The Signal, 1891-10-30, Page 6s :e
C1e•ked la Leopard a►1..-
rtr sed Wena. lamed fas 'WM=
ter Little eine The Fan "Ulnae
1%. ninon tilrl--The S.eret Teeth.
People are apt to attribute haggard looks
te mental activity, and to counsel repose
turf tranquility as • Fenietic.
To the thoughtful traveller the falsity of
this theory is obvious. It is is the comma
village, where the church ineeting s Ute
theatre. the used the eatitelaent, the dash
weeks, and one an hear the cows breeder
is the deathly, that the greatest
. umber of woken cheeks, *tinkle i.rews.
leaden .umpleai•ms and Meters
are to be sea. among the yet iu
their thirties. In the seething neatropolu,
hiring three laves and enjoying ten. are to
he found sores of wonieu soothers or pal
haps grandmothers pnaa.seing all the
vitality. 1reshuese ar,d much of the bloom of
The tact is, at is not activity, hut drowsi-
n ess, the presence .4 sleeping ..r dead
thought in the soul, that is aging. Un -
vaned .core.. the repetition to morrow
d t.. ,lay. to day of yesterday, this
week of the Kea ling nee, the
ability to calculate ,sadly what each
neighbor is doing at each hour of each day
the ',irritable Mock -likes routine of coo
rept iota, the I.r.o$ony .4 shote°, e, the
utter stunners of an e/n•+ty thank tauk.
(6.t asps the vernal .pangs of loft- and
.'reales decay In the face.
t'sst grief, old angers. revenger. rent past
plei.surem constantly dwelt em all deal.
d«•ay:og x decayed thought, nuke asepul-
rhre of the soul, a cemetery .4 the body anti
a westllet Lenten monument .4 the face
This is age.
Ike women who nem- grow old ars taw
stn.Irt.t ton+ s those who daily drink in
sew .hole through memorising, rho hay
uutalynng. said perfectly aaainulattog sub
jectm apart from thenr.elve•. Study ie de
v.topmient is eternal y•ntth. The student
s an who makes wise use of her at uu.
G.ns, Ira. no 1 one t.. corrugate her bro.*
wail. dread thought of the h•laaty-destrotr
looping fast behind her. Not conselere"l or
invited, O1.1 Age keeps his dietaries.
Ilram culture basal .er noble motive
mown. sympathy, heart gentleness..•hanty.
gra.•wusuese. enlargement of reuse, feeling,
Such a being cannot become a fossil She
has fund the elixir of life, the fount/es of
eternal youth.
Clothed 1■ Leopard shl.e.
It was Mins Muriel ih,wie of Katpathiu.
lame .now Mrs. Nonn.11l who a.tontahed a
fashionable grthering t v appearing. neeven-
utg arrayed In L.opud dins. it was look
ed upon then as a harmless eccentnelty, but
it would appear that the idea mar see a
further .level.pment. for a well kn..wn
Loielon furrier has just completed a mantle
fee • woman wluclr is entirely made of the
Iii aril's twang hide. As the cloak ,which
will he used fur sledging is to clothe • tall
lady from head to foot, it has been ne•es
wary to select skins of the largest size on1y,
and those. tow, which were alike in their
general coloring. Altogether the task heats.,
crapes' twelve months, but the result is cot
'Andy a very luxurious and superb cloak.
The yoke is arranged in frost from a skin
of exceptionally large and open spots, and
the junction between the yoke sed the long
straight fronts is concealed underneath teas.
leopard's paws, which appear to act as a
clasp. 'Fhe tsiflitr u high and very cenv w
effect, and the wearer of such a wrap weld.'
be quite beyond reach of cold. The lining
is throughout of gold plasm It might he
thought such a mantle would prism an en
mamma weight. hut this is not the case . in
fact. it is lighter than,eealakin, heavy j.•It
ed skins baring been avoided in the mans
facture. A couple of font muffs. also is
lesgar.l .:kin, complete the order
UIR rovers 1. Mesa and 111. mama.
When • man has something on his mind
hn, his legs and looks up at the caul
tut. while a woman locks her hands over
her head and looks on the flour. A ban
chews or twist. his mustache when he I.
nervous and the women hates her nails.
Under momentary et. dement a man
s•ratehs Ina head for an o Bea a.:.l a woman
bits her lips. Mot .'Dollar themselves by
revolvnrgtheir thumb.; and women by tapp-
ing their feet. A man an trouble walks the
floor and a woman gets ou her hack and has
a gond cry. -A man in a temper .wean, A
woman breaks Inc .-n. ke[y. In a
rage A nam squares hes .flaws and
clinches has tints, a woman "draw. herself the story ho-Ik poi it. and
walk. off with a war -hors• kind of carriage.
A man flies into a haslet and flin out
again, but women aro generally calculating:
they nurse their wrong and pout long after
reparation has been made. Alen are
naturally cruel: women are born nagger
Men have more decency that women ; wo-
men lave more modesty than men. Men
pries the truth; women, peace. Men seldom
hate without cause : women can invest
cause for the .lightest offence Men are
sustained by principle. women by religion.
A owl will .Iefrod the reputation of • friend
an an .,r,nn,ent mud a wonwt will stand up
for th. reput*Unn of her see
G.e doeI .r.• Oowes br 1•ri11. 01,1..
Little ``iris of two five years waw
grandmothers' gown soft dark wool,
made with high -tucked waist, velvet plas-
tron. large sleeves, long full skirt and a
velvet reticule Imaging from the waist.
Their 'manna are extremely large. Their
cloaks are long and baa.(, of pisco or fleecy
cloth. white or dark colored. gatherer' Into
• short ward that is covered by three+ capes
superp sr.l and quite full, with narrow fur
eking. or else with one cope of fur of long
Reece They also continue to wear low
drawee with whit• guimpee, and many
mother.* still pi-efer nainsiok and lawn or
gingham dresses all the year, made suin
rend, warm by heavy uaderrIothing and
ab.m.fawt wraps.
Th. Foibles 1. Petit.
Frit no Longer appears as part et the
decimation da dl Iasi -tabled pets fa sp-
ielers dessert
wrs a: nnly. he heavy. Inset -
out pert .me of ,tor. fruit is mit of harmony
with that of the 'emcee( the'arbor,
ural epi. ,mart Inert pleasure in the taste and
Right ..f • demo it w hieh they have aasd
upon the len of the repast findRieb
ly wanted flowers .Ion are ata lnngee admit -
led in dining rents: fern. and palms, and a
few delicate Llossrms heightening the
`rrwxrv.6*T. replaced the I.tish display of
fragrant Aowere.
Th • aen•rtwt 01T1.
The girl .M. wants to be very smart s
• relay day mew wean a issg wairp/renf
peas with aa sennas* de.►1e hmacti*d
gape made ret mete Iasi plaid teat it seer
M be dagtag el hooey Roe tiand sad its
Y. w. (twattye M.mew of Me t,teh Ulna
teen-lN. Freepost .t It.1...
New Your, Oet. 19. - d;. W. Smaller
cables to to day. Tribune. There is not the
slt�hi..t sage of retinae between the Par
.Blase and 11.4'artb)Iwo. There anmaay
sine that the struggle between theee two
fillet W 1. w far tram sada ttg with Mr
Parnell's death, s senhittsrwi by it, ani
will be proloapd to • more bitter sad
Patvelliaat doss sot the with Mr Parnell
nay mon then (aladateaiam would dee with
Mr. tila.Ltoae There as a vital principle
u both. I'•rselli.m stood for all there was
is Horse Ruhr about witch the Irish people
west cared. When the majority of los fol
lowers deserted hist, they thought they
were going to get what they wanted by de-
sertion. 11r. Parnell himself believed they
would tied out their mutak* anti come back
to hist at the end of two or three years.
`The great outpouriag of people at his funs
rttl last Sunday, clad the paeeoaate de oos-
e teettou of grief by great 'nab multitudes,
showed low little he had last 6is bold ea
pebble, and Mho cities
All these are so may rennet for arum
reg that the split in the truth Home Rule
rank. Is likely to be -permanent, and that
other splits may follow. Nobud , seetru to
know what soy happen in Cork itself whet
Mr. Parnell's seat has to be fouget for. A
triangular contest seems likely, between •
Par.elhte and an Anti Parselhte and .
Unionist, and all calculations or conjectures
as to the result are vain. So of all Ireland
Forces are at work of which few know the
serenetb. Mr. Parnell thought be might
luso newly even Int, yet remain a power
and subsequently recover all anal more the.
all he had lost. Those who stood by him
are not strong aces Vet t arnelliam mum
stronger than they Mr. Pierce Mahosy,
as leader, is itt must respects an add con-
trast to Mr. Parnell. But he had something
is common with hon socially, as so low
others had of that band.
The two new tapers they propose to stain
*bow that they mean fighting,
Fngll.h people read those lyric al out
buns in United Ireland with some amaze
mens. rather wondering what wouldren
in Ireland if the government of Irolasd
were turned over to the authors of them.
They sonar!, also, what would have hap-
pened, as between I'arnelits and anti-
Parnellites. these last few- months, had
there been no unpenal police to keep both
of thein in order. (In the whole, none of
these recent events, nor all of them to-
gether, seem of good omen for Hume
Oct 19. John Udine in a
speech at Ilungraven yesterday explains*
that he and his solleagus were rabsent from
Mr Parnell's tuner -al in orale to prevent,
unseemly disorder. H. charged that kis
opponents hired men whom they plied with
dnnk to eubhcly call him a -murderer.-
He regretted that such devices had barred
him from the funeral of the great illustrating
leader, whom be loved more than that
loudest in their professions of grief and who
in spite of the event. of the past year would
hand .town its sans to be remembered in
remote , of Irishmen. He de-
nounced those who are making on a fresh
grave a platform of Infamous gospel and
national dimension. Hs hoped taut the
bitter attacks upon Mr. Parnell's memory,
such as had been printed by The blah
Catholic, which were utiatholic and a div
grace to Irish journalism, would not be re-
peated. The latter remark crested.* sen
Timothy Harrington, M. P. for Dubin,
replying to the revelation of Mr. O'Brisa,
said that the followers of Parnell never
made the assertion that O'Brien was not
sincere ill hie desire to secure a settlement
at the Boulogne ...inference. He denied
that the uegotatlmu erre based ,in the eh
solute retirement of Parnell, and added
that the sooner O'Brien published the text
of the negotiation. the more delighted the
("Hosiers of Parnell would 1s•. No better
testimony cuuld he offered to the marvelous
.%i And statesmanship of the dead leader
awl the puny insignificance .1 the party
which rejected his leader -hip.
1 h slots, Oct. 19. -The corporation of
K aikenny ha• prepared au •.Idrem of wet
tome t.. William () Brien, M.P., upon the
o.ra+ion of his visit to that city.
I)t aux, Oct. 17. -.Delegate Ziemuneki
arrived here to -day from Al anew, bringing
with him a handsome wreath to he placed
upon the grave of Parnell. %ieinanaka says
It ea• intendr.l that he should h.- present at
representative of the nationalists of Poland
at the funeral of the Irish leader, but the
Russian government did not allow the date
of the funeral to be published in the Polish ears. The wreath u compo..d of
laurel leaves, entwined wish tho Polish
color. and with broad silk lianas bearing
inscriptions expressing sympathy with the
de easel's friends and the cause for w hich he
fought. The Poles who sent this testi-
monial of their regard and appreciation of
the w irk of Parnell were obliged to smuggle
It s. roes the frontier.
1'ureace of ,!,.lance baring bees made by
ertarn i'arnellits against Timothy Healy,
the police hat a furnished that gentleman
w-th an escort of three officers in plain
elotIttng, who accompany him wherever he
Several eminent French lawyers have been
consulted upon the matter of the release of
the fend of the Irish Iirl•amentarytparty.
They believe that the tint step must be an
application to the I :curt of Chain -cry by the
heirs of Mr. Parnell. The French judges
will not act, proMbly, contrary to the deci-
sion of the English 1',suet unless in declar-
ing themselves Incompetent to adopt it.
This would rano prolonged trouble. If the
mosey goes into the (Mans dee consigner
tion, it r lost to all but the Franck ma -
try. Legal , will serve to keep
it from everybody for man years and then
it will f.11 to the state Meantime Mems
Munro t Co., tie Pars bankers, hav• funded
the whsle lasseuritis, bearing S 1-2 per
.rent interest, realising 02300 sanuaRy.
This amount added to the toad will reach •
large total before tis waned d iutl q.smtos
can be settled.
woe M Disks.., tk. as..lises bs.slie
Was ill a pretty Iti11s .shade •
ell.ard•. Linemen. Lsseaerlaan's TrNwd
L�MI�T i�lf �w C.�w�W.
1111.16.111111• yowl* *Aso sola y.trek.
ew.....i•q.a.e;,.. awl M •w
w , ..1 .os.. es mark. a.r
r.a r.•t, h.. a-.... •._i:
OHO • rr . W woo, ..d ammo ..
M •.d1 n. 41 •... le •y r.•• .1
. yam •v .......- N 5.e.,.,.
u• , •ee Mrfr .en.....•.. 5.5...
lam w.•a. Aa le owe . ii. pigM'a• 1.•
�•w. n• shot 15., 1w."-
•.wr�M•� nAMLT art
l -=ter. nae eat?.. ♦dins w•.
wiuiae/1 • aa, IMTLaaa, mai,►.
R .ay tanes.R.
■lsatd',ti,lats.esl eons Carnet tees.
h doesn't require ea •rtiet. only *loth
octan, to draw party li.... llttaburg Post.
\ Carbolic Sal.r I. a wonderful
healing compound for cuts, wounds, bruises,
burns, scalds, boils, piles, pimpke, etc.
A leading member of the .. the
man who owns a balking horse. Washing,
ton Star. - -
Milhuru's Aromatic Quinine Wine forti-
fies the system against attacks (deism, chills,
bilious fever, dumb ague and like troubles.
You can trade your reputation for a dot
lar, but you inn rover trade back. Atchi
son 4 dobe, -- -
Never allow the bowels to remain consti-
pated lest serious evil ensue. National Pills
are unsurpassed as a remedy for conetipa
tion. - - It is a great deal easter to secure an in
dorsement for a man's character than for
his note. Pittsburg Dispatch.
\Worms cause much sickness among chit
dres. Freeman's Worm Powders prevent
the, and make the child bright ane heal
The difference between the editor and
his wife is that his wife seta things to riygphts
while he cartes things to set.- Yonkers
Statesman. �--
A neglected ,bac of cold in the head may
cost you your life. Win run the risk when
Nasal Balm offers you a speedy relief and
certain cure. Solu by all dealers. Try- it
.A baseball crank remarks the fact that
there are few young liven among thecrtcket
en. He has probably never seen them der
ing the earlier years of the tint inning.
('hiago Poet.
Itch, mange and scratches of every kln.l,
on human or animals. cured to 30 minutes
by R'oolford's Sanitary Lotion. Thu never �/�{
fail. Sohl by F. Jordon. 9fi ly_ BRUG1YtANS�A i
Haying recovered from remporery iaiuppoo
. European War R.
4!el u II lir d $si&.
No other Emulsion is so
easy to take.
It does not separate nor
Spoil -
It is always sweet as cream.
The most sensitive stomach
can retain it
Scrofulous and
WasttII Diseases.
Chronic Cough.
Loss of
Mental and Nervous
General Debility, &c.
Beware of all imitations. Ask for
"the D. & L." Emulsion and reale
all others.
Pelee AOC. ANO 8m Pelt MOTTLE.
Sold by F.
The Great Remedy
--- FOR. -
slum our 1d friend thep
We have noticed that no matter where a
man has s pain he is always eatisfied that
he would be very brave and patient if it
was only somewhere Ilse Rochester Poet.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
har.l, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes
from horses, blood spar in, curbs, splints, ring
hose, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sire and
swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save 5b0 by
use of one bottle. Warranted the most
wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold
by F. Jordan. 96-ly
elS*M'. Ll.tmedt C• Neal sr rsydMas..
A fox skin is worth • doper . but it's the
hardest way to earn t.. get a fox
where you can skin him. lachmond Re-
• PIenuat Kerb Brisk 1 Spri ng NrdMae '
The druggists tell us that people call
daily for the new cure for constipation and
sick hesdache discovered by 1)r. Silas Ione
Itis said to be [hegnn grape ret la great
remedy in the far West for those complaints)
combined with simple herbs, and is made
for use by ponnng
Ai boiling water to draw
out the strength. It sells at 50e. and 111 a
package and is .celled lane's Family Medi.
cine. 12 -cow I
However o4iee 5sR� peak down up-
on it, the rAw1N1 _ _llalimsm jet
soots him. - NsPaiisati
The ?silo .hock..
The trade astMok seems bright, but to
tions burdened with had Need, stomach nr
liver ttouhdea, etc., the outlook is blue.
This may he avoided and bounding health
restored by the use of Burdock Blood Bit-
tws, the most effective, rapid, and mtisfa.-•
nmehnw the girl who isarns to ride • 1.i tory medicine for all of the
cycle doesn't stem to pet an very well at stomach, hirer, bowels read blood. It
tint. Detroit Fre. Prem
As • familymedicine, A er'. Pills PX it is .d until a wan goes on • quest for a
y hired girl that he fully appreciates the am
all others. They are stilted to every age hone. of the woman question
and. being sugar coated, aro say to take. Baltimore Amerman.
Though searching and thonwgh in effect,
they are mild and pleasant in action, and s•eruaesse of Neew.
their on is atteaded with no imperious re D.aa Stat, This r to .' tify that my
suite huri/••u•:d had asthma for about 8 years,
The hen thee sits on a porcelain .gg may combined with a led enugh and that his
not aeeomplah much, but she bas mune! tea also were lady .stela A..n tlmt he
matin*. Texas iliftines. em sal not ear Werk. 1 thea got Hag
Fere Is►Needsyard's Teetotal Balsam, which' has firstly
ihaw SIM, 1 think it r • or$ to b~vsd his. After taking six or eight
recommend Hagyard's Felber Oil as a sure '1;8'. R leas satarely etlrw' hu o»ngk, and
cure for chappedhands, .weIIiaga. ere t mat deal e. gnarl u,o his airs.
threat, eta reeernmaend it to all. 1 as MINa Cot, Apaey, Ont.
1t Mee. (Ian A Ann, .In•ephae, (bit ado shoughts are=IT pr.
An necepb►M third party /wnveaaast liiltil,p.
leaven the Femme eospls b1 tbeseslve• A
Lowell Courier "A
Rom lisenor. laapnsrne. - 1 bowl 1 award's � Una to the � Indy, amain b
Yellow Oil M my ehdiates nasi it eared j; .mi g}e eon
16.... 1 Ince sever heels ►stinted with mnsmemef lsrissl swam rsak
( Ihem sloes Rona Know., Violasha, RQ ireakis is bili...en, y�qj , wase•
rr� Harems le arm ar*.srh e..,� 11•Y.. sags, hid bled .....t ask 1
Texas by
seems to be walking around briskly an
search of a eons element's appetite. Chica-
go News.
Would you like to exchange your sallow
cheeks for throe glowing with health s roses' Warranted
Then try hr. Williams Pink Pills Thee i
rebuild the system and make lite s... bright '
as childhood's dreani.
Edison says the street •car mule n.ust go. A SU
He is troing now as fast as he yen he made I
to go with a whip. New hleans Picayune.
l'eauty IA Sala tO be only skin deep : but SOLI; BY ALL D.,-Uu-GISTS.
pooms and preserve a beautiful skin
pure. vigorous blood is essential. This is
head secured by taking Ayer's Sanutparilla in
small hut frequent dories. It is the mast re-
liable of blood-puritien.
R. .1. K. (.ORE
Pole Patentee and Man utactirer
\ ?,..**--;11.1..141."
s_.%K. ....n.a,....w
� .-•.'...w ••ler^ .. .a...-1-'MMala.
.1.• •.n .. M •re., al./ .a..
'o .wr••M. • III l.e
I...WOO.... . •.- . •
Mee..* dory Or•tet w whoil.ea
, 5. 816161111••••..... ..• ma.1 . .'.i 5E. so war•5..
.. ir r ,.40. . -...•...K ... aran
ty d"Mi
......a I *pie. •.r:w ............ata 5mm•, .rea.M,. 1
... s we..y cacti., ..•.. ,e.l••.r. win ..res -,••••15 1i,e.
w►.•...,.51.,.••.n •
•..e• row . Waste
. r-.tiri:a . 'n... i si�.xt sua.a �M.Mas
Coderich Steam Boiler Works
Kama hl iehed I5..
Chzystal & Slack.
In Stock For Sale:
1 50 -horse -power u p r i g ht
boiler. all complete.
16 -horse -power upright boiler
and engine.
1 6 -horse -power engine.
1 48 -horse -power horizontal
• boiler, complete.
1 50 -horse -power slide valve
engine, all complete.
The above have been thorough-
ly overhauled and I in
Bret clans condition. Ready for
immediate delivery and will be
sold cheap.
limll orders .111 receive prompt attestisa.
Wsets r pp. 0. T. M. Matte..
tui. Romani promptly attended to.
P.O. BOX 38i.
s\,d °IN CM 0 mss.
117c oJer our entire stock of Mantle
Cloths, in plain and fancy Tweeds, Serges in
lire and black, Curls and A s trachans, at
Neatly reduced prices. Now is your time to
lou a Alantlt
Advertised last week are pure) bargains.
The $4.50 and $8.50 lines amt unequalled
in the town. Inspection of this department is
U >•
rvE.r7 srR r: E 7,
Alongside Montreal Telegraph Office. The right place for
first class clothing and gents' tnrnibhings.
Choice ready made clothing.
liesires to return thanks for the patronage which has hem so kuully extended 4 her dur-
ing the past year. making 11 the most successful year of her business experience,
and tests that the relations existing between her customers and herself will
continue to be aAor.lial as they have bees in the past.
MISS CAMERON has brought from the cities an extensive amortmest of Millinery
I;oods for the Fall trade. compneing the latest WA otitis' to be had mall branches
and will he pleased to have every lady in Goderich sad vicinity call and 'aspect
her stock at the old stand,
1. 0* am• ..5...,r-1%.,14.54
_oft M .. I.. Ar /�./r •en1�
rasa ..l 1.... 1..,e.. i•I.d•,
w.."►w•..-a er..a�wyye.
• some •.w •••••11110••••• •
r.....,a .•. ea&adms
a..w..t.....-• r....., 5..rar.-
rry... 11y•� SAM r
do, Alley. Madam y••••• -
vow woe 1. pre In*
Ns ...., M .•A -
.w. •.•w masa
YcLean's Block, aoderich, Patronise
Which comprise the newest and best selections
in the market --
Jeweller-. Wed-
ding R i ogre, (at tie
best quality),Nd and
$ilt-er-plated Tea - - Spoons,
Table Spoons, fAiven anti Forks.
Spectacles tall agi), Combs, Finale -
and Heads, beautiful Plush
Goods, in Dressing Cases
and Albums, China-
ware in great
Which will be sold cheap for cash, as they
are bought at cash prices.
ItyFurniture. Munn
FreatsmPin( trall-r =en ..d Undertakln=
Whoa J. U. r•eltaaaw, Nista.
Teat CAN antiN P•clrle Ra1l.W41 ('a'$
Tttt.noa are hes been rwaslMd le Stine s
public a er.talan service with fee ud ter•
raiment compeui lot.
It is managed on btshree s principles a .ad i
the lateen. of Its patrons
It desenew the support of every permm whir
believes la competition. P
For quirk deapoteh use this Tes,say s
lens. annealing with all slues and relloW
N Tailed *Nares. (auatda Rud aare5e•
Direct through wires to all �.��tls la do
North we. 8,114.8 Cslumbia awl MINCetnt
Oalce -youth Side Wwet.
R. tl *tUIP.
rill -e Low llamtlsW esiseish•
Ddesks all thea eep' ..sssase et the
rm air
guedua1Uyithoatt r
Um.the borealis eat theseu
el the ea the mos tithe
t`ls. sti a.tq aflklir ilea COm
PANG MILL tiartn s,i+..r'
mo°' .
DssIm. is W kiwis ed
• And huYNee material of every desedesl.n
School Furniture a Specialty.
KQN if Et now.. row
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