HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-23, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1891. DRESSES & COSTUMES. T We receive today a Targe ort Dress Costumes, New English Serges and Cheviots, In the leading shads of blur, green, bruit u. gitrnet • 11.l grey. Velutina Cord, isle fashionable material for dreams, Jackets and tr. Special Black Velutina, Our repeat order in stock today. Price 75c., worth 9:tt•. Mantle and Jacket Cloths• A beautiful selection entirely new. Kid Gloves. a1l colors. lr,l' s ryn no risk in buying our Kid Glove*, as we guarantee nearly all nee &nil take back any not satisfactory to return to the ntanufarturrri. In ,Pecnim invited. Rigb+t wise Said tort - rAWS-SES71TR USSES -TUSSES See Oar Exhibit. Large Siock. All New W. ACHESON & SON. Anil hart. the Iateat improv'rutents. They stn be worn with comfort, fre- quently effecting a curt.. W. should be pleased to sbow thew to all enquirers at THE PHARMACY. open on Sand— for barons' sad ' IMedicines Daly. J GEO. A. FEAR ' Dispensing and Family Chemist,, Ilneannor to GW. RHYNA8. Ooderich. Clint. FURNITURE. HE DOMINION IN BR1K e Thee o • sreity al sWiens' a• Lenders, t)st Th. Faru.ei. Hotel, Ripley, was destroy- ed by lire os Friday. Jaw McIntosh Wtmrs sttad stu nde at N isoea w Friday eight. Chew's mill atlireiseh net was burnt ors e,. Thursday. lass, p,000. u.. killed by • street car u Sruetr al or Thursday night The Hamilton Poultry Association was organised me 'ITusw.l•y cawing. Lunt. ('t'1. .Alrlerion h•. nwigiwd the tonsured el the 43rd I.att.huu. IAdly heel), the well-known counties« woman, ham appeared it' Laudon. Thoma. McDowell oil kilo.+I near Oita we on Seturday by a kick from a horse. l'he t,uubk bet u ern the luwlwru.eu and their lenses has taukw out afresh at (h. testa. 'llle pstitieu waist Mr. Williams Mu lock, M. Y. for Horth fork, haa hers du alienia Mrs. Joust, hi mg a kw miles mirth .1 it. 'I'Iwu hs. r 101 y tory ol.l, and hale and Lai t.. \lase ut t%...l.t•.ek was kicked by • 1. ,. w Thursday night and one rib was br.d.eu. lies.. James A. Ysa>d.mal.l, B.A., of To - I .+tu, L::s bees called to Knox church, tit. \Villiaiu Duty, a Hilton hotelareper, was stabbed by N'illu.tn \Id:arth o Thursday. The Monist churches of IL:uuilt,at and vanity I..... Lees organise.) tutu e separate •a,•.cut tan.. Bernard Flood of Aroa was knocked duet' by a felling beaus uw F'ri.lay and seri- on:.•ly iujurwl. The Quetta- Commission began its lures- tigaliun uu Wednesday into the flats des 1'baleut i affair. The County of $isuooe Hieturical and Itieos r AasuetM as organized on Wednes- day night at thillia. Two ftesght trains cuUtded on %Volu si- day at beapteille, resulting u. heavy dam ages to roUteg *oak. Mr. William T. Wiggins, one of the old- est and must nape, ted r at.leut* of Wadi - worth, (bit., u dead. M n. l lean ria of Forest% ill. esu sutfo.at• at by gas in Lor room in the Balmer Hotel, �iuw..•, •.0 Then lay. Lk. \Ci lirhu .t. Murray, sou o1 Ilev. J. Allister Murray. of Lo:,ins, 11rt., has just diel at tit -Mos, Utah. The June t' anuthorsSettle* Hall, in COO- 1..0 mUuu a it t,►ucai.. C ullegr. I.,..Kston, was dedaat:a on Friday. The daughter. of Wm. 1)i.nforth, a York County termer, has heat miming once Oct. She in 15 years old. The loos by Wednesday night's fire in f im.s.a o.,ue, which destroyed Skinner's lame factory. is about P 1 ate*►. The C. t'. R. have been i.warded 1579,0Or I.y the arbitrators in the t)n.lerdouk slum, each side paying its own costa. lh. Alex. A. kleCriuunon, of St. Thomas, has been appointed phyet.ian of the new Atlas line steamship Numuluu. Nine of the crew of the steamer \\'ulvia- tos. which was wrecked in niid•Atlanti. Sept. 22, have arrived at H:.lifay. Lents \V.tte, a laborer, has disappeared from %Vat, slew, Out. He has Leen in poor ,health anti !its friends are anaiuue. The civic census of Victoria, B.C., gives the population as 22,1441, 6.(lw more titan the idecial census recently declared. During the week ending 16th Oct. there were 22 failures in l'atta.la. against 20 our the correapoudiug proud last year. Arehl...h,.p Reeve, of (hipin wyats, Atha- baska. has Lee.: crested bishop of Mackenzie Ri.er l.y the ,.:obbisbop of ('•nterb ern. 'fie reuu..ls of soldiers slain at Lundy s l..ue, which were discovered recently, were reuuerred with Military honors on Satur- day. At Osheiva on \Veilusolay Miss Hannah Sport teu..l \\'dole ('only. aged 14. and the :any- L. -.•aur exasper&t-s•l alai shot her tscalh. The 1Vinuiptg Hoard of Trio!, is opposed to the contemplated auwlgtulatioa ot the Northeeet and ('anadlan 1 rs.-ellers• Ass], .LIHNIa It is l.eliote+l that such precautions have I veil t.►cu by th. Quebec Provincial Hoard of H:rlth es will prevent the spread of slush -put. Delilnquirei null. a,IMkf,lgl► fret of lion- -het Anil the surrounding teneumeots at Leg Lake, Muskoka, were .kitroyel by tire on %Voineelay. At Coburg Assizes on We laesday George %Vashiegton Hawn was courictetl of the crime• of nicest and sentenced to four yeas m peuttentrry. John %1 it.Uey, employed at Willows F;wer's oil works in 1'. tildes, while getting of timber we milre from town, was in- stantly killed ma Friday. ft is Itudsrst aid. spa a Kingston dispatch, that "Doc- Audrewa, sant from Toronto years ago, sill leave the penitentiary at Iveaptoe melt w.ek. A ntbular bridge between 1'h•uhLlc ton aria Kiclicher was destroyed by rue on Thurehay morning, i s -obis( a les on $11. (Kim ae,l seriously interfering with traffic. Hon. Oliver Mowat has expressed the opinion that the abolition of grand juries in a matter id Provurial jurisdietsnt and not witttiu the power of the Duwnution authori- ties. John S. l '.ok was so nterteed at the Walk • erton Arias on Friday to five years' im- Irieunmet't for shooting at .1ohsaton Aker - crumuMe with intent to ds gneyous bodily harm. John Fitagerald and the malt Wiliam, who have been on trial several days in Lou- don, charged with murdering the old inan l•plotn, .t $trathroy, ha.r, been committed for trial. Tn. election perones against Mr. Hutch- ins. Y.Y. for North Mtiddl.ret, .ume .p un Friday in London, but oke prnas•ntnes were not ready and the trial stands over till I)eoamber 7. At the loudest Minos 1 curt Thursday, Antheey Maxwell, convicted of utanslaugb ter is .+ans-t oe with the death of H. U. Matt. was sentenced to seven years In the Kingston peoitaotSaq. The total export of wheat from Canada and the United Stater thi. seem (sateen weeks{ •taenia to ag,i1711,11d► bushels, s against 2a.aaa,000 bwhels for the .orrs- poode: period last year. John Iialbssith, formerly el Bt. Mary's, Hat.. died urs the train at Union Rioters, Tomato. as Friday entrain, while treiag W lock km Al is Items trots He wes saiaklg frost semetnptim. The ewoser'sjury i• the ossa of • Era Is.td dead at Derebosear. seer London, as Pend• *Oa, famed that the Ern bail died by sEis*Oa,wsMa itdireetly sensed y • blow w tM Mak of the Wag frau soarers tm tt illridaIt Ward d Trade rNertr slow s kWarms, d• M.J. with Canada. tae =alms mosslis iii IN EVERY VARIETY. In opening for the fall trade 1 offer • good Parlor cella plush. suite. wataut fsad oast, ar.esc. my heel hair cloth fes alias sal each. also Suit= •ng0000d nae from f iia up to SS* �t�wiwm Table from soil t en. la neve b • witW the Meek d ell chases. stow ease. 1 neve been tryiaa fat bring price. I carry a large line Of WINDOW SHAD= sod Cuit'rAfr POLES. I have a large :assortment of PIr n kK MOULDING and will trainees Cheep - Any one else. In the Uxstarr•Ulgu i have errrlthinr necessary too iweelses eslabliehmeut. 1 leve ►lean is sock black.Aolh Caskets and foals.. and for Atldram la white embossed plush and whits . elvet. 1 hove bad Sheet WI years' experience. In all t he above yes will and prima right tihn DANIEL GORDON, One door East of Hank of Montreal. West 't., ()micro II. One Dollar AN APOLOGY BARGAIN COUNTER• Just in tune for the wet weather • Johnston Carey l%TRODUCE8 THIS WEEK A $1,00 COUNTEPL ',, ,..u. It you will find about 500 pair+ e-OIIIWO iI,t rten's, mimes'and boyo BOOTS AND SHOES I h.t .•Mat from 11.25 to $1.75 wholesale, but they must go for the 81.00, u they lines ee intend dropping;hence the scritice in pricer. ('lose buyers,don't miss this pl We have juatt Owed on our shelves one of the largest stocks of ladies , gents', mi and .hdnren s ito.ta and Shoes in the county, from the leading manufacturers cruwill !t of holmiwon, which will be sold at slaughter prices. hal( be g, Repairing ,lone better than the best,st discount and as cheap as the cheapest. Men's JOHNSTON CAREY, On the CI Cl-oderioh ere um. saes' the cru. 50c. ENLARGED WEEKLY ME 'oNs -rl d:, ONLY 16 PACES I .-ter. 1SO2 AND BALANCE O? 1891 DOLLAR THE MOST LI3EEc Ai C7113 EVER MADE. NO FAKES NO CHEAP=00.a.3I NO JAG'S -KNIVES! SCISSOR..S OR CAT= OFFERS BUT A CLEAN, WI:.ILL- ;0%13 FAMILY NEWSPAPER. UPON ITS LTE '3• Commencing with the i -sue ot yth October Tile WEEKLY GLOBE will co tarn sixteen pages instead of twelve Cages as heretofore, making it the largish and befit family newspaper in Canada. E effort will be devote to making it nRt(,lrT, Special pains will be taken with its Agricultural 'Pages. YORK SPACE WiLL, R1t DEVOTED TO SELECT READING il0. ? $ FAMILY. 10 SUBWCRiIE.RS WHOSE ORDERS ARF. RECEIVED PREVIOUS 31St DECEMBER. 1891, GILT. HAVE THE I'%I'ER S..NT THE)' UNTIL ry.O%E OF 1892 MR THE ONE rI AR S ftllltt+CRIPTiOJL *S ('� t s mOnth�i of a i 6 -page for $t to T H I S M EA Iv J e, �Y ogle whO 4UbSCrie for . AOEKTs WANTED Ili A14. UUREPRI-SENTED DISTRICTS. For tont., whit ems aha Every. READABLE, ACCURATE 311(1 111Tkki.!ITING 111 all its departments. rttmeand TILE GLOBE . ToRONTo. so kindly placed my customers for the apparent neglect in execut- ing orders s TA necessary with me. AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR Everyone wants their stoves fitted up, and work in myline the house � for the Winter, in consequence of which every man taxed to the utmost to overtake it. I have employed extra hands, and will don my over- alls and turn in myself in the endeavour to serve all my customers. My sales are averaging four stoves per day. WHY ? The People are the best Judges. THEY KNOW WHEN THEY ARE GETTING GOOD VALUE. Do you want a Stove ? Do you want anything in my line ? CALL AND SEE MY STOCK. Cutlery, Platedware, Lamps, Household Necessaries. ALECK SAUNDERS TRICES STYE Ilirelasipinal MST ands& ass yam PRODUCE WEST STREET. KEEP YOUR FEET DRY. This can,be done at a very small cost by purchasing your foot wear at the old -established an. reliable Shoe Store of OSITIVE E. DO w I. TROFITS. q ac =KT Alar Good Beds. tram *the sad up. run Bedroom Snits, {farted up. Sideboards trout $7.3.8ed up. A solid Walnut Sideboard for $11,•0. Rxtenafon Tables. front S6. sad up. Platform Roekers.uoholatered.*t7 ant up Wore Wire Halliesea, from 12.13 and up. Hall Ilat Stands root WO and op, TU OE Ate . 1 Solid Carved Oak Bedroom Snits. antique finish. for 435.00 Chs at $10 -and are only for JOdays, in order to nuke room for Christmas goods soon to arrival We have three large !bore packed full and are abort for room. ---- caner watts. Wela$ MNs., Desiree= Sults, Ditches %mita AW..y 1.0wlt. en lisdew Nader, Cormier Yates. Irfnew.. asereS rt'. Everything you want to1'rulah • boas at prloes to make you bay. tarr4 Wall ropers sed ft. steeds In endless vert.ty at Saila Ear & Fugue Sion, 28ItCRABB'S BLOCK. Regulates the Stomach. Liver ■nd8owela. unlocks the Sscrstions,Purlflesths Mood and removes all Im- purities from a Pimple to the worst Serofumous Sora. 1>• CURES ' - DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS 'ONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA HEART BURN. SOUR STOMA& DIZZINESS. DROPSY tt.iEUMAT I SM. SKIN DISEASE YOU WILL FIND MY Stock of Fall Goods As usual very large and complete. Prices lower than thio lowest. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CAS 11 I give special attention to ordered work and repairing and I have the workmen to do the work. E. DOWNING. MANIC FOR STRENGTH, La I's ',JURE KorM1TE► GAVIAsTUDANC.IrrnAmE g11A1urgiale01 rIt CAW1na 11014 Pi1RITY AND FLAVOR, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Try a sample package. CHAS. A. NAIRN, Grocer. Fall MIIIInery! JUa7ptsOtEU- A yAR.s 14TOCE OF THE .. TEW E9 OP' i.AMES AHD HIPaKB• $900 dam Hats and as (me(`Isrgyowo is • Mw Md p. slsr easag•rd flea.. Testimony of 19 Countries to Jesus of Il1wrotit. TMsr is.urs.aerseeties ewM.a+seerlsE gy.qIL .!'tow is-+ A ~' cal r Bonnets, Fancy Wings and Trimmings. Htamping done in limit -chum style. j Call and see aa. Butter and eggs taken in wzehaage for trade. THE MISSES YATES. 11 I1- tazFu (GA Bea/ New. gory 1. 11 ILL I URO Ob raptly I"- FC .aW7 _rem . /MM Pea Loral , lu load Y adi she fE $dsiph / Uc of t Qin 111 seder �y y, th, hes kissed the I<amiltas I has tray Llfa8, roar. W. wIr a, who troves y t1is.Ihs aadflc ( c a rental w►i.k 1 Hallew dM who is a 8. N ary of awn, wa wastbs sr ham u.jilimilthei 1 4 b• wed LKea oke kindly 1 as- tIteir who baa a, owiad Iylw tic• 1*. paperer Imroa. ta. rsUel ;ty dud! er.We i, a Mud seta, cal tins earl tdmdors. a tic. ltbm WS Mal kat sorb °Il Ilea ►wiryt w� and �a wits was, book Tow gear Mai Ti Hs wY 7 ft. � w alismM Uagil M