HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-23, Page 3'RADE 'GBr � NEW HOSIERY EOODB, EW UNDERWEAR creat Variety. 'ENING}. en WEuonsott, SUPT. 16, sed noel from the cities, antl by e millinery trade. The best work at moderate invited to tall and view the House, &ITH. ARNISH is the one you waist. Last .t lustre. ISH ys on hand. c., etc., only Ilk. dictums. GOODE, Aibien HMtk, Drive ,ASSWAIE TTiff: Y STORE & SON. [es a specialty. WERS, styles. Prices right. 015, Want. 1 J� vest prices. SON & Co. C. rneldicinea at CAL HALL :i1 V ni fetal and marble oras In utensils, etc. EZTCY- he lowest asmlbee priers It MteP fekatm tlFl always kaln M .moi . 7s-ssills t ~�0 1 Os melee a •ssttf.usn•e • Hamilton -et. M M pa.ttPMsaa sad Madness. des Lase, wblrt i. $s Rooky Mesa - 11r• dissevered a 0 that wke..a.tbia- s++• other 000 000 .any .red e win, for .-'rtron. It I. fa the aKl•ia dry .Dots ad Ise s....d is kaowa hem �'. Family Medians. It will cure r ayda�che .std is the best HPriag Medi- For edif`w the blood, yer and the ounpp&sa Ma it ddos.isswoo or r�'Ml,. Pda sell lit .t 68r. mod 81 a sow) Tare! ImM0611 Vam•ues. 130 ,aunty ooatalm three remarkable maws, wnt•s • Mikta (Tuna) certespo.- yt, It is perhaps We to ay that it somas the tallest, the hairiest and the WAS families in the oaaatry. lige tall 1{k ,,,,a.,.ta of lour paeans father, h•dr son ..ed dWilmaaujN'a. The Wilma mfr. tine sea, seism+..6 deet 8 laches ; mare►( ' the mother. 6 fist 2 inches. thr ,hortaet• Rea hes i -e v m family oo�tpe�od of Isthsr .moth lif ha wdl be-. --- dowing -. , M7 hos -v a --•mss . se 1nmrwaoe THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1891 CosmoCosmos" Aerosolise The solleetshlo ..4 pe off halm meet .o..d..le, has imunnaey y the tisel. pens tt of andilisat i.ma e.ea.ee, has de • contribution es nee department d euetd a esu, e t hat u by as wet stases tater.tng Kur instance, aye • sits he the Kong, it r • muses knot te that • rn is much more likely to les his left • . this his right eye. !haustus show, loo, teat when • ins insures agates, .cel. dost he thereby greatly diminishes the risk d assiemt end this s probably esplaa.d a this 1.•y Whew • m.••s attention u mimilled1. to linger he ties hr .d ,n it. sad io thereby, a.nacaaly or makes unusual .flirt to avert it. It there fore often d. e th• man u mor. like 1 to be • '(sirs of as accident d • ktad that he ever thought of than of the kited theist which he teres himself A mho, ./ao far taeta, who handl..harp tools will lesslere hthosedvitaet as amides from the se of them, and the first thing he knows a am•,...e..---• H00 i"uade The light fling'', number osier in his eye. Not Del)) are suck odd s (other, mother had eight chill atriumatriumhad rioleets as these brosght tool ht mese' nut arms"1.h„eo wear' weight is 613 pnwnds^ by tie of eoctdmt tasurance, Sean G. Jame.. kat a grist many important groups of fact. whish bar opos the habt$a of men .ad the Henn 1:. .lama. ort N"tmipeg, klao., d d civilisation. Ka ast•ece, snip •• For several .sirs I 1.a tcvwbeleol .,r,drnta.re much news common la ep.rs- ,,'h pimpke end Irvileiuue of the ski les settled psrtio.s of tie a,antty then to After other rv,mcviis (silent 1 mescal lour lot densely settled portions, and they happen Att t tiunelock 'flood lintersneed enc•. more freywotly in the cuddle of winter sad I M r been trite free from my arm in the middle of summer then in the other o light. y are fair to eta upon an, my it"use ' l'artyis's ,(mase •f Mwaor. tali to, bot clow a spisintawo tow, often re 1 Wesel tbbme. • With (Style, .a with all persons col hie reals . Chore, ai .11e prick of which servos mire lu,banapdis hart worked a noel temperasent, the dwpwettos to lay the to keep esu . distress cirsr..Il,ue scheuse • /e1. weeks ago in the wtornd'■ '.a strong s hall sportful, and under lint there are others, like the homely ijimretc tashun. He found a stray nickel the grayest over et•tement lees • humorous wall dower, neither graceful nor haudson.e. ,s the door of his stere one morning aid (.tent. He has no thought of being taken but w full of sweeties that 1,0 1.e rear then) tewlrnl to post this notice on the window hter•Uy. He isms much always, but he Is joy tamest itsalnreelibka of hs store : often masa much I. than he mar., as>.' he Sonse of the plainest weans ever Same sum of money found "n Tur eih h11M trusts to the reader's sense of bones.f to have heed the most pm 161111.1 u , 1 Tth.tr prey m the establishment. Thr owner will im make the due del ictl,n. If the reader unto in a room u a tatantese ofl'gsod humor .•ale within upon describing money." chines not to hare • sense of humor, ad awl enjoyment. `ors It WPM" M s.. a flies a Siem,• worked like a charm. Hun- muunderstadlngs iris. ; but ti he have it, handsome owe welded to a horndy wee ani. dmf• of citizen. canoe us daily for n, er he comes to greet. f relate. the teaks that We have all, perhaps, hoar.' the remark : w, wren;. the notice was left on the win l'arlyle deueuds of It. Scnbner's Maga- -What did aurh a good looking "mu .ee 10 that woman to love'" Such ,enisrks only doe, describing their Mires anti besetting ase ties misfortune. Invernobly every appli ,.tit for the lost money bought straight some were satisfied io .bald•. I..' the peat majority, anxious to nn••reze the drug malt fa\uralily toward owir ,lacus, invested in two for a •luerter. was the rush that the fortunate druagot lied to order • fresh ,Lowe brands. Nose Of the applicant.. „ser applied for the nickel. All the chino. nt into the hnudredsof dollar. un.• mu. .!rtu.K mused his w fl b ?1,100. look t to WAIS OF WOMEN FAIR. A SIDE LIGHT UPON THIS BY CONSID- ERING ONlNO ERING THE WIVES MIN WAN 1. They m.w.'t is rr.t e, mat Those omint to IM wlwme - why Mm. Mee ere Sae►.lsr.-Ter. Number of 0111051.• le a male1. Men do 0st always admin woolen oro ac °rust d pnittaees of features, though they often du for their culture, their .k111 In wuuc, their tool, ur their taste lis natter• of dress. They rarely love a woman Is taus. she pusses thea qualities. Such u the °pluton 01 The Young ladies' Meier, Which adds. The must attractive wannest is not the 1 beauty in awns instances. How often do we see the homuehe.t girl in an •s..mlr1•ge the re-tpieut of the most favors, because of her bright canner, her brilluuii , her wit ase her win wing ways. Rhe still reigns when the ti- aipl.l hawse s no longer admired. Beauty of Hasa is attraou• e, it pleases the eye fur .while, but, soortttut; to the old adage, 'tis uuly ski deep, and aill not make the wo0ss sought after u a wain muual sow. Women ate very muck like flower y� those who have beauty and • well rwltive- flust It• K. B. will siways „ecupy • place mann. of the year ed ndnl are • never ending source of de - that that he bank book Mas. I...4 tin, heel -Tots of rheumatism and neural M • " Put your hand in • vise, turn the .se until you can't boar another turn, and that a rhrunattsrn ; give it another tont, that s neuralgia" And still you'll suffer three t..rturs when for 25 agate you Dan hiss a bottk ei MISAKIYS LIXIMENT u.,1 to relieved. re.ed. Contractor's Inspector -"Is there • men ..sed I'runly ow the work here •" (rang can -"They is." Inspector -"Du you know him?" Gang Nam --"Ot do. He's • fried saver fur rued his beak on me yet.' lnape••tor "When can l find huts!' I:sag nun "Right knish!, yes, sot.' that Me Mid warned Ser. Bunting -Why ran t krsakfaa ready ' M ra Uq.Hag The cook says her clock stopped 1. the night. Bunting -Well. I told, you that cook war ao pries beauty ((shin yes Need her. V.aseeseary. Barker-Asy, hold on, old min! -here's one of thea taking machines I wast you to hear it. Harker No: wife is welting Geed tressed.. "1 ,e got such • pod husband. the said a wti•lrntoil moment. '•Moritlai morn Luis he Petr breakfast and 1 go right to washing. I use pnarltne : soak the clothes mer night, and by right o'clock the washing o .n the line. lirakfast over, and he hes gone to h s piece of business. If the babies are sulk he is rive- them as much as 1, old :rest as anuou.. Ile is always kind and (.saber ,f ole, e,'overlike 1 often wonder why h.- close nor, when be could have had ha pik among lots of girls." and she hid her btoshtog face behind the baby, a testy little fellow of perhaps eight months, and •nem were two others not much more than taloa. Hen was an honest, just tribute to nobles. good fellow, and my heart swelled with pude toward the sweet little woman who was just as much in love with her bus I.an.l a when he came courting. In • cozy little nest of a home for he worked on • salary they were happier and more conlen icor than had they owned million». love that makes the world go round, noth- ing surer under the sun. I'm going; on buns -my for me. Thee t. (:row a. Appetite. "Let's go Into this restaurant and get aoniethimt to eat "But I'm not hungry." "That's a. natter: you will be before ysu get anything.' taboo Ilse Glee. "Why did you laugh s. fiendishly at Wiggins when his umbrella blew inside out •'Ha' It was one he borrowed from me • swath ago... An Aasw.r Fell .t littler Me.■Isg, Mr. Nevergo tat 11.311 p.m.1 Have you ever heard that beautiful ballad, " I must •1.J\". \i.c.. l:apely - Not meetly. Riese 'e Wwlsewt rake M•setener. . 11r.. Geo. Semite. Mrs. 1.,.•. Needle, of Galt, Out., writes I can recommend Ili. Fowier's Extract of Wild Strawberry, for it is • ..are cure for all "ummer complaint. We are neer without it in the honer." Fowler's Wild strawberry. Price, 36c. The Perebe.m My ata !!h Peel. Fie. Inn) 'to baker)-_ 1k, you sell pies' Baker Vas, my little man. Roy My amma said you .o1 4 Pies. How much etre theyit• (taker • -Ten cents apiece. (lore. Mottles for ball medicine and l FloBaker ':ire me. peach pie. rfet curl. It is •gond outF4kepsobp(looking over we wars( I'm a re�,rfect cur .t wherever 1 go.' Ida Sander ac of peach pia However, 1 have some tots Tinto, Ont. ace ?arae. pies 110) - 1 want •beach psi A.Nrs Advl FS.ker Well, 1 m all nut. h „ My brother hoot severe Summer aim 1.,y ldy inamtna said you kept Pa'c plaint about • year ago and no remedies pie.. seemed to relieve him. At last my aunt Raker -flo I do : but just now I'm out of them. advised se to try Fowler'sl, Ext tta000f `illi one Ha -I'm willing to : but I fee r''1 Rohl' 11.'y ad enurl caret." Adelal.le Ha er 1- I knew : t I haven't hang. bottle he was Boy My mawss said if I pore you teen Crittenden, Baldwin, Ont. refer to the outward appearance. The character of such • woman may be .o at- tractive to those wets know her that none would have her different if they could. Bounty. 11,011 want wives who are com- petent to manage their domestic affair: not women who require to be managed, or who thensclree want to noise all or nothing. Such • woman usually brings unhappiness u, the howne by driving her husband to spend his evenings at the club or si.ewhere away town her, or keep.. omen in such $ Nate .4 worry that be cannot hope to get along more than tolerable well in his roar tied Ides or hs heathers. A sensitive and practical imatnes. new doesn't want • wife who heresies the purse awl latch -key, and practically wars the trousers. Ther are some erect who like such wires. but the eat -opus, happily, proves the rule. The hest man in the land will look for • wife who is intelligent, practical and affec- tionate, who will take a pride in home and children, who will feel an interest in his .uccesees, great or small. who s ready to talk with him when he returns home at night atter an arduous day's toil, who Is eager to share his fortune or nnsfonane. Such • woman s brave and generous, and will cam mend the respect of every true Dao. It will not he asked of her whether she speaks Fren•Il or german, knows la,uu or :reek, prints or plays 'ugh clam music. What a man wand is • wife of whotu he can be proud at borne or abroad, who u nod. tnly and well-mannered. It is not necessary that she be pretty. Hut it is necessary thst she be agreeable, with • hare - portion equally kind had affectionate. way soma NAN Ares a•CnIL0110. to other word., why some men are un- able to find a wrneit to love' There are many rea.otle. Inn.• given by • prominent New York bachelor was that "he didn't go .net in ladies' society enough to select any partecu Ler one." Awl then perhaps the like and dislike is on the other side. Perhaps he is of • jealous, seltiah disposition, and shows It; or perhaps he haw some traits which are not the beet w the world. The girls are not slow to see roto the.. --•b, .o! A. nae young lady aid lately: "It u all over between Jw..luse and me: we hare said good -by. I can never marry a jealous man -_never! Aad the sine silly quarrel often sepa- rates • young man and his sweetheart. Both are to., proud to give in, and thotdt they love each other desperately, they will, Thr devil Wee he hear the man who won't pay his 4.jKe talk In church. Kam'. Horn. _--- IMsurMfal MaeL \. w. T. 1 was induced to use your Burdock Itlood hitters for co atipation anti general debility awl !mind it • complete cure which 1 take pleasures iD , to all who may It thus •Hlicted."-•lltm011.(arwn. itantf, 5, W. 7'. A tun .f Seed Lark. There may be no such thing as bad leek, Mut it would he difficult to convince an old Johnstow-n (Pa. i Carpenter named 1►. 1•ar- riagton of the fact. At the dune of the for want of one littleword, separate for Johnstown flood he lost one child and all bfe. M.oy a men in this caw bee reohed his property. Friends mask up • purse onhis grave unworried and unloved, bei°` at for h, and went to Arizona. Here an- the um, time •linnet too worldly t. ad .nit other Hood tra.he.l away all of bulearh 111 e er it. haraiso_ ou e then weal to Oklahoma, and and drowhed • then• the bachelor who, never bothers _ bothers to tan hi. heed him and txar� ever s, tittle toward the fair sex, do not drove 1te.1 his remaining child. condemn hien dear girlsbut just thick • little. and may be you will be able to .teas other day a thiol Hord A Fact WORTH knrwlng le that lined din 1.m whteh all other remedk a fh 1 to owe, yield to Asmtes fllarnaporlI S. Freak maims- Wm oshmo.Wm of this .lino. meat OOtaM to Mad dilly. Bvw web drape -heated and stubborn nasi plagues es lib* mattes, Rbauso tto Goat, had the by .radleMed by the um of thk won- derful a11seanve. Dodge IVIZ Ides. 10 1131si ;tweet, Sew York, aortae• 3 - " About two years .go, 114.1 from needy two years frsill... ggooaat. me�i l g able to walk o.�y w�ith dtecalmfort, eel baring wakes.remedies, including titUm.l without relief, I saw try an advertise- ment Ina Chicago paper doe a =ma bad been relieved of thisdint�n Ayer's a 1 lbM dee/Md is make .trial nes this msdlisimeistal look it regularly fur eight • I ant pieced to saythat 1t eOseted a eom- piete cure, reathat I have since had DD return of the disease." Mrs L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. H. writes **One year ago 1 was taken 111 with , being confined W my house six months. I came out of the sickness very much debilitated. with so appetite. had my system disordered in every way. 1.1 to e Ayer's Sarsaparilla and usbegan to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon re - usual health. caannot say lou much in praise of this well-known medicine." I have taken a great deal of medi- cine. but nothing has done me so i Sarsaparilla. much good as Ayer's Saa felt its beneficial effects before I had quite finished one bottle, aDd I can freely testify that it is the hest blood- ine I know of." -L. W. Ward, Br., Woodland, Texas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, T1arsaaD .T Dr. .1. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. rtta 31; Mt 4.ltls, as Worn N • bottle. 3 The Best Display OF SILVERWARE FANCY CHINA Toronto House Is THE LEALIN(: TO V 1tISTt f3 S O W Y_ = res .sly I. w 15i -ices DRY GOODS EMPCRIUL True .airs. kti. " 1 have great faith in Burdock Blood •Ger 1 have taken blood and Gni it a Bitters a . Mo.et gun • renis you would ere nee • pie. 1t 1s only • young and pretty girl who n Baker So I would if 1 had any. (peke the Bury of her W055 mt•wt.111.can lir»' An what! she is usu ily the only persona in the wor who hasn't any. Atchison /:lobe. 7 BI pooch Raker each pia. Roy That's what 1 want. (taker Yes, but I haven't one. 1 haven't vuttlung( but mists pies left. limy - -Rat 1 don't want &pinnae pie : 1 .rel a ptmeh pe. I:eker-WAU, I banal say. 'toy -(Los Bili may mumtaa • peach per )eaterday der tea cents • .,erriay. Raker -Yee ; 1 had path pion v tiny -Hew much do you want for peach Ales ' Maker If 1 lead any to sell 1 would let you have ones for ten neat. Bey -rye got ten omits in my bend. ds.little man ear 4d .'tee irmeeSOY• lwebe- "That , was • gay Id in when you Ion to, Joe, away back .�' sod I 'ran with the mach(..• Do roe re member that big fire in Hotel Row, one freezing night, when fifteen people were pulled out of their honing rooms and tame down the ladder in their night -clothe.: and how 'Dirk' Greene brought down two 'kids' st once -one in his the other slang to hs heck' Po10 '1►ick ' He got the catarrh dreadfully, from s0 much exposure, and suffered from it five year or mor. We Raker - I 'tat • p it, my thought soh be was pet gin fin -Aid I wait •pooh pie- aura Bat. finally, he heard of 1).' Rage's tith w--(:rest .11 a ,boy 1 hams.. r -y tarrh Reaeed� sad tried it. and it cured stand pia 1 m all (.s Don'tice ender m up se .Dual se a gist. 1 tell Fee, Joe• that oatarrh is . Aims. 1t et Iitey _Yes old qq wsemo • peach Me eared as good o wny sod as breve • fireman es"sr fir tit. Y shoe leather." (lakes --Of ewes. I did. i kid •miss te as ever trod A ng mss' who eep.eel".meltingly ..mart .s that he is ow a member of the weekly proms - Lrweu (Maria. x.awr of lwtenea 1.. aalrt. THE LATEST AND BF:.'T WI.AN11 WINEB oor�s There are just 21,000. There are' fear rows of stitching in th. collar, 8,700 .titan..: cross ends of the collar. WO: but- ton and buttonhole, 140; gathering tha neck and sawing oa the collar, 1.106; stitchingwristbands. 1,148: ends of the sa1t1e, g; f . is wristbands, 148; hemming slits, 264: gathering the sleeves, SMI: setting two wristbands, 1,488; stitching ore shoulder straps, 1.830; hemming the bosom, 308; sewing in sleeves and making 3,050; sewing up seems of sleeves, eerdisg the boss.. 1,104; "tapping' t►..leeves, 1,52(1: swing up all other MUM aid setting the side gesso, That represents the sinus( of labor that mat be pat into • shirt and explains why the home-made article has gone out of 14aki0a sill y..ta ity, led if I had gal soy' to etachy has "tat been ' se I wotNNtyMhave nee. fir, M s a baker amp, rn't it • like.-Of emery it is. 1�y yOti eau plea aad cakes' Baker -O( (mute. I ao. ��•.yy The. I est . reek pyo to nor Emily faithful w(rk Wf Anew w ta.gta nsbor-Nat rs mit (f p. 1 Itwyh°1 .(ekes a t hMael a (fab wtu by the aret►sy, nm.e, hod •.Digs °f wlemTY as m sae msd girth mors I.r W. me.egP.ie0 gt p.asm hsl.l,amyl.5000 smo wed all Ilw.m eel- f . t (ie turd yen dytesutory what pianist M yes pew r berm 'oat kid's Pers.. e.ay waits lis it".} ...1 od%~ :-��1. �lg.. Mobil kdlmiwa►b,byJoni t E1 , sw.�. •1AM1amlrsem dlsmis fMQom W. >1Msp• Yftl... ().tt rleeery a Thea.. NOW ON VIEW P. O'DEA, AT ERASER & PORTER'S Central Telephone Exchange, Court House Square. . i w GOODS - The subscriber wishes to announce the arrival of NEW AND FANICY GOODS ! 5lanacer. C. SEAGER, -Ofilce In lkLran's- NOTABLY NAVYP.AND BLACK ALL -WOOL SERGES, Extra wide and moderate in prier. NAVY FEELS, 28 IN_ w aJe11E In soft and hard finish, from the beat makers. A general t of other new and fashionable goods on the from and will be noticed later on. A liberal discount on all cash r , one dollar up. Strictly one price. • 7064 Draper and Hal. DIRECTLY TO mc SPOT. Q iIISTgXTIIIIEOUS ql ITS ACTION. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHOA, ",..:.NTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all DOWEL COMPLAINTS, No nz;eror [OVA Lr. TH►. Tn Canadian C',n:"ra.'r.c1 Bos'. :1 11 curs Ing a leery t.norrt t rn. THE .LST EA:dttr REMEDY roes BURNS. BRUISES. SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. AT !e0• • /OTTYs gW beware d . l lana.. N E W BLOCK, SALE OF LANDS FOR TAgE6. -Crprsite the Mars.,. -- Money to Lend 11111e. bre Reform May Cease. A New York woman tells the lodger that th.m will lie_ no remiss dress reform until men .re brought to an appreciation et It. She find. that "men are foolishly e en.itive about the women the take out, and you must West* then they yea can ever hop te reform the attire of woman- kind. liatil the lords of ereaties are taught to praise reform dram you may meet, and convene. and defeat• world with nut end, but you will never make out any thingPeen though Chautauqua may plant, .al Frowns Willard may water, and Kate Field and .11 of the reit, with their cohorts, wheel into line of battle and fight ever s walkway 4n the goal caws" • Am AtvesaMe mea. The fled Mr. Trask IA.IM defines an tease as ewe win "es. Wk iudi hermg.ad seesptably to a wewra &hoes ." That 1.y he ewe kind of an (eggrr'e.�wab�o man, but the chap whet can jwdi- •iawaly Ilk a w.wa. what `verisg .he will take in here M not te be left isleer y est of She retailet4oe► -at- Cheap Rates, Farmer's Nota Cashed. In .amp. Isis ae a BENDero wbOc. you 117 es �1..� °t wart which you can eiamlue. If you 0 set It all mad eves sae thwi we dens for that 1.41yeat-ff' tetactarythe tessci•"18147.48"1121:0“11111 ,pal. et wieli sit*: kiosk low Is fewot p .�be flatm over e0s. uoe seet.L 11 had solid bow• nap ah erowa, kwntlasg g gn.;a '044.401' r• Wal mm stylThe works ee. . itlehl jswdNi, ww*r eTysestou irlis .aid esu suitable reit it. an er II tl IR .e..peqearr 1 V sl at Is genfle.waa. A at W ,�• Atkins Fats w. a SEND 118 $1.00 ter''" ,1Zr. W sethis1� I use win you postpaid M .IAS MLI/ MI MO NM Hags fiefs by ladle � , geatl•msn In the keel meaty, and have the ring.:mow Bylvlrtue of • warrant under the hand of the Warden and seal of the of the count? of Huron. dated the twentieth day of July. 1431• commanding me to levy upon the hands hereinafter described for the arrears of taxes respectively due thereon. together with costs' Notice is hereby given that unless such taxes and omits .re sooner paid. 1 shall. In compliance with the Asesement Act. chap. 150 1t- 8. 0.. proceed to se11 by public auction the saki lands. or se moth thereof as may he neOesearf to discharge the same at rite Mt. RT HOUSE. In the TOWN of uOl►ERICH, oil TUESDAY. the TENTH day of NOVEMSKK, 1111. at two o'clock la the afternoon. TOWNSHIP Or ASITYIELD. Peen LOT AND DESCRIPTION ACRES on Tuns Corn TOTAL vwr*YD 3 eta. a ti's. a c[1.. Part of West half of North half of112 11, E. D. I Peed9 11 1 it 7 30 111 A ITLAN D V ILLS OK VILLAGE OF BALTFORD iN COLBORNE. A 11 11 m 16 1 Pet'd 6 4 6 4 1 M 1 0 1 15 1 LS 1M 1 01 104 7 14 7 14 1 71 73 1 772 Yt1.LAOE OR HENFRYN IN 011EY. 43 1 Peed A 76 1 ret 9 f10 VILL10E OF p'ORDWICH HOWiCK. Part of Park lot 17Pard 177 1 t7 361 Albertot, North L'npee'd 1 do 1 1. 1 4 206 1 do ..1 4 1 48 206 YILLAOE Or OORRIE OR HOW1CK VILLAGE IN HOWICK. IS 14 Peed 166 Id OS ld TOWNSHIP Or HULLETf. IS A Part oft 1n el North peWest half of it 44 South Tart o1 North half of H 14 W TOWNSHIP Or MORRIS. Neth half of II 1 4 8sethweet quarter of 1 7 43 TOWNSHIP orilittILLOP. Went belt of A 11 0 TON NSIITP OP erarcON. South heIf of 9 ! • Pard 11 60 W1NOHAM TOWN PLAT 1111 TURNBERRY. 51 1 74 57 Plied 1 l2 8 67 11 19 4 111 1 01 1 01 1 102 130 101 1 Ta 1n 1 12 1 It 9 at 11 60 t 11 Pieta 3 61 1 4 4 14 Sha 114 706 Peed 13 a -k to 118011 1-11I af 117 half half oSi IM Wal 1•1•11 ▪ et 1t18 Purl gibtag tie wkis�d 7 1S .0105000121 VILLAGE Or BAYr1g1.D.1 i plied 1 l V ILI.AOE Or BRUSSELS. 17 4 9143 119 6 97 111 14 i1 1 11 13 97 1145 14 l N 1 14 N II 1 M 9 16 3 M 7M IY43. 1a 1R11 1Mmxetf=fPeed tl 16 1811 m hirer ft. rt 41 VILLA* feOF WROXifTEIL Ma7eLtir1 . J I .d IM 11 M WDI. iM ise 1111 3 1 11 s�- MALI HIIRO tis•4 bad aa alae who ie id alibi' ca. bas loom ; t Fof Oc we of t Ill lain order t many i N e fear. W N Bwho �rea (arented Mkt*. r wbo hod l• ibel 8. •e ht the 4thJ aleail th e be eM L. Man el the yI their Ito ham • owing Y Pr ha4 r o.. arts. calla hall his a ask , a. , 1.l COIN Theo nim. 1 this seri ter fed very 1 0Y and witJ we., i took 111 and amino Magi) a 411 1M int ism Stet