HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-10-2, Page 1S.
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VOL. XLI II. No. 2328.
*Newsy Grist Obtained from
the County 14111
t *,rat) wye.4.f fw.ee Mews .erred an
N sal. t.•rrTtMal� - rleh and relat flit}
poo sea 4 esteemed F, areal erotism
Tar a acne of tee 408.41 eros ei Mrs
l slllai• her ear tarsi eeriness',
O. g . s .Lr .. ALL . N E1 W BPAPPR FOR 3E3tTRON
It is the cheapest and bat
tote ° gettum the ear of the
04 SWAT • Iseee.
( (' anion of his glv,ng a Idos bear of the farm.
I N... kuabsrlyd. Three or aur "°
the day
w.. pr the
w keoe ne. lb. THE
CASE OF COCHRANE. (earvativys 1 aunt owned hooYgghiswife to b Obadiah �Simpou and
prisoner to show that MtsY i• Wimglmse mitts* btedm0es i the mode filled both al
the -1aV um which the ( woe aYttt" y
Oe1Nry i l fur that rpso•e, aarcnl g lou
,Genre Kee • in cash • he fin -
ay tx the debted es roue money these conditions. Now, the find-
y, pay elf that Inde . and
. ' is of the worsen of the committee upon
aro rejected by the )edge. Mr. that was wdoiste Pu
!1g{ berg w the .rideo.ie, was by Lenthektug ie that pots, m ea fo w• .
ec ed to discharge the Belling Government On1et114 for the That the only evwlat.vl which goes to•
er and remanded hen for extradition.
irn Funds.
HE w AsN'T .a tool_ Lad but w
Touching the theory that Sir Hector was •IwU.e -levet u
-either a rogue or a fool, it may le remarked tour a five purltioa upon bridge,
putt of such a
1 Murry Canal, and by thin lighthouse atthe it s as the ens J eves
• d one Arundel R.Simpoe,
that he was for years a winner in Quebec �the Mtnuter s,1 Justine was •ppetaed 10
p,elt1eu.. • echuel int which there are nu hut recused w interfere. Mr. Murdock, for
pass tar Hoole. T�ro to l'elegraar. the last mouth, has been in the States get-
ting copies of the papers m the metier end
The truth u earning out. It was not working up new evidence. On his return
F:rsatua \robs thin supplied feuds to the to Tonne, le received • telegram frrxa the
Refer -users for election purposes. It toss Minster of Justice, saying he could no
Naw \ ork printing prem man ufen uteri lo°grr delay the issue of the warrant and
that suleenloel Wwkre boodle to ualutaw that it would be sent w Toronto that night.
the Old flan, the Old Flag and the Old An application was untie to Chief Justice,
Pultcy. Hamilton Timex Galt end a new writ of halxa.c urpus untied,
A?,erllEk 1...4.7.111- v Ir.e returnable Monday.
In the meanhnne, he s •hear Mr- Meyers of \Winghaui appeared Willi
WY y penal \I r. Murdock for the prisoner, while the firm
ty for his share in the "netters which were „(1'ururdry ocunther ep isonelof the pt,.sacu-
1\. lygpol%l, 4'Ii te0t, had the muter (,.r sn long a time under investigation. He flan. 'Detective t'ud�y •tteudelcourt with
tw t, break his bitty As mostly. dui Iwx•n oblige 1, rhea r long ammo dutiu t:arlwtt,the tivet' r,auddets'Uve Luaas,the
,,tl.m Head Kind of Ripley, has ,,kart guieliet .aura, ir rrugu hu .eat r tilt Arneriewn dett�.•tive who is w Turont e te take
phew int T. Kendall at the stat cup at (al.tnrt and t.. virtually tom into private (:Kash, back. was an arteuuve listener.
Ida The retribution ..,old stereo) Incce The or anent was much the sane u on
Premix -Isle I'utut. hu .cntmitlw
'net was
DEAL. 1 the }tote of a perms nat»ed Kapott ; this and the committee find, for reason&hest
I.matanttes, acoordieg to printed documents known to the oonnmittae, that the evidence
h evident,"disposed of .1,. light- .( Arundel Simpsou u not to be believed.-
it p I was
the member for Kest N dile witness. Now, whether fortunately
-4 "b"".4 e'.�pltrip dated 1tte)e•4 a .•ogrurant of that is another question and de or up 1 know not and .are lot.
e -ow* 'b. Nor. -.,mares ponds eutirely upon the evidence submitted
were rlu4ered-O'atnpelaa reads tow' w the committee, and now in the h& ` �uof but the
ge df ac notremains
rest all the
ly me. thathat
sassed y Maerslsta ,erre eeriness... member of thin House. f' pus Soup- jeer l quote the evidence of Hedl°� p' dent:, of Arundel Simpson. if it lasted
sou, one of tbe appointees to said ot°cm upon the evidence of Arundel Simpson, and
"129. %\'het did you send Stanley to if Arundel 'timpeoa were a credible wit -
The following complete report of lir. (-oxhrsue for ` Out with it now ' For 118. nese, the charge would be clearly proved :
Cameron's able presentation of the minority but the majority of the committtteene1say oth*t
report on the ('oehraue ,.Kae u taken from i30 You sent Stemlay to Cochrane tor
was bee evidence ie ed. ofArundel
gentlemen will find
e Official beep,,, : chat' For the lights that the evidence of another witness eon -
Mr. CAMERON 111°ruO1 I regret very 133. I atm going to ink you, had you not firma the story told by
Arundeloubt Simat ipson,
and other
louse position for •cWn*d.rstiun. Whether In other words that he was not • ered-
Ttar rare. In she Case Admiral!"
iuun. Master's creek, been severer d he hal even lge.l guilty. Ile former motion to discharge, Mr. Mur•
Th• 1,.;,(,le which ap•a much that the horn. gentleman who has an interview about the getting of thin beyemt w roasona
YieT11, has been eu.langereet by the recent London Free Press. dock enitendlug that he lied now before the moved thin to.odutia. has mut soon lit t° ix- app,oiatmeut when you gave chase notes ` evidence of Wesley Goodrich lumself. He
quails." w t. -t n U. i1-ah"1 i.,i n.t:t vac. court .utheient to rams the .tuesti,rt of idea- was put in the *7100.5 1,,.x end he detailed
eluiley and tenet Sir Hector lattgevin, ell.. was ear •luhu City of the prisoner, and he asked the learn- plain the reasons to the House why he l ertainly.
Detroit, where her husband Mealomild's lieutenant an•i would have .d judge to receive affidavits on this point. stakes thea motion. The papers were only 134. You had in view the getting of the the awry Y he understmet it. Among other
ase appointment when yon gave the note. '. things he says
mplo*,.1 been hu soccenior Iwo tint the scandals at The copy of the indictment produc t 60 -omitted to i'•rlisn,cut last night, the eve- , You have kat told rte, 1 think, that
did f d.y'. teuebe ineutiveniently app, I, has been charges our •tames Huutly with .owuu d t were only distributed out 139 Y
the forger on March 12 last, w
*kaon, Morns. Ic a 5'xw err, \\'cul. o0 have given the notes you told Mr. Cochrane you were willing to
tit, p, wising 2<) lords of cat", 131 ,,, office for twenty years, and alnure all the ting p, yal d
while the
•° repot we j shout getting night ; and 1 venture w say- that very few without some
mg ht g give •life lease of your term for a bat ge .
clar¢es g • \\'ell 1 do not under- u that s, • -Mr. Cm:braise ,mentioned to me
•st twee• time at the heal m( the Public t4 arks lie- information ire ora .lu.lge organ
op,. u, tar load.
Jabs Please lett at The ('lma,n Nee Fra pertinent, which 1s a wtu,al brd,ery bur- (:•rl.utt with cwumittiug the same ,urger)
mem wars, • plum that measured 71 eau. Who know" how many j..bs he has on March 2.
hada in c:r.wgderence. engineered a bin time • Loudon ( Eng. • Star- !loth sides expressed dis•ppruletion et
Jan Comm, of McKillop township, hu,-..I.tt. •e .,r.. the way the t'aaduu Department of Jus -
s fortune, left hem by a •• is it tote tolerated, Mr. speaker, in a ,ice had conducted this Rutter, Mr. Mur-
heir t rive in dock pointing out that the American auth-
seslthr relent a to .l Intoes young awmtry for one mumu,, that .nap orities guarded much more jealously the
vs,. Meilltaill and Sates. Taylor `,int on who u a member of a 1:oyerttmemt nay en mines
u( subjects than did the usy the
aryl "Ailed tours fotoe beeches of ter a conspiracy with contractor* to roe authorities and rxpre*Ipg it as his belief
„lusgHe m '+ hours for A.Roe. 1\inglwu. the country t Why, the verdict of the that one of the mate masers why .be
\ how ►elrwgintg to \\'m. 1\'wish, creta country wit be ' No.' 1 have end over warrant of commitment hal been named by
:ra:nar an.1 builder, ltelgrave, while stand the evidence carefully, very carefully, aced 1 the Ottawa authorities use the receipt int
VA: a tile atSblr recently, woo struck by have come to the medium.a, that vim cru- pe n at the hod ei which wyptesred a
!lithium( and ,wtattUy killed. nut pos•ibdy acquit Sir Hector langetim of ithogra oh of the American eagle and that
Andrew l:uveuhxk, d Wwthrup, had the either one of two thing!', that he is corrupt the 5 " ,word before it.
ant h hand h "r he is •a iml.eeik. i 1010 'au°°t get over After a lengthy argument the prisoner
i onttul,e to socuder, 001001 m ton that Nseh.d. Pham harem to the Dome was remanded to jail to be rguu pnrdoae.d
a epeft, severest; if f rel artrna., one
„ f t ou.uwa.
u,epacu.+tiug himself for work for some before His Lordship on Munlay next at 11
rxr. °voce rx.tver. rolrl.t�AUA. A.w . when judgement will be delivered.
Jt Nor can •n the he sex tet from Mr.
John \I"unry has been appointed 1.44 .\t.iott. the f renlier. He war in the (an-
r:krt.,; t..r Nims town+hip our 1l�1. He I p •,fit swindle with M.c.lextald sad
,i.ow bin work well and gets the moue) with a 1sa a. (rk ow OCs otos - ., . ] the no. .
net ,ouch bother. He gets 1185 for the work Icwmltev,n. 1'.esda Kau o.ly hope 1" entn•n justify, the ,cadence which lest me to au psi.
\When you gave the notes how did dotted to me that there was a man by the
.pwtr herself from p.htical corruption by )these,, Mary Kai Adds darns kit on 1 ) you expect to pay for therm` -I expected to name of K who wanted a bridge.
sa: rutty the mems)• o,auguraling a new system under new mete. Tuesday last on • visit to their aunt, Mrs. entirely different conclusion to that at King Ik l.ty.. McK,rnsie, ton of revs Mc
Die policy o1 protection - in most agues l'lifford, at Louisville, Kentucky, and which the majority of the committee has p•y for them out of the salary 1 got fur the Then 1 raid j would gine $200 at that
Grade. at 1Wisghain, who passel hes sex cart thr",1gh t•. put money in Tory friends m l'inc:asti, Ohio. arrival. 1 bate read the report of the lighthio,ese. titre.
....awl • a as M. D. 1,1 Tor.x,to, th,. c attled t err, p,,kcts mart be reversed, \1'htlr Lewin Stewart, of Ileumilkr, was
majority, and 1 have read the evidence 144. is that the way you paid them' - Recollect ,tat this is a which
form:, n nue practising in Concord, ('.di the subsidy fraud* stopped, the spoil* and at Seafortl, recently he was kicked .m the Isom 1x.•ginuittg to end, I h,ach the advantage 1'es took place between (Goodrich, a friend and
Srnu and m doing well- patronage system ended, and a reign of legey a horse, ,reuetviog ln)uries so severe of hearing the witnesses, and marking their 146. You had not the promise of eke an iter of Mr. Cochrsse, and al r. ('och-
tint w, -.k, while Wm. . Symuntum ase pare goverttment b ralgurrted. Now m the that !,e u stili unable u, walk without the eooduct under exauinetiou and cr,se-ex- appointment, but you expected to pay the PP° he
wwt:ay; nes father, Mr. Jas- Kymimglon, of chance for the Liberal party to step in and aid of r crutch. amination, ante I shall find it my .duty to notes out .,1 the proceed* of the Doric, ' 1 told him, teepee* ng oft the selling of the
1 ill A seri the erection of a stable, piece
mat yea 1'amala. Loudon t Fog. 1 Stu. BLYTH. - draw the attention of Parliament to such did.
Sill A .wry amara *widest. A shine ret w 1n 1111 rt'etle xrrrtk. portions of the evidence as in my judgment 147. Then if you hail not the pnm.ise,did bridges and what he was to give for them,
crushing it ; niay lead the country to a right conclusion . you think it likely you would get the othoe' what I have read. He is asked by coep-
temis•t f. �: against his kg, -•ape newt corruption
s the is all these [mom Lfr own o until
n 1 IR expected eel
true^!y. curie -s of corruptral is the close alliance Tut `t,a'oat from now until Jan. t. )�:. for -;m this matter. I pnrpnn•e t° close inn the to
halt no straight promise, but 3692 F•or the bridge' For the Iwidge.
c�{ ern ..f Mrs. liridon. t lrntou, age.l about Letwcen fraud and party - tis. The best is to cheapest and Txs yu.1At. serrations by •
moving an get aii.'l'II year., met with s 1,a.I Sccnieat on I .xtlra•t.,rs air, 8-.onpanies nave to secure is the best. Time • alas tato. settee that the motion of the hon. gentleman 149. It you had thefbgbt you would not 36 1'on did pay the >b200 '. 1 did,
W ham h 1 butthat th r r • ' have got the office would you have given sir.
Tswdav evening of last week. He was up the .upprt of mduentul ptersoa., whether K.
. 'bin
uentl err 01 the House ►cave bad art oppior- the m. that them was • ran by the mane of King
amity of reading the evidence aoutained in stand140. Youw I wwould uld oe no, hese rendered who walled • bridge. 1 said I would give
these reports.1 think it would here been yourself Gable for the notes unless you had app at that time.
wall if the hon. member bad seen his Ashy got the office that would have enabled you I nay say, without going any further,that
to explain the report that he asks Perlia- to pay them" No. there was not a witness called from the be-
ment to adopt. This is as uultortant alas.,
1 may mention here before proceeclittg fur ginning to the end of the 1 that
one of the very foto caeca of the kind ever ther that this $,200 was paid, not to cash at i know of alto was not a 1 l'on-
sabniittoxl to the 1'urlianlent of Canada, and the moment, but by giving two • .eroative, and a supporter of the hon. mem-
it deserves for gravest possible coaiders . notes for $100 each, and that was one of the her fur Fast North 1. 'The report
time It ought to be treated, w far as it is stipulations made by Stanley upon Dom- declarer thee these mea were prominent
possible on the floor of Parliament, in r plianae with which the position of lighthouse C .. . No attempt win made to
purely judicial spins. So far as 1 all keeper win to be given. He gave two _discredit a single one of them. It is true
.v,soerned, I have no desire to do other misa.ry notes which were discounter by that op a minor point of Kimp-
nriae, nor shall i .lo otherwise. 1 may this James Stanley,wtnl the cash was paid by sourt �na r odnted, but it *0*Y0 sae min -
114;1... it. my duty to call the attention of *el.!, y• In l:ooegard.
Yarlianient w the clnarples which hare beam "141. \Would you hate given these two resclong • proper oora01w0ian
made against the hon. member for Fisst 8100 totes unless you haul got this office to testimony we roof :
tor theme -No, 1 do not think 1 "3691. You have just told me, I think,
�' , ' 1 (Mr. ('ochrauel, and to womb. that you told Mr. Cochrane you were will -
point oat. as shortly as well 142. Out of what sum lid you expect to bag to give a life lease of your farm for w
•[ hal no funds. - bridge' Is that so' Mr. Cochrane men -
a tow gatherinu butternuts, when be tehookill. °m ,ala or their intimate., .y oeotn Ung new.
hr e,11a tease, and utherwlse hberallf to part/ fund. •n.l grttin mealy F. W. Tanner has returned home from read the report at present, and perhaps not
b 1 p int cb 1'fli ulna t friend".outh at all as the report u • long one, end at
Edward to Montreal thin period Parliament
t ( t b who have se pad their cattle ohm week to Marile-
ase 1 ! treatment est fe the rc m,e effected tine terse \\ e regret to learn that M Maggie
( ( has recover,+, so for t the • pubhr. A pertaan.st dt difficulty is (�uame iadupmwrd. mens the important oro
1'. Sporting, int \ hdlg was arc be next concurred u,, t another .-
day on hustings port be adopted in lieu thereof. 1 shall not I the notes' I could not hare paid them i' I 3699 That was before you gave the lanae'
Yea, sir.
3700. To whom did yon pay the $•200' -
1 paid it to Mr. Edward C
3701. To the member for the east riding
of N 1' Yes It was more
convenient forme to go to him than to Mr.
Wade. Wade. was a long way out of my
way. He told me to take it to Mr. Payne
when I offered it to him.
3702. Who told you'- Mr. Cochrane. 1
said to him, Are you not going to Colborne
son' It is out of my wa •' it 1 have to go on
purpose.' He said, ' Wallace is going to-
night with the grist.' The leant was stand-
ing in the yard &nil I suggested that perhaps
\. allace would take it up. He said he
could. Wallace went for his overcoat, and
1 took the money out of my pocket and asked
him to count it.
3703. Whom did you ink to count it'- -
Mr. Cochrane.
3705. What did you give that 8200 for :
What value did you get for it ' 1 v of the
situation the bridge.
3706. And that is what you gave the
money for' 1 suppose if you put it in that
way, i don't know any other. Mr. Wade
told me he was holding it for some money he
waited to realize on it. '
There is the evidence of the neat who
paid the money. who swore poiat•blaak to
the tact that he paid the money to Mr.
Cochrane. It is true that Mr. Wallace
Cochrane was *oleo, and swore that he did
,sot get the money from the hands of his
*creaming w(• wild cat. He sea ` tnre n t w a) father, but out of the hands of Wesley
plume: .. for awe above all. the • protest int Goodrich. In eo far as my judgment is
r. quite IY manufacturers pledging t^ them ducted the services. denied that the money was gives or that the
4.,1011 t amu alter from fngkt. r. Y ul Inc of the rnuntry. .•\n erase whit othice win se•urel, but it u sac that t concerned, it does not appear to mew make
tar nommen p° ) long time took lace on \WednesL), when .. a due for •part of the original note, pa•tical•r difference. Goodrich more
e M �atunlay 19th alt.,♦ young man by the such haw been the mean. bh which (:ocean p cnetribut tin was • proly voluntary l'ae for . oomWe of the e,riginal note having bees any he went to Mr. Cochrane with $900
Kane 1 .i . (:sea, ,while •t work .we the bun ma, aimn .been nhrwi hon. with sett to• K. Somers end Mtn Lithe Wright were electios rpo.es. 11 tuna out, by the eve ' `
power .n the 1 mina Gator N'iagnam, let tentnirw•n• been carate 1 ori. And what united in the holy hood. of matrimony. tier deuce. that the name of the member for ...satisfied by the Conserv-satire party. He,'Goodrich swore that he offered it to Mr.
the ppats that he was dressing AT out n( his 'rink' of it has not been proved with a ter- beet wishes go with the young oosple. Fast Northumberland I Mr. l'ochrane) was becaame responsible for $619.69, and the Cochrane: Goodrich swore that Mr. Cochrane
har•.1 which left the served andthird finger* is• h • bottorrller gulf °sly The energetic board n( director have ups that note. not the original . evidence will .how that the $200 that Sim did not want the money and told him to take
ohk •ml>at••
on be left hand rather close to the knife, oto deep or .Isrk for such rating and geeLees busy getting the flair grounds in shape note which was male eight ani paid was applied in reduction o/ t it doves to Mr. Payne, solicitor for the Cos-
rhu h nipped the fle.h slightly. there It is likely the kind they have
and have ,bingo the intendnt1 nal trade oiler years ago, but the note for $619.69 which promissory nee. by just so much, sad by servative committee. to help to pay the
1'P•gnot toofor briber)...They to have the
WWI given later. The hon. member was )wt so much the member for Kart North- Party debt. He swore further that be took
\\'dli►m M. p sin, of the 12th amce..i°II, then, d they are poor a retridm the stone out of his pocket and handed the
MrKillnp, has purchased the east hall of the Is the lake of fire any too sharp Qretest a ,I in the county thin year. Don't
re• pa paying that not*, and thin umitarWnd was relieved from his reeponeibH- y
acre's p„r tnat corrupt nor age, blit (or t the .Iau,Bth end fith octane.$200 °( Medley `Simpson was not •cadre- ity for that note. The moment that $'x10 ,somal n Mr. Cochrane, that he asked him
M.i00. darn, *.*vin ieg� 1thc non tor the men blocker •to octant it. that Mr. Cochrane did count 1t,
IM.i00. Mr. McGavin has the hundred sur (fled°., blight past sty. • nation constable Dave, wrested thrsm tramps tarp oxmtrtitxitiom for election pQ�utpr,eea, but was paid u the evidence churl/ discloses, Keri re it to his .em, Wallace Cochrane, to
sane n•atl a this Dine, •sd, con 's nam•'• .sd who were trying to °,,w, inn the jewelry was n.ed to pay that note. Without say- that moment the member for act North- P
y nation y i au more then any pereen would sty in umherland cemed to be responsible for any take to Mr. Payne. Wallace t'ow'hrane
w•iwnUy, hien new paroh•� is very am- hop, • eetahlishment of le Metcalf tieturd•
rmtent to him. He Clete": + theaQ PI•^e GARBUTT FIGHTING HARD. morning shoat 1 ° cbr_k. After • hearing co�„dtnng la criminal cam beton any court more : his share of that indebtedness was ewers ,cleat his father .Iwo not hand him the
�0 acres, before .I. P.'s Kelly, Young and HamilttNn in l arteria, 1 )entero to Kap th.t no owe will pad, and the other maker of the omm- massy but that Goodrich emitted him the
and well now have a fine estaite of 1 pprr Tbat oertaisl is no o°stralintios
Richard Robertson, ed Twckersmith, never acre Chief austere they were sent rep to (:ordench na Monday find in the evidwoo a t syllable wbieh will sort' rile became raspos•ible for that nd. wares). Y
.h invitee stets 4M Nto •wait ,Mir ,real. justify such s find
•• the majority °f the by •renewal, or something °( that kind. which wowed deal sensible and reasonable
Ie .1 the idle, fogy. site n curiosity in his. stale. committee arrived at. The evwlence .4 At all even*., Mr. Cochrane • responsibility erten to e e ne to the concluswm that the .ri-
fr.1.1 the other day. ft was a petrified co Are (•hie( June Galt m chambers fall ratrs. Hadley Simpsai .b°we the contrary, end I then ceased. Then ,ban u anther chst�e demo, of Wesley c:o°dnch Ita1 failed. No
new the sire of •n nidi W. I: surds* renewed hi. 'attempt was stadia to beak down the evi-
eery potato. the Mosd•Y d Harry liar East Huron, Brwssels, Oct.()1 and 2 shall venture to trouble the Howse with s in the impeachment presented against t dense. Above all, if this were not tow, the
nae aide is plainly marked and raised for the di ha {esfexth, Oct. 1 •sol 2.
few extrsc*. imam that evidesce, end then i member °r East Northumberland, remedy,
Inks of w eery Hoe chain, e•idastl 0 w•u h plialteasetmtt, • resident $f 00 cghe hecmk,
North Pettit. 9satorth. (let 1 and 2 will leave it to the Holm to judge whether that the office. of bridge tender was sold to permit who could throw all possible light on
•hen ..r anmethisg of that *held. 7lte *tone 1mN. (Mg1ng • $1.h00 char*. H�is�t 30 to e►nt. 1. it was • voluntary contribution er wall one • ram by eke name °f Wesley Goodrich, the subject was the mwttber for Kaat North-
unusually beau for its si'a, Keel is • cont.. is aereemi k of sMrmant i .van yep, merit, and the amberlaad, and he did not ledge hie oath
tie (qty Bon Ktmanline. 4 1. 8th and 9th. exacted no account of the at in consideration of $900 in p
,...unity worth preserving. whet T. eillY detnud«I. Th •1•nd t- Clifford, (tet. 7th •*d 8th. prastn'l.lt• Pint. 1 may mantis that giving of • life lease on his farm by Weak n the i 1 Dor (•laity of •she`d,
Th.. 5 noath town art.conItl 1 Arty th, grand jure .t Wan ted fine•sse Neat \\'ewanoeb, Redgrave, Oct 6•ad 7. ,lames !Wesley was a prominent ('.m•erve- • Goodrich to a person lir the mime of statement male Goan the beginning to the
+ ma nifi.wmt loose Dart is jiRht, sib anent by was committed d'Y Blyth, Oct. 8 and 9. end of the Inv iwm. He win not ex rental, newt and otraawss.tal, amid hta. nn ,hal the Hut Marsh 12 last. As i.- 1117 five in list \orthumb•rlsad, andtnat right (llmedufl Simpson. Obadiah 9impeoe, se ei11L•
rum, clef 14th •sd lbeh. &mined. Counsel refused to put him in the
nth. late• - tin 4 It was r. as en that
Y ,int here tato the arrest IM Kan ager the ('artsenvtive party in Fant •ppeu� 149 tM orvioleteev It•d hew promised box. Although ,}nese s4ten,eau made by
pr°vep+ tieni was awrmra ,1 to Stanley Towrrhip, B• Aek4. Dot. 6 ail 7. Northumberland became rs.pnsihle for the 'tine of bridge tender apse ib.
fuse Winnow' i Co.,a, d ileanetcNd, through Hrd ,;.,teal• whn .1 while Tiverton, Oct. 1 sad 2. ewer $1,000 Mr electwin poi in menet Morn (anal by Mr. Cochrane- -en it i& his neighbors snot enamel• •sd •pp°inttte. 1•e
Hm ars Reid a Wilma. The gnss•s ,,., to Hunter s°�,11 e„ Done \Wroxeter, (1st. 6 and ?. then with the sl•etiest of =Zeal 1ww��SSa� alleged, at all evwt* . but Obadiah gimpaon melee swore away his character and ropn4-
e inn with it 1&at weak and tna an pssrw 1)t,lhnn fork room Iatwre. (originally the unmet 4*- 1,'100 Wes.& vary told tram, Mont year of cyte. miss se •stat^br of Parliament, Mr. Co°h
_ J r..e dirt not ase Ht to enter the box and
( .pd ptending aka. I,afoor. sd$e 4.aee 4afsrls.sm
1,t. but it was reduced afterwards. Several and it is shown by the ev.danee that when ns evidence ss his ownterbehalf. The. it d
,h,e(h Mnrnyh fa w( ted h� 4 d a Itrwdltins end a tt keeeupaw. Has e•on•ia°.rl sassy that to um lay of the attempts were made to wipe off that habil- the time areae bar eking the apptiatmaht di
"••am ,I to purchase • heek and 1•d Mc Hau otlea, el maraud t identified enbditwtee offend for the oily sure pop ity, bet they were unable n wipe it teff, sod it was thought that (ikiedi&k Aiwpae» woe Wished berth,, in this report that (ieadris►
h tool plasm the too old, bet Mr. Cochrane, in Ms Pre the Drum184. r. aril). Hoa wan -
ed e.. from AMt ter. wr ho sub eat se Gia boatel end painl•r Bore can u attended tont •t the time thisgiver bees heard the evideece 1 reed the sworn
dories 6iiingrignerempaniw the purchase � 11 is • •t Wim Y ton wtb Y *.rimtt danger (1 t elwsy. a.d w nose other woo el 8619 60 of that intMbbdm•e. still ...twigs whoever � sm °t Goodrich kimsm�f. Re wr
his a..aw R be , e( It .,rhes eaote,ed the w�i thin Ramie Peiolaas Corm Sztraotor, rsmri ng 4Wp end 1 ie asked What did you give the annoy for
finita der a mw knee ttesi use
had not got the other.
150. They would not have been much use
if you had not ••ot the office No.
151. You could mol have paid the note/
if you had not got the Oahe,' No.
152. you would not have given them any
wap • 1 could not have paid them unless 1
had got the office.
196. Did you ever subscribe before this w
the party funds' ---No.
196. This is the only ooaaaion, accord -
trig te you, that you ever suheeribed •.
Yea. -
Now, how can any hon. gentleman say
that this was a purely voluntary subscrip-
tion on the part of Simpson when out of
Simpson's own mouth it is shown that Ile
paid $200 for the light*, that he never had
subscribed before for political purposes, and
that that was the first time he had ever
paid • single dollar' On this occasion this
poor man, • man of Dolmans, gave $200, al-
though he was not able to pay one single far-
thing of that mosey unless he got the light*.
The salary was $400 • year, and this Irian, in
order to secure this $400 a year, had to pay
the party $900 to , notes. Now,
1 would like to know upon what evidence
the report of the majority can be affirmed,
or upon what evidence it can be justified.
It is further stated in the realm:
aria • hmtaelf. liflcn.na out their minx . i c visiting of the session 1 do not desire to
Mrs. dames I'.atton. of (:tderlch town of courts It t U ,hitt the errhpgemests F 1 I Watson has guns ,reaper open the attention of
ship. eh- had been ilk Clinton .r some tine made with persons withit Mc- more than is 4th eaatte• to n submit r ` -
ereong nes ice ream way are ffictt
m*. of the case ami
the ince which i conceive beam
sv'a •• a canner, o evidence lbw Bhc was rale w be ramoye.l b, are on crrat,.l hs- the fact t t the clot of prides. \1'n,. K.men, of Alcd�illop, was visiting . those points. 1 have reed with care the re-
!LOday, Goth ult. moral poilticun. m • country like Canada friends on 4'edueslay. port presented by the majority of the corn-
Jet Hamiltos, in the employ mvludr4 a great mumler of men solely
¢rut 4:reel' A Co., \Wwgh•m, h the dependent on political success or party T. K. Wright, of London, with his lam- matte. and sign.1 by the chairman. 1 have
on the is read it with flat deliberation which I think
s that
w let using.
left ,tin d three
wl etdiea for the mesas of living.Inalos il)'Mies ('rocker has resumed charge of the , every' man ought w bring to bear when he
Iso thatc ill uurtg, cawing tore, court. Eng Tunes. y, is considering • case which seriously effects
sin that nr will f"• laid ,nQ work our r couple v. 4%1E11. nal• Tu►:�r. millinery dewrtment of Anderson & Elder.
of weeks. Key. I)r. Carman, General Stiperinten- Mrs. Belfry and family who are lis ving next
• the n thhe e charges was tour. of Ppositionarliament.
A' the \\'estrrn Fair at London lest week• ,peat of the Methodist church. in •raceme week w join M. ' lighthouse keeper at Preemie) Point he -
TMs. Mc>,1.. hal, of Hulett, was sernl.m, std : vacant, a man the name of Hedley
spike the door of our Mr. and Mea. Ashbury left Tuesday ' inq for _
wended 1st prize for his three-yearein Heal we not better
but and c.•se twr morning on an extended cwt to Chicago •a1 1 wacorruptly
mule pty agreed byothe it,and
Fist N 1 that the position
should be given to Hedley Simpson on pay-
ment of Ude amount of 4200. It is not
necessary that the agreement should have
been made directly with the member for
Fast Nor. 1, it it was male with
his authority. In the report this statement
is made in regard to that charge that Hed-
ley Simpson voluntarily contributed $200
to pay' ILO election debt. Itis admitted on
I'ana.ban draught stallion, Sad 2nd for hi• Parli.ment buildings other ),aces.
two -0...r .rid 1'awean draught stallion: aim
rapru,gB alx,ut glorious wintry, .aatitu rhe grocery flour and feed business of
di},or1* for best stallion et any avec t..*l government and Christian civilize -
1 e M,:nday of tont weak \Won. Gibb ns flop' They have no such Beene. in ('•sharia Geo. Powell hs. been closed up, we kepe
thrr.he,l on the farm of B. Headetwom,Huron or M•elio alaml. 1s tot this an awful im only for a short time.
R'... I. 40 bushels of oats in four mwutee. dictment : " Brains in the shape of better A gentleman from the asst end of the
free.. use bushel of oats of the black Tar terms to provinces ; bribes both w Provi^f village got rather roughly handled in one of
tensa vanity. imported from 'ti.dl.a•l, ,•ea and single i,orlautueu.:ir• in the shape our tailoring establishments Monday night.
Mr Henderson had • yield of 45 bushels. if to (.r Intal works ; tolls taken for the Wm. l'oulton has moved into the house
McKinnon. One of
S.w Era :- 01a Wednesday Wt T. O. Government ,lectinn toad om the illicit he urchand from 1
daowrsad wif.-celebratetItheir fi9thwe.ldtag gains.! c^tttr•ctori: the ill -toot ale of men. ou P t will have farther w
may, g ,le •tor.hi for money "pent In ele:fl,xu, or in walk now'• all hands, it was not disputed before the
(0 lin s. r es not *0 to ream) prude P• , : the capture of - went w , all hands,
that Hedley Simpstb� applthe
to her together •B long * this, and bony support of the part)' organ Sd t.ed llefore
Clintonft,ir on Tuesday last, and by the • for the office, It was mit tat
are r, uwle and hearty 1. they evidently *mecum and churches by doles of prpr05ell A somber of our young
k•,1 yit t l.wg lease of life before them. distributed of to thein through their reposes-
w Wil red, this was phi. for the p8900.e 1
t h. �e ,timber 17th as duo. ('olcpough,who Lat1yM rn the Cabinet :the nwerfnlointer sem•�e•Dlgra now
y. they Inde enjoyed therm- ie secured the office he paid the tlTG00. 11
w..rks: 1. \\'m. \Wail, 19th eon., Grey, was orae distilleries l and
in their favor ; the The sacrament of the (cord's Supperwas: retiring in part • , , note given for
the un- este by special legislation
• Iter of " pup :" dispensed in St. Andrew's church on Nun- ' election purposes, for the purpose se of paying
mum,: l 30 he was startled by apture of ear pro* t re of the hole d last Rev. Mr Currie, of Thedford, cow- some costa in coxnn001100 witthh an election
the Local Legislature.1t a not
took t he heel* mai was 1 N°Of p ( of mamuf•c h has been looked for for a
1 he
"The said F,4wanl Cochrane not being •
party to the original note, and in no way
responsible for its payment."
It is true that Mr. Cochrane was in no
wayresponsible for the original note of $1,-
000, hut four or five years ago he became
_ (' tt a forgery. l _ � few weal outstanding. That i.olebt«laee� the sr ow .
his attached M b r atOte>rOa YtYss p and Jstlgs de t4, ler , ser wh.titmtne an eared jot - was .seared by • pu•oswiaerwy rete trade try ObaAah t
les hi ne hankies • fall art el es them. wed
• maws • wilt ret banal ae red aa P46111° a's (-)urn Retrad,,• BaH, three rte doer Pecesimest C--servati•ee. ��e�-d and chi 'videoss nmetaies it, that He somremd : it was sea fear the peiOMa
sed s new e( the Mat �ye�pma 11�8e1 �arse�'•� 81,p1, M his , Nem. 18 wars. *slim are.$ 'then by the sr.rker for ilii', .'WH' .y � gat trim bodge "on tea. H. wee mired Given Ise the *ridge He
th• �.2^ the �i►i i174 tog%... tM� w JYs�t' N" veneer.