HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-30, Page 3M E • li I dM TiLLS FOR THE FARYBR. TOUT INFORMATION OF VALUE TO CANADIAN AORICULTU1116T6. ,e.Mesre ,.t. -A .r•maa era,eel1N Weside i,,,. • Aerie Nig►teen reaad. a Dap -a ge.a *beat the Seely ?analNag .r era• - a timed odea. Layer a Perls mks what meant' woo the bans ter the mama' feeding a • mow He compares tae oatat•1 masleery e a 10/010.tive. to a sense this u true, Moi tb. salsar s of fuel that serve to gears ors many oe imam :n the horse .ad is the moms differ la use respect that food re o we ruscles, while the +ombaatthles es for the engine do net repel' the em men Of taro Ave group• of pnnaples which con plats nutrition, two. miasma and water, ry be lst•I aside, that other three, alba ✓ oe, fats and hydrates of carbon, .wow, gash, er a, tbs.= that brtag energy, ero fiats h• aid heat, or usmUbm.o., to Rimose. the organs to produce Omit blood rhea ultimataoutpost s the 4Anse n and Tome. says • writer in Field tri Far r he Is the Iiviug motor, toleos that most THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. &IT. FRIDAY. (k.TOBER 30, 1891. Feeseas are senThane. The �p rkune d by Iem b. Te. d Wales sad d [Sadie, is `vender tb. letter sen sselists Ise int, handkerchief\ and Ilk seeks The hake el Peetlan.l h.. a e..ok rte for • hour d to he wain his ghees twice Was bo Itris '. billMout 111,WO • year. The Rstperer of Onus dlsuwMl. William • (i ertaanjj a .ge. Hem a but 10 yeas old. Rett the (l.rnt•1* me double dsuoaat the m Chinaen en whiskers widowThe wow .Mll t l.t N u11 lives at Barbi (tv41aa'r •ea, hat she .g longer mahatma the hnu.e that was the home of perhaps the most e rigtaal punter of modern tunes. UskI recently ►k. Rom/ Palet at Her he has been lighted holy by candles Mn* peer N+ullam hoe had T1s put le. had u wow senoras for sisters ligblm. A female jewellery drummer to the latest n ovelty eo the road m Maims. Shell head some, dress.s stylishly, wean a .tae's soh felt hat and bads from New York. T.any.us in has old age u as lsoeese.t smoker. A age jar of tobacco steads con- comitantly .ser Yu elbow and kit beloved pipe is rarely pawned from his mouth. A kiwi of bituminous reek, whi. h ■ found iti several place. in 1)•liforala, u being eatew.ivel]) u.o1 for street pavements in that Stain. Tis... psv.menta are very like =Muth. spero.duly require • mutrtuve repasts. Omen' Booth, the Helvetica Arany 1 itm at the .nim.•tate agents of MI mechanism' murderis a lams -jointed .ad rather alk pct the muscles- and It u the ta..ue of ward man of medium height. He is angular tl.IMt•r which s Dalt 10*id uair.ly one- sad .arrow chested, tut the possesses, owe of enbetaar'es. H.mc. , ed great physical toga 'k feed known to b0 rick in nitrogen has bem ever selected to impart vigor and es Aerase to the bone. Now, such food u .enc sett costly, but if &Wart predisposes At asxmal to blood strokes A retatIYe nutrllxre ration 1.1 that where use mowed Is to the aloa-eauliie d nutritive p tsc[pin at use to tit. Otte part of fond •.r on0bu.tibte serves W keep the energy d the animal tnoohlta wider pressure. and the other to animate the heart pulse by ypngt up the circulation of the blond 'smmgli the processes of respiration and ihgeotout Thus the flood ration pruderies external .ark or force and atrn&l scion or oxtail •n Priori experiment+ made by the 'bit. .sed cab eoutlmnies of Paras. five tenths of 'ae total reties s eouumd u this Interne' woes Wolf the eminent Gentian erten •u•. h.s been eaperimrintmtg state 1,470 It has •t' t set art 's ,Uhl oa the nutritive power of wea''+m y tweve P.M"' colter to the 'Field of the White Roses aid Moon, He anis that s hone weighing A Jersey cow owned to 1:reearill., NNW. ty Reda- Th.7 . mad to have b.n ralf . ton will nips, daily 14 pound. of pre birth to four calves the other day *nub,'st c►e .f this osm- nu and Ifi pound• of hay and straw in MotAer nature seamg to share on the record- eaarsy7. but v»poen lits.. taken them •way i• quad pr opati.ous W asst the demands of tweaking of thi. • year. seep numbers that they lave become rare. tks system for nutritive principles. Bear The meanest tree that grow. in Great Such vandalism is simply shameful, for the isg u mind that it ie not what s0 salon 'tritium nay he seen on the very top of Ileal plats are said to he askew and unable to wktek nourishes, bet what is diverted, only hexed. it is the dwarf willow, which, at mist in any other .oiL The little re.e. are 40 per .vet of the wtntive principles of maturity reaches • height of only two In whit., with • rod spot oho the centre al rte este. fillcent. of the het Mud 43 per chess each ei their forty, anas d thegrow old nL of the per are sasimlha.. ted. Ruler it has been reckoned that If the whole . the under surface trmes e dell rd osier." AM 1)nyer ocean should is dried sp. all water pawing away in vapor, the animist of salt remain- ing would is enough to cover :0,000,/110 .quare miles with • layer one mile thick. The ostrich is a `Nag stepper. When feedhtog. his step me•.ur.. from 21) to W inches : wh.0 walking. but not feel's'. •J1 inches, and when terrified. Dam I Il to 14 fed. ur at the rate of about n melee an hour 044 eat Interesting. Only ene mea u0 W7 is over sit feat aid height .t squad of policemen in Philadelphia now rush over their beats or bicycles. All the correspondence from the Vatican al040ralsg charwe .batten is carried on i. I�tte. 3 IONA S FAMOUS COHBO > . ■le.erl. atn.ee Is she Word Thai Ow Compare With It. 01 all the ►rterie streets the great cams el the world poroses, new ma en if =teed say earn vie with, the se- .slid fosse d Nene, wntes W W Story. nem as It m aew of porn &acmes and medieval (knee. tt a haunted by testa. of Ineaseeies latah owwsecr•tet It Se every student. la sur ew5 Mess, even is Rona, upstart rivals of mod- ern growth -tumid am in psrttcslsr, the Via Naslonsls -mousse to compare with It. It .aeeede it is e.gth Mod se breadth : it ken many menders era and graces sad .00 saneness that *be narrow sad dear old 1:w.o lacks. Luger and mower boilduugo are ranged along is sides. Broader paths for feet passengers have there been cam strueted. Il.7er fops with larger win down 6uat their goods and invite the world el perchance,. Trwmwsve have then been laid dews, and the somal .f the triton pat from the tramway 0ma1ba.se wares the ..maga and foot pameagen to clear the seed. .All is new, modern, •ad the birth of to -day But then are so trwonories there no gleams and vision. of old days and eu.tos10 aid persons such as eltsg about the narrow length of the old read world - faineant street. There aro no hsu.0 averts, a0 hutonc rem its's:wee,no 1 e1 the nld. no figures of the past. ems is all the dales once heasess these two "tress that there w hetes.= oke gay young girl jest wtertag Into life, tell al thoughtless gayety .ad looking forward into the future, and the ,lard old tnateea u her serene age, who Styes more in the put than in the present, .nal who has delight fel stones a4 nines goors by, and the g{lories • id splendors of her youth. ( •maid the Conn be Incarnated, with whet delight should we hang up.. her lips and heten to her old-world 'aim, .ad liver over with her the lesgTrl,hsd pail ! - A itemeneetable Lias•. Uma of the wan of the Imes. the dereeat .A thrifty munuae aid Nes 1"o.k pawned had deadliest of them all. was fought en a her husband's est of teeth In order to raw field where. curiously eanugb, a rem pocel- u.oaey for the rest. er to the spot grows, er seed to grow, ssy Turbot IS supposed to be the moat prolific b& I.0DJ.t Nowa it u a ran pplant new, nth. Dae of twenty-eight pr a's' weight mad the rases is implanted by Nr Isad• nontsune d 14,000,000 egg. nae in sets sc Dunt of Yorkshire battles. It has been .sttmated taxatly h.. a shoe-PT'wla It erecesss•• Published by' ra Mess ran that the people of the United `Notes Bradbary. Agnew 4 1'0. Atha' deacnbiag spend $4.50,1100,000- annually fix that. tae terrible coaltct at Tomato. en Palm lime stnmlMsw Phu"' ui the world a •t Monday, 14111, he soya: "1 cannot rr,e ML iswrenee, Meer t'eatiew, Its of 1A'wgent i4ade the dog of theTord Field hes%Yapet on allllsiaa te the little deaf bushes p. "'mooting the Hems e.rl . A peculiar deluairw whish seems to have ekes • fest hold 00 the mends of greet numbers •d fasten is fust to .old or winter mother is found the proper and profitable awn for .uwrerttm corn 11110 pork. Act rag on this Idea they pay little heed to he panus; the proms w much u t.' -hangs their eaiae•1 restless shows to the dignity of -fattening bogs,- whose beanies it is to rest. tat • had grow obese, esti! Jack Frost ail betties wends suggest by no eae.ttsln 'Ws that the autumn is rapidly wanng. 1' is strange, too. that such • state of •dean should exist among the more intelligent. All merle In that direction de 0,wtr•te t hate warmor moeter•te weatbei the .•o•dituons for resitting the utmost gain to food mourned are In 1110ren W0! mast favorable, wh['e in old weaiher Brad ex- ported situations • large where of. Mad a. some instances all. the food coo mined serve* as • mere mimeo. ip1:ng no appreciable gain. Those ■ho begin fattening their hop with the 'orllest tit their new •'ora crop as soon as it m In ro•suug ear. ' •:at0g stalks as well as .an, rind it wonderfully efficacious in the mama s 1, giving as large tl r,•ot larger returns than when more motor rd. earl eoabhng the feeder to have the nenefit of thirty or forty days* feeding in Ile nest renal season, which would be lot ' he waited for the corn to epee or become a1 to'ppatber for cribbing. The jalota in the green stalks, leaves. •.d ears. teem eopoct ally ad•ptd at that time' of the year to the smith and vigorous growth of hogs and, al 'tough making what might appear toe .Ike a fool for h1 production. at pats in the beet possible condition for fin along ed to the greatest advents,* later •o. mate matured) gnus. In some iarefu:ly conducted experiments by Prof. `lh••It.e, at the Kansas Stets Agricsl lural ..liege, be found that in severe heather at cost. when shotes were etpowrl, .loot eleven and two -thins pounds o cont • produce 004 pound of pork. while the wane animals in like weather, but in •warm tarn, gave a priori, .4 pork for less thea fin sad three fourth. p. „iris of corn. A sum 'rung up of hs.xp.ntnenta 111 thus direction =heated to hiss that putting i0crome on hogs exposed ID semis weather coot about twenty6ve per cost. more than • like in- crease coot on bogs that were kid in com- fortably sheltered quarters; also that of oath bushel of awn (en to expound animas an =watt suf4c1eut to make two and oars - third pomade of pork was nerd up to merely ►',ping the animal. warm. Such • tsrill Orr warmth alone is more than the traffic will bear and emphyises the importance of 'Irnag much d the fattening in autumn that u *Mineral den* in November Mad Deems het .A tmerteaa Agriculturist. Nista Per Fall .ad Winter. Nothing Is better for 'eying hoe in win- os than ria clever hay kept u a dry To be successful ion winter, ear as ex perleneed pnultr7mu. Book every-thiag. He i• ainut night. fie farmer who has fed his poultry ter .• and not for eggs ell summer may e1pect n•'thung this winter, unless he darts mow to •raduste the lies An 0rastonal dunk of warm milk is ex ,7114.01 mow. It will he apt to i5d5ee 11 'ng Betides it it a oeeafortiag dunk on "'Hays Have you ever tried d' A farmer with 910 hese who manages hr. poultry j0dicsoady will make nen motet ie one year thee arse whe mens. ,.,1411 healers will in two .ears. Umbers jun are clew at head to • geed broiler market it will hot pay. A Bots Visa 4e ale Teet.d. J.ha W. Runk waiter, who owns 60.000 acme of lead in Nehreek., proposes to i. • tale • rest refers in fano life. at as ex- perw of '}II,nim er 11100.000. to be M est •• hs ewe pure 6. H.. Id.e r 1..romas* the tarmies' dieaat.at, whirl he horses' In he dim 001 )7 to emir rehires', by trilling the orae taperer into s tope 0117 arranged velar near ecce maria sad met..* kiimag rims ea iedivida51 farms R. has already ratted the euperiseed ea a small reale, sad lays! • 1 sea a -04 M ►0tid . town hell W estekUnh . free area Vl.wa hheary. Thiel s here s if\ 0+405 New nee Neer. •'1t n a uegular M ea a pkynctea, "that a man does not hear hu own mice exclusively through hu tare. The pre - ...knee ,,1' throat .neatness s a proof to the tytnem of the c oaneeti.0 between the ears and throat and this 'viability to hear use's .elf .peak ion as others hear as us another instance In some people this pent twenty to very marked, .nal in my case, if I .gook into a phonograph aid let the macbl.e grind mit the *muds agate, I don't recognise the voice at all. In regard to the singing, the varying ability to hear one's .elf with the ears phfgged up with cot- ton makes itself evident. for while one member of a chow will o.1 hear the Weeded harmony. or discord, ..,otter will hear little beyond hu or her own race, and Hake ocasnou.l bad breaks in 1 know • uses who used to sing a very fair baritone, but whose mote a sow enly &dept..' to the weakest falsetto. Yet he doom t realize the change, and i helloes he b.roestly thinks he wogs as well ea ever. This apparent impossibility may be • du pe ostia of providence to prevent Eon with ecceptio.aJly ugly emcee being drives to suicide.- teas;: _; of n...•. ePolle I;Siy sadfwileNktat, sad le • /•se essems • his last wtst4e" 1 sew say. 1M 44.d beim - Expert VC N. Jennings 'the original photographer of Itghtnteg flasks 41010 0a account in Electncity of a ate.n1 expert enc0 the binge out a brand Mew I., i an4 suggests an 'repot teat new idea 'Kays tie At mlJaight sat, I not, -.i dash*. .4 lightning ant tattoos my be.troom A camera was loaded and an .xnnrsies rate the country tak ea. hoping to obtain a few new of love's handl- work. "Ti,. night was eery foggy. and the dashes of Itght (very frequent and It: id) gave only blurred mope of trees ser the 4.,'.ground. • • At 1.70 A. M.. as l was about .iespa.rug of ohtainiog . a sudden streak of lightning shot right through tits fug, 'el lowed by • heavy peal of thunder. and ia atm then thirty ..reads the fog had entire - 1)• disappeared. Ming 1 by the electricity to Me . -In these rain -producing days perhaps sense Inventive lit will take s but frac Ms ocourrwce for the du.ip.tioa of a tog on • large scale by large power - driven Rolla methenes on abipbo.rl. avid mod 0 .1.0.10 of electricity into the fug - laden ear from venous points along the rig` - ging. thus prod.cisg a clear area i. the .etghhothsnd of the vermeil. And who knows. perhapsby aa extension of the system, same army we may see a hikes Leaden." A raltwa7 Ce.Nr.aee. The greet heal general .1- xlleaoe of Ariel Wan railroad methods re beg.naIag to be largely apprect&ted Europe. Belgium has invited all the Euro- pean countries to an international confereeoe at Brussels .0 (let. 10 for the purple of upon a uniform system of Ing Mire= for onanecttng rod tros h.twew the venous couatriee England. France, Germany, Italy, Ramie, Spain. Denmark, Norway sed Sweden, Swtuer land and Roumania have.ocepse.' the inn mhos. The through-ch.cking system will be • great t on the present syn tem of passenger standing around the •• guard ran' puking out and claiming hi. luggage and seeing that ne one else pecks it out for him. B.ssoval et the Mede. cad • The (a'noa. Hindoo Clod, Juggernaut, M. grown tired of his original home at Pari, where his worship has beer, owned on tot seven centuries. He informed an old woman in • dream that he intended to move elsewhere for • change. ter lar the native journal, and he has now taken up his shook at Mantipur. A gorgeous temps u being built for Juggernaut's new Arias L•f•. Life Ise mirror that re4erts our moods, And .a Ire surface our kard seve • tipown vin obtrudes. The Androbbersswear that 41oesstreeding people rob. No amid Is chaste, proclaims the libertine: Virtue alone by virtuous less Is solo. That which thy neighbor mune to be thou art .shop le he encisa0' Oo parity n7 It Tatum Tyre Nee. it ls said to be • whole day'. leak ler two ems to fell • mahogany tree- On =count of the span which proj.ct frons the lose of the rusk, • so.gold has en be erected and the tow est et above the soars, having thus • ,temp of the very Mot wend From tee to lifters feet high. A WWI. *0.tth.r. A ,am reptile. • white rattlesnake, was inhibited the other day et a fair is tleeogs, 'Agatha with a phetogrspk "( is eye, in wkleh ma he dineMctiy arse, His acid. the libelous of a fanner who a rvOWIy aesapid &posh from the reptile. A • Se peaked is dead. is hal Mae as Uses* Til S.' TIM lie Ntls things th�ato,�aE, Iselomme are aliee elopes Toe sod 1, we bane et esti► Male lwntbeve. for morsels Olen, r 0.441.. Oonatb. The Safest AND most Marathaalterative le rt Apses Young sad Me are alike berated tTer he duaip.Iaallme - se this monde.. wh11e eta a�aam ole flaws neige it easy So WW1. 1nMr. "N7 NIIk5 1•tP 1e a ul.a T1� attended him, but he per est l7 Tito worse under their care, and .veybdy expected he would die. I led h.aed or the remarkable cares stetted by Ayer'. Sarsaparilla. and decided to have say boy try it. Shortly attar he begets to take this medicine, the ulcers cow sainted healing, amid, attar using several bottles, he was entirely cured. H. is sow as healthy and strong as any bey 04 Ito age." - W hilae 1 Dovetail. Hamptor, Va. win Nay last,�4at end. omitk.e•mas gather as gather o. see Mal 1e4 w rat a. plead verbr aan4.r avail. Tand disc�.M�serer �i.�a� �!° was ca hd.�at 1M aM. nee o multiply earl la a bwWaite !b7 searlycoves*W addle44 bead are lady - At last we beg= ids tree al Ayre Sar- saparilla. la a tow days a marked clear for the bettor was manifest. The d •mora healthy condition, the discharges were gradually dltaln- 'shed, and Snotty ceased altajathr: The child is livelier, !a skin la 1SSerss6Merr and its appetite better than we have ob- served icor mouths." -Frank M. Grleo. Long Point, Texas. •• The formula of Ayeis Sarsaparilla presents, for chronic 4110. 0. of almost every kind, the best remedyknows to the medial world." -D. . Wllsoa, N. D., Wiggs, Arkansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ►Whets xQ Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Low.11, Maas• PfW ge. are •vales,114 Wook 10 • bear.. THE Toronto House A Iaagnf\ Weer aedte.... A reveal Ilse method of saf1esiag water 4.r iedesinal pus c-onslsa employing hydrated oxide d lead. whmh precipitates the =MMonate'. sulphates, and °blondes it being necessary to obtain the hydrated oxide of lead cheaply. dm r accomplished by p'ec.ag a solution of se- dum nitrate a • vat, dn-i.ld into two by a diaphragm: 1.•d else- tredes of targe surface ars placed in a avia- tion, mei • current from • dysam.n then paw ed through. the iodises ottrate tea dedsea- poe.d caustic .oda, being formed in the =pave 1, and nitre acid an the positive polo, from which it dissolves . certain i uawl atit7 of lead, lorteg lead nitrate. Whoa the current has passed throwgr the ligaid for a certain time, the solations an run from the toe e.mpasL mama oath a ..road vol .ad thee& mixd by mesas of an agitator: the coda precipitate' hydrated oxide of lead .ad hoed forum &ode lam nitrate, the solstice biting then Slurred. and the nitrate solution agsiii submitui d to el4droly0a Oa the lead oxide becoming mad rep it is replaced by freshly prepara .sides. IS THE LEADINI: DRI GOODS LEIPORIQIi. THE LATEST AND BEST ?AII ANII INTER GOODS Tim 1 1 Bridge al Aceetdi.g to the plans wow being serried out the t steel Mi some the Colom- bo at Vancouver will be one of the mesa seeable as well as gigantic constructions d ita kind it will be 6,000 feet from the Washington te the Oeegoa shore. will be double trashed with roadway on top for teams. and the whole tweeted upon pa.uia- old piers. The pivotal pier, or draw per, will supporta draw giving ea opening .1 as many as 900 feet space 00 either ode for renege b pees, .ad the open which it im- mediately Math of the draw man wiU be 3371 feet: Me whole Mr0110re to he d steel. built too fast above the high water of 1074, and forty 6n above Sew w•t.r AmeO/M the swimmers diarrheas pr.reut.d i. tjy undertaking the most Os1Ue has bean the sandy fo.wdetie0, ,ad.rt*g it amem0 1 to go dews gra eighty asp bebw low wenn N retro a Orem foundation. The e.tsm.ted meet of this ear etare ls 44,000,000 NOW ON VIEW. P. O'DEA, The Best Display Manalfer. C. SEAGER, -Once in Mcl.ean.- NEW BLOCK, -Oppr*te the Merin. -- Money to Lend T1s Loos Are of Corp.. T.-p.etoo. A brairomf k named P.rdi.sed Yviag at Levis, has, after Azusa years of parent .dart sad pe..veriag mei. • di.eovery er rather re-duervery, whirl is 4.d{sed M render ►s tear em0as and probably to hint farina► it s claimed ohm he has Mooed the mime of tee lest art h whNh the "may centuries semhasi.wad sad swear beton the wet (tea sad e1d las ham, end used it for the erne p}itee�s0. s ere ens t.d..1 the wow ssata14.1 be the present age. He W elr.edy eased sae awes sad ether tent .f vest w de were weed M he sisal fa koswllsss. edge are tw�w 1e railer herremeets rads et lb IM. N. iL M eapselaw *f the pw•asmih leer, basshen i WI Ipaptrl.r M them a tiasfsm alias. hili • I -01-. OF SILVERWARL e AND FANCY CHINA ICV31014 8 &OWN_ AT FRASER It PORTER'S, Central Telephone Exchange. Court House Square. w GOODS_ The subscriber wishes to announce the arrival of NEW AND FANCY GOODS! Cheap Rates, Farmer's Notts Cashed. NOTABLY NAVY AND BLACK ALL -WOOL SERGES, Extra wide and moderate in price. NA.VY FLANNELS, ELS, 28 IN. w a.uE is ae[t and hard finish, frotn the best makers. A general , t of other new and farlhionable geode on the and will be noticed later on. A liberal discount on all cash one dollar up. Strictly one price. SEND ¢Oc.ing�t.amna ptygasal „,n„, and w.• w. I rendoe by impress. CO.D. th s .legant watch whteO you QUI eXIMMISQaml ass Sad It an reif yea f eves mete them we dere for TAIRI IT • bbutteQtdFtdytflestb est- Rxma tb• pese Agent � • th.SWwelch.Mel tame 11.ch a SFE Onuses to sdwre M loIttat reliable peklby low=prleo r ONe°ay 41 ev.r ke- elflrei. T10rely= pp�dW 0(0 eap ani sswwn. booth's cess bsasUfult en - are Tman Myr. we ren 1100 ad.emM roam le sod !sr elder • lady or A rastse r sets wfta ons t. eraooot a�..sg $lisgar sal W64 A_ 1\4 - Draper and Hat Per -y PA!N-KILLER to sees MSS as.r0sa7 end esaradlr. It ease gamma. .mamma Nntest upset raises row tae severe= p.m. ley, from DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. f, mSTU t A,..:....S 1$ ITS ACTION. For CRAMPS, CHILLS. COLIC. DIARRHOA, DYSENTERY. CHOLERA MORBUS, mod an BOWEL. COMPLAINTS. NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. in Canadian Cholera And Bow hl eem"• .:nee its ettect IA rtGK1c"1. It c. -roll In a very short t.-ne. TMC •00T r*M1L1 NLNEDY •011 BURNS, E :UICZS, SPRAIT::•. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA ami TOOTHACHE. MOLD A7 leo • .bores s swan o(. 11alaJssa • SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. By virtue.[ • warrant under the hand of the Warden and seal of the of the omen .f Vera, dated the twentieth day of July. ta•1, oosse.sadiag NW 101•.7 apse the Iamb deleelrfblml for the arrear 04 taxes dee tb..aM. lNeth•r with sem• glees that unless snob taxes and ones are gamer 1rea11. la e ami�0 Ih0 Assessment Act. chap. 1St. R. K. O., proceed to sell by peas auction the ai lamiia,.r as nisch thereof as may be neeseserryy to discha�.r,gse the same et the COL RT HOUSE, la the TOWN of UOi 4RICH. on TURSHAY. the TENTH day td NOVEMBER. MM. at two o'clock in the .4141.000. TOWNSHIP or ASHFIZI.D. ParD LOT AND DJt CRIPTiON .. ACREO on Taxwa Coes Torat UNPAID 4 Ora. 4 ere. g r7rw. Part d Wed halt of North halt of If It. B 4 Pard 14 1 IS 7 10 IfAITLANDv ILIAC Olt TILLAGE OF SALTFORDIN COI.BORN4. wilegiime 11.11111111M _ Nta OILS MEI SSM sof\ brrW • A R II N 16 1 Pan' ri fle M 1N I w 1 15 1 16 its 1M IN 7 14 4n l 772 V ILLAO4 Or H4NIRYK i'4 GREY. fa 1 Pard 170 I n a f0 VILA AOR 01 FORDWICH i N HOWICK. Part of P'rk lot 17 3 4 AlbertNepetk Se do t Un* ! 77 Ira I se 1 II VILLAOE of OORRIF OR HOWICR V ILLAOk iN HOWiCK. 1!t 14 IS !.n 14 TOR' ,tSHIP Or HULI.RTT. Part Permsttf 1 1 AI 2j North port *f Wed halt n 14 14 I17r1 Beath part of North half of 14 14 f. TOW\SHIP OF MORRIS, North half of 11 1 M Southwest Quarter of l Wed haft et a Pat'd N !7i Pst•d i4! t H 1! 1e 4 to Pat'd 111 7 SO . N TOWNSHIP OF Mc4ILLOP. 11 11* Pala 13 Al TOWNSHIP OF 41£P11)<N. Seat h halt of el >a !it Ped If M WiNDHAM TOWN PLOT iN TURNBBRRY Park X &oath 1-111 1147 halt ef SOS beteh 1441 sf !a w# Wool part et Ht 44 P.t'd 17 II I-1. IS 4. /A Phtd4 N Vl1.LAOR OF BAYFIRjjLD. 14) TILLMAN OF nareasi.e. ere. brag the Peet e t the bib end R\ ale. Nese*r th Mos teem M fl. " d N SI u V iLLAMM OF 3t MDE ETRR. ft gavel parr d 11 Q.�� TyaO.eea.'. (lige. Y.lea1.h.AsgeM M0. IM. illi �' bit. 141 iMl. 1 1 1 el I MI Ise 1 01 lel 1 b 1M 1 M 1 31 1 1! II 1 14 !N ! 4a 116 !M 1 47 1 411M 1 sel l le ee * 4• 7 el 1!! 14Be 1 M 11 17 14 11el 1 111 1 N 1 It 1 IN 1 11 !N 1 m Ileal its iii 11 SI 1 1M te Si IM $ 11e 7M I 03 u 43 II H • $0 II I! = • DILL I UDRO at Ob -7 OIST F la^ re... Leval f.---- 'h -, had Ian odes Mke is WP by e t has ad 0CU+l .t the t.b* order i �III the I has Lomb, soar. W le a, who fly isiic G a rested white Haat. A be who W.af S•S.N ar7 et ,aha, w sheaths 1, et hemisi K�� s d 41 rot M=t 0*. r jjjjjjwwwwwwhhhhhh000000 pstaly Ps $h a tai relief Ay lend! use his a . a meth , am Ira, wt ha coo lbw teats i� Oar lgp�ti resting 1 Nving a poi. 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