HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-2, Page 4a IA b It o N' N.R )RN. iter as talk on t et ale oe tf Kelt. 1r. Bonham *. of • wham. e Sf M''uper o 110‘ ED. Ne wto L« Oho day e i 0toe. t chow A vents to AIM udodel AtA 31'41 k- At Wepts I1iIt EDnaia• 1. yogi cos en the es tiara it yTH: comas Winds. ot:r cit ulglam is r to la..' vel pa land w next s He fair e e to ass y shs ✓ yells. the t'u1 of the 1 hhas 1 "night EY. nUnkae :ie.' in is hone gulch ng 1-. n weal h coo., nem :a•1. ally t 1..1r. Ir. Mr y night ur town der. busing, ily left We • WAS or, ref eym den ng peel •r 01 $ h..es IS 1. 1 Angus BELL N : RF f tl.ct4, happy sic v, x-, me 01 Mr.e its bnlj) •' titer, lady, II gar Ste an. rated ers .it 0 is ti rues. • Rev. laud ) aft deer a.relner After a hen 1 bride vellrni oohs. heavy* Mies a al Seaga' •Mere eats Mr. of tit Merl none cos lrar wee thea 'a hour• t adntIn toes his par Young the• the G. the at by the neer si Isla 4 IIu J5ignai, uODFRICH, FIIIDAY. OCT. 2. ESL THE SIGNAL: GODERICA, ONT., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1891. • fish au our great tread lakes. The country leg broke. last Friday by falling os a locos. has an industry ben that needs no handl• laspeetor J. E. fore r speediest five Oar, capping in the way of tax or tariff. •rtowtk inspecting the school u u his d WHAT Is IIuk (7f)V-611IN. Volt! Chs. Meager has reeved tate the hour on the owner d W eterloo and St. Patrick's lLaaela pays right smartly for the pati spy, SIGNAL SNAP SHOTS. lags of ha%ung • Iloveraor-(..neral, and THa ilex. Julwtoo's tandro.ie new residence Fits.. to would lake to know what thet veil- on ingta latest will shortly be ready for d ti d dkis *Amy. 11 any eoculation \\lutrt the 4.overrlor(:ene al has been P•4 43ere headose for I. M. Nichols, the Wast -et demist, orf salutes fishing 1M Abbututw have been of our contemporaries can enlighten is we seeks tae onof the n.tural teeth '• plying hiu. for • sucker.' want to be ealighleoel, for up to date we • •plscWty. /:r administered (real 9 A.0 fail to droover any reason why such • for the painless extraction of teeth. THE Limekiln club, having heard 01 the functionary is at all required. Five ur six d our young men who left boom in whitewash at Ottawa, are thinking As • g•-serninp power he is a failure, for town for Chicago in the • prang have ro- of holdtu • F scream la that s.Wareous d he was of &ny earthly use why should be re- turned home, notefinding the city d the g W arida Fair the EI Dorado they expected. capital.- - stand idly by in this crisis of our country , A M...a for Governorl:enerwl, an Animal: for Premier and • Purr: in the Cabinet is • great reared for a country to which the Orange ardor is so mighty in in fluent°. ()crew,. of the also enerbe s of the Cabinet the4.ovrrnment had only six of a majority to assist in whitewashing Sir Hee-ron LA>..ry d.. lion- &re the mighty fallen ' Tut. Toronto 'I'rk.ram, •u independent news(sper. sets " It Is just an open yusion' whether tin• Maple leaf or the Whitewash Inrush i, the national emblem of L'amoeb. - THr Duke of 1-twrnitr.e is about to re- tire from the poeiuoo of c.uainasder-in-chief of the British army. Thr army is to lee congratulated on the prospect. His sus-- career us-- or ,r should be • 4:enteral and not a prince- ling. w... air 'Int I.Ti 1'ut a calcimined old Man, A well whitewashed old mac; 1 feel just is, hearty : Our wade old party Sayal'm • white old meso. THE Ottawa Free frees suggestively re- marks: •' It u understood that Sir Jou. TH.,wPwo. and Mr. Aniu.rr ire engages upon a new coat of arms for the Canadian 1Mn,imou. Tey propose a whitewash brush rantpa99 and a basller c.uchant as the most fitting device." MR. l'n1r•1.1tr meet be hard pressed when he ham to get a written certificate of character Irani Mr. Sr%ea al- Mr. fwiwr.R- Zvrl.I.r pointed out that the letter of a fugitive from justice was not proper evi- dence for $ Parliamentary committee, mud was suatamed in his position. It has beeu demonstrated by irrefutable sentence that the present m:overnuteut re- presents not the people but the must eor rupt tufivaous that have been festered in Chu country tor years; yet his lips are sealed. It was a well-known fact that corruption was the source from which the life of the present I :ovenluent emanated, and yet when owing to the death of the late Premier an opportunity offered to puree the entire p.hucal system the representative of royalty and honorable Ftritish precedent called upon a nun who was known to be the High Priest of ('orruption to assume the leadltslop of the 4:uternmelt. Siwe the eelectiou of the new Premier the most •ensattuoal and exc.ting .scion of I'arhan.ent ever held in Canada has been held. and the most slamming exposures of rascality mud crone against the State have been brought to light. \\-here has our im- ported representative of royalty been during all these montli. ` And the world will wonder when it is steeled that His Excel- lency was edition fishing hundreds of mils away from the place where exposures of rs.cahties which threatened the foundations of the 'safety of this country were being no. earthed and brought to the light of day. lis days of old while Rome burned Num fiddled. In our day when Canada was shocked from centre to circumference with .lanteful disclosures that threatened the moral and material welfare of the nation to a far 1,4:eater extent than did the Ronan conflagration, our our well, our represen- tative of royalty went a fishing ' And today when the sworn evidence is in. and s venal majority has brought in a re- port whitewashing the bigger villains at the expense of the lesser rascals, Hu. Excellency returns from his fishing ready to resume once more the " onerous " duties of giving the formal royal &event t. bills and, when pay-day corns &mond, to sign for the 450,000 salary that l'anada pays for hu valuable services. It is time the curtain was rung down upon this travesty on royalty representation If the representative is to be a spineless facto- tum for a lartisu majority of Parliament - ary bowldere. if His Excellency has a pre- rogative now is his opportunity to Ice it upon as corrupt a gang of advisers as ever disgraZ•el the institutions of • free country. If Lord STt.Lev of Preston is not equal to the occuton let hint relinquish his wand of office. if not, eon,. later ('10.0 xx 4.11. should arise and say. "fake away that decile'" - - ----- GODERICH S. S. ASSOCIATION. TINE members of the Ontario civil service have had their working house lengthened by an hour. It was alio, prop,.c.l • • slow tl clerks to have but half an hour for 1 •h, hut dried ..f all outbreak of indigestion, dyspepsia, etc., CAur•d our ee *nonoral Ad- ministrator.,:. ;3 -amt an hour for lunch as before. MR. .1.10x.. la.Taa, M. P., who knocked out so many Tory boodle this tension, is *till in the ring sad hasn't a *crutch. 11is tai idrnul squelching of the imperious and impertinent Col. terse."). was • Limos hit d by-play during the .cion. The marl Froin West Lampton is a terrr to the Ottawa evildoers. Ma. Antuerr, who swore that Str Hr ..n Au.t. would have been justified in paying three times $360.000 to the Tory eaniprign fund for the Pacific Railway charter, is a nae' man to clean out " Augean stables of corruption... The arch -briber of the IM- minlon Sir Hri.H ALLAN'S go-between w a likely man to keep boodle ami pudic policy '..wrt.AINT4 come to Moron% St. Andrew's ward ratepayers that the property In that locality IS cow worse served for tire and water purposes than before the waterworks were established. As a natter of fact there is hardly- a drop of water fit to drink be- tween Rritannu road and Thomas -at. at the west end, end for tire purposes the service is inefficient beyond meaanre. it is a quaation in the n - l of many of the ate• payers in that locality whether they have a right to I.e taxed to the seine extent as their more fortunate neighbors who rejoice not only in having pare water for sanitary and other purposes, but who also have a special tire pvoteetion pi4I1•R• sot enjoyed by the people of the section who eon:plun. Our waterworks cs.mmitteeshould take action. (fUh VAL('.4I11.B PI. HEKIE.4. The Fisheries Department has Issued its annual report for 1890, from which we take the following statement of the value of the fisheries of the Dominion for that year Nova Scotia. . .....at ..2 6,636,444 64 British Columbia 3,481,432 29 New Brinswick 2.699,056 02 4 Interior 2,009,637 37 1Juebe•. 1,615,119 76 Prince Edward isi&d... ... 1,041,109 20 Manitoba and N. W. T 232,104 06 Total. . .... 117.714,902 33 This n evcln.n-e of the quantity cw.nrnel by the Indian population of Ifritish t'olam his, Manitoba and the Northwest Terri- t.onie,,nf which no accurate data aro at hand, but which rt a believed. would increase the total value to fully 221,000.000. The value of the catch in Lake Huron alone, between Stokes' Ray and Blue Point was 2223,752.60, while the value of the eatrh in the 4:e•ewrian Hay division •momnted to 2530,491 00 Three tugs. aggregating 150 total lmrden, valued at 26,000 ani manned by 12 mea, are rep.rterl from 4;oderich : and ten fish - heats, veined at 22,600 and carrying 29 ewe, are also credited to this port. The eau used were valved at 26,000- The catch attrihatsol to these 1inderich Mate wee. valved at 220,022, sad was male np from I he following lila Trout 150,000 lb. Herring 12.000 " Fal 12,000 " Bari 5,000 " Pickerel ... Pile. . Canna ANL 8300" 10,300 The hemi of fish at f lorist ic+ iso,. itwl..try, ft will he sea, 1. on inees..ler *M..ea Few wen week harder er risk mere thea the hardy tealss el the dere whe Report of Ile rrwreedlwa• of the Flea instal 4 eave.l tea. The first annual meeting of the I;,iderich Sabbath '4cheed Ao.oeatum was held in North•st. Methodist church on Tuesday last. \Cath the president, R. W. McKenzie, in the chair, Ihe convention opened at 3:10 e. w. with the.ingiuf of the hymn "All hail the rzerd Jesus fume." Then a 'scripture wu read by Ret. ,1. E. Howell. After Ow singing of another hy prayer was led hy Rev. .1. .'i. Anderson and Rev. Or Stmngui&n. The president then called upon Geo. Stisen, secretary of the .t.w..iatlnn,to give • report of the organization of the t.so,cation and its objects. Mr. Stiren real the minutes of the provis- meal meeting mal the objects of the Also elation, and Rev. Mr. Howell made Mame remark. on the matter. Short reporte were given by KeMessrs. Howell. Anderson, Strongman and Howard os the different Sunday schools which they oversee, all reporting favorably as to the prog ens being made by the schools. The hymn "Nearer, my 4:o 1, to Thee" was then sung. after whr h it was moved, seconded and serried that Mr. F'or.vth act AS secretary in the absence of Mr. Staten. The disamsiSI on supfgesliens towards the grater efficiency of Sabbath schools; wee opened by .lames Mitchell, followed by Rev. .1. E. Howell, Rev. .1.:\. Amlerwrm, Mn. Duff and Mn. Turner. The speakers dwelt largely en the duties of the parents of children in hating them study the les- lpna at home so that they may come to Sab- bath school prepared to learn and to tinder• stand t he krona, Tl:e lesson for next Sunday "The Raising of Lararus" was taken up .n.l ably taught by Frei. pilar. The election of otcere for the following year then ton! place, Jae. Mitchell being elected pprrsi.lest : Messrs. J. M. Shephard Blair. McKenzie and Fisher, vim- presidents: Geo Stiven, secretary, and Mrs. Leech, Iresaurer. it wu resolved tied the convention meet in Knox churdn one year from date. The afternoon meeting then clued with the doxology and the hendiction. At the evening rssien the peeident elect, .lee. Mitchell. ooh the chair, .nil after the opening exercise., delivered an addreen. W..1. Stevenson rad an instrectire pa- per on" The Sabbath School: Its Relation to the Home. the Church and the State,- the subject being further diecuseei by • number of those present. .pee. M. Shephard tank up the subject of The Great Secret of Sous. in Sabbath Schrift! Work, " his address Min being fol• lowed ht an interesting discussion. The in retries in the i)neatinn drawer were then answered by R. W . McKenrie. It wu decided le hold monthly meetings of the Atroriatins. the time and place to he chosen by the execeitive c ommitt.e . Ihiring the evening the cher of the chnreh misted in the singing exeercies. The meeting closed with the h.enerlietlim. ('ousteble Ilacu, .4 Blyth, brought Jas. Roberts, Tho. Morris and Geo. Taylor to 4 .olerleh jail on Monday evening the men having been .wuulitted by the Blyth mama. trate* for au attempt .t burglary. a.. Travelling Guide. GRAND TKUNK RAILWAY. Trams arrive sad depart at Uuderbk as fol. loo •. AnanI- Mail sad Express lib►�. Mail and Es prime it. p.m. Mired ........................... . Ii.I1 Am. Mlzad ........... 7i wit. asset. Mall ......,. IlIaa. Mall tN4 ieiiu�:'.................... 6.O R. Mise...............................4Jlwtic. The cheapest home in to lel a piano, organ or sew' bine is at (.eu. W. Thiansoi 's. Don't f gine him • call before purchase's ; you of mut regret the *trite spent. Repair promptly attended to. An oyster supper will be held by the Ep- worth League in \ ictoria-st. by. church Thursday, t ktober 8th, at 7:30. l►ysters, and excellent pro- gram. Admittance, 25 cent.: children, 15 Ceuta. Justice Ruse, in a recently delivered judgorn' in the car of 4:reen v. Munn, tried before him at Kingston, ruled that to publicly advertise • beat debt for gale by poster or otherwise did not constitute • libel on the debtor. 4 )u Monday • corps of Regimental Cadets was organised in town with a membership of about twenty young mien. °Seers lune leen elected and drill has been commenced. .\ few young mem may secure membership in the company on application. A number of spurious 10 -teat and 25 -cent pieces have recently leen put in circulation. Dry can easily he detected, as the metal is very soft, and feels greasy to the touch. All that have been seem so far have been slated 1881, and lack the letter "H" under the wreath. The Junior Hurons had a meeting on Wednesday evening to make •rtagtments for plying otf the tie with the aeaforth club. The feeling among the Juniors was in favor of • better ground than that of the Safo tb club for the final game, ',tendon' being the choice, Visitors to the l.rat Northwestern Exhi- bition last nionth greatly admired the display of the 4 :east ich t kcal' Cu Their nukes of organs OM fast -turneries all others in beauty of case and e.celleney of tone. Kindly lave your order and en courage horn. manufacture. On We.ln*eMlay "float week 1\ ill l'arter.n the (.oderich organ factory, was united in marriage to Ibis Helens Reid. The cere- mony wan performed by Rev..). E. Howell, .t the residence of the bride's father, Elgin street. Lewis Tarter, of Pluton. supported the groan. and the bridesmaid was Mir Delia Reid, sister of the bride. It is said that the Monarch was the last 4f the Bratty boats to call at this port this season. The rearm resigned for the with- drawal is the want of sufficient water for the Monarch or Empire. The county of Huron has three harbors on which consider- able public money has been ;spent. yet at the present time, owing to uegligen..•e on the part of the Government, two of them are entirely closed, and the other will sot admit any arrest sand vessel. LOCAL BREVITIES Regular meeting d town ceased flaw evening. ADeikossellaR• 1ORN KNOX, maser AUC. aser aib d led Valuator. ller.rieb. Ont. Revues had esper4Ms la the auctioneers ala a parities to ate -lards with 1-Ok1Wu•Osie al emu musioos rot 1.6 Mw. Orden loft at Martin's Heel, d pet be teal to his addl�eevms, Uodernck P.O., aprefully attended lis. JOHN KSUX. Coos tv Alio Wooer. GPM • TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes utast be left at this (Ace not later than Monday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day noon. Casual A.iv.rtisetnenta accepted! up to noon Tliurbdsy of each week. Motel A..o medatton. r'pHs HURON HOTEL, - THiS 1 Incl -Brown and poputa. hotel has Mica reined. enlarged lied improved rectally ad Is sew s...nil .0 none an quality of a: comad•Ilon for the ire...ling either. Gond aeeem 'tdattun for trausent guest. WM. CRAW, Proprietor. the Siouan,. U4Werieb, oat Situations Vaoaat. VO�)K \\'ANTIII.D.--4 taN4D CON►K kJ wanted lir cess. Apply at BRITISH F.XCHANOK ilOT111.. hilt. 11ENERAL SEKVANT WANTED -- >f Apply to MR& ANDERSON. at the mane, flb1f. WANTED AT ONCE. -THREE P1 goal, .mart tins to sew in mantle and dress making department. Apply to JOHN ROHEHT4UN, Manager, at the Oreat Cash Store. 29-1t SERV ANT 1WANTED. -TO DO GEN eral bone work. Apply to Mfs& D. CANI ELON, West -et 9141 Pulpit 'Services. 'ICTORiA STREET METHODIST Church. -Rev. W. A. S4trongran. LL- pastor. L D. pastor. Sander Oct. Ith, 11 am.. •The Inward and Outward Man.' 7 t'.r.. "A Great Hight Strangers always welcome. '7t1 Wanted. NI/ANTED -So0 CORDS OP 000D wood. 1 feet 1nng, tree from kask Mal and limb• suable for ('lt Cesl .ad Mycid Yard. Will buy delivered ie yard here K st stump. JOHN S. PLATT. Reddens-Tri- f�laar street. opposite Btashauan a Soo's ROYAL CROWN HITTERS. K. D. C. Dyspessia Cure. Pink fills Carbelie Cream Ile0tlfrioe. Prof. Oorc'a Remedies. Taylor'. Rfcksecke`a and Seely's Perfumes in bulk Dr. Melwart's Remedies Ap11EUe for Sale 1AKLK 1 BAI(LK% 1 -TWO Row Ki) .1 barky wanted for immediate ehlpm.al. Harky must be well mewed Hyhest price for all oosese grates. there 'Mme spas every dey at ow moral. HL'RROIA0. theme tnao. 1. our SEOVES Volt SALE CHEAP; onr almust Jew. Have no me for them. as 1 mini 'sang 1.0* Mater, JAS. M- 141I1CP- HAttn. South-st. 2711 L`VR -f;ALE.-L HAVE ABOUT :A 1 oosdea Windbag some. meetly all quar- ried • site Opo to e.rt d Iowa 0a soon nodes. JOHN d PLATA: t! -it VOR SALE. -A SEN IMO MACHINE a hoed order eltoyalt with font drawers &ad lea: ower $32. win sell Ise Ai -drams K. A1., this office. f All new colon in Diamond and Turkish Dyes is rock. Ir. Brown's Balsam, for cold. 1. W 11.'s o.'. 1' . 1►sro emu• ileei$ss Metloe I* THE HiGH COl'RTOFJUSTICE. CHANCERY DIVISION. cru *0011100 gt.gtTI0fra are. Meet's. of • Member ter the Rema. d Cent �p1nosea�� N Cstuda ler Cho Eirep nl Illtwlet d West Heron, Adds es the Nth day et M•rot. Iw1. 00010100 or AR •11.6. 4 Betwoes Jeans movie, it or our ant0, - MIM*ell, Petitlearr, m wit : pond Masdm (baa IME FOR SAL& -000D FKE.SH J lime kept constantly os hand et Use eels ►teresrve 44... ktu.. X. oA/LI: ULE1:. s 4dtu VOR BALE. -TWO D1 IN. CAST r pulleys-- 41 In. face. 1 11-16 in. bore. or can 1w boned to M larger shah. Good n. fico. Will he sold •1 • tesmaonab:e figure. Apt••) al Tee Dlnx0LHleam 1'nwing llouw North -sit., Oederlch. OL11. l)LOWS,-NO. 4 ENGLISH STEEL 11 Hoard. 113.04. N. 13 American Stec! Board. 44326. No. 9 American Steel Hoard. $11.00. Uood second-hand plows cheep for emit. Mouldbearaa for No. 13 wad still's i'ateot plows, from i3.30 t $4.23. OODKKI4'H Yttt %ustV. AICD AM) St/FT COAL FOR 11 sla- Hest quality of hard and soft .-oaf. all grades• delivered to sly pan of the loan on short notice. clef my praxes before ordering elsewhere. Pity feel lard. corner of Nepro. and Victoria streets. opposite D. K. Strechao's shop. JOHN S. PLATT. 23-t1 Pubiie Nodes& THE CORNER OS MoLoan's New Block A1� It•)111 HOME ON WIN 1� dbu. fS0*uI u. n net. i t044, m. E1111111.11.1.1 iI r �• stout buyr clue ear. cid. and blacpeaked esp. Ail peeeoaaw brewer requested not to shelter the lad, as a take way be .. eat ,uraged to forsake his beeaa, !-I* ALLEN KILBi'RN. “TICE.-THERE HEINZ: SOME 1� misunderstanding with regard to wreck- age, let It be distinctly and 44 s1 say person takes possession of any Into '*reek ye and tai. 10 report to me 1 shall fir mer take proceedings. Remember this u the last warning 1 shall give. l'APT. WM. BABH. Revel. er of Wrecks. Gnderirh. 2441 rilA\ES. 18'1 - THE COLLECTOR 1 will he In his office. In r he town hall, on Monday. Tuesday and Wedteeday of each week Imam Sept. 14th to receive payment of tams, water nus. etc.. electric light pies. F s far We or br Resit. YOl. WILL bIND THE UIIKAT ESTABLISHMENT 07 A. E. PRIDHAM Gents' Furnisher, Where you can get an assortment of goods second to none of our leading city houses. It will pay you to find the place, for there in the best equipped store in our town, you will find the finest variety of men's goods that has ever been shown in Gode- rich. My stock for Fall is now al- most complete,and I have bought from leading makers only. 1� TIVO RZNT.-A LARGE ivrck fl boon ea least-st.. adjoining Capt. Shop 4ud'. Apply at FCO SI.ltV. 27-n L"ARM TO LET - -BEING LOT :31, ii'' 2nd concession. Fiat field Road. There b on the place a good how., and Inn. also an orchard. A Rood stock fan:.er wanted. A par or the whole ..f the rent nay be paid by tut - ung wood. Apply to J•)II\ A. SAF'rEl. (leoferich. 27-3t 141ARM FOR SALE IN EAST WAWA - nosh. --Parts of lots X7 and 3t. on the !eh concession. comprising -3 acres, beteg the estate of the late Wlliam XI -Donald. The fawn in in • good rue of cultivation. There are splendid buildings: well waicrrd. and bonvenient to good roads, good narked, and school. Tnere is also • drst-cies otelard on the premises. For further particulars apnly to the executors. AS11ITS aft IDONAI,II. JAMKS McIIONAI.D. at. Helena P. a 27 2m FARM FOR SALE -LOTS 22 AND 23, on the pat con., (lodenich tawn•hip Ileyleld Hoed. comprising Y!1 edea gqiitoaied on the hake S Hood six miles frbnt the town of Uo4enek The land is of good qual- ity, and is amiable either for grata or for stork raising. Thele Is a livieg strewn through the /sone of the farm. Fur parties- lers address R. C. HAYS. banner, Osdiel . rico RENT OR FOR SALL-THE 1 hoose ow terser of East sad Vinson streets. Apply to JAS. ItORINSON. Z31p VOR SALE -THREE FARMS, CON T Wain . 7 sere* each.oe and sad nth township, mils f ' " Apply to M A\N inset so prewleaa Galt L1OR SALT. -THAT LANAIS AND 1 nom hems at Ila }� n west at., f ELM 411111 Yank : • very desirable gHdwouMIiaO *date suitable for en ►'-further particular. to W. T. WELSH. 2-11 UROPEItTY FOR EXCHANGE - aa Perseus wWtfyy to eschaopw Ooderl,-h property, or farm Iande •djel.'.ng, for Toronto totl*ee or lots tea learn full p•rt�cwl•rs by applying toALKKCKSAL NOEitS liod.rleb Ont. 10.11 L"UR SALE AT A BARGAIN. --THAT 1 eommdle.s bendiest oe Klag ., Bros- seM, •t t eccwpted s a palatatip by Was. Smit) 1s on tole. Terms S. Appy to F. S. N('01'+, Beuseel. P. O. 0N_ f L'OR SALE. - THE FOLLOWING i' valuable pmpertlee : P.a1 of leu 7 sad d Bone selea 4. M.D. Ash- field. 116 acres. The North of het 31, dad ewaoeastos, Rest Wawaassh, warts. The strawe properties will he told Oil term* to sat .rehsera Apple to CABOCHON. H )L 1' t CAMERON. 146-44 Ualsrtch. 1'OR RALE. -NR. WILLIAM lic- ik'' twos, him 000M.1sd pis-heMIh. sin lar eels Melee= ores le the unmet Meas. nob. o.eeatellet1g d Mikes w�hir**tew MtttMN M��el�eeee laillt and ti sad wsimssggplgg W HleNewer J.11ge R4.clalr, rf ilawlMea a beautiful peat. den, stables ...t ell ereewry o�theesse sad the .tela is surd sad flaw tweet deslrealra rp Ili Oc•briet. r« part rk1 AOaiail►f BROW PROU s 4.4.4.r sae of the nowa d re lessers. 44A rine. the vee.4er's adldtarL l4-14 M �NMIi • w Y� a ectI t FIRST -CLAM BRICK HOUSE ANI) lerwlo. iWtten of Cho r41 Rtlttew. i' 1 SALE ON ST. PATRICK ST. tt.ast1 . lsesti.g of ....lois achfol imam will an tried a tat Overt How M the Town T�Atreet Ie. s walk fres Cho Square. w-�iiF N Oede,tsk, . *e 0.1+.....2 so w crest Waw Wake salve tbt Ste above Bawd Pa100 't 1►Oi1L TRI E fl�ee� Wrenn had . Y��. *tidbit .� the W�+� 4 W ����a ealltten 1.w1pw rear Nevar Wrier* hada large exhibit at tie Vet! Ti - resale Mt AM. en la ...-► .., b,.- ..,M.*n.N.... a•.... _ '. -• Iva ( even t lave eMrna eh. rm.. ' row tai. itr.eailn. wOtrressa. ( . set . it. RO LM grir prime at w TrtewaM xtibitiaa III�ERT °1149°74' UiR .aeearr A three acid w A. (Seek had his how tae flfllr Mgdiemlxr 1111. NO. IN LADIES' FURS have got the correct style. All I ask is to call and tree firm lieflse purchasing elsewhere. New York designs in torm Collars, Muth, Capes, Visite., In Beaver, Alaska Sable, Seal, Nutria, American Opossum, Sealette, Grey Lamb, etc. Youths', Boys' and Ken's Overcoats Little' neer! be said about this line of goods, as all waw inspected then last .1.1x0! hail to acknowledge that, combined with material, style and pm*, they were the heat %aloe in the tr.i'ie, and 1 trust bay this sermon's import.. tion surpasses 111 others. Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underwear, Ties, Collars and Cuffs, Braces, Hosiery, Dress Shirts, Night Robes and all the latest novelties in gentlemen's apparel kept attractive and fresh the year around. IN RUBBER COATS I hate n very large st.R:k in all the ''4 -inch cape detachable. Take a look in frighten you. No trouble to show goods. Don't forget r the glace ---ON THE CORNER OF II ' y1 BiNVI�. new *Iranles and patterns, with s and try one on. Prices will est LEANS NE A. E. PRIDHAM THE MEN'S FURNISHER. P.B.- I am agent for the Parisian Steam Laundry. Goods.est every Wednesday and returned on Saturday. Meehanlos' Institute. 1IODERICH MECHANICS' INSTI- LJ TUTU LIBRARY AND 1RiADINY- ROOM, oor. of Fist street ■•d Square pup stain. Open from 1 to 6 p.m,. sad from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 3000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leading lardy, Weekly and illustrated Pupero, ifitewines, rte., 0a File. MK)RKRSHII' TICKET. ONLY 05.10. R►astini( free use of Library and Read mit- Roan. Application for membership received by Librarian. In'room. ED. SHAIRMAN. OEO. STIVEN, President. Secretary. 0.4*4.h. Mareeb 12th Ito.*. IM , gage Sale. ` +IORTO.AGE SALE OF HOUSE 1 and lot in the town of Uoderieh. Under and in pntonance of the power of sale contained in. certain mortgage dated the 1Oth day of August. 1!ip twhich will to produced at the time of .alel.rhere will tie sold by public earths'. at the British F.xeh•nge hotel. (lode rich. on Saturday. lbs 10th day of October. UM. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. by Jobs Knox. amelior•eer, the tenoning property,vte : The west half of lot running number 1.5.17- n lne, in the town of Ooderich. in the county of Huron. This property i* situated on East street. nearly opposite Inc town hall, and upon It is • two-story fame dwelling house with kitchen Mtacbed. Teres and coalitions will be made known M the sale. For further particulars apply to the auction eerortothe K. 4'. HLVS. Vendor'. Solicitor. Ooderlch. 22nd Sept.. ISM. T 31 MORTGAGE PALE 1 or BREWERY AND OTHER VALCABLE PROPERTY in the anemia Saltford and town of Ooderlch. Under • power of .ale cn.tairned in a meet g ge to the render. there w111 be .old by pa►• Uc smitten. at MarlIn's hotel. omens. ley Job. Knox, auctioneer, nee Saturday, Dauber Ord, ion at 12 o'clock coon, the follewla. peep•Ity,vl. 1. A brewery in the Mare of seltford, Fatten as "Wells brewery.- The premises telltale 10 acre* of lend. ea which are all src- wean stables and outbuildings. The motive rower required and Err prott•etsonare *applied by a stream running through the least '.1: Selma to fume water to say part d haltoimp. Tbe brewery and appliances ars 1e good rue - slap order. A good trade lee bate dem* sad the investment le a paying and highly desir- able site. L Lots 43 and 4t Ie Saltford, a which there le • Owl) ham sopa a present occupied by J.m.. WAIL 1l Leas M.0d 47. In S.ltfo d. and one acre .f hark 'f' la CNbors. tewaskip• newtataing • Merywd-.-bait frame Anise with hitches M araed. Taves 1s aloe en this parcels le anwber or trait trees 1s goad heartier oo.dl- sloe. 4. pat SW on the corner of Hampton and Victors. streets. In the tows of Oodeniek. soa- Mdalsie a trams .ton with •w.11lwg hots.. *treated. TAM is well sheeted and lea cod besinese.Isle, The present will be sell subject to a "wri- ter WWII I Trine or RALE : _ Ten Per eo.t. t 4101.14 the balance. without hteee In 11dark whys p eseselea w.441 4 Riva. Then wad be • re- served be& furtthe read 'ssolielter.. �y 4 obtained hem GARltow t PRovnVOOT. V ataee. Dated 17th 1414., 111. said Msdlsal. DR8. WHITELY .! HUNTER. iJ MIN arced OpW. Hosea. wedeelo8. elf &ffirr••••=" ppeersm4. netsPrliorl t SIM AM lf' YSlAthrttsado .eldtear tack A14 �wyen ti[irn O-way�' ''AiPettaltrse etaRYapa. Inst et thSeam M' 211 Legal. 14'� N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PIOC 1J. ow in MarMlw Coma d radicle Ot3es- Oeuth Colborne hetet. !M2 U. JOHNSTON. BARIUM?* -- X4 @smelter. emassiesleaer. tr. Le redactions and real estate teanesrt ions nee fully attended to. 01111a --Cor. Iia:n,4* sed e4L Andrew's -,t.. Ooderick.O0t. t=sFq' I(otls DAVISON, BAKRiSTMI. • Solicitor. 4'. , to - Meas/ w lend. 4)46ve over l'o tlMlee. Uod.erfch. ed CAMPION, BARRi6TIR Fl. m+oliollot. Notary Public. et• Ogler -Over brug Store. the reir formerly oorupied byaJudge Doyleso C. HAYS, SOLiCITOK, At Ile. (Mise, coiner of Square and Wig street, Godes-kb. over telegraph oats. rri vat. Yunds u lend at 6 per sat. 1•Et / . ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAIb '. raters, At:orse7I. PSo�tr n.. Ike.. OM rich. J. T. O.rrew. W. ('1AMEK JN, HOLT & CAMEROS, lt�J Barristers. Solicitors in ('hancay. a• OodeHeh. M. l', Cameros, 9.4.'. ; P. Ila; Dudley Holmes. Dentistry. M NiCHOLSON, LD.S.-Mint LYl. rooeas Greeny. the saw Hat Not West.t.. Oodseleh. SSW R. E. RICHARDSON,. L D.& esa sad vitalism tit CP.. 0 Oases Ysw Msk. snrasaea "- tn , ()oitirlsh. • 11sUSIO L* $ONS. -was A 111 THOMle prepared n nYre laq siresN 1 W. =fines Liaise and )j)sgypaaew li MONEY TO LEND. -A LAM31 1 a0w.at of pgeiyaa ad tMbr heal 1 pbeww�erart yaleMsplC0 41s.eddotlh. own N reillnimieseassibilmst cM. 0....r0o4N*7ON, fied/Mt G. WARD, COkVICYANVLR Ji.Ik...sd nehtwfeale-erg w e .$Srlrrti•1. �opcaltiw es seisms end•R ttrl.e I. lir saeet�wg .1y .1110•. salt •r oewd{ttg la t1� Slpli tlsart ttf (a*.rt def App6a1 flan llttlarM M M •n� � er INvlisa Carl. 1JA e"' and a..s�s�p ttaseai IO•�••`o N aNres&-16aiOwca:l�t FJ. T. IfAFi'EL, LIFE, 41111E A0 • Aeddst A/eet lag Sena Beitirh t t1• L..d.. t 01e4: Sm - mina: tile: . 1* * Litt : .d r Noris Amwrt7.a. Lswart st1 rob"a. tPts ty. Ct00. w 2.ena Asa•' yieil party waled, ere. o WMµt & terre.0edriels _ 4 X600 000 TO LOAN. APPLY CLItBRON. W' .rat walla/ton M. ✓ 1eh. _ MONEY TO LEND. -A L141 1 arrest d v se 2N POAsem P110U lossw r� D RADOLipm..I, OLifl AmmiI• (S. ~: -.moi- -ioe..ioes sel.pge "0 .rinL Ham w UM. 'r WWI.a t s fewest reelell tetanalrl.h, igw be'n"..vi CANADIAN B4 HEAD MFIT114 (IAM SOI _ ftH aisT. • B. E. WA 001 J1OtrallIAL Ufl0lijlrt.i DSArTa IssUio PAYAIMUL • CITIRB IM Tlia bJMRIO ST SAVING ogpoIITS of 111.00 AMO Lips µLOWED. IMTaRfST ADOCD Is ■A004 Veda. *peels' Alteriusrs gay and Fanners' Sales Noble. I;ARGA INS BIARGAINS' BARGAINS IN n ►T`l AND SHOEli Cl THAN EVEN. 11ARGAINH in Moo's Boo11 j) 4RGAINS in \Votes's j) rttippsa I;ARGAINS in GirlMoss oss I;ARGAINB in Boys' Boots, �T.1. CARE1 \\•t. carry the Largl't St,,t•k of Boots, Shoes, T A.uli.ev in the County. \\'.• make the Best Ba 1C/ do the Best Rei ('heap as the Cheapest We Sew all Rips Free W.. give the Large*t 4''4111[. 500 P A i RS $LIPPERl 01115D ROLES. You will find J. CARE' on the &luau `i.t.'u►akers Wanted. PERSONAL PARAGI \ i tar is was In Clinton itlack arrived home .s i1 rs..1. T. V ides f u runt inn roti Mrs. R. R. Smith is on a 1 I kat net. Jas. Saunders left an Tune Detroit. T. E. Coombe, of Kir-anti .•u Monelay. .lis. Proctor, of Stratford, s,n Tuesday. IL 1'. Mueller, of Saginaw t:.., week. }' smeeth left on a trip \\" ..lnesday. I. \Veeks,of l'hieago.is tl .1 n... I tome. 1' Holt left on Tesdat and I et reit. rhe rector of St. 4..orge'i vhe put week. T. F. Barrett. of Wind* on Saturday. Mrs. lapis. of 'l or oto, r British Exchange. Mrs. W. B. Mathews 1. the oity of itetroit. W. Prvudfoot, barrister, trait and Cleveland. R. 1'. Wilkinaoaleft last ' rain -mug tnp to Toronto. Miss .long Shasmoo rete iron • v fait to 5storth. Mr. and Mn.Logan ahret Mostre&1 visit 00 Moay. John Whir, jr., wife an. were in (:oderich on Frids Mrs. SwafBeld, of TI visiting ler parents in this Mn. Crawford returned fortnight's visit in the 4,10 Mir Belle Shannon nit to S.•fnrth and London a Harry Black h•. return W inona anteing the Thome Mrs. Welton left town short visit to Brantford a Mrs. A. M. and Mir have returned from • Mr. and Mn. Rhodes, town last wsek,were the ca. Mn. ,lamierr,�R s her daughter, Mrs - ford. Mn. Wilkinson is Ret with her daaghter, Mn. mate. Mr. sad Mrs. Shoot . %siting the lady's sic M.Itfoed. Albert Raid left for 1 day, which city he w` .1.1). Swanson, B.A.. for the Qum' (sty, wig law stadia. at Oresde Mia. 1IaAlli.ter, wig of the Mass Dean* tJ for home, Detroit, es V Mrs. Thew sad fah Montreal atter a very 1 paresis, Mr. sad Mrs. Goo. W. flows= n Tuesday mersh.g rnr his timidter .4 RlR.heo lay kr the .4. bum4 haw.t.l w meetly al edea la oras srR noes er 04*44 lama bac fk yogi Me w es