HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-16, Page 5III THE THE SIGNAL, : GODER1CH, ONT., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1891. YOU ARD �.oes +► j a. .&++wd BANK OF MONTREAL. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Cn*.f.NNRO 1Nr. HEAD OFFICE, TORO , "Kum (PAIR EP) SIl< MIWON DOLLARS WET. • B. E WALKER, G*Nw.L kbutAoul D41.000,000, *900,000. GODERICH BRANCH. A GILNI tA'. BANKING Bus.Mas TRANSACTS& FAaNENs Norio C . . pearls IaSJlO PAYASLS AT ALS POINTS IN CANADA, ANO T�H`E PRINCIPAL omen IN T,IE tJUnID STATS" GREAT fine_ FRAMCI. BORMUDA, as SATIRES SANE DEPARTMENT. DEPOSITS OF 51.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, ANO CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST *LLUwED. .N1- mT AOOSO TO TNS P0IN0IPAL AT THU ono or SEAT AND IN £ADN T4fm. Zilfisemstal Attentlest given sed Fanner*' tales Notes. le tee Oelte0Hen of C 1 "'spec. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. d dald'. swamp Yr. r Iasi' metes. des' fuUA Alli preset a. Geo. Pte wart. the photo artIM. alw•Te keeps W w the tones, and makes it a putor'to secure the novelties is his hose every ones. A mat Ends the poorest tvtmpwiossbip when se "entertaiw a suspicion." If mu want to be certain to stet the best • alum in picture, trsn.les too fol to call upon ft. R. Minuets Shat exam - toe b:s „mouldings. He bas the bell Last summer's limes duster is rather as ►Icy *inform these 'realties. 1f you want to re - discard Tyourr over Nonvoter tVesdhis uti midtahave yourwiumeasure mire ni 1 ..1. Prtdhem. the people's clothier. I'ubtic sten should r,,otemhor that scrubbing sante +111 sot keep their office clean, sad Iwo lett , muck won't go down with Ibe porches i1e newest up funsishAP sod Wiwi furs A Y.Ind The toss who "cannot slag the old songs" sat soot try is the ante we like to time at the revomit paroles . sod in like manner when we oat, onnoryfplussbtagaad the eawemstyle h Manioc see doeil call up old fashloodl mos with antediluvian methods, but send at oars fee Aleck, ieausdeaa rise TAIwat0-CHIc.ao Hot ac.Waot•ar. -The cold wester m. mate (1 a will 001 trouble you If roe only con e MOM from IM overma045 of the very best goods ua reed% made 'lothing ever seen In Uuderirb. Tbr Imre* will astonish you when you examine the Rods. finely and fashlooably out and trim med. The celebrated deoford mike . tar only Lome in tura to Itud them. 1f. Mect:.ormac. smeller. 1 Tec AI:Al A. The 44dlertch model school football team went to Clinton last .atorlay to ploy the return tttatch with the model school tear, of that town. Like the match here, the game was • tie. Each ode eared once. Ales. McDonald, one of the I.odertch players, was so bully Injured in the game that he w.a compelled to stay over a night to Clinton. 1ationli eaAtte W,l*w. The Mission Kant of North•st. Methodist church wish to in- form the public that they are prepare( to .lo all reamer of plain sew tog and fancy work " with neatness and despatch.- The towing lathe* recrotly rent off • box of lothiugg for the Northwest Indians, and the proceeds of the ./love -mentioned work will he used in the furthering of mtrranary effort. Feats Ss..ss. On Wednesday of last week Strathroy was the scene of the neap. stepmother of our townsman (.ea. 11 . clads of I °- A. Fear. the WOU-kaown young Thomsen . The old pioneers are rapidly druggist of this tow*, and Mess iso M. paring away sad the week we i.e., to •warn, olaugbter of Rev. M. Swann. of chronicle the death of one of the earliest Strsthroy. The eereueomy was performed rattlers of Adelaide, in I'amkyy, beloved M the father of the bride, assisted by wifecit dames M. Thomson, of CIetoria-st. raw' brother h use tack f Ila l,n.,ut• and the the Summer, ago A GREAT CUT IN PRICES That will knock out of sight all atom petition. Our Fall stocks complete, the largest, choicest arta cheapest we have ever snow u. We have narked the peals at about one half the usual profits We must double our business in order to rake it pay. Will you help us and in w doing save money' A few maniples of what you may ex- pect • Ikea gouda In Stanley Tweeds', Camel's Hair ( loth, Wool T•rtans,etc., at 15 " less titan usual prices. Ladies' 1'whmere Hose, 20e. per pair, worth 30c:. ; 25e Bowden, worth 36'. Ladies' Cashmere ;dom. good goodly. tro.n 14c. op . bodied AiktiOn.1 UdEr- rests, 50e. each. Blankets and Condenses away down to price. Factory Cottons, 3c. per yd, yard wide. 4dc.: exon heavy, 6 and 7c. A special lies d Bleached Factory Cot- ton. extra heavy, &. per yd., well worth 10c�. 0.(c Grey FI..*uwls from 9c. per yd. up. See our special All -wool Flannels at 15e. per yd. Men's Undershirts and Drawers from 25c. up, all -wool 4rom 400• Men's Top Shirta,50e.; heavy all - wool, 66c. each. Kindly give us a .all. We will show you our stock with the I•r.atostpleasant or J. A. REID & BRO. JalraEet-Oodench. p� iN. dots. 5 OUR CREAT LIQUIDATION SALE REST'9L'- o$'-- A Saving Deftarinunt DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY. rection with this branch. $10,000 worth of goods to be sold at pricey never before dreamed of in Clinton. This is no sham sale, as we want the money for these goods at once, and the prices are bound to sell them. We have just opened $3,000 worth of new =Aspics, bought, for mall in a slaughter market, mid will all be sold at ridiculously low prices• Jt•s'r THINIi OF IT 25 doe. Handkerchiefs, to be sold at 1 .tent ' Ito'wular price sale price 900 yda. Flannelettes, 1 Cts, bicbe 15 c 10 u 5c 8c 8c 12dc 26 c era 237 yds (ascan Ftrotonl, IOC. 26 dux. Silk H'd'k'f. at 10c, worth 20c. 623 e -ail -wool grey Flannel,21. 300 pain Cotton Ho.., tact a,lon, 3. our, 231 yda 1'niou grey Flonnel, 15c, worth 10.. 300 yds Shiruugs & 4 iliighants, &, 168 pun Wool Hale, 121c, worth 20.. 516 da Print. 12. c. 300 pales bilk. ('ashowre ,Huse,woe h 18c.erth 30.. Y 196('hihlrea's Vesta, Bc, worth 18c. 412 yds fancy Dress Goods, 124c, 519 yd . t • Drew d :.,.rale, 20 c, 319 µ44n ('orests, $1.26, for 98c ; 0,. JO, fa'f All wool •ilea k C10hmere, 35 c, 7l,; 76c, for 56e; 50e. for 3fic::35c for 25c 500 doe. limas Buttons at 24c and 5c dos, Mack Henrietta', 50c, for 39_ . 70c,for 49c; worth 10c and 15c. 904'• for 69c. 244 yds Frilug at 6c yd., was 15c. 500 pairs Meek aa(' adoral Kid Gloves, 2W Lx•I,ui Jackets and Jerseys, 75c up 01.25. fur 93c ; $1 00, for 79c : 75c, for 2 Spools fur Sc. 2 pack*ges Pins, Sc. 50c ; 5th•, for 30c - Millinery ! Millinery! The largest display in tile county, at 10 •lutc..unt during this vile. T. T. All. MarMath stepped from the bust upon a heap of coal which lay on the dock. His f..,tto,j was insecure, and he rolled into the Try. disappearing beneath the surface of the sewage. Park superintendent Chambers observed him and called to ('apt. Mc!beny, who hwtene l to the rescue. The captain. by bracing himself between the dock and the fern., lowered himself to the level .d the water and extended his foot in the dir ection m which t be alderman had disappeared. When Mr. MacM•tb ,eared he franti- cally grasped the pedal extremity of the captain and hung on for dear life. He was pullet out of the water without much dith Cutty, placed in a cab and sent home, where - his clothing was fumigated. 1 Intl, Axe . The following front The Strathroy Age refers to the death of the BEESLEY & Co. (W. A. RUTHERFORD, Liquidator ) Tf. OFFICE HILLWATTEE TEA. HELP LED To take the place of the old-fashioned corded corset, try the B. & C. corset. This is just what you can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three , if you wish. Then, if re not satisfied, you can it, and get your money. FOR SA- ' 1;Y W. At'HE'ON a SON Spectalt Dress d :one's and Linens. TR? LLW ATT E E !COLBE EROS The finest fee in the market and purity. rail hips' ut Sugars, Teas, Baking Powders, And all staple and fancy groceries. for strength Herdgnartera for all kinds of Choice Confectionery. Fruits, etc. Kvr. E. A. o the gr a North. After a severe at n m mma W. T. Smith. of Godertch, supported the tion in the Spain( Ithe was not strong all FIRKIN 81DDIE' MW 01$TERS brideesani.t esu Mir Moore. and about sic weeks she ..f Itruassls Tor SICKAL wishes the newly was barn with Lebow' intermittent fever. a..idet couple all the happiness passible to atid.'os Tuetsctay morning, Sept. 29th, pared s lour acid prosperous life. peacefully away in the hope of a glorious re IIALTAT1us Awn Nees. A musical fee- surreti'tion. lie -easel tow born at Hoxue, prat ons bead at the Salvation Annv bar Suffolk. England, in November of the year nicks ea Thursday night el last week. The 1827, being thus nearly sixty-four years of muskia= present were Capt. Ewert, of age. When still very young, after a voy I'hnton. cornet : Lieut. Pennington of this age of eleven weeks, the family arrived at ;.awn, late of the Musketeers, cornet : Toronto, when- she was an eye witness of alto..' 4.laa, "the musical wonder," from. some of the most interesting balfting scenes of the 'area, violin : Capt. McAmmoad, of (:ode rebellion of '37 ry ago er nal, guitar. 1 he meeting was weU attend- father, Wm. Bolton. moved to the second e1 and the music was much cojoyed.... line north of Adelaide, where she resider) Brigadier arra Mrs Steamer, of London, till she moved to the village of Strwthroy, will conduct the meeting at the barracks on some ?d years ago. She leaves an awed Wednesday next, the 21st inst. husband and three children to mourn her Tut 01•TM% St , rl*. The oyster supper loss • tieorge W., of llucsgo, and Harriet and entertainment in Victoria-st. Met ■f- Harkness, of •Strathroy, by her first mar- int arest church on Thursday of asst week was • rage, apd Robert Thomson ley her second. . most ec.-client nue, both in regard to the For many years she was • quiet, unassum- vinda prepare.( anal the musical and Inter- ing member of the Canada Method • •n program rendered. The Epwortyr church, hut on her second marriage Joined I.ea.rue is very energetic to carrying oe the the i'reebytenon church .n Surat r,y and w•,rk of an auxilliary to the church and all has ever since held to its tonneau(' joyfully e..luitted themselves well. A vote of thanks looked forward to • better life beyond the In tendered those who contributed to the 'rave. The bereaved husband and family ntustral and literary menu of the evening. have the sympathy of a large circle of A goodly number was present and enjoyed friends in their emiction. It very much. Rev. J. F.. Howell, M. A.. LOCAL BREVITIES. ..rupted the chair. Ro seri', t25The pastor, Rlev lir stratagem'' is to be con- ('has Newton exhibited in his window gntuiateol on tb° P°1646.1°°of eo efficient a the past few .dayset of magnificent s,ciety. oppress. a of the Ds. Alexander variety. 11 tmv.ur Howe Remy ti- --The annual The dog-aM,nting case of Hutson r. prromchtal thanksgiving 'navies o/ St. Neftel 1410 Sone to an end, Hi. Honor 14,17,,•,, Thuchurch, C..den it will take place Judge Toms Noting given judgment refusing T Tfollowi g to t next, the f service : a new trial to plantif. The following u the order .f service : Hamilton Herald Whitwaa A `wan tune,Hymn, • (are ye P..Im ail Pchate, Co.,oo. eon, the enterpnaingg hardware mss in tune. iota ):mage ; Psalm 146, chant, Wood ('opp's Mo.•k, yeaterolay bought the large E : Cantata h D : Psalm , J, clam, R wise i Irl bankrupt dock of ,1. 1t. Alks A l'o.. Tema E ; Mi*Domino, Jack ass'sesrviea in ' F; to at 41c. on the dodder. Dens � Mieersatrr, Jaakeno'a arvtae in F c 41.01 temper anthem, "o lord, Row Ma+ailstd ars Thy Mrs. Owen Hitchcox, the hold meetings Works," Ramify : hymn, "peak.. 0 praise once singer ant speaker, I Our I cod ..nd King ' ; menaces by R.T. J. C. hereon .�17uaday, M the Yus and Tue lathe ov. Woodstock 15, 16, i art hon a rector of W anti, - 01 V4 y, 1'. T. C. Further notice later on. .0. , of the alms, ad: two.. The bit test -d. tailor has just returned dogs, Rich and Rare," Redhead ! hymn, to, antl in __ _ ARI People that os Earth do Dwell." from T finely selected dock of lcloths, Fein he five bane Ban wadnwthy which he is i to make up in the evening the fin satta was eoe0wni the mast fashions le style, he has added a new .sass 1 5. • VMaasideos, in the holism averred b - feature,. He is agent for the sale of San 1111 •u e `ides. 1 Sr Andrew's ward �•s celebrated ready•made clothing, the 'rhe bass reel was nowt meter way. Mt b'1 only house in 4;oderich that Dandles them the time the grime, all he bac the t' of tg he 1t will pay you to call on him at the Chi budding teearly all the heck part of -e c•6" House. West-sL b.aiMiaR toss M Aan.oa The hose 'Imekly placed, bat when the water was NAVIGATION NOTES. thrive' on the coupling ea the Deer lottedd'slooks on three occasions. This caused A (Ietvmrnment engini 1engines/10N' delay. but the rein of afternoon had es .las. Addison i on saturated the house that the fire spread bot nesday. little through the mpsp,sp. When the water The tags °m•oedia and Miebdd muse th.. had fall Play is fire* wits en sN° clef ''ems' Acct 101 01 trout meta on Tuesday. The oral std in • short Woe so** r.bdusd. catch @hewed that the Ash were sot pient. The fire is supposed to have started in the ha. jtaeia tom creaks ai„ee, asb�r tlntarro, (leptons sem* plane ea t did "MP The when the .Ito beadles. with tie dssitare, ..tilt in during Monday night' 0. ER .. • diol or Patti or (bsedd j. wea stripper) et canvas sad y rs.n•jr...r• Ire.•,.F.56..•,11Iwking ser A. discount of 5 per cent. tow injured b the evarads k haH Tws•iay on all regular prises in dry goods ser plaed per Wb,er bort' tmikl T! •. v •It ..,r• L,s ei.e wte'sea tot' of Now to hand. E. CAMPAIGINE,- 1)11 (borer and Conte. tweet.. CAIN ONE POUND A Day. A GAM OF A POQMD A DAT rot TICS CASs Or A SIAM WWo IRAs sitcom "ALL SYW DOME," AND HAS emus TO TANS TWAT laEAa1AMJt VL II laoomma. U 10 Of PORE COO URI OR 11 Hypophoiphites of Linn & Soda is leyne1MO uiu$UAL. TWn FEAT WAS flea plmPOOMID O7SR AND ova* AOAl11. PAIATA*L* As 1411*. EN- DouIND ST PWTNQANE• SDOTT's ENVLUDW O PVT OT ONLY 11I SALMON COLOR *SA,}S*S. SOLD ST AL1. Dmuo. GISTS AT Loc AND f 4.00 SCOTT 8' BOWIE, J! tai te. $12,000,000. ,000,000. has been (lewd in con - interest allowed at current rates. GEO DRUMMOND, Manager Goderich Branch. One Dollar BARGAIN COUNTER. Just in time for the wet weather. Johnston Carey INTI4ODUCIS THIS W * * k A S1.00 COUNTER 1 4w tgy+ will find about 500 pair4 woln•'u's, men's, misses.' and boys' OOTS AND SHOES That cost from ii1.25 to $1.75 wholesale, but they must go for the $1.00, u they aro lines we intend dropping: hence the encrifice in priors. Close buyere,don't min thisplum. We have just place. oil our shelves .sea d the largest stocks ``of ladies , gents', and clidetren s \:nota mid Shoes in the county, fromfit a laeadiiig manufacturers will be of the gives'. Dominion. which welt be sold at slaughter prices Repairing done better than the best, and as cheap i.s the cheapest. Men's half who, 50.. JOHNSTON CAREY, On the 1 1 C-I'oderioh. Our Stock of Fall'''Goods now Complete. REMEMBER We have the great,Carpet Warehouse of the county. he most of our Carpets are .Direct from the stills. Our Lace Certain stock is the finest in th trade imparted direct from the makers in Stvrr- LAND. It is needless to say any- thing thing about our prices -they speak for themselves. We have sold 19:4 sets of Curtains since April 1st, '91. Our SEALETTEB will stand the test in all competition -a $7.00 one well worth 38.00 tu.d a 35.00 one worth $6.00. Our As- tracnns are just as goon value as our Sealettss-a good heavy one. .louble fold, for $1.73; also at *3.00 and $3 50. Splendid value in Mantle Cloths ; black and colored in great variety, and prices away Clown ro�•kl.ottinn. Mantle Cloths bought at COLBORNE Baur\' cut and fitted free of charge. DRESS GOODS in black and colors in all the leading new fabrics, from 10 cents to $1.33 a • 1 Th dual in yard . sae goo. s are 1ldl -- - Sty le and value to anything ever Robert McMil4a. i lithera, hoe retarreed offered home from slimiest., after a stay of shoot ere(\ in (ialeiich. Poi Province. He Dominion, and prefers hy all meats resiling you may need from a 5 -cent tow �r� in Mantra,'. linen table cover • also two months, bringing with him *carload ofis Our LINEN DEPART - dock Ston from t rte vi ater,1T is furnished with every thing not t all in love with that pert of *r e in Ontario to livingto a fine a good range of colored) tabling!' and table covers and napkins. We have a great variety of black VELVETS, from 25 cents to 11.00. We have great confidence in these goads and would like you to Ree them T� Dress Trimmings ---In gilt and silver gimps, gilt and silver cord. black and minted) silk cords. T1i Hi ENLARGED Eliti GLOBE 16 PACES F`OR 1892 AND BALANCE OF 1891 ONLY ONE .Isis DOLLAR THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE. NO FAKES ! NO CHEAP BOOKS I NO JACK -4..i. w 40v I SCISSORS OR CATCH-,; teat• a� L OFFERS BUT A CLEAN, WHOLESOME FAMILY ..1 , it lil\I14 UPON ITS MERITS. yy1.�"t ser 'S- •.f +::+: SU1•s Pnr. "TY. r f`�,'t�+ r;!;;••••• }This . i tee. arm ••• +, •,• o,. I.eCow- • 0011i7a1► uW “ria the a°bstameee toalle needed toes - eh 'he Mood. caring I 44....t.. coming !into P•.•% sod War- r .T /WOOD. . mT trout %morin noisome In he ,.t.00h. sad who t..'be-rate *04 AMU, . r the *Loon and roam 5. y broken BEAR IN �D ,...n h, e..r.o4k. we are n•• 1411 d' ern 4ILD staff worth so .<...w�iadlwer. not showing t.•...0 Tarr lar* • Irr/Ti4e Iles -rote on much on the dollar, but new, sty- br *a=raLsnT.w Dish and mound goods bought for h Set and women. ► ftse e�sT ^oO1 net cash in the best markets; and and euml 0041 .ole 1"""s.•i..w" °. asd they can be bought at rock bottom „•1 P1 0rano• Commencing with the issue of 7th October THE WEEKLY GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve ges as heretofore, making it the largest and best family newspaper in Canada. Every effort will be devoted to making it BRI4:HT, READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING in all its departments. Special pains will be taken with its Agricultural Pages, and MORE SPACF. WiLL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR THE FAMILY. SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE ORDERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO 31st DECEMBER, 1891, WILL HAVE THE PAPER Si.NT THEM UNTIL ('LOSE OF 1892 FOR THE ONE YEARS SUBSCRIPTION. THIS MEANS 15 months of a i 6 -page for $1 to every one who subscribes now. AGENTS WANTED IN ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. For terms, address THE GLOBE ToRoN•ro. TO THE PEOPLE . our MANTLE AND DREW MAKING DEPARTMENT a big suCUea14. Work room piled up with orders. All hands working .lay and night to till orders. We are ready to ate, business with YOU, and we are happy to nay that our position is such that we are able to give such satisfaction as you could only hope to get in the Targe centres of trtude and fashion. See our Mantle Goods, See our Mantle Goods. Fancy, new shades, Beavers, fawn and black, Ready-made Jackets, Sealettes, sal laa prices. .•414001 .toe. while th. 11te eels .ich .roe. been the °hT't'a' •' r rr.M•te t>.5. rotas on purchases =1.00 and over. t ro'mw i .arty tl..trny/d (fresh al* end. d frost Dowries is dm..g.� �: with EVEBY t�GDP'� II and ailed the felilowrwg Owl esoeh..d th. rioting l.imada thefod h d1 `':Yl.dm°mom. T P.S.---We have 20 to 30 minors' a( Sea. .a Mond.,, .r,. ..•e. ant• rkn.,r a'I. u r rte,..A Fad Rtntu revs eAr.-Th. following awppltr Ione •� ..,t •,•ser oro a of dregs goods not this W od W Tar a►saar t7 socialist t� =ire of der tewssmss. i doh NI Maeda, Sed wr,dnssda r from the erne p,rta• . thine /'arra pIUCe referees* 50c, worth 65c, el $1.00 u 2.00 5.00 6.00 u et u 75c X1.25 2.50 00 8.00 DRESS GOODS BOOMINCI Just opened, a lot of nice Tweed Effects, 5c, worth lOc Plain and fancy Melton, 10c, " 12c Jersey Cloths, in new shades, 20c, all 30c Black and colored Cashmeres, 25c, 35c A.11 -wool Cashmeres, 40c, " 65c to .v ('p ed wisrle.w tows at Y w,'t eat the A Fall m purchases, worth from 2Oe_ j rewabto. • t.s4. bat.•ta, a..•1 •teat thehis t0 30., that we are clearing ort at e llaalf.eh, who t saws deittb.N � 81:1°11-'-".1111°111°6-1111111116.- 8js te.h • lawlamp ggss,- J• tit d barrwHed .�t •,w� ge io lui 7 15 cents' a yard. Good 'tonna goods. tial pram.' _utas____ibe Ef IM miq a...e11 M- Mr of W�edn��ssiq.ih.4.ertlt cls marlh. ! ] r rera.a,. Some ends of mantle goods, too, mu Ai gyj, d the e pa ty el before the �=aglOw M Es year »da ps per beaAu by vd^ring ata great sacrifice, dune= 1".8.1 l bo wet epos �` COLBORNE EROS. evade&_ tied there M her pis 'S yie"�r mut The Mr�� whish *eel dlr� { he � el fro air ptarM►, where tis •i lid A& R1LiJLJYI' ,Y `n .bout tEt.rnEi lathe (.1*REa ww^r's Au. TIM LNADINO PARRS IN CORSETS 1 Yot- nHOULD malt THAM. ws Z OW wev* got th* hearts of the psoyla. vis =row we't. got the right goods at tot richt prices. ws =MT if you boy from os floc* lea will boy imam w sanv w. wall wise. }remember we CUT and FIT all Mantle Goode bought from um FREE OF CHARGE. Don't fbrget the place. G -meat Cash Store, GEO. ACHESON & Co.'s OLD STAND J10. BOBBBTSOX, - Tie Plot In': Frisk. often. MAN AOM essay Y' has Med the aesilton hot reel No. 5, ear. W Norma who h .sum y 'iiwlha cific Co rested which h -i.1latc. id he gel who is Nee (Doi Gado" i. 8. N 7� eft,w "use" Kase I • ibe 4th huh d .sial toes Mae of the ;sadly their -ho bei owls) Maly p a ha i voter heron. arm, w rolls y bud his • stud ' ge, at • w N Cos when 1 Bey gs one th -Ming c 4(;1 ou �e1 this e W. earl t te wat an4 ■ wit wLodi •rr. tflolt Tue rate. Dry dem sat eo ■ Did Stn its def Ht 1 (gra I. 1 U en and gal lu Ildel oft o, t. 1r I te n