HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-2, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, OST., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1891. AUTUMN NOVELTIES COMPLETE. our Dress Goods Display is Finer than ever before, C the latest ideas and novelties of this sela•tai. gtylieh R oboe in new ooloringa,singie length only and oannot repeat, Tweed MixtGranite Cloths, $olamine and Diagoral Barges, French and Hngliak novelties in Drees Materia • Ownel's Halt Effects, Zebeltno Stripes, FRENCH FLANNELS - We slow the largest range in l:oderich. Haiulaontr patterns. pL.AIN FLANNELS lII nary blue., fancy check,: and effects, plain greys, all the best maker, Cal.ipbellfor.l and St. H7acinthe and imported flannels. Our prices are the leaders. hone lower. Throughout our stock is perfectly assorted. Lowest prices in lode nch. Since the arrival and marking of our Autumn goods we have decided to give all customers fI Sj5ecial five )6er cent. Discouni 7 A FINE EXHIBITION. DUNN'S , POWDER WHEN YOU ARE IN TOWN LANOUT SAIX iN CiPoEXU LOOK AT THE DISPLAY OF STOVES SHOWN BY ALECK SAUNDERS THE WE8IT-ST. PLUMBER AND TINSMITH, Don't Leave Town WITHOUT CALLING AT HiS STORE, WEST STREET, AND SEE The Bargal ns 1►n,.wish salmi,w which places our prices the lowest beyond comparison. Inspection invited. W. ACHESON & SON. TRUSSES I TRiUSSES1 TRUSSES See Our Exhibit. Large Siock. All New Awl fill.. the latest improvements. They can be worn with comfort. fee .1uently effecting a cure. We should he pleased to show thew to all enquirers at THE PHARMACY. . open nal Sundays' t, r 1 hspeames shad - Mc -themes slay. GEO. A. FEAR Norm* Faintly Chemist, ' Di aessssssr to 0E0. ItHYNA8, Ooderlcb. Ant. FURNITURE. IN EVERY VARIETY. In opening for the fall trade 1 offer • Rood Parlor Suite. walnut frame. in best hair cloth. for $21.10 net. ,nob. Aim more in terra cone plush. Via: and other styles up to $4.00. $50.00 sad Ms an is Deer+sm Salto • Oland Use from VIM up to killta. Kath sfon Tables from KM to seas. 1 have Mea tryl.g to arta( prices within the reach of all etawes. 1 carry a large line of W tenon Sir toes and Crffrate Poufs. 1 have a large - t of Pu-rrai Nlot[nISn and will frame ascheap- a. any one else. In the UNnet raauto !have ererpbine necessary ton masks. establishment 1 here always is stock blast Matt Quash. and Fontes. and Inc children In white embossed plush sad wblteIn ..II the isber. yea will d prices righave had anon is years' ht. t DANIEL GORDON ons dcor Kest of Hank of Montreal. Nest .t.. Go•:eri,-h. Nrw,„;OF THE WEEK. •t-ar.Liars /oat A P•ralyred wish... There • b•.d story told of the late The hamllton legal mai have organised .tr. hhishop of 1tuMin. 1/r. Trench. in his • L.al legal and Literary Society. Litter years the good Archli+hop had the Albert Citation had both arms taken of! ides that he esu mitering from incipient by • circular ma as Calgary .est Saturday. paralysis. and he we. always fancying that Mr. W. W. Itutchet. a well-known elver- he detected more or less of a numbness mss in I ming agent. diel in Lannon. aatunLy his limbs. Ian one occasion be was at • .lin• night. tier pari. and it was notice.) that he was \Its. ,rant ik,t*on, aged fn. and Widow • uite silent for while std looked grave. .far of the first settlers of 1o»,Jun Town- At the same time it was discovered that tie shim. is .lea.l. Lady at his right heal aide was bluahiag Day hi Nesmith, Toronto Kn-yele flub. ,keply. At !het his tinier sail in a lastest , halk•teges any Canadian amateur t., a race a)•k tan from :ll to tier miby. • Mywgoerst fears are realize.) : there can Flue Shaw, oubt met tires et reek by lightning t.•rdni. Of • Wutrfoll far- he no • ix a he t�c,'.iskedtnf tthe rymp•thets•• ..n•I is in a critical eolniitiom. hoates. The steamer. **Argo, hound for Ihnu.lee "That }Analysis has really taken hold of it a calsta111c 111rg0 of gran. Anil •-.titl•. is ma, answered the Art-hi,ielwp. "1 an. .elr.rted lost ..fl Newf.4111.13a0.1. 'rhe ere., nsr, of it. 1 has, leen pinching my nett ors fared. knee for several minutes and 1 cannot feel Finley 1 Lark, of South Mary sleirgh. near the ked sensation. \Illfor.ti 11e.1 an Tiendday frau she rdecta The lade nn his night wan OA. to comfort f injuries received while tending a thresh- tn�111111A1r of the Kockw.w.l .tlyluns u. ie•I Ha!lr was drowned of thr wharf al hr rear of that institution .nn Thiir.day. Il.-eate.l formerly lived in Toronto. The tltsehe. 1 iorerument lift accepted Lieutenant.1;.,vertinr .Augers' Soya, 1 onr- ,coolo.. and the cruris i. ended. Premier Mercier repudiates the Paean! 1rnia r..ng .lett. 1h%Itwn, of the Canadian Ani.rn•.1 ..it team. las accepted an offer fnnn the sniclerlencl, E.ng., team. the engagement to I.rgm Ili January. "!Catty Tho mpeon ai l h,Irioter, of Ti outo.will joie the i-oaibine tion, and will sail neat week. It is reported thst the Ontari,. .trtt anal .Agricultural Aaaoai•ti.m may hold a fair at Kingston next year. The by-law prohibiting preaching in the parks ne Sundays wan sustained yesterday by thief dust los t;ah. The discovery of rich •nthrs• ice , owl de- prsitI le repnrted as the Red Inter River north off Baal N. W. 1'. .Albert Chick, • haggagenten on the Lon- don. Heron k Bruce !t ileal, was dmwned while lathing at Kincardine veaterfar. .\it insane Swedish settler ,lamed t% fund murdered kis threeleardaughter st New Stockholm, Nan., on Wednesday. Wirer 1'nmmia', • wealth . Kande merchant of Truro, N.S., was �iIha frying to board • movies Intercokinal train es Wednesday night. A tad lad named NMttle was struck with an iron .ousts by Kola•rt FAm.nnda at Guelph ne '%edmeetay sal his skull fractural. He nmy not ,•eynver. Tire new I)onmin on lime changer Libra- \yti� 1 open my 'Law' ke a1+•re cote' ove ler, which kit gusherarrival at Liverpool fpo evening from • hack rooms. ' Hallo, Will :.orate in ihr eie int,. test p mee& on the New,'• added the lawyer, e he Tanis ba the rte. at peerage out mode .m t1e his key into the "deb, •• just i The mate. r111fdippedT•My 11441"d. awl the u whet T1s trawl ,lene a the t `anal h they hs•rd . " Hal°. \\ ill, you old laid 1'eciAe railway Incor the wank evaded the 14th "1 hope t• u not s.. bad a you :think,- she sen mi - " it was my knee Too we pinching. A silk dressfeels very like silk apron hisace the _Archbishop's s mistake. -Irish TUMID. •d, It all le.po.e Now, I want to know how long it will be beforeI get an answer to this letter'" dsa eand.d • young lay. with a terrible Idstah ei at the prrte.w yesterday. as she headed one of l'ol. Sexton's young man a , nmmeni.atioa a.ldrss•el to her lover. •• that depends,- said the official, re- flectively. • 1f he's in jail then they ally let 'em sse write OW* • weak, and in some oncepplaces .may e a month. on Sunday. U he's dasd broke hell have to wait until he earns the price of a stamp, and I have no Woe data on which to e an opinion of his pn earning eacitiea If his ill in bed he may feed delicate about dictating his real nt sentieata to a cold, dn isintertet third per - sloe. and if it's tanll-pat they won't let him Th write at all. en, again, 1 his got a new girl She didn't wait for the clerk to complete his oats/ogee of .o-ianday Inter -Ocean 11E IS IiFFE1:1\ renA r'w SAMPLES: Redipped Tinware. House Furnishings. A Hand -Made No. 9 Boiler, A Hand -Made No. 9 Kettle, A Large Dish Pan, Half -Gallon Coffee Pot, Large Chamber Pail, Chamber Set, nicely decorated, A Heavy Copper Boiler, A Nickel -Plated Copper Kettle, A Wicked Taman, Every man who has a parrot u always w telling what • aederfwl hird is his A lawne lawyer in New York owns oof thane '• talking devilsse " A friend went ho with him to dinner recently, sad when the knew the two mon were the 1•wier said My parrot ram recagntw -forest as soon aa it fells In ed Leal . cense ib. ball. in hen." The law .?,an arrant st of IMI (10 to the 11, shoeing he for Ire minute limbed as of a hrle.e I increase e,I sen ewer the tempt$ Inc the dollen la him. And it was all the fault of rnrri=liag Werk e/ last year. fA S re one his !wether, who had heard the lawyer tN Paaiaral ors tn. pe tiary boast se ellen ei hie parrot that hs taught 00 CI d aios r 6rd'ob et the bird to Mort the • held loader' part. nr csaektlsa a «.Teal ala►pe Now he cant he Mwken .l tip b.•hi1.—lin at lhayatu' AaY, Williams Party Ye& Tribune. his ora as yeses sS ss sate em t:. P.R. Pacific se.amships Will rim to Asa Feaaei.eo as each trip, m ba+.i irl as order to set tis Mwapetiti a of the Nen f,ea, ygr► Prosaism ebeesners. it ie marl that Iles. tad Ales. Metros. :=" 6= eta Aare sop or. 1,714":111..2111161.10. a.Uidt.�r.harll. ass .f tem b ssla anaatd the melts had ess 4r .aswalMasm Asse w,ss.srfrd ane.tni rns...I. kaisersly I Ary T. Jordan. $1 � 22 25 68 2 48 3 48 2 28 A New Style Parlor Lamp, A Hall Lamp, brass, A Library Lamp, A Bedroom Lamp, A Diningroom Lamp, A Do:. Dinner Knives and Forks, A Dos. Tea Spoons, best, Carving Knife and Fork, NEW GOODS 1 98 2 28 2 2824 36 1 98 98 68 SPEC2. 432.41.4 FOR M".44=1.1.7...1 LIBRARY LAMPS, WEDDING GIFTS, DECORATED PARLOR LAMPS, BIR AArAY GIFTS, SILVERPLATED WARE, HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS. ALECK SAUNDERS, TIE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the slogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually wit.ont weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at 116• same time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach. curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia. Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation. Drynescof the Skin. Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Flutteringof the Heart, Ner- vousness, and neral Debility ;all tiihese and many other similar Corn mite BLOOD! BI ha influencedBQQ$$DQ( R For Bale t y ell Dessau 1.iILDURJ&e .,Proprietors, 11E i NEW ARRIVAL SUMMER 000DS. LATEST STYL. S. Rmnaaa to be clawed sot. i'erfe:t ate and showy shav/s. H. DUNLOP The Westar. Tatter. t)57 The Groat Remedy -- CATARRH. CATARRH. WEST STREET. KEEP YOUR FEET DRY. This can be done at a very small cost by purchasing your footwear at the old -established and reliable Shoe Store of BUO SIA --:ra:— Warranted A SURE CURE nom>W.r+: SOLD BY ALL hearaol vs, •ios wawa, sole DRUGGISTS. Us .1. K. OORII MPS II ln..a-l. �...v..... !Ter r.r s. ....... Y r.r►, W . HI art 40 PP. w. Somme a.r 5... Il•. MVI. .ee r..s ••ye. .w W .w . I. lip t'.o0..7...-0...r.N lam•) IIw1.w •.war ..1,. Aa lea.. ..M /7 MIN 1..1a... w..rr. .., a..lsi-r sasus, eraf<t.tu s.... %','derlaaa. mama. AIME THE YITW1os of Lth e tad Soda. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D. ! L.' Emulsion, and refuse all others. PRIME SOC_ AME SI PEN BOTTLE Sold by F. Jordan PATENTS! CAVEATS. DUDE fans ANA COPHNiNTS Obi eased, and all btssitws to the U. 8. Patna OeIce attended to at MODAR4 TE PEALS. Our ofnoe Is opposite the U. e. Patent Of floe, and w - :ar. obtain Patents is law time hen those remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODICL OR DR.eWiNG. We ad rise as to p•teaubflit free of c�,arW • sad we make NO CHARS Ul►LS.'Oi Wlf OB- TAiN PA TENT. We refer, here. to the Postmaster, the Supt. it Hooey Order Dir.. an.t to ofllcl,Ie of els U. 8. Patent Moe. For citrins:, adrlos, terms end references to actual ,.lies", in your awn Stale or County. write to C A •an W at CO.. fl essite Palen, Of lo..� ,ed,;utrtos.D.0 —KXTit A r.tLLgS !y— TEAS AND SUGARS — For the next t no weds at— E- Do W KING. Ell CAMYAMN'S, YOU WILL FIND MY Cor. Montrealet. and square. -Telephone L. onnectton. Stock of Fall Goods. As usual very large and complete. Prices lower than the lowest. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. I give special attention to ordered work and repairing and I have the workmen to do the work. E. DOWNING. 1aL RE NDIAIITEA rhNE tsasto *1wbuu ilii DAMN NOM FOR STRENGTH, ,.k, >t AND FLAVOR, THE BEET IN THE MARKET. Try a sample package. CHAS. A. NAIR1N, Grocer. Fall MIIIInery! JUST OPRWRD--A LAROM STOCK OP ..i.-7331773313'1' O5 1.AD1BIr AND JOSINS ' Hats and Bonnets, Fancy Wings and Trimmings. lr'Oall sad woe ase. tott.a.A.n.4141111111111110111111UNIMINIEw 'Shansi THE MISSES YATES. titlark' ylgfu luliu uIw t 3OOO A T 1- .. -" .. ...aa. ,.. h".,, o0•... ,.tw., ....�.,.........ar slaw Ho. ..1..... ...a r ,A..,..e M A., . ...6.,....1 i1P...► ndwoolorly. H.. 11 ....:►,.. Tt»..she DRAW* a Tor%Aar Hr�MJ. ...rv..... h..,.r• .ler tin 1 .Ifs elm a 40 . OHNHa...yFn w...lt •.l.. h ,r,.r ..m I..ainera. %. mama,t.•••••,-..e.....,....•6..••• r«ty.ad mrd+; Hamel1 M4. M..+w ...A.. '.s. s..0 5.145 r a.aaty. bare alone, .r.el. W ,r..1•• ..e• HapPHHHIL•41/ •••••••_.0.11.• 05 .albs Her • poor HA_ h.it baa ►1.11 uear. 1' It RR + E. Adana R. C. IL �a.tr.a. ion Aaassea. SE Hine. Ooderich Steam Boiler Works K.tabliabed 11190. Chrystal 8t Black. SECOND HIND MACHINERI !n Stock For Sale : 1 50 -horse -power upright boiler. all complete. 1 8 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 6 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -power horizontal boiler. complete. 1 50 -horse -power slide valve engine, all complete. The above have been thorough- fly overhauled and as ret clans oondition. Ready for immediate delivery and will be sold cheap. wail ware welt remise prompt attentive. Weren't nen. e. T. R.11.10 .. la. Repairs pesmlMb •tteadSE t• P.O. BOX 9131. II