The Signal, 1891-10-16, Page 4ti• IKIN ked rt ;ui .Id. t as U , Jr. am If • R.. 1.00 r. .l. ub4 !p( 1444 w u et Ay t 't r �b. Js ;41.e tl 11 1.x Id. .r. 4 Ihc signal, The edMaat newspaper Ilee MIM tour. VS et nJaN.o EVERY FRIDAY MORNING NT is MerlithILICKNOT. Oboe of 1'ubllcatIes--1 erg M NMtk•atreut, Oo)derbek, O.mr/s Torras .f r Oat sheath. 1. adv.ste K 1 Oise fear, 1 m II credit is aired. ria pries per 7oar will be 1st 1 adsersbtal hates s (.seal and other casual 10c - per l es for (ret i•.orties. sod 3 neon per Ione for each subsequent l.surtto•. Measured by a eo.satred scale. H11r1 em .site of al: Ilan and under. $5 per 7-. nu of Lost. Mound. Strayed. reheat rocs Ve.ant. Situations Wanted .ad Busse. Chances Wanted, not exceeding 6 Item nonpareil. 111 per month. Houses riasod P .inn on Sale. not to caved ,hoes. $1 for first mouth. Mc. per sub- egment month. Larger edit,. In proportion, Any special notice. the otUmt of which is to promote the pecunier) brave 1 of any ,ad4- vidwl or company. to be oo.Ndared ss ad .rid charged accordingly. Loral .Wks In nonpareil type one cent per word. so .otiree Ree thea tic. Local bottom in ordinary reeding type two costs per word. No notice fur less them dor. Notloes for churches and other religious and beer%°lent institutions half rate. Coma ...vial 4 entree" Ad A limited number of displayed advertise' meats will be m4,erted at t job:ming rates : bring shout 4190,000 over his liabilities, hot Per inch. one insert ma. 8o to " four Insertions,,.... 1 00 the trouble is that it is impossible to realise •' threemontba•............•• 200 " sir mouths 5 00 one year No advertisement tae. than Nae booboo to length will be calculated on above basis. 6 per cent. discount allowed for cash payments on three months' contract : to per oat oo six months. .ad 15 percent. on • year's. These conditions will he strictly enforced. Abent The IMgasl" aetlresy. Subscribers who fail to rv.relve TUN SIONAL regularly. either by carrier or by mall. will confer. favor by acquainting u• of the fact at as early a ,Lie as pu.1i We. THE SIGNAL:: GODERICH. ONT. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 16, 1691. trios of • jubilee and thomas4s of fiends of The Journal availed Utealeely• of the up porturuty to rejoice with those who re honied. A number of newspaper seen from outside paints took la the slglts and scene, os the oomsio., and mads merry over the tact that oar of them number at • any rate had got beyond taking vet sub scripts os w ooNdwuud, genies truck and saly p00110.es. TURK SII..Ai. doesn't live ,u a cut -throe frost, but OM cal thea. days, ',lieu the barrier, to wade which at present stunt the growth of population and deism trade in the section are torn dowu, we hope to be able %o invite lifer Brierley of The St. Thomas Juul'u•1 to our house warming. Mh. (YAI•IYAL' giying instruction In moral ethics to i'rotesuat clergymen is • sight calculated W provoke • utile. When the .harp tongued daemon of the Presby teras church. upon whom be has made • specualawult, bot through with the lung haired apostle of boodle and patronage he will feel as If he had repeatedly slipped 011 • pavement covered with banana peels. And he sirs man who knows how a sprained ankle feels. Tomo. pi is being badly hit by the reac- tion in the real estate boom. A land denier and builder named Ms BSA\ line asrigned for over a quarter of a million of dollars. It is cleared that his land and houses should Loeb s, Isar label. Your label 1.a standing receipt of the date to whir,' you are paid up. See that it is not *(dosed to fall into arrear. When n change of address is desired, both the old and the new midi,,. sbo,•Id he gives. Rejected manuscripts cannot be returned. t orreepondence mus: be written on ono side of taper only. Febliabeee $.$ler, J. ('. 1.. roused. of Uoderirb, has been ap- peinte.l Local Travelling Agent for the town - o lder of Uodench, Colborne, Ashtlrld and Ws - wits, •h, Local postmasters over the Atatriet are also empowered to receive subscriptions to Tog $1..4 AI - All t.,All communications must he addressed to D. Mc3ILLICUDDY. Tile 81a*AL, telephone ('all 30. liodslah. Ont UODKRI('H. FRIDAY. OCP. It MIL SIGNAL SNAP SHOTS. Mk. FRANK VII1,11 wail elected President of the Toronto Young Men'. Liberal Club Monday evening. to the rote the \-kl.nw had it, s., to speak. 1►- Mrs. 1'Ansr.1.1. has sinned greatly .he has also suffered much. Let her alone with her sorrow. She is now a defenceless w.,• man, who has tested bitterness. Titin): are some people on the South Boundary who now claim that the (:telerich poli e force couldn't even catch cold this season. As a result there is unite a boom in real estate. IT is about time somebody undertook t.. ring the gong on the High School Moan(. There u just a chance that one of theme days it will 1 -un away with itself and get lost. lx,:ttcw,l.l. IMO been placed in class 11 by the hire Underwriters of Ontario because of its amprove.l Are protection under the water- works system. What's the natter with I:odench that an improved rating is not ob Joined LnTrt.e RUTH is sew ClsvllLAW..' belle, but, as hr says himself, she- is a non-voter. The ea 1'realdent, however, will be en- deavoring to get the beams (Boas I at the next election. Ilaby McKim is noir a back number. T,1,T blustering braggart. 4'I' o, T. Thr.i. e.... has been waving his eheomknife aloft and yelling for gore with a large " 4 in connect with the anniversary of the hattle of Lundy's Ione. Some men are Zorn fords, and 14.tio:r. T. Dtsl...\ is evidently .ne who doesn't improve with Ov Ke in St. Thong. the Fall .how hes not been • success, and The Journal of that town has !sole the public aware of the fact, but up to date no fool hes got up oe, his hind legs and yelled that " The Journal is running down the town and trying to Injure the show simply because It tells the .truth. • Now that Lieut. -Gov. ANU1R, hu ap. polgted a Royal ("commission to investigate the It'Ar,nu-MOM•ivR brining, wouldn't it be a Apodd time for Si * i.&Y ei Presto n to show hoksi* of some . by ap. point a liloyal Commission to Investigate the t tttawa ragwlitiee that were white- washed by Astir? and THortw/v7 I'ARYRIs.'s life1Mas not altogether a fail- ure. Hs fatuous imam siunng the past few years of his life could not undo the great work performed by him before hu no fortunate with the dashing woman who captured his heart and his will. The condition of Ireland's Patisau. found it and the cause as be It is as midnight compared with dawn. TNtr•e►Y last week The Journal, of St. Thom.*. hal • horse warming. The .Ion, nal is one of the brightest and hest Pen emend in tOntario, and in ad- dition to its grin( looks and winning meth• ods eta lot has been mat in a pleasant plies from • hs.i,wn' etandproins The malt is oe real estate i0 the queen City at prosiest • There are (aan freely expressed is Tersato --Tbdly over Milt IM esming Winter will s.ltteeze malty a dabbler in real estate. A ngerriTlo. of Toronto I►rangensen were in Ottawa .n Monday preening ('1.A KAa WALLAcx's clam, for a Cabinet posi- tion. By the time the Free Masons, the (iddfellows, the Knights of Pythias, the Foresters, the A.0. I'. W-, the 1.1).1'. s and other well•known org•ratatioos get their delegates started to advocate their chief goat rider for an Ottawa portfolio Mr. Anturrr will be • sicker loan than it he were doing night work in the House of Commons. Seriously, why should the Or- ange range order have special representation In the Ikin lawn ('abinet` THE tell of an office bolder in • small town across the line who was considerable of a local Piaui B.ul because lie held the positions of supervisor, store -keeper, post- master and general contractor :and builder. but our local Pias BAH double discounts his nibs across the Inciwith a tail to his kite this long secretary of the riding Lib. -Con..twn.: superintendent of 'altford S.S. ; secretary of the Board of Trade; petitioner for West Huron : secretary of the Horse .\*eocatlnhi ; prescient of town S S. Astro. ; secretary of Northwestern Fair, Ac., ,h. Why, the old and original Poor' B.H wasn't knee high to him. A UIWJRA(.E To THE (Y)GNTY. It n e disgrace to the county of Huns that a better provision for the keep of its unfortunate indigents has not been under- taken. ndertaken. (In our Ent page will be found the first of a series of articles dealing with the subject, and if any of our readers will peruse it without coming to the conclusion that a change fist the present s,ystcni Is beces.ary Tn.5,,. u. wail he please.( to publish their views on the 1ueetion so that the puddle will be e.able.i to we what manner of met er•• in their nudst Huron is one of the wealthiest and most populous counties mi t)ntarso, and why Its mumcipal Iegslators hold back from the work of making proper provision for the in- digent is something that perplexes the minds of all charitably dispose.( persons. The municipal elections are now nearly at hand and what is wanted is a campaign of education along the line of the establish- ment of a House of Refuge in our moist. There u good material to work upon, and it could be easily shown that instead .•f the county being injured l.y the erection of such an institution haven would accrue. Rut outside of the uuestiou of dolk.ra and cents Is it right that a snood( lake that which represents Huron at the aunt b ty ,.r.i should go on year after year defeating every attempt that is brought up to ameliorate the coalition of the wards of the county Here .s a common platform that of hu - Inanity where Crit and Tory, saint and sinner ought to unite for the benefit of their suffering fellow -man. Let an agitation be raised : take the .lues tion into the school sections : let the preach - ers talk to their congregat,on about it from the pulpits, and so imbue the people with a knowledge of it that s living issue will be raised at the municipal hustings. Then, rind not till then, will • movement he male by our municipal legislators. g541'X f'RITIIt. X1' The October number of The Review of Reviews hes an article on the Canadian centn* which is we•thy of consideration o0 account of rte dlrectnese and fairness. The article first of all points out that notwith- standing our vast expenditures for immigra- tion, railways and public works generally, with half the continent under our control, Canada, despite it* grand resources. has gained in population hut one-twenty6fth es many people as the United States or one hall the proportion our population should hare yielded. And thio in the :are of the feet that the adjoining republic has not been immigration. Even the mother country. England, from which emigration u large, and is actually encouraged, has sited 14 per coot as against 111 per cent. in 4 Owen. The Review of Reviews farther cites Use feet that more than 1.000,000 ionic -oats ar- rived in the dominion during the past decade, while tis ',turn( incrwar should have been n early 3 per cent., or 1,900.000 in all. Semi that after ten years practically radar t►e a d the Australian eoeoniss, with more debi- t of its present publisher and new atteseteas than those of Canada, lin proprietor, Jas R. Rio u*Lsr, it tiro snored growing at • ram shoot 10 thew es high. In i11te . home of its ewe, ap.c4-ally designed fact 4 aanla night to have 6,400,000 people for the housing 01 a drat .las daily and ',Mead of the 4,800,000 the estrus shoe.. wsskly sew.p.pr The wow edifies is teen " What bas (.'nose a the 1.600,000 • The sibeirias sanimaatad by a tall Komar, and N .nnelwicw ',meld seem irre Ntibe that the haus( privots balding 1n the Arai At about ere tomtit of the popalabon .1 4'.. 'L The healewsrmlag wee the sues- .4. has drifted mew the badar labs She United dices wait. 10 years. ' Th* wiper pevuesda with moss oomspari• n one baew.se the ruts .1 growth on dr two mads of tllo border bas The Maritime Proviso.. bars stood practically stetremry, while New Mand has raised 90 per cent. Ontario and Quebec have Fused about 300, 000 ; the adjoining Stam of New Perk has gamed 900,000, and Psasaylvosia snarly a million. In the name time Maras pined 750,000, Ohio, Miura and Miasaista an average of 500,000000h, ora `ash es the en- tire Uomtniea pined. Masiisha, which is our one Provisos E akiog the INlet showing, rained 80,000 ; the adjoia111g stain at North Dakota, with bat half the popsletiop of Manitoba in 1881, graved 150,000 in the decade. The article concludes as follows: lu the past decade a continuous and strikingly bold attempt hue been made by the Canadian Government, through such mean* an 01110111110111 railway subsidies, pro (native tariff's and assu1nle to imneigratiou, to build up ('anode Jul an . . t moon conic communityflim wr-calied national policy has been pursued in defiance of all natural Tawe that governed the aitustiou. Five millions of Canadians are scattered along four thousand miles of boundary line. Nearly all of them live within • few mites of that lin A nation of 66 minims of people is on the other side of the artificial barrier. The five millions tan thrive only In such degree ae they d•n toter freely into the animercial eysI.ut of their own comb• neat. If the trade barriers were removed, men and capital would freely Bow into the great undeveloped North. So long ae the barriers ars maintained Canada will drive away her best blood instead of atimu Stu g =amid iadwrial devekpmse{ The iS,atd• Liberal. have, ia tlep sew figural alone, • sufficient arpmeat to secure an early defeat of the a;oyonamut, and a new election. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes Must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursd+y of each week. • Pulpit Services. A-ICTORiA S1REI T METHODIST (•hureb.-n.v. W. A. 8ft.Salamaa. LLD.. pastor. Sunday Out• 48th. 1801. II A.n., subject: "Nut Seeing lit Bettering :" 7 r.n.. subject : "The Results 161t Righteous Men have upon Nat liml Safety.` Strangers always w.kume. Strayed Amina iIit STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the ondenapled, lot t conceaalon t Uoderich township. a red heifer. coming three years old. Any' pesos knowing lea where- abouts will please minty the owner, JOS. T. 1ALK ELI). 30-2t Publio Mottos.. 1\ OTICE OF DIBIIIOLUTION OF PARTNKRBHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersi,(net u farmers, altle de.krs, lime burners and lumberer* at the townships of Uodench and t'ulbutne, in the eounty of Huron. under the style of M. t C. llaeehkr, was on the first day of August. VOL dissolved by mutual consent. All orbs owing to the said partnership are to be paid to C.)4aechler, by whom all claims against the said partnership w iU be paid. _Dated the tet da) of September, Del. MAX. BAECIILKR. 3034. CATHICHINK HAKCHLER. QEW1NG.--THE YOUNG LADIES' t Miring Hand of Non het. Met hod lot church will receive and fill orders for all kinds of plate. sewing and fancy work. Protons wish- ing anything in these lines may leave orders with a member of the Hand or with the secret- ary. MISS MAUtllE Ito HKkT,.UN. 90-21. /FAXES, 1891 -THE COLLECTOR 1. w411 be :o his onto., in the town hall, on Monday. Tuesday sod Wedue.day of each week tram Sept. lith to receive payment of taxes, water rates and electric light rates Situations Vacant. 11OOLOENERALsERVANT ‘V'ANT- NA ed. Apply to BHA. Mc•)ILLI('['DUY. W sst-st. 30-tf. UT AND VEST MAKERS waited. Apply to S.6Ri ERSON. shove Yates' hardware store. 3011. WANTED. -A GOOD GENERAL sereant wanted at MOM' App(,► to A. M. SHEPHARD. 011 Wanted. WA ED. -100 RDS OF GOO CORDS D wood. /feet loaf, fpse fees back logs and limbs suitable for C4117 'OW' and Wood Yard. Will buy delterred In yard hire or at stump. JOHN S. PLATT. Headends-Tra- falser street, opposite Buchanan t Sows oflce Articles for Sale HARD AND soil' COAL FOR .11e. - Hest quality of hard and .oft coal, all grabs, delivered to any part of the Iowa on short notice. Ue4 my prices before ordering elsewhere. JOHN it PLATT. fill I)ARLEI "BARLEY !. TWO ROWED )) barky wanted for immediate shipment. Harley must be well cleaned. /bathed price for all coarse grains. Store house open every day at old eoartet. HI. RROW8. the Seeds - man. Mat ((IWO► STOVES FOR SALE CHEAP: I °mealtooat new. Have no tem fav them. as 1 am triter hot water. JAS. M. BHEP- If.i RD. Month.t. V 1f VOR SALE, --A SEWING MACHINE l' ,n goad order iltoyall with four drawers and leaf ; roe 1104. will sell tor SU. Adders E. 00., this elle.. lit? IINE FOR SALE. -GOOD FRESH J Ilea kept conetaatly a1 head at the Yale Reserve lime kiln. X. BAE(:HLER. atom VOR HALE. -TWO 18 iN. CAST I' pulleys ii In. twee, 1 11 14 In. hon. or as be boxed t0 At larger .haft. Uood es new. W444 be sold at a reasonable figure. Apply at Tun $14514*,. Steam Printing 1{osm, Ne 14. -sl Oodurieh. 0.41. `)LOWS. -NO. 4 ENGLISH STEEL 1 Rotted, $19,4.. Ns II Anteriear Steel Hoard. 011,71 No. 6 American Mae( Hoard, 114.011. Uexd saved hand plows cheap- for cash Mouldboards for No. 13 and Hill's Daae plows nom ltSO to Kis. OOI)ERICH FHt'NDRY. Meehaanles' I satute. / iODILMICH MECHAltlOIV iNSTI- lJf ruts LIBRARY AND kEADiNY- ROOM, of , of Nast saws .ad pgtar. hep Opus trim L es s p.m„ awl hem Ito te Ra ABOUT 1000 VOLR 1N LIBRARY. troths, hasily, Wes* wap Biumilrel d � g racilis Rhee est Litman ori M.ti Appll•atlea ter moos k.mtblp towered to utrwriaa. 1. now Rik 11111Altietsti oFiTl•1t. . Osdarf.k• MIL ORO. 11111=0 ass Travelling Guide. *RAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Ter''le ar, :v..ai tissue at Roderio15 tows AMMO.Mel Nevem lit Sas ! a�.d Kim= .. ISO p.m. sed . M46 ►m. Mta.d . .... . � ...... ...» «.. »... T.if PAL 111. Mal » ......... .TtM►se- Election Protest. IN TBE BIOS COURT OF JUBTICIII. t'HANC*IIT DIVISION. 1 ye DOMINION (VNTliernaTgm11. LT10N• a5•1 Election of • member for the Home of Com- mons for the Kleetoral District of the West Riding of the Countyof Huron. holden on the twenty -etch day of ebruary and the Soh day of Hank, lel. Bet wean J * r as MrTt•agL1, 14t It Boer, and MALCOLM COLIN Calien0N, iia.poodent. Take 1s0410f 11411 by the direction of the Honorsh4e Mr. Justice Robertson the trial of the 1" •.foe Petition herein has beau pow poar• ,caul Monday, the (4nne..th day of IN teas.. -r etext,at the Court Howe,i4 the tuwu of Ooderleb, at the hour d three o'clock ,u the aner000a. UKO. 8. HOLM ESTER Itegtarar. Dated this 7144 day of October. (till. lo the Shedd of the 1'°1.17 of Korea bit. nedlaal• 71Bel WHITSLY a BUN TEL 1! Oils e• -Owed Opera IBelmt. Ntiarl-4. Wtt - DRS. SHANNON & SHANNON, Physicians Surgeons. A000schera. Y.c. 0Olc. at lir. sbaunou's re id.ses• near $the gaol Uoderich. U. t'. Senoras, .1 i1. Sens NON. . 1;61 For Serino*. I)OAR Ft'R SERVICE. -THE ('N• deralgned has for service on IW A emcee sins 1. Colborne tuwn•blp, a thoroughbred Chewer white boor Iwith registered pedigree. Term -$I. nayaWe at time of service, rlth privilege of returning U sees.sery. ONO. HOW ATT. _'tit MoSlia/s• A MEETING OF THIS COUNCIL of the oorporatloss( unewsaty et Heron will he held at the court bos.e, in the town of Ooderich, on Tuesday. Oct- M. 1891, at 3 o'clock e. es., for the transaction of general county bussne... Hy order of the Warden. t'ountyi l'Ieri a Odic... W N. HOLME$. Uodericb. Oct. t Ifni.. 18.24 Actt.g Co.Clerk. • Mortgage Sale. IIORTGAGI SALE or VALUAB'.Y. PROPKRTY iN UOIIERiCH TOWNSHIP. Under and by virtue of a power of sale coo Mined in • retain mortgage bearing date se 11th day of May. A• D. 111.3 and which will ba• produced at the time of sate. there will be sold by public auction at Martin's hotel. in the town of tioderich, on Saturday. the3le day W October, A -D, 1891, et twel,e o'clock noon, by John Koos. sue loot er, the following valuab,. farm property. namely : All and singular Met certain parcel'or tract of land end premises situate, lying and being in the towrship of Ooderlch, in the county of Huron and Pro- vince of Ostari°. and being composed of le somber semen, in the Maitlandc -oncrslon ,f the mid tewnahlp of lioderichcontaining by , . t eight) -two a. -res of laad.bs the same more or Ices. This property is cot of the mow desirable tdacrs In or near (Joderieh, and Is situated on the Huron gravel road within Smiles of the town of Ooderich. There is a large and handsome brick dwell - lent house on the bat.( 3 stories high. situated well back from the roan, with well laid out grounds to the tenni. planted with handsome trees shrubs and flowering plants of different kinds The house contain. 15 renes end halls pant rys and bath room. There is a Ont -claw cellar with stow walls under the whole house. The sills wiodew cape and steps are all of sore. Therm i. also • good kitchen garden and as orchard containing apple. pear end plum trees. The land 1s well drained and has good well water, and there are besides two ager soh water ,Otero There is aim upon the property a gourd car risme house with sablewi hree barns slid cattle sheds Terms of sae : Ten per cent .1 own on the day of sale, and the balance without interest in 30 days thereafter, when the purchaeer will be let i•to posee..inn. Title deeds may be inspected at the pace of venaors meg dos. For further particular* apply to thcauction- eer or the vendor '• solicitor*. - Dated October 9th, A.0.111101. CAMERON, HOLT a CAMERON. JOHN KNOX. Vendors Solicitors. A oat loner. There will also be sold at the said time and place and by the Same auctioneer the IOW/Winn prupeny• namely a pet of lot number right, in the Maitland c000ewlon of the mid town- ship of tioderfch,eo•tatnleg byadmeuuren,ent twenty-nine and seven -tenths t9 7.101 ..Yes of land. be the same more or le•.. This parcel Wiens the land to be sold under the mortgage and Iles Immediately to the east of h and with it forms what is known as "Mait- land Place There is • good cottage with I rooms on ibis parcel CAMERON. HOLT t CAMERON. Teaebefrs Wanted. rrIACHER WANTED FOR S S. NO. 11 17, AslOsld ; with mooted or thlnldaes certificate. Applications wall be opened Mon- daJJ. November end, Address i), M. JOHN STUN. Secretary. Sbeppardton P.O. 9671- 'IeEACHER WANTED FOR 8 S. NO, 1 s, Colborne ; stem or Ieseale, holding mooed or thlydclas certificate. Duties to commence January 4. Applicants to sate salary and forward tootltsaala before Nov. (ted. Address WILLIAMTRKHLK,Secrrtsry, Carlow 1'. J. Dated Oot. Ii 11x1. I0,31. TEACHER WAN TED-FEIIIALE li teacher. sett*Maut to Dleatete500 Pub- lic School. Doe holding bid =moos non profane- tonal rofantonal preferred. Appllauoas sill be received by the undersigned up to Nov. Ind- I391. If by letter •tat* salary expected. experiesee in teaching, etc. Duties to commence Jan., 1101. .1. U. WARD., Secy. P. 8 B. Trustees Du.ganno. P. O. 11-/4- Musfoal. plANO TUNiNO. - MR. A. RAMS- /. PRROER will be In town on Mo.dv. °Weber 1Ph. Orden for piano Inningleaf be nPor4i leat Fraser & ter'. book wore IK. M1.81C LESSONS, - MISS AMR THOMIP)N is prepared to glee mttale lessons on the piano or snot For osefl Ware hip she tit (3.s W. Th.msss's noose etoee. OWf. ROYAL CROWN BITTERS, E. D. C. Demands Cur. Plat Pella ( Canals Cram Desutrim. Pref. Garet samadis . Taylors pati S.sIF1a Pruflm.s la Dr. lio4Mli asmadla Aa sew ellen ra gl�lawwelwed T%615 4a. I. Drown% (Nmol. ler sopa J. W use e t P Dose N000aei, THE CORNER O7' McLean's New Block YOU WILL /IIID THE UREA? MIITABLIMNIUDIT OF A. E. PRIDHAM, Gents' Furnisher, Where you can get an assortment of goods second to none of our leading city houses. It will pay you to find.tlhe place, for there in the best equipped store in oar town, you will find the finest variety of men's goods that has ever been shown in Gode- rich. My stock for Fall is now al- most complete,and I have bought from leading makers only. IN LADIES' 61' v refs I h vO dot the correct sty lea. All 1 ask L 10 call and see them befog- purtltaaing elsewhere. New York tieolgrts in Storm Dollars, Muffs, Capes, Visites, In Beaver, Alaska Sable, Seal, Nutria, American C. osmum, Sealette, Grey Lamb, etc. Youths', Boys' and Men's Overcoats Little need be said about this line of good*, as all who in$pected the last season had to acknowledge that, totllhinrd with material, style and pn,. they were the best value'in the trade, and I rn*a6t .ay..thia season's import, tion aurlasws all others. Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underwear, Ties, Collars and Cuffs, Braces, Hosiery, Dress Shirts, Night Robes and all the latest novelties in gentlemen's apparel kept attractive and fresh the year around. IN RUBBER COATS i hate a tory large stock in all the new shades and patterns, with I *24 -inch cape detachable. Take a look in and try one on. Prices will trot frighten you. No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the place ---ON THE CORNER OF Mc LEAN'S NEW BLOCK. A. E. PRIDHAM, THE MEN'S FURNISHER. P.S.- I am agent for the Parisian Steam Laundry. Goods sen' every Wednesday and returned on Saturday. 1P ti for Bale or for Rent. L1OR SALE OK TO RENT. -LOT 10, concession it. F I)-. township of Col- borne, containing 100 acres : Yi scree cleared. remainder in wood. Apply toCHAS,YOCNO, lloderich, 0044 fro RENT.- - A LARGE STONE house o. Kant -a, adjoining east Shen - lard's Apply at FOUNDRY. 27-41 1'ARM FOR SALE 1N EAST WAWA - ii' notch. -Parts of Mote ti and 31. on the Ph concession. comprising 73 acres. being the estate of the late Willisai M^Iq•ald. 7'he farm is in • good Nate of cultivation. There are splendid boldlaos : well watered. and oonvenlent to good roads. good markets and school. Torre is also a first-class orchard on the premises For further particulars apply to the ssecuton, ANOLet Mcl)ONALI), JAMES McDONALD. 81, HeensP. 0. 27 !m FARM TOR BALK -LOTS 2'2 A ND 13. on the le eon.. O.derlch township. iayfeld Rood, enintlf1.111a rat ares situated on the Lake Shore Road mit miles from the town of Uoderlcb The land is of good qual- ity, and is suitable either for grain or for sock raising. There is a goal Swiss .trema through the centre of the farm. For �mrrtfliec�p• les address It C. HAYS forefeet. -UodMtti. L1O E- I.A RG R SALE. -THAT H = AliD 1comfortable frame hose at the fest + Weaat., Immediately opposite the Perk; a very desirable Ione ion 6..p and would memos, suitable for Summer boarders. For further particulars apple to W. T. WELSH. 241 YROPEKTY FOR EXCHANGE.-- Persons wising to erasing, (Mitered propertd)o y. or farm leads .la!ag, for Torics houses or lots one barn gall particulars by sp yial to ALECK sACNDKRlt. Oodin t rkb. AOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT 11' comsodbue building on King et. Bruit Oda at pressed eocupied as • paint -shop by W..6.1U• o Ismale. Terme easy Apply to I' F. 8. 80017, Reusselm P. 0. 06-11 AOR SALE. - THE FOLLOWING l valrable properties: Part of lots 7 sad t concession /, MD. Aak fldd, Irl acres Ma North 4 04 lot 111. fid oonosmba, Era Wawanosh, Meares T6e above properties ppertieswill be sold ea tortes m �CAMalt 6proE1t0y(. to HOL1 t CAMU odoeC, -POR SALE. -MR. WILLIAM Me - i Lena, frees imatinued 111 -health, offers (or sale his bees and grounds to the tows of Oei► rich. os.sWtl.g d 4 lesson whish an ennead sa etsgset and moa iteanhortahle dwelling bo., befit and nap occupied by His Hoare Judge illaclalr, of Hamilton. • beautiful gar da, stables and all aetessary outhouses and the whole in good reser and formlag one of the most deeirabie reside cera 1s the tows of Uoderscb. For ppaarrttkalars apply te Mosors ()ARK'1W t PROUDFOOT. (Rao nien, the weirdor's solicitor+. 14 t1 FIRST-CLA88 BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON 8T. PATRICK 81', About two alaum's walk trees the Square. Two aeries bids, brick oddities in the rear 1+ some. kIgb, &NHdiag covered with fists Y•1■ beading Ms 3 kojs rooms nes Mt SSL upstairs these w* a kola mems 4. the roar Mattes there see hitches, matey. wase keoo• Upsets es. A� m ' 'eam end 44.. a sbe�thsrlegenledt Abo good whh. will efve ell . e ..cud inforsatlea.DANIEL DON. LW. Dentistry. ��l(( NICHOIAION, LD.B -DENTAL i71• re11m11 a11gesa eb. 1.w Pee Owes wols11►. edsylie. It7 DR. L RIOBARDSON, L D.8., ss.wesesa. Oso mai veil u gale 1 'Maim mlM. eateseee 1611/:t CU% -- cal I OVEY N --A LA R TO LE D. 1 amount .1 priv.te and ether fro a lowest rotes o productive tows end Me I rty, 'special terms of repa7(aest N dl t borrower. -No oomr1lon. -Me M. 0. JOHNSTON, Uodericb. ! 0•tf T G. WARD, CONVKl ANCER, 'EY osiers, of bal.tor eda015vng �w V afflra�atloas deporfte.a w seisms Nuhn Uo.s la or aosoernl 11117 sales. mite TN oesdIng 1. the Ili C (let d Justice. So Court of Appel for wri. tor 1s s N asst( or Division Court. All and promptly execrated. Beddesee ;Mrr address. bung.nnc.. O.1. 1111-(f N. LEWIS, BARRISTER. PROC. es 10f MarIt/me Cosru o* 92- xi t - OAke-$oath lolboroe 60504. m 11. 0. JOH NST4 )N, RA KRiSTER solicitor, cmnmla.to.er, tr. lame collections and real estate traaaactiuss Nn fully attended to. IHIMe- ('or, Hamiltes rid St. Andrew's-st., Ooderich, (bet. Ifi1y1 JOdN DAVISON, BARRISTER In Solicitor, , to ; Mems le lend. Office over Poit-(epee. Uoderieb. and CAMPION, BARRISTER .11. . Solicitor, Na ry Public, eta. Office Over Jordan's Drug Store, the neem formerly occupied to Judge Doyle- '� C. HAYS, SOLTCITIK, t< . ogee. taper of Square and West street, (ioderich, over telegraph ones. Prr, vat. Funds to lend ata per cleat. PM t I ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR- • -A notes, T. A .erne W. SolPrrlsdfoot. tr.. tied. rich. J. T- Darrow. Vi, CAMIR3N, HOLT & CAMERON, V Har-Lten. Solicitors 1a C6aooerf kr- QedMch. M, C, (*.moron. Q.C. P. belt, Dudley Holmes Loans and I �1• J. T. NAFTEL, LIFE, FIRE API) • Aoeldent Inesraar) Agent R4.l1* ' fag North ttritl,h t MercahllM; I4TI London & Moto, Norwich Pais.: Afmws�� American Life : and Aootdeat Interesse d North America. Lowes Reales Lome WI teti prompttp. >K m Loon o. 7541.8 anti Toms Property. C�1,, No61 s ppeerrtt( Valued. :ell"' }0 8gs.►e. Uodertob, oo0 000 TO LOAN. APPLY 'N PPP `a CAMEBON.IIOLri OAMERONt nob. MOIf1eT '110 LiHQ--A Ldsel aeons d •1wM far vt lower rates M tAspw toOARROW t RADCLIWE, GENERAL >X' e ar wag he gait the serrotear. R ....wa ft..1 ilkaata am. 111 • 1'e ri▪ ck. aIRf. 1Oil" 10X, OEsgRAL AF' Ulmer sad Load • 1� eyl'a' Oat. • Retries hod ...t dessa°� d14.1agtjwgat(�k1, ��o r�blg��y • P. O•, acmdur7 slnaM (•• JOg' Oliste Ametlosees NSW Retool Astiownedstlima Til HURON HOrnL. - iarma tlsd ffassiar heal be CANADIAN BA cr HEAD so/1rs& (PAIS M) ME falu WT. B. E WAU GOD! A t(islu - BANKING Busititas DRAFTSIsl1SD PAYABLE AT t11TNe 11 Teel UNITED STAT SAVINes WOWS OF 611,00 AND 1JPWA �OWID ADDED T NIN (AOM YEAR- _ MI AIteettoe givsi lad Fermiers' Sales Notes. THE TALK OFTHE T( A eaters swamp re. a Iii este dm' fadlA hell pesoN 1. Ile.,. Ntewart. the paste mitis, aloe rote I he Innen. end makes 1t • point" the novelties le kb Ito every time A macs elide the poorest onmpaale be "entertains. ees444- itt. it et vs certain to get the hest salts in picture Goal fail to call upon R. R. bellows a: ar bis mouldings. Ho hes the beet Lase summer's Ham dater b rathe ,.dura them erect•{, 1t you wa woo over ground this 'enter you WE )our mummer suit and bare your totem b) F. J. Prtdbem,tbe people'sc i'ubbc men .bald renumber that . /1100, *III not keep their mice clean, leer . murk wont go down with the s1 public. The fun �t {a•la fund.btnP Iran.'. "canoean who snt n t try is the a like t0 11 ,ening b��; ad in dike meaner wa41 super umb(agand the new, bestow we on't call up old taa1to with antediluvian methods, but sen for .elect. Hamden. 1\K TatUlu$O-('Nave Atio Hot eg The cold weather u ken• but it ttuut.ie you if you eely call and mak taus ftwu 100 uvenoau of the very t in read) mate -tablas ever seen In The Vries will astonish you when )o the pada, noel 'r and fashionably out sed. The ted Sanford ate hoe.. in turn to find teem. K MI 11.4.511. .t Tu. A.:AI\. The 4.oder school football teem went to (1 .aturday to play the return motet model school teas, of that town. match here, the game was a tie. .."red once. Alex. McDomiald, n ...ler*eh players, was so badly e the game that be war oinpeiie oc Cr a night In ('baton. 4 issi.isARV \Voss. The Mi. f X..rth•st. Methodist church. w twin the public that they are pt do .It moaner of plain sewing work " with neatness and deepat t,ning labs rwceatly rent off clothing for the Northwest India proceeds of t be above stionueei le used in the furthering of effort. Fein SM , %N. On Waimea' week Strathroy was the some of tial. of4;e.s. A. Fear, the well -km ,irugg,st of this town. and 51 .mann, daughter of Rev. M. Strat hroy. The ceremony was by the father of tire bride, 1 Fi. v F:. A. Fear, brother of e\. T. Smith. of 4,o dench, sup grom. and the brid.•mai i was 1 ..f Itru.sel. Telt St..%AL wiahet w.-ideyd couple all the happiness • Issue and prosperous life. BILI ITIO\ .Art 5518+. A a t;.al wss held at the !Wvataon reeks on Thursday night of lest hurl. inns present were laps fission, carnet : Lieut. Penning :..ion, late of the Musketeer .\moa, m.law, "the musical woe urns, 404,1144): ('apt. Mc.\mmor n• -h. guitar. 1 is meeting was el and the music wes much c Brigadier and Mn. $poorer• will conduct the meeting at the Wedusday next. the 21st inst. Ter (h •Tag Se craft. The o' end en in Victoora- ;.t church oe Thursday of last tune eccellent wee, both an rel ',Lands prepared and the musics any program rendered. T1 Iwai ue u very energetic in carr work of an alxilliary to the ch o.luitted themselves well. A v tendered those who co.trib musical and literary menu of t A goodly number was present 1 ;t Ivry much. Rev. J. F Ht s•cupme l the chair. Pioowelt pastor. Rev. 11r. Strongman, is gentulate.l on the panorama° of society. H,,omey Hoar FarriveL- parochial thanksgiving ter eeor . s church, (:oderch, wil .m Thursday evening next, ih The following u the order Hymn. "Cogs. ye Thankful Pc tune, St. George ; Psalm 146, weed is D ; Psalm 147. chest, F, : Cantata Domino, Jackson') Ileus Misereatur, Joanna's s anthem, "(1 Lord, How Maail Works,., Barnby ; hymn, "Pn 1 h,r (hod ..rid King , memos arthing, rector of Wosd1i<s on presentation of the alms, trigs, Rich and Rare." Red "A11 People that on Firth do Flex shortly hdore 8 oe everng the fire admen was ,aur being a Wes at the hoe Mrs. J. S. Videos, in Ss Al The hem reel was 11)01 MAW the time the ironer roughed building nearly all the keel building was is Amos..- 7 quietlyplaced, bat when 11 turned on the coupling to the Ioroke nn three oocm510es- ,delay. hut the rain of the alta saturated the house that the 1 little through the mishap. N had fell Play the Are wee WAe tel and in • short time esti The fire n supriled to has m4e plane es It did eras ten when the masa building. with a'ssinjured to the value of er1We d.�a . 000urTed. tie who how. kslsg nearly deme front portion is damaged by removal of doors amid wisd0' Feu. limn ens Ray. The Wsdnsda 's Respire has 1' eeeida.t t� befell a w d '4. MaeMath, who i sew • was lardAwes/ etre omitiee et wile visited Limed_pr'! 7•� wss AM. Raid l{gol�mth. weed. The (serf w� emlh Mama theA1gsh else aprhr, sad Moe M bar