HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-2, Page 8!Tr
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Speslables- Jobs IMherieen i
Harley --Wes. illi renis
Notice -L pt. W. Babb 1
Notice- Alm KUber*. 4
Ther pleb Wasted Jolts pebeam .. . .. 1
Yall Bode Colborie Brea. i
A Great Out a Prion -J. •. Rdtl ft an • • b
Persuasive Prices WIllsee/llMIr ......... a
ben aat Wasted Mira •.g.ese. • •.. . 1
cook W anted littlish Itnehmiss Mosel ... -- 1
St THKItLAND In Wlaable& on 8etne•
day. ireP timber 9e, 41.5 site et b. Surber
land. en • soot.
FOLLICK lit Exeter. o& the Rik ult., the
wUe of A. L. rollick. of Baster..( •
WALKER la Usburne. on the Lnd ult., the
elle of James Wader. of • daughter.
rATKRt5ON In Muriel,. on the 4Ib Wt . We
able of Arch. Paterson. of a sea.
STEWART In ltluevale, so the IStb tilt . the
wife of Thomas Stewart. of • now.
LLY'AS l0 5esforth. on the 19t8 alt.. the wife
of Stephen Luras, of a sea.
RIME In Actio. on the nes tut., the wife of
Key. J. Edge. or a datyrbter. Mother and
child doing sell.
WISLMAN 1m 111.1.., oo the 16th nit. the
wife of John Wiseman. of awit
111. 1.11:00 -lit Hayfield. on the 4th ult..tbe alt.
of Hugh !leered, or a Ammeter.
?Oath -At Iwueduwine ,Ywrnt. Dunlop. !sept.
17th. IWl. the wife of James Tobfu. of a
GAItVIN W ILLIAM:4-- At 1's, mouth church
Buffalo. N. Y.. on Tneaday. 35th rreptem
ber. ISM. by the Itet. 1r.O. Sutherland. It,
11.. of Maesiltee, the.. * 1.4,4 by We Kot.
J. E. Williams. brother of the beetle. trod.
etiek Willman Garvin. barrier -at law of
°swoode Hall. Tomato. to Caroline Ogden
1C$rri.•,. your nest daughter of the late
Keir. J. A. N,Ilums. U. . general super
intendent of the Methodist 1 buret. of lam
RALSTON-I1AWeON Al - the residence Of
the brides father, neafurth, on Wednesday
evening. slept. 14 by Rev. Mr. Hodgins.
rector of St. Thomas' church. Chris. J.
Habitue. of Exeter, to Miss Georgic. E.
Davison. daugl•ter of Edward lbwwn.
UGHHAN('K- HILLKN--At the residence of
the bride's parents. on the lath alt.. by Iter
1•. Musgrave. Jame* horrance to Miss
Ella Selina. second daughter of James
Hitless, Meq.. all of McKillop.
WILKINtiON-WAL H At the teaidence of
the bride's father, on the I6ie fret.. by
Ito.•. J. H i)yke. Wn.. H. Wilkinson. of
Morris, to Miss Mary Jane Walsh. of het -
Pl/NK►.1. TANNBK At tl.e residen.r of
the conies molder. H1) eh. on **.•ptember
int►. by the 1 J. T. Parke. of Usti/eel.
Geu. Powell to Mir 8. H. Tanager. both of
WEHItY--AUAIK -At the residence of the
bride's father. (.hawa on the 16th inst..
by the her. J. Edge, Jas. Worry. sl clia-
lon. to Mks Charlotte Adair. late with
Plumueel & Gibbing". Clinton.
FRItU(a1O%--In Mon•re•l. oo dun.:ay. teep-
teenbrr Yah. 1:.•1. Mary. daughter of the
late Alexander Ferguson, of Ula.guw.
ANDREW -In Seafurth. on the !and nl'..
Elleneldr.t daughter of Walter Andrew,
awes l . )ears. 5 moetbs and 1f days.
Or)F'OI1T1(-fit Lallans Inland Mission,
Chita. on July Koh, Itlm tt peniciou.
maim ial fa -ver. Donald Marshall. aged 19
months mod 6 day.. dearly beloved tan of
Her. Mr. and Mrs. Juatban Goforth.
missionaries of the Canada Presbyterian
mtss,ot. to Nonan. China
JOHN$TOX-in Fist Wawanosh, on 11.e 17th
ult.. Martie.. wife of Div ,d Johus.on,
ae....1: i) a ors .od 1 • months.
(rad,w erg ow, eonne..rO'i* T.]
WuIE•.DA\, Sept. 30. The Huron Cen-
tral Fair. which opened here ou Monday,
cjose.i than evening. and was a big success
aj1 slug floc line, .ts .onip•red with Gutter
slow.. Notwithstanding the fact that a re
duction was made m the price of admission,
the attendance wasso increase} daily that
the pnhcy.of cheap aatuminn racy he looked)
epee an a permanent institution. 'It is the
intention of the n*Inagetnent at an early lay
to, improv -e the grounds and aid to the
buildings t' as to .enc more fittingly the
peewee* *
acs of exhibitors mei visitors. • At
pre.ent there it a .dearth of accommodation
or stoek and the maul building has proved
ineloinate for the dt.play. These are things
that t toe and nitrate). wail easily remedy,
and loom the efforts that have hereto:ore
been ranine ley the directors the public .an
hook for the desired change, at the earliest
leasable .ate. ('Mateo can boast of one of
the most energetic hosts of directors of
Any show in the county. The president. A.
H Manning. is ■ bundle •.f concentrate)
nervous fore. and the secretary, Will.
.lacks min a Itig Man frou, laraetuwn when
hustling and courtesy are a tucesaary coni-
bu.auor.. Vmtt representative. received
great courtesy front other geentlenten who
take a live interest is the Hurn ('eland,
notably Messrs. 1. McKenzie, Searle and
('tittle these three, lee the way. being
large and mccessful exhibitors iu the
fruit. flower and other deps tmenta.
The dt.play of fruit was excellent and the
floral display all the way through could
hardly b• sorra.aol. .I. Stewart, of Hen-
e tiller. had an excellent .display .4 flowers
and plants ..n exhileitinn, lout not for com-
petition : H. 1.. Watson, n, of C:olerlch, took
`•• .1 prize for professional li goal
aml in the amateur ,rotax the first prize 1I to
A. McKenzie, of Clinton. One thing was
n oh..erval.k and that was that every-
body in Clinton was awake to the fat that
personal effort was necessary to make the
fair a success, and personal effort was un-
grudgingly given. Every hit of available
apace for exhibitions of business firm. was
- taken up, and doilde the accOmmn.atIom
given a•ull not have sufhc..1 to meet al
the demands. IFutanpe the grounds and ah
along the principal streets bunting and hand
nor. were profusely displayed, and in the
e. ening evrry place of businss of any pre
tensions was brilliantly illuminated by al
the shales M light between Chinese laa
term and electricity. We l:wwlsy was the
day for the exhibition of stock, and there
was a large attendance of spectators. A
hearty welcome wage At -Needed ley many of
the electors of all aha.les of polities to NI
C. Cameron, M.1'.. who hal recently re
turned from Ittaw•, and who ran down
from his home on Wednesday afternoon t4
give the light of his countenance to the
Huron (.ntral. Taken all in *11 the direc-
tors have reason to feel satisfies with the
mcNxas of 4lmton'. bag fair, an.l leek hope
fully fora sad to increment result. in the time
to conte.
[mon Wit OS ll , .,anotia' N DUST. ]
Tota 8m.AL trout mu moil Jae 1. IMr. for
tots. The hest athe r. and Tots $1w.AL
le the bast. Take • trial p.
Rev. W. Ayers has sold les horse and
sail 6 order more efficiently to perform,
his circuit work.
We k&ru that Mrs. .1. Proctor is shortly
to leave for Ilakota, where she with her
famay iso remain. ,
Mss L. Sparks has again returned to
the Mitt End. We surmise she Guy •re
nate there a year, of n.,t for lie.
]Sus t.alloway, fruits l'iintou, is attempt -
Ing 10 secure pupils for organ pracuoe.
She wlll aoubtleas be a gu..J teacher, as she
I. a graduate of Alna College, St. Thomas.
We arc pleased to learn that Alev.
I l)sbaldstoo, wbu lied been in Battle ('reek,
Mich,gau, for several days to undergo a
surgical operation, the r.usv of • tumor
Wow the neck, returned cm ]friday last, the
operation Inv lug horn fly per
formed. .
LEEBUHN. ---..
(rlu,r 1,1.11 4*) l•ulut*a W,N u1NT. ]
Tis 5m*AL from sow until Jan. 1. lt•R for
1 otic. The best is the cheapest and Tits tilu*AL
is the brat. Take • trial trap.
Rev. ler. Jamieson will conduct "entre
here next Sabbath.
Miss Joanna Foley and her brother Ed-
ward nutted the Forest I Ity kat week. be-
ing the guest. of their safer, Mia. aaru'
Foley. who now remade. in brutes.
The gospel 'menu an the hall last Sub• I
day evening, like the previous meetings.
had • large attendance. Th.- address given
by Rev. R. Fairlawn, of I►uugauu4ri, was
an able one, dwelling strongly on the evils
of moderate drinking. This was ler.
Fairlatni's first appearance as $ speaker
here and we atl hope to hear him herr again
in the uesr future. The chairman, U.
I.'umnung, announced t tat Ike.. .1. E. Howell.
M. A., of \..rth-.t Methodist .;lttgch.
Ieorlench. wood' &tithes.. the insolent.; which
will be held on Sundry afternoon. 1th u•
tober, at 3 r. m., in are hall.
M. ii].: FaeKNEn-1_ -Sabbath Litt there
Was a large attendau.e at the I'reelotrrtan
church here. as well..as at the I. anon
Presbyterian cl ur•h in 4...ketch toww„hip,
to hear, perhaps for the last time. the Rev
A. Reilly. student iu charge for the lost
sit months, who is now setering hu cou-
n ation with thea.: congregations to resume
his college nurse, this being hu hist term
of study.. 11'hen hr .:alae here his okenmg
sermon war on the power of faith of 1 host,
askew altercate he would try to promote
amongst them. Since then from the pulpa
and ,n his rows nu the .litferent homes
the charge amsh-nal him he has spokes t.,
and cumersel with all of the future home
which is not an earthly one, and earnestly
at the weekly prayer meettni; h. hA. ex
mpwSit''a..-tue•l u. the young people the eons( morel,
dividing Iia .l u.aUons with such among the
older and younger ones. His clueingerounsel
oo Sunday was founded on 4 h4 well-known
text. Matthew tit • 2t4. He urged each to
toil with renewed energy in the goo.l wmerk.
to Ise prayerful always, anti to pray for iso..
*,other's sucrose. In leaning them he ex_
preset the hope that all would try to
make ,t a constant duty not to forget to
attend divine .er iere each Sabbath and to
I encourage the work of the aunties- school,
1 and that the gamete wonld elo their best in
'sending their children to them. 1 hough to-
day he was saying farcw*U and might never
laud them again he looped they would keep
onward in the path of duty and encourage
hu sucrreaor to labor with them. At the
clew of both the services he steel at the
church door asying good -lore to all as they
monied out, with a word of kindly cheer *0.l
a wish for their future welfare. The choirs
!of both churelres sang that weihkaowtt
selection, ••t:of be with you till we meet
again.- AU through his term Mr. Neilly
make a i
has labored haul and eararstl • to 1
he .sine in crwtact with followers of hi.
Master. Me now lures us to renew his
studies and w•e hnpe that during the cooing
year ke will again be in the field telling of
the gl*i tidings and with the vigor of the
past seeking to persuade many more to
except gonial counsels. The atten.lance at
leoth churches was always large, at the
recent communion here six being &aldeo' to
the membership nod at the Union church
ts*eh:y. Th, fivaurc,l returns also have
been much on the increase, and for a com-
ing pastor each church promises fifty dol-
( lata more in the yearly salary. 1)n Wetl-
�lteeayy ler. Reilly left here fur Stratfon1
and Woodstock for a few days, and on the
6th inst. he will return to Knox college,
Toronto, for the Winter course of studp, P
The farewell tea -n eating given by the
bulks of the Prshytenan church to the
Key. A. Neilly was a decides sac.ws in
. even' way. The weather was all we could
wish for and a large concourse was present
from the vacmity, together with a large
number free Ssltfor.. I:rnmiller, ('arlrow,
(:o eneh town and (:orlerich township,
from the latter locality there being twenty
or w, from the C'niem church. All seemed
to enjoy the proceedings thoroughly. The
Maumee* of the ministers. Rev. i).. Cre
and Rev. .1. A. Anderwo n. of I.oderich,
were pleasing and iastructive. i:ey. J. E.
Hewell, of North-st Methodist church.
(:oterich, spoke un " The Influence of the
Pew w ith the Paster," while Rev. E. A. Fear,
.of Nile Methodist church, made his thence :
" How to Succeed to Life." Rey. Mr. Neilly
ably fulfilled the duties of the chair, ate
swering the clerical witticia.n. of the
1 fellow -pastors in • pleasing Manner Apd
showing that he was able to defend the
(room nt-a raw N ...ampere+tat: Nr. ]
Horace Mullin haa returned home.
1V. A. Hackett left the week to attend
the Medusl Medico! in Taranto.
Oats ars yielding 1•r better than fermate
expected, from 30 to 45 bushel,. to the
Wei are .cry O. hear of the severe illness of
Will Crosby,who ham been working at hie
Wade near London Mr Crosby hes gone to
attired him and wr hope he will taro 4..
All patties getting their .elm b4Bs prated at
is nate will bare • fres asrtee hearted
in this Hat apt• the ll..ofsale.
((ale of hos..hold furniture, hones, hes,
■ toys and other article@ on maturday, / ht
ober 3rd.avanne.tasg at 2 o'clock at the
amities room.. ,w AamJte.-, f.ovla►ieh
.Sohn Knee., aueMoluser
rights of bachelorhood. much to the amuse.
meat of a11. He thankeel the maple
for their goad attendance at church and
dated alien that his stay here and at the
Feil. church had been • pleasant sojourn,
and asked all to labor on steadily for the
welfare of ('hrist'. kingdom. H.i. Strang,
it. A., of C:oterich, wan much pleated to
see that the change male in the relation. of
Knox church, I:o.lerich, with I.eeln,nl. in
having a resident pastor here. had haul such
rl ,sults. Since then the debt with
e church has been paid off and, still
more. the remaining debt on the church is,
we .an now say. emnpl.tely wiped oat with
the prn....ls of the tea -meeting, aided Ivy
the sak ..f the autograph quilt, which was
hong up in the charch no the ehoir stands
and wit viewed by nature during the time
of nerving of tea by the la.hes of the con-
gregau.n The church was prettily dreamed
by the ladies in wreaths, with mountain
ash born/sand htugitets of flowers here and
there At the eke. of the tea meeting the
quilt Was taken outside the church erA pat
up at auction on the roadside in the lunar
light, aided by the stars above and torch.s
held by John Green, A. C Ma+dnna1l and
the Ihtnk•p scribe. The crowd hid up the
Kee of the quilt to 1110.50, the p..r•haser
being A. Alin, Dunlop, and the auctioneer
.1. Reck, warden of Huron The a enet
during MIS sale was • unique one and will
he remembered as • red latter boom, in the
Metiers of all who saw it The dawgn of
the spilt is wooly gotten up. having u
it thirty Weeks, five deep in rows. ural on it
were the names of the lady ransemers, the
Sunday school superuiteeduet, nee e0ery
sad tescbers, wrrunoded with the..... of
the scholars. The ladles who wahines'
the u.aterual and divided the work einem
therwtves ably 1.114411.4 their part, es did
ale, the young ladies, who worked tut the
task allotted to them, not forgetttrrt their
minus for motile', each young lady oollect-
tug • good sum anaktnngg in all within Seventy
acute of a bun. rel ddla.A, Which with the
pruweda of the sale made $110. The church
choir, ruder the charge of its leader, E. N.
Shaw, nal Miss Edith Reines, orggaaut,
a•sg In good roue several selections durlug
the evenlug. The petered. of the 1..•
meeting were $47, which w 1th the proceeds
of the . utlt hakes iwxburn I'restyturlatt
church free of debt. The purchase of a new
urger may Ir the next undertaking.
(rtu.w uUK 0* + ,a'an1 I'0%DENT.:
Tan: elms AL from n..w until Jan. 1. 1111111. ler
Sk. The brut Is the cheapest and Tats d1Ynm.
is tar hear. 'fake a trial trap.
B. Hullaud, su.xweor to J. M. Roberts,
returned hone last week from the Kest,
where he has been vtuung and purchasing
Ins Fall stock.
The amulclpal council of West %Vawa.
nosh will meet in the town hall ou Satur-
day, the 3r1 Iktober. .111 atinerad will
please govern tlaetnerlv.s accordingly.
1'he ram en Moodie' night was welcomed
by ►11 and sundry. as the Brat fur some time
previous was oppressive and almost in -
minable. The +ratber us maw excellent.
The utute:repel cumuli tat Ashfield net in
the town hall ou Thurelay last. All the
members were present except deputy- reeve
Carvin, who was at al.utreel. (he octane,
adjourned to meet agent ite the sane place
on the 24th tat Xuvcml.er.
P. Kelly, an ewterpl Ging onion of
Klyth, and at one time a candidate fat
u.cnllrr of I'arl:uu.•nt, 1001 a visit to .aur
beautiful hamlet last uerk. 11'e preemie he
likes our • illage,as he gist.. us •u utcaa,twal
volt. 11'e are pleased to ..'e
11'e regret that we have to state that
.ince our last I:. 11'. Echlin's daughter las
,Ledo hat ing lived a day ur so. 1Ve extend
our sincere sympathy to the bereaved par-
arents us their lot., it being their only chill.
Mrs. Echlin, we are pleased to le able to
stare. o recovering, although but gradually.
.11l.rrt Spencer (1.04*, formerly of our
village end recently of Temente, where Ik
wa. engaEel 1n lilt drug b.sinees, I.1t nen•
on Monday for I oakota, w here he has seemed
a lucrative position in the er.mpuui,.iiug
medicines. 11-e *11.h hum the bust of suc-
cess to hos new home.
Roots, such as turnips, mangolds, etc.,
are making ;uuueuee strides in growth. The
potato crop, which u now being secured, as
ieWiud beyond anticipation, the tubers
ie•.n» t the whole more than normal sus.
By the way, we fear fronh what we have
heard and Seen that they are siterked to
some extent with a disease known as the
potato tot. 11'e hope it will not prevail
to any extent.
Our popular fashionable milliner. Mr$.
\Vileal, who had been at Louden and whet-
thercentres tor tome time past making purchases
of Fall amt IXinter millinery of the latest
fashione cud of superb quality, returned
bona, Last week. Her establishment Is So
nicely at.nke.l and arranges that it looks
more like a city estaLSshmeut than a vil-
lage .me. Of course. she is now coediting
that she can supply her numerous customers
with everything in her lute of the latest and
brat styles that can be hal anywhere.
& rIJP111n..11.. -- On Sunday last quite a
number utthe lhingannua brethren of the
Foresters' Order went to Lnckuow to
hear a eernmw deli• cred by r*.. Mr. Con-
nor. Episcopalian ckrgyntatl, on behalf of
the society. The reverend gentleman
preached an excellent on th meas.
'e -
ion. which was highly appreiated by those
present.. . As Rev.A. Potter will h.eeng-
age.l to 'Missionary work at Henaall next Sab-
bath. his pulpit will he occupied by Meyers.
Hetherington and Albert Tiffin, the former
am the Horning and the latter in the even-
ing . The eacr•arnent o1 tete Lord's Sup.
per was dispensed m Erskine church hereon
last lahlath. On Friday .dr. Neilly, of
Leeburn stat ma, amisteb in the preparatory
sera ice very *.'ceptabl.... Servide will
Le held in the Episcopalchurch to Sabbath
next, commencing at three o'clock r. e.
urs Cirtaete Animist, AND Hose* A.: u'.
quite a number of our prominent citizens
took it the exhibition at the Forest City
last werbt and report that they were well
pleased. Among those who wen, to London
were 11..1. l'rawfonl, one of our popular
merchants, and John flower's. deputy reeve of
(nos ova ow) euaoruseacT.1
Tota ewgat flew/ sow maul Jas. 1. Leet fur
Mc. TMM hies Is the cheapest sad Tut Muslin_
is dim heat. Tal. • Vial trip
Wesley Erwin is home from the Duck
('has. (4gordeer sad J. fart tack is Loa
due fur.
Fal Meller. and K. 1/owning, el. Oil
Springs, are visiting here.
Miss Charlotte Peck and Miss Maggie
Murray have gone to Toronto.
E. Twitchell, W. Eagleson and Mine
Twitcfell, of ('limos, spout Sunday in
toe u.
.Iohn Falconer, who hes spent the Sum-
mer at Saskakhewan, Man , returned hone
this week.
Mrs. McAuley, whit hY been spending
the Summer here, left lot ber home at
Southampton this week.
Mrs. Mart.niale, of 1►uluth, daughter-iu-
law of Mrs T. 'Burgess, csnle this week to
spired the Winter here.
I in Sunday evens( last Mr. Gillingham
occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church
and gave an interesting address.
Miss (;. Merriman, Mw Silcox, of Shed
doe, and Min M. Morrison end M. McPhee
situ, of Holwell, were in Hayfield on Sun
John Cooper, of Clinton, representing
Cooper A S/1,1, wall in tuella Wt weak
taking orders for • new map of Huron
Whim at the fat, du not fail to "ell at H. F.
Edwards' general store *»,J secure some of the
wondrlful bargains. He We a choice Nuck
and *411 be pleased to see you. A new .apply sof
.:ten', and huys 1.111g tocol•. handmade. which
a, r unserpessed.sre offered very cheap quality
nue ne .teed.
Jams§ alobnatog *d ria.. -of St. dun's,
have been visiting relatives here. 1t is
etre en year. since Mr. Johnston was herr
and lus many friends were pleated to see
Thew. Stin.ou, jr., and 1/avid Dewar, of
Snide hue, have gone for &ffew mouths' holi-
days to Idaho for the benefit of their health.
11'e trust they will have a'eleasent time and
le much benefited.
Johu Fraser announces at auction sale of
stuck anti implements on his ferns lot 75,
Hayfield concession, l:oderich township on
ML.nday, Oct. 5th. Some rare bargains ,ay
be had, as everything s first class.
Since .ontini.nclng business hero our
photographer, .I. W. look. hes shown him-
self to be an artist of no mean order and
has already established a lousiness of which
tr t.ay well he proud. He line eOnle o
stay and we are pleased to nee he is meeting
with such success. Visitors to the fur
.Mould call at his gallery and have • photo
Our great two days' fair will be held next
Tuesday and Wedneefay,lkt. band 7. This
is the show that will echpscall others end no
eat can afford to mina it. '111e tine new race
track IS • gram( acquisition, and some rare
trials of speed may be seen. K. Moor
house and F. Edwards parpeee havtng a re.
freshmeut stand and will endeavor to
satisfy all. Be sure aaf hunt them up.
leaven Ora DaX ecru duals DINT.'
Howard McLellan, of Emmet, Mich., is
visiting 1rieuoa in Lucknow.
11•e hear that .ice. Agnew, of Paramount,
la ysinug fnenda io1 Michigan.
yin..1. W. Murray le on the sick list.
We hope tum to see her around wan.
Miss irzzte Seaton, of East 1'aramoutst,
is 'visiting at J. W. Murray's, ('oral
Wrest h.
la. 4lardu.er,of Lucknow, passed through
Coral Wreath on a hunting expedition one
day last week.
that o
11 r Mow Iu Mora • our extensive
lamb and cattle buyer, shipped two car-
loads of cattle last week.
William Reesman and John Phalen, of
(YBrien, Mich., are the guest' of Thont.
Smith, of Coral Wrrkth (,entre.
.1. W. Murrey had a manure bee on Wed-
nesday of last week, and in the evening gave
the boys • chance to teiip the light fantastic
toe, which they .1141 to perfection, lam.
itousss.a, of O'Brien, Mich., furnishing the
music for the occesiun.
Clover Valley Association Wends having
another grand concert some tine 6 the
near future. This .*,,cert u expected to
excel anything of the kimt ever held in
Clover Valley, every measure bring taken
for its success. ('ou.e one and all and enjoy
• pleasant and profitable evening.
(Moll OCR OWN rti)WLGrt•ONDLNT.]
]dra. McKeaaie,fr,m Ouluth,o visiting at
E. ('&mpbell'a.
Mr. Number One is getting ready to move
into his new houar.
John i rennen has been very sick but is
getting a tittle better.
.34..,. .1*,,.... .Johnston left here on Tues-
day last on • visit to Chicago to her daugh-
Daniel Macdonald and wife have return-
ed from their lung visit to Manitoba. We
were all gfa.l to see them return safe.
K. West had a bee Isar week and he got
a goer) chore done. The boys say they had
a gond time and plenty to eat and drink.
Miss Minnie Ihcksn has been very sick
for the last two weeks. She is not expect-
ed to recover. Urn ylaclo ald and Ten-
nant are attending to her.
4.. Kiggens le starting to burn • large kiln
of well -.e aonei Irick. We wish him enc-
ore. He has two teems drawing weal at
the rate of I0 loads per day.
The fernier, around time locality are busy
threshing. The larger portion of the grain
is turning out well 1)( comae some of the
farmers are like the old worsen they areal.
ways grumbling or growling.
it est \1 aw.n.ah Ihlr much respected
and seneralde citizens, R. Treleaven and
Mee. Trek a,en. when at London la* week
took the opportunity of visiting their sen,
Rev. K. Trleasemend artily at est. Thomas.
They report having had • good time during
the nip .las. 11'hysnl,nne of our lead.
Ing buaire.. men, along with his daughter,
i Miss Polly \Yhyand, after takm[t in the
'sights at the Forest ('ity F.xhihition
proceeded to St. Thomas city t.. visit re-
latives slut friends there. they were much
please) with their aisit....The poet-ottice
imemeetor peel an othcial reit to our village
poet mho.. em Tueadae of AU week.
[,now o1' r. uw-N (•oltakaroN DENT.]
Trr Pu:+at. from sow oruil Jan. I.I)!rl, for
silo. The bee 15 the chespet and THE.ti11:*A1.
is the best. Take • trial trip.
The srs•ond crop of clo
farm. nee being cut kat
the sh.*tage of the hay
ver on some of the
week to make up
crop this year.
Maar Hut tow, teacher,
the guns. of her fellow
schoolw.ate, Miss Halls,
day last.
Mn. Allen. visited
of (:oderich, was
teacher and former
Saturday and Sun.
the recent fair in
Guelph en route to Drayton, where ahs wadi
the guest of ler. and Mrs Montgomery,
forn'rly of Ridgewood Farm, near here.
The London show was attended by quite
• number of our residents. Others of our
resident. took in the recent tea -meeting in
Leeborn, having a gon.l time an.l seeing
the autograph quilt Done home• with our
A+,mtcII Twmiv Fun OV ,t HI -it.. -
The *utogravh 'milt lately made for
church purposes by the ladies of the Presby-
terian church in Leathern was purehased
hy our mayor the other night and brought
Jews to our burg. Tho quilt follows in
the wake of the election cake won by a them
Dunlop maiden in September, 1879. the
cane woo I Mcember, 1 by your scribe,
and the popularity mnt.at &no tng the bole
allots in March Int, when our •rehitect
brought •way the lodge autograph quilt
.n trtnmph. The.e were won by voting
and the re nnl is completed by the purchase
of the (beech quilt by bidding m the ghat}
nos of the pea nietealight.
Rohe. Colas 4 Qehorn., was In Exeter re.
.wetly, and farina' ornoMer*hle iopev.-
me et in his W.s, beth of which were re -
by eseide.t. Mr. C. b sw-
ea• ting
im.elf In ay •Q, MOW n
eating or to dressing
peweweed the magic words the bridal
party took train fur 1.osddrt to take 6 UM
wuuderfd fair.
Jas Wilms is edged for another year as
teacher in S. S. No. 10 at an itwreassd
Mr. and Mta Hoary Robb ars away to
Michlpda a visiting frissid Mrs. 's.
They expect to be away mem time.
Mies Mary :fouUi. hes gem. to Harristw
to keep house for her 6rwtkws, Robt. and
Jac, who ars attending the High School.
Ob, we nearly forgot ! Ws all went to
Wasiak oo the 96th to the great bluebell
and football tournament : at lwtt all went
who wore at all hovers of •thistle sputa
1t ammo possible to trod bees at our time
of the year un. the first line d Morrie Oa
Friday last thine was one bslongiug to
the rkuiltiug 4*mMp at Mrs. Joseph
(,wow OCs. OWN eoRR.MND1NT.)
Tam Bw:1AL frees now until Jim. 1, Wel. for
be. The best 1s the cheapest and Tits rimsat.
is the hest. Take a trial trip.
What beautiful weather for this time of
the y ear
Arthur Shaw and family have moved into
their new house.
.I..hn }Patterson a horse from Manitoba
He come tut week.
Wilson Thorato n ami family were at the
powdcn fair last week.
Ansa Ihrlmage, a Lekel.t merchant, wit
visiting his mother of Sunday.
Henry and Will Robb have started nit
with their machine to thresh They have es.
gaged John Fell and hie hewer to go with
We male a slight error in annnueeing
the reton of .lake Amer and Miss Bondi
Ramsay tinle time ago, as the data given
wasa little tonprevi"ia. Hcerever,the happy
event cane off all right o n W.deeedy 14*.
23rd ult. They were married at the ammo
6'Blears!.. Mr. Frank A. Wood, t.sehw
in Nn. 7, Morris, waited oft the groan and
Mies Min Ramsay, .Star of the bride. orae
bridesmaid. Alter Rev. A. V. Hartley had
(num OVA OM' x coftaallroN DL.N T. )
Ethel is becoming quite • Summer resort.
Frank Bowls, of Clinton, spent Sunday
with the Simpson family.
The Fall .Iowa are attractiug quite • auto -
her of our villagers this week.
McTaggart lin s., of ('hieolburst, .pent a
few days with friends here last week.
for the
n a preparing Jamieson amiewr
by having his hots* blocked outside.
Mi.. M. °laver and Miss M. ('albick, of
Brussels, Sundayel with fneltds m this vii
Latta -
At the regular lueetiug of tb. S. of T. of
this village the following ".doers were el
etted flu the ensuing quarter : W. P., Itobt.
!allot : W. A., blas Il. Sherlock : K.
Niue F. Sherlock : A. R. S.. Min A. Koss ;
Con., H. 11. Doings ; A. C., Mi. A. Milne
1 S , Mid S 1aES: U. S., P. McKay.
The Methodist church of this pleat is
receiving • thorough overhauling which
was greatly reeled. Wellington Fupl has
charge of the wuatwurk, while Tons Allay
nae wiebls the trowel, and Henry Zeman
the paint brush. The aletho.hsta abould
congestulate theu.srl•es .n sauflag the
services of such skilled workmen. 'Vhile
the church is undergoing thew repairs the
usual Sunday eveutng set tux IS held in the
Presbyterian church.
I. O. F. -Court Ethel, No. 175, was visit
el last Thursday evening by •volts At
wood, No. 782, Maitland, No. 699, and
Rosewood. No. 682. After the business of
the court had been transacted the lull was
thrown open to the ladies and a very en-
joyable time was spent. The program con.
fisted of music, readings, etc., anti addresses
by s representative from teal visiting
court. At the conclusion of the pdigrau
refreshments were served by the lathes nal
after the usal rotes of thanks the happy
comp say dispersed.
[mon ors sir rokRiatroN DEN T.
THk SIu1A,. from MOW until Jan. 1. 11M1. for
tic. Th. hest is the cheapest and Tela Swg.•
is the beat. Take a trial trip.
The weather for the last few weeks has
leen time greatest cowtiuuuus heat we have
had for the season.
The little boy or Mr. Hunter's, 13th stn.,
who had • surgo..l up.eratleou perf.rnsed
upon him Is doing nicely at present.
The road between the Belfast and 12th
con. needs repairing very Lally. 1s. heu the
Fall tains set in it will be to a bad state.
Revival servicer will be started by the
Rev. Mr. Kanner next week. They will be
held iu Uackett s church on the llth von.•s
The Fall wheat is growing very rapidly
and 0 warm weather ooutinues very long et
will be talo far advanced by the time the
snow falls.
There is • large area of Fall wheat sown in
ties vicinity. tome of it was sown late,but
with the fine weather it has made goal plow,
reas in g rowth.
(recn ora O*N COUJUntroNro*NT. ]
Nies Elle Mille, of Lucknow, was visit
t i a friends in town last week.
Mt. and Mrs. Edgar Bowles, of Orange-
• clic, spent Sunday in town.
.las. Found, 4'. P. R. stet 0.0 agent, I:or-
i .e, was in town o Sunday. 's
& Cruickshank shipped to To-
nwto on Monday a very tine carload of
.l. S. Anderson and 11'. .I. Roe left on
Friday morning for the dental college in
The woodwork in the stone block is get-
ting a sat of paint, which adds greatly to
the appearance of the building.
Apples are very plentiful in town. The
market has Leen flooded with theta the last
few days and they can be bought now for
50 cents per hag.
George Amtersou, who had been in Wind
nor amt Detroit for the past few months,
returned to town on Tuesday to accept a
situation in I4.lfs factory.
The London train was nearly an hour
late on Tuesday, on recount of the engin-
eer's leaving • station wttlout thecomdactor
and. therefore, having to go back and get
the worthy master.
A number of officers and members of the
1. O. F. visited Court Teeswater, No. 690,
in Teswater on Thursday night Ia.t. They
report having a good tame and being used in
first-class style.
(Atoll nt'k IWN CORK/0414 IND*NT.I
Trait I41OlaL from now until 4n. 1. 1412. for
lbs The twat I,. The cheapest and Tun emit•i.
is the bees. Take a trial trip.
School board meets (act. and.
A. W. Smith is horde for his holiday..
E. Vercoe is on the sick hat at present.
The "night owls" are again on the wing.
Fred. Mel 'racken is home for his holidays.
Miss Mc('recken, of Morris, is visiting at
Thos. Farrow'* thio week.
Mies Jean 1►avioleon and MiesJanwrnn, of
(:collie, were in town last week.
A party at Winglaun Tuesday night at
reacted Nose of our young people.
Rae. Mr. Hunt and wife, of Northam -
too, were in town for • few days last week.
Mies Nellie Tinsley, of Hamilton, is
vwtisg blies Jeanie McLoughlin this week.
A. W. S. is now singing "They an after
.e --the ladies, he teems. (lo easy, old
A. McColl was under the weather Wet
week and we are gad to Nee him .round
Mrs. Headily .rad family are once more
residents of Rrwesea. 11. welvnte hack
our old friend..
The not of the boys charged with violati
the hotel &et were discharged ea .eor.unt d
Isek of evidemes.
Adam Welker psioi Rrcess4. • flyiag "'Mit
Monday kat. Re goes to Termite, where
boors obtained a good sit
R.K. Yarrow, eon el Tee. 1Perrow, with
eveaeors.b reams.
yet paler_., OM. 1. tilt.
WWhat ".. ~IM.ty.S�
r Wisest ....., , ;MOI
M• ten laMlotr
ci wrhtW • lei....,., M goai ys, M
new. a ee •
• hush- ....8WMI
nod g kteL ....
II 0 Ase q
Pentair. toes, • beak a f tea tees M
Applebush 1 Seto t M
Apples. • ..»
Batter. •a• Wiese,
Iowa fresh eapseheL • asL "• • • a 13 WO a
Cassese _..M„en
to Gatos*
_„„, aettee>,
Dtltned Meta. II met Santulli,
Pepe ...... .........._.... ,... 03.5 WO Is
A poles iwintir . Ilse peat. •
Potatoes flutter
.•• .........................
raint1 .... ..» .........
allanasa Metldle.a.
Hept. 31k idles.
wt, -seer and aid s le t o o la
wised r.. 410 toe R
... . ........... 030to091
Idles R►
13 toe*
10 to la
Beef .....,.......,
Park ,.
ltlplM. 11;2o:
,lour, per 100!• 111110 io $
Waal. fall aMti
Spring.. s e5. *
Pias. . ... , 0 le to
:Bicrley :1635 3S lit 0 M
ts • A 10 0 97
&td.a u,ew' 0 M to M
Il•,pertea .tau0
ags per des ,... 0 1:111:: H
wt te,. Mr ID ��RR01HNNt• d_arcoed 4 l
his wife and children. of -Ottawa. are rail-
ing with Thos Farrow this week.
Messrs. Musgrove sad Edgar lair the
contract for the stage between Brunel, and
Seef,trtb. They start on the 1st of o letuler.
A broke" hear: is a sad,aud thmy,
.4 broken' haul is worse,
But • broken purse. my trusty friends,
Is tnattkind's greatest curse."
4...1.. Henry dual the mufurttme to ges
stung by some lel. &bunt the eyes. ttrkiag
him t.tlipo rarlly blind. He will neon be
around, we trust.
The Foresters' sermon by Rev. to F. Sal-
ton was well etteuded *Aid much enjoyed.
The rev. gentleman's interesting discourses
aro well attended here.
The band proposes to hold a promenade
concert in theskating rink this ,Friday I ewes -
mg. A Knott program hAs hoes, arranged
under the leadership ,f Capt. Albertsus.
Lorna all.
Au orchestra is being brought under way
m connection with the Methodist church.
There will he the following mtwctans in it.
H. 1.. Jackson 1st., *405;0: Dr. Cavanagh,
clano net, Jas. Bimiill, sr., flute ; W. Ked
dick. trombone : 11. A. Howl, boas viol
Mies Tillie Knechtel, acoompanst.
Firm:. On Sunday morning last about 2
o'clock the tarn belonging t.o l alrFadakn,
Grey township, took Bre and was burned to
the grwal. !nit were farm in pleme•nts, gr:un,
a waggon and other things. Small limier
anon. Ions conu.lerable It is supposed to
hare been the work of an incendiary.
Oen. --In Renewals, on Sunday last, U.A.
Suede, after a lingering• atlases of con.ump
tioo, passel over the .ark river. He was
34 fear., 4 moths and 22 days. He Irmo
• wife. and two small children to mourn 1W
death Mrs. Sinai. hsa the sympathy of
her n.any friends in her bereavement. In.
t in Brussels cemetery.
tsrmen y
He we+. CM the 15th ult., .1. Firmer,
of Itruasela, took unto himself a wife in the
person of Mies Lu.'i. Bamsev, d&ugk
ter of 111en Ramsey. Morris. They were
married at the masse. Bluevale, by the
Re.'. A. 1. Hartley. They took the
train for London. 11'e wish the happy
temple tier+ joy. ,lake u nucl respected
here, and we are alai o have him for a
permanent rsulenent.
(Inc night last week three of our torts
went out «lion hunting In company with a
well-trained dog. They succeeded in get-
ting, as they thought, a fine conn up a tree.
The tree was large and very difficult to
climb. The dog persisted in keeping at the
foot of the tree and would not leave 1t. o
the ley. concluded to await developments.
.fudge of their aurorae and indignation when
daylight appeared In seeing ae family
cat belonging to one of the neighbors up the
tree. As one of the boys in • good 1C.1-
ker ;t dad tint take them long to get home.
Wise boys.
So•I.ti_ Monday evening the
Methodist young people gave a fine care
socia} It was largely attended and & pleas-
ant time wee het. A star -fish was shown
by Miss May Kerr : stone from Northwest
from the place where Scott was murdered,
Russell Pletcher: finger boneof an India
found in Arizona Territory. by A. Hoods:
a very strap potato and different kind. of
ore, to air. Humphries ; a book that had
been by
up from the bottom of the ores&,
by Rev. G. P. Salton ; also an ancient ' • I:ed."
202 years of age. lit was • (bines idol and
good explanaunns ow it were grand foist for a
the Iecture,in fact ; the idol w*'. carve.( out of
hone, and very artistically dnoel: • sun
day school ticket gtren in John Dryden',
time, hy Mies F. Kerr ; the pipe smoked by
murderer Haney, who .pant a yea
ago was hanged in Guelph for the mar
der of his wife and three children
an electric Cattery by l)r. Caranavh he
also Hove a gond lecture on electrictiy, diad
shocks o the young people.) Explanations
follow every ' curie' h was eery to-
tere.ting and there as no reason why • greets
corps cannot 1'e had hen.
The HlloveJe football club held their
tournament ant Saturday, Sept. 26th, in •
field belonging to .I.Thm.nt, lir., oo the out-
skirts of the village. A urge crowd se•
s.nbled to w;tsees the .port. oI the clay.
The field wit first nccrpied tq the broeh.1
club cif Wingham .gaunt oke 1'.ioes d
Gerrie and N rototer, which ,euh14 a as
easy viet goy fur the Unions. The mese ores
pp.&nnts of the field iter. the football e1.rI* of
Beln.oe .rad (:orris. Aftplying tk.
g ives time (emit ills,) dohs (:artie (esw
ssoeeeded in souring one go.l. 'Ilse vietw'
inns twain th.n ppl&1ay«I s'M1is.t enr loose
town (.M IrasSltls, hent to the
darkness doe tallow's limited •ru
When time wee eallel it wee dsefared a
draw. The kameides then weaned to Dist
Lilt an bear Ie�r o d.elde walk.
eh.Ir d.erlie6g the pro.
awseoise� M tis trewofdes ►y the r01w
i�erhtg the intervals there were bobs:
s i tfi whiners owe eworded prfry
hush.eeta vent sold w the p+ °r
pls.esat sf•
liar.... T►.. top ,�ee*$. eatesal•d
to semi $wily -6s. a.B.r. (NS), *war
ottsarieg an
.,.. es
Wool, per Ib.
p0 Tpl[J WISH
w ser Tug
Ip tins mom -num'
M0). *In
"Tilt SIGNAL, r1 I
Bp B•LLAS • Vila
Is. AwA.RR
VOL. "LIII. No. 2329.
Ao,,.ther revolution is amid to be irewung
;4 Hese"-
lir. mod yins tid
. Gladstone will peed W. Hurol
Miter a Elorea'e-
The garble Royal ('.omtniauun held 0.
in( orlon on Tuesday.
time thota••tul men are wanted 1"r railway
bad other work in Manitoba ted with the
t:ladstooe was Burda
f len of Newcastle y.
Tye prle'nen'.us.e c/ them not snots and
drrraur cranium's, hays swpsd truism jut
at est Inuit.
The fount (a_w
.t0lu Saturday.
reed attrieled.
The I,*der e( the watricuatior class in
Sea I:ruusw►ek University this year is Miss
)I l Melutxsh.
The Hight Hoe.11'-01
ba, en mint leader r
eallim•,n., ,. dent
111 the British weryettwls Mn left Bahr-
na¢ see, snot the United State* ships will
Ivor tau • short titre.
.,. 1n1mrea are entombed in the Richard -
sue „Sher) at Pottsville, Pa., and there is
1s.„ pe of rescuing theta.
rarer county,
(farmers and nneten'
here tires.
y,r I..o•ii rrn.lrre. I homeless.
Respite the protestations u( peace brand
on all sides, relations between the govern
,,n'. of t:ermany and Russe retain
Mr Petit. of Bridgewater, Mass.. was
Tarsal.) tined $300 and costa for hinging
Fogel, t'*uadtaa under atetract Into that
The (*taws fair directors are $2,000
Awed on their exhibition, while the
Western Fair shows about $4.000 on the
right star
The upper conference of the Methodist
Epee -opal .hureb in lowa has voted oa.lm,t
mown w tlrlegats to electoral and general
1 apt 1 ounghusband, the British otti.er
mei to ha'r Iron killed by Ruaalatn to Pa -
▪ Eastern Asia, has bees' hewed from, .rad
is all right. _.
An urangs..mt has been armed at
whereto the Michigan Ventral 'emptily
will in future take ower the C. 1'. K. freight
at Wit/dour for western points.
The U. S. district court of Buffalo has
denied that Chinamen raptured there must
he ,end he 1. to Canada as "the country
from when.- the• ,ante.'.
The Instil,- receipts of the t ana.11an
'Nettie Railway for the week esadmg Sept 30
,ure•unoel to K581,000,an Increase of 182,000
so • •mg..red with the corrsepon.hng week of
la: veer.
A .ler .tall
ware .f ■
Pref. ilea•
tt arise. T.
111 1. 0
A meeting
Iestltwte was
inst., which
Bathe be']W
John tapir
from being p
Prof ewer
sent State,'
"rile. %Alai.'
He soda *lie
are decided
perly they
vi,., •he be
and the gen
these tar
Aeon Polls,
lend and th.
the Holsten
1.aeraey r
dudes the
Of the la
,may le se
for milk p
have beta t
the pastor
counties of
for the 1a
when the y
gram for tis
.leen fulls
petite* as t
erre that
the meat ie
may he pn
of the M
Hlghland ,
slow to ma
1q waste p
The atom
Rev ale Spurgeon has arrived at East- the Short/
bourne, a watenng place on the coast of duction. h
Swore. He expressed himself as confident to perhapo
e 1H thi
where the
of Winter
which u
do well
ter t.re
urnas• e.
ducang ler
rough it.
e el
Red Poll
The Dort
the blah
Ythe ge
1 he "Moen of the KYsian Imperial Guard
Moe :leaded not to drink champagne at
regimental h•ngtets, but to contribute the
eons which would have been .o spent to
the preasata of the amine -stricken districts.
M,r.l.lulstonr's bitter attack upon the
House of lords in his Newootle speech is
.*using notch newspaper comment in Fag -
land. and The London Daily News says the
wanting is likely to exercise a wholesome In -
Gent e toll the peers.
The Midis Freeman's .Journal thinks
th* no man, after reading Mr. 4aaddone'a
speech, .an doubt for a moment hu Intel
float to pas a measure of home rule that
.will he satisfactory to the Irish people with
ell the despatch that the laws 01 the country
will allow.
The state supreme court of Mincemeat. has
dedule4 that dealings in grain futures arc
unlawful and that contract& are void tanks
actual dehrery is made. The decaeuoo is of
rest importance, as two of the largest
bunts of trete in the country are now lo-
cated •t Minneapolis and Iraduth.
•.HnNnk Ylr w.O• moron la Drs"
There are ettongh .tw 001 of �sii as a
al.Iy decent ostit.ency like Est
Northumberland to awry torches a trtlam•
pha1 procession behind Ed. Cos -Wane, M.
7 has ctrcunut*rce la not o the L•tsdlt
of the lsw officers in th•t ooa.tittiwr'Y.
i'arumnship moat anrsly have lrwnld (&i-
lia.. **fore they wild be wiUing to d
browgbt upon the ridrag.
honor oto allots.'Anateothao exhibit to the greater
y a man who, to put it mildly,
ohed huOoantry 's proud of Cotchrwae.
('anti a. not prord of Knot NorthumFer-
lat.•1 i'ersrwal frieedahip end vtrty pre
Gallo, eorer & multitude of s.6$ For the
■acrid sake of party N. Clarke Wallace, M.
1' . had sufficiently dimmed his fame ere he
trwt.d the the
o H 1n the
candidate Mr the i'abisst ng
('.thione jubilee.-Teront o elegran., 1°d.
Hs ill 0CT TO ST Cr (WT.
1 Ontario will sot tolerate the return of
Sir Hector I..ngevino the treasury beeches.
Among the Conservatives of this provisos
eM Ides is widespread Chet he has not been
ungenerously treated, and if he is Y cages•
Prone as to further tax the party patiemos
M will find it pesiion& If he puts forward
• el•,m to office the Government will fad it
ns'emery to dishonor that elms if he is
pr,,,.tent, he most he sat with severity,.
Though aaccqquitted of personal corruption he
is •a ineligible as • desd sten for further
Public service. for sten those who cescar
in that •aisittal would take up areas
•ga,mt ham. pi* r*ry welt suewr.e aIhe de
scriptita *f a thiel who leu bac hr•.isg
Uw psblw dcw.h, irrt Rolling bdsg
M'o-on $g*Inst hie. M hes *ma y
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let him
"Y T &aoegqsft�t *1 grant haN 6s*etr'
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w rag&rds ►a *nes sed M will trot b l testrr-
tunate 41 h* eeeSaS ta IsR trttere ,.Mie
m they ass. T►. Goverment eosld est
rMnk d • • est H 11 fee.sd
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It .t otca-Tieeets *oM, To.y.
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