HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-30, Page 8TSM SIGNAL': GODERIOH. ONT. FRIDAY. OCTOBER :;o, 1a1.
New ikeSather Maw I,. MrHr.rn.,r l'Ig. b
Bwt I4quSlat .s Mage Havant & PO • • • • • • . 5
Strayed Pattie Patrick IYlsughls ..
N do toe X. Naar Mar . .. .. • .. . • .... t
Lnces•er Rama fee tyle -1t. J. PleWOW- - • • t
ifrrsalse t. Fara. J. N. Cheaew .... •
lae.rssos V. J. T. Sahel 1
Leas Wasted Hue laf, Uodeetcb P.0 .. 4
Stied Rowe 41raad users Howse ..... ,, .. •
O.y Brea. Mittelman (Hass Opls trays •
Robe Lust 'rt.. Hs. ..,....
A netu,aeeruug John Ori
Hit4,1Wt1 On Patentee. October 24, tet52
Major street, Toronto. the wife of J Wirt
liratbq. of • daughter
W I I,10% -At Leedom. (somber p: lel. the
wife of Ih'. J. U. Winos. of a daughter.
HRAt. NI) In Laster. on the lath that . the
wife of Jinn Braun 1. ofa daughter
M.OHY00ft O. the 21st that.. the wife of
James McGregor. ("ulnae, of • daughter
RAMSAY At Hulmeevtlle. o. Saturday ib.•
tlth that. the wife of W. J R.inea. ofa
M. t'AIt1.I\ MAl'INT0111.O. Oct. JO1h. br
Ker A. Sulherlaud a Klsiry. Anson !Ir-
b'srNr.. aged 7 ., to Mrs. Jeanie Mactato.h.
seed :o.
1'.1RKKK 1.1 TI1kRH1 At Ihr Mesar. Kip-
pen.os the :1st tact.. by Rev.:Minuet Ache
son. Keach faller. of Nay. to Mir WIlhel.
mina 1 ulherb,.of Tuctersmiib.
deuce of the bride's brother in law. I),
Moody. Lucknow. by Ito.. Mr. Calling as
the t At last.. Weiliagton startle, ret Wing
ham. to Mie. Jennie l orthtne1oe.0t Luck
M. AVON' 4ANIIKI(, !a Kseter. on the Alb
in... at t he residence of the bride's mother
Mrs. Thomas Snell,. by It.... S. F. itobic
mos, Nieh..lss Mc woe. of Kincardine. to
Mir Amelia Senores, of !teeter.
COLLINS ROAD At the Manse.l'ranhrook.
ea the fist ima Ito.. D. It. McRae.
Jammer Franklin Collins. of tee township of
ulna, lollies 1614.a Rose. of the ton noble
of Urea.
HURK Uttt 3I3414ND -On W.dnrb.lam.
the 141b that.. at tar residers n_ f_A. a till
liens, uncle of the bride. by Ire.. A. 1.
Persimmon. H. A.. 'waisted by Rte.. A. 1..
Miramar. of \'•brit•. and It... R. Renate.
N'dllsw Ituhurk. of Dover. to Etirabeth
Drummond of Myth.
T0M la Exeter. on the Hitt io►w John Tdn:,
used M >ears.
54.0REt:011 la McKillop, at the residence of
hia'eo•. Alexander Molireeor. on the 91st
saet.. Arcbtbal I M..Oregor. awed AB erste.
111:.1NT- In st•+forth,on the 210 inst.. George,
youngest non of Georg•' ti ranks ted .' years.
11 months and :. days.
HINGPTON In Holt. .r.M,.sourion. Ort. lath.
Wil Iism. emend eon et the late W. files
.ton. eget AI) earx
$HIF:I.' At Fort Ransom. IMkota. ors Sepi.
17th. Mrs. Thos. Sher •. sr.. former(, of
ferry township. aged 71 year,.: months sad
est •.
('LARK - In Wroxeter.at Lis sister s residence,
nes lbs 46.5 of October Thos. !'lark. aged .-
cars. third eon of .the late Ilosald ('park.
'-.rotlanl. Mother of the late
Wm. Clark. and father of Mrs. Robert
Allen. u' London.
(41J0UFELI.ON" In (Arose. on Oct. 1445.
Maggie li.sedfellew. aged _.r pars.
[ t nom t . oSJRE'.ivi%UR.T.
Axr it 4'H11.nR►a'• Peter'. This gath-
ering was held under very fatotable auspi
fes on the 7t11 ono., Friday. the 16th inst.
The entertainments procn]el for the young
Poll • were of • naris' nature, showing
gall imlguww
nt ." the part of those entnl+-
ted with the tarrying out of this part of the
evening's .mmien,enta. Illumine was the
first thing ea the program. Thr orchestra
ooa.pttain Messrs. 4,ould atoll W. Whitely
autrMiss E. Whitely. brought the. little
ones to their feet in ymck time, art the in
spiriting toner of the las: Rose of ' .rr
o-altr rode on the ambient atiuuepheIe and
Skated out through the open casement to he
bat In the murnuring n•phyrs of the :►ort
tonna woods. l'nfortuortely, t0 the nod-
dle of the .tante two of the violin strings
broke and a remedy for sera time was is,
possible Little Master spruce seine very.
near 'get ting Into trouble with the t tolinat
by immigrating that the Tuck raw and an old
tile were in the woad sleet. and might do se
a atdatitute. till ouch tion $ fresh string.
wen• forthcoming. Tens innocent remark
appeared to really .et the musician. as he
informed spew, that hie wmb4la4uy was
deserving of ..haat ieemrnt,'and as he war pas
:.eased of considerable erable auhideiterity he hal
le•tter agitate hte prleitrial extremutle. In
. retrogressive direction. We think each
language was* quite unveiled for and
teals' to mai the ...eningg. fun.
Thr .lancing closed) with a Stotrh Bight/ad
reel to the music of the knee wally furnish-
ed ley W. Whitely on the mouth organ.
Supper 'wing ann.mm.•el the twmpany re
pained to the lanqueting hall and ample
pestis was done to the rand. provided.
The Set . ii.l poi of the program was then
taken up. tomati0g of songs, etc., by meal
hen ort the ..u.paiy as follows 11
11"feisty, Iterlhove11'. Sonata. on the
mouth organ 'the beauties of the pier
...mid not be appreciated to their fullest
on a.tount of the howling of two dogs out
.Ido the window.: W. IA'itet, song, "4 Ota
Darling : " W. Hicks. " The Campbells are
4' outingthis was encored to the echo and
he responded with as amtuing recitation.
•' Porter. Have hon seen my flog.'' whu'l.
(curl hrnmght the house down. moll to re
store order the ori heetit stnick up the
'• Iwa.l Nmrh in eau'," ane! the Iuguhrioua
um... norm) l.rrmght selene awl gate Mester
T. 1; the opportunity to ann(nnee 10
sing. " 1 Love you..11ier, Darling, Though
V'.0 ar.• Growing 11111 • ref:itation follow •
al by R. Thwupwm, entitled, ., Emma.
Ince the 14l Tree Ke.t : the renlenng of
the duet. " If l 0n. Treat us Kindly, Isar
Iingr.Suuday We 114'Mlle Again.- by Messrs.
Haack* and Hub.. caused not a hulk
am.nement amongst Bono. of the youngsters,
as they seemed to think there was more truth
t hen poetry in it :.1.Whitely thenenlietedthe
attention of the midnen••e by soliciting an
answer to the query " rt here %%as .Ices
Master W. Wakefield followed with waning,
" 1'n. Not en Vogue as 1 1'.0,1 to be Sixty
Vears Ago :" Abater 4'. limn was Wee called
on for a song, but the medical Modest In
formed the company that he fesrel it was
utterly imprimil.k for Mr. Gan t.. oblige
them..e he was eueering from datdent* and
valises. with eru.tattoos f.muvht .o by ton.
great an •.yuantan.r with the goose at
oupper time, and bring from hent• 4.,' wee
unable to procure • stimulant of sulbetebt
strength a come feint the anthems. herr
requested the embryo prim -totems. to Inform
them if he were not suffering himself front
helminth* and to tide over the dilleulty
the violinist played • few hers .1 Lea
Itats Qlmdrille." 1V. Whitely thea arc
" 4 .r feat Ny sheep end loon'( Know
1Vhere to find Them. The,1
were brought to a termination by teeilip/ery
by G I,oald of his humorous let tune. 'Heli
t0 Keep friendly With %oar Neighbors."
The night having hwme. fa advanced the
little ones diverted to their %anomie homes
well plosive.' with their evening . enjoy
(snow .x••rlI, 1 • Ntn1 •11•,.1.1. •T
Ates McDougall a1 the annual rivaling
1111th llathaey ♦ S. wee again elected
iigrr was a 1fg echoed
t seen in No 5 echd
(IB�lardy' sigh in the small boars of the
*Thar* is • la of rim nimg to and
fee, hat whether knowledge is 1
tell is mother three,;
it roe ..•yell►.k. ,kaa.r•r.t u•, r.J
The gushing fiddler is all the rage on the
7N ops. (tetter tor heat to drop ha bow
awl serer out inure thuUes, and thereby
step the boys fruits hanging thistle Mee es
up at threshing time.
Tun Suralfees, row until Jan. 1 ler, for
1. The u beat the cheapest •ad Tse yk,Nsl.
the best. Take • trial trip.
[mote ret R 40w'x tVaRLirO tUgx T.J
Tau of the Idrussel& young .nen.undaytd
Ther. Coultas has erected an 8.d,ti.gm to
ba house.
ISN A Stewart are running their mill
Ills to rel.
Mr. Kerr, of Brussel., occupied the
Methodist 4'burch pulpit on Sain ) even
Mr. 11'atcher sutrn'. moving to the 9th
con. .d Turnberry, where he a going to o.•
eupy Wen. 4 orwvn's farm.
)Rory Aim Duncan, code of 1110. Antler
O. died here on Satunlal, the 17th inst.,
at the advanced age of sixty six rears. Ike
coated a as our of the early pioneer settlers.
hating res,.led m 'I'urulwrre for over thirty
Lite years. She leaves au age.( husbend,
four sores 41111 oto• daughter to mourn her
few. Her rat Kober arrived trona Nusk.,
guru, \loch., to attend the funeral The
moururn lis., the .sympathy 441 the friends
to thou sad bereavement.
[/omit ora ow•0 t °RRCIrnxl,l:xr. J
C. Ws-g-n'e^r-hu new- settltd ore the Mason
farm, and has a rine tarn.
The buys say one to the other. la.n't
forget Saturday night is "Hallowe'en."
The quarterly meeting of the 11eUn.1ist
churcI, will he held it week from next dun•
4:e.. .1. Newton has Leen suffering lately
with a haling on bre wrist which has been
very painful
H phrq ',nett ea. 11 11iitglam on a
t tact la t week. Probable sonic special at
tra.tum therm for Hemp.
11'ne. Edey rs ley Ruing the lower flat
•.f the Foresters hall. and when done it
*ill lie a great inyero'rnnent
I:witness Men are smiling and that makes
the farmers snub. too' •11'hy not stili:.
when tunes are goal - as Nr att.
Rend lawrtaon. ' S.1:.. and lam,*
Hill attended the a•rn,ou of the Gael "lett.
piers of 'u •rlull lodge last Sunday c. en
The Londrshwo creamery.doers this
week,-c.wleisrtently .john Mavish returns
lu>.nes after lia. mg done a big semen's
.toe. 4'olguugh. our hut cher of much eat•
terprw, Max nearly selling out hie Lust
near. Kut dont .bo that...5*. for '• a roll
ung sten' gather, 4414 mos..
The (:mud Tempers .f this place are hat
toga fine curtain plated in position on the
norm of their hall,y.hich will add great
411 the appcaran.'r of their ha11.
Iter. ,las. Ferguson will preach the &ton
ternary srrtnom to the children of the
Methodist Salhath rch.rul next Sunday
ncorning, arid in the eveten.g addre•.n the
parents of the children
.1. Iheg, the corning r e.'rar.r t.• 11. Nr-
Fadtrn n, our school, war in our .,urge .wl
'aour.lay last. He is a time lo'.ktne fellow,
and In tall probability- will make an rx.r1lr111
$11(11.11..r. The 11101401 department t• to h.•
taken by Nies Mclaughlin. from near
Kruseeek. in place of Miss .I lacier.
quite • nun.ber of the Member, of Tomei
Pride of the West. No. 31. 1 allad,•u, 1 trier
of Forester.. attended an oyster supper
given 1.y the member. of 4'ourt lielgrave.
No 98. last Thursday eventing and spent a
very pleasant and profitable time. This
order s, no doubt, flaking th• lead ire our
midst among menet tea, having "n, hundred
and four mrnulwrs and more A01011 to join
their tacks. KrctI,rn:! get t.. work and
wake it two hundred.
Tut Seism. from now until Jan. 1. len. for
Th. hear to t he ehrspest and Tu e. y4.. y a t.
is the Inst. Takia trial trio.
(non ora 00.0 (011,111114 0*L%T.'
Jas. Davis. jr., a getting around a!1 right
E. Watson shipped a couple of ears of
Iambs last week
Mr. Jas. Mavis lest • valuable pony Tile" -
day from lockjaw..
41. C. Sperling, of 111ngham, wee here on
Limner Tuesday night.
11'm. 4 i.*,pLell u fitting up his lnil.ling
on Queen -at. for A. 11'ettl.wfer.
Miss Erwin. of Teeuwater, is %inning at
her sisters, Mrs. E. H. Dever.
A gang of men are busily eupage.l re-
pairing the bridge- at the north end of the
v illage.
.1 new Ian,n hal been pit up on the
Market Square. whi.h .- a great eon-
A. McMillan took a trip t.. Sawforth last
week. He aye he haat business and we
suppose he had, too.
1%. Montgomery rout tied home Ore Mon
day last from M►chigal, where he keel been
for the Ian frw month..
There o.. a corm in hon, the et try
'uniav night who stole a " bonnet front
our V S. This moat he stopped et once.
'tn. of the boys who Wail watt asfor "het
on the .goner 1anlay evening got badly left,
"Short vett mngthere first.awd "first •.n r,
first served," you know.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lowry' left cn T.e.w
day for Michigan. where they have iriewb
They intend ensuing haat after • while.
''otno• other. left at the lame time, but they
will not lee mush missed except by their
irx1, 1.411 roc 1 4•1. tt r1'.
11'tn. Emigh took another trip to l:affalo
011 Saturday with Iamb..
Neil Taylor, 7th eon.. Morrie. has gone to
Chutes to barn blacksmitlung.
mks w.rp a from 1 :oderidh, wee t halting
at Mr f'rittrmlrn'. here this week
(l.aa. Hurling hu moved into the rem
dense lately oe.upest by Wet 1:,h1•2
Arch Robertan,, of 11'ewtfield, had •
drivag horwr shipped to him here ..n Fr. i
day beat
A Wet tlanfer intends start'sg • Mgt and
feed store en .o.nnrtmwl with his botcher
The Mime. Sarah and ilarl.r' Taman are
howl en • vu.t from IMtmlt to their par
este herr.
Mils. H Morgan h.a ridar•n•.I from
(Tee go, where he had heweeklies at "Ml
huddler trade *hot annumhem
Medd. of Auburn, left here en I
M y mnrning for Toronto He intend'
*edging the ',Sensory profession.
Mies 4'. Irwin bas started to learn the
mysteries of the miW.er's trade at the
II(asemoth Hoose with Mies Weller.
Doss lirittenden has returned bursa
from Raster. Kverybody was greying that
Datum looked quite soarpteI cs Smiday
4 Perkins end .los. Tasman were visit
tug friends in %Tattoo Wtuday last. They
1100 my that "sere' tea u the proper taper
At the last meeting of the Hopeful Glean
ere of St. Andrew's church K. 11. McGowan
warn elected president for the ensuing term.
.1 1. Murphy, who bought square tiutber
through this seeing. & few yeah ago wu
netting op Ins old acquaintances Monday
The l.. '1 . B. have elute a force of men
engaged au extending the alt subug tbtosgh
at the station and aaleug other improve
Sas. 14tu, jr., got a wryer kick from his
broach° on Friday lest. which laid him up
for a few .lays, but he is now ably to move
The three tramp who sere arrested os •
charge of attempted burglary passed through
here un Saturday- night, they laving been
let free.
Ge.. K. Phillipe, formerly postal clerk
herru spending a few weeks here for the
I.enr,lk of his health, which has been rather
poorly of late. Mut he s ewe gradually- im-
.las. Ross, who had twee to the t old cuan-
tit' with cattle, returned Mase last week.
He reports having a tough time coming
.ernes and natters are not in his favor yet.
as Nellie prefers the company- of a "tough
before hie.
[rtww ors 0074 el aRilrox oast.)
quite a number have started a: their
tsrnips. They seem to be a very- good crop
this year.
W. H. Kerr, of Knissels, tilled the plan
of Rev. 1. K. 11'allwin last sabbath ..t
.lohnat•wl's app ointment.
Julio Patterson has been .tailing his
sister, Mrs. stole. Mathe.'. He also went
out to see Its brother Ila% el sat 11"awa0uh.
1%hile Kobb's machine was threshing at
A. Shaw's on Thursday last week the 1u11
pi of the horse power broke, which lad
thein o.t1 till Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'leery Robb returned from,
their trip to Michigan on Friday last. They
greatly enjoyed their trip and give that
hart of the world a guud name.
Teta 1414,7481. from now until tan. 1. mei, for
•► The beet is the csespe•t and Too SHIN A1.
1.15.' beet. Take s trial trip,
S PY., tI utak OWN (0RRE4ro5Dt%T. ]
4.. Kendall. of Iletroit, put to an appear
sites last week.
Miss Ida Halstead, .laughter of Mr.
John Halstead. u ill at present.
Alias Jennie Montgomery. of ('linter°,
spent a .lay or two in our village.
Mr. Scott and wife, of Str•uhroy,
brother of oar townsman, A. Scotto has
been .pending a few .lays here.
The thankagtvmg sent.''.' held in 't,
.Iohu s church on the evening of Thursday
Lain was a successful one. It was also the
fin.t anniversary of the Woman's Auxiliary)
ot that churcL. Speeches were deli'eted
o0 the occasion b}y the Kers. F. 0:. New-
ton, of Rayfield, 11'. ('nig, of (Tinton, and
11". Ayers, of Holn.esyille. Tbese speeches
were deservedly eulogize& The church
was very tastefully decorated. which reflect •
end great credit on the ladies. The pastor,
Ker. Mr. Deihl. presided ore the oceaa4o11.
There are only thirteen ladies belo11gan to
:ha• .luxaiarv, yet we were informed that
over :(80 in .honey and goods had been
motel for miesm.ns to the N. W. Territory
iuniu the pact year. The thanksgiving
offering on the (o',+inn was a liberal one.
Tits SIGNAL from now until Jan. 1. ISrr, for
111. The best lathe cheapest and Till. 8Htar.L
to the best. Take • trial tri •.
(rl:)'11 n"0 nue x r'4lKR1:'r,x1.14r.J
abet of the farmers in this burg have
gathered their root ere'', which is not a
eery extensive one.
Mrs. Israel Hurlburt and Mr.. James
Kowlestome, o.i (lover Valley, have re
turned honer atter it weeks emit among
fnend. m Mitchell.
It i. runtore.l that .1. P. \hurray. of
4 oga1.Wreath Centre. took in the English
catarrh festival in Ripley the other week,
and was not alone, either.
Mre. .I. 11'. Murray, of I i,rel Wreath.
had, Ing yullt,ag bee on 11eineaday, 21st
inst., th.• girls (.ring from 1 oral Wreath
and Para ..... unt. 11'e believe they had a
go111 ti.
Vmuntsel and 4 harlie McGuire have finished
their contract of grading on the tenth side-
line. We believe the jot. tun. Leen tone
pletel in a first clam style•, which is. mead
to the Messrs. McGuire.
11.• hear that 1ltrr Murray. of Coral
Wreath ('entre, who went to S.olland some
tints asgo on a visit, has returned as far am
New York un his way home. %V.. hope
b, ser him return safe and sued after •
pleaasnt trip acmes the ocean.
11e are glad to note that the Paramount
1.11.4. T neck tie and candy .notal w•a a
grand shares There were lots of .candies,
lots of fine music, suet alai a good long pro -
gran) consisting of speeches. connie
recital tone, etc., etc 15'.' believe that
everylrrly1'pent a very profitable
and 0nj0y a ereni041.
Tint Slcaal. from sow until Jas. 1. I2.l for
111. The best is the Himmel( and T. :41(3 Al.
is the beat. Take a trial lei
(PRd.w frw .,coy iiikkaerily Dave. j
Quite a number of friends and relations
assemble) at the house of Alex. Ristoal on
the 10th eon. to wither. the union by mar
nage of H. Merriam. of Perth musty, to
Mho. 1:h,.heth Ann Rmuwll, daughter of
the host Key. Mr. I:elder. of Whitechurch•
tied the nuptial knot.
Empire .Aremeatiom I'. of I met In the
school house on Welnesl.) ryening, 21st
lost After the routine of hmsiaem was
ovndudell a spelling mach was taken to
hand. Mowers A. Fox and D. 4/'Cillegh•n
captained the .Ides, the aide chosen M 11.
41is1voming oat verb -minus.
the Oprlllng match argue entertainment erns
given. a Wading by the p,,sul.et 1*1*g
particularly. Interesting. If Inure .0444
1 were procured for greeny
night there 'rook' likely he a larger atte
. nor. not fortnightly ae before The next
meeting will he on the 2Nth. at which a de
hate is to le ellen, the athje't, heing "Re
solved. that stock raising s more profitable
lima grain pr..lncing. - An amgtwt eel
this will likely appear ,next week The
meetings now are to he held weekly as
Wednesday evening.
Tun *teat. fry *ow mem Jae. 1. all lar
111. The host M the ebempest *1ATimiItmx$L
(s,5. hog. Takes trial tele.
(roue ova era . •
Mas Deborah Hamiltons rutting heads
at (.'latus and Jarvis.
1 ieorga Swatters, , harlag de-
cided to be a t resad0at u( our vel
hem has be
and I lot ore Ker
ry avenue: from Stephens sloth.. s.
Weather at the tune of writing some
what wintry. Jack Frost being • regular
nocturnal rotor for suets tidos peat, the
forest is rapidly Wag divested of its
(olage Altogether the Mow of approach
Ing Winter are showing themselves.
4)u Monday last Mr. and Mr. K. His -
cox, who have beers for some time past visit•
tug relatives, treads andusintaooss m
Dungannon mid vicinity Mit their pow
eat honor at Teeswater. 11'e hope the ven-
erable couple will be spared to make maay
such visits to our village.
quite • number of sheep, cattle, etc.,
passel through our village eu route for
market via Ltackuow during the last week
air, the farmers hereabouts are busily en
gaged to taking farm produce mete aa grain,
etc.. to market, • great quantity of which is
being marketed at Lucknow.
Envision Court was opened herr on the
23rd, Hu Hoour Judge Royle presuling.
There were no civil cases on the docket.
mai telue0tly no business of any importance
eras transacted. 11'e presume that it is
creditable to our citizens and residents of
this and summating .. 1 that
then were no eases w aljnheatc upon.
May,t continue to lie thus.
.As annotation' last `sabbath. there will he
(geld on Thanksgiving lay. under the aus-
pices of the .. °( the Methodist
church. in the Agricultural Hall here, a
thanksgiving supper. A good program Is
mater : else severed . nireettees of acana14*4
m.•ut in the various departments hate been
apiwmted. It is held in lieu ot the
hart .it home which has been the custom foe
s,.rne years lark. (Weather permitting, a
good tune is autivIp.ated.
On Setnnlay Wt the remains .1 the tate
Susan Ryan Indict of the deceased Kecherd
Ryan. n{ t'olhorne township,. were interred
In Dungannon cemetery, 10inr followed
thither by .t very. large concourse of sor-
rowing relatives, friends, acquaintances
and neighbors. The berescrel relatives have
the sincere sympathy of the community ex-
tended to them in their bereavement. Age
of deeased, to years. The obeteinies were
conducted by Ke.. E. .1. Fear, pastor of
Nile circuit.
Too mite'. catalog be. said of the Manner
in which eoogratulatious were so heartily,
cheerfully and u11mnhmourly r.tendel to
Will. lane, the successful candidate for the
hoesoruble polities of county clerk of Huron.
by all mail sundry. .1Ithoulh the• .elvers of
Dungannon and others .m.erely regret his
departure from this place. as he was much
esteemed as a citizen and greatly admirer(
for his smiabledeportment and stuvtty in his
dealings and conduct to all with whom he
mine In contact. they feel rejoiced that
he has been successful in being honored
with the position : in tine, he is the right
man in the right place. It is the sincere
desire of all that he may Icing be spared to
fill the position and prove himself truly
worthy to muntain the confidence. reposed
in and honor placed upon bin..
The Woodstock Sentinel- Ke.few "'under
the heading "Oxford ('entre' thu refers to
the death of the only brother of Ars. Henry
Peers and Mn. Kober West, both of
whom leve in the township of Ashfield, near
Dungannon • "We have to chronicle the
death of Reuben Lawrence, who died .t his
resident* on Friday- earning. Sept. 25th,
after a shout illness of about two weeks.
Mr. Lawrence was highly respected and hie
death will be a less to the vicinity. 1 in
Sunday last his rename were Interred in the
/yxforl ('entre cemetery . having been fol
lowed to the grave by one of the
funeral . .. . ever witnoetel our
neighborhood. This was evidence/to the
fat that the accessed was held in very high
esteem. .14 the church an approp ate al
dress was given by the Re.. 1,1. Hunt, on
the shortlresa of life and the necessary per
par.uon for death. The last sled rites alt!te
grave were conducted by thememhen of the
A. 0. B. 11'. d s Crossing. of whish
society Mr. wee a member he
over four - Li • meeting of the ale,t e
society, Kim. T. J. lammimau plresecited
the fullowit44 rerdution, which was en
animousy ted : 'Where•e. it has piens
ed Almighty God, in His divine wisdom, to
remove from our midst our brother, Reuben
lawretiee, it seems fitting that we pay a
tribute to his memory by placing On the re-
cords some recognition of the esteem oar
brother was held in by the members of this
lodge. Therefore he it resolved that, in the
death of Bro. Keuhen Iawrencn, the .neni
ben of Zion Lodge, No 119, realize that
they have lost a brother • still we remember
that there are those whose grief mutt be
infinitely greater than ours. and the void
he large and keenly felt. Resolved, that
we extend to hie wife aril family, and his
aged mother, our deep and heartfelt sor-
row, and while we mingle our tears with
theirs let us all remember thatth.Heavenly
Master will not turn a deaf ear to our
lamentations, but he has promised to send
the Comforter : and some time, m place of
death, there will be life, beauty and joy-.
for death shell give up its deed to life "ter
nal, which fadeth not away and knnweth
neither pain or sorrow. And out earnest
grayer is that He who in His wisdom has
seen fit to tall our brother home will give
strength to bear this heavy trial, and that
He may help ata all so to lire that when our
time comes we may peacefully was away
to join loved ones that have gone before to
that better land beyond the grave. Re
solved, also, that the recording secretary
shall enter the above rlsolutiom an the
minutes and • copy be sent to the relatives
of the deceased. Committee Jas iartly,
Geneve 4'urry, .1. T. Kelley- : l% in R
1 reams:a. reorder, Zion, No. 110, A 0.
Tis4ro!.al. Mom now meth Jan. 1. Itef. for
e1. The bee Is the abeam.* teed Tee Stne.i.
is the best. Tate • trial tri .
(mow ort -R 00v .owRK.n,y DINT. )
The 4 hang. Brotherhood purpose holding
• taa-rrceettng on the 5th Nov.
Mrs. ie. W Echlin, of 1>utypnnon, u
gaiting at her fathers. R Morrow, son.
- Mr. and Mrs. Mel'artney, 'tf t:odrri.h
towmhip, wrrr .tenting at Robt.McIlwain's.
The funeral of Mrs. Ryan, relict of the
Late Richard Ryan, oe Saturday last was
eery largely attended
The inners' sero 0,1 of the late Mrs.
Rya. will be prowled the firm Muaday i■
November, to the emoting.
lest-. Mr !ttrsagesan, of Virtera street
ehsneh, Goderieb, will preach at the Nile
church Friday etresi•g, the 30th must The
armoon will ler a service for
quarterly meeting.
Ra. F. A. Year preached last Sunday
e aeweia`` talel'wg five his text Pt. le Rehr • 11
"For the lewd Owl is • ma sent shield."
The subject all through wee h11 et ssbbrne
thought, .bowing very earofsl
lis the evening bis subject was more e direct
ed to young men His teat was Darnel 8.
1t1, 19. By the annottos given we thiel( 1t
eat have • good effect, as the rev. retie
sin has the faculty of bolding the linen
frau of the yoneg. The collection in he
hall ut the choir was well petruaas.l. ler.
1'.a asked for • udkctiou of ten dollars
to buy books Ise the use of the choir. He
said they haul been allowed to buy their
own hooks heretofore, and now the dhows
of the rhumb were satisfied to set them.
He thea asked l':em for the oollectwu, w hir•h
was responded io cheerfully, ma the
a ..... unt N ., got
[mon era °w\ .naa.irow IMAT.]
Mrs. .I. Mclutush u viaiti1g friends in
Galt at present.
Mr. and Mrs..4ks. Muatarl are visiting
friends en Kin ardioe mod Paisley.
Ile. Elliot left 14. speed the (uncial of
ht• father this week at Troy, 11'0.
Rev. Mr. Stew -•rt, 4L•ttm, occupied
Unwu church pulpit .Sabbath evening
Both our hotel keepers have been making
large wipe..entente on their stabling.
T .1. Kenner," has painted his carpenter
shop, which alas greatly to the appoaran. r
Jas. l'hesney, who leis iron practising
with I1. 1lclutosh. 1 "., left 1t t home,
whirr he wall speed • few weeks I.rt••r.• re
turning to college in Toronto.
1 he Maass Hall. of 4.urlpb. left tot honer
Last Thursday) after .ymduetisg revival ser
1r,.s•s In the Methodist church. Much gorrl
has been the result of their earnest work
Toe Mosta from stow until Jaa. 1, ISM. fur
al. The best la toe cheapest and Toe Mt:.. .4
n► the beet. Take • trial trip.
vadeeM5 rearm.
leoosn rsi ,on) y ►•e,
=snit. Is mob 0
• ten 1st. 7 •
111•tots tt
IM •••11 13061eUft
It la II Os. a Nue..
ppasttee,, sew. ..... Sawa;
Pero ............ bbl•
Hay,earl. twe teed Il Mid ... :.. • M b 0
Hitt Y taste M Nish aj
1/ N
14 to
ft to
e to
[vIo.41 '*14,05 .y,KRi+r)sDt0T.)
1 YL 814:0 Al tram now 111111I Jan. I. IMPS. far
rat The beet Is the cheapest and Tits:Sanest.
b the best. Take ■ teal trip.
The temp.erauer meeting hell Sunday
afternoon in the hall '.1 the I. 41. G. 1'.,
213, saw the largest attendance of any we
have opted. Tho speaker, Rev. Father'
Week. pastor of St. Peters • R.l'. i church,
1,:etetach. in opening his address was much
pleased to see the large number preens,
many of where theologivsl views might be
different, Fut the turnout showed their
views were all untied on the temperance
.location It was mentioned in the reports
given of the prtrwa of Catania that the
majority .4 'the innate-.. were 5.' . i$ht there
by the use of 1141 non. Total ahsunence
should be the standtug ground ret all young
men starting out t0 life. as a *04.11 alrtamer
.r(dnn, failed in hos undertaktua though
Ise. '1'.. the young lashes who hal yet to
make ., chore, in life he said, utter promise
t.• undertake et with a mail who had the.
least tendency to smug dank. for in the
long run drink be.an c the eonqurr..r. He
then drew before t t the tad picture of a
drunkard's home, the piteoue looks of the
ehaIdren and the *orrow-stricken mother
whose sutteriage though ugh srv.'t r ere sotueumet
never known, Ivor could the pro ever tell
Fnrcil.ly and earnestly he urged his hearers
to entire.. or to ever uphold total ehatinence,
as it would save all from the n.iaenes of in-
temperance. Space forbids further eon.
meant. .1t the Cone of the a.l.lre+a the re..
gentlem.0 personally' thanked the audience
f..t the good onler afforded him sal said he
e „old at a future time be plwanl t.. cane
&kiln 10 speak f.t th. welfare °f the tern
prrancr cause. 1 he der.etioual exercises of
the onkr used at its weekly meetings were
real by 1. K. Williams. II. (humming ass
chairman, sal .1 choir of nines, ander the
leadership of E. N. Shaw, with Miss Edith
Horten as organ.t, emulated the musical
cele ctsenneung during the : toting. During
his transient .fav herr the Rev. Father
%Peet wa,the guest of Ar and Mrs. A. H.
41 itton. Fred. Blair has been rnkea.,ed to
deliter the address Sunday 0e41.
(rnoit ..t'F; ..w. r°RRr w.znext%J
Colts are our thief cniedetwtio, not
Gee. Hogarth was .o the sick int last
R. Spurting. of Winghana, wee it town
diet week If
1:. 31ingay. Toronto. spent Sund.s wit*
Walter Smith.
Lowry Bea. are bricking the west end of
the queen's hotel
The first 1.31 of snow herr was on the
night of the 25th lam.
M. H. Willie and wife. of Mitchell, sprat
Sunday with R. Gerry.
Miss Litt Gordon. of Lucknow. 1s visiting
her sister, len. Thos. Fletcher
Thee. Hall has moved into the Strettop
block, over Hewitt'e barber shop.
Jno. McMartin has taken a position at
Pawky with T. Johnston, taarhk cutter.
Mics Violet Ilonawlly, of Port Huron. is
ng at her • d. Mr. and Mn.
Confirmation server was held in the Ro-
man Catholic church here on Thursday
last. finite m number were confirmed.
Walter Smith. of Manitoba, eldest son of
Walter Smith, of Brussels, is home for a
short vs.it. He is buying horse.. His little
son, %V.1ter, is also here.
.1 chandelier containing four lamps fell in
the Methodist (-bomb Iasi Sunday, shortly
after the lamps were lighted. It was a
close call from being • fire.
.lanes 150'npsm, who has been employe'
in his brother's grocery for some years, left
here haat week for a trip to Aberdeen, Scot-
land, to ler the 'mild folk at home.' He
will hr away some months.
4'turltt'tttxt. `.sit)_ Monday evening
the Epworth League gate an industrial
social, and it was • decided emcees'. The
lecture room of the church wu perfectly
crowded. 1125.00 were the rarrippuu A
very amusing reselmg was given by R... 1:,
F. Salton. Mirth reigned supreme. The
twenty five dollars is to go on the .hnn•h
debt. Our League are good workers and
desire petroleum in their coming socials.
Foennat.i. Tor*'. AndytT. -- Our tonna
'nest wag • good nee: the day wee fine and
everything turned out lovely, rear th^n 'a cap
haling the first prise of $00.00: lytowel
look mond money. Bruarla and Gouts
Aescop with 1 to 0 in favor of Braaesl•.
Then Liatowe.I and Blues -ale. Limbered
muting oat victnrosss. Then Ilruegele and
Listowel played for 1st and 2nd money it
+as a good game and almost dark when
finished, prat our boys got there by hard
(num ore owe .n5Renenenr4T. ]
H. F Kdwerds will bogie es Nee. let fee
ears • sewed Meek redwing. y/..
saof ►e loess •nil well me reed g.Mee7
Moak. Bring
l. yore emit and senses •
ape'ef•1 v w Is all
s. 1N0
eeeb must 5t Mild y N. 1170.1%
ease eapeesa
Mrs. John Ki•g and family, of Wingb•ea,
ars Amities here
Tba Jewett has been seriously ill, bed
Potatows. bur
pare, t/eY meselted. • illea
chars .
!el Heim Veen
e'llsrea tttaesselMs.
last• 27. 1•t
Ir.11,N hest• new and old ..
Sprint Wheat
Barbs . y....
Peas ....
Aad*Mater(, esr bog..........*Mtn
• IN to • 47
46tot SS
111, q
... .. .. .. .. ....... 1
day /U to
cordwood W to 1 .Q
Reef ••••• ...... • • • ore too •
Week......IS• toe u
ark _ • _""...... se to .515
wfa1ahe- bleb.
OM. M. trig
glom. per 1b•a...... ......... . la 10 to 2 ss
WA.'.,. Pall ......... • tel to • sl
Mpnnet .... .... .. .. RL toe M
Peas 35 to • S•
Harley bto0tel
o tau .... TS 10 0 27
I'ot.tot. ..... ....... ti to 0 :,,
wool. per 1b- ---"-.__ 17 to 0 18
Hides .. -• .. ... .., 4 ern to 1 re
M M to 14140
Hay• per ton
Eggs, per doe .... ..... . 0 11 to 0 1:
Butter. per Ib .. 0 13 b • 11
Pork .. . .. Swbhat
Wood. per eord 1 50 to 1 7:4
we are pleased to learn he is auprotrug
l:eorge King, who has been to Manitoh,
for the past tow months, arrived home .i.
Mr*. I. lanat.,ue an.4 family resin, O4
last week to ldlyth. where Nr V anstone I.
e ngaged in a dour mill.
AIM Martha t'ollo le returnee iron
Abattoir last 'Satan/ay, •tccocapanlyd L.
her uncle, Mr. Pollock.
lira. Sheppard returned to her h.nne :r:
Toronto after apending the prat tee
trimths here with her ..in. ler. Sheppard.
It is about time our cannel made a out,
and procured UTed street lamps. They wocl.t
prove a vreat . these dark night.
4 fen Wednesday evening. I kat. 28th, e
rasant event occurred at the resident/. of
r. and Mre..lances F:rwtn. (wing the mar
nage of their daughter Emma to Cherie
Stewart. of Go -ketch to•rnahipP The etre
shay was performer{ by Rea. Ar. Thibelms
before a few friends and relative„ of the
contracting pongee. The hush esteem a
which they are hell was attested by the
t ithieMe gifts bewtow,tt
lin Sunday morning our residents wore
surprised on learning of the ren- Amides
desih ..f Alm John McNab, who .lnnl .ery
suddenly ".turd.y night. Dreamt win
horn in Inverness, Scotland, In 1826. and
had 1 .olecl hen• upwards of hyo stars.
The funeral took place on Tuesday to
Itno etield, I.y tram to Middlemen ler.
M.Nah bre the sympathy of his :Tway
Intends an hit bereavement.
Fol %I.. 1 in Monday. (bet. 19144, Samuel
Blau. who ..one a pies of Lush, lot 77, on
Rayfield lin.-, near G.rIe'r,ch gravel read,
was ,,realty mem noel .gt rut.riO4 the
bhanty he las there. to find on 1h. table •
gun. • yuanhh- of ammunition and • blank
oil -clot i. entree Ivy. The gun wee a homy
beam -plated shot gun with .141 Matt*
down near point .or ferret. The miss
••Wm. Mc-laywald' was stamped es the
stock. Mr. Klair was abash.' from the
shanty frost. e . w Saturday until about 1
Ks. Monday, 13th, and Is, arriving found
that during his ahem.. the staples had
leen drawn d . 1. The
MA the lour
oleo,. mentioned articles were let on On
tahl.•, and the Led .kthes were tassel sloe.
as 45o101 summons hal remained over nigh*
The drew was dosed and staples replaced
Mr. filar has male en{utriew,but has as ye'
been unable t.. find an owner, and on th.
23r.1 ga. a p.rhiculare to your correspondent
The owner is requested to prove Proprt•
sad pry expense.. Apply to eamnrl 1(W
Moll or It OWN 0•Utarllr,7Dr'T.
Mr. Madden, of Kisc•rdhe,pmid use t,•
on the 2f>th inst
Miss Hicks, of Kincardine, was here ern
Suslay to the church opening.
St. Paul's Dew church was opened here on
Oct. 26th. it is • fine building anal • credo'
to everyone who extended a helping ysui
The Farmers' hotel, owned by ler
Morgan. was consumed by fire on 41st. Ibth
at 3 ... tr.,' the homily past escaping with
their Ines. Hay lag no itsunane Mr.
Morgan's loss is very heavy.
.I E. llulhollaad, photo -artist. ha. era;
his busmen to .john Alexander. J. E has
ing bought • gallery in the oosnty town
will more there shortly. 111 are very snit
to part with J. E.. bot wish him emcees :a
the ..wetly town.
trawl era owe J
Tins 1101181. from cow until Jen I. lei ter
`1 The best le the cheapen and Tits 1:p+y,1.
III t he hest. Take • trial trio -
All places of batinem will be Mored ern
Ti lay ( Nov. 121.
quite • number of oar citizen. •tteod*i
the 1. 41. 4). F. 000c4rt in Dashw'.•ei r
Tuesday grossing. They report ba• 1144 ape^;
e a enjoyable everting.
Mrs. Decker, d this vicinity, while ea
Mel in ailing the execution of • deter
the misfortune to get her fingers he
teem the block and the are•
the being the lens of a pert of
one of her fingers.
gest ewe. sed Passives.
What • world of meaning this delouse!
embodies. Just what you are linking fee.
a it sot • Patnasa'• Parolees Corn g''
tractor - the get ere -pop oorw cur* ori'
in this wayr it makes coo sore sprits . tate,
acts speedily and with certainty : suns aril
mildly, without Miamiy the part •i
teeny. dao not be improve! omen hy
tiers or wkstitetta
Mim Mary Melodeon, who Is at p imat M-
Onsdiwr the Normal Maisel, Ir• ban •'
gaged as teacher foe oast year in lobe d Me•
time No (2, Mo iM
While Jobs Alkin•B, Bestir, wee Wolf
reasfar some aa ba'
hmtory #larlgI. h
oat oasg e 1 • largo .these elle reesivee
s severe wesechiag.
1N oil kinds h
(mealy runt• a
A Lively Male
berg Of
n ■erre■s
Nam the let Wi
..wed the qurarrnlia
a., i,f taicher DMse
extent ainelegIlt
..ss, and all kind
,A.sacr.l canerrei
the .retells Wife
Try S}.:x xl. w
•. seer meeting. I
a•r h&j to guess
w,i,s1 the mutt'.
• e, that the p
• • n the. cat
• )ua1 luigb
.i.•,rabout �
• take in t'.r thigh
144: 1
eke n.e.'t►bg wai
.let's other, min
T.e1111g mom(. 1
vit*•n, preside
present at the,eu
'tall:'= I/,yl , who
ear •'.•111
After tin- read
ales of pre. low
Maimed from
Stu. e2.56, and
IIh 10 . all of col
�Id Aft. r t weer
jtat act, etre
- r to rive he r the
omn In the tit
future suer' . aur
Meted And sect
.ad Taylor that t
the fees of lupi
1.144) ", slat],
The chairman
Ire of the shits
lore' -n: aA aro 01
Y• -L .g), at Ton
1.*xi it was • es
sell site the m
fSn 4'
Tr .;.tees liable
r the purpo
sot rets Hsi
:oreal applicatie
4.oderoch sp a 001
satv had rrr•rivei
Th.• ctairman
im.lesrrr of IMAM
The secretary
has Ont hen
anally it ha. be
The Charman
'f the I/titarlo
'here anything e
The secretary
'*iron from Mr.
TO -he t:hairiest)
4: r'IT1.Ra►x
dont weal from
n ine contained
the cause of bud
kft t.. gather (n
int the reason a
feelise sight.
It .s rent floss
my .1efe t that
meets me npon
beta or the rips
their wont 1
ed and to which
i ha. a no 4.thet
their .eats and
4104 contrary ■
very few meatal
h.h, owing to t
dI.t.,riee Of vat
01 Os improve, ■
with myopia.
h:ven If such
ur.• true they 1
w rententered
two from *hid
try teacher of
this reepect,beo
'eminently ex,
at the hard.
•nosolerphle p
means of at me
ag Its attantie
Although 1
eleven yearn is
Fels of the hos
.t, may
with me or
present einem.
•''u.al if 1
element to tot
I The gram
tM seamiest
sheen from
marks attache
r*rtAfirens fe
3r.1 elms arra
I sin
400 of t
600 In bad
1660 The ■
work in high
In ie ease
of whl'h mak
lash h to. .eit 10
mats repro
leaves mud
tuba mil Si