HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-16, Page 2• Jr -7 THE BIGNAL: i:ODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, rISFJj s -l1. I. Cid Sala Mut i' M.e Ic&li Let • M yenR 1t'tlrleta s UAIet Tana. SRN. id imp sur net4 tt. on 1 '.of•in on ti Iowa, le.. se, Mar a wham It pet est r. iRIED. tl:.t'-IR Nemo, ot IL deo* m ale of 1 thou. b ons char A ronin to Ant ndudet At A h ot Kit R - At , Wood y es. an Die • ED rrvli tel. Ja: res car.!he sees . eu ti !r of 1 vet 11 1fTH. ariiso W iMi, ear cif *han ('lint loe , cul pi I And t nett He e frir t I ,.••:r e 1'* se ey sh r yells the ('1 of Lith has Viligh EY. tr,rutta yeti ea is hos in t tot Iii gas' roes Thee tel. ly I). M yeas! lam der. bunion Hy lit Nd eat r, 0 ey a die ng lac er of have I. u Anis BEL XAt f that happy ut wei t'. m .t( Mr. ire bele thea lady. 'ler 81 n. rate era march en urea a 1. ivies. Rev and ', irdts amine, Afar when britt velli; wish honeys cities 01 Kum BARN gated tte P of rt 1M nem grin v weeth . holo of to , his p nth ilii me Ifr. • MRS. LINDSAY'S MISTAKE..h i' ry fhsr 16.1 m,M°'ft THE POETS CORNER. et she DT Baku a tttt/Ii T. The bng►i Etaptewlear eRtsahtie that crept throegh the vise -wreathed windows of • baastiful es*Nry villa seemed et isgel7 est of harmony with the beset folds of crape •ad itemises Mask material scattered about tate room, Wad the flecks of sensbua that played hide -and seek through the iutarlactng leaves fell upon • (hoe whose Ime•meee seemed changed to stone by the touch of sorrow. It was no common 1 Or se Mrs. Liedeay thought. which had banished all the brightness from her life, and pleased her Into an apathy of gree( so deep that nothing could arouse her tram It. she had drunk deeply of the aup of sor- row ; • devoted husband and noble eon had been taken Irvin her, but she had borne her lose submissively, comforted by the t ender, clinging love of the daughter upon whore she soon learned to bestow s11 thr love that had been divided among others, and her very lite itself gowned hound up u the beautiful. loving girl who was bet iu.ep•r- able companion. When the mother first reedited that she was soon to he milled upon to give up thus renatni.g treasure, she cried out In passion- ate rebellion against the injustice and cruelty of • t:od who would take all from her, and clung to ber daughter as if aha would keep her by the very might of her love. " i will not give her up t" she said, again and again, but even while the rebellious words were on her Up. the last sands of the short hie ware trw_aill�l>► slipping away. las When, at t, the mime no outburst of grief relieved Mrs. Lindsay's over charged heart. remade feared for her rea- son as the tried m vain to arouse her from the ternb e, unnatural apathy which merle her eyes tearless awl her face like stone. She would Dot mention the daughter in whose coffin ber heart had been buried, and she ordered that all the garments and dai.t, girlish p "sessions that had been Meta ■ should be packed out of sight, nor would she permit anyone to speak to her of her bereavement. She shut herself up us au impenetrable wall of rseerve, and never left the inclusion of bet beautiful home, for all interest In life, all the I. , and desire to make, other bapp that haul made her beloved in EI' P1 1 former .layaiad vanished. The little dressmaker, stitching bushy •way at • black garment, glanced pityingly of the sad, grave face, that was as immobile and statuesque as J it had been careen from marble. Mir Prissy had come this afternoon with • fixed purpose In her mind, b was folly deternun.d to accomplish e esM have hens Meta's owe wink. meld she have bows •B. aid 11 was the mairiiee "Wile mw Lanae wash W7 had thoagkt she had mads List ..I was ben Ie lseasr. syn • strueer leak had woe hie the kering e.reosse whisk bid ass duo. esieited aves7 she wall s.1 hoe .best bet sic Aa es briars 1. ubereatearest was tied e'el.tye' ly heart. hint. Ma maid me it all se IWal7 saw. bar AN Uncle Jake see eladt.' 0/m •.Mbit as ti NM her misake u Ietliag bet serve+ km tvw Waist* her mama of psoal.sg her in Nam AM b , , sympathy with others, stacl obeying the ►ie eye— pnosipdags of bee better nature she resolved •1 wee ken ie that henceforth her sorrow should bring yet • blooming to utbera, ed that the love •td And I halal dees ks.k s twenty. •.d I'm care which she would Imre lavished epos earki.• beehives slow , Meta should be .peat u `Imo .oats I.r Outset is .r1 laevery iesseurset twilit bare and happy lives. Her biter rebottles sdteoad 1l•.s h into .ubmioloa, ..d though ler beset suU Amid 1 west testate this coffee team like gat ached she meld say, " He doth all things use how to ms ! well." The beautiful house wee egad I'turusout .sother, deed)," sat• Ike leiter. throws epee to the gumshoe", and filled with warms.' up, Yowl u..,ospmuta, delicate, sufiirt.R ttrk aqa•ktscrest •essoerfulesunitstate kla who their buses tea the crowded city had cup never kuuwn the luxury of pure sir sed "When 1 .sed yrr siege )order.' he seat tea t. nourishingfood,•sd Mrs. t.iad.symmrsered Uocb.Jake— to them as e.derly ea • soother might have 'Corea aid set seas Washe like your molb- doue, that the happiness she could Lr1rag to er seed w saaka'- others night be • memori&l of her loved 1 thought et my old mother as/ the Meta.cousi r tars, Was it chance that John made the mi. Aad me • Moe kid un ••b&ng,u' os her take that brought May to her in such an um. outburst of loving gratitude that she forgot As sive eel the pot .bilin'. broke the styes and her awe of the stern, sad woman, sad Lev pound them la--- i&hed upon her the loving caresses which Aad the Wow kw' o' halted, with • tremble unsealed the springs of the tronas heart ! - is Ids chin. Prise Sketch in Observer. Aad Uaele Joke he fetched the 1.110 s toack sod s'oed They poultlood her feet had poulticed bid As solemn for • minute Aud Watered her back til 'teas immense sad Then would hs gun o ionised and nod. Tried tomes, 'Mitre peln-tiasn •&d moves. kitchen door. mid taxi 'Though gr►adwdeoared it was nothing but item coaxal, a wtic Jut with hint, ' u.rvos,"' btu' ..f her ",rete - Tbe your eases though, she area ceRaisly And she mattes for the stranger. Till "Favorite khsseriptaoa" she happened 10 len : "lt• Aim Thank Gee. we've anal him combo' No w oder is Praise's so loudly they speak : avow your mother. Jlm she .row better at Dace, &ad was well in • And the feline, as tae grabbed hat, week. The torturing pains and daunting Dery bet 1 taint toegot"— ousaslm which accompany, at times, oaruin Bat. wipin' of bas Walt sips ha : "Yearn f*s'ti forms of female weakness, yield like magic might dol to 1)r. lherce's Favorite Prescription. Its -James Whitcomb Riley le At. Paid Globe. purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and me,, nee- Beadle. adapted to the delicate organirattoo of Mrs (;ro. Ftemlte, tai (:dt, let, writs: wouuan. It allays area subdues the nervous " 1 .n recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of symptoms and relieves the peon accompany •\111.1 Strawberry, for Its • sure cure for trig functional and organic troubles. all Summer touipteints\\'e are never t,uir'&ntee printed os bottii-strapper, without itis the house." Fowler's ever and taithfuUy earned out for many year. Strawberry. Price, 35c. tNtsfrtf*� neaten. wsiakles tied hew a heard Analis" Them. A French asarss'e baby was so .melt that There s uothing so destroying to the she met her ghee for is cradle. peace of • pretty +..wen's soul es the ds - A wild goose killed in telifonu lad • cov.ry of the first wrinkle w Ler tam. et collie t+hats le Delany. mw a forty yeses 1404 coffee as an undertaker tiptoed no Ydm the a -rub she bud U you :"You gray f wheat 1 Its trop which when l; be tot rated for often n o w sa n bar n maj e , ted, peducel • vanety hitherto un. their 'minim( .Rens the tints of the coot• I'll' silo. and odds uew depth and brightness Astronomers say that a shot fired on the to the eyes that dash beueatn them, and equator of Jupiter would travel with • many pretty women are never really huauu. rotary m otton at • speed forty-six times ful until they are crowned with the sheen of greater than that of a cannon bell fired at silver trassea the earth's equator. The fading tints of a well -kept and smooth A unique necktie was worn by • recent akin may be c000ealed by artifices that visitor to Macon, Ge it was nude of a every woman knows, but a wrinkle u an and she rattlesnake's skin, the rattles serving as a obstinate, aggressive witness that learesevi- )t pin. The wearer killed the reptile nine donee of age in moat pietureequ a language. " I stopped is • aunute .t the minister's years aqo is Florida- There is nu such thing as owiciltatug • on my way hero," she began, nothing daunt. A young tabloentan performs wonder fuI wrinkle or coaxing it out of sight on ow -u - ed that Mrs. Lindsay ihd not seam to hear feats in bending irou hers and breaktngdag- shuts, no dressing it up In pretty deiguiss her words. " Per May was crying her stases. Recently he hent an non rod an of gauze and fnlls ; no one ever really tel. eyes out, for she bad a letter from • friend Inch in dianieter and broke • flagstooe two mired its curves or wrote winnow to urs of her mother's this morning olTeninit to inches thick, using no other means than Lu beauty ; no one ever really Mtge.' for its send her to some seminary that the child's b&n,la cousin's, and the more you fume awl fret born wild to go to and graduate- When Rattlesnakes aro said to tut•. a natural over It the more contentedly it settles down the family came to talk It over they found antipathy to white ash leaves. tome nMur- into its place. they would have to decline the oder, for, of „dist,asert that a rattlesnake placed in • Many remedies for the eradication of wrin- cow.e, she would have to have an outfit, circle of half ash icOrel and h• f but coals kles have leen suggested by various writers and there dose t seem to be any way to rtou the subject of personal beauty, but the will eros the coals rather than encounter it and pay her travelling expenses too. 1 ou the leaves.best and Burst con for wrinkles, as some know Mrs. Meredith s beau ailing •Ilone very wisely remarks, is not to get them, •a Spring, and I guess they 'a hardly sake Officer Musgrove ascendea to the dome of for they may be avoided more easily than re - both ends meet now without anything the granite capitol at .Austin, Tex., to in- moved. A skin that to carefully and fre- entra. I'm sorry fur \Lay from 'h. bottom apect the swarm cf bees which bad settled an ,lueutly bathed nn warm water and pure of my heart, for it's such a goad chance for the nostrils of the statue of the (:odder of soap and rubbed to a glow all over once Liberty. The figure s seventeen feet hit day with soft donne! or the lands, pre - her to finch her education, and she's w and surmounts the dome, whioh is oVW 300 1 Is food of study." serve its el&attcity,and leas suscepNLte to Miss Primly waited (ora few minutes in feet high. Officer M�rove say's there are ,,.rinkk. the hope that her words might suggest to c'hably- several berr<" of honey :n the Ch. modern woman has nen cars, per. Mrs. Liudsay • plan for helping May, but nze head of the goddess. plexities and +arses than Poser ever as her words had apparently fallen upon a Ptesase merit M.k-Aowl" ig,iielse dreamed of. All these worries and cares, if deaf ears she mustered up courage to makemirrored in the face, bang wrinkles and a proposition. The druggists tell us that people call furrows. Therefore, don't worry if you can Mrs. Lindsay, 1 hope you won't e daily for the new cure for constipation and help it, and don't worry any more than ou gsick headache discovered byi)r. Silas Laney offended with me for mentnmiu 11, but can bele, and thea perhaps you inky live to haven't you gut some dreams that you left 11 u aid to be t►ngon grape root la, great - be forty Militia +rankles. off when you put on black ''If you would remely in the far Nesms Nest for thecompaintsl The vivacity and swift changing play of give them to May, I'll make them ,ver cunbinel with sun* herbs, and 13 made feature in bright. sparkling American girls nicely for her, and it would be such r nelp for use by pouring on boiling water to draw wan p�aturcly wrmklel and dstrxtrd- b It 11. at SOc. and $1 a ki 1891. was was set �� esdewd with this eapsdty of hope. p a w' tom' THE tries. use aught elupree it were easy to ilsd despair u away .tpecIa The J000r will w w that this or that invalid is downed. sed that be asset, by ail the mei- blase .f damn fsawtde sad apat-tenos, bin en Jay eases. c Wall, said hew apra y� �t helsag p rllthe eleh syar tis the pity yo. fel far him. thug hovering inew.se two worlds, •hast seg of whoa doss. the use he s Maytag, yes are able to awn yourself that 7esu know anything decisive. "Oh, msob bettor," he replies. with elm h ope in his miss tied hie *Tea " I thialt 1 .h.11 suoi be well" --All the Year hosed. r Santis' WU ?BAY nth l'saaewred prayers are a reproach to l'brtetin p.opia. The promise of l;Od is plain. Tb -•s4 ouatuiuo ly and modem that the answer s wtittbe d maims Lias infidels. Whim Clarks G. Huey was • young maw ham was • shortly He was oastirsted in hs unb.list by the feet that the Christian pro- ate in the town where he lived were testis- u•lly praying for • revival of religion, and then conform' and lamenting that their prayers wen sot answered. By searching the Scnpturea as • e:t book is tile 'lady of the tew,Mr. Fi.se, discovered that God heti not proposed to give to those who auk ex- cept on condition of faith. 1t was like • new revel.' ion to him. He sought the Lord, and i.-gan to pray and exhort the people to pray. expecting to reeeive the very thing &eked for, and in a few days • gracious and powerful revival of religion rewariled hu faith. It was the begt&mag of a series of wonderful answers to prayer which marked the career of one of the moot succeesfulevas- geliate of modern times. When prayers are not answered, ellen the thing &.ked s not given, there s a reams, and the biwleririg muse s In the prayer or the petitioner. If the subi.ct of prayer were properly under. stood and men were willing to comply with the conditions the would put up such peti- tions as would be answered. Thu - might of such prayers s amad.g. Thea are more powerful time armies wath ban- ners end parks d artillery. Nothing can stand before them.—Cbrtatian Advo- cate. to h out the etrengt selooking womnen uch of the vivacity asd er. anal is called haste Fal.ily Medi. Miss Prlesy s valve was very pleathngand Park pretty by pof elevated brow s (crani she listened eagerly for the response. She ""e - (Sow) and unnaturalL and all thereeore conducive knew that Meths wardrobe would just tits wtyoblp•. Pe.�ssea to wrinkles. May, but .he had not lard to suggest 11 to Another habit to be avoided s that of When girl detects the signs of a Mn. Ltndaeay, anti site ha.) but • faint \Wa young contorting the (ace into ludicrous and ugly shadow of a hope that It might occur mutual attachment between berme and a , positions when exposed to the strong sun - to her to hake this use of the garments light. All this can be controlled by a little so carefully packed away. Mrs. Lindsay bila paused for a moment's thought, then an. steered. " Yes ; 1 can send over a trunk of dresses that probably can 1* adapted to May's needs, if you think Mrs. Meredith will not be offended. I will send John over with it this evening and you can stop on your way home and explain it esu her." An hour later she called the cgachma'u to her. ,John, there is • trunk in the right heal corner of the attic. 1 want you to take it over to Mrs. Meredith's. She will know what it is." Sitt::.g by her open window, while the purple evening shadows began to gather, she heard John depart on errand) and presently return. A little later swift girlish feet came along the gravelled walk and up the wide oaken staircase, so like Meta's fooeateps they were that the (robes heart throbbed at the mount. Through the dusk • light figure entered the open door and crossed the rorrn. She started convulsively is loving arm. were thrown impulsively around her neck and a soft face was pressed against her own. Dear Mrs. Lindsay, how dart 1 thank you enough," and the girlish voice quiyerecl for • montergt. "1 know what it must hare Dost you to send see darling Meta's ward- robe, but somehow 1 think it would make her happier even in heeveu to know how happy you are making use, for you know how she loved to 'take people happy. Thank you so much," and the impulsive girl pressed loving kismet upon the quiet aoa Was it the claim of girlish arms about her neck or the caresses for which the had longed se hungrily for months! Suddenly the fountains of grief were unsealed, and clasping the girl who had been Meta's hest loved friend close to her asking heart she Mint Into paseiowae wssptng Ilea seemed deepen melt the steal deepewhich h•.1 risen like • wall to keep leer from sympathy and love, and a she wept she was comforted. May wondered at the passion of grief which her words had evehrd. Mit young se she was she knew that they were a erelong** Mrelief to the silent ser? which 1...1 held ponsinsion lig se Inas. m abes whivered leaks wards of comfort sad premed her owe face clear to the liar-sd.inel nee, until at lest the sots tamed As Mrs. Lindsay grew calmer she enthral the meaning r./ May's words, which at first she had net iolly 1. M.ta's wardrobeJobe meet haw. mad. • ma Make, ..d in plane of the trunk filled with Illfailida .f her own, w►ie►.he had bitted d, la Ind lakes the [thea oosteitllg the man whose tastes and position in life are suited to hers, she can do no better than confide her thoughts on the subject to her mother, or, of she be motherless, to some woman who u much older than herself, and upon whose sympathy and wisdom she can rely. If the older person approve, there are ninny ways of arranging opportunities for the pair to become better acquainted, and to discover whether their first ithpre•- sines of each other were c .rrect. A wise mother can easily arrange the social setting of her children. i( she gathers about her only such young people as she deems fitting companions for them, the most natural consequence is that ties are formed which .rill be satisfactory to parents ea well ea children. The young nian finds easy and natural ways 01 expreseing his regard for • young girt, and by • kind of Intuition she Wan usually musty herself from the first of the nature of his feeling" toward her. He will show . , deference, and • preference for her society at all time., and yet he will carefully .void anything stet might convey to others the impression that he Believes her to hold the same attitude of preference toward him. He will always accept her society as • courtesy which nage has graciously conferred, and apart (rain which he ham no claim.. Indeed, in all Manly end :chivalric ways he will testify his admiration for her, until he feels • sufficient assurance of her interest in him te warrant him in putting the vital question to kir. 1f she be an ingenuous &red high minded girl she will admit or deny with kindness mid candor that she values as he wishes his devotion to her. 1( her consent is obtained b. will then seek the approval of her p•rente or guardians. 1f ber family objects to the proposed alliance it is the girl's duty to re. reeve her final decision, unit of respect ler them. 1f time and opportunity for kteter hag each other better only deepen their re- g ard. and parwtd disapproval matinees, the girl has two alternatives, patient wait- ing mad se unhappyof iM oas- •e 'wens of dieohedieace Filch girl must determine this matter for h. sel(,remembsr tag, however, that no ono can have a more unselfish interest so her heppiees thaw her par -gate wens wet least. N. W. T. i was induced to use your Rarsinok Blend Hitters for egoistipttune and general debility mid foaled it • r gnpl.te cure which 1 tike pleasure in ing to s11 who may he thea gaited." Jaynes N (arson, Hardt N W. T. itialediere thought and effort. A celebrated uty or one who was a beauty and a belle in her day has • skin still wonderfully (,roe from wrinkles at fifty years of age. She has al- ways used Very warm water and castile soap every night os ber face, end cold water in the morning, and if she were awake late at night she always alept as many hours in the day aa she expected t, be awake at night ODDS ANO ENDS. mlasrd's Liniments eery.. Caries le teem. A deaf farmer drove w his flock and herd -Boston Transcript. The stake for • prtse•nghr goop by pound. -- Waebington Ser. No gift ems make rich those that ere poor in wisdom.—Julia Ward Howe. The rue of rye in Europe dues not help the bourbon element ..w Orleans Pica- yune. When a man is out of spirits it doesn't follow that M bas given up the ghost. Ba- ton Courier. _. The debtor is the fellow who so't at all anxious to have his creditors burry on his accopnt. —Rochester Poet. Victors Carbolic Salve is a wonderful healing compound fur cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, scalds, boils, piles, pimples, etc. Fear makes minas • slave to others. This is the tyrant's chain. Anxiety is a form of cowardice, embittering life. -(Tanning. Milburn's Aromatic Quinine Wine fore fins the systeni &gannet attacks of ague, chills, bilious fever, dumb ague and like troubles. It is only • young and pretty girl whocan make the story of her roes Interesting, and she Is usually the only person in the world who h•sii-t any. the FALL TRADE! NEW DRESS GOODS. NEW CLOAKINGS, NEW GLOV1 NEW HOSIERY NEW WOOLLEN GOODS, NEW UNDERWEAR Children's Wear in Great Variety. lfe...le.lmrad the description of rheumatism and neural- gia ' " Put your hand in • vise, turn the vise until you cant hear another turn, and that's rheumatism ; give it another tum, that's neuralgia" And still you'll suffer these tortures when for 26 omits you can buy • bottle of MiNARU'ti LINIMENT and be relieved. THE FAMILY CIRCLE. /r RRrlt,UY l'Av an Ferret_ Few Christian people realize the poesibil- ities of usefulness which ase close to them. Pant, chained to a soldier end under con- stant eur•eillence, might have thought that be coshl accomplish nothing for hie Lod, and have sat down to terse of those studies to which he was naturally inclined, but his bonds Mame known throughout (••ear's hlis.ehold, ami many saints were soca found thew through hs teaching. His own were invited) to his bidgings,and to them he exppnron.L.d and t",utied the ki.g+lets' of gnarl," and "anew," at least, "believed." it was also while • prissier that be wrote many of his epistles which in Meseted and cheered the church", of his tlme,asd have helped the church in all ages No amen seemed to have • narrows sphere, bet he made it "mel -wide and eternal. (aurstian Inquirer. Mora The truth is that • man ran halts afford to merinou, his dinner daily for • yeer titse live without hops for a week. All Were I. r•cognived that it i... Whit pat.a is mese moniewas in ear 111011411 UNE the ample Mat .ignibestive "1 hope 1" Nor 1 there any hearse kist howsoever briar M is material psis. howao.vs alerted, Never petal 1st are two. allow the bowels to remain consti- serious evil ensue. National Pt1ls l es a remedy for constipo• MILLINERY OPENING. The regular millinery * . ning will be heal on Wau!isau*t, Marr. 16, sad following days. (hit Miss nasi has just returned from the cities, anti has brought with her bovelticw in every branch at the millinery trade. Dress and mantle making on the premises. The best work at malerat, rates. Every lady in Gotierich and vicinity is millinery opening. 1. invited to call and view tt., The Glasgow House, MRS. R. B. SMITH. INFtf. A STOVEPIPE VARNISH L away and GOODE'8 BEATEMAL.L is lift aatl yea t11aat, odor, quick drying, brightest Iuks. CLIMAX FURNITURE POLISH One of the most amusing and harmless of distractions that roan is hear to is the fancy ing what he would do if he were somebody else. St Joseph News. Worms cause much sickness among chil- dren. Freeman's Worm Powders prevent this, and make the child bright and heal- thy. Now that we have a plenitude of rain ma- chines won't some genius please arse and in- vent sunetbing that will successfully hail a horse car ' Detroit Free fres. Needs no "puff" here. Always on hand. CLIMAX METAL POLISH For brass rods and stove nickels, etc., etc., only 10c. B. B., K. D. C. .Ind all leading patent medicines. W. Ce GOODE Itch, mange and scratches 01 every kind, on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolfortd's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by F. Jordan. 96-ly A patient man recently counted the hies on a number of sticky fly papers that he bad weighed before exposing. and found that 50,000 flies weighed one pound. B. You have catarrh, and other remedies have filed you --then give Nasal Balm • fair trial. There is no dam of catarrh it will not euro if the directions are faithfully fol- lowed. ---- Energy will do anything t hat can he done in this world ; and no Menta, no circum- stances, no opportunities will make a two -legged animal • man without it. Goethe. ----- I.adb", who are suffering from .upprs• cion., hearing down pains, , or ail form of female weakness, will find Dr. Williams' ihnk Pills are an infallible cure. Try them. A lecturer is explaining the beauties and contrasts to he seen in the Alps. "Winter vnd Summer combined. With one foot 1 stood upon the icy glacier and with the nth er plucked blooming Bowen from the bosom of the valley." When the hair .bows signs of falling, he gin at once to use Ayer's Hair Vigor. Thu preparation the scalp, promotes the growth of new hair, restores the natural color to gray and fadei hair, and renders it soft. pliant, and glossy. t;est Ito beggar whom he has lately treat- ed to • gond wit of dothesi Why, man, you are all in rags again ; what have you dune with that outfit 1 gree you ' Beggar Why, gond sir, 1 make t posohly go • beg ging in that splendid suit "Not all is gold that glitter" s • tree saying ; it is equally true flat not .11 M sara•p•nIb• that is so labelled. If yon would he sure of the genuine article, ask for A er's S•r.apariH►, mid take so other_ Healthis too predose to be trilled with. An exchaga Mlle of a printing Aloe in Kentucky bring opened with prays. Tb1. is • rare exception to tbm rale, as frank tis* immemorial it has bets the esti. for riot - hog oases to be *posed by the devil cad elo.d by the t writ end semetase ,by way of variety. they lave haus ejosod with a corkscrew sad sassed by a mss u ill ei iii WOR g rlIGHT ANCE C tete aye 1. II, rednem a.agad she a• tb. Sties& as•aa•s•• tgye SI Ht toLAdite Holm says bosies•es M,s hew In the asd �dsvmus I's.•• 11.e fol the else of cue eyelet for ere Metes TO 1311 A leg barn -t(.150 tarty, mdr of raga; x'{ o' learns Cet sod fold pap+, end have tie hex o1 th, „tapes of the ee not tee'lude tat ,Crain laheD, measles lift' 11 use Sir n A"rommt'1 mosso .ov1M IAN me rased, lawn sate PC.111 Ms beams pssltr o1 pa reer7 inegumb +, a 10 retell teas, umder rverywherc that g�oo���lave al ksoesca to each t.,id that who resets wins Thee begins th sad evert 'Flier Tat. ", A with erne stae "observe hit five senses Those ue hien M is gives tea agtrin,ents 10 twrs but does making up the :o taste. for U unn,rkr,l fir 1 srticite pate! again, for hunt A A "conn p goat, and • Foyle of l'bu mess, ,aid reli may be earths ley et eunolu "raw, aline For a "pre cards are prat for each lady bias hods hu au t'd� passe es t. gnt he Ms conversed i•g then befit map they fun for the Illy. call for the b ' ot pntes. Albion Block. A Special Drive C1CCKEY & G; SSW ►�E ,1160.1 I I 1111.11 r.en..ewr. 18 NOW GOING ON /1T THE FAMILY GROCERY STORE REES PB.ICE & SON. Seasonable Fruits aad1Vegetables a specialty. LAWNOWERS Latest patterns and must improved styles. Prices right. CA DEN TOOLS, Just hat you want. xos, Best brands and lowest prices. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. F. 1 D. C. And all other pop&'., patent mild:tinct at RDAN'S MEDICAL HALL' TRY PHENIX LESSIVE For cleaning cottons and woollens, metal and marble ow menta, wooden articles, kitchen utensils, etc. G -E O_ BARRY The Furniture Deeirm a catling all Made et ferIltu e et the Want measle 11' P k welt -known Eget that he Sellas C3m..cap For mak. He Widen the leadtne'a� Uaeartaker of the tuns. bthalulag Field etwa_a k� a hand. He ales sraka. • epeel•1t�ry sf Meters Pvaslns. Give Alum • eels Were ia�r Yvwttare elsewbaae. asd yeti wUi fed est that be dove as be aim 'alb cheap For CasY� I" 1. .10 n .11 Sam and . to their pall estreasew he bases to resolve s sisssltaso•es i ear. GEO. BARRY, Hamilton -et Et There are t to party etlii e The Lobo there are ease gang meaty adored 10 he i, mere convent bogus! rule an Loth rotes When inn alien that receive thea 11. sruher avenue,'. th perfectly w Sewers.glow thing. In hel. ww• a tavern Invitation the ordinary hostess, to baa Fnti& told' Th e*relopse, a advents of hams' pry raoging frog sod dark 9 evening toil u. the n full toile, deems& Toa pa hostess wri, wet as tete U'^ugh the the pest U epathe ls sante one w wan,.' .de matter of e informal may be tali • a a ona rl i ..ally fur the hooter tie+ pOstia( f there: to ft, tomake es oatmeal t Jvlallu UMW awl net. if arm •a•teure mile Ne T. Frr, firs. tab familiar to a"elm o amateur U s ton ole •venins•s days d For ebil petty set stories rel 'Ohne ear 4Ilssteated Aloes is mailers rald lune' ,barna}