HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-9-25, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBKR 25, 1891. AUTUMN NOVELTIES COMPLETE. Quo Oress Ooods Dis_lay Is Finer than ever before, Comprising the West M. and aoveities of this .eamoe. gtyTwed Miz Grsaite bes in new ooloringe,single length only and tauntrepeat,. �rese COlotba, cumin. and .al growth and SnElisb novelties to Drees Nat, Oamd's Hais Mesta. Zebelme Stripes, FRENCH FLANNELS. Weshow the largest range in Goderich. Harwleotue patterns. pLAIN FLANNELS In navy blues, fancy checks and effects, Plain greys, all the bent makes. Caaipbeldfottl and fat. Hyacinthe and imported flannels. Our prices are the lenders. None lower. Throughost oar stock is perfectly .o..ottetd- Lowest pricer in UUoderich. :Koos the arrival and 'narking d our Autumn goods we have decided to give all customer' A Sftecial five fey cent. Discount On cash sales, which places our prices the lowest beyond comparison. Inspection invited W. ACHESON & SON. TRUSSES ITRUSSESI TRUSSES See Our Exhibit. Large Siock. All New And have the latest improvement•• They can be worn with comfort, fre- quently efreilal a cure. We should be pleased to show theta to all anytime tiger. at THE PHARMACY. °;s os r GEO. A. FEAR, 1mx Dispensing and Family Chemist, Nediciass S.ee.mor to 0*0. RHYNAB. med.ric4 Out. JUDGE DENT. It was • pleasant day, late u Summer, in the city of Albany, New York- Seated in a dingy but epsilons war room abetting as the principal thoroughfare was • young man. He was by so memos a A•odaome yoenit man ; indeed, More was nothing at all attractive about kis ; sad yet, although lee reclined lazily in • tilted chair, while he rested his rather extensive feet upon the wsdow-sill, it most have been plain to the 1 h nature that be good tit•t was ie us iter, .d it never.. seared se Nm that he nei+t lamely aid im d*velepis. tbM Inds ...d iso. beater yet- Fred Doss w mause•t�1 moral he end narrow ; crus, he saw m•q •• Ammo " is the world, but they were •Il ehemene whisk way, w lar es he olid *wee std fM lee mode available for ihs ...N semi ee Frederick Dent -- i. Wm diverse htm.df from .0 ..d ale.. !sg►nr-.lehe Ileac, ea- iwwaay-leer home ales passim the mete w his Isih.e, Fred, armed with all ab* isson eery intsodmoucas sad eredeatiale, was on his way West to " grow up with the awes ;r)'.'• sMoe that after▪ noon wham the epatmtaa hod deUrered the registered package w the young law radiate & AWaay, and Jeep Dent eat is his ptvate room in the courthouses at the frontier icon of Mooch, haws• �mr�Uy he was by no mama cur thea. was . dtmetatl.d look ..d.wAi kis Wad brow, ad evidently Ws t=l1 were out of the pesaeaatmma ram��jsts�7 titraagely enough, the jades was warred •hent mousy waiters ; mad, ptouim•.t sena though he w.., he would crave Lett 41.107 gnawed had We p.etu.su or easy use Mee walked mat Ulm u oossnt with • draft ter to., hundred puuda Judge Diet was hosed JIy eanlarrwr.d- Hae Wanes i• the book was considerably overd:sou, and kis moth' in other dare cress was well -sigh tip isions Fred heat had accepted judgeship et the Commie Vias Court for the lemur attached w the pontoon, sed as a •teppoig •terse w more ..itaWe I o de w he gave up & locrstty prwettoe, tut, with hr mamba reduced at least fifty per and., ooutiased to I've extsvagaaJy. N stat of all, he caught the speculative bow ant lust heavily. He was sow, w use 0oontmon expremwla. • dead Yoke. ' end tint whoa tee bail) n eeded ready wash. Ambitious as ever, be aspired to the Cong e5010 al sot that was about w bemuse vacant, and its chamois for °Manaus the nomiruuu true he peril were exceedingly good. But to sever. the o oeuwtiou Is sr.ew that he must have or control funds ; asd w suoo.adully ouuduct hie o.mpatgm edema the other party's can- didata hes know that he must ham .till more funds The longer the judge set in his utboe with the frown up= hie tate the stronger grew his desire w repres001 the people at N ash- tsgton. Uclore the twilight wurged 5010 dukes be was a desperate nae. At eight o'clock be wok the Union Paci- fic has tut Kansa City, where be arrived very early in the morning. As soon as he could he west w a drug awe and toad• some purehe.es, and was back at Raleigh to faction of which the man was capable was lavished upon his sae, and all hs hopes for the world which now s and that which is to come were oseised m the lad. For the greater part of his life John (tent had been am ermamest or otherwise -w the very Iowa* costa of society. He had started oat as • street vagabond, and long adore middle age had became a oonaummate soouodrel. He had gambled and had op- e rated gambling high ; he had been drunk many times, and had also kept beer-houa,e in the worst districts of London nod Liver- pool ; he had served more than one term for most mesal reader human iamb"ad burglary, "Id late.* in life bad mem energetic ad willful w • more than been • notorious receiver of stolen- rd &gem. As a se ctor of fact, the tad he was little mora. r °win< 511 this Use hest bed ma5ntain- *eek. ,ince arrived at the years 1 legel d his wile Sad boy a y o tehry he but a few may' comfort in • suet nunhood was .xooedha(17 clever, and hadearl pity bogie in Bedfordshire. But tate wom•a died when the boy was oboist tom yeas ofd, and then the outlaw took the boy to reside with him. Just than John Ileac was a ngtneerimg a pot -house - that was closely watched by the police -sear the river i0 Rotherhithe ; and there young Fred grew up for about five years. One day lust leen admitted 10 the bar 1 New 1 ork, u le• head of his law ole• ; and tae while he sat a the window he rumisated regard. or his future both immediate sod more dis- tant- Just then the door of the office -the MOM esu the headquarters 1 the attorney with whom the yoeng ass Mud studied law opened 10 admit the postman, who threw upon s worn and ink • bosssar.d desk a let- ter, for which he called upset our friend to sp. The registered package bore • British postage stamp and a strsageiy crimped superscription, whose party prat- ed aal partly written characters showed it to he the work of an illiterate pontos. The starers was intended to read as follown :- •' Frederick hoot, Esq., Attorney -.t -Lw, 3,301, Broadway, Albany, New York, U.S. A` The oalphy of the oosamnnieation covered Tile the wrapper was Mill more difficult 10 deuipber, but young Deet m•0 - aged to translate it into very fair Raglish• Finally, it .aid : lists Faith, -I me proud to know you have pared your examination. You will bee gnat+llawyer some day. I ons grudges to more than one judge, but if you are ever one 1 will forgive Mom all. Now, Fred, Y°0 know that you are all 1 have in the world. I want you to go right on and climb to the top. I want nothing to Mader you, mot even your father. 1 ou cam go some place where yam will never hoar 1 sae end never sea ms. Some time when you area judge I will take • kook at you on the quiet Meanwhile, you m forgot 'het yes hare am it old sorsa with a dirty record- Yos mama ohmage Fuer rune. so I will ob.ngs mitre if I ever enure the pond ' to take • look et you. I en- close a draft on the 79t) National Hoak of New York City for fear hundred pounds - 1 came by it namely, mid eared it her 700• 1 bops you will make good sass of it. Good- in, my ma From year lather. Ions Dior. he surprised hu father by taking exception to Dist's style of living and methods of ff•tmmg • livelihood Not that the boy took any high n oral stand -dear, no : He scared d nothing for whet the possible result might hew his tether, here or hereafter, if he should mouton to fill men with hear and whisky that be might relieve them 1 their ,mosey or raltsbiea Freed looked 'sly at his own aide 1 the qusstioa. In a way, the boy was ambitious, mad he merely wanted his father to live in such a way that his son might Mod no risk of unpleasant re. Sections upon himself - 1. will soon be through school now,-' he said ; " and after that Pm going w begin right *may to study law. I shall go to America as soon as I can ; but until! go you shall have 10 b. respectable, That all I've got 10 say. If you won't be -why, III disown you, and go away to some other town, which 1 certainly will do if you don't get out of this hole-" 714 threat was quite wscwt ; John Dent moved out fl•rmet-way and �ts Ustock ock home oat d whisk t asy rate be dad tee a •merge u say wvery fair linos. icickeirm more serious Man r measiseal •• Mat;" and if the policed several Mur had set Mos so mask' o as w 10 14 _ab* I •s_ ea ent Hertfordshire M " lamp paik •iTstat4r t 1 Rotherhithe," Fred 9 here become an hammed ailiiei " 1 the eommasity in which he settled But it was, alas ' • case of Kilda( • dog • bad atone ; and it was John Den's .presimtion of this feet bi*. yesafter tbe Ro hersbith, d bad n berm relisquiebed. and when Fred cinema, w�was�• f fl ledge Asterisms curtly acknowledged. wbMidikip the Wier s m se curtly Al it was past basking beers, the roes( Mari could not ease the draft immmmdiaW7• Re Looked at it anxiously, than Anent it aro his pocks• -book, which he buried in W hip pocket, and renitad Inman. Not a ebug►t did he heatew upon this old nam who bad given Lien kb admsathm. besides *Pk R•mdisg-utoe y amd hit het Mod- em draft Ile *might only 1 Mosel( sad 1 his future, .ow hllmeimmbl by the /albs rays fresh some tie thousand daitam 'last the draft would yield kits. Mee hs hero to get besgry be arose to (o to *War, and bider* leaving the r Sasl'd 1 a line to the aid tens : Due F*rssw,-Thee batter mud mew sally to hand I tisk I will p Wand. 7"aabi7 win let yes !mow when T meds- to had better Nay V Iissglemd s1)1 you boar from nes. ism That isms ag he wrote, and tate mems mos 'kareeteristi* 1 the wriser-emsystryeam- 1•0. dwta n*0 Delano e•.e ed ate . wary bsar'i mop' pr. oaAA PP- Ju,lge heat left the train, • shabby, gray-L.rred old tramp with dissipated tselur'ea entered Haleagh by the volesi mi road from tan south-east,d at madmen the judge sod the tramp asst. Judy Dan kept •• baab*loe'. ban " in • splea�rt!�rdi ns, at the oetakirte d ft he o isH acs esmlaod daunt -who was 000Raleigh. At twelve and ►ammekmen.r aoiidl , was y sad the 1s4,s lsimtly 11t his boom as th It we. tiM he firms met the temp, wbo was loug- ing; Iasi asleep outside lus gets -way ; but, tbeek the tramp knew th. ledge .t coo., chs rempitice ma not mutas41, .md the j� hastily on. He west Quickly iy down the road for more than • nim mill he reached • ons-aiory�k mw wme- h by the road -aide where dwelt ea essestric old fellow who had been cos 1 Dmit's clianta. It ems a walls sight, .sed Aho window 1 the old mads sleopittg .pot" mesa was half open. Judge Dust took= bb coat pocket • sponge, which be eaten, ted with chloroform, and then teemed through the open window on to the bed where his etc -chest lay alespimg. nes he carefully closed the window- Tea minutes law the judge reopened the widow and deftlyleaped es. ped into the room All time be made set the alyfbiest nodes, sot amen when be left the hound, which be did by • door in the rest, then usunt red homeward .otos, lots.'. So quietly did he Neal awe that not eves the old tramp who had fol him down the road sad oot1osay watched him voter the window, knew that he wee outside • • Jds Dent mea tis ate ten. via Mt r•d's*+.. MMsse. Re wile is Ye 1i Fred Dent had put in hs teres. mote • little filial •eminent it might hive e- eoaraged hie father Im the tatter's desire to ce.t145 a life l comparative b t;ve rsthe limesi17 1141 eke wk, man real bmw.ta the uses, . mde,sood, mese them be ever bad before, tbe cold-blondal eaten 1 the writer d them few and tbanklem wards. 71e result was immediate asd dire ; for Jobs Don, es the very day that he received Iieone's cote. Marled es • career 1 drnabsnsa, is which {hhe ors •o passed mtil, cosyears IMI Fred as a jsdg.of Commathe Comma Plea. (bent in • misty 1 smit1Ns Kamm, and was • emdadate ,n reereesst his &eer'ie% is the Cowan ef w United State" John 1)50 is bis boy ; et it hll sdoshtfulifif Jot oyloved ed boy pommeled „park 1'm /aim. •Emotion for kis l• i tl or. 11 Fred Dent 4111 love seybwly or mireWag besides hirelf it less the lair, fY Mndy and practise- H. saw a i.e pint �el+� sad adermtood it bolter them a1mdll, is al the { .t '41 N 4York d the well lean, he mild pled as 1 W meet claques* m immel m w ono- • week, hew kiwi to remain is AI - A FINE EXHIBITION. WHEN YOU LOOK AT THE DISPLAY OF STOVES ALECK T DUNN'SC BAKIN ARE IN TOWNI!P SHOWN BY SAUNDERS THE WEST -ST. PLUMBER AND TINSMITH. Don't Leave Town WITHOUT CALLING AT HIS STORE, WEST STREET, AND SES The Bargains mNmptmL. WAIL The tramp was mon then inteeeeMel he was anxious ; and as the miupbsehe to hall an hour and thea to an hour be decided to climb through time window him- self and inve.Ngate. He got both his feet into the bedroom last as the eccentric citi- zen, who slept with hs valuables under his pillow, recovered from, the effects 1 the chloroform sad awoke- Two minute lair the Iwsotted tramp was tl.e robbed scads prisoner. The nett morning then was entsnd sp- as tate register of the Raleigh police station the sane 1 " John Smith, varreat,• charged with burglary ; and 51 10 • desk the prisoner pisding guilty. the polies Praise duly committed him to take his trial for grand larceny. Judge hent encountered no more financial difficulty in the path of hie political ad- vancement: indeed, he encountered so di4ioslty d toy kind; for when, in Novem- ber, • tow Comgroamaa was elected there imttidletely followed a. .lection for . joi/e 1 the Common Pleas Court to fill the pries of the Honorable Frederick Dest, Testred. Jude* Dent's reeigeatios was to take elect as the 31st of December. On tate 10th be occupied the bomb fee the last time. to clear the calendar, by trying the ease if John Muth, the tramp, committed ham the police court o. • charge 1 grand hessmy. Now, the judge bed sot seen the tramp Moe be met him outside the gate ofbis ows residence on the night 1 the burglar, sued then he bad ped no particular attention 10 the old sera Indeed, then As no reams whythe M should suppose at the tramp he i jd don seen and the tramp who had bees eaptand hs old Jake B.t..hark's bedroom mer. identical : and mod decided- ly the judge had not dossed it tteeaaear7 to motion that minor 501Nin( te an7 1 hie friends of to the *Ewan 1 the law. TIe jemmies and the court diem were .0 is their places when Judge Dent, the pride 1 hie Arty in eeneheri Kansas, en- tered .d Mak W seat Them the primmer was b.wslbt Yoe ad t1* mem recess• swam bias risen YMsly maomeset Aar beds rime old sgms sad hie sea ; het neither sieved by se soak as the mon- mot on asmot 1 • deal' glt i dot tory were esker them neer the heater •stmt, mum he was worry 1 Iia crit whose be was M try ler W ewe HE I8 OFFERING. A FEW SAMPLES: Red i pped Tinware. A Hand -Made No. 9 Boiler, A Hand -Made No. 9 Kettle, A Large Dish Pan, Half on Coffee Pot, Large Chamber Pail, Chamber Set, nicely decorated, A Heavy Copper Boiler, A Nickel -Plated Copper Kettle, =1 98 22 25 68 2 48 348 228 House Furnishings. A New Style Parlor Lamp, 1 98 A Hall Lamp, brass, 2 28 A Library Lamp, 2 28 A Bedroom Lamp, 24 A D►i ngo36m Lamp, Dinner Doz. Knives and Forks, 1 98 A Dox. Tea Spoons, best, 98 Carving Knife and Fork, 68 NEW GOODS Ste'=CT Y =OR 2-1.A.7...2.1 =RAID= LIBRARY LAMPS, DECORATED PARLOR LAMPS, SILVERPLATED WARE, WEDDING GIFTS�a BIRTHDAY G HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS. ALECK SAUNDERS, WEST STREET. cage: t 450..r.t�-at.y�a-a-t w. M.... w�dR, aw:..w suis �-4rReaR bearing prove you to have become entirely lost to all oases 1 decency. It will be bet- ter for yourself and for society .t large that you to phased where you can do yourself and society loam harm- The crime of which you hen beam found guilty is a he4noes ane, and the Court ham no hesitation in pros.wer- iag the *overeat penalty which the law per - mos Yoe will be taken to the State peni- tentiary, and there placed in solitary con- finement for the term 1 tem yenta" Thea* were the last words that Judge Dent rem addremed to hie own father. As the primmer, doggedly determined at all costa to shield the son 1 whom he was still proud was about to be led away by bis ,rid instrange tome: "Good-bye, ...a, mere the last words 1 to his sou. bet the acedw Net 1 boo Mood • tL hemi n permit ...r y i *Mrs (tar bier rilb * d aloft ma his by mom 1 the forsegspers. "Mtn • ?,..�a s► we” Mitna as MYr irisombissior ia "•-.seed ellatedt M e j)rirAra ItE two ere rim/Z. star the If either was thebe - der hither M Ho Judge 1 *) went 10 W.ahingtom, sad made • rearm as a shrewd politician .ad • great ouster ; hot before ins term was het ever Ce*Iriot No. 9011 --see John Deet, alias JAY* Smith -died of a broken Mere in the date penitentiary of Kan- sa t(Insrg'a Yianm)e1111 tlsaL The trial did set eemyy thirty trlentee. The tamp ode se delkeles. nod the jury' were le eniaemaM Mt • low sanente inn they bre!0M ma Is • usiseer verging1 ..(ley "Jets Soothe, steed cep." ani the Overt ..d assed sero Tat. w.M(�f "�'ses!14em amadmairtell 1i the lass, ewer Assisi m1 Med ss tope► •Triorser M the 14.7ss e*psnsss turd NEW ARRIVAL -e/- SUMMER GOODS. LATEST STYLES. Resernis to hes cleared met, 1 erf.30 sus sad showy shapes. H. DUNLOP The Weara'Paw. 51? The Great Remedy CATARRE. KEEP YouR FEET DRY. This can be done at a very small cost by purchasing your footwear at the old -established and reliable Shoe Store of E. DOW-NING_ BRNGMANSIA 1 YOU WILL FIND MY Stock of Fall Goods Warranted A SURE CURE SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I. J. LOOM As usual very large and complete. Prices lower than the lowest. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. I give special attention to ordered work and repairing and I have the workmen to do the work. E. DOWNING. - *oto Vtim.nata an. blsobl.etlllook SOD ME0■. OMl. AND TMs lypepbsplits d Leta ud S11i No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic s Loss of Appy. Mental and Nervous General Debility, dsc. Sewer, el all imihatima Adm for 'He D. t L." Eaeiios, mad refuge mil Mimes. moos elm. AND et PER sorrIcmomemow - told by F. Jordan. PATENTS! CAVEATS, TIME IAAMES AID COPI*lCIITS Obtal.ed. and all Metnsee in the U. S. Pa ten 011oe attended to at JtODER.+ TR RISCO. Our omoe U teit the C. 8. Patent OI - n las time 11yahoo~,ase remote tram WASHINGTON. Bead MODEL OR DRAWINO. We ad - eine sa 10 pateatahlllty tree of chat441 we We .' O CHAD1e 5 OR UNLESS it OB- TAIN Pit TENT. We refer, here, to the Ptraster. the 0.$. Mosey Orbtder. Div., and to omab of the U. B. L�ci t Omoe. Few circular. advise terms and nefetreoes to actual clients In yea ere Stet. or County. write to C • •sew a CO., Opprtte Patent Oso.. aab)Egtoa.D.O274 f .- FOR STRENGTH, PURITY AND FLAVOR, THE BUT IN THE MARKET. Try a sample package. QRAB,. A. NAIRN, Grocer. —EXTRA VALUES IN— TEAS AND SUGARS Fall MIIIInery! JUST OPUMAID-A LAMS (TOCK Oft THS NE1W E8T STYLES pr I.ADIIIST AND 05I Hats and Bonnets. Fancy Wings and Trimmings. "roan and es* us THE MISSES YATES. —For the eesttwe week. at— EU C AIBNE'S Cor. 1oatresist. and Square. Telephone Connectiou. $3♦ TRAS t 1, ose`-5Mtr sewn oo w •w 5*..L 4 t+ ew oar..weuseu m.wr•tw1N,w s...w rr.namr s. 0... w .....new .. 01 . roar or eeci t..�i 1 eves.. ave .w ..Aw *ado AM Mak+ or a....•••h m■•s5e ..• rm••t+•• era we �if>iw 4. C. REIT ails tee t 545. Boderieh Steam Boiler Werke lratadhh d 1*1. Chrystal 8t Black. 8ECOED H18D I OIIIBEBI In Stock For Sale: 1 50 -horse -power u p r i g ht boiler. complete. 1 8 -horse -power upright boiler and engine. 1 8 -horse -power engine. 1 48 -horse -)plower horizontal boiler, c mplete. 1 60-horse-p@wer slide valve engine, all complete. The above have been th 1 y overhauled and warren Bret ttlw oonditlon. Ready immediate delivery and *old cheap. Mall osiers will r.00lve memo wafts s eves. el. T. IL. pstlea. Resebe >trem/itf s*nW ea P.O. cox