HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-2, Page 6nut. leeks N. Chid =*: It mt. t acti Foe aski• Mellen pera Wilms it Ones Netts. /RN. Id nest tiadeld. P. on 1 jet a a torna 2 llt. of • •I.4 M. 0 :fur EQ. -In w*. Gbi let! chin versus to Am uilodei At • h Iltds ,o! 41 li‘-vAt y Pe. ea Ole • ED w r.a..11 tell ./e ('0: on the 11 m . I.114 tl 4 r of I IliZtd i VTH. Windt out41 inghan (Int lad p and next H. the I: Vow) EY. the has - fair r v.rmiter to se • eh p--.1 . • hoe aly Ist a W • wn 1. k. • he g pe. 4...f ha... .• BEL f t 114pp! 11 4 1.4.41 V, Ill NIr ate lori the for $ an rote Werli 11)&1' h ett noel 14.1 ie. Rey aro' irdne amine Aft*, when timid velli wish honer cities mw 01 Kano Rtion view P of Its nom OMNIZY was th 's hoes fit to . ht. p th 'roue, the the t MA/M. fr THE FALL T ADE NEW DRESS GOS. NODEN' CLOAK GS, NEW HOSIERY, NEW (:LOVEA, NEW WOOLLEN GOODS. NEW UNDERWEAR Children's Wear in Great Variety. I .. en .4* leraellal lemallf.I. W. T. MILLINERY OPENING. The regular millinery opening will be hehi on WitUYIESDAY, Herr. 16, anti following days. Our M iss Donagh has just returned froni the cities, and has brought with her boveltie. in every branch of the millinery trade. Dress anti mantle making On the preiniales. The best work at moderate rates. Every lady it Goderich and vicinity is invited to call anti view the uiiillinrry opening. The Glasgow House, MRS. R. B. SMITH. BETTER THAN GOLD i•4 111/ /IP in The Forest City Basioeu Cam, LONDON. College opened September let, QAT ALOGUIE.FREE. 4. W. WESTERVILT, 5 0.NAM •••••• ••• 1•11•44 wain al • 1••• 1.1, h. Anna Volm, • •..I Jeep. IA... 1..144, 4.144... • •11 111 4,411.4444•5••511. Wbr 4.4.4 /WOW -oft% ..111/4/1111111/0/ • Van enss.4.•41.• Iwo& And 11.• nno. y•.• WY. be. 14. 10•11 yomil• •.6144•4. AH.... W44 414.. 4444•1444. sod won ....lea 4.-R•14 ;pi*, Ham Pr &II K....kw WS amp.. fp. top441- 4.- ••••••••••• Nora NEW oppl arrriprfal Ono. 111.111atte., .1 (-...a 11104111.1••41..1. Moja. MolaMOID'S L.R. FOWLERS EXT:0F • ILD' BERRY CURES 01.IERA Sera. Morbus LzIC- A M PS IARRHCEA YSEHTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABL: HILOREN OR ADULTS. SYSTEM. MOTOR ['PORTANT NOTICE £6I 14T11K Specific, and Antidote for Impure, %i.e.!: and •I blood, dys- pepsia. , palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, loam of niemory bronchitis, consumption, gall slimes, jaundice. kiilney and urinary dukes...a, St. Vitus' dance. female irreg- ularities and eeneral UBORATORT. CODERICH, ONTARIO. J. NI. r E Proprietor and Manufacturer. Mt Lamar'. SVOITCM KUNIO, ATM( I-50 he hod from all druggist -a in town. ea weli MA4 from all the Amorists between Owen Sound and Ideaforth. Itrussels. Durham and Tomato. Si7 ty. VOt. CAN SAVE s $ $ Ity porch ming ) our yore it ore. Picture Frames. W indite Meader and I 'adertaking Goods from • J. IL - - - JAS. SAUNDERS MeLEAN'S BLOCK. -I W11,1, GIVE -- 20 Per Cent. DISCOUNT -ON BALMS -0V Eft - ONE DOLLAR ----DI ICING THK- MONTH OF AUGUST In order .o make room for FALL STOCK Which will be le soon. I WANT 5,000 BUSHELS OF PLUS, For which I will pay 4 A,II. at McLean's Block PLANING MILL ISTIBILISNE0 HIS Buchanan & on, SASH, DOOR and BLIND, Dealers l• all lauds et LUMBEH, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's mateeial of every demerit/ties School ?maitre a Spocialtj. MIN E-..- ,..........-2, -,.y; ,zaz%sad IR Ok ...,FAAn M• mNs PRA Imp e• Mew immiy..2 41.1141=4.11044NW 111 V ININNI.. PPR MAMMY 4. ewer ea. FARMERS. A great revolution in the fanning mill heal nem Yammer mian less than half-price. Old farming mill frames that were USed DV our fathers and grandfathers arc .ow beim* utilised in the . . of the latest att. proved fanning mill. which is certainly a sal. ang to the farmers The citcl frame, gearing. fan anti shoe anall used. leaving nothing for the farmer to buy but the erassereas lamprey«d alealla and seed newsier. which costs no more than a eommon set of fanning mill sieves, and can be put in aay make of mill. no matter bew old or new the mall is. without injuring it. and can be taken out an easily as a three -combined set of sieves. It does not disarrange the mill for the use of other sieves. It will positively clean out all cockle. mutt tard. fox tail. ;wild pea. wild dax and other foul seeds out of the grain without blowing any into the chaff. saving and cleaning all grass seed at tbe same time. It is • very complete clover seed, ftax, tano- thy seed. make send. Ole.. marhine. It cleans grain very speedily. If desired. 11 4. said to give mon weight to the hu he and lees waste than any other machine made. It wives about Oa inches of screening when required. It samples grain better than hand picking, because it equalizes the samples. It Is said to have lei emus! f ir cleaning need rain, because it removes all shruaken aod broken grain and seeds, firing tbe farmer pure. healthy seed. Moe wish to see and try this machine, writs to IlInnoonn. Annwritoma to send one to your barn. so you ean see and ter it for yonr. self in yaw own finning mill with your own ; seethe. - - RICA - 'WHAT PRACTISE, FARMERS UT ABOUT IT: Stanley Township, Hayfield, April Pith. POT Areastroag Bros. Sine. hsve weed your Chaser ; sttieliel *nth th wokd 41.1 4. I con daer they c. 41 ) 11 t MIlpete with for cleaning timothy seed. Mover. prow wheat. having there yeare' experiettoe and trial. Veers truly. JAMBS SPACK M AN. rain Fteserve. Got borne. Ooderleh. Melon Armetresig. Oestlensen. -I have med your Arteetrong than and Sevil Cleaner fat toe weigiorsa. claiming all kind. Of grain. clover sad gross seed. aot only for myself. but for my ads\ bore. with the omits( aaaiabo_ lion. I have mod several kinds of milla at diffeneat times. hat have never seen the equal _ to year Glientier. I or clean very speedily with it. I 111RP taken foul seeds out of my grain I cadet not get out without it. XAVIER. BAKCIILKH. Mount Pleasant row tiederich Township. Ooderich P. 0. moats, A roost rong. Oen' lemen. I have al ways bees very backward In (*.crewing to romeninead any inewhise unless very well setlefled with lb bet I take. pleasure an r000m *media* yoer Oran and Seed Clasp er to the public. I sell the meet of my grain for seed. I have tried different makes of mills aad sitiviim mid And your Cleaner dues the heel work et say. It will cl. out all foul seeds 54. 0.0 sposiag without making any on neon- eary yaws of stain. It le an mown:out aired .1.111. well s• grain cleaner. 6 RY (1344 'IN *Seed Orals tranneri. Oodorieth Teweealp, Con. 1.1.4 12, Ooderteh P. 0. To Whew it May Carers, I have per ahead dassefikllm Arsestriseg Oran and Seed thereiassigiram* inuarer mit flithaevhimeneedhoi lti . I do not thialt toed rebel wilif bled. I wouin It 10.57 blow reneers as • vrn mai:skftr tar akirstIP/MHALT. iripper Armorer Grain sod eirliellAW Areirene. Bear an.- I esa =1=milew• MN dna and kad It Sin ea MI Saha ns i ve e all dam won: It Mimes very k I a:szeztesCit has, hese. sad errs It speritly. I expaM wee he boleerthint"Sel old" meekfte. I would rot tall it iller wird I gave tor It If I took EMMA ziwOhlw. I ova mac RICHARD wouMnither 1.41 It then 1.8 in Mare 0. Illethen•Fest Maki , ARMSTRONG BROS_ 12= ,..riku"l- C3-oderioh On. "Ma I Is, I was Wired te see peer Burckek Need Ilkeers arscipalka geimeAlEy pWerliswe it • esagielle ere . W. T. thee allisted."-Jamese Wearer, Ilealr, reserreading le • 111 thieL ale Swayback --Rao, Japing/hi, wlsat did that straw hat omit you! Jayeasith--1 pme the clerk • Ave dollar mite for that bat Swayback liaoreduksue)-- What! Jeyetnith- -Avid he gave MO back Id in Marge. • time ere and Mendlaelts. Dr. Silas Lana, while us the Rocky Ikea - Was. discovered a root that when ouslabin- ed witlt other herbs, makes an tay shad certain cure for constipation. 11 is ui the form of dry MOH and leitemi, .144 1. known aa Lane's Faintly Medicine. It wIll cure sack-heailache and is the best Spring Reck cine. Fur the blood, hyer mid kidney*, and kw clearing up the it does won- ders. Druggists sell it at 50c. sad II $ package. ( I -cow) A Happy Eneopo. She -It is weber to urge Ina to marry you. 1V hen I say 114, I merit IMO He Ali•ity:.• She 1111 ariably Hie And can nothing ever ebange your determination when you one make up your mind! Rho - Absolutely nothing. lie Well, I wouldn't care to marry • 11101111111 FAO 114ut, 81411101 . Trio Italia. " I have great faith in Burdock Blood Bitters as • 140..1 purifier. I Imre taken three bottles for bail blood and find it • perfect cure. It is • grand medicine and I recommend at wherever I go.- Ida Sender - son, Toronto, Ont. A string al Arsisgranoi. Astronomer Nloola sta!ra. I otplotouny Nlad . utiei al Real fun. Lawyers -Sly ware. Matrimony -Into my arm. Parishioners -4 hire parwm.... Penitentiary -Nay I repent it. Pi ..t u. ew lite --Quite spruce. Presbyterian --Best in pra)er. Telegraph -Great help. Ask II ear Ahead et. liour distressing cough ..an he cured. We know it because kenip's Balsam within the past few years has cured so many coughs and colds in this vomiltunaty. Itaretuarkable sale has been won entirely by its genuine merit. .Ask some friend who haa used is whist he thinks of Kemp's Ralsani. There ia no medicine so purr, none so effective. Large bottles 50c. and $1.00 at all drug- gists.. (1-aow) , A son 40111 at Aso Cast, Gadding, Did thee estsii the fellow that tried te pick Mrs. NVaight.s pocket yestet - dry! Rawley. No: but he gave hilawelf tap. :hidings- What did he do that for! Rmaley --To forte her to testify whether she had a pocket ot not. Illsory C. Jenne.. Henry I James, of Winnipeg, Man., writes: " For several years I was troubled with pimples ami irritations of the skin._ After other remedies failed I used tour bot- tles of Burdock 111/xml Bitters and since then I have been quite free from my com- plaint. B. B. 41. will always occupy a place in my house.- _ A Totaute. Ridley see the papers my o14 Ralston's funeral procession wiis two houne ennuis Broad street. I didn't think be IRAS poiou - Carlton There aas a horse -air blockade ..vri Brim! street. He was • director of the line. See! Masestron Bead this description of and neural- gia! •• Put your hand in a vise, turn the else until you can't hear another turn, and that's rheumatism : give at another turn, that's neuralgia.- And still you'll suffer these tortures a Imn for 25 cents you can buy • bottle of MINARD's LINIMENT and be relieved. Only Sushi. 'I love her, hut I cannot marry leer'. Not because her father WWI my lathers steward -- 1 hare no false pride but Immune she is wealthy anti I am not... "Ilut, my dear fellow, by marrying her you only get back what her father stole from yours. "That's so. Gras 141 try et after all.- - - Vileantra 10 11410.. " In our family faithful work has been dome by Fowler's Extract of Wild Stniwberry ea a sure 514(1 quick cure for diarrhoa, dysentery awl all Summer cons - *lints. I min recommend it roan as • family friend, shear trim and faithful... Mm W Bishop, 00. Old Yrfeads. '0141 friends are hest'. Yet not too old! For one, I .lo not .eek Within anv eager arms to fold, A form 'long anew antique. I want tn. painted Pompadour, Flirting at forty three; A friend of twenty two or four, Is old enough for roe. Wes. Um. Beadle. Mrs. Geo. Rendle, of Gialt, Ont., writes " I eau recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. for it 045 sure cure for ell Summer complaint& We are never without it in the house.- Fowler's 11.11/1 Strawberry. Price, 36e. Bindings id • narrow ostrich trimming are hor Jet had heads or cabochons are sure et being in style. Pompons are miry good, also hird of Purs- lane aigrettes Felt hate are motional:ale for their quontity trel quality There are many * end annelid, nmehina• ban finesse on view. Rats triaired oaly with ribbon deed genets= quaatity. Ansnag the novelties are jet boners, chlorite and ostrich farm Frey stiR wings and birds are extreire- lp bellgOit net by th• isepertem thatteel tern hats kiniered with ieunies ogo 41.011, MAKI 04 emtarri, warm TALKS FOR THE FARMER TIMELY INFORMATION OF VALUE TO THE CANADIAN AGRICULTURIST • IWO EWA Of Stabiles arer-sepearmitie that row ken know del> - ailb•••• Verona, at alma. *Warr Sao Ameesit Itessalsed ter a 1-4o05 014. But few men kayo the actual costrh.of nurag • cult to three years of age. reason la that no acourate aueouust la kept with the cult and the estunates end guesses cannot be relied on. The actual oust of remang • heavy draft phi's% to throe years of age has been kept account 4 by Robert Futon. of Kline, Out., and Use figures given in the Canadian Lave Stock Jouruel are Iva follows . For the first year's outiwy, Oen ice fee, 515 rest of mare ow mouth before and fora smithir partial after fooling, 53 - -Hue n um 14 intended to pay for her pasture ; 13liti lbs. of hey et *I per too. 544; 10 bit. of oats at XI cents per bo. 5.3 4 Isa. 04 carrote at 13, 43 ; attendance, including feedbag, cleaning, sad watering, rest of one-lialf box *tall, aind of loft room fur hay, : tntetest ma service fee, ; castratiou, *1 insuranoe at ti per cent., feldtl; total cost at one year old, 141.61. For the seemed year the items ,ere: Six months pasture, at 11 per snontli, 16; win- ter food, I tons of hay, 510; 10 ha. of 011ie, 54.40); Isa. of canots, Ws: ; attendance, 16: rent, taw inlet -on 04 solooey on tbe first year • coat at *1 per cent., *2.46 ; in- nurauce, $4.14: total cost fen the ascood year. OS. 30. Fur the thinl year the items ate: Pasture for OIL utositiia, E..00: hay, I tons, 51`2; t2 lot of oats, 5.1.30 ; 5 be. of carrots 7:s:: at- tendance. On; relit, g.1.30: interest 1411 cost at the egad of second year, $4.75; insurance, $4.46; total coo for the third veer, /43.36, and for the three '.ears. 1124.W. Insuran-e and rent charges are a httle high, but the price for oats oat hay ts low. No account ts made of the immure which is worth at least 54*14.tr..,, and that would iglus the cost of raising the horse to SKS, not cteanting au the service fee. Where laage moos ere pall for writce fee.as an light tiat nen horses, this must be added atm. where the colts are Gained antldriven and handled more or less, another item of expense conies in. It will tepid at lead rol a year to keep a colt after he is three years odd, anal 11 IA to be handled it may cost *several unite that. A draft horse willtie enough work to pay for hie keep, and a filly can be net to lireetling. Coach horses and light driving horses to bring a good price are IlOt generally. olealde until they are four or live years old or more, and no kuni of horse is good for work itt the city, , Lee lie draft, mach or driver, until he is from hie to seven years old. It is well enough for men to talk about e elliag draft horses when they are three years old. but you can't ititch 18 truckles/2n more then once with such a • •baby.- Draft horses in the city have work ti. d.i, and hard a ork too. end they must lee strong and sell developed 40 .1 To make any profit in raising horses • man must get *1:0) to %WOO or more for them, mad tho uwaneastmdyenough if you 1-1111e the kind that is Freon Misay A quarter of • codury ago the prize but- ter cos were Judged not only Oa buttei producers, lot also for their color and marking*. At the piesent day the ..suly toot .14 elcellence IS tile 1/1-14. 11, 11t In 11 hilt • ter. the cows securing recoids. The seed bed that producos weeds for the entire fano 1. the stubble tiehl. The hest of everythaug raised tio the farm should he kept fur the use of the farmer and his family. When loves are to be moved by wagons they should be securely featened to the wagon and packed around with straw. Speculation is as dangerous to the tanner as it is to the city man. 4 eetting utto debt to buy more hltbd Or more generally speculation. It is clainied that the led condition of many id our country roads is tutise.1 more bv the %uproar* of the hie* of drainage than from any ether cense. It is not best to allow the chickens to eat the dead bees around the hives, as they snon get to liking them so well, that they do n.4 stop at dead ones, hut pick them off as fast &II they come out of the hive. Fieason says that • horee's nostrils are his fingers, •nel with them he feels articles to find &tether the t wall hurt him. He smells every new ohject very thoroughly to decide whether it is good or bad. Walnuts boiled in water the juice put oat horses aml cows with a whitener/oh bruah or anything suitable will muse the flies to immediately tily off upon /alighting en them. Smart -weed iney lw added. By placing thin slices of raw potato on pieces of losrds stout the fields, and visit. mg the MIMIC mon mid night, a Practical drarnes. wr"A. keaught nutty bee- tisHeied of • week not a bug /sell be IOW " In Europe wherever the sugar beet is grown the value of the land has incromed. Mwts are grown for two or three successive years on the same Lind. which will then produes better cereals and other farm pro- duce. If mricultural societies would employ a skillful num to shoe horses at their fain and give illustrated lectures they would ac• complish more good than they do now by some of their transactions. Do you save all your manure systentati• cally. and use it to the hest advantage! Have you watertight floors in all your stables" If sot, get eentest end gravel and Mold them now and have them ready for winter. The preet in raising geseral-purpose horses la almost rine. We want general purpose mama for farm work, but they must mime special-purpose colts, just as our gen- eral purpose cows raiee special- purpose totem. Mr. J. M. Smith tells the Rural New Yorker that he uses a silo for preserving tlhe waste leaves trimmed from cabbage plants end other garden wastes. For the bus two years Ise lias put his small carrots into the mb withoat topping, aad finds that they keep nicely. Professor Mammy toile ;,.that his experi- ence and observation is that *h. churn over- runs the toot fully 10 per cont. Tam is to those who sell hy the *et. "11 ell the latter fat geta into the butter, then butter onataining ftfl per mut oi fat will overrun nearly IA per coat." Tis florid& Dinpatch mays, "Rosy farmer who is troubled by moles ought to try • kw motor hem plasma. Wo knew so old gardener who wee noted for raising vegetables, who aim had • her doom of these plants Peattered about toe erten few the parolee of Iteeping away moles. - After the Ilnereriag areienn mon of Um bulbous plants are anything brut attractive. Thom try 14. 1411.4 *5 01140 es ham begte to winter, laying them in demo) in • shady place, with sore esti err their lower parte *Orme 1.,..444.64 ^arm at it sty Pk,* mcOR wied11110 gilakag sears& MANUFACTURING CANADA. 1111/ 541111011 A01,E11011 Olospeav has *ma .1114• esprtal°I.Nririlrlia°L4.111.6101k a. la Beim". 411a. 'Rio James Saari kl ing (u 4)5*), Brock ville,Oat., have recently shipped several heasired Saves to the Pact& coast. The Ju18. Doty FsgiasCisepany. Tomato, beth the 300 k.p Sualere and machtissry tor the new steamer, now asarly completed, at Vasioniver, lit'. The syndioster, represented by Mr. Joke Ititeen, of CIL Nit., are orating throw mills in ti..: 4IvIuIIy for the inanulnic. ture of spools All 1111/11441111. TWO Chlti1144,4 M LAM. palmy. Ont., lira Leen organised with • °spiel stirak ut $M).00U, to manufacture chenaittals, tlye stuffs, etc. The Buckingham Maitufacturing (Mem at Moutreal, has cayt., with 1 1 with • capital stook of 1010.0i10 for the inesufact um of wood pulp, etc. Th. Merritt/as Ccittoa Compaay has bees formed to take over and work the dulls of thsststock ta ISIM,001). panh.syuipeo l,mmet dsedierrillet rtunrit.tunConLot leant' Ils.Lp!onsitai patsy, with I The North Amiens Mill Building Com- et Stratford, that 1 with • capital stuck of $70,000 for the manufacture of mill taw chintery, etc. Simms J. M. Williams & Co., of Hantil• toa, Ont., have leasevl the stove foundry of Mr. Mowat, at Ihnulaa, Ont., and are starting it up with a form of fifty hands, for the menufacture of S1oV011, furnaces, etc. The Toronto dun, titan Manafacturiag company, Toneao Junction, is being in- corporated with • capital stock of 5510,000, to ,814 unproved lantern &ail other hardwaie The heavy vault dimes for the new Bank of Beitisb Columbia, Iniikinig at Vancou- ver, al' , recently played in position, were manufactured hy ilosses. J & .1. Taykw, of Toronto. Memo-L.111M M11)..ttgall & (*o.. proprer tors of the Caledonian (roe Worts, Mont • real. manufactuied Ole two steam boilers recently phwed the power house of the Electric Light and Railway Cernpany at Vancouver, B.C. Messrs. !Brown Bros_ Tesswater, . have eataldioliod a fax mill at that pla., which will give all wtnter to quite a large number of people. They hey, put in • quantity of tine machinery. The Northern Manufacturing Company. Toronto. has been . I with a exiFn- tal stock of Illtitareet for the manufacture of steam pumps. machinery, engine.. etc. Thir 18 an expansion of the business of the firm of Newthey Co. The Rathbun Company have placed in their elevator at ham. Ont., a 23 -bores J'" steam engine which will fc.rniab mo- t I VC 104.04: 101 elevating, instead of horses as heretofore. It has alau erected • chopping and eracking null to he run by *teem and te do Its work at the mte of 100 bushels per hour. GENERAL AND PERSONAL. Thor. 71 .1 slam( se words. I twly 1 the greatest crenottem country. .% Russian ex habit atm will be hell in Paris. The Queen Regent of Spain not • 1.1ay. Mormon are 5.1144 an Eng - Lunt. The Sing of Spain an a utak and puny Iffile fellow. TI travel from .tharteett ti fifty miles &II hour. Mx -Empress Eugenie says, the. Frisch empire died with her gm. .4 seat an the New York Steck Rschange was sold the other day for 1:22.4109. nacre 1. 4.117 one sudden death among wiameti to every eight anteing men. Three persons sleep soundly --a child, • corpse and a night watchman. The vonngest of the Cardinals at Rome AV* !MAI 57 years of age; the oldest 144, who has worn the scarlet for thirty-two years. Illase-Colturg-Gotha has • law fining the fat her of a lad below the age of 144 or. girl than 15 years old 130 mark. for going to* ball. .% Wonsan 1.11 Atlanta as the mother /1 twenty -on. children, all living and owner-. ,ed. The youngest two are twins and have just been horn_ When l'harles Tunnison was killed by leghtning at 1Varren, 4)., beneath • tree, on his chest was photographed the image of a branch of • tree. Monsignor strossmayer. the well-known Biehop of Dodo:war, rays in forty -tor fifty years Russia will be a ihpublic, and believes in the eventual reconciliation of the ( htholic aad lireek Churches. The present heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Francis, is reputed an having equaled the late Prinee Rudolph in his trod life ; but, fortunately, 18. 11.. down is bit since the death el his cousin. Ke.rnesielent Grevy was an inveterate billiatel•player, his favorite opponent heing his most rabid political foe, M. Paul de Cassagnac. In his native Jura he WAR a keen spirtaman and an aide agriculturist. The tarsal which is to connect Manchester, Kng., with the sea is one of the greatest sindertakinip of modern Omni. he total length will he 23i miles. It will be 25 feet deep, 120 feet wide at the bottom and 2.10 feet al the top. It is shoat three-foarthe completed, acid will feet shoat $45,0110,000. Frau Bieratrk is said to be economiml even to the extent of parsimony. Kite is • white-haired woman of more than 60 years, with prominent cheek bones., • tall figure and a high-kq,ed voice. She talks with volubility, arA has a fund of funny Series and anecdotes. Next to her fondness Inc her husband her consuming pares is for rdiampagne, which, .gained her physician's orders, she refuses *0 4:000.00.. Stew Way et Teethes Wiese. 'The hest judges of lipiors, tea mike, sugar and tobacco do not um the articles they teat. ras old style of judgin liquors, particularly wises, by tasting dons lir posed away, anti all exports now judge simply hy the nose. Th. expert of • wine. house who attempted to take the seem of sample, brought to him every day for examination would moon qualify himself for the position of "this airful irsampis' homiest ia by the prohibition leetisree as se illustra- tion et the rile of i , .1841. 414. 105 14 mass taster would, by drinking de. 004716011111 flif the artieks, speedily bemuse • normal wreck. The jelesa torrid na the 'der gives out hp the samples a quite r aesurar as thet by leserg. sad wittiestt the evil reeeke to Use airport -44 Louie (11018* COM water will aberieh, remedial/ tm The Anterior Dispensatory, abost 36 per coat. .1 18. owe weight in mak mei bellies &boot 40 p.r rat. This wakes what a \wows se saturated bribe, which always laser all the ialt that the ware will dieritre. 1.11 Wt. :tr.* 1..4..0 61,111111P IA' anntunoMYAA AMMIIMAA seamy 00them 10 10)5 per seat el ea& 'MAL A Fact WOWS larearbis le that blued da. V V mese whAuk all oast resarbett 10 04100. 'Mid OD Aloe* alcrwlearIlle. Fresh corks* Oka 04 104. aye. MON hastas bead dolly. pwits dissIP-maand sad rubber* saw pietas ft Show reatkee. Itherna 10. Guve. .*4s11 Mb% re theregli. ereikand Ike reef Nis woe. dertid aberatbre. Mts. R. Irvine Do 110551. New 110 Wag ark. artier i- " About two yaws age. Mew safferieg kr aseely two years kale rheumatic 1804.. able to walk eels with great and hawing tried various leekesUssi Warr wales% without ANN. 1 ire bfg ea Ureter. are ltemoMis*wit or lama o moo bad Immo allahlittillimieraw• Mit =ZVI= ildaw 81i4gr regularly kr dist& maks a idol et it tido moNsAtaad took I ma pleused to say Nei It a MO. Nola mem mid slim I love slam bad Do Mora el 114. 410-." • Na. L. A. fkark, Nashua. X. ill tH. =il: 'Vs, year ago 14.58rerd. beIng confined to my ato boom Ms s000das. I tare out of the dalisorm very such debilitated, with no appodis. sad my system disordered le ragge,S6 begun to improve at 1 to use Ayer's mat gelsolog in strength and mon re. roweringhlay usual health. I cannot say Iso rue In praise of this well-knowa "I bare taken a great deal of *edi- t= but nothing has dor lee eo good as Ayer's bersaparills. I felt its beneficial effects before I had quite finished one bottle, and I can freely testify that it is the beet blood. dktize I know of." -L. W. Ward, St., Woodland, Texas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 11107.111SD 114 Dr. J. C. Arm & Co., Lesson, Mass. Pries ; six lbesdes, M. Worth ill • bola e TORONTO HOME -141 TIM - x.icAt.r>xlere. DU 000118 IIPORIU11, - - 411 - Latest and Best SUMER GOODS now on 41e4.. P. O'DEA, Mana.zer C. SEAGER, -0111re in McLean's- NEW BLOCK, -Opposite ths Marcel. - Money to Lend -RI- Cheap Rats, Farmer's lofts Csibut. SEND Oc.',7....""M'atillf:1616.1 40no, arid we wi I send yen by means. If this syeasirre.st eal slogan' watch wyo hich u mai It41.0105 am aimil•••• IT, ass ths NI feet • to seetere • 40 Han= fry:peica 4. if or Inle OVINE sisal kw .0434 1.., er see afewa Is 'atlas 0111111. GM le ores are Wel=strls. we Willanalactusetow I t ea sorsa* ter debar a MO /ir b we& raish-4ESAMM-117112 L� Mersa bre10. Sachem tll usII1. Peisrlarseols OM`