The Signal, 1891-10-16, Page 7- NM . THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, 0010BIER 16, 1891. K #Ji CLOVESI _..�, IWARRANTEDI N. AC H ESQN & SON Open today a h .i d.0 e with Rouillot's French Kid Gloves UBCHAtl!<D L1ttLcr . 9 ;new ldoetlo Glove, ped price, $1.0o, worth $1.25: each warranted. 1.25. " 1.35 ; " mdressed Kid Gloves, black, grey and tan. $1.00 and 11.23, utgaroo Unbreakable, in ladies' cod gentlemen's. A CHOICZ aLLL TIOM OF NEW- CLOTHS la tweed effect* anti the tough „errs. Aaraasaas and Coat, l;t.t►rtte. Mott stylisdt onetutttes and dr -b goods produced for titin season. Gur We hoprices n nor high from in goGods very c� and lowest pricer in Goderich. °'leach o[ l:wltHIR Bttt•rttt.ttxiw+, Dunfermline. Litmus, acknow{wigesl the most reliable goods exported from Britain. We invite inspection of our stock. Eve department 7e } ''[went t•e►ruplrtr. u ditaouat s owed W ACHESON , oak bought purchases from SON. :.. data Batter and ,.as .oaT►tt at the W. .aba1 pnCe i%KUSSES_ITR USSETlet,SSfS A FINE EXHIBITION. WHEN YOU ARE IN TOWN WOK AT TNI! DISPLAY OF AOM SHOWN BY ALECK SAUNDERS THS WART -ST. PLUMBER AND TINSMITH, Don't Leave Town I L 1 CALLINJ AT 1118 STORE, WENT STREET, AND SEB e Bargains HE Ili OFFERING. A .tr1 w Sae -_ latest Oux ExhibiL._large Slack: Alt New Redipped Tinware. - y \ml hat N taN7 improvement& They can be worn with comfort, fre- quently electing a cure. We should 1►e pleased to show thein to all enquirers at THE PHARMACY. -dam GEO.nit A. FEAR, Pe .g id Family Chemist, eseesn.s to ORO. RHTNJ.$ osd.riek, Oat. FURNITURE. 1.opeabaafor the fall tnd.1 offer good IN EVERY VARIETY. a .f net also roads 1a terra mos, Suite. Mimi trades• ie beat hair cloth. .ad 1/''.a. .a diens osam a rood itee frees t isi sad other etlyltw a M steel" WOO to sties. here hem infra to bei i ! op to Mal eat from ,K Delves within the resort of ail c4ass& 1 tarry a large line of Wixt►ow :tutors and CURTAIN POLES. 1 have a large .. . of PIe rvag MocLnr.T : and will frame. aseheap- •, any one else. in the t: aoaarA•-,,,o i have eTefytkiaa becw. ,1 to a arst.d.e. estaalabmmt. 1 have .sways is stud[ black cloth Caskets tad Goth., and far children In white embossed plush and elute velvet. 1 have had shout 10 7 ex In all the above yois will tad prices tot One door Leat a Bask of klo.asal. Wee( i.t.. Ooderich. DANIEL GORDON, THE OLDEST MAN IN THE WORLD much fmmaee and good -will. I was convinced that beneath the warp .ad woof of wrinkles time had woven there beat a kind and ggeeneruua bout. A sour, splenetic, fault finding perion would have fretted oat hi. existence before manhood's hour had reached ,u 0600. Hiram has never been drunk. and says he has never .sed tobacco except for drenching hones for the gurb. If any are disposed to be skeptiod about the age of the subject of this sketch they are referred to Mr. T. (' Nolan, who lives in Henry county. Through the courtesy of Mr. Nolan I had the pleasure of an inter. view with this old ran No doubt as to his ape will remain in the ve mind of the persued who sees him and hears FI ve 1. Nast k Claimed tee an .1d Pharr tow• la Ii:re nee. There as within thirty miles of Atlanta, says The Journal, the most interesting oatmeal curiosity to he found, perhaps, on he face of the green earth. It a • human ming who began to breathe in the year 1769. In years ago. The very year the tend .d England charged on the people of 4aa.achnaetta at the opening of Parlament 'he nurse, of . and subversion d the constitution the heart of Hiram iester 1.egao to heat. Five billions of people h. .ppeared upon the earth and dis.ppearel .ince this man first saw the light. He was fi years old when the Cost/Dente/ Congress met im Philadelphia n 1774. He Tacked but one Year of being old enough to vote whom t:eorge 11'sahington dress. He bad ..s. a half century melt into the past wham t;eoris the Fourth taoendtd the throne of Great Britain. When 4aroa Barr and Alexander Hamil- ton were fighting according to the code in Hoboken, N. J , he had been battling with the alibi -Sties of life forty years. %Then t1'illum Swart Gladstone appeared on the stage of action be was in the prime of life. He war seventy-one years of age when %%Alen, Henry Harria,M, tbe distinguished grandfather of our present chief magi.trsta, was inaugurated President of the United "atea. He was beading under the weight of reventy-tive long atod eventful years at the tune the first message wan elver sent by Wei rash. It has been published 06 reliable autho.nty that men have lived to the ad 'famed age of 150 years and State - b.1 if a $10.000 premium were offered for the oldest man now eating three meals a day ea earth Laster it • b in the probable that Hirambene roger than it wodld take �the judges to pot ,oto ha pawed heeds the golden prize. Beyond all tattemabb doubt he would here Inane"' enough to aseke hiss :feebly 'hire of having his own brise ... which to `'lose a life so Long. Malian three each mem Ime after another directly Lack into the past sad they .0.1,1 carry to hack to the time of Christo- pher Columbia, and the wonderful event of Let fifteen itch n,.n touch in a direct lies tithe hack, and they would take us to the time t f St Peel, the greet apart a tc the t;enyi.a. Topp^site& a step to he 1112 ears long we ^old walk over the beads of �y new such men clear hick to the time of Adam, as be stood in his happiest days amid the area of Edea. Matey �a here won lease eras. 1789 he the sword, Mem pea, or the limit Hiram Lester kms wen • mater by kelpies gmiet.ed outliving .n Pim He le hearty awl daerfal este well sad sleep' well. Ile deem twit bore 1M hisses, sad can talk .1 the them of Tromp earl Cthe sense sate ess as it they were The thhuoder .f the wend'. tt..N. has ,set «+cried the milk of henna ki.dsses is the aid „se,,. Worse of real fan aesid be elan rising and falling above w1 below the hew the years have rue its kis lase. It to ale . wVdtee t M mom a res sib. 484 fee.* and aided the rem with e. [nim talk. r has a son,mtul recently with him in the poorhouse, 79 years old. This boy he calls FA. MToe beelb7. Don't n't delay. Take R..Ip's Reliant, the beat cough cure. it will cure coughs and cold.. It will cure sore throat or a tickling in the throat. It will cure pain in the chest. It will cure influenza and bronchitis and .11 diseases pertaining to the lungs, be- cause it is a pure balsam. Hold it to the light and ace how clear and thick it M. 'You see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. large bottles 50c. and $1. (2-eow) ran Gell There Jnr eke aster. Paddy iloola. went into a shop today to boa eggs. [chat are eggs today `" " ltggs are eggs today, Paddy, replied rho .41opsn.n, looking quite triumphantly at two or three lady customers rho happened to be in the shop. "Faith, I'm glad to hear you .ay so," replied Paddy, " for the last on.. 1 got here were chicken." Tree masa " Heave great faith in Burdock Blood{ Bitters .. a blond purifier. I have taken throe bottles for bad blood and find it a perfect euro. It is a pawl medicine and I rernrntraeed it wherever I p." Ida Wander eon, Toronto, Qat. • Om redbird - A lady visiting et the biome of • minister happened to lift her eyes slightly while the minister was saying grace at the table, and when he had finished his little 3 year-old daughter pointed her finger reproachfully toward the embarrsa.ni gust and said in the meat comical tone of rebuke Papa, elm peeked, so the did ; she peaked i' - W ideawake. ■tarn 41. J•mie& Henry G. Jahns., of Winnipeg, Man., writer "For several years I wan troubled with pimples and irritations et the skin. Miser other remedies failed 1 wed too bot 11.. of Burdock Blood Hitters and sines then I have berm quite free from my caw pietist B. B.B. will always mom a place n my hoose." A 5N.eesle Ilkorlbre. Mr.. 1' err "Tommy, do yon trainmen* aide meek !se'* Tommy Yee, ma." " i w rag to give yes enure to put on your bread, bet dive Ise[ tae key of the PirtY.,s asset meed way key, m. 1 ran meek tbriegh the tramper and open the deer the deride.' Pkat what I wasted to ka ow. Now jest wait until year father MOM bona " Minerals sena-..- I Mesa ad. A Hand -Made No. 9 Boiler, A Hand -Made No. 9 Kettle, A Large Dish Pan, Half Gallon Coffee Pot, Large Chamber Pail, Chamber Set, nicely decorated, A Heavy Copper Boiler, A Nickel -Plated Copps.: Kettle, $1 98 98 22 68 2 48 3 48 2 28 SAMPLES: House Furnishings. A New Style Parlor Lamp, 1 98 A Hall gyp, brass, 2 28 A Library Lamp, A Bedroom Lamp, 22 284 A Dmingroom Lamp, 36 Dinner Do:. Knives and Forks, 1 98 A Dos. Tea Spoons, beat, 98 Carving Knife and Fork, 68 NEW GOODS 1''On A T T 1 •t S.��f'_ LIBRARY LAMPS, WEDDING GIFTS, DECORATED PARLOR LAMPS, BIRTHDAY GIFTS, SILYERPLATED WARE, HOUSEHOLD mums. ALECK SAUNDERS , WEST STREET. ERSUASIYE KEEP YOUR FEET flJyRICES Thia . your foot wear atthevesmalcost by l purchasing Shope g SURE PRODUCTS tore of CURE DOS TiVE RO ITS. 7 DUNN'S BAKING POWDER nitmucyazsoExo .s.a� tsgbA o des 664 es rl... a \w M� AMM..,. 66 nsa l..ai.b n»....,.. e.. 6i .s go Y 6116"66. .M wow r,« �t ..s••, yea 1. ran M ..66,6, Joe MG ...r.... 0 t••..ti /10 u1 f. •.+•• +.w+..• wtr .. r ...t: as r ... ...w• rer�II6W .�4 :aZi I.a� T £PatINLT r....j osis *NO TNe HIII L1>,1 ud Sods. No other Emulsion Is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil It is always sweet as create. The most sensitive ston3ach can retain it. CURES Sandcrofulous s sting Chronic Co Loss of Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware elan imitations. Ask for `the D. & L." lEmsisie .tad rehire an others. P1ICC SOC. AND $i ►ar souse. Sold by F. Jordan. The Great Remedy CATARRH. BRUGMAN'SIA -aw Warranted •[fie TAET ARE: Good Reda. from $:.00 and up. Futi Bedroom 8aita i10and up. Sideboard& from $:.ie and up. A sold Waluat Sideboard for Sate. Yxtension Tables. from $RO0 iced up. Platform Buckera.upholMer 4 $s .Sand up Wove Wire klatueee.us, from si35 and up. Hall Hat Stands ram $3.00 and up. TI/eal kin Solid Carred Oak Bedroom Sults, antique intuit for MAO -Cheap at $W -tad are only for m days. in order to make room for Christmas Goods moon to arrive. We have three large floors packed full and are short for room. Pares, balk. Matas Mask. 4dr.ea Sa11s. 1iiienew 1014. A 61"ATDOWN. *lade. 0aadrm, Morale, Pete.. P/)tevrs, llassremes, Rverything you want to Vienleh a bouse .t priors to make you bay. wa11 Papers sad Piney Leads in endless variety at 8iith's Bazaar & Rutin Store, -'x it CRABS'S BLOCK. 711E KEY TO YEPLTN/ P,(l',bock E oo.D BjilEPf tJnleeks alt the elegises avenues of the Bowels. Kidneys and Liver. carrying eit gradually without weakening tie sys.. tem, all the impurities and foal hammy of the seoretiot•s; as tbe same time tor., resting Aridity of the Stomach. • tiring Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness. Heartburn. Constiyyp��ation. Dryness of the Skln. Dropsdlee. Salt Rheums, ess of sippelas. & O full, Muttering of the Heart. Ner- vousness, and General Debilityta11 moms and many olhor tdmilar Corn tint. Md to the h__ay rr7y in4ueno.of BU = BiT1EH3. pts► R.:e a,. au Demers. T.IIILW1111& CA,Prsidsters,1+ $900, $S0"Lalis '•, r. peme.laar n.adard ssea, Tellialb011, fWillie to Jeans ofNazareth. 2‘,""1,"&"'=',=.'"V` e"t" �~ M1ktts.i�� •t7 E- �O w J ING- YOU WILL FIND MY Stock of Fall Gooda As usual very large and complete. Prices lower than the lowest. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH I give special attention to ordered work and repairing and I have the workmen to do the work. E. DOWNING. Lal's RE D1A1 TEA wioncriesirm im�ApKrit�T�M�E FOR STRENGTH, PURITY AND FLAVOR, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Try a sample package. CHAS. A. NAIRN, Grocer. Fall MIIIIneryZ J11/7'topemao -.A LAMB MOB RI OF LADIRfr AND mune Hats and Bonnets, Fancy Wings and Trimmings. Stamping done in first -clams style. 'arca aad sett tI/. Butter and sus taken in exchange for trade. THE M188ES YATES. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 1s. J. K. t:ORK 8c1e Patentee and llaantactarer t:onrlticu. ONT. .s..4"::::67T;•:.1117:::8661.6"'" .1sees. •....b., 48004i00 .•w.,►..r-......a.•.r.a.n, q.... M .r1..M see •• s ..•.»,hew.... I ..f,.� t.o..i 1...n. i...e. w..►.. .. �,....+•L 4105., •.sear• tt .10.47 11 J1 ..,r1. JUL. " to(,iR h4'q� wa.MstMIw.A"• aim Joderich 3 ++ Boiler Works R+ablhhed 11180, Chrystal 8c Black. 3BCOND HIND M1011I8111I 1n Stock For Sale: 1 50 -horse -power upright boiler, all complete. 16 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine, 1 48 -horse -power horizontal boiler, complete. 1 60 -horse -power slide valve engine, all complete. The above bave been thorough- ly overhauled end Bret clans condition. 1 1 i B , immediate delivery andp will bi sold cheap ,tall ardent will revele prompt mieaaelea, we'll• t MI. aa. T. a. messes . Repairs promptly attended to P.O. BOX 881. 111110 Obl may F1 flavisias r-11110 e NM frau nesail sr Una Y ads. A• is deipby sea, baa raw; t el Oe .sof t . (.:ie side - W y Mad t6 awilton tw Ito. 5, tar. W wren - horn '.alaelh'. .cific 1 , noted .11th d.n.tt 1#410 i ▪ 1M, Gosset let all. IS Mab. the 4Lh salt std is he •- L. L. Ma d Mt :bads - their nom stay _a mower mew K t. von lade - walk took seed