HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-9-25, Page 6jrproMMOINISMOINEIMINI01111110100...."••••••••••••'^.0.^...R...r.r.".ry, THE SIGNAL : GODICRICW OWI! , IFIUDAZI PT N & U 1:.1. a 1 N lr 10 1 it .4 b{� w'rr at .4 b to to f fly ran ng' No. my at Ezell the im d. R. toy \ mrlfrCt snip the The 1 of Sag who 1 that I .146d' 1 tlus.s. Iiia. 1 tosh Blau n into tk 1C,il !1'40x.4 Of th. 1 wards total BARGAINS ,BARGAINS BARGAINS 20 Pieces Dress Goods, worth 25c for 16c A few eat Mantle Cloth , $`1575, for $1.60 ' 14 " ea " 1&ry r liar Oft ler$1.96 1.60, for $1.001 lbc. Ohambrays for 8c. OUR for 90c. NEW 000DGI New Knit Shawls, New Cloth Shawls. New Mantlings, Plain, Striped and Brocaded. New Costume Dress Goods, ONE dress in a piece (very fine goods.) NEW TARTAN PDAIIDS AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTHER SEASONABLE GOODS, DIRECT FROM GLASGOW, PRICES AWAY DOWN. We still carry the finest and cheapest stock of LACE CURTAINS in the trade. We are the great CARPET WAREHOUSE of the County. Biggest stock in Huron County. COLBORNE BROS. BETTERTHANTHAN GOLD Is • eou,.. .n Tke Int Citi Business Colleie, LONDON. College opened S. 1,teiuber 1tst CATALOGUE FREE. J. W. WESTERVELT, Prioeipsl. w...w ..w.w..wteam«es sew• .... „.. M w... I. •0110 T..... •.a ., I:.... T.11.10 etl► .-";.;:r aa.. .5s tar w.rso I• r• 1.�.+. b. ,►..ase sod Ike ow tem era weNwerwM w.., .w...... res• ...a M'1"" ear MI nr sew lee aw.•r M •••a - owl 101.... wiry w,�r,.05 5 . n. nait.as • ....a.. IS P l.ww.rat/�ne SYSTEM RHNOVATOR agn oTma TeeTKL ax.intml. Specific, and Antidote for Impure, weak and impot eriahed blood, dys- pspst•, sla.pleasnees, pslpatatioa of the heart, liver atm t, neuralgia, for of memory, hironctis, consumption, gall Moses, *iodic*, kidney and urinary diseases, St. Vitus' dame. female irreg- ularities and general debility. LABORATORY, IODERICH, ONTARIO. J. M. .I.•I.F,IIU, Proprietor and Manufacturer. Mc1..00'e tivwrtN Racot trop oho be bed from all drwrieta Y m in town. as well tee W the drove between Owen `.owed aid bssfortb, Bailees. Durham and Toro•lo. witty. YOU CAN ftAYK By purnpp..yy,a�g lour tumor**. Picture Frames, Wludwio rase and Vad.rtakiag Geode from Who dA U. 01111111411111. fast\. JAS. SAUNDERS McLEAN �S BLOCK. -I WILL GIVk- 20 Per Cent. DISCOUNT -ON ALI. - OABH SALES --OVKtt- ONE DOLLAR -DURING THE - MONTH OF AUGUST le order to make room for FALL STOCK Which will be 1e moo. 1 WANT 6.000 BOEBL3 OF PLIAS, rat wbi I will pay (' Aen H. at 1Mc ean' Bleak s the Stom.OK, l:ld.tendfowele. unlocks djiess:r*tfdits,PurIfl.sthie 'hood end rernovss s11 Im- purities from • Plmpli to the worst scrofulous ger.. uR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •WILD• R;BERRY CURES HOhERA. Lr i CM'Z ug RAMPS IARRH(EA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. ORTANT NOTIGE -TO- FARMERS. A great revolution In the tanning mill bawl - nese Fanine mill lees than balk -prior. Old fawning mill trainee Nat were used o7 our tether anti grandfathers are now being utilised In the construction of the Lteit im- proved fam lni mill which Is certainly • saw Ing to the farmers - The old frame. gearing. tan and shoe are all used. leaving nothing for the farmer to bey but tb. Armstrong Improved Grain sad need Clouser, which costs no more than • common set of tensing mW sieves. ted can he put In may make of mW. so matter how old or new the mW Is. without lajuriag It. and cam be taken out Y easily as • throe -combined net et sieves. it does not disarrange the mill for the use of other sieves. It will positively clean out till cockle mus- tard. frtad. cox -tall. send pea, wild flax sad other foal seeds out of the grata without .blowlag any into the chaff, saving and cleaning all grans seed at 11e same time. It is • very complete clover need. flex, timo- thy seed. miliet}eed.stc.. machine. It cleans grata very speedily. If desired. it Is laid to give mon weight to the busbe and Ism ware than n)7 other machine made. It gives about e, Inches of aerostats( whoa required. It samples grain better than hand pickle'. because it equalises the samples It {amid to have no equal for cleaning sed g rata, because it removes all sirunkes Gad broken grain sad seeds. giving the fatvasr pure. healthy Seed. ifyou wish to see and try this e.oklne, write to Maud.. Anarrrooro 10 Send One to your barn. So you can see aad try It for lour self In your own tanning mill with your own g rtin. --itltAl)- WHAT PRAITiIAL FARIERS TAT ABOUT iT . Steele, Township. Bayeeld April Io, VOL Armoires(Annres( Brea. In. --1 Whave used your (leaner ; am wall marled with th wok they do ; i oevrid.r they oasast be compete with for ttmat\7 seed. rover. Pas•, mail wheat. �JA 3RMawr ACKMAN.refleatie d rails Reserve. ONblr ne. 0.isf mon) --1 bare Messrs. Amman....said used your Armahelg avg. and Seed (lesser for two •ease••• ehsdn/ all Made of grsle clover sad grunt end. mot mby for my..I . nut for my h ewith the clow. i hare seed evnal 13:1":; ar•et different those Int here waver .ase the stmt toour Cleaner. i me elan very with ft. 1 tare take. tad ends out ay grain I eoald not get not wltMeut It. X A V IIR DABCHLIII. Matmtp� t�mi�ses�t Farm. Uederich TowaehipP,, O.deriei P. O. Mess Arrstress (!.seisms-I Move al- ways owe very Mark ward 1m co mime to ess.mtaend sal 10•C1.100 11111e00 very wen ..tided with It. but I take $neare m roam menthe. your Omni and Seed Usama moths public. 1 sell the mar et m7 Rata for =bd. 1 have tried different rakes et Nellie sad siaeleg •ad Sud your ("Maser dem the hast work of any. It will elses out all feel seeds a ens clouts, without snaking say unaemes vary meets of grata. 1t is an emsellent seed clesser Y wellas emits closer. HIIINRY CURWIN Mesa Orr Phrmsri. Oolerlcb Tow. alp. Oes.7. 1.4 11. taedselai P. a To Whom It May Cenemot ---1 have pur- ✓ oar of the ♦rmstrsmg Or.h sad Peet ('lemon Us bprfan sad le fro se 1 have red it 1 •m thereaskly sawed. 1 ds set Slat three Y any mho t5. to goal It ten ream!== Meed spaniel any kid. 1 wo04 It to m7 fellow tartness Y • eery prisms m.e\Iue for elesslthg_gsela ler seed er market. J WHiTRLT. On. Meows Armstrong- Dear fila. ---1 ....,..honed one of rev Armmrost Orsi sad And Clem - e re fiends two yews sew sad bad It triune. I Imes e1psua/mglmm em Pifamailot' �0&z. Mane sad Rues .as �1Nt •gs .will work' sd see he skews oes SMerTs pi d• a�hiss. 1 woad sat •ell herb s7sve ter It If 1 clod eatg•t snetesr, 1 toseld rather haws It Ulanraw iheve ever sem RI(7HAllD G11t1 YsdsrY\ O. T.w..\Ip ato•s tar nate. ARMSTRONG BROS., Ont. ti4 PLANING MILL EfTIILISNEO 1116. Buchanan & Son, NAXUVAerpaaee SASH, DOOR and BLIND, Dealers In all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Amid bender's m•terlal of every desoreptkom. School Furniture a Specialty. M •• N EYEL.:411.1...-fb74....-4::::::1,1:11:::cf: er.5a,. a+ . an N W. rearwe 0..r+ .* W. eve lyes.oww .1.• TA .m ....a ••� www wi.w...r M res 4 tie .woThole il w ..w o..ae. t.,.p.oa.e.a, arm. 0.g 55..- 55.7 5 a0mow drw,ee •. .ees 0. ase p...a ser .r..+. .N P50.....Iw.w. Wss...w+ wwoer.lrw..w..- TSMUts `C ..:irR2t ul$a' Me Tom testa\ T Don't delay. Take Kemp'e Bslwn, the best cough cure. It will cure .ongha and colds. It will cure son throat or a tickling in the threat. It will core puns in the chest. It will care inanellya and bronchitis and all diorama pertaining to the lungs, be- cause it is • pure balsam. Hold it to the light and see how clear and thick it is. You see the excellent effect after taking the int dace. Lame bottles 50c. Lod f1. (2-eow) tlelrttaf. Ahem. Little Girl (weeping) -"Somebody has stolen my lid!." Motber--" Your doll : Vhich one Little girl-" The oldest and nicest one of all, the one that didn't have any lege, or arms, or hair, or eyes, or anything. -- .'mese 4 -limping.. "I hal for years been troubled with dys- pepsia and sick headache and found but little relief until I got Burdock Blood Bit- ten , which nude • perfect cure. It is the best medicine I ever used in my Hattie Davis, Mary -at, ('Pintos, Ont 2 is Ger M...grrk. " I might not be able to cover as much ground as you," mid the camel to the ele phant " but if it came to • race, I could hump himself." " And i," boastfully chimed in the giraffe, " could beat both of you by a neck." Baltimore American. Chula ne.rvrly the. Mrs. John Martin, of Montague Bridge, P. K.1. , writes • " I was troubled last Som- mer with very bad headaches and constipa- tion and sometimes could etsrcely see. One bottle of Burdock Blood Bitten made a complete cure of my case, and 1 wish you every success. 2 A Mistake. Mrs. Brown (toherpretiy daughter in the elevated) -1 .i11 speak to the guard if that young pian over there down t stop staring et me. Pretty IMughter ! innocent ly)-I don't funk he's staring at you, m&mm•. Timely Medea Great and time) wso a isdioshown by keeping 1)r. Fowler's Kxtract of Wild Strawberry on hand. It 11Y no olual for cholera, cholera morbus, durrh.w, dysen- tery, colic, camps, and .11 Summer rem. plainte or loosen of the bowels. 2 Alt la MY raver. "Do you ever expect to succeed in tsun- ami, writing •ooh an illegible head as you .lo" "Oertaedy. My contracts are always in my handwriting, lead they m newer lc not except Y I want 'em to go." -- Regime Rlpple.. " 1 took mi bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for liver complaint, headache and dull stupid feeling, but now i un entirely well and healthy, having also • goend appe- Litt which 1 did not have previously. • Mrs. T Davis, Regina, N. W.T. 2 ►orta.Mw Doctor -"Did you have • heavy chill!'. Far Patient -"It sever •e" I.. for -"Did your teeth chatter!" Fair Patient -"No; they were is my droning -foss. A R.d.emisr restore. "1 don't see haw you can stand that fel- low Harlow,'. ' Why art? There are certain teup about hien that I lake ,mmeasely." "Eno instance" "A ream yacht." .ate In Pewit. Live et sansei ars ohm eadeenerredby askew,sadden sied violent Weida skim meeker. di.naas sad bowelkin p eIS4u i is A ear fain peas is to beep ike 1levrl.r'• Rx - INA of Wild Afrewbervy s1wess at bad. 1 TALKS FOR THE FARMER 4ITEREUTINO PA.IAGAA►NS OF VALUE TO CANADIAN AQRICULTURi$TIL Meme sa.ette•s MOO Ah..M heg•,tslg ta. Wena.. he She F'as cep Nesse end Te.. On the ,U ,, s of /Nasse-Teples Pse the gseeesm (ares.l duet le .sels1 is end sheet Make • Mia for dry earth sad w it walls dry weather kens I)Mpas• of the aid hens which you we net �gaartnngg to winter, !..lore the to. prices el Thsabagivisg Riess. Annie' the turkeys, dacha and geese hemi every evening by • liberal fed and Jot Nam n away from foxes. will keep well for two months by r lesegklsg_ them, while gait@ fresh, in • et to the boor joists el W cellar. Look sat lar rata, weasel,. ere, is plias d lam�h►esrr�, old rubbish aad weeds. f{we they hrs. and bids while sot robbing the farmers of agp and poultry. A cheep .rid eatisiactory reeve for aa.as- iag ashes or gravel for fowl, is hong instead of being •expended on slides It takes lees time Wattac it to wires and draw it back and fetish like • Davis swing churn. A good layer will produce eggs enough in three weeks to equal her own weight. The Crs dots not require sag to forma& • ft pie, but she better not be derepitat ed until she ceased laying, if it coatisua six months 1rl,s bq rooster be vers he i, a t Mbar: A will .sly degrease the of your walla r fall -blood will improve and stinedate their good cb•r.etmi,tics in til oelpring. Don't take a poor e.rk as • gift. A Randy drinking fountain for fowls eon - sista in a leg holding •bout eight quarte, with • portion of the top reviewed. This may 1,e carried with the handle, ad when laid on its side the fowlOsa reach over the remaining portion of tlt1 hid for their drink. Indian Genie fowls are attracting oosaid- erable attention from poultry sea at pre- sent. To answer the many inquiries mode about them, H. S. Babcock, ae expert on the subject, has prepared a nest little pam- phlet describing them fully. Be sun and pick nut some of Use nicest rowen far the fowls and store it in • dry, sweet clean When d cut up aput boiler a in an oldn1 some boding water thrown on it, it will swain up grail and tender in half an hour. The chickesi will like this better than Corn and it will help out the feed barrel and fill up the egg bas- ket. The predte in poultry can only be secured by close attention to details, including care- ful marketing. If the eggs and the cab*- eas be pocked in neat, •Ceeptable shape, they will frequently hriog 2 to Sc more than they would do with the unwieldy packets with which fanners try to compete The fowls should have comfortable and above all clean houses, and the plainest will do as well as the most expoasive. Protect the young broods from minks, weasels, etc. Mak Ina Menu res. The labor of handling, hauling and spreading the manure evenly is • large lec- tor in the expense, and yet there is a loss of time to the farmer in handling the amour* that might be avoided by extra care in preparing it before the period of Muting it arrives. The finer the manure the more easily it can be handled and spread, and the true noteod of loading ie with the shovel instead of with the fork, as any kind of manure that cannot be loaded with a shovel, the 'tame as with dirt, is not in a suitable condition for providing pent fond immediately. Fanners who use Manan do se for the pulpoee of benefiting lie crops as soon as porial., and though they are aware that much of the benefit of the manure may not M realized until the second season, yet they always desire to sense results ad early me possible. That it is economical W place .11 material, in the heap, to be re.luce i.1 y fermentation, is a fact well known, but the reduction of the materials to that degree of fineness and solubility that renders them trsmedi•tely •railable as plant foods depends largely au the kind of materials rind the degree of heat generate) in the heap, u well as upon the management given the heap. Unfortunate- ly, many farmers never handle the manure is the heap until they are ready to haul it out upon the land, the con- sequence being that None portion are fine and others coarse. The ob- ject here is to impress upon farmers the importance of making all material dee before adding such tam the heap. Leaves, chaff or muck may he added to the heap without preparation, bat straw, oon•Wks and •11 other coarse materials skeald be passed through a cutter. No doubt some will chin that when straw and oornstalk. are thrown in the cattle yard they are trampled fine, which is true to • certain ex• tent;but they are not useful as •brxliMgi, until they have been trample) over for gate • while, and an not as ser,ieesble at when OIL A comparism between chaff and core- stalks as absorbents will easily show the greater value of the finer material. Then will he some expense of labor in cutting coarse materials, bit it will be • gain of •vail•ble plant ford. Cornstalks are protected by • militate covering, and disintegrate very slowly. If pared through • folder cotter, and used in the atolls, they will serve as bedding and for absorbing the liquids, sad as the materials of the heap are fine the conversion into plant food is more rapid. The labor saved in handling sad hauling such manure, anal its greater value as food to the plants is apparent, the bear St to the drat crop Acing grater; while the sowing in the um of many waste materials will he quite an item. A mmp1e way t. Slaw& Celery. The method of Mooching and storing celery in • cellar for wiater'sms is • simple process. I1 the collar is moist se sanee ti. better. i1 is supposed that the celery has been properly handled, so Chet all leaves stead upright. Rave all d•mying leave with • @harp knife down to the roots. Be- gin at the cellar wall sad set • row of .Very u ptight Place e y sa. moist earth alt the roots and pot .•steer row vomit the fleet one, rawer, close together. Put earth .read the root. mos and con done until you have a bed fa Larissa wide. Now put • wide bawd upright against the celery sad ogsiast tUs Oboe a new raw of celery sad eswtlunc in this m .a.r until ell is stored awe)) Te blwltirel•ry, all light must by sxcl dad. ((over with beards es darken .B wdad.wa Having an upright heard every IS Melee keeps the plant, from leestii+wtgg anal Nes eaahles yea to cover Num ■ p easily. For early winter use Mash la Illeptsunfisir Pos ht 1111111111111 fine et three weeks mol Mweneher.--BM.m sad Boma SIOOTH IN A NO1-Sewr. A .t.e7 .1 Lusa\..'• ..swabs emamg Rays. t)tts 4 ear b... ..t sdein•sree K Lee's Lasalle& Is Virginia The .iced theatre seesa td.... warehouses. sod was er wdad by tae pa.Meees fresh Niles . rwow& Ws W sesaryd to take the staamor. Gina was to sag that ▪ and heavies the acts wan %soy psekiag up. Tse play was the "Merehe.t 4 Vinton, .d they were just going en for the vial Geese. whoa we heard • whee- lie, .d the manager ears. is to •y that the ateaseer ad arrived, sad weak( lease seeks is 10 nisi... If we alpiais m.II.n," said the ama- esegeer. !they will thick they are shoe/., aid we shall have • fres 4i ✓ . only thing ie for your fellows to get up • natural ..alae fur tie pious and ring down tin cort•ia do right ahead, ladies sad geatbes•s, and tike year coo bone Ted hare.' Tei was Il..sario, and he de Ailed to rel] epos the igneess,e of the Virginians et those days to pull lain. through 41 right. So whoa old them, Rygl,s, who wY doing Shylock, began to sharpen his knife as his bout, Booth walked up to him Gad said, "You us booed to have year pound of flesh, ars you'" "Yon bet your life," said Ruggles. "Now n 111 make you one mooffer, ooatka.ed Booth; "in addition to this hag of deists 111 throw is two kegs of terl.•ck and two of the best goon 1.0g• a the Kate." "I'm Mewed if I doe's do It," responded I'ihyJlock. much to tie •pprobatiotl of the •adleooa, who were tobacco -raisers amid coon hunters to • man. "And to show that there's no ill -feeling,'. put in Portia, "we11 wind up with • Vir• tinily reel" When they gut en beard the steamer the .ptaiu, who hal witatemd the coaclosiea 4 the play, remarked: "I'd like to sea the whole of that play some time. gentlemen. I'm blamed if 1 thought that fellow Mahar ware had so mach soap in him." -Charles- ton Newt NIIMMO. C. C. Rlceasp• & Co., Gents, For some yeah I have hod only partial use of my arm, cannel by • sudden strain. I have used nearly every remedy without effect, until I ggaot a sample bottle of MINARD'S LINIYR.NT. The benefit 1 received from it sassed me to costive its use and now 1 am happy to my my arm is oonpletely restored. Glamis. Dn. R W. H.tttsitw16 A eiomark.hle Cove, Major George tVillraa and Kdward Fontaine of San Francisco. have discover- e d a remarkable came in the mtustalns north of Trh•clapi They found one room shout 20 feet quare and 12 feet high, with • wide opening in the face of the mouwtain. The roof rapidly inclines toward the Boor for • distance of ill feet .r thereabouts, until the explorers were forced to crawl in .order to get into the Dell chamber, which suddenly opened out about 101t feet long, RI feet wile and 13 feet high. The roof is bleckenei with smoke: Imre .eel there upon projertiag ledges kindling wood is piled, and nearly in the centre are planted cedar poets, set &bout two feet in the ground. clt.rred at the foot, and with branching arms at the top, nuking it some- what resew -Me a cram When the explorers first entered fire okra .alar wounds were sear. and Inc want .of proper tools each .me tackled • mood with his fingre it was hen! work, but they uncovered • curious lot of stuff, coir prising Du•ch ovens, frying pane, what once had been wicker Fsskets, two ort inane of an ancient pattern, • roll of hurman lair tied in o bunds, gold Basks about the Nies of an ounce battle with a sten stopper, and Moo an antique brratpin of gold. There were also some door -locks and pocket knives rusted almost beyond roc ognituos. Wit Say They 7 In popularity increasing in reliability the standard. In merit the first In fact, the best remedy for all Summer complainte, durrh•r•, dysemtery cramps, colic, cholera infantum, etc., is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. AU medicine dealers sell it 2 A Vee for try. sesame. At last • use has been goond for the Sou- dan. It .reuu that, in addition to ualitnit- eI quantities of teal, the country pro - loom numberless quails, which are Import- ed to London via Egypt. anal nkimately fin.! their way to F.sghd. tables. Never be - ;..r, have et many quails been sold in the metropolitan markets as take season, aa1 never within the memory of dealers has their price been s, low. Consumers Aare the Soudan to thaiikef r it. The quail of the Insert is also put to another use. It is ex• . optionally rapid in flight and strong no the wing. and is beginning to he much used in shooting mat. -hr.. Quails for this purpose are carefully brought over alive, and give, it is said, excellent sport A (learnt. raru,er's IWswtrv. A Georgia fernier has started a new iw- lusts' in goring leavers for their .kiss. -dncm the pAispective failure of the seal .akruseiw-Smwver .kins are the next hest sub- stitute stitute for seals. He own. 1,1010 acres spa tiel down a creek which is • natural home 'or the Leaven. In summer they scatter mach one for himself, Int in winter tee. ...me together in their Mondes beside the .trearrs where they have •Isinme.l the rater. He grows cora to feed them, and rinds that they eat it es readilyas Logs. Nino of the time they forage for themselves, Mut feeding nukes than faire and easily :aught. 77o beaver breeds rapidly, two 1e fit da • litter, said often two litters in • year. The skin of the heaver is how worth 4,0 each, and next season be euppmecim to fur- nish Mtwe•e 2011 and fOO Mine hums earplug nate.. favi the Tea .ad fe- males to ilea •e bks bock. The Sea of the beaver properly cooked is en excellent fond. Iute►.etlsg to W.m.w, 11 60 Hattie J. Cluppe. who lives near Bu.l.l'e Lake N. J., has faaliio.e.l porticos of hair fru, the heals of over 2000 individuals rote • large wreath of over 1000 dowers and kerns. A remedy Inc creaking binges is muttsn tallow rebleed on the joint. A great many sets that refuse to do their work ars Nim• ply rested sol will he all right if carefully HenryM. fka.ley mays • man's wife is tm meted /or the world to know .ad disease, Ione* he in mot willing to have his wife pint, publish • hook ori nay way Girard pubo. attention. An tne:pemai: portiere sea p .mads of sanoth wine\ is sold ler cote= aksthes is alta ora. After the pass and ring seer plan• tree the i. rings is t i t low they Metes of f t e tram the sage te wib Metesd les friar;out the lower Mitt to osslegli it err eyes lasMack hes and W s list shwa to bold its 5.5.s an! length talo • rhos. Ins mawthe ropes of w• nsngthe. rgamrf's Yurnrea gar Milessemottlin.. HE WORLD OF WOMEN. ALL KINGS OF PARAGRAPHS INTIM UTINOTO THE FAIR IEX- *hese Conolop reed Ileserang \p M air riot ■uses Ahead -.wase rr.M be sad Wren) Wiersd la Geseeme•eet► ler sassing sad pronemeisigAwn al- ways the very best beak It Itlaeld 11. Onaro.ghly Apo, bat km Md swrd. Is posing be 107 .Wald test.at./krsined s Rr jecr whatever h.e the kwet tease e� d.s.yi it is ripe for fermentation. sad, pIs mad macaws batch. ..d oweO «t{iesd, wash aad drake well heirs paring. dreg each one Y the riad comas oft W clear Meas- water, and let may till ail are 1sf.hed. Take out epee a sieve, and rises by p.ur- iag clear water titvagh. 1f for aansing pock close in year jars, and eat is eo h water op to the amt. Bang it to s boil while you make a syr p of ha f•posed e! sugaW r .ed l -pint d water to each puaad Coak five miasma after the sugar melte. Skim wen. .ad 111 the cams brimful of it. Let them stand twomiautes, thee SU again if it has soak below the top. Prem the fruit well brow it with the book of • spoon, and seal at coos If the coos are of glees be careful to set them is •emethiag warm Shan Ungar* removed from the water. A,sad.les chill will horst thea[, snit make all year labor vain. ler delicate (emit, sack as strawberries, make the syrwpthicker- -boot three-quarters d sops to the hall -pint of Oster. Owns bugs. firm berries, haa.tling than as lightly mid ea Little as ble: boil your syrup tee minute., or untilit ries a little; them drop is the berries, • handful at • ties As the kettle Doke again, take them oat with • skimmer, and pack down in • hot jar. Keep on .ailing • few at • time uU .11 are done; then boil the syrup till it ropes frowdy , pear ever Nem till the trait is cam pletely covered, drop a teaspoonful of brandy in the top of each per, and seal while boding hot. The secret of @ween is mover to pat in trait except whoa year kettle is ea the full boil, and sot to add enough to check it but very slightly. Fruit so treated keeps shape, ousr, aid Savor -a11 which are by ordinary methods shoran whoUy lost. Woe preserves allow five pounds best sugar to each fear of pared fruit. After riming, drain for • minute; thea pack in layer with the sugar in) • deep .tone jar. Int stood twenty-four hours in • cool place. Pour off the syrup Nen into • scrupul- ously Leight kettle, boil it for ten miaow, skimming very Closely; poor Over: frust, and let it steal seothee off again. bring to • boil, and add the fruit after you have .kimnied It well IteiT it boiling briskly, neither very best .or slow. Never overerrwd your bottle, nor Nes one that is very leaThe why no woman bath diwovered,fs t the fact remains that for beautiful doer pink or golden Oakes and preserves you must cook only • moderate quantity at once. If tee beet u jest right, in two hours your fruit will be clear and sugary all through. Take it out with the 'kimono:, and 1•y on broad dab., Boil the syrup uU it is like honey, adding. if you like it, the strained juice of three lemons, along with their peel boiled in clear waiter until • straw will puree it. 1fger r erred, soak two races overnight half a pint of water. awl add the whole to your syrup before boiling down. When it s theck enough, pack your fruit delicate) in glass or stone jars. ad cover as tech deep with the syrup. 1.y • brandied paper to the mouth of each, and tie down securely, but do not soak -H•r'p.r'• Berm. Proper Readlag 0.r the Tessa. Too much c•nsot be said upon the subject of choosing proper rending for the young. The main point is not to let the children choose for themselves The schools sad public lihrnries arson( the only places whom books may be procured; teepee, the respon- sibility hells chiefly on the parents to see to it that their ckddren rent nothing corrupt A wise guidance in this atter often secures bettor results than do strict commands Forbid • child 10 rend • certain look, had his curiosity is .t owes aroused. He desires to know .hat it is that is cuneidered hurt- ful for him to rend. We hove 41 beard of N. boy who, aetwhthstaading the fact that his father had seep the folly of • certain deed. rejected the paternal advice, on the ground that ke wanted to "see the folly of it too." We are all like that bey; we would lean from that dear school, erperia.oe, whose lemons, though harsh, are never for- gotten. It is marvelous how young boys, .ad even young girls, teke to such reading as the linkerwn detective series; for example, "A life for • life." Such honks are harm- ful is the extreme. Tbey excite the fancy, distort the itemisation, and corrupt good morals There is no stearal culture, no Educe of obtaining knowledge from darn It is worse than • waste of time to read each trash. Better sit with folded hands aid think. Children may be led into a taste foe reading of a higher order. lay • bark which you want them lo road when they will see it, or draw their moieties to it, by reciting something interesting from Ate =to Inspire is them • feeling of d ix the :lime novel sort, by • word rigPly apekm en the right use goge.mber /hoppers /set EngIW crate et loon -cloths White soda kid geastleta Long boas of p..e.ek'. eyes. Toques of embroidered cloth. A few bordered dress sties.. Jasmine silk hers, head -paired. Phmeant bon, moth and toques. Buck net veils covered with gen jets. Son hats of French percale for bahios Black Japanese crepe fans for moureing. Nickel traveling cloaks in a leather rem. Aide combs of plain er geld -tipped shell. Irish friers for rough-and-ready cloaks. Biarritz gloves hewing • clasp .t the Yellow and rem lushes sole a d.nsak. Armere silk poetises for handsome' Flower doylies worked in white and Weg•nt Ilea fame outlined with Rhine• stoves Oxford tees ef buck sees rel! 4 a0 hence goers fieierr handles d bockthon. f.. imbue Yellow (bright at that) Wes foxed with patent hither. Leath... seta .f d mis•k, .hnwiaggir;peayel- 1 le. aid reek .id lass sad pas peen Rehm de chameleon d kteg striped ram - . sea, with • trimming of Valorises, Mee1 Wee and _ }ash and emalweidee• ad,et every with, sawn und esmkisMMa Mit boss, h.vy teeters .t alter'M . trips of ops Wad .ad honetit.l.d hsea Blas ►asimpiir► Edebefl wNi tier to live very s i w Well and .mod !i1e Wonder dnakaw l�iiwr 7-1bed* mdeasien wand= only ihe w5. lewd i eftllt. rafAC"1"1". as flls i � ilaS i at�sdy Y resZtt. eneld ein tiles. b at 1. Wl Insted 1 wishes* �.i�_ste+,le dlfi,[ )Kai► l I die Ise of APO* bas on. d Iasay pap. f�nwahwdoss . Improvement la By weedlti.a- NW sitordide 55505 t• rears and with g Pkg owes We steken. raw sM�1eiy 5.. improvedAged WI este _�y syie4 wawag▪ dedisable Ito Wil brag s, t. t. dads& The weit ass gives m. a new you �� 1W, W I /mast Weak Brockway Castro. Mai, bawd* candy that the above • ssament. made by dd. �I.ls. ir vee is every psruease Aalaltmisla. Q W. Waring, O. A. Wells. Drialink t, was. kw . M1 is, unable to fly lis «ss- lpu tas. • moss fill feat amt Ayer's mho lbs kw tinsaials it kr wing !< s wbl*, bs was eaamd. and in now a ..m ow 1s s sugar mill A. • Allswell. Ontario. Ayer's SarsapanNa, raarAaao sr Or. d. C. Mos at Om.. LAamr, Nam. Pik( M; els bale•.M. Werth M • terse TIie TORONTO 90058 • -m Telt-- x.srnzxo DBI DOM EMPORIOI. Tmn- Latest and Best SUER GOODS sow on stew, P. O'DEA, Manager C. SEAGER, -Osie la McLe.mi's- NEW BLOCK, -Opposite the Marta. - Money to Lend -al - Cheap Rates, Farmer's Notes Cashed. SEND_ Oe.; "mar*rig e�th1 �5* file; seed yea os twatch w 11yes wut It an shotes. aaterris �� -ink+ iL.6iemi.... chasms a sambas Hs let �er 1w Wan. Ye with esysad.1, r merran If t as --•.-sees eg Y ratable tee .Rhee m Irq et phone SU use stint