HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-2, Page 2Obeli iki m* M. iii doh prune left►.µ, .• Baas >rMea. leers Ile 1 Mao NaRN Sy�RN.ystI ktyaatd• rt, ou U. i.atasa i, ontlot. t, tis,... k,or:d %ahemw bolds, 01 01a�Y.A HIED. IXIn 1 wine ef ober I.-. dbuust e of lis lo.. by chute Avestan to Atha. udoden. -AL Agci tali e K - At ti Woods by Priv o Dieu ED wOhep 1. Jam to*. et the re. 6 mot . en the e a tin Ord Re YTH. col:an .i W bride., our cit; Ingham. l'hnto hast •ad pis and wi tie%t w Hr . fair se w ors ce e to supe y shoo ✓ yell* the l'o• of the R has 1. EY. lxokttlt"1 ye.' in 1 IS horn" g iu th. 'gtobt in good h crit., ht- Mout :el. atly t. ate. 1'. M••1 y Eight t town n.icr. ily left We • was r, of c ani. e u g prop itis of ti have a. k is h Angus BELL a.•Ii:: f the tot happy v us wedd v, nor of Mr". _ems to bruin thettir[ I lady, Mi 1.k St•I man. 'rated wen el inarch w wen * ural th 1 a few pea. I R. mud M iriner finer After t when ! bride yelling wishes honey's rites at ate of 1. Kamp. gees tit .1 1f rs. e of th. Rail reined •'•+?ant. was throe • house l ntISIS to say his peri young p this the C. the fhe by the our ot frill est 2 rapltad . 1t was given for the bridge 1 e1 the aaaj•tity ul the omunittes eta In the report Lhot it was • voluntary ountrtbution a the part 01 Wesley Goodrich. A vulun tory eonteibntioo ' re u at all likely, u tt po••lbis it "a• be so" Have say eyes been Waded, so that I am not able lo read the Laglude language printed here, or has sum one else bas Wiaded. Either the majority or the mtaority of tie oomtmittee mast have been blteded,beo•w the evidence was clear tad the sery was true. Then are three a four other charge There are Clown's, Krowu and Robert May,each of whom ob- tsinel a position as bridge tender on the 111 urray l'au.J,the two first coot rl)uttsg $160 escb,the last naned,Kobert May, contribut ing 1125. It u stated in the report of the majority of the committee that these es tributiois were voluntary eostributioas,aml were not gives for the purpose of relieving the uaakerp of the note, including the mem ber for East Nortbunberlaad, int were contributions for political purposes The finding of the maj.xity a the committee is t hat •' The said (bouston and Brown each vol uutarily stated that be would y 1100, and the said Robert May voluutar•il stated be would pay $125 towards pays t of such indebte'se*. and afterwards the said tbouston pail about $100, and the sat Brown and Robert May each pod 50 for mush purpose.- If urpose."If there was • scintilla of evidence on which to base that conclusion I would not he standing here too.iay proposing to nes e an amendment to the report of the majoritt of the Conservatives. 1 believe no man, be he member or not, should he convicted of • grave charge like this unless the evi• dence u direct, strong and madmen.. 1)f course, we have • right to convict, as a jury has a right to convict, on circumstantial evidence if It leas to but one conclusion, and that u that the charge has been proven. Fortunately for the ends of justice the tot deux u direct and It u positive, and it s **yen without anhesitation ;and, although tt w&. given reluctantly by friends and neighbor. of the hon. member for Mist Northumberland, it appears to have been given truthfully and honestly. So far as 1 was individually concenic•J, I had no bene 11011 in coming 10 the conclusion that thew men swore what they honestlybelieved to be the truth, and what was the truth. If there was a ntrs,IIeIlon, it was only on un- important [[utters, and in no way affected the veneral result. It u stud that these men male large contributions, $150 and 1125, for political purposes. if you, Mr. Speaker, hail been present and seen the men you would without a moment's hesitation have come to the conclusion that 4his story was not correct. They were laboringniers. One declared be bad • wife and large family, and was living un his daily earnings, end hal nothing to support himself with except his daily- later. 1 loess' gave ev idence strong, clear and distinct of the subject of his own position, and as to whether it was 1 volun- tary ooetribution o r not. He said : •' 2023. hid you pay anything! •-1 sup- pose I did. 2024. Do you radar you paid a farthing - Yea, sir 2025. W ben `--I think on two different oc- casions 1 gave a dollar. 2026. (In two different occasions you sub- scribed • dollar on the re,Iuction of this in debtelnea" Yes." Some seven or eight years ago he sub- scribed one dollar and som4 three years ago he subscribed another doller,and yet we are asked to believe that all at once he sub. scribed $150 for political purposes. Mr. i'loustent did not say that, and you will find .m reading his evidence that Mr. 10uston would not have given a farthing had he not got the bridge.. What dos Will Brown say` Does he say that he paid $150 for political purposes! No. He w&. &.ked - "2689. How long before this heal you mate anycntribution to the party funds' .neral years before. It w&. when there was a protest. , 2694. Iki you remember how much you gave on that occasion' 1 gave t12 2695. The next payment was$I50` -Yes, sir. 2696. Then an interval of 6 or 7 years had elapsed before the first subscription of $2, and the last subscription of $150"- -A little length of time : 1 .lo not know what it was. it was the tittle the protest was go- ing on. whatever time that was. 2697. laid you happen to be aware all these years that the party was in debt for these costa. Was 1 aware of it! yea. 2698. A11 these years you hal not costri- F4uted anything since the 42 contribution • No, I had not. And yet, sir, .11 at ooce, on the spur of the moment, this man is said to have con- tributed $150 to pay off the debt of the par- ty. Even in that case, Mr. Speaker, I say it s wholly unjustifiable that men in the positions these men were in, applicanta for • bridge and recommended by the commit tee I have spoken of, should have been asked to Hake these donations in reduction of a debt for part of which the hon. mem- ber for the riding was responsible. Now, sir, the motion 1 propose to move w amend - 'neat to this report sets out the hact• ms gathered by the minority from the evidence u*Maitted to the committee. 1t is set out in tht. report : •' 2. That the said Edward Cochrane, while he was such member, was and is a supporter of the Administration, and es such hal the patronage of the Administra- tion for l;overnment offices in and for said riding 3. That certain leafing Conservatives in said riding, in or about the year 1883, as- sumed eertain liabilities for certain debts, amounting to about $1,000, for certain costa arising out of a certain protester, election for the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. 4 That such liability, or portion of it, continued down to the year 1890 or 1891. 5. Thar the said Vagrant Cochrane, with others, was liable for $619.69 of orad debt down until and after the pymeat by Hedley Simpson. hereinafter mentioned, was made. 6. 1 hat anout tour years ago certain •ler ton of said riding,,rie., Memos. May, Adam. Stanley, Isogon and Rnllock, constituted themselves • enmmtittee for the purpose of raising money to pay off said debt, and the mode they adopted was b'7 certain persons too said Fwlward Cochrane me fit and proper persons to fill certain hnvern• ,tent offices, the said Edward Cochran. then such perms to the Government as fit and proper persons to fill said offices, the persons so 1 agreeing to pay • oettain pries or Gam for mid .w. 7 That the said ielwatvl Cochrane was 1104 •,emer of the said committee. bolt he ktsew of the purpose and object of it• etisteaoe : attended one er mere o(it. meet. take, when matters relating to said offices were demised : meted on the committee's noes, and when penult's made •ppb.vstenas to him for nRkw be referred Loth, said committee for a reeewaseed• ahem, which he acted nos." New, sir, is that statement true er false • le there say isdependeat, impartial testi. merry wpm which it mea be shows that al• though the member lir Leat Nertliun.ber lead Mr. l'ochrsael was net • mesb•t ef THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1891. • • the minimum. that be was eugnls•nl 04 it* Mr. t:•athsame wrote is N s•o\ Mir 8iii1il sot la7 q aWen,»,kaew of the.bjsst and purpose of San • letter, whisk he was ►y W = *merle. to mates" and that he sttwded cue at of Amadei lilspsus to his salaave, w than r nus H . la that Wow. w - w !a tree re- to • fret to my, Mr. Sprkee. it briar the was ley lir. C•dl5M that ea the matter house vary ekes M the hen. s•meher payment of flocs the ease weal' be given Last Nor 1 (Mr. C.sklamel. kiNsdis� Suspees. The witses•Gaya that N'e hove uponin thsubject the evidence of he,Arusael4impaa, dlur, id sot reed the les, mo • an by the menu of Mr. Bullock, • mer- . bat M and recarried it to Herbert Simpson, a cbast adet ing in tvillage where the hon. Harbert $impeun's wits opened it and read member for F:.st Noetbumberlaad (Mr. it. I am bound w Gay that Arundel Cochrane) primorpally doss his a beainseau .loss not mypositively that she rest" it, favorable, • ei farorae, politically, to the hat. but be Osaka sdd. At all wrest•. he member for Last Northumberland (Me MIA LISA SUMO one read it, and he got that l'ocbraue., and one uaturelly would suppose information out of et. The wanes denies that hes would be inclined, w far as would having read the letter, but Hadley Simpson w,x40s be coasteut with his oath, to 1 6 t taroks alta th s did, and he swears, whether e e. Wears, if he colored at all, in favor of his real 11 a not,u 4)es a letter from Mr. Cock - member and his friend. Mr. Bullock gives rase to Hedley Simpson ; and Mr. Cochrane the following teatime/ay. 1 regret to trouble did not go into the witness boxaadd•ey that w the House with theealracta M ; but as the he sent that fetter ur the oonte.te el it. report of the majority of the com•uttee is Now Arundel Simpeot says altogether coatrsry w what my juderuent leads use to believe it ought to be, 1 beg to enemies trouble the Hoe with eracts na frethe evidence sustaining my views on the sub- ject. Mr. Bullock u a resident of the county, • storekeeper in whostore the nim meetings of the clttee were held, and oi • leading party mto the neighbor- hood. He gives the following evidence : "2406. What were the duties of that mut niit'ec " The duties d the committee was to see if we could not appoint somebody ou the canal lir the bridges there. 2407. How much were each of them to give` We exacted 1150 froni eery one of them. That s what we wanted. 9409. What was the $150 to be given for! 1t was to be given for our influence. 'dill. Who was to give $150 • Every who got the appointment as thou oho . It wthe rule that thow Inuits should pay $150` 1 think It I �swkns ha -1 or ' could it se with ' Neo mart is the thus Soup : - 1133. What ass were yew to do ! 1 wee eg. nob she 1000 o.aa.ete woo awgrts- le•at of no atatonP seri very y Hadley tft.tpeo• to fat the stew. fur hiss, 1 anppesa ked bis the eapr.• pwrpset a etorwapily ow. sire d'tettesld 11 that 1 caiMt� Arundel Wtnpeow' may, a 1134, Amy oiler .wast ' From Mr. s .•id udloaa, mod did y etntM Malley ! 1 duu't ka.w •s there wit•, ea- e� .1 tet naso w H p car to a my h4b.r-ami•tsia may father. moa, N•• y Goodri•k, Kober' May, 1M6. Raw sues hod Is paid ! Wbo had yytssarwld cud J. 1). l•bwtos. respectively, fora oonetdonti n. 1847. Whoever had been appointed ! _ 2i said Kdlrord ('.•hese was He mad that he could get more for it. He ,wan u( .sob oorropt role sad disposal d could get 1200. mood oltioes,Gasotiused the Gant•, sad made 11148. No, no : you maid Indere that he n hs and reoomatssd.NoGawtth d 000id sot pay off $00 wit► lour bridges .4 ;that said °tikes were so sold sad disposed $160. What did Mr. ('oekraie any ! ole About the bridge! 24. That the prymeet by the said Hedley 18th. Yes. That le what h. told m ; be Simpson o1 the said.,.. of 1500 directly re ouuld mot pay off with bur bridges. tiered the said Ldward Coarse d just se 1800. 1. that all ` He said something much of the mid Edward l'ochrane's in• about getting mon from this ntam ; II•t r on said sole of 1611160. 1900." S That the Gad Fdward 1 oo►rane did Now, Wesley Goodrich himself wakes sol present Mneme as • witness u his own behalf beton your uommitt,s, and did met • pledge he. sib to the a isle lewd of a stogie statement wads before your oommittee by rosy of the wit tape examined before them. 2b. That all said appointees are pout men, although strong Conservatives ; some 01 them never gave a cent dor political pur poems sad, a the rest, ane gave more than 13 each for such purposes for years prow to the payment a said Gauss. 27. That all the wasters. who appeared and gave 'midmost before your committee appeared to your omemittes to be man of truth and disarms a speaking the truth, w far u they knew ; and thyro dos cot ap pear to be any ground for doubting the credibility of any one of them. 28. That selling or di�ssppoosoiinngg of oaks for a money or other 000104 ration u highly improper Gad de; end the part were wa.. 2516. Did you say that the committee met thein after the store was closed ! Ye. 2517. A Mr. Cochrane was there when the commit met ' Ys. 2518. For t whole of the time !--No ; not when they re meeting. 2519. Oh, wish did he conte in ter - wards " Ys . he me un after the com- mittee mart. 2544. Where did ilsk committee transact it. business u, the stone.' 1 believe et was right In the open store. ' 252.5. Bight in there in the main part of the store • les. 2526. And that is where Mr. Cochrane came ! Yes. 2527. Mr. Cochrane was in there with the o1 the Yes : but he eau not committee'• committee. 2529. You have sworn that Mr. Cochrane was there! Ys. 2530. And you lave sworn that he was there while the committee were there 1'es ; that's true. 2548. 1 mean the committee. ''hat bee - 4s .aid the committee do that night They talked over differen, questions about the bridges. 2549. How long did Mr. Cochrane retrain! -As far as my knowledge goes, he old not remain very long. 2554. 1 suppose the discussion was gc.ing cn while he was there` The discussion was going on. Yea 2565. The talk about the bridges was go- an on while be was there' Ye* 2556. You were talking about the men who would get the appointments and the amounts they were to pay . C'ertainly. 1040. You did tell Mr. Cochrane that Hadley Simpson gave $200 ` -Vet. 1041. How.lottg after this was it I .lo not know. 1042. Would it be a week' -- It might... That is part of the evidence, anti only part of the evidence, Mr. Speaker, that shows the connection between the hon. member for Fast Northumherland and this committee, a committee recognized by hien, • committee not appointed by him but whose functions were well known to him : a conn ittee to which he refers, according to the evidence as it appears in the testimony submitted to Parliament. an.1 to which he referred every single applicant for an office of the Murray Canal. I shall not deal with all the charges because 1 feel they are too lengthy and would take up too much time, Ann 1 will leave that to other ventlemen who may speak after me. I shall, however, refer to the ch.e of Hedley Simpson. As i have mentiosod, the charge with respect to him was that he was appointed lighthouse keeper at Pre.qu'lale 1 Dint, and that in consideration of his being w Appointed he paid the sou of 1200. That might all he, and the hon. member for Fast lorthumber- tan.: nut Ica implicated ; that might all be and the hon. member for Fest Noxthumber "309. 1 ask you if you bad any ooav0401 a•e of similar language on the same sub- title with Mr. Cochrane, the member, in n- Tact gird to the appointment of Mr. Hadley "3691. You have just told me, I think, Simpson to a position of lighthouse kenpar t Prequ'We' Welhalong in March I think I thiek his father died iu October, and I gave him • letter from Mr. Cochrane. 310. lid you sea that letter " No, 1 saw the letter but I did wt know what was in it. I could sot tell you what was w it. 311. Was that letter read in your pros enue ! -I don't know as it was. I don't think it was ; 1 could not swear positively, It is quite • while ago. 312. Del Mr. l'ochres tell you what was in the letter " He told me it was osaearn- irtg the lighthouse, and wanted to know if 1 would send the letter to Mr. Hadley Simp- son, for him to come and see him. that you told Mr. I. ocbnne you were will- ing to give • life leam of your faun for • linage • Is that w! Mr. Cochrane mem timed to 1111 that there was a man b7 the cane of King who wasted a bridge. 'Flea 1 said 1 would give $200 51 that aims. 3692 For the bridge !--For the bridge. 3698. You did pay the $900' I did, sir. 3699. That was before you gore the lease' Yes, sir. 37 . To whom did you pay the 1200! 1 pail it to Mr. Edward C..•hraue. 3701. To the member for the est rd Ong a -Northumberland !- Yes. It was nes ,xnvetieat for tare to go to hum than to Mr. Wale. Wade's was • long way out of my 1867. Yon say Mr. l'ochra • moat hoe way. He told me to take it to Mr. Payne with the letter to your relative Hedley ! - when I offered it to hint. Yes. 6794 11'60 told you' Mr. l'ocle• 1860. Ilid you see Mr. Cochrane after he cane. 1 said to him, " Are you got the letter ` Ye. not going to Colborne won ' 1t is out 1861. Now in the eighthof the of my way if have to go out on purpose. declaration you said •Su uestly said He said, ' Wallace is going tonight with l'uchreue sent to the sod Hedley H. Simp• the grist.' The team was steatitic; in the sots by me a letter to which it was stated yard, aod 1 suggested that perhaps Wallace that said Hedley H. Simpson would be re would take it up. He said be could. Wal quires', in order to secure the said appoint 1..•e went for hie o.erwat and I took the mens, to give security for the payment of money out of my pocket and aakel him to 1200, which letter I delivered to the said count it. Heaney H. Simpson.' How did you know 3703. Whom did you ask to duct it ' t he statement that eau in the letter! Well, Mr. Cochrane. 1 took the letter down to Herbert Simpson : 3706. What did you give that $200 for' he stays at Whitney, and he said that he What value dad.yon get for u' 1 g,•t the would have to pay the money. situati0s the bridge. 1862. Were you there when the letter was 3706. And that is what you gave the read` Yes. money for' i suppose if you put it that 1863. The letter was real by whoa • 1 way, 1 dont know any other.- think it was real in the first place by Her that is the eviden a of theman,yet •wear.• _heShethe one who rt Simpson's rias wife. h is pentold :a the report of the majority of the read the latter Brat, 1 think. commits that all thew sums were paid es 1865. You say that was what was in the letter` -That is what they told me was in voluntary contr.butiow by these prominent the letter. That is what would be requires, and leading Conservatives. If hon. gentle - in order to get the • .. . ' ( sten, dealing with this question In a purely Mrs. Simpson's statement that she did not judicial spirit, u a judge would, upon the read it is the sok contradiction of Arundel evidence I have submitted w Parliament. Simpson's evidence. But the (act remains taken from the sworn te.timomy given before the committee of eajwry, ser ht w that Arundel Simpson swears that he took cone to the Conclusion that these were the letter there, and the purport of it was voluntary contributions, the rsponaibihty that if Hadley Simpson would give 1200 be must ret upon their shoulders sad not upon would ;:et the lighthouse, sad Mr. l'ochrane mine. I can See nothing voluntary about does not deny it. As to the prior paid for theme 1 cam See no payments nude which were the otIoae by Holley Simpson, the evidence notexeclel from the paras paying,&. soon of Arundel Simpson is char, if it can be re- mission for their appointment to fight lid on. It is as follows :- houses and bridges. I. being fallible like "324. Mr. Cochrane told you that Suet- others, may be nustakeu. 1 would like to Suet - singer offered him something ` Ys. see the Minister of Militia, on rending 325. How much did he say! --I would not through the evidence carefully, amve at be positive, either $4.10 or 1600." conclusion different from tb,st set out in the This man Snetsiuger was an applicant for mannnty report. 1 would like to hear lighthouse, Arundel Sim swears him reasons for arriving at such the li 1 peon a conclusion. 1 would like biro to teat that Mr. Cochrane told him that he had to the House the evidence upon which he offered either 5400 or $600 for it. based it. If he can convince the House -325. Hs bleed th.t Snetainger offered that all traffic in public offices ria quite right, him either $400 or $600 for' the appoint. or if he can show that nothing of the kind ment ` 1 would not be positive which : he has taken plink, 1 shall for vled to her hint told me it was quite an amount. do so. 1t is no pleasure to me that ea hargr 3.30. What did he sap • He said that of this kind should be brought house 10 a Hedley would get it for 1200. member of Parliament or anybody else. 332 Tell us what he said ` He seed he There are three or four other cases. There would get it for $200. is the sae of William Brown, stet I could 1812. Who 11'6e'• Mr. Soetainger. He sustain us), argument by hes evidence alone. said Mr. Suet/flinger would give $600 for the But as 1 have taken up the time of the lighthouse, and they only got ,1200. ('o b. House sutt"iciently, 1 do not trespass any tone said that to nee in the store. He did longer upon its attention, but will leave the not say he offered him ; he said be would other cess in the hands of some other hon. give it. net that Hedley .4017 gave $200. gentleman who may follow me. There is 1813 Kut that he (Cochrane' would seone see. however, to which I will just cure the appointment of said Hedley H. incidentally refer. That is the case of Simpsott for a good deal Iess Limo $6150 ` Thomas Fitzgerald Now, there was 110 He did secure 1t. This was long after, as cnarga made in Parliament that he hal got Mr. Cochrane knows en odes by corrupt means. There was no charge that the hon. nsember for East This is not all the evidence by any means Northumberlead,or his party, had corruptly or, perhaps, the most important : but at le given a l:oyernment office to Thomas .uthcient evidence, I submit. to show that Fitzgerald ; but he was called as • witness the report of the committee es not in 045 behalf of 'ham uutaining the impes•b- accordanee with the evidence. mere is O1ent of the hon. member for Fast North; timberland and without objection by Mr. es shown to ha. a been engaged in pets a prac- tice here should be proceeded apart crier' lastly. Now, tar, I leave the matter In the hands of the Howse, and I move this amend - meet trusting that the House will deal with it as a court would with an ordinary case, impartially, and without pont Ind partiN- ship w party prejaboe. Aunty. Advice. '• My brother had seven Summer om- plaInt about • year ago and no remedies seemed to relieve him. At last my aunt advised us to try Fowler's F:xtrsct u( %Veld Strawberry and before he had taken .tate bottle he was entirly cured." .Adelaide t'ritten.fen, Baldwin, lint. t Noble reline. ••%% hat .o:1 of a fellow a .l(skros!" " M ust Gan. i.erratc mean in the o or ld. Why he nen laughs at the cin -us clow u s Jukes for fear of hurting his feelings by keeping quiet. f/tneed's Liaisons' ewe* car=er Intens, WHY COUGR WMNwillHTi11 s few &NM of bay. Yrs& wvalet,* you fry =M it Mi ibs home. Ten ars M,ihp, y oar iris. .• 45 oww. HGasdy 1s so roe •ten as %lite world. r•sowaed prom , Mee. No heliostat', with route children, should be wlt►gt h. Scores a lives are saved every yea, by Its timely dm•. Armada D. J•a,•r, Northam**, Mass., writes ' ' Cosmos gratitude 1. palm N to the bey, its 1 have ved for canons, y caud, boa it mss d Ayer'% moot excellent Cherry lyfrom aLs1. I lead loot two dear c�drea the �""" kw :ad .moa. e iheyy only ` ste Armee w that by gnaw. thews Pesesail. on the AQ ., fr,�=,4:: IR Meg trouble, v,4 manias *abase, healthy Mildre me man. 4 "In the whiter of 1145 I took a bed cold which. la spite a @my Mama .o«..i+:.d w that ' 2g mo.Yts 1 1 Nes 11eal:dia s V a rel, mad. la a tdtert time, Ma ewe was oomphea. Slam ran I have sever bora without IW mmdldse. I am Shy yeas of age, woo sever 111 mad m. SAWS*tl $ geed bean& to lit tea ,f Ayer's Cherry PoctersL"- O.W.Teabtr, Salem, 44. J. •• Inst winter I .Se4SOt * a 550555 cold, which by repeated •spomare, ►e. came cult* obettaaSS. I wmm meek troubled with hoarseness sad bteaddal Irritation. Alter trying maim meth cines. without relief, 1 at Let parg a bottle a Ayer's Cherry IlseimeL Qs taking thla meed4da.. my mesh emelt almost tmamodleatid_y, and I have hese well ever sfaoe. "-Rev. Thos. 11.1iwmmel( Secretary Holston C 1 P. L of the Greenville District, M. L C., Jonesboro, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, raeraso aT Dr. J. C. Ayer L Co., Lowed Mala most nsekas -. IMr 11: eta tenor" (900 SAT".16eaaa and t nnit!wI •Y.7 . W Agusta. )fen aril Women. loa.-t me •sad l'Mnnmen to iatr duce a sew ase pe,star Naadard book. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The most remarkable religious book of theme written by >rIU eminent savours. N•.n-s .-twin Seery Christian sante It. kvrloai.e terriurr slimy Apply to The Wary efst raMhtr, ice., %awls Irk. Coma. al -19 THEY FIND RELIEF WH(► 1-,F: r Gmde's SassaIas BIS. aod Stomach aille� For Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Skin Diseases, etc., etc. areful prescription amt.. A11 our •Larges itis at all hours. the loeest. W. C. GOODE The Drugiri't. K. D. C. And all other popular patent medicines at F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL HALL. ✓ TRY P-1 t- tN sirast�ie le I.4 S' S' ... V ice For cleaning cottons and woollens, metal and marble ments, wooden articles, kitchen utensils, etc. lend Mr. Cochrane) might know nothing another charge, namely, that'4Vrsley hood- ('ochr or.. counsel, and he swore mom 1. about it. We have the evidence, however, rich peed 1200 and gave a life lase at. bis positively that he himself had obtained titsand the only way to settle that paint u by farm to secure the appoino„ntment of bdge Rios of bridge tender, and hal paid 1 • short reference to •portion of this tau- tender on the Murray ('anal. I do not Iso for it. If you follow the evidence of la mony that hears upon it. We have the- wish to nuke any n "alms 0o t t Fitzgerald from the beginning to the end charge I crit wish to submit the e.ldeace evidence upon the subject of .lameeStanley 8 y hos will Ind no pretence that the sass pair) whose turn I have already mentioned, and who is • leading nisi on that committee and hob a good del to do with the negotiations. Stanley says this : " 693. Then how did Mr. Simile n come to be appointed" Well, he was recom- mended by the committee. 694. To whom did the committee recom• mend Mr. Simpson' 1 suppose to llr. ('ochraae. 696. How did this . - .ion cane from the committee to Mr. Cochrane • Verbally, 1 suppose 696. Then. if verbally, who talked! )Ir. Cochrane happened to be in town, i • and they told him. 702. But you think you did see him in regard to the appointment of Mr. Hedley Simpson, after all this money was paid" 1 don't know whether it wee before or after, 703. But •t all evens, either nefore or after, you did see Mr. ('ochres 1 Yes : 1 may have seen him b efoue or after, but 1 don't know. 714. Ihd Mr. Cochrane know anything shout the payment of this money • 1 don't think he did at the time. 715. Well, when did he 1 think it was some time after. 716. How long after • 1 cannot tell you. 717. How did he come to know it • 1 don't know bet what 1 told him myself. 718. You might have told him yonraelf • I think i did. 720. How long afterwarrds' 1 ,.want tell you. 721. Before the appointment was made! 1 cannot tell you whether It was before or after. 792 Inst you do remember now that you had • oo.warsatio• with Mr ('oehraae, and Mr. O.chrase knew from you that the 1900 were pa141 • 1 dm's may that. 1 oar 1 may hare had Indere or : 1 don't resew There is the evidence given before the committee by • friend and supporter of Mr. Dethrone that aot mly was this .law, bat ',e►raN was cog a the fad Mrw . g At Mr. Stanley's hotel. given in support of it by the sworn wit- ,m a purely voluntary contribution. is. tans, all of whom were supporters of the fact yor moat come u, the ..Yn1111m.n that hon. gentlemen oo.ite and friends of the it eau given solely for the purpose of ob. hon. member for East Northumberland. 1 ming the position of bridge Leader. There may Gay, in fairness to myself, that 1 am te also the evidence of Robert May, who only quoting those portions of the evidence obtained the position of bridge tender on which have • direct bearing on the case, as paying $125. As he was a brother of one of some portions were wholly irrelevant. On the committee, he gut the bridge at *25 that charge Arundel Simplon seen as ' lea then the ruling price. There was the follows . sae of old Mr. ('lowton. who obtained a "1519. 1100 you see \Ir.Stanley in 1889,in • bridge without the intervention of the coin - regard to getting an appointment as bridge mittee and solely through Mr. Cochrane. keeper! -I did. The money was ped by him, $150, not 1524. Did he say anything about your ' direct)to Mr. Cochrane, but for the piur- gettinwgg me • He said that 1 could get ons pose ofpayingoff • portico of his political by looking after my father and giving him debt. Now, Mr. 1'louston did not pretend $150. to Gay, although he swore that he was a 1528. lhd you afterwards see Mr. Poch- leading (oneervative in the riding and had rine about it" -He saw ma about it. taken part in the political contests for a 1529. Mr. I'ochres did! Yes long series of years, that he had ever gives 1530. You met Mr. ('ochrane in Brighton liberally for political purpses. 11 1'es. 1531. What took place between you and Mr. 1'ochrane • Did he send foe yea • He called me into the room 1532. Where was this in the hotel" in Mr. Stanley's hotel." This im the same Stanley who was one of the members of the committee and one of the leading (:.s.ervatires in the riding "1533. What did he Gay to you!' - Hs Gaud they hal node different about the bridge. That they were to make some a tor fifty actien load for my father, and let someone else have the bridge. 1541. What else did he say • He said "That one 1. il. Vuelletine fwhos.e name that Mr. Stanley could not pa off 0900 1 lave net eatied) oorraplIy paid the with four bridges at $150 apsessaid •Iona• Ytantrtleosy, in .ltvler to seewro tet Slice of tender of one of the hridgss in said At that tins* the debt of the I. . mast the money to be used as aforesaid ; party had been redwood to $900, for which that the money was returned to him be Tea r""ft"" 111.1•., s s lIt.r 1") bled. a ?"1"4"'".t th. /""1.11 torte". It n m • • mote was • aid s•ewse ling to corse all the said positions hod hedie- urmlt•kae� Ease ilia•N the evidence of Arundel Mimpson Mr rind s1f." Cochrane .mid that Mr. Stanley could not The foci u that Mr. /amialstiar.leprritsd pay eft the 1900 mote with fear bridges at his m^nry. 1160, fee will" ns was to gut OW each. the psu. iti0f bridge-Wnder. it them turned " 1642 Where was that said to no • 1ul thew. 4)550 are meugh brtdg.. to go reed, and he did not gat the patina bet get hie wary back. 1. art that • .omplela armor to IIs ,tatsuemt made Ohs% the con Mihotin.. mom 00111040r, L it ant per la mama.. woe and •11 far [leek Met •f de hotly Amur Hoe the man who paid tae .Gass.. MStaaas• M fasp•s M tewlve • swoosty get the heft sad that these their amene7 pawl mosey ; , t rl 4)•j GEO. BARRY, Hamilton -8t my memory rives m right, the outside amount he had given in • number of years for political purposes was= or 43. Vet we are asked to believe that the men gave thew donation. of $150 to'1X10 for purely political purposes 1 .0 not is ieed to trespass longer nn the time of the House. 1 will read to Parliament the cos. choice' at which the minority of the one" - mitts arrived in respect of this use. Upon all these charges the minority of the cone slitter. canoe to the conclusion that the evideace pointed is one direction, sad om direct11m only, and So believing they wound up their report se follows orna- UtSLIC NOTICE! Another large consignment of Fresh Teas bf superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat ro n age. REES PRICE & SON. Ear's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. GE O_ BARRY' far as his reedleeNea went. that $200 was 1545 By Mr ('oehns.' By Mr 41006. paid e14- paol by 1119411sy Slurp s ler same pur Las. pass The owe deme set stand alers res the 1544 The member for Resit Nerthtaab.r- ...idlsaee of Seesday : the t stim.ssy of lied lend' Yes ler ffbapsa mows earvoier•tee lit. Ped- 1601. Did he tell you anythi.g mmee' -_ Mr. Skisisy Ilimpsu, sot pay withMidges tlisst 11/50'• ing tbCl- tor w this aimbetween He said, that Mr. f9kisl y said could and of 1100 fear Sells Cance► p Far emit. i4. Mass Its Uadwv,skerathe tees RsaWsateg plaid always met M td, He •1•• wakes• a Pharr, Primmer.,. Give him • mall Were ,5,ehrW ftaitme Morena• -.d lame hed a that be dove es be mar► -awes team r EALETTES, SEALETT SEAI John Ach For Seal $4.50, $6, �F $10, less 5 0/0 FINE TAILO! CHICAGO WEST STA Alongside Montreal Telegraph Offic first class clothing and gen Choice ready-made clothing. B. MacCO ANAC+7 MISS o,A.a w lnn:re r1 return thanks for the patronage whisk hes ,ng the past year, (taking .1 the meek sones and trait■ that the relations existing 6110 ,,.attune to be w• 1'dial ea the. ha:* been u A u i u V2N MIL !1•�• %MF.RI)N has brought from the cities a t...la for the Fall trade, comprising the late ad will 6e pleased to have every lady in (:o her 'neck at the old stand, HAMILTON.E LAwNMC Latest patterns and most improv( GARDEN T Just what yo ITOS Best brands and lc R. P, WILK ODDS AND ENDS. Ulan,.. Ltslsaesl 5 wood by Fb74 ela•,.- It to r.ipectel of the slate roofer that he wt.l gat above his Weisser. --New Orleaas Picayune. Victors Carbolic Solve is a wonderful heeling .omp on d for cuts, wounds, bruins, barns. scolds, boils, pilot, pimples, etc. "1 barge it to the Skits sinking fund," mud the canal captain es his old boat went to the bottom. 1amtos R.publicon- 'ill.irn's Aromatic Quinine Wine fr-ti• fits the sy.tem against attacks of ague, chills, ►liotu fe'er, dumb ague sad like troubls- The man beyond the teach of salvation is the next door a•ighbor who locks the dog to the stelae over night. - I'olumbua Post. An puirle seen./ ought Nei «r allow the bowels to remain consti- pated Zest serious evil damns. National Pins are unsurpassed as • remedy for ocsstipa- une When a man denim fiat he is westing • shoe to., small for him step on his foot and ter t0 one he will the corn. Elmira I;•tette. L1 ernes cause much wckness among chil dren. Freeman's Worn Powder prevent len, and make the child bright Gad heal thy. When • young ratan and his beet girl get stn a ,wing by th.aselvei it is remarkable how they will mix up eerill tion with oscula- tion Itnfalo Repent Itch, mange mid .eratebes a every kind, on human er animal•, cored es 30 minmtss by '1•.o)fo,d's 4ssitary Lotion. Thee never fall. Sold by R. Jordan. 96 Iy `• re.people are of tet opinion that bat- t le' •r• of hoed by rain, bat history shows that man a este las been terminated by • laid• Lowell Courier. !twat Thi are • eaten Nasal cert•i full c W I feelm R• Th effect mad a••d altar II po11 an 10ferkes free • f.diag of loantant tiJ•�..._w�._e.y. ties rslt .1 menkil er•rt nr ov.tv.rk, Dr. Williams' Pleb P111s will promptly oar* roe. hive theme • trial At prop Bing Ar the s Timm 441 head son, Hai life, well it's A fits ever 11 Vv Prii • fe Pal I hal tie.. Poi Per whi write km ens .1 tet city d•flea• •ads and b!agss a holism driven by kixas•11 Yom alesomeg. stile f. aMm ihaamm /N tele el t wo 154 k lis w5m le setas with • osw . I1 1104..E + .. ••�.u.: 7.-r" hikes I and " •tart o arae la et; •••1 OAP the