HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-16, Page 6ire hel k les fit ,f Cur ildt !td 1. o t • a tl ,tt as If• ►. ▪ o ne 4b4(1 t ur to CI Na r t; J. Or an tl ).a 'dr .i� Ikr/ et:t I■ d, r r 1!s a, 6 FA LKS FOR THE ?A RM b1L. TIMELY HINTS OF VALUE TO CANA- DIAN AGRICULTURISTS. Oarrylsg N.ep Throes% the waster *I- th.egk They stale mock !lordship They Shoat/ be itkottored N. Largo the Shoop Y.Id nb..ld b. read►ss. While sheep will stead much hardship or pusItiee ill-treatment, they should not he sebje ted to atones if it Is pues/ble to give there shelter Yet they should me be shut o p elosrl . mut must lave .11 the froth tar which their nature and heavily coated bodes demand; "lath protection from the strongest woe's auJ • good tight roof over beat the owner need have n.. fear ..1 dein- meant from the elements I a.. re . such a thing ea crowding too many into a small space. As with poultry, 1i crowded t... much the dock will not do its best A space of Im Num* feet should he allowed for each sheep if the average is 101111o. per head With smaller sheep of course dem rain may be allowed prnporuonateiy. I'nowding at the feeding racks is injurious. Sheep el k1 be encour- aged to sat eagerly an.' largely and (0 have full rations regularly, not only for the best ...audition of the animnl but for the fins and even fiber of the fleece. l'ulees then is plenty of roam in the sheds, • set of bay rw.•ke should b.elaced not of doors in aridi- ti•.n to those uuder.over. so that ant anal will he sure to get • good ,seal three times a day. If the wool backs appear to have formed habils uj taking certain places and there temainimt. it is well to take then, out of the rut by feeding first tinder rover and next meal or text day out Of doors. 'Chis arrangement 1 .rc.s the flock to take more exercise than they would willingly en pay in cold weather. A rule which every flock -owner should remember as, that *beep very rarely get too much work. To amour age • lively appetite& variety of fool should be used, even tf the feeler I(assometims to resort to a purer class"( f..ul then that on which he is accustomed to winter has flock. II he has too much c na ,sac. Lbout feeding stew at mean, he can balance the ration later in the day by laving a Tittle grain of some kind. More fodder than will be con- sumed 111 one feed should not he given, &ud the racks shoo Id he swept out every morning. A liberal ..mount of litter ghoul.'l.e used in the yards, and if s Barger number of sheep u being wintered than one bagful! room for, he soiuld he very careful to keep down any tendency toward contamination by foul air. Lung disease' are common among sheep. A sprinkle of dry earth, sifted oaf ashes or land plaster should be sowed in the sheds at least twice a week. If • ton of plaster is spread over the shed floors where 50 to 75 sheep •re wintered, the value of the manure will he touch ucreatied, and the health of the flock &Inset insure. Good shepherds an winter Jo not forget that the waiter *topple ,A frequently frozen, and pains i-. taken to break the le.e and give the &timidly drink. in • large dock of sheep there are always several which are not quite a.. thrifty as the majority. These animals require special alteration and extra feeding. A leak care taken with then, utght rind n wrning through the genre weather will pay. But such animals should br wetdo' out of the hick hefirt'e •nntlic- winter conies, a more t'infty ones stake taw trou- ble and pay hotter dividends. If at he .ie s,rable to pen , up by themselves several sheep which have been accustomed to run nrlmg with the firek. a yard should leenude uta !le' other sheep. for the prisoners will n.v.arully do better than if they are lonely, h.ec co.. tett of sight of the others. -Farm goal Hour. •--- Virtue -t-Irtue of Knowledge. TO be a god pre -tutor and s!:lful manu- facturer. a farmer uvea* t.. have knowledge of has town business. and i hope that men who think that know,..'ge has no place gni& farm will sumo have no place an the fernier. ranks in the Immanuel. Farmers used to require very hard !.ands to swung the axe all day long. to remove physical obstructions, to eonetrnct roach, to build bridges, and to do all that kind of manual labor, hut the conditions are change., now an.l horses are made to do the heavy work, and (teem the mom didieult of heavy tasks. !Iand.t•. mot need hare) hangs so much .as a clear bead. The farmer of the coming tame must be • *a., wile will rule has hands through hie head. and not toil a, hard with hie hands as to make his head ton tired to do ht* own thu.k;hg. No system and no machinery on • farm ..an ever tale the place of personal thought and judgmreat tea the pan of the farmer. But as I propose t.. steak on an aspect of that topic to•n. I.t I shall not do so now. I will simply sty that the scarcest and most valuable coaniol.ty on the fain* of our Dominion to day i' I awns* with goof skill. A man has no mutation sense who sneers *t knowledge as applied to his own bummer. Because • nen rnsy have a good deal of knowledge laden on his lack or in his head, s, that he is both • tired man and a tire- some man, it does not follow that know- ledge ie of no service to . roan whn uses it well: and farmers should have particular, a•ptrate and practma1 knowledge of their own calling. They should have knowledge of how to plough well, so that the frosts will work upon and through the soil all winter. They should have knowledge of the kind of grain to sow, a that sunlight and raw may work their best for the crops. They should know the hest naw to keep. se that the cow will 1101 lire on them without prying hack for what she takes They should have knowledge of the hest goods to send to market, o that they wall not have M take a second place or • third rate price. Knowledge i say, above all things. to need- ed be the formers of our lom,nion to day. -Front ,g port of I)•iry Uersm,rioser Roh.rt ooh.. iiiimitry Refers. Better and eh ncan staples for fast- ening ',wing wire are : nnv n&tls,drives in three fourths their Ieng .maid thea heat over the wire by two or three 'Wlows wills the hammer. '. sly legs may often be cured by • wetting the legs of the fowl sneered sen•lly with crude petroleum WI.0 crude oil is not to he had conveniently heavy oil or -rousse can be muted with kero- sene. this tending to stay evaporation. %torra new poultry houses have toren erect - .1 on farina this year than ever bef.... The farmer finds the row sable. earl time barn (sot the plow, for fowls. He has now emote to believe that there a something in poultry. and he is going to test the wetter for him self. Putting tip ewelern buildings is the first step in the right directtea flaring the hnhJav Ue*ans teat winter the ripply '.4 turkeys run not and as hag% as tw.nlv•lyo coots per pound were paid for deemed fowls. Docks sad chickens hal te he taken metaled and eves they OOnlmalldsd * htgli 'nark* pion Why met try turkey toes.jj mg: rightly trailed it will pay ta mast sections rd ear ssestry, sad net sea- t.rt•lly interfere with 144. regular gees week. TIEN SIGNAp GOD S. OM FRIDAY. OCTOBER 16, 1891. I••II Ines M11 If iheris is • dash( 1a your heart to ay tTiheatt stMcM Its 'Laden. scrum W r, If yw coast* look u my eye sad say, 'IIy iciest is padre• sod Nil and fres." There aro bQ7 Mashers of the How of For dee .aka of • ay that "rook' work • beds, aid 670 rstsk.re .t the How of 1 Dray you pity and toll . so. (emmoe► w a..wi11111 The United Shamm collect. $b3& sad grads $1161 every rimer old* atgkt and woe, when you look in my eye and ki se in ba 1a�Th.ee r a eat is N.Ilast, Me., which dor And hold sr class w your tan,bbtn� a doses stoked ansa geese ern sensor eats each day half Mart.Is there over la it • bust or place TIMM an 413 epoxies el trees loved w04 - That tells you we oouid in a future part t L the limits a tae u.ited status, mamma Dor &doubt, as faint as •u und•ewn breath, which. whoa prfetily .wetted. win suck in Bugged & parting that was not destb ! ,tsar love, ..arch deep us your heal pray. That ip ',muse( ewer shall rt noon w lJu*y-See cardinalsh•ve died during the light, twelve gran of IsoIwo XI1L's papacy. The Thea look no straight in the eye and say Sacred toilets is composed thus( entirely The truth, as ate truth remr just and of now wniiaala net_ lo London over • mtfltoa dollen of deg It yourve can immureah, love class, 1 taxes have been received duringY the peat twelve months. The polio' ta4e ore to keep down the dog population to the has of taxed aulntah If the Londoner wear to keep w dug be haa got to pay for the luxury Wow Thea Klee Work Is Ceadwci.d at the hod there is no wlnkuig at untaxed au* fisadv /look Previa. Grounds. mal.. ,'apt. Heath has been buru,ng • lot of 1'robaldy the smallest locomotive ever penia this eumuser In the Lig guns at the constructed hes just been amide by William Unite., State g'1[[rou pros Ing nd at Nau.ly J&cols,stna;htnatof Meckkeubergtownship, Hook, and to p.ople who .hw't know • long i'.. It wetghs but one end one-euarter guts from • mortar the noes tnterestutg pounds, and . a purtlou of au eight toy) pert of these testa has heen the method by clock. Around the dial is w miniature mil- e -loch the initial velocity of the projectiles ,,,sl mak, oto this the "V loxxtmotive has been determine,. The difficulty of mora every five minute. such a calculation is indicated by the fart that with out modern high power guns the Sen•ssaN, ne.IPra. *hot in often rtpellel at an initial veto',' i'umpkin Phe. -Pare, take out seeds, and of 2,1111) feet per second. which a at the cut to small piece., • ripe pumpkin ; put a know- !pray now-1pray you pity and tell me sus TIMING A CANNON BALL. rate of a mile in ler than three *cowls. Accurate knowledge of the velocity tot • projectile is of the greater( importance to the ordnance officer, who has to predict the range of the. shot and its peuetrat,uu, and to determine the aruracy and efficiency of the gun, of the powder and of the projectile itself. Capt. Heath finals fault with powder that gives an initial velocity of I, SIM feet per second to the I,I001 pound projectile of the new If inch rifle at Sandy !look, when its velocity should he 1,975 feet per second. This u • difference of linty 1111 feet, and the instrument that records it mull be capable of measuring the time enteral to within the Lice thouaaudth part of a second. A difference of two or throe hundred feet in velocity means in the big guts an import • ant difference to the Browder used un the testa At Sandy Hook a 4.•4,.•at.• rtes•(mai appliance called the PH.ntlang.r chrono graph me:.aurxwehis velocity accurately and reeorle its urn measurements. Tina as the way tt due. it In testing the Barge guns at these proem,: `numb two open frames are set II:1 in front of the gun at distance of 1.50 feet from recta other Wires are etret died back and forth across ea•h of these frame., mak ing a screen through which the pryeetule must pass. The wires an each of these screens form • complete electric circuit, which includes Aso an electric battery and an electoeinagnet. When the gun is tire., the projectile breaks the wire an the tint screen, interrupts the circuit, and at the same tame the armature of' the magnet is released. In a very- small fraction of a se•oud the projectile has riveted the dis- tance to the iecoud screen and interrupted its circuit. releasing another armature. The interval of tune between the drop of these two armatures represents the time taken by the proje tale to travel fait feet. This prep..: u so short that it is hardly conceivable. The chph, however, registers A aeurateiy Aires ran from each of these s'reens to the laboratory new them. where are place, the chrono- graphs. batteries, switchboard and ott ar Apparatus. The two elector -magnets in circuit with the screens are eml.,dtr.l in the . homograph. The first magnet has as au armature an leu rod about . three feet long, which . suspended in a vertical pr.. ten front its core. When the wires tot the tint ..•res are broken this iron vol falls. ', hen the shot ruptures the wire of the second srrceu the armature of the oe.ond elc.•tr. •,,.,,;flet, wbu:h is place., a short distance below the first. is also released. It operate. as . knife, and, striking the aide of the felling rod, stakes • sight murk. The distant* through which the rod drops while the shot is paetng trona one screen to the other Is indicated by the dis- tance of the cut from the end of the rod. From the the corresponding interval of time te easily computed, and this forms the unit for the calculat of the projectile's sdor,ty in feet per •sofa.,. When at is neowssery to obtain very •ccurote records several chemrgt.yrlms May he used for test- ing the some shot. IN enema the rate of a projectile'svelxaty diminishes rapoly during its flight from the gun, and the calculations of the initial vel..:,ty must be .omfinal to a short portion of its path immediately after at leaves the gun. Instantaneous photographs are ob- tained of the projectile as it strikes the target. F. these experiments in velocity the ordnance officer ,s able to determine the relative strength of ditfereut pow.len. New fork Sun. Profit of the Neer Keg. "Why do the newspapers continually re- fer to Milwaukee as thereatest beer -drink- ing city in the rountry ! aska! a 4'hiewgo brewer the other evening, es he blew the foam from a gime of his own product. '11 is true, of .ours., that Milwaukee has some leg breweries and that her citizen. drink • good deal of beer, but I •hrcago tea the great beer centre of the t'umted States and stands rtthout • sural in this regard. New York city has about 3,111) males., anti during the atomiser the thirsty IMtham ten expend about $.50,0(11) pet day for the extract of lops. Pretty Ing figure ! Yee : het t a..e mat your petal for a moment and figure .m the beer Insineen in ('hitago. Beers the great summer salon drink. During hot weather very little whiskey is sold, and .sen wine is not sold in great quantities. The perspiring Minion demands beer. timer, has about five thnusand eight hundred .muss I •m gold. That we nay keep our cnmppiitatl'.as within re•son•hle limits. let us place the total at 3,31N. Rig and little, throe saloon* average more than dee kegs of Meer per day Five kegs each gives a total of 27,i00 kegs. Each keg averages !W5 glare*. • total of 2.812.50n At five eenu per glass Chicago beer -drinkers pay $1711,025 per day. Agin meking a big enc in onler to keep within the truth, rt is safe to may that I'hirago's beer hill .ntoents teacup of water into the kettle with tt, cover closely, stew slowly till soft, then re- move the cover to let the moisture dry out, as the dryer the pumpkins the ,,wester it *Al be. Stir often to prevent burning ; strain through a sieve- 7'o one quart of sifted pun.pkin aid one quart of sweet milk, 3 eggs 1 t.aspoo• .non of cianamou, cloves, and &Ssptae, • little grated nutmeg, end oft. Sweeten to taste. Set the pan with the mixture over hot water On stoma ; when hot, till deep plates, and bake in • retty hot oven. f eggs .re scarce, put a ttk noire pumpkin to the quart of milk. Another recipe calls for one coffee eup pumpkin, yolks of three eggs, piece of but- ter size of • walnut, one pint milk or more, according to size of plate, sugar to taste, cinnamon, cloves and allspice. When baked, cover with meringue made of the whites of the eggs sh "quaIlea - A full cup of sifted squash, one egg, three tablespoons of sugar, } tea- spoon of cmwmon, , te&s000n of ginger, a little salt. %Then welt (neaten x44 mill enough to fin a plate. 1i 'Were runes. in our (snti!yy taithful work ti&. been done by Fuwkr r Extract of 31•11,131•11,1 Strawberry RA a sure and quick cure for diarrho-a, dysentery and all Sumner o,m- ftints. I awn recommend at to all as a family friend. always true and faithful. -•)!n. 13'. Bishop, Vivian, Ont. hawed Ulm. He walked In and put down a dollar, a silver dollar, that clanked take a carnage wheel to the stillness of the sanctum. Saud he There, take it and credit my sub•cnp • (coat quack. " " 1iut s the natter' -- we said. " Well " said he, " last week I was fish- . rug out on Spring creek . a tk I ,YI,,, .t. came a and it rained and thaaisrlsd sad lightning dashed all around me. I crawled into • hollow log to escape It. The vele made the log swell uo until I was fastened in and »early squeezed to death. 1 boggle to thank of all ».y sins and to rep IL Sud- denly 1 rememhere' that my subscription to The Globe was not settled up, and 1 felt so small about at that I was able to back nngght out of the Lag at mice ' ' --Bambrlye I dot*. Amass'. Adel " My brother had severe Summer com- plaint about a year .go and no remedies seemed to relieve him. At haat my aunt advised us to try Fowler's Extract of Wald Strawberry and before he hal taken one bottle he was entaly cured." Adelaide Crittenden, Bettis -in, (ant. Fatal U.naw.y. K tncaanl�E, I/ct. & -John McLean, lot 23, 7th con., Huron, in company with Doti McDonald, was driving over to the 9th con. In crossing the railway track at Ripley the king bolt broke and McLean was thrown violently forward on his abdomen acrau the dashboard lu tamm•tion set an and he died two days after. fltesrd's Ualmest es sued by Phy.Irba.. SMILES. The wheeler'''. tournament takes place when he's learning. Post. Argument is often introduced to esrbGah falsehood. It takes few words to make truth convincing. --Atchison (:lobe. ".Jenkins, does your wife ever threaten you !" "Bless you, no. She just goes and dose it !.' Kate Field's 11'aah.ngton. Now it is my nature to accept every offer that means • wider outlook from a higher point of observation. -- Frances E. Willard. The Chautauqua dress reformers assert that " corsets have filled more graves than whisky. ' It doesn't pay to get tight by any meaar. The Prince's of Wales is credited with saying, at a rebut visit to Sandringham village training school : " The ambition of my life oto mind my own bowie*. " A fash.n journal reports • new shade of mess as a favorite in Pani(. This seems to he the same thing that American fanners have been attiring bugs in for several years past Phil•delphia Ledger. Sines the opening of the school term the great neer( of the small buy is • pair of shoes that will hurt o that he cannot walk to school, but will fit him take •love when he want. to play tag. Scranton Truth. Mr. Citymen (whn has taken board on • farm) 1s then • bank anywhere near here! Farmer (atcbum - No, tor. We ain't never had no use for hanks in this section. You see, this is the first leases any of as kept Summer boarders. generally Columbus in more than $I110,O00 a day during the "1 understand that • cyclone carried your a rad term The salons% profits average hoose away," said • Chicago roan to • Kea 16.per keg`, since the saloon keeper pays .•s friend. "Well, I lost the how," replied from o $4. •'ah r k•g. end sells SS `lames Ito the Kansan : "bat i don't blame it & at fir.t»Mbl, $4 { from ps, h k all the esp1ensei the beer, the h English Sperm Liniment rnmtovea all nue third the irolio s for it iron" eke hard, soft o r ealkmsrd lumps and hlemiah.. r1..onisR -('Y '� Mail. frees Aarama �. tlra,.ww•• matt -. Have yen ever.ntiowi the magnet -4m lit swollen threat, ....Tighe, etc Nave $60 by tie F:nglseh .p•rrnw perform hie momnlirg w d one 'wattle Warranted the most ablution' He hunts up • .greet apnnklin,g �oderfnl blemish cure ever know.. Sold tart, takes his pnstuon in front of it sad byl.elordea. 116-1y stands there hk. • drum twajer, ekes to the Stade,* We want ledges for emir gratin wheelse the tart taro hy. After receiving •ti rims_ '•$fe bare •topsoil as • (,sign • (4._,_1"44 far". *4 the waese. he *Pm takes gr Mt. surveying the universe. Jeweler Inn '. in rnat sed Tenn &wale. the on Ahnut how Iarpe w M yew like the figures* manna of the rare.. '�jje y topstel until Student I ebisk the gi&ieste should roes the tattle fellow • --• -• • sac or .;3 worth o leer gether on the cyclone." "No •" "You see 1 Taking into consideration oma foolish enough to put wings on the �r brewtag and handling building.'. r are am than , bloodepk4'in, carhs,*plinta, ung bore, sweeney, .t,A.., *prune, sore an I about three fourth' .1 the badge and the nes The Rntllsh .user w N netlist if riverss the remainder. alit metropolitan. .lase.'. LIarmes..ease ...amp PeofleWonder y gad low ss�dly health W is reamed ler taking Ares Ohre nemea40a. 'lis reason Y that Mils sestldaa A4 the west aril meet powerful aetmsflves and teoles. 'hothouse/Ws yearly 1. peeves vseM4N.'lair of 111e. tale Il t o weMe�ss ee : '.te elviereo=ite suds my file a herder sad asses ser endlag my sorrow*. IfOr o rlu's- Thr mora *sr lour yeses I entered us * 1a/� .a1sfi s.nj,. I wasand�drreduced almost to bad street* to Leg west/ about An kinds of food deli - be digestedsod wily theWithin Qs Wes mentioned severaly. � welded rte w*ib int giving tag Inst I took sewed to do say per - A Aye▪ r's good until Degas back W mspseavv/ d�.dd&wood.rful result.- Soon km sft.mr to Mks the 8an.parille I could see an Improvement is why cordltioa. my appetite began to return mrd with it tame the ability to digest ell the food taken, my strength improved mesh day, and atter a few month' of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself a well woman, abbe to attend to all household duties. The meillcine hes given ms a n ew lease of life, and I cameos thaak you too mach." We. the 1. citizens of Brockway Centre, loch., hereby certify that the above statement. made by Mrs. Lake, is true In every particular and entitled to full cradenoe."-O. P. Chamberlain, G. W. Waring. C. A. t. My brother, In England. was, for a ,meg time, unable to attend to hie oeou- i.sdow by reason of sores On his foot. sent him Ayer's Almanac and the tee- ttsoalals it contained induced him to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using it e 11tt1 while, be was cured, and is now a well man, working 1n a sugar mill at Brisbane. QueensMural Lake, Australia."ter- A. Actewcll, Mutat Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Meares* IT Or. d. G. Ayer ek Co., Lowed. Maas. Px45p $1; sia b*itiss. $A Wrath M s behim TENTS MITI, TR/DE 11445 *110 COPTII$NTS Obtained, and all business In the C. 8. Paten Moe attended to at MODERATE PEES. Our °Mee is opposite the U. 8. l'et.at Of- fice, end w • :or obtain Patents In ler time haw inose remote from $'ASHI\Oram Send MODRL OR DRAWING. We ad vise as to patentability free of charge and we make AO CHARGE UNLESS WJE 044- 14 IN PA TRAT. we refer, here, to the Postmaster. the Sept. t Money Order Div.. and to officials of the V. 8. Patent Omce. For circular, advice. terms and reference' to actual climate la your )ws State or County. write w r A SNOW &M.. Op.osite Patent Ottoe Weekiemee.D.0 27144 GREAT DISCOUNT SALE 03• 1'0uis V �. ser d CZ O . sits. We offer our entire stock of Mantle Cloths, in plain and fancy Tweeds, Serges i, blue and black, Curls and As trachans, at greatly reduced prices. Now is your time to buy a Mantle - OUR SEALETTES Advertised last week are pure bargains. The $4.50 and $8.50 lines are unequalled in the town- Inspection of this department is invited. JOHN ACHESON. ••••••••••••••••••1 FIRE TAILORING, CHICAC}O HOUSE GV�S STREET, WES TREE T, Alongside Montreal Telegraph Office. The right place for first -elms clothing and gents' furnishings. Choice ready-made clothing. B. MacCORMAC, MANAQI-E Ft . MISS CAMERON Desires to returnthanks for the patronage which has been a kisl,Idy at.■dud MkMkt mag the pas* year, making it the most successful year of -her 1 i I, Y end trusts that the relationui existing between her customers mod Sri MS. continue to be as cordial as they haze been in the past. Au i uT MILLINERY. MISS CAMERON has brought from the coir an extensive assortment of Millinery Goods for the Fall Crede, comprising the latest novelties to be had mall branches and wall be pleased to have every lady in Goderteh and vicinity call and inspect her stock at the old stand, HAMILTON STREET. •...g,404, anew. ,.....•.e a•a.Y w r1 M eA Ie 4....•••••••vase ...t J.. c .,,.. oar . s.•••• .w •J...r Nn. way ... ••'SAM* w.. go.661111161116 • T..... s.... *oda rat IM b..ae, ...... .1• C. bea- .i.•r• eon M r11:4774..Anse.* W. 41..r•rM eel •..r• ..a Ia. woe% 1.'1.84 sr .n .a. nr .. 1 m•.., • .*- _rd.....•ar....•..w• .Ma NW" w ..sae•.. 1••••••••••• he. 11.51 8411.41 Ac •'... Kae apo P..el.wd. learns THE FACLTLE8S IIOT ¶ATER BEATER Guaranteed to do the same amount of heating with less fuel than any other furnace yet male. Manufactured by D. K. STRACHAN. Goderich, Ont. Oht-time furnaces can he taken out and replace., by this superior invent tion without alterations to the pipe - and radiators throughout the building in which it is placed. Estimates furnished on for placing this improved furnace in buildings of any size. Send for circulars. Address : D. S. STRACHAN, Investor and Permutes, 0.2.01)-tf,) OODERTCH, ONT. NEW ARRIVAL -04 SUMMER c3OODB. JAS. SAUNDERS 1cLaan'a Bloc, lioderich, 18 NOW RECEIVING HIS Xmas Goods, (Which comprlee the newest and beet seleetloes in the market - Silverware, '1 Jew eller, Wed - d% Ring (at the Pleat gtllaiity), Masi and Silver-plated 'tlt.poons, Table Spoonms, Knives and Forks. Kpectaclem (a11 ages), Combs, Brushes and fiends, beautiful Plush (s, Goods, in Dressing Cases and Albums, China- ware in great variety, Which will be sold champ for ooh, as tlh y are bought at cash priors. YOC CAN SAV!. By par he'sg your Furniture. Pieter. LATEST STYLE , S. meS Wltafiow- a eatagsv, R..eaate te bsad e slicl.edowy esoat. Porte* Ms PLAININa, MILL eh'pes. ESTIUU$NE$ U. H. DUNLOP, The Went -t. Tailor. Tie Forest City Easiness Callers SHURTHAND INSTI rUTE, LONDON. ONT.. le wIth.et d..bt 0.. mew :QA mad PRACTICAL Institution In ('ANADA. OBADI'ATSB of herb tear ASSINTED TO meeedd O1 4. p tS. rev fifty d leer .macre sere FUZZ, j. W. WESTERVELT, P1iZ]ZOZ?A.L_ 1 Wins Patronise True Competition. Tutt CamaD,Ao Pactnc K*ILw1T g'a's T LSOR*PH Imo bees .stah'1 4.d to love the public • &steles. service with fair sod fur• .•lent competition. It le manage•, nn business principles and to the Interest of ate patrons. It deserve, the support a every peruse who believes la compel ,tion. For queen despatch use this l'empaayy Ilnea cossetting with all lino. and ttaa�nMgss 1s tamed Mase.. ('s.04. and Serape. Direst through wires to an polar Is tea North west„Beitish Columbia sad Pastan Cosa O -9ewlh 1114. West1t. t. UMISCUVVI. MEd Leer Massone, Gededs8. yet. FO W LENS •EXT: OF • •WILD• Tliy ai l BEIM . - CURES s a olera Lei C'e' )' AMPS IARRH(EA ENTERY AND ALL $UMM[It COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES Or THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE ANO RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR Arnn T� MoLEOD'8 .°" � S°'' SYSTEM RENOVATOR SABfl, DOOR and BLIND Dealsre la &ll loads of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And ba1Me✓s sataeIal of every 1as:riptles. 1. SEAM 5 ear 111141 *•. Mew eras .wet► M r AM• ••mi.oalin Om Asp ono e. di. westAl w t.... MONEY .*n ..ergs.. W. e.rt pm. 11.. Taw 111=4: sews Ma•..•••• w i row air a no waft ••• res.•• err' •a..r.a• a.+. a •wr .=.a'r.•r. a... est sett:. r�imase' e. a�a-lar i i. s .as "r School Furniture a Specialty Ann tyros Tares 11a5.11. Specific and Antidote for impure, weak and 1 4kwd, dy► (pia. , p&lpltatkws al tk° heart, liver tvenplss elat, neuralgia. leel 1 'tsutrm, jaswdi.., klda.y arm urinary disarm, St. Ekes' donee, female irr'a uterine sed /reeve: debility. U10IITOIT. 10001(1, °ATARI0. J. W. IKCLSOD, petngsls,a g��' "" 1� Derhas • brsad •• m skid teellrrr 1