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tp utT ens
411tli8TEST &KD BEST.
1t• "ere .' non TIM.T •
Ir an, OKI
*Ng Ill•ee•1 • t+[•1[
i' A44YA$CE.
VOL. XLIII. No. 2329.
Another revoluties ls said to be brewing
d Menne.
Mr. and Mrs. gladdp.ae 1111ens will
Wiest m Florems.
The Quebec Royal Commis.wn held it -
tin session en Tuesday.
(me ihotiariad mea are wanted for rade ay
, ii other work ut llasitoba ted with the
lir :Iadatuoe was presented
tr.+ctoth of Newca tle on Saturday.
Ten prisoners, WIMP 01 Mems notorious anti
impetrate criminals, have seimped trial jail
a st. Ionia
The funeral of (Ilan. Boulanger Wok place
at Brussels on Saturday. Au tmmeoss
read at suited.
The leader of the atrieulatxw clam is
Sew Ilruu+'Irk University this year is Mie
M. h'. Ucle%eh
The Right Hes. William H S'° tA,
1,asexnneat leader it IMP libeler ail
1',I.Im.,.la, U '
,OI the British warvessds have lilt Rehr -
a,: ire, and the United Stats' ships will
.rase 111 • short tune.
es miners are entombed in the Klchard-
wo colliery at u'otit them. Pa., and there el
c„ Lupe of rescuing
Eldorado county, tfarmere and nwod, IS being cchers
forest tins Many
reale leen retelereel h•,n,eleas.
Respite the {{roteseatlou of peace heard
a all sides, relations between the govern
metes of 4.4rmany anti Russia remelt,
.trowel breeds
Mr Petit. of Bridgewater• Masa, was and the gene' l purport th Herefords, the Aber are
finegradetorm Iesters.
have siget mutply ton
THE 0 IOIAL ++r lir+ Pe>*►p�R
POR I3TSg01ST ��+., �� + -
W. Huron Farmers'
eaa•bout it himself tike cosh ootlay need not
IM half that sum. When the own is pet
isto the silo that Is 1st sufficiently matured
It wall ferment overmuch and bootees sour.
Inett tutin 'jour silage to hurtful to animala and where
Meeting at Dungannon It u very sour at may so irritate the digest
tive organ es to cause the death of &annals
feeding upon it. He hoped the farmers
would look well into the question of geow-
ABLE ADDRESSES BY PROF. SHAW. mg corn for the silo. It u a most etoellent
I fed for much cows, for making beef and
• ' mutton, aw1 to some extent for brvo.d owes
A nue 4ertreuerel i stkrlae The An. and Young horse'. The soil of Huns s
weer .r Ree. �M■ guide. trpwead_ endeotlr well adapted to the growth d
hsvy .•rope of euro. I'roferor Shaw omits(
Pref. slaw tadre..e. tine Fanner* w
spoke u°
legless Testes tdea•Ie inf rusatlee RM THE %Haar ISnt*Tat.
An [".cues" Prises" rer.reted• , He outlined the t)a oas for the decline of
the industry in Canada, bat was satisfied it
had a bright future before at. The farmers
]111 rel r nes ♦ aE1.taTEtt 1 of Ontario are not keeping more than one.
A meeting of the West Huron Fa. mer.' half as many sheep es their terms wtil sus -
Institute was held in liung•nnon on the 1st tan. Instead of a little more than 1,500, -
Wee. which pn.ved a great susses. Much 000, as we now hese, we ghost d have more
de , I was esteemed by - president . theft 3,000,000 of sheep in Ontario alone.
Rase. beo.uae of the £dense of the Hun. Every farmer can keep oa one T(undred' has '�ar sTieWli, In the course of hr- M� �� ° visiting m
John Dryden, who was cental bydiner acres at least twelve head of sheep, and k0 lecture he said of the cases investigated in town { jest week W her etas at
lir)' pre sir n.arcely "nim the feel fey sheep, est m whole or in part by the committee on pubes town, ti
from being present. the Summer, for they will perform the part uteall
Prof reed' Shaw, of the skean° F:xpen of sees eng ere, living on the grass In lanes accounts sine stands out to bad press Kone and Miss Ellen Ralph left on ol'el-
meat Statrwl, t;uelph, gave an address on ail bye plates mud the trash that a often The committee hal before it the name rf • motleyol111& to join their brother m British
found growing to stubble (setas alter the woman who, as &clerk in the cavil service, Mrs Robert let. of I:oderich, hu gone
"THE vAlt•u1 • WI[En.4 01' 4 4711.E At(n TH010 crops here been cut. The barmen are to be drew. pay for months while adient from her
Al, 4i-rsru.in To rxr� o,orNTai_" congratulated on the exoxlleoos of the ton the lea of ill health, and with her to visit her daughter, Me. J. M. Tiede!,
stockson PRowe, N. W.
He sad tint onhwrdy the breeds d rattle fmuttuntlu the tiieat form.Weproducing
name the name of • Cabinet Minister was Rosy Potts, of l'hiago, spent a few
are divided shouldo two chimes, but more pro tfhroe generetwns ahead rd our Amenran freely and unple.antly mentioned. The days the pest week with relatives at Felt-
perly they be divided into three, three in this Paspr�t Their foundation inquiry, however, was rigidly limited, awl ford and f:oJench.
ver., 'he beefing breeds, the dairy breeds stocks .re rineIpally Merano grades: tun uses Minnie
It a this aiheapest and hest
war of getting this ear of the
Sias moor* • WOES.
Hy. (,7ua•• halt boas weiek i•g • build" CHAS. S. P A R N E L L DEAD.
PRINCIPAL GRANT TALKS.,east. an town the 1.a
He Speaks Plainly on the Poli-
tical Soatndals-
• rrelil.g RenseeMtlen ..•r Me Cower fur.
~4 w tar resteWer-sieseesl- Nee
seers taealels not of fere liaise lbws
RTYere's awl McGreevy'. -1St rend. as
Owe Retire tree Me RW.err•
Prof. Shaw, of tits Agricultural Collette.
Guelph, was in town last• week.
Mrs. and Miss McIAres, d Ha shoo,
are the guests of 1). ('. Atr•chas.
Chas. mind !'has 8. Walker, d Guelph,
were visiting in God.rich last week.
H. Morrison and 1). N. Lawrence, d
Lacknow, were in town last Sunday.
Miss Kea (impbell leas returned fret
a kngtby net W Detroit and Sarna.
Miss Maud :shepherd returned Lest week
!roma lesghty visit to Toronto and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. John McIntyre, of S.It-
ford, have returned from • visit to Chicago.
Mts. Robertson left for Stratford m
Saturday, and will rem•ii there some
Kest:snore, Oct. 4. --On Saturday evening Mrs. W. A. Reyna has been visiting
Principal (:rant delivered • lecture before relatives at 11'adkerville sett Detroit the past
the members of queens College Saturday week.
Night Club entitled "Some crumbs of tom- Mus' V. A. Mallo°Itb. d Dungenno„was
Venn r nim I< H. Psnnaugtun last
loft hem the eeeatoo of Parll•ment which tie
Sudden Taking OOT of the Irish
ex Leader.
ase A of Otte Midden Kss1ow
of r.a'astt Startle'. 401 World ae reed
Away as fM tamer 1. Rrlebtes After a
'beet utnees4/rrs4tters es tee Emelt
ants henselae -A Cedar DeENV .
Los Dos, Oct. 7. --first Britain and Ire-
land were startled this morning by the
utterly unlooked for that
Charles Stewart Penwell, the noted Irish
g leader, had died suddenly yesterday even-
sty •t his home in Brighton. It has been
well known tle.t Mr. Parnell has not en-
joyed the best of health for Years oast, and
it has been noticed and widely commented
upon that since the O'Shea divorce develop-
ments became a mater of public notoriety
and .mea political troubles came upon him
the great Irish member of Parliament
had grown thinner and that he had pre•
ceptibly aged in . , but nobody ex-
pected W hear of his death and no inkling
es w his Illness had reached the newspapers.
Only at this hour (1 r.11.) has it been pos-
sible to obtain details in regard to his
THE "A4'0E.
even the question of whether the Munster
M' M ie and Loxia• ll•''alime left
on Saturday W join their father and brother
at New Westminster, K. C.
G. A. Fear, druggist, was one of the
principals in • very important ceremony at
Strathroy on Wednesday.
Wm.Smith left for Strathroy on Tuesday,
to be best an in a very important event
that happened on Wednesday.
A. C. Fairweather, of Toronto, was the
soloist at the entertainment an the Grand
Opera Hoose on Tuesday evening.
N. Weston left town on Saturday for the
old home, Brantford, and returned o n Wed-
nesday, accompanied by Mrs. Weston.
Jso. Burma, of St.l;eorge's ward,was most
seriously injured last Satnr=r; by falling
from a tree from which he was gathering
Miss J. and Charlie Sharman left lest
week to visit relatives at Chicago. Mies
Sharman intends to prolong her visit until
Detroit Free Press : William Prondfoot,
Pitilip Holt and 1► McDonald made a dis-
tinguished looking trio from Godericb, who
were at the Russel Howse yesterday.
Simon Pentland, • former student of
/:oderich high school, delivered •o instruc-
tive and interesting discourse in North-st.
Methodist church last Sunday evening.
Mayor Butler. M. Hutchison anti Wren.
Lee, the delegation that interviewed the
Minister of Public Works regarding the
condition of the harbor, returned home on
lea.o rind th100 and ousts or bringing tar tic u s e sires with dark faces and dark feet At
state. o'elundiaa unlet uoutrsct wW dirt leen ridt, the Galloway', the oldest High -the F:xperimental Farm last year no fewer
state. a01 arid the Super. The second mcludre thou 530 rafSintlamer were fattened n otos
The Ottawa fair duenters are 82.000 the Holstein, the Ayrshire, the Jersey, the thrften
a 1(f these between 300 and 400 were
Ahead on their exhibition, while the Guernsey and she Kerry. 11ir third tis- roll to go to Rutfab, and 100 head were
Western Fair shows about 84,000 on the clu.les the Shorthorn, the Red Poll and the shipped to o Ruff
right •Ode. Devon.
Tier upper conference of the Methodist Of the beefing breeds )wt mentioned it
epeeist church in lows has voted es admit may b e said that not one of them m Komi
women as delegates to electoral and general for milk presideion, whatever they may
elleitnrr. . have been to this respect to the past. The
rapt. 1 eunghusland, the British office; Herefords aro proverbial u grazers where
eel to hate ie,•n killed by Ktwian* in I'a• the pasture" are rich, and in the fertile
mor. Ea*tern Asie, has Leen eee,.d from and counties of tlntanu it may be worth while
is all right. lir the farmers to consider their clams
when the y. 4411 (, s1ock err to be finished on
An arrangement bee horn arrive.! at Par fur th h.ngluh u,arket. The Aber-
eiil Y the Michigan ('antral .omPany sem
i'olb lave much tbe same beefingg pr,-
wtll in (enure take over the C. P. R. freight pertaes as the Shorthorns, with the differ.
it Whirr for reters pouts_ ,ares. that they do' not stale so heavyy, but
The 1' S daatnct court of Ituffaln has the meat is more marbled. The GeStiway
.iei-nied that t'hanemsn captured there must may be preptal,k in the damp, cool climate
be rent 1.. k to Canada as "the country of the Martens Provinces. The West
from whence they cane." Hightsnd, like the Galloway. handy, lent evidently w rapein fine form, as it u
The tnHl•• receipts of the 1 ara.lian slow W mature, may yet fiat • home in the well adapted to the growing of roots. The
l'a-it'ic Hallway tor the week ending Sept. 30 Northwest, where they fee.i upon the grass well ad ted td h. that battening lambs
untentel t.. $581,000,an increase of 882,000 in waste places in the Summer and en the fouler pry them well if they .mould only er-
as •.m.pared with the corresponding week of Protection of the underwood in the Winter. cure the lambs at well
ould The
ppret good properties of Y
tae: year. The Sussex have all thecare the Lambea t • number of tanner They
Rev Mr Spurgeon ha. arrived at Ent- the Shorthorn except that of free sulk pro- seises, and where this i* done they would
I..urne, a watenng place on the toast of duction, but these properties are developed find that by Christmas time they would be
fusses. He expressed himself as confident in perhaps a ler perfect degree.wroth to them 46 or >fT per head.
(, .noplrte moven'. He still needs much Of the Bury chieri1Sum Holsteins and ,'imur A resolution was moved by John Kernig -
care, however. as milk prod hen, seconded by Yeoman Anderson, and
1 ne "ewers 01 the lemmas' imperial 4;uenl where the pastures are rich and the supply peered, that the Hon. John Dryden be re.
ha, a de' ,4eti nod to .drink champagne at of Winter food u plentiful. The .Ayrshire, quested to dose •bulletin to be issued one -
regimental hanyuel., hut to contnbute that' which ea neat an form and active in lInlb,wi11 ttin and the sib.
money which would hese been so spent W do well on more rugged pastures, the[Yes/se Reeling.
t f he fannies -stricken dearest- Kernel beteg also able to get a living on 4 tan meeting of the Institute esu
The H item the
The lambs were bought
that. 1st, and were brought 330 miles by
rail. at en average cert of $3.76 per head.
Those of them sold for the Amencan mar-
ket brought on an average $6.30 per head
at l.'hrutmas, and those sent to the Eng-
lish market brought about 49 per head
Apel 1st. In both instances the lambs
paid well. It was bound that the lambs
which were shorn in October were in the
best condition for standing tit. voyage.
Thu mum about 600 lambs will be fattened
upon the Experimental Farm on the rape
that u now growing there. Sone of them
lambs have been brought all the way from
Prince F.dwarl Island 1,150 miles distant,
anti yet it is expected that money will be
made on them. The county of Heron will
has visited at her rsideuoe was not allowed
to be put by his party friend*. If the
woman and the Minister were innocentany•
Ming more cruel and unjust to both cannot
be conceived. If mno,.'ent, anything more
foolish un his part than inaction in such
circumstance cannot be conceived. Instant
denunciation of his would-be friends or •
demand that the fullest freedom to invade
gate the case should be allowed was the
plain duty of an man Subsequentlyt all
on the score of honor.
denied in the House that he was guilty. So
did Kykert and McGreevy deny charges
made against them, yet after investigation
they were expelled, and no man ventured a
word on their behalf. Such a denial
siemens W nothing. Where a woman is con -
c erned it noes not amount even to the per-
mlsslble "not guilty" which every crimual
Another charge was brougnt against the
ane Minister in the House, and again he
seamed to imagine that nothingmore was
required of him than denied. Every ream
is the judge of what his own honor requires,
and when the Postmaster -General wastate-
fiei 1 do not much wonder that the Cabinet
and the -House were reluctant to enter on •
new investigation in the last days of the ses-
sion. But the second shrinks into toignifi-
cance beside the first imputation. With re -
1 to 1t his own inaction and the action of
is friends force us in the meantime to 1*e-
lieve him " guilty," and if guilty what •
glimpse u given into the depths of um where
we would expect scrupulous purity.
Such a
man should no longer insult the moral anise
of the community by remaining an adviser
of the queen. If he doe not retire it will
be ill for the Cabinet, for, though the wom-
en of Canada have not votes, they influence
votes, anti this is a sin they will neither for-
get "tor forgive.
The principal referring to Mr. Tarte,
said he -hail conducted his case with ability,
and as for Sir John Thonipsoo and Mr. Lau-
rier it is enough to say that both have
proved themselves tit for the highest posi-
tion should one or other be called to it by
the voice of the country. He
press of Kingston, Montreal, or it end wards completion.
Hamilton, and ret some ol the smaller sen- Judge Tons held court for the revision
tree, for '' its i in coonecuon et the voters' let of Exeter on Monday,
with the disclosures. The will tell upon and for Stephen. et ('reditou, on Tuesday.
Parlament and the couutry fox the prey There was a break in the store service ef
has become tsugktier than the pulpit. " the electric light om� Monday, and as it
PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS could not be located the stores were in
The model and high school tootb.11 slobs
Mrs. A. M. Rom u visiting in Toronto. OAP's.' • match ow Tule ee •Itermnon.
H. E. Rothwell spent Sunday in town.
After an interesting gone It. was declared .
draw, neither side scoring.
Mw Hincks left se Wednsday for To- The Chancery sitting of the High Court of
mato. Just ice opened on Monday, M r. J notice
Mr. Jeffries. of Gdt, a the Ewe's ol ( Meredith presiding. After a sitting of het
A. Nairn. feet minutes the Court adjourned.
F. Mclbneid, of Luckoow, was in town 11r. M. Nicholson, the Wort-st. dentist,
on Sunray. maks the preservation of the natural teeth
K. W. Tenney, of Petioles, was in town a speislty. Gas a i '' . 1 from 9 A.r
m Monday, for the painless extraction d teeth.
E W. Burley, of Clinton, was in town dei St. George's annual harvest thanksgiving
Wednesday. . service will take place on the evening of
Miss Jessie Sinclair hes gone on • visit - Thursday the 22nd inst., Rev. Mr. Fath-
togtretford. ing, of Woodstock, preaching the sermon.
ith • large
rich on Tuesday.
•y' of Brussels, was in (iodr I :supine cm the lighthoR. Campbell had • use wgrounds the pest
week, .sd final► mastered it He (0.14.41
A. Savage,44 FredG. T. R., Brantford, was in 7
town on Fnday. it in • skooB hex. lett the .nial osa.pedi
Mr. and Mrs. Keay returned from Toron-
to Materia-- The cheapest house in Canada to bey .
1m peasants dealt t even more .cant)- fare. o
\I:. ideal/tone's otter attack ".pow the re esti the Kerr)' are all gcxol for held in the es -ening, when over four hundred
Meister .n production, though not persons were present. A program of vocal
land. . &al he Leaden i Daiilly News say ment in the perhaps dei arey so. The Jersey par excellence brei Guerre anti
eny W quartette
tunic anti
i (soden
warning is likely to exercise a wholeso"nr m tO
rim tweeds, but must not be expected he �.isttng of Misses Wilkins and Sands
11110...0 this perre r.wgli rt, as they are not so rugged u the and Messrs. B eleher sad Saunders, Miss
The Itbbli° Freeman's Journal thinks cAyrshtre or the Kerry end both Andrews, of I:odericb, paying the &coome
that iso. man, after Ponding Mr. I:laddst.sie's The general purplre breeds are g paninsets. Rev. Austin Potter, of Dun-
✓ poe h, can doubt fora moment his teem- fir mint nuking anti dairy' production. The non, gave an address and told of the
t..m 1., wee a measure of home rule that Iced polls have not been much lined as yet advantages which he hal derived from
will le satisfactory to the inch people with Tin, f)evoos are hest •.apted to rough p•• attending the Institute derive Prof.
all tl.e disp.teh that the ass of the country tare. 'Phe 16ortn horn. vis jimmy posses Shaw addressed the meeting on
will allow. the rive a Sboro° which they now p.rses. ,, K1, 1'LTL'RA1. EDl'PAT10lt,"
The state 'supreme court of Minnesot. has as the general purpose •pinnal. Their milk
dn11,i..d that dealings in grain futures arc ing properties have been injures, but not anti dwelt upon the benefits of the College
unlawful and that °entracte are void unless beyond the passibility of restoration They farmers
dmenpet Station More than 400 different
at delivery is made. The deeeum to of may still be -rade to furnish • good supply generally.
CBr:It ,mtorance, u two 01 the 1arg.st milk forth. city, for butter or for cheese keds of gram had been grown and nnaty of
b or.I.'.1 tinter in the country are now lo-
they give ne ea good animals u we have these will, undoubtedly, take • leading place in
to be made intemeaagriculture of Canada In no lice was
len the question of which el.are'more ret roams" than in that of im-
A reel
Hose of 141,15 in his Newcastle speech u Y 1 cheese.
CURRENT OPINION. breed we ht to keep, we should lay more
-- *tress upon ad•pability of the breed es
"H..ene to *DOM HONOR IS HEIL- the x salons of soil and climate than to tone country great
Omit and s ui -
1 oats, a number of the varieties of
wowkl almost certainly prove • boon
because of their excel -
There are enough men out of jail in • its intrinsic peculiarities. It would be un -hence. in the matter of p 1 p
like Fiat wise to try to keep the heavy bodied Short menta for work the American stations are
pNrorth role decent ted to the smeller anti ahead of ours, but in regard to live stock
Nnrthomesstou a terry L. Coe in "num. horn m lands adapted the reverse of
peal prncvesuno behind Fd. Cochraw, M. more active Ayrshire, and en,1 yrs d"nee
fol ewe'
tical work ovr
1 "1 his circumstance u not to the credit this would also be true. era11 and practical
nt the law officers in that sir * oIW1K m qI 114rinve station has • long lead. He then dwelt op-
the character of the atsdenu as oom-
Partien.htp mast surely have oared Cana- speaker by the farmers present with provioyears enter ash the
diens »et.,rs they could b upon
1`1 to gtory put h the
in ter chane brought upon this riding. „n the subject of oma Rr.,winr, the silo and rger portion of them came from flntwin
' Haan to whore hn°or is des.•' A nice Ike, the following facts were brought now it is from our (area, and so it should
motto that was to exhibit to the greater nut. Sod1 and u probably the most suit be. The students sustain in fine form •
glory of a statesman who, to put it mihaly, Where sod arms Yceng Men's Christian A•sooiation, last
u not the hope rot his country. If East able for Browing °Of O- Wieser more than half of them inet week
Northumberland a proud o Cochrane, are tilled with thistles and with other foul 1y in the prayer meeting of this Ar,ocia-
i 1 of cin c,mi•E after will clean la . showing that could not be equalled
Personal fnendde an Pre ought to he. It is community of the county o
judice rover ► multitude of Bina For tie even the corn u w tit S work this mutation Wert llarke M bet plough th ton- m the prinR: The Bond
bk of 1
('anal& is at prom- o Fist V01thumper- wen • •crop
Wei d party pro Mein try thorn hly, if the cultivation by • simian number of i our g din any
1i is doing
mike of party \ can until the time and u e
• 1'. silaee, ter to tug a doinga 'Inst in its u-
I'. had sef5ctentl dimmed hu f0II ere h. cultivate as much as you
Y tack d • the corn, which will be the I•at fancy, it is • matter of great signi4-
ci n'Ii'I •the ootb. Cabinet to tie Is 114. w kin of Ontario. casee that the farmers generally •re *1049 he -
(an h.'..,e ( ,. ti TorA ring week m May in many parts
C• •hrane jubilee. Toronto •lsgr•°n, lads Ittill in the seed with the ordinary sued ginning to take •true interest in thetas in
between the drills dilution in all Canada which S capable of
Hr. t5 orf To *T 4r MT. drill.n shush the em11 u 'vinB their ams a t r# m
.cry the distance
Mr. Parnell died at his bone, W"alsing-
ham Terrace, Brighton, at 11.30 last night.
His death u said to be due indirectly to a
chill which he caught last week and which
at first was not regarded as serious. Mr.
Parnell, however, grew wane and • pbysi-
was was called in with the result that the
patient was ordered to take to his bed.
This was Friday last, and from that time
he lost strength, and finally succumbed.
The exact nature of the disease which
reused the death of the Irish leader u not
made known et present. From the day he
took te bed, however, the .tate of Mr.
Parnell's health las been such as to uecessit-
ate the constant attendance of two physi-
cian. ; but to spite of their incssent and
untiring efforts to prulong or rave life Mr.
Parnell gradually rank loser and lower un-
til he expired in the arm. of Mn. Parnell,
who u utterly prostrated by the .bock ex-
perienced through the death of her hus-
Open meeting of the High School Literary
Society thus evening.
Jno. Washington has moved into his new
family residence on Ent street.
The 1:. T. R. authorities are Laying steel
rain from the station to the harbor.
The county board of audit met on Friday,
and tr•neacted the tuned quarterly busi•
The residence being erected by Jas. Clark
on Wellesley street is rapidly advancing to -
higher ed 0.11044 in the
Marto will not tolerate the return of by Me habits of growl v
4.4w0 tMt grew. Igor- Ines of culture.
Sir Herter langevinto the smeary bascher known AowM be ►r"b•Mf 42 inches bstwem A resolution was passed atm, the Iwai
Among this Conservatives of iii. premien the cruel but smaller varieties should be tote hold ee excursion to tee Ontario Agri.
th. i l.. a "nem, that alit M W sot with the drills •t a km disw.ee. miters' college next ,lune.
treated, and i! M is iso 000 lie s of eGed per acre is At, the close of the 'nesting Prof. Shaw
ee.nu as 40 inrther ax the party ed l; sure that t. Wad us good. sad omen who took part in the pr+vtsm
h• will find w If A. pea eevit i test When the ern is wine tendered the th•nb d ow waeunin for 4mlIr. in 69e.fort
Mre. flunky aft town on ftatatd.v for in the Teen H• . in ams evening
of •
ihotrott 1 M preache-'peot•11�] fm tong
to Id hrrrlelelr, d Rtratfoersl mss' by the tutor, Rev. J R Hower.
It is believed that Parnell's death will re-
sult in the reunion of all the members of
the Nationalist party, not only in Ireland,
but in the United 4 area
THE 45*14 IN I0'OUS.
in this city particularly the news of Mr.
Parnell's deaths came like a thunderbolt on
the clubs and political circle*. Nobody, so
far es .t first known, was aware he was in-
dispoaedand ... ,ly when it became
known that the great Irish leader was dead
naturally the first idea formed was that he
Iliad committed suicide. As the day wore
on, however, it leaked tot that Me. Parnell
had complained to friends recently of not
feeling as well as usual, but it was not
thought by anybody that there wait any-
thing serious in the symptoms referred
x 15 LAST MIMIC A P P L A R4 \' • C
Phe last time Mr. Parnell appeared in
public was at Creegs, in Ireland, on Sept.
27, when he delivered a long speech upon
the attitude and alleged inconsistencies of
Messrs. Dillon and O'Brien. Upon that
occasion Mr. Parnell stated he was speaking
in defiance of doctors' orders who were at-
tending him, and who had expressly ordered
him to keep to his room.
A e'elnceensre.
leset se, Oct 7. Coupled with the an-
ths morning that, Mr. Parnell
had died last night was the news that Sir
John Pope Hennessy, member of Parliament
for North Kilkenny, was also 'teal. Sir
John. Pope Hennessy, it will be remembered,
,mnieliately after the exposures in the
I YSbe. divorce case in November, 1890, con-
tested the North Kilkenny election, backed
by Par nell's opponents, and defeated the
P.rnellite candidate, Vincent Scully, by
1,147 votes. There was a great, and pos-
sibly the greatest, tent of strength in that
district between the Mc(arthyites and
Pernellites,a•d the defeat of Mr. Scally no
doubt counted for a great deal in the future
series of disasters which befell the Irish
m . „ane 014.14 01 sews his a at
Miss Rather, of Owen Sound, u the gest �, Thontaen'a Don to give him a call
of Mrs. P. Holt. before purchasing ; y�wi11 not regret the
Ron. Roger' Howard r enjoying • two time spent. Repairs promptly attended to.
week. vae•tioa Knox chereh mirioo band held a meet
.lea Carr Ida um Monday on . business ing on Satorday afternoon, .t which the
visit to Wiarten. young workers for foreign missions pre -
Hy. Meyer. ().('., d Winglam, was in .anted the income from their work. Some
town yesterday. twenty dollars will thus be aided to the
Miss Sarah McLeod is visiting friends in fund.
Sesforth "kis week. Alterations and in now being made
Mimeo Rachel and Kate McLeod spent in North-st. Methodist church will neesai-
h, ate the holding of the services next Sunday
w1 it perilous. it ger
s rlam y elfidi the w thitnmsat will fled e is Preva by ht harrow it with a their eureka,. The nesting closed with no.•e.sary to di.hoseor that chin if hen alawt this inches high singing of "God 4• a the t�iwers" •.•d the
harrow in • week lir thwre.Mnts f the heoediotion by Rev. Mr.
barrow it ag.in sO
ether �o° 0aw until its g it town m MoHla Viwtore b the (:Prat Nmtleweseern The following accounts were referred to
r a Mr w• • H••d hie1°6O in the
bite of the The Istliwg fatmter' of the section att'ua (his of (listen well in the
pp••r.ostent he must he met i ty light - i h.n often u
Th h ted rel persu.6 00r'$ °! M too hI h to gn
hers the tendsI the meet{ u they are waking to losrn m Monde
Mustelp.l Re.Iaess TrweretM at tie Last
Repl.r 'seed.".
The town conned met lot Fridayeven
ing. The absentees were mayor Butler "who
had goose to Ottawa on business in comes
tion with the harbor), reeve Proudtoot anti
councillors Thompem. Dunlop, ('antelon
and Naito!. Deputy reeve Holt occupied the
The minutes of the preview meeting were
read. approved and signed.
The treasurer's report fm ember was
Lead and referred te the fin .fte committee.
11• reseipts for the month wrier $12,744.66:
, $10,2fri.56; balance on hand,
the city a Gerson en
A number of applications for remission of
with even It as
ming n John lagena, '
ong ace mit M h otter was in 7
H.5 inehgi�e as e dad m.w fm fn
pohhe service, for even those who r000•a b. neglected w Fr Simnel
a that acquittal tseulel asks sp the
against him. He tory we11 wear+ the de
set -Titan f thief who hell UPON
tum were referred to the curt of revieiom.
nonan kt.t a.ee .h
display of the
rent TMir nukes d °ste
rowels are to be all destroyed. The .ors the fact tort to
of ruts and •d10pt R. VaeCorlre left on Wednesday en • all o.Ahere in dGanty
•held be allowed to get eerily ripe before they mist gat
a reef h'
h s is the les of agriculture. begisee vial to Toronto. of tons. Kindly
admired the thefinance committee McColl Fro• R Co.
Organ O'A. Toronto odd, 436 13; F. Sute.M, lumber .na
fast sarp.'•inB poste, gd�1.90 ; Estate of tion Grant, relief,
sed excellency q � ; Jaa Thane*, relict, $3.7S : John F.
sal en I1•tea, wheelb•rrow,W6: N. f/ymw,t, lumber,
our order
lint putting it in the ab It was nit this with After the meeting • i somber joined the Miss elands. of Saltfard. left on Wedges enrage hems Mann era. 496 96 : Reliance Mfg. Co., electric sip
Bort d .led with ,1, lied
Ude H.o n a t i sxilhing being N
peUic dosu.a, '�t� as Oaelpb dry snag •
Pr^`en net Aim M kms keen r°erle°e•11 •al drawn Ay oa• terse Indust., which is in • very day m • wink to Toronto. � �iag has dt•sn • emesem tlw� pint � 46.10 : Moe•rek Vlesm F•ckisg Co,.
shown outside LM pee. There Lt hiss Twos •t = ahs cat at Siad 0 quickly ne ss11shctary meow,
m t. ant M•som.ne, barrister, d Lseknnw, we•k..o.a big laas.f pereb ravine bass H•milton,p•cking. 4S.1A.
h.•ghs Two r Najd wdk. The earn was crud". i. div to W n. Rallis, the weer epsat Auad•y is Do ereist. Wade. 11.n. i•. skto Doses to ab. front T . so want of Campbell far
nay T 'swatted d guilt As mneo•r
.r u5 not esuhlssioi bsymnd �� Int by awn stns when it ata. suing and ne president, sad Win. Howell, the is Rt.eley Hayne bsrrlster, of f3eaiartlt, Messrs. .las. Aoidies, H. Hay. and Tea postage"" 46.91, was "rder'1A to M paid.
rnoon will always e•rmliet with oPw� lib' 1laid cis u brsebs The mem stood liner••Ary, Is tlelr lobe" ei was in tkriarieh this week. Andrew, asdittg sixty ewe day, and Masses. The matter of pruning the treed on Wst-
rlg•rds his rose and be will not be sin/eg• 1i7 the sled in this way six saes Sinn n•k{sg tins tiliosetieys weeesefsl. Maatk ebths h sight at CLlkGene Hera, W. Shuns, H. Ray sad Td Andrews et. was referred to the public works ewn-
tnrate if hes c0es.ete a kit triton ree*ws t iw ale �. A eels might bs hurt 1'. Flateb.r, nevmd., Tats Tee sleeted eat sad fitted fns wteliarge. g•te.rity is eeTeM. ca Mstaeday.Z.11oti minas, to report an at the ext meet -
r they new The beim a s l I eo.M est }lig 5 Asim not wore aha• asala the 1e- (i.4. Kerr Red H. H. Pions, d Leak• e•f°bse were meds in UP* Maitland above in4
"Yak el amid, wield him ares Y it fawwed nelallmgh arra.MMMtngwrnd9sses/by he d +1"na M , Resmiller. TIM nnsndl time adjeersed.
„� • t t►w,d bw r.e..i �• el....�11t "II d awe, rt SettTsy i. ansa
WKS. L-Tareeto Wet* Willife's=---
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9I1, 11 ill ell ass
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