HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-9, Page 8in CAM atea t a• ea • Jr..PISM 111146.44 4 of 0 plds.ge at Y-. IED. -In let Ole IL. dug e Jr! ton.b o c h ter ♦rw1IO to Ano u1l0de, At A Eds Uf 11 Re At wood by kr Int ED - w 111.10 1. JO, CAI OS the 6 n on U tag of t e3td 8 YTH. (ro:g$ Wind. our ••it taglt..n l'ect eel and v nevi He e fair a ir este to so y sk ✓ yells the ti of the : has Y sick EY. rota'[ final in is hon gest ug fol its pot cm. . Thos Ally too U M 1:tg} 1 4 0a .err. busing log lel o wan o ley • he ng l r.f have k .\ugt BEL NAI f the t happy tat eel V. m of Mr. to. Itrl thei lady, Lr Si man ,rata ,wets mat. to )wen el<el of a f. Iv.a Rev laud •irine Airdrie :\flet when e Irid t wish honey[ e1t1e. one of Kann a%K. geed 'S Mr sof men see. wasth 's hnus 04 1 to, hu i~ thethe allthe the by nee 8 „T 1 . THE BION AL : OODNRIOBL ONT., FRIDAY. OOTOBIR S. 1il1, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Diener (°nmcl► Heaths- Wee Heinen Pg. Xmas Seeds -Jae. ila..4s • Fares es; Btwa•ds Cell ale4. WAVOINI- v.B3 Yarm for Yaks or to Rem AM. Tomos I lieu fes eervlve t)ea. liens 1.•,• .....•. t tierv.nt Wasted Ifni A. 11.21etll♦rd• . KM Mess W. Acbeeas t dein 7 1/0tsldatkos Hake- Iiwley k (S.... ItaHas L '. I.ewls .. !inner W.Dted .1. U. Ward .. a Bsrvant Wasted- Mr. J. term.... Mortgage tele tetanus. Holt k Casettes 4 Moses de:teIIe - t.rwsd Opera Hess S BORN. LOBO Os Wriday the hod inet..tbe tete of W H. Igb& of the Maitland nos.. Otrdertch towtsahl•. ot a es. JONES --le Seatert4. os the rib u t., the wife of Robe.. Jones. of • len CLARE In 8eaforth. o. the LS last.. the wife et Josef, A. ('lark. of • son. HORNET fee of V. nl.. Horsey. et • she forth. se tag tot silt., the Ult,he Mita e of Inlel ane~ or • d•ui(4' tee. BARItt/X 1u Ur. . oa Sept. Ord. the wife of Ales. Barron. of . sec. WILLIAMr1ON• le Illonn. on Oct. Is. the wife cf Wt.. Williamson. of • daughter. AU ile of Andrew reAger . a wu3lth silt.. the w LAII►I.AW - West Wawanu.h on .be 17111 ult.. the wile of Jas. Iaidlaw . a daughter. sent. 2Sth, the wife of FINCH- la Clinton,.on James /crib. of • daug..trr. S1 i LL --lo Mullett. on Stet. mite the wife.* Janne Snell.o• a son. B MS U 8.a 11, or a sou on Sept. 204th, the wife ANALBTINK In W inert am. Os Sept. lath. the wife of It. Vsaal itne. of a daughter. 1.001.40 e of N nL RoSea rort h, usse. of ale 30114daugbt silt . the MARRIED. CLAIM-slIF.x At 8t. Andrew's mans, Ki pen. on 44 23rd ult.. by Iter, mien AthesoMie Mat iId J. she*. both of the township of sta•ley. W1Ol1 A--kk»1E- la l:ulroer.. op Sep_) _ '•.'4,1. -at the resbteme of the bride . father. by Itev. Jas. kbJool'n, Wm. W ighl Otis- et Last Wawaao•h. to Miss MWk. eldest daughter of Yo attain Route. K ENNEDY ` My M hJo.t h Kennedy to MFKate Nurse. both of McKillop towush*. UUUI.U-Ht.NTKR la Windsor, or Pep tes.ber Otis. 'Moet... Geoid. ant IretroIt. toe Mies Janet Buster. formerly of Brussels - DIED. , I.K lt. 1 b. on the Mb ult..lavislas Wood. wife e of Robert.n Ith••ri.Id. aged til jar. ('ALLA\aleft In tenant. o. the 21th silt.. Akz&Lder Callender. arced 53 year. ANUItEW In re•torr it. on Tuesday. sept. 22nd. i •r,, eldest daughter of Wyalter Andreae. aged 4'. year.. 3 nemths and 1: day-. KING- In Clinton. on the !Oh Sect , Sand. hod !ging. son of the ate 0. W.1•1:4g. ag41•t 10 moot lis NMITII--In 1.u -her. on the 23nd last.. Mrs. John smith. Listowel: formerly of Uro tow ash iv, aged 441 years and s month sTURF:V -Ih McKillop. on Het. 1s1, Wen. storey. stied ` year' and i months. 2t11Jd1'-l. Tucker.mith. on Oct. 1st. Mars Ann Riley, aged 33 years and 10meet te SMALF In Ilruw'.s, on Sunday. Sept. 27(41, f attended evening service in the Methodist Dixon A. Saute. aged 31 years. 1 months and __ days. HURON DUNGANNON. (mime ora owe Tan Siesee trees .Iw email L far 4e. The hest le the Anemia and Tis BM$AL Is the hest. Take • trial trip, Weather at present is becoming mese and more Autumnal. Quits a number of the mindsets ant Deme ganrdri and victaity took a the exkibitioa on Tuesday at the :Spey village. As the we•aket was then etotllent, we presWre they had • good time. VisiTowt. Mrs. IInttt, of the township of Cartwright, county of Durham, ester ant Chas. Garvin, Fri., is rtstlt1g reItives, friends and former wquematances in than vicinity and in Dungannon. Ill Friday of last week Chas. Sirens, of ibis village, left bere en route fur the muter sty of T.roow, where he is taking up • course of study to qu&14ly himself for collegate institute work. We wish hint succi•45 Dungannon football lotto v sited Luck - now on Saturday last and enteral into • game of football with the Lucknow teem. Owing to some ulenulers of I)ungaundo toawa not beteg present the Luckuow trend game.( a slight victory. The municipal council of West t1'awanoelt met in the town hall pursuant to adjourn stent on Saturday, 3rel inst., all 1 prmewt. Councillor Todd felt very unwell wring the sessi•ru,lut we hope be will muco recover. After the transaction of municipal business on hand council adjourned to Wert again on the 21s1 November. Our popular merchant tailor. 1\'. 1 . Itit • vin, wise is doing a rushing busmen in his line, is further improving his estabhaluiirut to Southampton street by dressing it with a supply of paint. .la.. Black is the artisan we protium... therefore, it will be done In first clams tele. as James has the skill nesse, to make old buildi*E look as good as new. Mr. ami Mrs. Ifi.wox, f..rrnerlj- of this village. and now residents of Teeswatrr, county of Kt u' e, are visiting their daughter, Mrs Wm. Sproule, and forcer acyuatn- ta0res int hi. village.. It will be pleoaing to their.frieuds and uywintances to ser the • venerable gentleman and his partner I.adk se • well. They like Dungannon so well that they intend retraining with us unt 11 after our great exhibition. We hope they will enjoy them- selves. Before our next the show at I►uugannon, which takes pace on the 14th and 15th will iw over. 41reat preparations for it have been making and are still going on ti • as to actse n uslar the large number of exhibits. also the large number of people who intend to be present, weather permitting. Althourh it is the last on the list of exhibitione, we anticipate that It Will he the hest ever held in this section of the co punt r%. 1.1.•111 Nt.t.nrn Owing to time great .larkness which prevailed on Sabbath night, the 4th inst., quite a number of those who BRUSSELS. (IK"nes \ coon ' 4 , PF..T. ] Tns 5.4:444. from now nnt.1 Jan. 1, brag.. for t"r. The best Is the cheapest and Tus SK:. Al. b the beet. Take a trial trot. Millinery opening.. Two treddtnge on the tarns.. John Rives is home for s short visit. Wm. Mc{'r.rkeu took in Seafrth show. aeon S. Jones w -a,• vaiting in Toronto last teeth. Miss Maggie Halliday returned to Detroit hat week.. airs. I:. Gerry is visiting relatives, at (hieago, 111. Rosi« Fletcher is sew working 'n the Slaendard Black. W. 11. Mc('racken captured 56 prizes at car Fall exhibition. John -McNaughton, of Hensel(, is spend• ing his holidays here. Mies Mabel Jackson is home froom Erin. Het eyes are very sore. A carnage lead of our young penplr were spending S.tn•ay at Scaforth. School leer! meeting wig held in Thr council chamber last Fnday eve. .1as.'Jnne* has been des the sick 41.t this week. We trust he will soon be all OK.. J. 1.. Skene this week will he found in his n ew block. Ile has a nice residence above store.) Rennet's new livery- .table is at Wt Un- der way, and a fine building it is. It builds up the south end of the town. H R. Sneak and wife, of Waterfnrvl, and S It Small.. of ?sooto. were in Brussels last week attending the funeral of their bot her. An official letter was received from l'u.t- aaster I:e•nernl Haggard stating that the lock letter lox asked for at Brussels rail way stat' will be shortly plated in posi- tion. Our shoo was a meccas. A gond crowd was here. The mond fakirs were here and did a gno.l l.nsinclm in their hive. F'elben'6 h was one 0f the leading' •ttrac (term. " Mac " was on deck capturing the majority of prises : he is a hustler. A party of our young folks took a ride to Winglam last Tuesday night to a party, ar- riving rriving bona the fnllnwing morning at seven. They apparently enjnyed themselves. Some et the noy'1• hacked nut at the last moment, Met the rat went and had all the fun. 1 ov'i.KT, On Friday evenmt' the hand gave a gram( concert in the skiing rink, which was well attended. The prngrarn was Quick march, " Queen of England :" serenade, "Pleasant I heanl.:" waltz . vote, t. •• Sooner rw later :" schottische, " Fashion .Irk ;" grand march. "Hail to the Duke .ria, "Death of Nelson:' overture, "Di. - patch .•' polka, "t'.nhinrl.s :" God Save the Queen. Some of the leadsmen could n ot attend, but what were there male psi work The was slat there. Later on in the evening quite • crowd of boys were making merry. Cheap fights were on the list. They were a jolly lot. Songs end dense were thrown in. If1..i(e vows• Wednesday morning last week Sam' Weltdi left Brussels abort 8.30 A. w. With the mail for Jamestown, Wr tie ter and I:orne. In additional he had the bag bctnaging to the I Mninion Repass Co.. eentsining •109.15 Whim palming through a.w-amp this side of Wro:Mer Mr \Valah says two youm men dressed in grey clothes rad spurt Ing Meek hem which kink ed to be falx asked for • ride, and, comment being given. they got ins the back .eat or Myr rig. One of them tenet! the driver by the cost ..(lar and pulls( him hack, while hie nom rifled the ♦en *sol w eurwf booty. They thiu. red ,est. anti struck through the ww'n.ds. Mr Walsh has only rarently r•eoneerwd from • Meg end severe illness, and world have law ado motel, for the men if acrid The mater is being investigated. church here had no small difficulty in find- ing their way honor. We would therefore direct the attention of our street tespe -ter and committee ot public works to the nee ceasity of immediate action as to ligbt"•t our streets. more especially es the lona, dark nights are rapidly approaching. PORT ALBERT. (r.om orK nes044 114104E..ret. //E.?.) THE 8m4A1. from 00* until Jan. 1. 1182. for 23e. Thr had is the cheapest and Tits 0*04*,. is the beet. Take • trial tees. Mrs. Richard Young is ciaiting friends to Hayfield. Jos. Corbett and sister, of Exeter. were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. Jag. Haw- kins, during the past week. Prof. John Smale, our well-known chirop- odist, arrived horne last week after spending • very successful Summer in the leading American and I 'itaadian cities. BD. THK4:.n n.,. -The big threshtnggss re eeutly reported by THE su.. ,.'s I;arbrai I and Dungannon correspondents fall far short of the work done by Victor ('urrell oa, the farm of John %lues recently. lis eight hones, during which time there were three chase es and carriers changed sax, Mr. ('urrell threshed 275 lush. of wheat, '275 hush. of pea. and 555 bush. of oats ; total, 1106 bushels. Mr. Turrell was as- sisted by Geo. Green, with Richard I)clong as engineer. and Andrew Me Stilts, Huron's champion 3 mile pedestrian, acted as lend cutter. BENMILLER. fries oar* ow\ .. eKK■_.PnNUENT.I THE Hwxsl. from nee until Jan. 1. I#i2. !or ltd. The bey Is the cheatwet and THE HluSAL hi the hest. Take a trial trip. Fail fruit of all kinds is plentiful Fanners arc pretty well through with their threshing. Mrs. Mel law, daughter of Mr. Mugford, has returned to her home for a short time. Mr. and Mise Ker.ighen went off nn the excursion last week to vat relatives in different cities of the 'Vetted States. Thomas l;lelbill, merchant, mace a fly (1.g visit to lay City last week, killing two hints w.th one stone • lesitteae and pleasure. it has been definitely decided to hold re. viral services on the lenmiller circuit. They will Mien oto Sunday, the 18th inst. Three servers will be held in the Henmiller church on the above me.tio.ed date. oY. [MAI or. OWN (H*ltf.4ON4ENT.I THC H1..NA1. from now until ten. 1. Het for tie The 41e.t it the ebeapeat and Tits 9mN A1. Is the test. Take a trial trip. 10..1.1 smn,lair and 1'. McIntosh pttrp e leaving for Michigan shortly. K. F. Cameron. 1'ranhrook, returned to Knox ('ollege, Toronto, last Monday. A good truly have cut the secend crop of clover. 'i'he weather was all that could he desired for sar•ng it. Williston Ferguson anti John Robertson, /roes Tiockersmith. were rpitmg friends in this locality lest Saturday. Mrs. Wm. masse returned to her home in (;rand Rapids. Much.. last Tuesday. Her saner, Mies Mary ( 'ash, I her. 1). Harris and M. Ramsey won • pets in the, sawing dontest at the Wooten Year, 1.0040e I Our Imre always go into win. Apple dealers are busy in th,a section packing and shipping applets. The ,•cup u light and, ,ontrary to expectation*, the price r. bow. How dull some people are who do not read • local &l paper 1% a heard a man say the other day that d the dry weather oto Inoue,' lie was going to get lbhntt to w41iee• wash hu term, paring Mend that he was ■ splendid hand at the boa, es. Now jun im4tgine the awful It would Ir to tie ovrintry if the scaffolding would give way. A meeting M thew interested on the 14th. rv.nessadtn drain was held at A. McInnis center last Saturday &fteruns. This drain bas not bees giving goal satisfactioe of late The majority were its aver of listing the seises hro•tght on. This drain w11 ROW COUNTY 1 CORRESPONDENCE _.- 1 M t4erveyed 1rormi begin/lag to rail nail a MIIN(il1/1311.H. MetiiM , IM ; Mrs. Maass, 26; U. peq r award main Reel( Ld t tog will urea (swagown owx evaaasro%DBET. j 215.07 ; 1. Lessi ed, 26' ; Sete know how mash he has be L aria/5b u nems sew ..iii JL L. A. for • 258.30 ; J. throe. 1160,06. The drain will he uniform is size. and will ate, hay h the art end 11tB B iwi A t Weer from reeve d Hansa township mos os satisfactory to ell parties u the l• t Tena a IOW MY. claiming pay foe 4.ravel wan read. Decided cad Will McQsarrM is enquiry ogees from Tor thee further eeuiry he made in tie matter. Oar town hip was overly deserted last ossa Collectors hoedsooeptmd. Complaint of 1). Friday. that being the .ay 01 Smash and Was. Miles. of Ethel, was in lows on le Taylor and W. H. Reid Se•ferth show. The exodus ens •wtwl Maad•y. statute labor was ooussdrwd. No = i Many welled they mold divide themselves •.. ~ ' d....d and attend both The all cease back again, mind you, and as once rase cos tunably *Stied a their ofd homes, •ad that old sad reliable Grey •for ever expression tan be seat in every hoe. PARAMOUNT. (Ikon ova OWN .o •] Tun $!*.' AL from sew WITH Jan. 1, Mg. for file. The Set Is item cheapest .red Tum Mew ee lethe best Take • Out trip. Howard McLellan, of Michigan, wee in Paramount this week. Walter Treleaven, of Lucknow, uoupi.d Hope pulpit Inst Sunday er.uiug. Mims Agnew, of Clinton, is at present v vatting friends in the neighborhood. Mr. mud Mn. John I;teen, front Australia, were visaing at 111n. Murdoch', this week. Peter McKenzie went to Toronto last week to continue his trade of blacksmith - Mr. and Mrs. W. Keiser. of Aslabeld, spent Sunday of 1st week at 1). Morchi- wee (:am Walker and !lies Sophia Wbita,fram Kincardine, tad aver • tlying visit in this neighltohoo.l last week. Andrew Hunilttw, who has been working for some nese in the vicinity of Losdoe, has returued to Paramount. Mir Kat, Murray, of i..ngside, who was visiting trieada In this neighborhood during the past week, has returned 410400. Rey. Mr. Thompson, from BritishColem- ban, son-iu•aw to our minister,' Rev. .1. Kenner,wee in Paramount last week: Alex. Murdoch left last week for Toronto. where he has secured • good pooitiou Ds clerk in the establuhmrnt of T. Raton k U. Geddes, V. S., Lucknow, was In town suttee was taken : on Wdaseday. Rates for this year County, 2 1.10 milk : D. R. Mel/stub, of Lttcknow, was b lost, 2 mils ;spend shoed levy. 1 mill town nm Mema.y. ges•rel school rates as:ording to treeless' esUmatw. Next meting November 6th. Ir. McDonald, M. F., arrived house as W. Lett, Clerk. Friday night from (►ttawa. John Carr, of Hutton & Carr, stock this weak on besi.se. A number of Win`kamites were is Luck • now uo Tuesday taktsg in the Fall hair. Mrs. ('. Potts and two daughters, of Pontiac, Mich., are visiting at S. You - Kee. Mr. McQuarne left on Tuesday morurng for a three woks' trip to Nova Scotia. M,.. Hiaoocks and children returned bine on Saturday after a three mouths' cwt to Long Point, Montreal and T.roao. is in Wood - The brick•watk do the new )Bask of Ham ton was sem ted tl on Fred.. The (wild Pi• Y ing is an ornament to the town. Mrs. Edgar Rowlett, lifter visiting her parents in town, Mr. end Ms. J..1. Hoin- uth, lett for her honie in Orange% i11e on Tuesday. .I. Patterson, formerly of the British hotel, herr, has Ironed Fmigh's hotel, Myth, for a nwuiber of yeas. Mr. i'attersoo morel in last week. The X Fair was held( here on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, and was a great suctwa. The weather be- ing very fine a huge crowd was gathered. The competition was kora section. The special prize of • 1120 set of single harness. given by ('has. Knec•htel fur the best driving hose, brought out • number df very Harris o6 f Wurle,tlt and second tolr..4 McDnaahl, of lVittghwi. la former years the first prizes in the hoed) crops sees 'em- Jdeeph Ag, *eve, who was attend' they orally carried off by W. H. McCracken, of Bessie, ie, but this year D. McKinley, of exhibition an the Forest City last wee ha. returned haste seemingly satisfied and pleased with his ti4p. Paramount Cheese Co. shipped August cheese last Friday. The company has dis- posed of the September nuke at a good figure and purpose shipping in s few days. .A grad many from this locality attended Ripley Show bast week. Lucknow a Show, which was held on the 5th inst., a}so at- tracted a good( nurnber and front accounts we learn that they were satisfied with tbe shows, which were fully up to former years. Richard Martin ha. returned from his sojomu of about two months in Manitoba looking well after his trip. He says that farntes in Manitoba have great prospects this year and reports that the country is very favorable to agricultural pursuits. We are sorry this week to chronicle the death of NIrw. Finlay McLennan. wife of Finlay McLennan. merchant, of Loch.Wm, wiro diel at her home on Friday, 18th mit . fres inflammation. The (newts of the de- parted have the profouud sympathy of the• community in their sad bereavement. LEEBUHN. (rime ot-K ow-. ,,"Kni•II'ONDEST.] TINA S10.Ai. from DOW until Jan. 1.1412. for ii.•. The beat t. t he elo apse and THE dw:NAL s the best. Take a trod trot H. F. Horton and A. Carter visited in 1'lioto n this week. Visa Maggie Savage of ('lover Valley, enjoyed a pleasant vat here last week Mr. and Mrs. A. H. (Tutton visited the parental home of the latter in Tuckersinith this week. Mr. .1. Mitchell, editor of The (.e.lench Star, will address the (..lapel temper- ance meeting in the Hall on Sunday evening at7r.e. Tuesday of last week H. Kelton with his daughter Mary left for • throe weeks visit to relatives and friends &beet Windsor end Detroit. Mr. and Mrs .1. Horton and Memel Mrs. .1. ('ook at.en4ed the Fair at Clinton est week. Our townsman J. te. (Tutton with his wife anal family also spent several days vesting relatives near the Classic City. Foos SOLI,. Geo. Niebergsll has (la - armed of his funs near here, formerly the property of N. Morrish ; the purchases are X. Raeehler, jr., and his brother Maximill- ian, for the sum of $7,500. We under stand the new owners will move their port- able sawmill from near the Port after • time to cut the timber ow the property. /'111'1011 N,rrr... Rev. .1. A. Andersen, our former pastor, preached here on Sunday morning. At the dose of the service he ✓ eel Key. 1►r. Jamieson, who was to come tlu't .ay, had been prevented owing to some changes of , but he would be the pastor for Sunday coming. and he hoped to • few weeks' time a resident pastor wou;d be put in charge for the Winter months. 1. Ai-nr*.. btu week sur popular friend, the t.11 lain!, was in that sweet 4 burg .\uburo. As he was with • benedict friend he did not give the vendor of lioen- *es • doll. well, the kind that makes the happy ending. The fur sev know what it is. He called .t J. 1'. Brown's and perches. • new top buggy, which he piloted home all safe. The stir and comment amongst the f&ir ones of this section is Imre than our pen can describe. Gently they whisper one to another,"Well he take me with him the first outing or gang awe without me ` Perhaps he doers t know leap year u comes. - The gospel meeting on Sun- day afternoon was rather marred by the falling iain,which made the attendance not sober se .t previous meetings. The mi- llirem given by Rev. .1. le. Howell, of North -et. Methodin church, (;oderich, was • printed and effective one, showing that was a heavy stone bear- ing down On hany,4ebarring them of salva- tion to conte. After stating what several d the bigger cities spent in dnnk, he brought forward that 1 orodto supported 61 bakers and 184 hntchers,whle its ado ns numbered 210. The miseries of drink, r to the laboring class, ever •M&.te a sad tank. The speaker gave several tolling incidents of what Ice had seem as the smelt of driak a mongst thus whom he met with in the course of hes work se pastor The day. he hoped,was not long distant when .l1 ehnreh bodies would take the aggressive whist the sale of liquor with • united will. Total prohibition was test for all mankind The chairman, 1t Cumming, at the close of the 1 that en far a speaker had not barn gni f..r the miming Sunday, but the lodge hoped to have •!speaker for the meet- ing. who. h would b. hold *t 7 r w. kINTAIL- (rmlr ore OWN The ascend Mated cattle fair will be held here es Tuesday next, October 13th. Buyers may ospeet • large cumber d settle for side this plane, took the lead and carried) off moat of the first prima BRUOEFIELD- (►4,r OCA owN M. Nell Dixon was visiting the past week. Thos. Champion, of Chicago, town this week. Miss hell llcKen,ie left for her home in Lucknow Saturday. Large quantities of apples are betng ship- ped from our station. Nn. Angus Beattie and daughter May are visiting at W. Scott's this week. The Mires Hall are rarrytng .n revival services in the Methodist church at present. Mrs. Johns, oho has been visiting old friends in town, left for her home In Ridge town. • ) to ( 'lunge Wag In DUNLOP. (mom ore ow..ti,KRC.ro.DENT.] Tags SIUNAL from 740W '11111ti4 Jan. 1. 1452 for t c. The bold in th.' cheapest and Tito HitiNA. is the trent. Take s trial trip. The Exchange driving shed -oof was re shingled est week, the work h/fng tlooe by ('has. Moms and staff of workmen. Some luniber that came ashore here on the beach at the lake Ina. been purchased from ('apt. Bahl., the wreckage officer of Goderich, by several of otlr fern ere herr. Alex. Me1'allum, of '[ ivertoo, Bruce county, with his sister Agnes, visited our burg last week. The visit was • sad one as they were attending the funeral of their COOED, Nies Fergusm, alto died at Mon- treal. on Sunday, the 27th Sept. The,re- mains were brought up here from there 0. be buried in the Colborne township ceme- tery on Tuesday of Lot week. ZURICH. (Roil Ora OWN , DENT. J THE thesis. from taw uaW Jan. t. 11!112. for Me. The bey is the cheapest and THE HIONAL HI the hent. Take • trial trip. Mr. Heat attended the Bayfield fair on Wednesday- 1st. The untforto promotion exam will he held in the public school next week. Professor Scott, of Hensel', intends start- ing a music clads in the village. He taches the tonic -vel -fa system. The collector's roll has been delivered to the collector, who will call on you presently. He will mss no one. HOLMESVILLL. (nes twat nw5 11)011 .] Tits SIGNAL from now until Jan. 1. 4412. for 16c. The batt filth. cheapen and Tits niu5A1. la the best. Take a trial trip. Thomas Lobb, who hem Leen to (Towne on business, returned on Tuesday last, (lis Addie Moore,from Goers, is spend- ing a few days with her sister, Mr. W. H. I.obh. W. J. Lobb and his brother-in-law, A. Hastead, left on Tuesday last for Exeter to attend the funeral of • lady relative there. Fred. F:Boni left on Monday last for Guelph to attend the Agricultural College. This more cats • measure of gloom over at last one on the 11th. BLUEVALE. (nes ors owe Threshing is the chief farmers these days. Duff & Stewart are putting up a new stable for %Vm. Messer. Mr. Hill and family have moved to Wingham,where they intend to reside for a time. Many friends will be sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Root. Holmes, daughter of Mr. Lemmas Tracy, of Tarnberry. Of late years she has resided at Boissewain, Man. She laves • husband and an infant daugh- ter to mourn her loot. The annual harvest home festival will he held in the Methodist church no Friday, Oct. 9. After lie address, will be deliver- ed by the Revs. 1.R 1V•llwir, 1. V Hartley ani ..there Music .v:11 be supOied by the Brussels Methodist choir and other mn•ical talent. Th. Rev. lag. Moffatt. d Terceto, ad dressed the of this place in the 1 church morning and evening o1 last Sudsy. He also gave a lecture. os Monday evening ea "Christian 14. is Nernst," but owing to the inelemeney d the weather it was not as largely attended as was expected. (ollectino• were taken op for the benefit of Ore Bible and Tract Society, of which Dr Moffatt is we'y trees. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL A•mn E*J,. Council mut Sept. 94th. pursesst to ad. josrnment. ('ouaeillnr Imagoes absent. Min- etesof last moieties readaad sigmsd. Aeowat s - of the BLVTH. [MOH O10 OWN COWAINIPON DANT.] Mrs. Wilt F.migb was visiting f em& u Ikuwls last week. Jos. ('lark, of Se forth, was here as bum- ne•• Tuesday last. Mrs. A. W. Belfry *mel family left on Wednesday for Manitoba. Imo. Perkins has gone have to 1:orris us account of his father being sick. The watt end of Ihnsay .L has been graded up and otherwise improved. Kiat Walker has returned to her position as milliner at the Mammoth House. John Young, of Leaden, farmed, a rest tient of this town, is visiting friends here. The grist mill is running day and aught uow in order to keep up with the deemed. Alex. Mc ht is desug a rushing bust - nen in apple jelly, ruder anti gram-cholrping this Fall. A few from ltlyth went to Holgrave on We'lneeay, in spite of the rate, to take in the slider. Our genial vet. has • plasma smile these days. 1 wonder if It is on account of his "bonnet" h.vu, returned to town. a number of our 0*1*15ns went to Se•forth on Friday to take au the fair. Some of them report (laving a good time. Mies Tena Morgan has opened out a dressmaking shop in the premises formerly occupied by Slue I.reer, nn lfueeo $t. north. \ grand under the auspi- ce. of the 1.11.1.. T. will be held in the tem- perance hell ou Friday evrniw,t. A c'.td tint, is expected. K. Sellas has • mammoth pumpkin whieh weighs 127 Ib , and measures 6 ft. bin. in Dick thinks the is hard to beat, and s0 110 we. Our1111age corn doctor bust bast return- ed) horse. He has been to Eur .l,e rolling intsl,cine, but will give hu attention to things at home now. 111 that is wanted now to make the fair • grand success u his. wreaths. The \lire..• tors have spared neither time nor expense In fitting up the hall and grounds lis forst- class order. The toys at the Commercial are wonder- ing how they will get in now when staying out after hours. Harry says d he gets hocked out he will :stop the job, as he can't climb the post. COUNTY CURRENCY !Noncan McDonald and ,l oo. M c N ei le : rey, have been tax collectors for 1991. \V. F. Scott, Brueeelie is away at l'heboy gan, Mich.. atteudtng • series of athletic games and .ports. .las. Mitchell, of ltluevelr, has a Scotch thistle over four feet high anal fourteen feet eight inches in . . The contract for the new bridge,lot 32, con. 7. Grey, has been let to .lex. Hurd for the sum of 11220. There were four ten- ders. W. E. (andsltorough, of Tuckertrmith, brought to Clinton last week • par that measured 13116 inch - and weighed 29 01.114.55. Xelamon I:erry,ISrnsea, was laid up for a few days from a sprained ankle received by stepping from a ladder too far from the ground. H. Weil, Zurich, has receive} messages bearing the .ad news that one of his nieoee in 41l1.higan and a nephew in Dakota died altont two weeks ago. 4burdock MCMurchie and wife, now of Harwood, 11.k., are visiting their old friend. in Clinton. it is Mr. McMurohie's first trip hack : he has done well out West. Jacob Ruby, Zurich, has sold his farm to his ern William for the sum of 114,500. He will stay on the farm in the mean- time. Advocate: Samuel stanl•ke, of Sodom, exhibited • turnip at the Exeter Fall fair that weighed 27 pinus. Although he did not receivt a prize, he bud the largate. tont on exhibition and a should he given him for his trouble in getting ready for the fair. The directs' will please see that chi. is done. Wm. Hill, of Hila Green, met with what might hare been a very serious accident on Sunday evening. Sept. 27. While returning from church he was run into sod knocks} down by' a horse, the wheel passing over his face. Being well advanced in years it will likely lay him up for some time. He re- ceived an ugly gash near the left eye, supposed to be from the horse. toot. .lames toes, from keystone, handles, son of Andrew Ross,formerly of Tuckereniutb, is at present in this county visiting friend. Mr. Roes has been in Kansas for eight yeas, and says he has no desire to return to Ontario again. He was quite • small ladwhen he left here, anti he grown to be • fine, stress looking young man. Her en• gages) in railroading, but his father is farm- ing and likes the country well. They hare good crop there this year. There * quite • settlement of Huronites there, and they are all w ell and doing well. Robert Webster, Exeter, who recently had the misfortune to Irak one of his arms while at work in the f,undry,has resumed his position in the hlacksmithing depart- ment. New En: Mrs. .1. W. ISrew,nf Wiarton, is down oto • visit. We understand that an effort is being made to permute Mr. (:. toengage en the new.paper hnnees in Huron •gun. •i .1. and W. Baines had • horse that was apparently on the sick lin, something being the matter with its mouth. The lrliwls veterinary was called no and the mouth ex ..mined, when • hemlock knot was removed from the hoses mouth. .l. F. McCrea, real estate broker, of Tor. onto and Montreal, was in Brush on • hnlidayr trip last week visiting " the old teaks at house '' He is $ pusher and etas- ehaonally polls in the net and pockets the ekea Rev. Mr. Osborne, who for twelve months IMO bean pastor of the Baptist church, Clinton, pee•0hed his farewell ser eros es Seaday'mein, Kept. 27. H. has ressivwd • call from the Baptists of Rowok, but has sot yet decided what he will de. Ades Acott purpose going to YkhiAna the last of this mantle. He hes bees es - gated to take eb.rge el Hums t Walls' THE MARKETS. BIIEADSTUFFS AND Mk/VISION& Gemlierieb MOM Y•tfm2•Mt «gIR. t Wheel. 314 a gj ea46n •t.s •w••••• 31.47ss 4 .... • 4Y t, •tack.. IS SS • Y N 411 es •1138MMim• .ase. rr. .• SI6ue61a IWO taw cawed • N ,.,,,• *tee le lamas Peke. qao,lett"314 i B s .. -... $111044: h 101 Mol M mei la •sssa mMs. eat ..... , __•• b to o3)tut ,j Wismar F*l1W sit Mows Oct. 6, tel, new aad old Mp4 41 •rest te K lo.'1 • 314 t 40 • 311. •Y4 h • M le is M4 • Well It 11 tutu ep to tau •Italoil Mtu04 Istoo 4 NI to 515 PAP'S. pYtwlmeark M,•r kat t1q Cordwood Del............. Ibrk wingbam IYar5Ma. (be.. 6. 4401. ▪ elftot s to ON 4100.4 56 to is IS to 061 'S to u,17 TA 4u a m ... 17114141 Wtulal Wb1r lee Wheat. IS Peas 3.5taR Harley Flamm. !wallow t Woolper Is. Hides Har. pertq. Mm(y1u13 Kerte. Ver ....:.. u U 11 0 U Rutter. Ver *6. 0 13 w 04 N. Ibrk ver cord amt to 4 Wood. l SO w 1 14emere.1 Cenddl ilhartM. The receipts of ft.., stock at 4M yards of the Montreal Stock Yards ('dra/v. Point R Charles, for the week ending ten3 first- ! 4- Reoeipla of live Mock at oke Mout nal Stock )eras. Pt. M. Chanes, for the week 1St l( Ha{ Ib Left uirr from previous week . .. . . 1101 Twat for week 2 SMM 10 110:' 't$ On hand m4 .., flood cattle are some*. Yd eclat few there were found ready eels mb supply of Inferior stork keeps large. .The 4eml boa treilti host as the Targe buyers see their •e the Were. Sheep aro Me kat deemed Mem they have been roc the lest few weals. . We vuote ab foUuwingan being he values: Cattle. expos . ... ...... .1, te lie UVtle. butchers' good. k to Ise .. medlumL ............k 4 4 •. .. cub. .... ... .2c 4 :K Sheep ...............10* Hobre .... •S te tto et • ib Y ('aHuls Mae farm of three or four hundred acres naw Saginaw. Mr. Scott should fill the bill to • nicety. lir *111 rent his own form :n Morn. Jas. Bald and wife, of Howick, were re turning from lir. Htalop'a the other day in a road( tart. Mrs. BL put up her parasol and thus frightened the hoax. which ma away. The occupants of the vehicle were sown thrown out nal seriously injured, the lady the worse. She in a daughter of leo. Hislop. ,1.. Turnbull, who for 23 years has bort at the head (4 what is now koowu is the Clinton (ollagiatr lastitute, Inas notified the trustee Fran that he will not reovtgage after the expirsuon of the present terns. We believe that It is hs iutentente remove to Toronto, in eluch puce several menden of his family reside. The stage driver who domes the mol north to %Vr,xrter from grummets sad also came. the Ibmtu,ou express 1'x!5 being net upon by two robbers on the high- way • few miles south d Wroxeter, at Wednesday. Sept. 30. They seized hu from behind and ransacked the express hig and teak therefrom • parcel of money. 21 09. No trace d robbers. .1 peculiar yet serious accident befell W T. M.xroey, eldest son of reeve Mooney, of Moms, on Tuesday of ant week. they were working in a fallow and the father wee using mut axe chopping. By some mesas %Vnt. taught the stroke oe his arm just above the elbow, inflicting an ugly cask. Medical attendance was at owe secured( std the patient is doing as well es could bag es- pecte.L On Money, Sept. 28th, the unusual civ smuts/se of four aching (.r a photo was witnessed in Huoter'. studs, Krussele. The persons interested were Martin Farrow, of Bloev&le, aged 87 years ; po.tmeater Farrow, of Brussels ; Robert Farrow, of the civil service, Ottawa, and his son Russell. Mr. Farrow, sr., is In the enjoyment of excellent health and mnv'es about almost with the rigor of youth. Mrs. .1. A. Morton, d Wingliam, me; with a acne accident recently. 1t ej peers that, finding the room very warm on retiring to ren, she lay down on a loner in the hall. About two o'clock in the morning, when she got up to go to he - room, .he went in the wrong direction, and 141.1 oat the up,tair 41.11 door sed fell to th*0ep4tfnr,n bemath, thereby injuring hen .cif Ieriotaly. On Wedn. d.y,Sept. 30, as a .on of Wm. Spain, Salorth, who is employed by lir. i)opp, butcher, waslending a bemuse- at the corner d Goderich .treat it bea.me very wild and the little hay inorder to hinder the cow flernf vetting away from him wound the rope aronnd a telegraph polo, but is doing so his hand got mused in between the rope and pole and • number of smell bona were broken and the lesh torn eff. Fortunately no farther injuries trete ire currw& tas.re in /vwv/dad A reined, for every ache and pain. mid 1001)1 through osseei5se activity sad ex- periment is 000taatly wresting the secrets of her domain. 4 nes and wonderful dis- covery has reosetly bee male by means of whish tens of tbtmands will he freed from pain. Norville', or nine pais Dore. "Mee' moats in very .an0Nlrated form the MOST p0te00 pun relieving enbetit.tes knows to medical seises, and. et= to say, 1t m composed d wmets..se sola* y eegtta.ble ra n. Poison's Nastier S the may' prompt, certain, and ptomain pain remedy in the world. Try Norville* for tooth sake, tsnrwlgi., otsm s, Me., always sail and elleisat. Rees Prise & Aon are making •- drive b meekery sad glassware. 1 for advt. newt week. Tees AVOWAL was the r+w' a( • wase red day enes from M wkiek was Sado' fres herss grathe air • •11 •1 vo liar( pow d mile( Peva p'nu Filer l dewl Ter fair slag .0540 a▪ te firW teeth b.'.' kr o' tens wbL Md' of t p WWI nes Tar 11 Oa int 14 OPT 4(eu ion hoes. anile H. St.' dtiin. kmsy Ica l lieu ( si, tofu the den t.' nal awl M rd: so 1.,4 4e., opt tan• ne an •el T 1