Trustee Jaren didn't think the wheel's
{mimes would suffer by opesi.g .p the
Mina lie seder tone) Ito lgo..n who
til jest bots ealksd *wt, Mt wise was
aims boob, lid 0104. an ..Aysia of Me
than - .___
Tar ambled 4M.ld be Tbeese*k11 pe.s11-
the present acuon solelyout of the
Iter of his heart. What are the ac
ter MM le Cerro ea*Ielpslli, 4 'R.wt..
fall .MNId he had *. lee e.N1.O* as roe
meeting acid rely one dtsse.ting vein.. No
Mr houre had, in • . 11. l don,
forth all hu good qualities, and
done his 1,re1 u, prseut is rest side to
case. He (MM•kunisool did not put mrd
street1i the ldtspect' rating of
Moore, fur if the opinion .4 Mr. Halls se
taken the were not infallible judge.
&cermet .4 Mr. Moore's short sI4htednees
had been led to commit marry wroo
which he had not s•1 forth In his cornmu0
ration. He hal forgotten to say chit
frequeutly lust his temper and boned eh
mire re- Sn•-b a pin ,n was Ilett a pro
er our to larch the children. A man w
has so little control over boned/ se
strike children entrusted to his carr, sa
truster Mateo/mon, is not a tit person to
allowed to teach in our proposed college'
institute. It was 1100411W 1 thought hi
Truster Taylor Sir. chairman, could n
Mr- Strang now give his opiniou as to M
Moore's ability as a teacher
'frusta Unyle objected to Mr. Strang
giving an opines,' to the bu.,d. un t
ground that that gentleman lied roluuta
one at the previous meeting.
The chair ruled that Mr. `tr•ng hr n
heard at the present jtincture
w, Y.raraMl ad oars. The 0.eae.i, Is ryas -
set semi and Rtewtr.l Tar raper: Talk.
Three weeks ago THa Su: v u. opened
up the 1001111011,tt
l of akiug the erre
trio of a bonne of refuge fur the
county of Huron the paramount true at
the nett municipal eleculm. The waist
article was read by thousands to the county
who had never given the subject • thought
brfwe, mid the 'molt s that today the
questta1 is looming' porteutowly before mu -
td ischii aprante all along the hue. A num-
be her ,.t oouuty have *Iso given
Le voice on the ma: ter. and fere sigudied • de
m sire first early action Ire taken 4R the rem
um ui a house of referee.
01 The article to question has been made the
r. us
subject of much discussion, for many of
•. the facts disclosed were new to
he those who read them, and severe' of the
red county council had their eye opened to the
necessity for the erection of • proper planer
of for the care of the poor of the county when
Trustee Doyle then stated that he woo
oppose the tion of the qucatia
Txter1r. t Its: ►X1'1_4i%s.
Trustee Ure said trustee Mak'omson di
not giv-e due weight to what he (coulee tire
had said when he referred to the reason,
whicbhed cause,) him to ask for a rvcoose
'ration of Mr. Moores ease. in the fin
id they perused "imprisoned for Life" in the
a. column of TUE Si; *i_ (hoe twee in par-
ticular told TNR tSiesee in the presence of
d county clerk Lane that, although he had
pre%iousle- opposed the erection of a house
„ of refuge, yet, after reeding that article, be
had made up his mind that if he returned
to the county council board after New
Alae a the 'tattoo to dismiss Mr. Moore had
'en sprung upon the previous meet mmg-not
perhaps, intentionally but sprung never
toeless. On that account he was nut in
poodles on that ocarina to express an
opinisen upon the allegatiofts a*d rarest* made egalnst Mr. Moore. He din
not as a rule gide ear to gossip or Iutaid
stories and an hail not had an opportunIt
of fixating any opinion when the matte
was broached. However, he had .ince
learned that there was no groaud for own
pietist against Mr. Moore on the .wore o
efficiency. and b.•pwf trustee Malcomns40
*nidi net oxidiser to oppose the mot(on to
TI;t -y,'. temente 0'11.1. sTA\U rl 11114 Pet t
Trustee Ache.ou had voted cosecieatlous
ly at the previous. meeting ou the groan.
that the school's efficiency was impairs.
awing to Mr. Moore's defective eyesight,
but if the standing set forth in Mr. Moore'.
communication Inas correct and borne out
by Sir. Strang he felt disposed to vote
for a reo.wsiderativ,t. Ile would like to
hear Mr. fi 's opinion. and nook' stand
by the principes -epnrt-
Trustee Doyle dioclaimrri any idea of
springing the natter upon the board at the
precious meeting. Thr quewtion had been
brought up by trustee 4alcomso0- What
he wanted was to have the staff improved
Row that the status was being raised to that
of a collegiate institute.
The chairman said the nation wan brought
on by • reference that bed been imide to
Mr. Halls' case.
A Hier TINS ela,i-T T/IY. a18Tr•It54
Trustee Shannon, who hal in the mean
time returned, said be hal compared the
return• which had been sent by the depart
meat in connection with the
Year's he would certainly support the tneas-
are. For reasons .act, as theme TH. SN:4At
takes heart sad has decided to move for-
a ward in the good work.
The Mittal article dealt with the qua"
*ion from the standpoint of humanity;
on the present occasion it is proposed
a to deal with it from one phase of
its economical standpoint. 11 Laney er,
✓ heretofore, the question wee brought
up for discu.ston he opponents of the
.chyme contended that the erection of such
f an edifier would ental a coat upon theooan-
ty altogether ou• sof proportion to the
benefits that .olld accrue, whilst as thinn
stood the incarceration of the poor and us -
tints in he jail gave that unfortunate class
a certatoty of care and attention at a min-
imum oast as It entailed, they claimed, no
- .44,1,ori•1 expenditure except, the mere cost
1 of food. The jail, they said, had to be
1 kept up In any event, and the questiou of an
and found that Mr. Moores standing was of
a higghh order--
1'he chide ruled that a discussion of the
menta of Mr. Moore was not in order at
chi■ stage of the precee•.Iings-
Tru.ntee Doyle Where can access to these
returns be had'
Trustee Shannon .Rt he high echos)!
Trustee Maleomwrm nhjected to the re-
turns being kept at the high school They
).longed to this hoard and had so right to
be carried around in the pockets of high
school teachers.
Mr. Sinai -.I don't think Mr. Malcom,
son has • right to make ouch
1 consider it as • peroneal afboat.
Mr. Malcewnsn Well, 1 can't help that -
Theme documents should be in the hands of
the secretary.
Mr. Strang They should not. Let me
chairman To whom[ are they ad.
deo sod'
Mr. Strang To the head master of the
school. They are the returns dealing with
the respective e1amin•titws and are *elms
rate awl distinct from the reprrte which are
addressed to the secretary The head neat
ter is the proper custodian.
TUB y0T* T,i Ranlwatns5 s:Atl4tge.
1t eras now nearly 6 P. W. ,5J_ tl et
half .n hoar the secretary a.di'4j BMW,
had been en -eating with the,
militant lamplight, and by gees .1 IMs11,g
Tire chairman nailed for the vete ea the
queetkm •'0 the smiles Mamie
in( Mr Memo, which 1410 carried, with
(4.04500 Mala.nroo wad i]*tls dirssetwg.
(I. *ruins 1t was deeid.d to 800.1 Mr
:saris tan In • Mwiiwfltta•
• oM tie a sirww "dive
tet reg
1007 sad Ure, M rpwt at tM .emst
A eamtrr of s .ryyA 141 to
lie dtealt wits 00 aid the
hear, l . d jnursail.
The other ..doth(,, shortly •fur b n•elnek,
a pair ofdisappeared
Men in f 04 *s t. t(0db.. mere,
Rerfnrt.h, hat were reeavered meet mon
by easmitahle b
boss weirs, wswer• Miss* nee k 000 inti
the establishsaem4 of a Ioun of refiner the
very opposite *the ran
1 Teta titos.4,. ellen the use of its column
without limit to any of the county coined
members who opptee the erre lien of a house
of refuge in Huron, end challenges an in-
telligent prwanu.tion of the case from an
anti standpoint %Vest is wanted now is a
thorough ventilation of the yueeUan, end
nr nen has a right to roti ys air nay epi e
subject of such vital as that
volved in the erection or nun -erection of
house of refuge in this .aunty without
ing able to give oras *s fa the frith th•
to hent.
The following (rout The Wingham Ad
teener is along the right line and
strongly on th* .ease
IM I'l*Iw,4Rn VOL etre.
Under the above caption is • long article
in last week's Some et dealing with the p
and union of the county. It u begmul
to be generally understood that soon some
thing mast Ise dune in the matter of making
latter provision for thole whose only crime
u poverty. Poch township and each town
sad village has Oa quota of these who are
unable to support themselves, perhaps
through old age and infirmities, sickness, or
other causes, enol the township or town
which, se the end of the year, has not laid
out *100 as charity i- eared lucky. Pla•-
ing the annual amount of funis expended
by each municipality for this purpse, we
fitw1 that the total would be in the seiehbor-
hood of f4,500. Beelike this we have the
county wards, .who receive from 670 to 180
each, and there are now quite • number of
them. At the present time there are, •c
cording to TINS Sb1?Aa-, seven persons in the
county gaol who cost the county another
thousand &slim) s or thereabouts u. keep them.
Rut 1t ns not from a financial point of rtes
Owl. we look at this question. The members
of the county council should look through
the spectacle* of the humanitarian, or, bet ter
still, remember the worth " Do unto others
as you woal(l they should do unto you.
The (Ontario Gulernrneut gives a grout of
$4,000 to each county which takes attics in
the matter of providing a house ut refuge.
or whatever other ruin* you cboese to call
such an institution, thus it will easily be
sew that bot only would it be a benefit to
the poor but it would be. in time. a linen-
ci•l bwsllt to the county. it u not likely
that the county repreaentativs will do any.
Ming db the matter at the meeting being
hold thin week, but we earnestly hope tosee
the council of 1892 take the matter in hand
and peat it through to completion.
The Goderich Stu hit the nail on the
head in the following editorial paragraph
but week
THKI'Rr: 4.:1. IT .t4THUw.
it stems to he a hopeless task to roes -ince
ting majority ..f the Huron county council
Oho •l,rr. is anything to he gained by the
eitabli.hn,ent of a county house of refuge•
e often as a motion coma up, even for the
arrow of getting information on the
abject, it is promptly voted down, and
hat by increasing majorities. These econ-
( need c'ouncilhip apparently do not even
want the people of the county to ex a
t tr
additional pauper or two was not a factor ea p
the expenditure. That was the •rgumneot •
usually trotted out, *at Tilt SIGNAL will t
mow examine it under the search light of *
knowledge of the facts.
The first feet to lay before the publte ls
the statement that (10lench jsal u an Meth
tution foe the safe•keepaaglif criminals, and
nota place of almsgiving to indigents. Tn
suchen an extent is this the case that It there
Wert to aged and infirm paupers, lunatics
and others not catalog n the criminal
Ammo incarcerated the government would
have to beer the entere expense of carrying
on the institution, and the county would
not be chargeable with am omit towards
iia. maintenance from year's end to year's
ettd. That u a plain statement and now
for the proof.
For the last completed year, vie, the
term ending Detiernber 31, 1,890, the cost of
maintaining the .panty 1.4l amounted to
12.433, and of this amount the 4
paid $283 for the keep of criminals, and the
county paid $2,150. ther readers may be
• little startled et the %gores, but they are
.imply the oatnome of sem in proportion.
The manner in whicf, the of
the jail is condttdted is very simple
The number of d}iys occupied in jail by
criminals is tots3 up and charged to the
Government, and the number of days
chargeable to the indigent, insane and all
others who pre not criminals ia charged to
the county. The following are the relative
figures for the last full year, ending Dec.
31, 1800
Qt•ASTItIL t;o*,l►.rt*. Co,i)A4•.
Fending lurch 31, 1890 904 1,374
June 30, 1890 79 634
Sept. 30, 1890 56 709
" Dee. 31, 1800 69 gag non
fo ovum! opinion .m the matter, for they re-
jecteh • motion Looking to the taking a vote
at the next municipal elections far and
fiat the esteblishmeut of a par house.
Thu. is to be regretted. There is no reason
why the question should not Ie given to the
people. with all the information necessary
to • full end Lir consideration of it, and
Op(ortrinity to express their wishes, except
the rea•na that the opposing ouuncilur. ere
"agin the matter anyhow.
1'A. ss., roe (k r,sga, ( -*nada is rapidly
winning iii way unto (atsdia* hearts and
horns. The number fee October s*,otain.,
in aiditio* to the oontieue,l articles, a
beautiful poem called " Una in the Wilder-
ness." by Thew C. Robson; an imaginative
and suggestive essay by Pastor Felix, " The
Heart in the Sleeve;" a story by I. I).,,,,
' • On the ("Aintree :" some five versa b .
leve on " Indian Summer at Montreal
• retteiering in verse of a famish Legend by
the editor ; and some choice selections, in
eluding a faacinating story from the in
dependent, "Shoo Mann'. Toboggan
Ride." All who subscribe for 1892 now
w 11 receive the last three numbers of hs
year tree. (hie dollar will pay for fifteen
month.. Puhliahe.I by Matthew R. Kuight,
Hentee, New Reunw,ck.
t.rrn.u: r l,,*,N,. Aar The numhers of
The Living Age for October 24th sod 31st
Min The New Emperor and his New
hancellnr, National Review : A V *Uow
Rase, Argosy ; Modern Astronomy, Con-
tent Review; Weyfarelr in the(luer*y,
Temple Har ; Amongst the :age. Dwellers,
Murray's Magazine ; The FLttie of Copen-
hagen • • banish Account, ('ornhih Maga
eine : The Humors of Baccarat, Macmillan's
Magewine : Passion : • Rustle Idyl, Cham -
here' Journal ; Lowell in his Poetry, Fort-
nightly Review : Detected Culprit...Cornball
Melia -in.: Science sad Society in the' Fa-
t ►es, Tuanpl. liar : Two .lea1ousie•, English
lllr.trsted jygarime; A War ('ornspown.
deists Reeniniae.eres, by Ar.hihald Fnrbs,
Ninel.0eth ('eetury ; %'i enti, Colour's, itrl-
ravia ; Tem Murray's Magazine : R S. tin
V. P., Tem flat : and poetry anti mined. t
hey. For efty two ntmai e of plty•foor
large pages each low more than 3,300 a 9
year) tow suh.criptinn phis,. ($6) is low , f
while for $10.80 t prib uhs,s oiler to fetid
a.y ore of the American $4.00 en .thus s
weeklies with The Living Age for • yw,
bnth pr`tp•.d. 1011.00 i &-o., Honor, are f
the MWishmrs-
Told of (nye chargeable 408 3,706
The 3,706 dere charged to the (aunty at
a total oust. of $8,160 represe*ts the keep of
fes indigene for • year and ono for • math
and a half- At this rate the money paid
for the keep of each of i4 jail inmates enema
thingover $0 a week, whack le not after all
a low figure to pay for lunacies and pampers
in a ,•Odin nus tail Whew better aceotnn:oda
Om can he steered in 0ny of the houses el
refuge of Waterloo, Wellington,Middlesex,
F lgn and other counties at a rata averaging
frau 70c to $1.06 per week. At the rat•
mentioned it wou)d be cheaper for thecoma
ty to beard its jail inontes at a grand, com-
fortable hotel.
It will Mos he seem that on an average
the °aunty, through it. absent .arta at
turning this jail into an almshouse ie forced
to contribute am .thing over $'2,000 per
annum to give hoard •ief miring to tp or
ew.iFe aged, indligott /r intent porno,* in
tM nommen jut when the sante amew.t nl
money would en • lone way towwrlt paying
the a nual running etpeawe d e
equipped hoer. of refuge °yobbo omoos •
0w,datnng Imo fifty to owe Mmdrad el the
de This is peer w of t t7
side of
the question whteli is ennpt0,ded the
earnest emssi lerato. of overyr right thiol
lag mem in Reran enmity, Thar, are other
)star*. of the (emseles equally
whine will be dealt with h doe time, •Y .4
rebs* Intl go to prove that hotrod al the
A Noway Orfila Obtained trots
the county Mill
A w eek*, atoms .Iopentol sew. served h
se stets ay.rrardy--t44 sad rooms ('Its.
sped aiad t mariseed towns Sly ere seems.
- The Orissa of the Os. hewn ti Me-
Calltagr from ser Lsral $1rhaagg ,
N. L. Holmes, Obtain, has wee to e
Upon to reside,
,J. Dsymrot, flim..% Iilk& the saitirmis
to cut hu leg with or ads* recently.
John Sheppard, wbo u employe( at Fair%
mill, Clinton, a laid rip by a set ere attack of
Jo.. Copp, Chutes, has o hu garden a
pear tree m full bloom : this is eumething
unusual for the end oaf October.
Moss McKwan, ono/ the junior teachers
in the public school, (,'Union, ha. tendered
her resignation, b artier to attend the
Normal -
J. H. I'yper. for many years • respected
resident of 4eatort;h, hu gone to Stratford
where he has purchased the dry goods boshs
nem of Macnatr, Ramilton A Co.
t:. H. IUackwe/1 hes resigned his position
as teacher in S. S. 14'o. 6, Morris, to take
effect at close of year. We believe he in-
tends attending the Normal next term,
Robert ('hapntas, who has been M Cal-
ifornia for the past ereeo years, u renewing
acquaintauces n Clisd►arat. He intends
returning to the Pacific ('o..t in *few days.
Tho. Riggin has rested for a term of five
year. the tum on which Mr, hull has bees
living, 2nd col., Hallett- ft belongs to
James Tremier, and he gets • good tee•*t.
.John Lindsay, who ,e attending the
model school at (Tinton (son of .las. Lindsay,
of the 1Sth con- of (lod.rich township) bas
been engage.) for 8. 8. No. 5, Hullett, for
next year, at a salary of $3.16,
Mrs. Allan McLean, who has been spend-
ing two or three months with friends to
Ontario, left for leer home in Walsenburg.
Colorado, on Monday,She was accom-
panied by her sister, Miss Maria Brine.
W. Manning. of the 4th con. of Colborne.
died on Monday 26th RIs afters short illness
Deceased had resided in the towuship for
• number of years; he was unmarried, and
was • brother of L. Manning, of Clinton.
The employes of the Doherty organ
factory, Clinton, ideally raised • donation
d $30 receutlyy-, for their fellow workman,
T. C. Edmonds, who has Leen unable to
work for some time, owing too an °perntion
through which he lately paned.
i'. Ker met with a 00.d accident while
oiling the sand paperer at the Doherty
organ fa*tory• (Tanta'. He struck the
funny -hone of hie arm, which threw his
richt hared under the rollers. with the neat
that it was pretty badly crushed. The
doctor had to remove hie second finger.
James Atkinson, a student at the 4 intarits
Agricultural College, and son of Joseph
Atk,nson, of Seaforth, won the first pose
in his elsaa over nine competitors, and ori
the following day when the pelves looked
over the work they gave Mr. Atkinsote
credit for baying dune the bast work in the
On l'horsday evening of last week. u a
gentlemen was driving oat of the lane by
the Commercial hotel, Clinton, he took too
short a turn oe to the road, with the rsult j
that he was throws out. His skull wa/'
split and for some time he remained unease
.cions, but beyond this we understand that
his Iujur►es were sot serious.,
Mi*. Smith, daughter of Cherie. Smith.
of Seaforth, who died on Sunda) ef leer
week, had been • Tray severe suderer he
malty months. She Wee a sincere, devotee
Christian woman, and although she bore
her great sufferings with the utmost forti-
tude the champs wr00, to her, a welcome
one. The funeral took pl•cr nn Tuesday.
and was largely atby symp.(iisi.t
Abort b o'clock Tuesday morning hie
broke out in the engine room of the saw
mill owned and ep*rated by L C. sticks at
Forth/rich, and Were easistsao,e arrived ell •
the buildings, • onsisting of eaw mill, plank
mitt and sash and door factory, were is
flames. All efforts to save the buililin an0
machinery were of no avail, as the !!oyes
spread with such rapidity that in a vert'
Whorl t line the wsconsutar.d-
The ma'h*nery was partisiljy usured. The
total amount of the lose is $3,500, and tie
insurance, is $2,200.
A very pretty wedding took place at the
ren a of Richard Harvey, Thames road,
Keefer, on Wednsdsy, October 28th whim
h4. d►wghrer Mary (first omnia to John T.
Hawke, editor of The Monts.
Trsmeript, Monett[., N. k . was marries
to Robert Ikrwn, eldest son of Jobe Town,
by their motors. Revs. H. J. t'hair and R.
S. Magee, of Herman. The bride was dressed
n cream .'a.hmere trimmed with cream
vawlyke lace. ornamental °nage
with .eau train, and was given *trey H bye
irother Joseph R. Ab..nt forty- 4 thee
eseliate relatives and friends were present
r witness th • ceremony and priest their
go.wi veishen'. 4 tmeg.hle gifts. which were
✓ ite nem.roua and costly. Mr. *.d Mrs.
hornleft fur a wedding trip to this United
Liras t*lONsa.
Tb. rapid acing ei the " great pain cure,'
'nhnn's Nsrvdi.s,, n reIj.vi.g the mart le
tease pain, i0 a mattes o wasAar to all who
as. nowt it. There ,n twnpti..g surprising is
ts remelts, for it is made el 0h. arwrgert
purest and west efitie'nt remssdtne known to
0arlic1.5. Norville, cors t.,ntesehe in
.Her eves. int 1ve teie.te. - neerwlgie
t trb0nmt.ti.w, is u
ese* M0 00 t end the mane may
r.M ef .!! 1 pair,- S•,• Iwwl hr,
sseimg oily 10 meet* at say g acre.
1M h.tel...y tl6 .sate- nPhln.'S
Mh1ts ami sower_
8x.00 Jeanette Dumas (saw Yrs- E (' i
Cotes), whose "Social h•lp•rtttre " has
proved so •.o•ionhel, began bar literary
Garage by writing for the dafl7 prom Mor
hears s bees* le • $e es.-fea0irt.t0d
in Itraatlonl, (i.t Mins mann tee
her husband is Dalmsen d hevomit r
arvesd the v►evkd, rd sir mow stobes bee
home in that °(/7, whore Mr. (yshie ern •
, br weal Sold N
Wog l else ts sli ly.
. rvihar Odd by