The Signal, 1891-10-16, Page 88 THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH, ONT., FRIDAY, OG'TOBER 16, 1891. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. /gawk notes Joke Aob.see .. Pg. e •verweee J1wa.r i Pest. 3 (7ectery sad Glaswew R. Pries & $s1 Ilteregips Var.W -W. l'. Goole 1 Teacher Wagged - W them Treble. - . 4 Memo Toeing A.11/ mulpswr Pant and Teat Makers Wasted -IL orfs..... Teacher rented D. M. Job.sos 4 Sloshes Hat4oe -gee & HelmeMad 4 Intimates Tea K. Campaiese .. 1 To the PesOls -Jobs Rabrtps • Bargion Coveter J.h.Moa O.q . 1 ♦ Liberal l'Hfkr The Weil* Meta Diesolutioe of Peseta -- )yen frttailtlr tmiserlas B.•ahlet 4 Servant W sated -Mrs. ![e(LIrb11//7. - 4 kltra/ed Hader Jos. T. eslkeid ... ,4 l swleg--Youas Ladies Illmles MOM 4 SOFIA. JOHNSTON--O. Suede,. 11 teatal Sault tits. Marie. Ilse Fr e wife of ed. W . Johnston. junior )utter of Algoma. of • ten. JON 11. 1 **home, os M11 ult.. the wife of Joie.. of • daughter. JOHNS --In tJ.burme. os. 1st lest.. the wife of Hoary John.. of • daegkter. ('ANTYWN la ('linin*. en October hid. the wife d Per Contrite'. )r.. da wen. GARHI'TT-l. Wtasham. on Sept. 181h. the wife of H. Garbutt, of • sou. MARRIED. iICAII )N'ANN -Oo Wednesday. ;Mime.. at the residence of the bride's father. tetrath- roy. by the father of the bride, .slated by the brother of the groom. Rev. IC. A. Year, Miss Ise M. swans. to Gee. A. rear druggist. of Oodench. y4OMK1t3 WRIGHT In Monis. at the rest dente of tee bride's father. os. Wednesday. 30th oh.. by Rev. A. Gluier. curb ()st.. . a .td by Rev. N. Y. Caaspbell. Itobt. Homers to Mine Elizabeth. daughter of lerawcis Wright. CARLIN DI.VICItkAt X - In M. James' ehnrrh, riesforth.b the Rev. rather (',wk. Patrick Carlin to Miss Minnie Devereaux. daughter of FAI ward Isetcre.ux, both of lriabtown. JOI1Ny4)N .HKPP.tHD tt the rwdena•e of the bride's father. Guderivb township. on the kith Sept.. by the Re.. W. Ayers. 1'. J. JV4.n.nu, of Stanley. to Mini Herne: Sheppard. daughterof John .S.ppard. DIED. tal'IUk1.1 In Uoderich, on Monday, October 12th. Sarah. wife of James Q atgeLy. ajre3 el year.. TIsDALI.- In Clinton. on rhe art Oct.. F. J. M 7 'Wall. dialler of J. I'. Tisdall. aged tL rear'. MO1'NTCASTI.k In Clinton. oo theatlt Oct.. Prance Dura Muuntea.tle. relict of the late Sidney 11. 3lountcautle. aired ! years nod 8 mouths. Cl'DMOlt -In Clinton. On the god Oct.. Austin Clare. Intamt son of 5V. Cudmore. aged - months and 4 da).. JOKY - In )'•borne. oo the 3rd Uv'.. Janes Jory. ailed 42 yews. 3 mon' hs. RI'CHANAN - In Uoderich. on Monday. Oct. 12th. Dell. klizabeth. wire of tt'm. Rochest- e r amend S; years. STKWART In Seafurth. on Saturday-. Oct. /01h.1101, John. third son of John Siewert, Renounce aged 2. yearsand 11 menthe, WIGGINS In U.dench. on Saturday. Oct. 10th. I'411. t'atharinc Hell. youngest daughter of James Wiggin.. sued 3 months and 7 days. WINGHAM. prairie 4W11 owN conitEttriisoaNe. ] Tits$u. (&L from now int -1 tan. 4. 4*!. for 3ioc The best is the cheapest and Tile Hro%.i. Is the best. Take a trial trip, S. Robinson, of I.ucknow, was un town on Monday. Mr. Boyd, of Montreal. was the guest of (. Fileck last week. 1'. Deana was a ju.Ige at the Atwood Fall fair ou Tuesday last. .1. C. !frown, manager of the Bank of Hamilton, Luektinw, erns in town on ',slur - day. M*..set herla.d and Meeurray,.if ('oral Wreath, were vetting fnen.le In town lest week. Rev. Mr. McNabb, of Lucknow, occupied the pulpit in the 1'reabyt'riau church oil Sunday. Two ries salvation Army officers arrived 1n town on Saturday to take charge of the branch here. .I. .I. Elliott left on Wednesday of last week to resume his studies at the Ontario Veteruary College, Toronto. BLVTH. (rime ..4.41nWx r..RRC.abNpgNT.] TH. Mi.,: now until Jan. 1. 1881 for V:c. The best is the cheapest and TH. Seaat. is the best. Take* trial trip. %Vie. Emig'. was In Buffalo the week with Ianrla.. P. .1. %lcK.1.ert, of London, wan here this week 00 business. A pan) of kids took in an excursion to 11'rstfiell on Monday night. A. H. Plummer has secured) the position of principal of the public school here. E. H "never went up to 'Firewater this week ter attend the funeral of a relative. Ft. comers end (ride have returned home and will now settle down to the stern duties of life. A number of the prominent members of the 1. 0. 4.. T. were attending a convention 111 Kmlurn (stay 111.e concert on Friday evening was. a great success, the hall being literally jammed futl,many not being able to get in. F. Metcalf has purchased the ggrr xcxrry stock of McK w & Powell and isadvert :s- ing groat h.rgaina in jewellery and gre- terien. 7'hna. Thompson las been fortunate to immure the petition of section foreman, %Van. IAohertl not being able to attend to .t on scewnt of ill health. Tate M...'. 1.s (Jpgn the weather le accepted b • some as reel. by others it u disputed. The moon n ever attract* .orna from the tender, aching spot. Putnam'* i'unles ('orn Extractor re saves the most painful torte in three days. This great reniedy makes no sore rote, dotesm t go fooling around • man's foot, but gets to betimes at nice, and effects a cure. Dusi't be imposed opus' by submit Wes and imitations. (:et " Putnam s ' and 00 other. Raised. Pont W. M. Sinclair presented) cis with a home-grown grown peach, of the 1'raw ford variety, that would do colt to • Southern clime. It measure.' 71 inches in In Sproat, Seaforth, has returnel from his trip to the Pacific ('nest- When at ('.1 gory he tolled upon he old friend Dr. Mac Ki..d. He found him very limey. He is now practising nn his awn hook, having dis • solved with the doctor he had inrn practising with W. J. Roe, of M•wr,a, and J S. Anderson, of Fist N'.wanosh. men of Finlay Atkinson, have . ,e.. t.. the Philadelphia dental college, the former for he final term and examine tion smith* latter for his second term Roth of theoe young men ser fot'n.eely students m %% H. Meliowld'sdental .44.e in Wing hast Visitors to the Gnat North wasters Es hi binge tut month gnarly admired the dimple, of the (:.,dense organ ('n Their makes of are fast surpassing all others in heanty of excellency of tree Madly l..m y and es. courage home HURON COUNTY CORRESP ONDENCE T" veac PARAMOUNT. tenors ova owl Tssfl.,xaL tram sow gaga Jaa. u, MI gar Ne. The beg is the elioweel and Toe 1HSr*L le the tent. Tate • tried Tip Nome. -Mrs. l.ki., of Meacheeter, is at p}eewea.s t visu.ug .t John Raid's Jute Mc - mew has masons engaged building . 'foundation under part of hie hero ...Rev. Mr. naps= very ably tilled Hope pulpit Sanday wierning . Rev lir. Henderso.,of Kiaoudine, will h au educational ssr- meu in Hope Methodist cherub Sunday eveewyp. Regarding the Petrone' mart which was &ne.,wwxd In the last issue of The Luckaow Sentinel to take place in Paramount, we must try to stake right a a.ght error which appeared. au that no person will be disap- pointed pointed or molest The.owcert which was advertised to be held in Paramount will be w ('lover Valley, which is • little north of here. VI e hope that nu persue will he mis led, and that everybody will go and enjoy the fou. We understand that a good Bute .an be expected and pains will be taken to make i, • succuo. F' i n.. roc 'of 1'k...r►:' Is, Dewdrop cul siders it of Paramount uuportancr to pro vide innocent anusemeut for the young folk of the neighborhood to while away stone of the long Winter evenings. With this object in view they have arranged for • candy and necktie social t.. he held on Friday evening. the 23rd inst.; an.1 when the young fellow who was not there get• up next morning. mod hit sister tells what a big 11n.e they all had he will feel like crawling into • knot hole and having the hole t)Iled up with Paramount cheese. Ike -amp also has looked eautiou.ly for- ward orwand to Hallowe'en, remembering events of the past when they were young, .n1 not wishing to have their front gate stolen, or their lumber waggon put on top of the barn, or the goat let loser, will have ..n that evening • beechnut crackiug match, which roll- from the ancient youthful Hallowe'en palltimes. Then again in the near future they peeper hay ing one of their•old time i1' , for which Paramount has long been noted. A committee has been appointed to rake out a goof program and favorable dot elseprmente are e.p•rted shortly. Not only will there he a goof supply of horse talent to take part, but as of yore the leading talent in the two nominee will bre pnsent. We will further 'notify when this grand entertain. meat is expected to come off. We melte neighboring lodges to any and all of these fort trifles. ETHEL. - (mon olP ..WS dotitrAn.DILNT.j THa du, ant. from now until Jan, I. ll11J, for 25c. The bent is the cheapest and THU 1310s•I is the best. Take a trial tree. Mies .1. ,fury has returned from Toronto. Mrs. Ratcliffe t. renewing acyuatntancea in Brussels and t is nity. The C. 11: Y. of this place attended a concert in Atwood last Friday evening. They report having a good time .1. A. Young haa rented the house and shop owned by .Iohn Hansul.l and will re- move in a few says. 1'. Stubbs will occupy the house vacated by .I. A. Charlie Willis, w -ho has acted as clerk for Simpson t Son for the past few years, has secured a more remunerative situation u. Winghani. He left fur that pace nn Mon- day last. BRUCEFIELD. [room urn ow? cok46.romiENT.' Ti,. Sios•i. from now until Jan. 1, Ihtaf, for 2Se. The beet u toe .•beapest and Tug rin.xit. is the hest. Tale • trial trip. Ret. Mr. Met ra• preached in l: church Sabbath evening last. Jesse O'Neil, C. 1'. R. agent, Strathdai n, Man., is in town looking hale and hearty-. We are please.) to state that Miss 4'. Mc- Intosh, who has leen unwell tor some time, is rapi.ily rthproving. Rey. • J. Higgins, of Haat Winchester, occupied the pulpit of the Canada Presby- terian church last. Sabbath morning. The Misses 11.11, reviraliats, held crowd eel meetings last week in the Methodist church. They continue this neck also. Mrs. Jas. Rrotdtoot and Miss K. Walker returned home Monday evening form Bad Axe, Mich., where they were visiting friends. The celebrated trotting stallion St.lisiae, owned by P. McGregor, was brought home front Kentucky, where he Inas been in train- ing during the Summer. CORAL WREATH CORNERS. (410.14 twit IL nen' .Waamir0)elreNr.] Toe 4i iN•1. from now until Jan. I. 14112. for 'Lw. The bee is the cheapest ••d Tits timAat n. the best Take • trial tap. l.ueknow Fall show was largely at tended from this Vicinity. Most of the farmers of this section have started Fall ploughing, 'as quite • number of them have • large .mount of it to dl, the, season. I In 4 rat. 5th, 1891, Harry Currie was made the gad recipient of a fine girl baby by hos wife. Now, that must be the reason that Harry is all nettles of late. Mrs. Kenneth Hueter, of this pate, hall a quilting be on Thurs.lay of part week. Several of the l'arannount belles were to attendance. %\e I.elreve they lied a gond old hoe We believe Daniel l'otchcr, of this place, is going on a trip to Buil Axe to see his son, Daniel White Potcher, of that pace, on M.ndaymorning, (let. 12th. We wish him a very pleasant trip. l'arammint I. O. 4;. T. which meets n.1 the (:range hall every Friday evening, well hold their next meeting on Thlinttlay next, on account of the grand concert t.• he held in ('lover Valley on Friday evening next. The ('lover Valley 1'atrona of ludwtry intend having one of the grandest concerts that ever was heli in the part of the.ouuty on Friday evening, (Wt., 16th, 1891. The very hent of talent is secure.' for the occa- sion Tome one, onme all and spend a p1e.s silt evening with the boys. We are sorry to note the ddatly of John i:illace, which took place .t his home in lietroit, Mich., on Tuesday, bth inst. Mr. I:illace was a former resident of this place. He leaves a wife to mourn his loge. Mrs. GilI*ey has the heartfelt sympathy of the vicinity in her red i LEEBUHN. (mon or it OWN `rT.) Tee Moret from now ..til Jan. 1. lett, for foo. The hem i. the cheapest and Tile Swtwa. D the best. Take. trial trip. Rev. .lames Black, of Hamilton, will readout the seri-loss in the P chianti herr and at l%.io.n Atwell next lord's ley. Rev. iir Jamieson ',trenched here to a Weise*last Sunday morning. M went to the 4'nion, .n I loderi'h township. to couwloct afternoon servo'.., where he wowkl may till 1Veds.slay morning en as to he present at the weekly prayer ne.tiag thaw. On W edeendap evening of this week le will he present at the weakly prayer ensues bre, Matra hare en Thursday fur Loodesburoasll where he is to be la charge of the Tamest maim entice there for several weeks. Burrows' and Riohar dsow's t .•chins are os the move about her i weak and last. Threshing is attracting nearly everybody's attention at present. The 4.osptl meeting had no Sunday evening saw a large attendance, which iisteaed to an able and pleasing ..1 dress from James Mitchell, of tioderich. In it he showed by figures the Lege sum spent annually in support of the liquor tra4ic,and said he was in favor of total pro hibntiou, as .t would be • benefit for .11. Our meeting Sunday ev.uiag,the 18(14 iOIL, will be addressed by %Vm. Armstrong, of Godench : meeting to start at 7 r. r. DUNGANNON. (rause ora owN Tog Sit'AL from now mil Jan. 1, UM for its The best ,s im cheapest and Tun 81014a1. is the beet. Take • trial trip, Apple picking mod shipping Mem, Fall ploug rug, eta., are attracting the promi- nent Attenuant of all 000..erned. Vs.Irv.K. A son end daughter of Juhn Kaine, of Gorrie, and at one tine. resident of Dungannon. were visiting relatives sad former associates here during the latter part of Wt week. Vu.t2oa.. Still they opine. Miss Tilly Cox. daughter of Samuel Cox. of Goderich, is on a visit to T. Anderson's, Aahtleld. Min Henderson, of Whitechurch, is the guest of A. Pentland, West Wawanosh. How►. Ai. its. Mrs. Wm. McArthur, of ter a lengthened visit to relatives and friends at Montreal, returned home last Monday. No doubt happiness ha.. &ruined the place of I in the habitattoa, and reigns supremely. Our milliners, notably Mrs. %Vilson, have Leen very busy during the last week or so }finery to the young ladies of this vlein.tyy, as alio to some of the older ones who are detennunetl to look their best at the t)ungannon Exhibition. Weather permitting, there are great anti cipat ions of a aucceadul exhibition this week at Dungannon. Further particulars next week, as we shall then have more scope for details concerning it. At the time of writ- ing weather looks rather ouinons. We hope it will continue fair for the exhibition. Simon Pentland, son of Thomas Pentland, Ashfield, a student of divinity, on List Mab - bath evening occupied the pulpit of Itev..1. Potter very acceptably. Nu ducouree nn that ocwion was founded on the worth " The things that are seen are temppoural,but the things that are unseen are abiding mitt eternal. " During the latter part of last week our !popular cattle iuyer and drover, Hugh (:strut, deputy reeve of Ashfield, shipped via Lucknow, for the market, a urge nu,n- ber .d excellent lambs, two droves number- ing upwards of three hundred and fifty. It is quite a boon for the farmers in this &nil surrounding vicinity to have as buyer such an honorable dealer as Hugh. He deserves to be successful. Sm'okrlx.. Ifni%n:R. tilt's. Miller, daugh- ter of .hat. Me(Juaig, Ashfield, has recently purchased a handsome two-year•old colt faith Mrs. Warnock, e:oderich, which has Leen traced by our popular hotel keeper, Mr. Glazier, who is an expert horseman. The animal is so thoroughly trained that Mrs Miller enjoys herself in driving it, it being very tractable and docile. JIr. t;. deserves great credit for the manner In which he trained the animal to travel when attached to the buggy. A ('un►: ('vm1-As ,John McWhinney, son of the lee Andrew McWhinney, Ash- field, was 011 Thur.d•y of last week engaged to constructing a tarn, or an nutbuildwg on the premiss of Wm. Mel,juoid, Ashfield, an axe which del been Nuck in part of the building immediately above where he was working fell and cut his skull. Medicel at- tendance was speedily procured, and on ex- amination be was pronounced to be seriously injured. However, since, by good skill and proper care he is, . the nature of the accident, slowly recovering, which will no doubt 1.e pleasing to his mother, sisters, hr -.there. relatives and numerous acinain- tancre. As the county fathers will meet at I:od- erieh p. appoint • county clerk ere our :next we hope they will take into that almost from the time the county coun- cil was formed the southern part of the county has been h000r.d with the position, it being held by two of its residents. There are,we understand, several applicants and amongst them good owes from the north, one especially from our village, who u, ase presume, thoroughly . 1 and posted in municipal affairs and therefore would fiU the pennon satisfactorily and with credit to himself. Much as we would regret to have him leave our village as he is held in great esteem by .11 and sundry, we hope the county council will see their way clear to appoint him. and by doing so they will have no douse to regret their action in the respect. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. w ENT WAWA 10.4N. Council met on October 3rd with mem• bens all prevent. The treasurer's report for August elbowed receipts of 859268 with expenditure of $572.26, leaving a balance on hand of $20.42. Report placed on 411e. The collector's bond was presented and ac- cepted Moved by Mr. ladle, seconded by Mr. Todd, that the reeve and treasurer he authorized to borrow 8100 for • period of two months. ('.reed. The clerk was instructed to levy 8431.82 on the W•wanosh ratepayers. i). Young's drain account, as a final levy. Complaint was .rade by Mr. Gay that the redway to hiproperty broad been (Luna in rep•inng road. Moved by Mr. Todd, seen n.ledl by Mr. Bailie, that the rail at. tend to this natter at once. yarned. The following &counts were paid : Ileo. Arm strong, 26' rods gravelling between 15 and 16, con 1, or $1.4.5, and patting in culvert, 8300 841.42: Robe Plunkett, culvert he tween 21 and 22, cow. 3, 83.00 ; Hannah k Kilpatrick, bridge opposite 15, con. R and 9, 818.00: Than. Lott, timber and bridge oppnite 14, con. 12 and 13. $13.00; R. Hannah, gravelling opposite 26. one. 2 and 3. 9 roils N 75e. l6 7S ; Ther Anderson, cutting hill and 26 rods gravellin opposite con n 2 aa1 3, ie 11. f 4 .19. 90 E. Derain, cutting ditch and piping between 18 and 19, one. 9, $3 00 : John Gamut, 2 rays repairing Hard, 82.50 ; Robe. Haines, 21 yards gravel os 70 , and damage,SOc. $1.97. Coward adjourned to meet on Saturday. Nov. 21st, R. K. Minim. Clerk. Mr. Porter's las by the ate fie at Mea. forth amounts to nearly 82,800. It was only just lately that he could estimate the loss. R. (:ray, of McKilktp, was in Toronto hoe week calliutg o. • , model in regard to his rpm. which have bees troy .sg him of ate. L)UNLOP. brethren. Tut tit... ab serine 'hardly kta.w what he was gag to da V sea M ie4 essshe news, the sled wwasso aid for kis l, but le wenn • snide sow. We baps they will build • good one. We beer they here enlisn ed their beard. That is right ; n do not Mlievs la the one as piss Mr. Kditlr, yen rstag.bsr reading is the Good Hook about the ark of the oovensnt coming from the Milimis.s draws by two cows. Well, last week you might have seen the holy vessels of the saotaary mov- iag along the road, not knowing where to reel us.. . Ley wine to the psnos.g.; there the kwtl pastor took them is and gave diem shelter. May be, like the good mes of old, be blessed for his kindness. (raoss ind .- (,ansa ova own o measu'ua osier. ) Tea 6epal. Ace• new rata Jan. 1. Ult. hr Me. The fleet le the efr•pest seed Tun haat is the beet. Take a til tetp, The MsoPu.e $'oa with their threshing n eukiae did work haw os. 9a4ar•:y hat. Mies Urea Altos hag named boos aslftta rr • star of several months L Teekae.miih with relatives and friends there. Ix Ora Bran:. - lest weak the pleasant of K Henske, jr., of the Huron Road, (loderisk township, lighted up our burg. He was on • trnaineet vet. His journey up was narked a little with adves• tuiea. He, however, took • view of the town, swing our principal objects of inks, an, not fortunate our col a learning. Ned will come •gain,but ha Iv to view the readers of the town. It will be oe other business. But, hush ' a little bird whip - era. BLUEVALE. [ran ora uwit Miss Holliday Saadsyed P1.. Baader Spin'. Mrs. John Mesmer has nearly recovered fro.. her recent sickneee. .lames (:ray, sou of Andrew Bray, moved Into the village last week. .lanes Stewart, of N'inghhm, spent Sun day with he father, LWm. Stewart. Robert Duncan has a Scotch thistle which measures live feet, throe inches in height nod fourteen feet in 114.. weakm. John files, s.0 of our amiable station- F. M.otb returned frau his Chicago visit master, has returned from his long wjourTn this week ut British Columbia. During lack's lung terns of absence he has not changed so much • A, oda(:,singer, of llaytield, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Harry rheas spent Sunday in town. Jae. Clark las returned from Wiartoe. Mrs. Richardson is visiting in Aylmer. T. H. Rothwell was in town this week. W. (lune left on Monday for St. Louie. Mrs. 1). Marwick is w Ripley visions her mother. 14. Wilson, of Seaforth, was in town ea Monday. 'Fra 11.4 iordon is visiting her ,on in St. Thomas. Thos. Elmhurst, of Clinton, was to town last week. .I. Dorsey, of$eaforth, wan is (:odencb but that his old reogrn1e Yeats v' was in town hon. ]Ire. 1. and Miss [aria nue visiting in in the Methodist church on Sunday and in •1- Irwin, of Clinton, was visiting in town Rev. 4.. F. Salton, of Brussel., preached New York. the afternoon pre.ched the Snaky school "n Meador anniversary sermon. He is se able and .1. W. Rater, of Clinton. was in Goderich fluent speaker, and his sermons were un. Monday. much enjoyed by the congregation. Miss Macdonald, of (limos, was in town on Saturday. . On Friday, Oct 9th, the annual harvest home festival was held in the Methodist church. It was a grand success. From 5 o'clo h till 7 a hot dinner was served in the Ito senteut of the church, after which the people were treated G, a fist program iU1 the upper part of the church. Kacrllent addressee were delivered by the Rev. S. Sellery, B. L., Charman of the d.stnct Rev. 1:. F. Sokol, of Brussels ; Rev. A. Y. Hartley and others. The Hrumis choir, one of the finest Id the Wingham I/tett-tit, supplied the musi- cal part of the entertainment anti well merited the praise accorded them by the .udiaae, BRUSSELS. (mon 01'lt OWN C41a104r.NDENT.] l:stoning u the chief sp .n at present. Some of our youth spent Sunday at Ethel. Miss Minnie Falkner has been on the sick :tat lately. \ number of our townsfolk attended the Blyth exhibition. Miss Effie Tilt, of Listowel, spent a few( days with Idle Ainley. R L Taylor took • business trip toI:ode rich and London last week. Why do those two young men g» to young people's meetings so often There i4 some talk of Wm. Smith starting a restaurant, to be run oo the European plan. A street lamp has been put op at the foot- bridge. It is • grand thing on that dark street. A. W. '. takes .Suite a number of flying visits to our neighbortng towns. Are they for pleasure or business' Mrs. W. H. Kerr and Leslie, after a visit of two or three months out West returned home Monday last. Mrs. K. looks tine after the trip. L J,sckson is laid up with a sore knee, the result of • kick while playing football at Atwood Saturday. He is able to walk, but not to work. A. R. Smith has moved into his new Klock. it is a fine store and .good business centre. "Sandy" is great on the"ada." He is Cul. A. M. Rasa was at his I;oanch rem .hence this week. John Pout., of Heiman, spent a few days in town this week. J. E. Johnston, of Nuegara Falb, spent Sunday in G.dsrich. Miss Jennie Dickson, of Seaforth, spent Sunday in d:olerich. R. 1'. and 1'. H. 'Slake, of Ottawa, were in t:odericch this week. •john Burns is recovering from the elects of his recent accident. Mrs. l'. Payne and child returned from 1)s Moines on Tuesday. Miss Lockwood, of Fort WVilliant, was in (.dericb on Saturday. )'apt. A. - Lawson lett on Saturday on a business tap to Toronto. Mrs. Slack returned this week from a visit to friends in Chiang.). Miss Ogilvie, of Montreal, is visiting her cousins, the Misses Hutchison. The Ammrican consul was visiting his daughter in Toronto last week. K. Vanatone, barrister. of N'inghan., was in the county town on Tuesday. T..1. Voorhies, of Hayfield. paid the county town a visit last Fnday. .Ino. McMillan, M. P., South Huron, was in the county town on Wednesday. %Ir. and Mrs Mai 'oil arrive.) .n town on Friday on their return from Europe. D. E. Matxdoteld, of Fon William, was visiting in Goderich the p._t week. ('has. Williams is attending the Fall term of the College of Pharmacy, 'I pronto. A. Straiton returned jut week from a visit to his brother .t Thoru,ale station. Inspector of Inland Revenue A. Cavan, of Stratford, was in town on Wednesday. R. K. Foster, of hinge, was the guest of Mw Hamlen, Napier atreet,during the past week. Messrs. Chrystal R Black, with their staff, left this week for Haden to do some work there. C. P R. agent R. Radcliffe is attending • meeting of the Ticket Agent.' Association in bound to get there. \I•ontreal. Our football boys took in the tournament Mrs. Alex. Ingfi, who had been visiting at Atwood Saturday last and succeeded in t.t town and victnity,'deft on Monday for capturing 2nd money. It was very goal for our boys under the . . , as the team was only a pecked -up one got up in a day. Monday evening the Epworth League gave a literary entertainment. The pro gram was supplied by the young men and was a success. H. L. Jackson was the " star " of the evening. Each did his part well. A few more names were enrolled as members. Albert Fitzpatrick, oT`` :ttayner, formerly of Brussels, is renewing old here. He is sting to take his parents to live with him and hie brother. Mr Fitz Patrick has been a resident of Brussels for nearly thirty years. We wish them happi- ness in their new home. Fitzpatrick Bros. are doing a good buainee in the confection- ery and bakery line. FUR FiRrr.v Vr..*s. Miss Enly Avery,cf Raises, fifteen years ago had • pea in her ear. She does not rei nember ita ever coma iog out.. This last year back she felt her self becoming deal. On consultation Dr. McKelvie ad.ised and performed an opera- tion and succeeded in extracting the pea which had been in her ear for the past frf• teen yews. The Indy in question hie re covered her hearing and is apparently in the best of heath. NILE (mole ora owe ] Ties 8unram. tram mow until Jan. 1, ISM. for Do. Tbe bet lithe cheapest and Tu. einem. Is the hest. Take • tel trip. 4:eo. I:rommett is able to be out again. Louie Taylor is visiting his sisters in Ile trait. Mus. Fear is away attendcng the Woman's Missionary Society. Mrs. I)dvett, of Cartwright, is visiting her heather, Charles I:1min, Esq. The Orange fraternity are talking tea - meeting on the 5th of November. Rev. Mr. Shiltnn, of Clinton, preached a missionary sermon at Nile on (4..t4 h inst. Charles Iarvin, jr., and wife have re turned from their visit to friends down Root. her hone in %%'Ingham. Mrs. John T. Kush anti her daughter, of Clifton, are visiting the family of R. .. ('hilton at the consulate. Capt. Jas. Strettoh, an old and popular resident of Krmsels, was in (:oderich during the week visiting relatives. !11. F. Cry and wife, of Guelph, spent the past week .n town with their rolatives. Our old inhabitants were .n their hooey - moon trip. Mrs. ('apt. D. McLeod and son, .gas., of Lucknow, visited friends in town this week. They left this week for Hamilton, where they will reside in future. 1'..1. Nevin. formerly 'principal of King.. bndge school and now travelling agent for The 7(.tholic Record, of London, was doing up the town and) section during the week. Mr. Jaffrey and wife, of (:alt, who have been visiting their relative, Mrs. C. A. Nairn, returned home yesterday. Mr. Jaffrey is connected with The Galt Reporter. Rev. L B. Wanwin,ot Klueyale, is taking up some college work at ('obourg and Mrs. A`'ailwin has come tot:oderich on • month's Olin to her p.renta,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Lean. Mis Goodfellow, after a month's visit at the American Consulate, returned to boo home, Washington, on Monday. Conseil ('hilton I her as far as the Bridge. Me Fraser, wile of Or. Fraser, of Now - berry, and little dkngbter,alen MesDurand, n( T1rento, are visiting t:ol.rich, and are the guests of the doctor's mother,Mrs. Dre- ald Fraser, West lawn. Thom. Elliott, formerly of Bemmiller, was in town Monday for of taking his family up to R alkerton, where he has been residing for some niece. Mr. 1{Iliot1 speaks_ highlyof has new Agnate. Itrussels Peet : S. Feta and wife and Miss Minnie Moore were away at Strathrny this week attending the nuptials of (len. A. Fear, druggist, of (:odwriok, and Mi. Lai., reagent daughter of Rev. Matthew Swann, formerly d Brussel& Mrs. Lesch left this week for Ing.r.oll Will Morrow et.rned home nn 'atarl.y to attend the annual meeting of the western frau Detrain, whiter M had 1411,1 g.10ng branch of the Methodist Woman's Maim- '"""‘"'" artificial lye ary Society. She will oleo attend the last lags at Toronto of the board of directors d Rev. F. A. Feu peached morning and the W. M. A and the Provincial Woman's evening from the =me twit • John xi. 39 Christian Temperance Union. " Take ye away the stone." 1 tell you it wee pain, het he mimed your scribe. Mi. Potter presented the Nile ebureh with • very iendenme hymn beard and hymen numbers. it was greatly needed. TA. next thing for .awe sag te give will be • bulletin board to pat the en. nos Await pale so. aekksg Mee ler building • new shed. Thai Dr. M. Sliehoao., the We st-K. dentist, maks the preservation of the natural beth a specialty. (las edmiaste ed frown 9 A r for the push= extraction et beth . The cheapest bo.s. in (ado to bar a fail t pew. sewing w.so4is. is at Mo w1' -._a '% o give him • cell before yew will at regret the time era re preempt ly attended to. isllssOi ra0nsn. ••EI 11.OaL .y glt. tel te:0:6usbila yam, Thenen • tss.... . 110:01:10 MYg 1144 »fM1 kig I parley. eayww awhd • hli y M Aneem IS O M1e0 ............. 1 Mu I sapehd. • dna .„... , 0 IMg oe • ........»... 5 IMO io • • l$ s. 1MMI • eat_ :. »a alit • i t~. tibia Oar. 13. Mm WsMeese y05INareabstsewsal41 0se slang ma. .,.......- 0a we Oats .. .. M is 0 le Utast; esteem 300104 4311014 Gioia Nie0M Cordwood W tot A Heol .................... 0054005 11069101 IONS 14 Poe A ssetIwlatak per M1g- 11ork Wrgtes Marken.. Oct. l3, 1I, ps/ls1y 0Mto0lig U. to•o 4Smto0f• 035 tu0• 0?6to014 02Sle04 0 17 to 0 n ( (4 W i fa 440 tole0 Ousels M lea 1S • Mto1S !lour, per 1M s ... „ Wbea. Fall -. Sprout Pees .. Harley that. .. . _ ... Potable. UMW/ Wool. per Ib. Hides Hay. wit Sae. ear Better, Wood. penned • . 1 M to 1 4. M..tr ml ramie Meetire. The receipts of live (Mock at the yards of Montreal Stock Verde l'ontpeai. Point St t'M.riee. for the week ending (1,1. 10 were. - f Fteeelpu of live Nock at the Montreal Stock lords, Ph. tit. Charasweek . for the wk 111: .5441 ,31111 Leri over from previous week m 3111 Total for week Mitt sem imps On hand HSI 11(h Tie receipts foe the week were light TM demand for wood cattle wee brisk. There we. Ibis wool supply of inferior Meet, whir. ease tendency to keep doves prices. There ems fair demand foe sleep. Owing to the large re. mortis, hugs ware somewhat elf, prel% rails" low. The demand tor heavy hoes was gee, as they &re soaroe at the present 114.'. We .,Dote the following as being far Talon: Cattle. export -...... ./ c to Cattle, butchers k-te tp .. .. len. t to k to 3. Sheep - 3e to lie Hose, isul ham. _ _.te W set Hep. Gillam Sr to Sie Calves 1 Efp. to M/ THE EDITOR'S TAB LE. LrTTet r'. Ltvt..; At. r_ The 'mothers of The Living Age for September 26th tall October 3rd contain Memoirs of Prue Talleyrwnd, Edinburgh Review : Private Life in France .h the Fourteenth (entry, Fortnightly Review : longe Coe, Temple Far : A Real 'fartano, Slacm,ltan's Map rine : The .American Tramp, C Review : Some Recs.t Studies on the Solar Spectrum, Mouth: The l)ntchman .t HOW, atwten'M.lM..•.M, Klac'kw..ild's s Megax •gax.ne:ne :Siri;o oho 14,. F10ritnd- ship with Schiller, Fortnightly Renew : A Maiden Speech, Murray's Magazine : Mamma' tie. Klackwood's Ma,'aane : The Futuro of Portugal, Fortnightly itevww; (Jur !Mahar with the 14.or, Stnet.sll Century ; Names In Novels, Blackwood'. Magazine: Extracts from some Unpublished Letters of Charlotte Brook, Macmnikas Magazine . The Fort des 5 tngt goatee Heurea, Spectator ; and poetry and miscell- any. For fifty-two numbers of slaty -for Sarre pages each for more than 3,300page • year) the subscription prece 1:8) is low: while for 110.50 the publabers'ofter to Ned any one of the .%rnenoao 84.00 monthlies w weeklies with The Irving Ape for • year, bath postpaid. Litten & ('o.,liostou. are Ib pnbl &ober,. S,•a1s!xy.'. ManA,.i.r for October s led by the fourth article in the series m "Great Streets of the World." Mr. W. W. Story, the eminent American sculptor ad writer, who has spent the met of he life is that city, writes .1 "The l'orso a Roam recalling its .medieval glories, and giving ninny personal of hu sejosrs Mere, with of tie street as it exists at the mat day, ds palaces, , churches, and pnb it buildings, and • vivid account of the ('s.4' Tal in its gayest day. the races of the Harbert and the cloning night, when thea - sand. of wan tapers are lighted and carried about the street. The iilo.trtions for el article are by Moore Tito, a Roweo artist' who has taught the sprit of this most kin tone street. Ther .re aero seen,' very entertaining out -of door articles --Archibald Rogers's adventures in "Hunting Americas Rig Game," and with it Dr. J. N. Hage . bort p.per tin the "Actions of Wonsdd Armen," which sportames wd11 5nd d raj nineties' interest ; Marti L Wilms. " y d the Oyster," fres the pktal . tog o t to theaerk.t ; enda" W. Poli i .owing of the origin end peb' able 'Mime of the new lake is tea Cohered' lined' The fiction d this lea Melees, • Ir,s mains anima of ' Tin Wreck ' Robert Lea Stevenson a Lloyd a • • dietacU.. thin Black," licy thesis R. (erryl ' sal • tale d the clicdyed Ureses and Ras, by i &r. Krtat Mola(tk • G.rma n rsidmt of New York, who otisooally wrote this isle do hu mother tongUm p.pr► 1s. "(>r' Iyer'. Polities" as r in his ears with poems sad the Paint of View ens. Oros a Mae amber. jpaationMiLra MIn...osata..tle, Clinton. we .n sorry to team is dangerously ill with cos n (d ten Joseph Callaway died on Monday IMO Y October fish, at his home is Kilarwsy,. •" tin his 08th year. H. was bore ie Nerth- amberl.ad, )lag. .ad esras b Oaten• i. 1843, esttnag wink hh ohlM,.0 sad 1'•wd' e ns h 13tmaey tswaahip. Hera c q, ,moving to Merited. h 1879 in "Yora Lenv. irsm the Jomraa ol d 1.11. hfld:n t1.. Hfghha8s,' the (,seen t41 am oto 44.04.4. wanes wbo "bed la Mr b..h.ad and seas! M her tkiWkwa. la had had may other earrwwS," •ad 114 whoa sakd by Ike Musaaed hew oke Its. •fol. , her j trader tenni. d .' W ken 1.w.. ,..eb 1.mad. i • bniedelle: my bort then i other esnwas ga•g ekreetgb." l7