HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-30, Page 4THE SIGN AL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 311 1 Sl1. Abu signal, Use Meat fir Mews essay. Ie r't'ULttwsu EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Si fa. 00. SLIJITNT. OAce of Publication 6Oandatar1 . North -area. c Tema of 1 O0e nwnlh. to advert* Three months. Si e1 rise year. - 1 le If credit 1. aea& the pries per year 1 :O will be Ads erearig leases !.ectal and other casual advertisements. leo. per lane for lint inert um. sod 3 mats per ltas for tuuertica. Measured by a tempered scale. cu cards of sat Item and under. $A per Ad of Lost. Pound. strayed. Siltation* Vacant, Situations Wanted Gad Huelnees Chances Wanted. not exceeding L lines nonpareil. *1 per month. Houses on Male and Farm. oo Sale. or f to exceed r lines. *I for first mouth. Sek. W b- euueut month_ larger mists. to prupurtwu. Any .pen•al notle., the object of which Is to Promote the pecuniary- benefit of any 'odd viduel ur ooarien,. to Ir• cousiderrd an ad and cranedw1•urdlnal7• Local notices cranedces le nonpareil type hoe cent per word, no notaries. than Lit-. Local boiler at ordinary reading type two rents per word. No notige for less than Sr. McNeee for churches and other religious and benevolent testi'atioee half rate. I•.0lraes A A limited number of diMla7tgd ndvaitiar meats will Ite inserted at the /tfIO UUUoiWHtt raft : Per inch, one insertion. • - •- . - - .r es •• four insertions •.• • 1 m " three months ••.-. . .. 40 •' six months - . 310 •• one) ear . S Os No ad lets than two Inches in length will be telt-t ated on above berms. S per eeht.4iwrount allowed for mit jeeltmeafa on three moot he' contract : 10 per oeot. as Glx months'. and IS per root. on a years. These conditions will be strictly enforced. Meal '• Tbe wltaal" t rII'ti y. Subscribers who fail to receive Tile SIONAL regular'). either by carrier or by mall. will rooter • favor by acquamung us of the fact at deices as r1 e possible. as early d Lash a1 tsar Label. Your label is a standing receipt of the date to which you are paid up. See that it is not allowed to fall into arrrer. When a claire of addle*. is desired. !loth the old and the new address *hoeld be green. Rejected manuscripts cannot be returned. i'. mu< be written un oai, side of paper only. ►.busier'. !erre. J. t'. Lc Touted, of Ooderteh• has been ape p•tnted Local Travelling Agent for Inc town- ships of tiafench, Colborne. Ashfield and W•- wano' h. Local postmasters over the &eerie are also empowered to receive subscriptions to Ina tltuNAl- All communications must be addressed to D. McGILLiCUDDY, Tog SIGNAL. reit-plumeCall b. Uolerich. Ont. GODIKI(ICH. FRIDAY. OCT. M. DSM. 1:11-6 " I H'.'I 7116 CII A I R, the head of lk, party whish by ilm tariff legislatiaa W enabled the Amor to " have Kyle is lien. ' CIIAruusi baa brought • libel suit *masa The Tomato 1[leba It will W neat is or See for hint to inelitwte h-sak o! promise aptust Hort. J. J. 1'. .Austen. As ratters now stand A entree reset be es ea sedates' to CH M it. ma err, according to floe Toronto World, is nut going to fully reorganise his Cabinet at present. rwo ur three changes nay he made ; the dainty lieu i.N►t will go roar. Kut why bother about a('abinet that ab earl)' °le•tiuu will knock out before many moons go by' Vito soon therr will not be enough rope in the country to hang all the Tory annexe- 11000.ts. Less. Wit.i.e., ex M.P., is the latest to ;ors 401. WHOP'. M. PP. Present • ly the 14.. s i .N 1•nuly Of patriots will be in a hopeless minority, •ud the sooner the bet ter for the eountev. Ks rte 1 l.l.s El t s m, although only a few weeks at the businer, is thong bigger work amongst the 'trued electorate of the neigh boring republic oe behalf of her father than is the now: glib-toaguad orator, or the most . 1 polite/m.1 wire -puller who has espoused the cause of her sire for • second term of the Presidency. Is it be true that M. Neal 1. bought an $1,800 di nu cit necklace for the wife o1 the Lieutenant 4.o%ernor of ductilee. His Honor will .•uieic out of the tittle affair in a wore. plight than 111e clever Count \Ixg• • Ire. In fact, the French Canadian Premier ITIs Manitoba School A. t woo maned to is much stronger -now ailfffore the wuntry the (wgislatute of tis Praire proviucr le than he had been he( since the Metlate he Wucb' ISpt►, hr 1'remler .loseph \Iartla �It proridol for the total ,ht*-etablisheurnt Haft its one side) infest oration .luring the of Separate *chore in all leech - dog days. ung instantiates to 1.e uaintaiued by the 1T scents there roust he two gentlemen 1'°The v Rn(hthdie oil °. 'tented F:nt.n . 11'ta 4N in New Wok. One ansclreg� Lei ageiust it, but at fat on March 10 It was of them has been denoun.•e.1 by'The Toronto totned. The Honour eathelfas decided w hillthe Manitoba amort of Empire, The World, The t:edeneh Star and bring the hek.re r l other Tory paper as an annexationist, and Appaal, which w -a. door. lite court up- held the 1.411 amt .1.e Catholics . ....1...I to MANITOBA SCHOOL ACT A UNANIMOUS VICTORY FOR Trig GAT HOl ICS - The tow rnawuatae.d ultra raw a tar Ia.ra1 Leseidasare The Prue dirges l whoa. a air 0 iNtat -- eopnra$• Isra el. Legal la 71w1t+ha OrrswA. Oct V. '11e Supreme ()tort Ottawa yesterday w loth declares the Maas• to aaohool appal. They nnanls coag cur damn the act of the load LagelatuR u abolishing the separate schoub• iu thapary time art ultra s ores, and aessrt the rhilblet 01 Catholics to hase their chil�l'M. edwMsd 1a separate .ehwb it they ss �jre- 1 was in the `supreme (hath this emceeing and lleetd the lire judges as the bench i. animotsl) knock out the Manitoba Schad Act, w Illrl' al.olia1s.l separate schools, amt gatertite ..pp .rlle/as full wets. '114e sub• stance of all their iudgenreu was that the Kouau ('alh.d.ts had by law and practise the right of denominational schools hefww the province war created. au.l that there- fore no Acs of the Legislature could deprive :hem of these rights. \1r. .lust ice Pat teetotal ora. especially editing on this point. \Ir. Samuel Blake, who •hh argued the twee of the Roman I'•tholic appellants. hap NC, 1 ICE OF DISMOLCTN►N OF penal to be in court, and he stenos! you 1'AHTNP.HsHIP. estutie.l to have hit, arguments s, fully en - Jarred. To -night he apelike at the Sunday Notiet le barb, tiara test the school ccwove.tiun w herr heretofore aubslst.ug between the ,.ndrrsttue•1 going as farmer, cattle drapers. lime burner* and One witty geu!leusn remarked to -night lumberer* at the townships of tiodertch sial that the Vrrm'h1'anadats ought to Ise l'olholm, mt the rouuty 0l Hums. under the satisfied with this v1,1e.r' fa, noire than a .tyle e.f NI. A 4'. Mae, r, was em the first dal set-off to the refusal of the Railwa lN- of Auuust, Itmn. dusol..d b7 mutual ceosctit. All debts owingK to 1441' rut psrtnerwhip arc partu.ent 1" llaploau. to be paid to C. Ifart-kier, by wham all claims atslest the maid pannrrhle will behead. - bated the la day of September. VOL MAX. HAE('HULK ,)3t. CATHERINE HAECHI.EI1. TO ADVZRTIIdstu. Notice of chenille toast be left at this Office isot later than Mo*day noon. The Copy for changes roust be left not later than Tues day noon. Casual Advertisement* aeoepIsd up to noon Thursday of anal► weak. Travelling Ova*. %awn, TRUNK RAILWAY: beim arrive sad depart at 9adeeMR Sow. : Mixed ............................. T pm• Mail �� Mbar . Mixed L ID Iso n . PubUO lsiotfoeo. Nu'l'10E.--THKl.E A\ES, TWtl Ipe*eiti Gad a cr'uela'al saw were tabt8 ptrudase, the Upper Plata• to trarsa by a crraia .livid al who esu ages taklmt t►rm. Ample to reiura them has Oren allbrded,'ns if they ale nut Immediately nommen to the place the) wet* own from legal action will be taken. X. beer:rHLEIt. 3 It ':Ih)N... in $atuntay Night, backs up He%. ALs\. FH.tsi it, of Winnipeg, in the advocacy of a chair of • sense in connection with Macnla.,ter College and other theological semin :tries, the object to be attained being the drilling of the students in the know lei Ige of human nature attlother subjects which are not a► the curricu- lum. " Dons leve is level on this point, atwl to show Hutt THE SIGNAL holds biro in A:deem, and b elie%ea that he could till the long felt want, we hereby nominate I ' for the vacant .-hair. or rather the chair that isn't :t chair. but which Ought to lw. Of court,. " Don,.. on aceepting the chair, would renounce the desk -pelta and other et eet4'raa in Connection with his present t;olation, and devote himself exclusively G) the duties of the new oilier, lout, as his .elf•aloiegntion :11,44 desire to serve his fellows art. proverb- ial, no doubt the sacrifice Mould be unhesitatingly made. E*tal,1i,11 th4. now chair by all 111ru1s. SIGNAL SNAP SHOTS. they lave adda,i to their detestation of the t Oka J t f the Art heron par fir b . was an o int than and his methods by tolling him the Supreme Court. Ton -lay's judgment " Wis.- The real Ek t•ert s \\lir 44 stents shows the result 01 the a .peal. The case 10 hoe built of different fibre altogether, and will aertatnly he canted to the Privy we have before us the report of an inter- CouaciLJ slew• with him in which Berets forth strong Manitoba Will wpp.wl and cogent reasons why I'anadian annexa W-INNtr►J (kt „..v.Premier (,ternway tion 1s iropoe.ible. The later Ige%.1r,. will tl \1 'it 1 Government will pp,cal cwntemporartes, but he will la a lac t t t1 \I o• no doubt taken to the 1,0010(11 of pante Tory pays to au o a .ovrrnn .e w' ve 1 frau, the derision of the Supreme c 01111 at .gsarter of an hour convincing Stu.. Nli ere., lodges y-wten r gare judatiko a r1'. sue. 11n1Tt•t., %Vu.LE and other Fisse% Tunas that tuba law als•lishing lathe s sep.' annexation s an impossibility. schools a llc,I l tutiotal. He says the .wee will be called to the Privy Coattail tet Lon - SAYING " GOOD-BYE !" • don anti he brought before 441111.11\lctorla Maple Lear Leder. he. 31. t.e.1'.W..01rr. SUING THE CONSPIRATOR;. es. S. Seber0•ea• ttendl/f. _ --- \lomlay evening last the members of - t*Iehsal Cwr417 the 31es1 4.. 5. -mood Maple Leaf Lodge, No. 27, A.1).1'. W., met in the lodge room, and after the t.•annctinn of routine busmen* tables were laid and a supper given In honor of Bro. W. K. Robertson, (n the eve of his departure for Knish Columbia There was a Large at- tendance, and the chair was occupied by the M. W., Jas. Buchanan. After the tables had been cleared, Km. s. 1'. Halls, P. M. W., read TIIC 1'(11.1,,w'I NI. %1001.t:00 To W. R. Robertson. i see . P. M. W. of Maple Leaf Lodge. No. r..1. 0. 1', W., Goderich. Oaten., 114..'.4 X11; 5N 1' BROTH ER, We the officers and members of Maple Leaf Lodge on this, the pave ..1 your departure loon our midst. desire to express our unfeigned sorrow at your oontemepl atal removal. As one of the charter I,wmhers of our lodge, as one well posted In the ritual and constitution of our 1 Order, as one piaaesaing a nature jud•mirft riot liable tribe warped by surrounding tor- cumstances, we have Veen accustomed to look to you for direction and guidance in the affairs of our lodge, and we have found that our confidence has not been misplaced. As evidence of the esteem In which you fat,• been and still are held by your breth- ren. they have conferred upon you the high- er honors which it is possible for the large to bestow, and we have found flat you have lillel the offices to hick you have been elected with market ability and fidelity. In the more public walks of life your marked Christian demeanor, integrity of purpose and obliging manner, coupled with a desire to do good tee all, have won our ad - nitration and respect We hava also always admired your sterling char*cterasexhibited in your utterances, calmly but forcibly giv- en, and we feel that by your departure from us we are losing a brother in every sense of the wort. Our anoxic desire is rcnt.n is ecnlrntl) pl•ymg high, 4.111P- that in your new field of labor success nay attend your efforts, that good health nay I t. 41' and the genie these eat! Fall even be yours richly to enjoy, that you may he instrumental in building up ,..r nobler (heeler wherever yeta,r lot may be cant, that our fraternal heals may never be loosened, that Heaven's richest benedictions nay rest up- on yourself and fe nify, and that at the last, has ing performed the work assigned you here below. it may be yours to receive from the S. M. W. of the universe, in the Su Keine Lodge of the celestial region., the welcome plaudit, "Well and faithfully done." Signed for and on behalf of Maple Leaf Lodge, No. 27, A. 11.1'. W., 1:rderich, tint.. ung'.. 11. A P., (`tot*t. 1'. 1141.1., 1'. M. W.. .1 40. Irl AN 4%, M. \W., I H'.. H't w:N, Rile 1111 ,l:1'1.) Ings. I t,.N't try to kick arias' a mule enter )ou •rt son• he can't draw anything but blank. m theaosnpStities. H 1 M i l.T " .4 deficit br the Seengerfeet u 51,500. The Joint note■ t-arrying that debt male a coeds, duet. it amour tome Lt N'.rt n was mbar a peer of the gentlemen of his ilk who wear striped Tweets at Kingston' Ti,,. first freight train ran through the .-t. 1'latr tunnel on Saturday. It was a Leg argument in favor of reciprocity. Me. ('H 0.1.141 '0 kick now Is not so effective as it would he if the House were in erasion There is a time to kick, se to speak . but that t one a not between sss. sioss. 'fisc grand pry system is getting plenty of kicks and duff's on all sides this year, and .t deserves It all, for • more useless •p pendage to the Bogs of Justice's wheel due not exist. 11 was a quieter" of " voting early enol .often with the coanty council last week. Forty four ballots and about • score of ap In replying;, 411r. Robertson thanker the member of the lodge for tine elemoustra lion of their fraternal regard, as evidenced by their coning nut on such a stormy even- ing and many of them having come gene a long drive. He thanked them for the en t provided and for the tore, din tering .dare's. which he felt indicated what he ought to be rather than what he was his lack being made up ley their kindness. He reterrkl to baler past uta mender of the bygone day. yet present in their hearts, an.l thanked them for their reference to has family. whose he would pease for a time with assurance the greater on account of this brotherly hand, amt, o•ewlclnding, wished each and all prosperity in the future. Brief addressees were alae made by Rem Hetherington, S. P. Hall., H. Morrie, E. pie -ants for a *600 position speaks loudly of 1:, -sham. 1.«.. •Sheppard, 1). Mc( lllicmddy, hard times Tier London rift Pelle says that " Re ceprorlty hong like lea `esrlla on (enaction So! ikon why are the Tories probastag to soak a renewal of reciprocity • The Leaden gait squints In Its logic. •Aavtot p, the millionaire iron and noel psasnfactarer of P , who aides 4 Clsay (antes, in the Hishimadn of Soot Ii, tea forwarded • keg of genre► whis- ky M II11171JArlt Hraa1MIN, Mag., President .1 the Vested Mates. (hataide of the ohjsr. Biros tit aaspenses 1015 may rains to the rosah, N *sem to be Suing indeed that Q_joling ijsuY walla mese g . _ _I_ M t or all highly ,Ntmplimentary to the guest of the evening, and eoperanag good wishes for his future welfare. The eater societies were represented by A `tanadwe, for the Fre:sitars, and F. (am pat:. for the Soso of '(cd otla.. pat:. were 1 by songs and recitations by Messes. Rode. Rankle and saw Fax, of Woodstock, who were Prreant by ever! reprint, and wrhn ,*Ialri- 611tad greatly to the espymeat of the eve.• 7110closed with the tongi.g of ' Auld -iA.g Sy.e" and the " (ths.l Anthem.- Mr nthem."Mr Rab.rteoa hes bees e e ..f oar .)lat worthy rosldests fes the past tweed years, sod his r by a host of Moeda 'lire hem wisasa d all g. with Nat. W ith w solosteietas Ot7tw.1. Oct. L'!1. .\t nudntgllt this morning. Nliohael 4 oun.,ll). of Larkin, l'onlolly d Co., ,wntraetoxs. wan wrve.1 by 1' Shcrw,asl, of the 1hsumtou Police. with the summons ordering hon to appear before l'Ulwe Magistrate 4)I(ata at the Ottawa l'ol er Court .w %Velem-.lay next, to amRMer to the charge of t•°tlaplrecy iu defrauding the I'ublic Works I lap ert- ment. 'Thr serene of the warrant upon IOt,uolla `ives%r,mtumor.rnatirm to certain tumor. wluoc(it had been currant in the city to the effect that the I:overnm,ut netkn in proceeding against all the parties implicatr.l i,' pari armee giteu before the Parlian.eutary 4'nue mittee last session *wild sad be long de- layed. .\s the I:otennne:it of course stood entmitte,f to institute these provedttlga, the only question has heel: ••R'ho are to be prnroelel against!" It is reported here that 1'ui,telissianer Sherwteal of the Douai ui..n Polite- left for tduchee this afternoon to serve suunnn0s ,w Hon. Phomas 411.1 ire•.y and other con- soled with the Istkin-('Ulruodly affair. The Janis Doesn't mean. i.tNTI400, ('hili. (Jt•l 29. The ('hilus ioverunsent has replied to. Munster I':ga is lenlan, for eau exp'snatu en .,f the recent attack erase Atnrricate .oiler,. The reply in (studied in very strong fango tge. .rad it un,lento.i that it amounts to a refusal to accept reap,isibility fes the affair. The State I4-partment at iWashing ..i. has 101011 notified \linirter Egan. C. ander hehle) and' (email \let'reelr% ATV cnusnit• Ing together and it is thought that derisive lotion w,1 be taken soon. Ywa.l limed es Ike Reed. lanais.' Ica, (hit., IA t. _"1 William Moore went for a tris shortly alter O ; dee k. Thur nett thing breed of hum was tlutt Isis hal) had been .110 ntrrel lying on :he sed, of the noel lack disfigured. life xnIg entirely extinct. How rise r'••tdent eceunel will never be know 11. par, one being tear at the now. The ..sit whi,•h de•cased sae tinting hen been known to run away m more than "m.o.-melon. NM. Moore had anis been narried about • %ear :.ml leaves a wife and yomg son. The Cawadlan egg Trade. MtetveRAI..Oct. -'9 The Canadian age trade i■ raking a Iron strides. 1M high price* enabled one slipper to make CII.a► profit on • single shipment. l hear* importers are generally handling the ens. Jae shipper alone cxpr•ts to hand's 1.3,t014,(100 before the season ends. 1f prices are maintained dealers say that e ggs from (httan. and Prince Fwlward [Aland w111 graduall) replace the inferior -lames of foreign eggs in the Liverpool and roller markets.T Thsa0ht ..l ars Family to the oas*. SA1NIA. Oct. 29 \Watter Slocum wee roving home from Point Edward. where he had been to purchase bread. .nd had Inst entered the pomander grounds Sheri he sank down with a cry. The keeper of the range light saw him fall and inunegli- d ely ran to is assimanes. Mr. Slo•um drew his keys from his pocket rids handing them to the keeper. asi.l: "44ive tree to my family, as it Is not likely i shall see them again Thirty minues 'seer he was Egad. area Net n u Mn.wsea re. Oct. _'r The billiard match to night between Eugene Tarter and Fronk Ives for 'AHO amide resulted in an in- glorious defrot for (atter 'rhe totals wen: Ives 000. Carter INN. A Megan Loyd so Trial. Rare, 1:4.. Oet. 1L --The trial of Walter B. IMred.rd, also IAeeallse, who posed se ss Basash lord here la* winter is V pre - Fart Tbe eloargehervaglitMus . forgery. is H taiga, mho was • int ands i .ohs! el Ifo York is present. TANEN, 10011 ---THE l'OLLEI'TUK 1 wit' be la his elite. in the town hell, ien Lluada7. Tuesday and Wednesday us each week Inom new. 14111 to remit a pajuan; of taxes, water rates, and electric light rates A oaperMms tgYted, Les Arno... Om. get --C. L Ue1/Ne, a prwmisaat revitalise. ear shot fid kilted . Sr isesimmittab eat iieeesshg d salads. d Barka. wks Ten eselras rased Jseafafity, 1k be Int. • Money Wanted. 1 -14( 11 V srourne : town. penny : lair tate or intetest. Apply at Goer. lax 101. P.O.. Bode red _..'. 3S -It �iwyM Aabailla LTKAYED ON TOR Plt*MMI OF ►J estroceilier.t kit'I, e•usssitse 3. western diverse et AshtleM..ssieirptember 1st. la%en head of oae-yeardd OaiiN. The owner ma) remotetbem on proem proven/ and payour ripener.. l'ATKiCK ULAI'OH1.IN. Kintai. P. u. J! -It ON THE CORNER McLean's New Block 10(' WILL FIND THE ORKAT ESTABLIOMM*NT 01 A. E. PRID$AM '1'13( XI Gents' Furnisher, Where you can get an assortment of goods second to none of our leading city houses. It will pay you to find the place, for there, in the best equipped store in our town, you will find the finest variety of men's goods that has ever been shown in Gode- rich. My stock for Fall is now al- most complete,and I have bought from leading makers only. For S rwiIN. 1?OAK Frit SERVICE. -THS l derslgned has for service oa lot L cone. sten L Colborne township, a /I 1 Chester white boor 'with reentered pedigree( T.•rns-411. payable at time et perdue, went" liorwrrof rel urn iag H n 1 17. 0E0. stt Life Stook ler dale. 1 R:ESTER KAS1S FOH SOLE J E - The su5.eriber offers f*t rade all Leices- ter ram lambs. In ieciod condition, at memo - able prices. For part° clow address BORT. J. FIN NIGAN. lot s. cot..:. AabneW. to lineman son P.O. art -2t 'resells'. Wanted. f''EACHEK WANTED FOR S S. !.O Mk Co:borne : male or female, boldly' snood or II ird-clans eolith -ale. litotes to commence January 1. Applicants to state mlary and forward teeumuntab lectors- Nor. l,w1. Address W 11.1.1A 31 TR kItLE.ere•cret•ry. Carlow P. J. laud eect. 11 1911. 30.3t. rrEACHEK WANTED -FEMALE 1 reacher. as assistent in Dungannon Pub Inc S. Lest. One bolding god clan* nb o -p ► nrofs logi apple -attune apple -attune will be recrired by the uwlersigned toe to Nov, Cad. POI Il be letter '.tate salary expected. experience 1. leaching. etc. Duties to oamnWnce Jen.. Wel J. O. WARD.. eatcy. 1'. S It. Trustee*. Dungannon P. U. ::alt. MUSIC LESSONS. -M1813 1I AGG1 TuomeipN is prepared to giro nreeiV lemons on the piano or organ. Yoe star. In uire `at Geo. W. Thomson's 31aele Ston. 33.1f. Wanted. `4' ANTED -300 el /RUG OF 0001D wood. 1 feel Ira,;. free frost beck gate andil,mba suitable for City Coal and Weed Marl. Will buy deliveredt n >)aid her, et a Monne. JutIN S. 1'I.ATO'.itrellle*re-Tee- falgo' wirer. °Pruett. But hamlet t. Saab Gabe - Articles for Sale HARD AN1 sun ' • coAL Fod tale.- N st,pality of hard anis eon mm1. all Qsgp. sabered ed to any part of the townie" Glint.oilve. 0.0 my priers before urderlag elsewhere. JOHN a. PLATT. ref IN LADIES' FURS I hay.' got the aornxtt styles All 1 salt is to call and tee theta l.•ton elsewhere. New York /lewglu in Storm Collars, Muffs, °apes. Visite& In Beaver, Alaska Sable, Seal, Nutria, American Opossum, Sealette, Grey Lamb, etc. I?ARLEI :IIARLK) '-TWOKOWED • hark) wanted for immediate shipm.ut. iteriey moat be well roomed Rabies, mice for all coarse grains. Store house open every day at old maraet. Rl HIll,NS. the Steels man. 2441 FOR SALE. -A SEI\ IND MACHINE 1. Bard order Iltu)ah with four drawers ltd teat. cwt 413. will sell for *1S. Address JL M., this °Moe. (3-tf LE FOR SALE. -GOOD FRESH lime kept constantly on bead at the Falx Reserve Ilene Idle. X. bAP.('HLKIt. 0114m 1410M SALE -TWO 1R IN. CAST A; pollen. ti In. fate, 1 11.00 In. bore, or can be horn 10 at larger shaft. (food as sew. W111 be sold at • 1.asosak. *tare. Apply at Tres ��{1A,NA1.84eam Prinllat Hou.., Nomhat., Ooderieh. WM. Lost or Found. 1 OST --(►N WEDNESDAY, BE. twera Martin's hots' and the rah d ation. a goat robe. The dada r to leave 11 at Mortla'e hotel. TROD. ACK wool). )1). k MedlofaL Youths', Boys' and Men's Overcoats Little neral be said about this line of goods, iu: all who inspected them last season had to ledge that, combined with material, style and price, they were the best %aloe in the trade, and 1 trust wry this rearon•rs itupxta• tion surpasses all others. Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underwear, Ties, Collars and Cuffs, Braces, Hosiery, Dress Shirts, Night Robes and all the latest novelties in gentlemen's apparel kept attractive and fresh the year around. DRie.WHIfiLY i J YVNrsa Gee Oraad opera MOM MMeii�. nit BH.sANION t SHArNON,, (Ice, st- Dr. Bhaases resiAde�essssehagar ore, stns 5.1 Oodsrloa. 0. C. liar ws. J. H. 171!Paw- wow. ROYAL CROWN BITTERS. K. Q C. 11,.pe.ala Cure. Pink 1'111.. Osrbolle Crease Dentlfiito. Pref. Owes Rem.dlea. TayIsu"a 1t1elamob 11811 air SO4y's Perhmea 1■ Dr. McLowes Wmsdts► AH sew emsn I. DIsassall and Toads& Dye. la mask. Or. Brwwo's para tea gelds. J. Wtt.sas(u Peataseere Dees Diem. IN R'O'BBER COATS I hate 'n '..•n large stock in all the new shades and patterns, with a 'I -inch cape oletwchaMe. Take a look in and try one on. Prices will lift frighten you. No trouble to slow gnxdi. Don't forget the place ---011 TEE CORNER OF Mc- LEAN'8 NEW BLOCS. A. E. PRIDHAM THE MEN'S FURNISHER. P.S. I am agent for the Parisian Steam Laundry. Goods sent every Wednesday and returned on Saturday. Property for Bale or for Rent. FM BALE OR .1.1) R T.--LtIT 0. ooaoasshl it, E. le.. township of col lasts, coat/dab* * acres. ; Et 1. remainder in woad. Apply to CHAS, MU NIL Garnett. sol 1110 RENT. --A LARGE STONE house on Ras•at, adJoiniat Capt. She - hard'.. Apply at FOUNDRY. '.Jett L1AKM FOR SALE IN EAST WAWA - 1` nosh -Pans of lots Eland 31. on the 9th concession, comprising73 es, acrbeing tate ream of the late Wlliam M,Ilonald. Th.• ttim is in • good Nate of cultivation. There- at* p1endin buildings : well wa,rre.t, and treaient to good roads good markets and Torre is also • ant -class orchard on tbapremises. For further partirulars apply yy.. the executor. ANGLES M 1) t ONA1 D. P JAES MetM)NAI.D. St. erns P. 0. 27-3m Fair FOR SALE. --,LOTS 22 AND leas the 1st eon.. lloden.-h township. 1847 Road. Road. comprising ID acres. situated 0o the Lake Shore Road six mors from the town of Goderich The land is of good qual- ity, and is suitable either for grain or for stock raising. There is • good Irving 'gretm through the centre of the farm. For 'settee are address H. 1•. HAYS barrister. Ocderich. re OR SALE. --THAT LARGE AND 1. comfortable frame house at the foot • West et_ Immediately opposite the Park; a very desirable location and would be specially suitable for Summer hoarder. or lumber particular. apply to E. T. WELSH. 1.11 YROPE1tTV FOR EXCHANGE.- I Pergolas washing to escheats Oodrrki le�amy, or tarmnds laadiola'.Mt. foe Toronto bawaaa or lots can learn fall particulars by apsl7fag to ALM; Z SAUNDEttm. Ooderich. Obaitt to-tt FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT commtdl.aa banalities K1s*•et.. Hsus segs. at pmesat wooded as • past b7 w m. Ss1itl•Is an 04.. Terms easy. w rto F. S. sN Y)T'1', Hr.os.l. P. O. 11 L'OR SALE. -- THE FOLI.ING r valuable properties : t Port s aof Sots 7 and 4. roeessloa 4. ILD. Amh- is arms. The North or et 34. d cesarean. Kam. Waterier, I�bao acres. The above propertieswillbe sold os term 000lt PCA31uroKKItoN. Hour t CAMERON. 2006.11 uoderlch. L'OR SALE. -MIL WILLIAM Mc Lama. Its health. offers for ears as hewn sae orgesdo la the term d bode- ri., e.s.Misoket w.A* math are legated W meat egolertshie dwelling. ■V Horror dem J a ► tt andareataars ajpg��.rtw.ssse�s. �Mc is r� t asd terweist ens Bali res:a AA s UDtw.lsosroa rich. the xsne(or's .nesters. 14-tf LMKMT-CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND LOT POR SALK ON ET. rwPsATRICE �. Two stewa els high. _Ni.41.kddMM. is the rear Mamass A, tatudisg severed with .lata. Mae building Int E w'. teems en first Sak there are 3 huge reams. lath. rear passe an Mehra. wa.ar erem sad eyadasemary p Is . tam �tD dIib Nf. Dentistry. M NICHOLSON. LDiJ.-DINTAL Opals* the 'paw Poet One. L,eRil. EN. LEWIS, BARRISTLR, PROC- . tor In Maritime Courts of •latarie. Ohre--Mnurh Colhor*r hoaot. *n) O. JOHNSTON, BKKiSTLR, Iva; aollcitae, c1mmteir*er, t,•. Lww oollsotious Gad real rotate caw tall[ attended to. Dike -Cur. Samna sal et. Andrea's -at.. Dederick. Oat. ins•iy' tIN DAVISON, BAKKISTIR. Cre !Solicitor. Conveyancer. to.: Mosey ut lead. Office over Past•i)Alee. Oodorkb. Olt tl V C A M P I O N, BA K Rt8TLR, J4. Solicitor. NotaV'y Public. •1'. OIUoe Oyer Jordan's brute Store. the reels formerly o,-upied by .Judge Doyle. its C. HAYS. SOLICITOR, At .1.1b. fliee. coiner of furore and Wet 'greet, baderieh, over telegraph Wive. Pri- vet. Feuds to lead at 6 per cwt. ?Mr L 1 ARROW A PROUDFOI)T, BAR- N -A ricers, At.ornea. %Helton. te.. Hole rich. J. T. (le rrww, W. P oudfoot. (IAMEKJN, HOLT A CAMERON, 'J. Q.CP. MNNaws 1s (ha0oon� Oode llch. C, Oiserse, Dudley Holmes. Loans and lasuranee. 11J. T. NAFTEL, FIRS, LIFE AND a a aorldeat mesrmso0 areal: at WWII MM. office -Car. North -et. tied ins tore, Ud *rleh. , CONEY TO LEND. -A LAROI usenet of prtvato lead ether fate 0 bwwst non pan pewdoottvo tows air hue property. special termed repayment us ea the bbaarrrrow.r. No oomaslai0a. -Dail or 04411 M. 0. JOHNSTON. Dederick. b 1111 G. WARD, CON VETANVIL J , etc.. aad for taking sed 1 Navin earrauala.laese of hall. a6daNr d afem.tlsa., deposition,. or solemn dssYia *lass la or concerning( any action. sett cc Pis 0.s.o4�ia,it V tbe Uri Oren of Jarmo. the Cs�etst Appeal for oaten*, sr AWP .tiles Court. All .. pNsmtly execctod. Itwed.wce sd PJI elle ngaa.on O.t. ff �b00,000 TO LOAF. APPLY TO CAMKRON . HOo r t CAMZRON. rei rah. MONEY TO LEND. -A L A RO 1 .mount d Private Tends for isredmwl 16 at meet rates oa Angela= ela= Mei$. ager• Appy Io U A RRO�t�1WU D V0DT_ ((�� RADCLiFFL, GENERAL D' 1L, ewrase*, Real 1.401* sod� �M��s�sa0a Lo..l.g *Pest. they hu-o4sea e°mPals rape ..ted. Mo.•y t0 rand 0* - 1.0 leans at the 'stress roto etf leer. o sal way to seas:. samwor. (►MOS ra door gram Mu01r• Wag dtreel a pagan. jam• JOHN GRIFFIN, OOUNTY • tlssar.land leas sod Insured ► syqpot. oni:o Mir Dane rip bit1111by IyNeilly µ K r1agAL (tee. pawmplfy JOHN KNOX, Q1 $1NAL AM partl.r.r .s* L..d Ttd..L.r� r rh. Bs t+aMOe bttMla n"ma est istae. •.es�eeyp iligeitruff:1"1141ratesaraesrairag-Y IflMtf rietsot , tSe.Iwlaa ONO )AO,et AeeOt, Da 11. RICHARI)eON, L D. H! HUROIg 110111.6111L.14"11.---1=MaDribl•l elleillele Matto. ellestiot ave.»oxlw t 3d ton ate ses w*. saWeg elatlV d =ter =a . , off- ,. 'lint 1>< � idle • I