HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-9-25, Page 44 rbc signal, The area•' aolspaper tee latent esaa•F. la 1't nl.leKin VERY FRIDAY MORNING iig fanSSedigLl1.1<BM. Ogee at L O.sad ME Neethomet. Tema of Mhseregeka 1 one taaath. Is advance $ 12 elo Three teltae, 30 Six •' 66 Oma year. I 00 If credit is sated, the price per year will he ...... 1 5t• Advorsi.Iss Kates 1 L�1�ypwsL siaoloa, dasnedt 3 a5511 pa r tine •111. eenMaa�I�itllliaa5�isst laiva. saueal by audisof six Lacs and under. 15 per "rtya�� K Lost, Found, Rtrayed. �I�•t, t4!tuanums Wasted and !�a Wanted not exceeding 6 a..pet° $1 per warms M and Farms on 8&e_ not to . $ Mass. gl for Ent month. 50c. pe r sub �wtat �satt Larger adman 1n properties. AaF 11PSWs1 aotice. the (Allem of which is to ga le the pecuniary benefit of any lads- =leer ad1- = er y. 10 to considered an ad modseimant Ya Marred accordinell• t• nunpaieil type one cent per less titan VMC. d. ordinary reading qv* two word. No notice for less than 5(Ic. ke eharcbee and other religious and aim' laNltutions half rate. tsenenerelnt t'*slrart 11011Mbeisenta. A limited number of dleplayed ad%ertler- meats will be lamerted at the following rates : Per Ise4 ono lasenlo........... .. l3 • • no...„...,.........asertt5sa , • 6 ass year. . N. mdvar1$emle•nt lee. than two Inches la toroth will 10 calculated on above basis. 5 oar eastdyrounl allowed for cash payments ea throe asealhs' contra. -t : le per cent. on six r.athe'. and 15 per cent. un • year'.. Tbsee ooadltesss will he sleet I1 enforce!. --- About '• The ottgsai a MIIvM y. euhscribaee wbo fail .o receive Tag BwxaL reerelarly, either by carrier or by mall. will cooler a favor by ar.luelnthug w of the fact st . emir • date.. poealnk. 5.ee& tis Year Label. T Istel is • st•ndi.g teeeip of the dale toyou are paid tel'. lire that n is sot elft to fall into arrrar. ��It a OMage of address is desired, beth the eM .d the new address •hour rye given. 4latgeted manuscrip'• ranmot be rcturnM. ponden.:c n1 mei le written on one side of pager only. • .1 p t h ed at br t., to fif the has fort ran ing the No. t the The TO of • who M that pa ,lobi has Ino late Me chased little h. trash'$ RWn into tle� Wrose6 of the C wands a total ed rarely turcumetantial. Well, the evi- dende against the lateMr. . BtR- CHALL Was rlitirl•ly dircuntstaasael and was by no moans .o positive as that against :'lir H avrost and COSH MAN a uevertbeless HIscn*I.L was hanged, al- though he wasn't es rowan a .inner as eitleer of the others. 11. 1I. I Iso -Kik pro socuter' III RCHALkatcl he defended the other two fellows ; perhlap.s that is one sterna. TILE fT►L' S- TBY IS ALL RIGHT. It is • humiliating fact that while88b,1Tl grants have twee into Canada to stay In tea years about 1,340,000 Csaadiana have dal the country "K..sAi- Why humiliating ' haves t you always ruts down Paws& and preached up the States T It should.'t be huIIulwung to you, dear Sivoian_ It shows how successful you've been in your unpatriotic purpose. - Kincarditne Review. This is the kind of twaddle The Em- pire has given its renders, and The Re - Anil other weak imitators lave to follow suit for want of a (tetter. Run down the country, eh 1 ,Why, where would the country Ix• today were it not for the Gras 1 The Tories at (/hewn baa ,• rohlw,l the country, de- bauched the pul,lii reputation, quail ruple.l the public debt, killed legiti Mate enterprise hy flint occurred tax ation, the N.P., pardyr.et the sewing machine, farming implement anal cot- ton tend woolen industries, mortgaged the farms lands of this great and glorious country, re.trietd our matur al increase• in population, narrowed our opportunities for expanding anal growing rich and great,causetlthe most euterpnsing of our people to seek a (101114' in :1 strange Intel, and driven the iron into the soul of many of those who remain. Yet The iteview,ec•h.ing The Empire, says The /:rats are re- sponsible. Tile SIGNAL has hexer run down the country, but we take issue with the Moine policy of tlw 1:ott'rn- 'tient w hich (las caused Canada to I.r today it hissing aired a byword, not- withstanding its great natural askew Lagos. l'ntu.in io all right : it is only the I:oaernnient that is all wrong. In the language of II Knelt : -Every prospect pleases and only man 1 the Government) is vile_-- -. leabll.Mri J. C. IMS Tuawl. of Gotterich. hasbeen •p pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town. ahlOoderieh. Colborne, Ashfield and Wa Load postmasters over 11.e district are also =cee eted o reoeioe nhscriptlow to Tua , All A4 Atyommrtmications mull is addressed to • • 1►, 31cG1LLICCIII'. T -t u --s Call >A Oat *OD=RICLL MIDAS". WY. S. MIL WH1La 110nu• of the Hills which will shortly be sent to the Governor General for signature are as long :as a larlt line, others contain only a feu at orals. These latter are little ones for aassent- i r but one-half the amount of whitewash plastered over ED. COCH- RANE, M.Y.,tlie Tory place -seller, were brushed over the swing -bridges of the poor caretakers who paid nearly half a year's salary for their position. the 1.ai/1 bridges would look on moonlight nights like ghost_, of old tinteTory honor long .ince dead, hu ne..l and for'gottetl. ('OCHRANK. the I.xwlle member for Northumberlan.l, is :t "jolly cool fel- low,' accosting to the 1 ktawa not jority. On their w:ty honor the 'West- ern members of she Majority should stop over rat Kingston and sere- nade some of the penitentiary "hints." There are hone'.ter men insiele the walls than Corms t, E N.P.. and not one meaner. DinnNG the pant few 'weeks several coat.municat ions Ina.• reached us bear hntvpon various .ul. eet*; het, as there is a standing nil.' in the office not to take notice of :sty rnintntinieation un less the signature of thi' sender is ab to ched, we were constrained to consign them to the waste-Iwtsket. We depot want tlw naln.a for publication, but so that tie )N UI lilies of the sender may lase estalrli.iA,i to tour own satisfac- tion. HALM At 1 nA. er'eorling to reports from Santiago, Chili. failing to e*lape and fearing to fa1l into the hands of his Dipoles es t14,1114. *nnutittell suicide by putting n pistol hulled in his brain. if RALMA• ►:nv lead :adopted a a' •lar drastic rale:a.ure when he was first aeiersl "f the ambition to become a Dictator what :. riter of blood and trea- sure %null kite 1.011 saved to Chili. IL will mow I.• In order for some of the l ktaw n p>nlitk*l it -tomtits to go anal hang themselves. THE YnRTHWE TZRV FAIR. 'Phe Northwestern' Fair for 1891 is of .'r, and the general opinion is that it was l)ot the suCtrws'of former years. For the first time ,thee its inception the weather wax favorable, but that fact did not hi, .it's :t eon:ter:oh. move uent. (orris. .a is now kaown as Boo dleburg or 'rite rswsem i- not tar to seek. The the Thieves' Paradise. THE SIG GODERICH- ONT.; ?RIDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1891. has of railwayof say csusttry is the world; ta.aad. has tnebest mise of Quid, iron, tusked, gold sad aver- yes, thd .sass rale obis dsheti•s d s&ysyr oosntry us the loos of rho globe ; (asci& loss Gams of Om best educational systems that there are to be foetal in any country in the world : Can- ada belo.gs to the greatest empire Oa the face of the giobe or that has ever existed sad Canada is ruled over by the must virtu- ous Queen that hu ever gra • throne. Who would not bet • t'a�dtan' Who would say all of such a country " And yet with so gloriona a lanai a land we love, n land w e laud, • land that Liberals haat• won a noble con- stitution for our natural increase cannot be held, and native Canadians are d.ring the country as from a plague spot. The country is olnt' of Gal's own gardens ; the keepers at the gates ars thieves or incompetents. The trees of noble fruit are being girdled by the greedy teeth of political field vermin. Plow and harrow and prune and butl,but turn out t111s Tory keepers and let us have !Abend..*r and cul- ture. MR. KBRN1GHAY'R LETTER. Elsewhere in this imam will be found a thoughtful letter from Mr. Jou!: Kis- tlull.tf, of Coltxerue, on the present politi- (al situation, and replaaat..ry of the position which he takes in regent there- to. lu a former letter, addressed to The Montreal Witness, Mr. Krasn.:lty. mule a strong assault upon the policy of Com- mercial Union, which the Tortes at the last elating' endeavored to make the electors believe was the policy of the Liberal party. The Tory pre.. tD different sections of the country -and even The O:o.krich star quoted the letter in externo, and attnbutad motives to the writer which del not accord with the farts. Mr. Ksus se. u..s, like all sensible Re- formers, took Do stock in Commercial Union, and sad s,, tut air. KER•n,i is did not put himself on record against the grand old Kritish policy of Free Trude with the Wide World, neither did he turn his face from a fair measure of Reciprocity, where an eouitable adjustment of trade ex.uld be obtained by ('&Hula He simply took strong ground against Commercial Union. And s, does Tile Silos xi- This jouru•1 is an out-•nl•out Free Trader, and taxon that good old K.itish policy, front Alpha to Omega. T,1. St.:s.AL. wants no protection for itself against foreign competition and does not favor the battering up of its neighbors. If a lousiness cannot line on its merit. then Let it die ; the release will be a happy one : but don't tax •11 the neighbors to sax a the corpse from being taken to the cemetery. We approve of Mr. KEKNN:HAM's ipde- pyendeuce of thought off public questions awl cheerfully give space to his latest pro- duction. One thing is certain, however, and that is, the Tory papers that tackled so loudly over the previous epistle will pot be so aux brill to publish its sequel. SIGNAL SNAP SHOTS. management requires a ',baking up. New bloo.I i• required and mom of ideas are wanted. The Northwestern has grow out of the >11a11 chitties of the township branch society, and can not be handled Lvmen working on old metho l4. There is room for a big exhibition in Goh•rich, and no town in the Hur- on ueon Tract has gave to greater expense in fitting up grounds and buildings suitable for the holding of a big show, lout nothing can be expected until the live bnainew; men of the town take holt of the scheme. it is time for the "back numbers- to take is brick seat, if the Nptthweetern is to Imo sated from extinction. Another year will either !make or treat the Northwestern, and the only way to save it will be for the live men of the town, who have public spirit, energy and knowledge, to take hold of the scheme and run it on progressive methou ls. 'AXADA 5nd the i'nited graben, hav- iDg Rot tired of snaking faces at one an other over a towering tariff wall, .brook hands he,.rtily and hilanouah• Omagh the St ('lair tunnel on Satur- day. ity the say, that t •1 i' n valuable object lesson (=1'.500.0001 111 political economy ami commer'i,d pro gress. Kut while ti* railway (•om ponies ant spending millions in the Pxt1•nei(t* of their carrying facilities 1..tween tate two eoentries a blind ami greedy party at Ottawa is still trying to handicap interaatioaai trade. hay friends assert direst;testimony ll 01' CO widows: was RUkNING Il(►H'� THE I t►f',VTRY. The Tories et Ottawa, disheartened at the boailing revelations and .le pressed over the small showing of the ,ensue, int their desperation are crying out that "the Grits are running down the country.' Here and now it might Ire well to say that the grits are mut running down the country. They have never done so. The hulk of the early settlers and their descendants in Ontario are (Int* who have been straining every endweavor to build up the country under weighty hanelieaps. The (.rits nave run clown the rundown t:overn- meta at 1 ttawa, however. We ilo not spare it in its dishonesty, its incom- petency and its proneness to !tell out ahooki he made 4. 1104: sad if ronstahk to campaign funders. The country is \'ri.r can do hie duty, and won't do his duty, he should Is orale to do it. If, an the other hand, he is incompetent sad not alk to carry out the behest of the council his salary should mass. He sad hie friends ria take which horn of the dilemma that wails them. ON Thursday o this week M. C. Cease - great power. of recuperation. As Mr. os, M. P. for Wert Huron, waited .tares Hs'enawu.a, the Tory member for Deputy Minister Swn'a, and obtsiud frees HalGm,sa dl in a recent speech that gentleman • promo. that the barber '[inwis ism a boothchaste ('a : nis dr'edgiag whit had hems ameletrt.d time bar see • tttdrts hard mss my ke, women _rpm this manna would he at mors attended to heca all .,mead you : (lin& ham the This will save tis town the expense of =globe d ry ...,Brig any eoaatow the loss to Ottawa the dslspw tinn whish woe of t�1s globe : ( .oath Iain the krgst rivers std at its miesehrg Tumiiy sewint of soy osertry as the b.* idem Yigte (iailsMk la 10 11•.•••••1•10114.11,11111111.. (75as.la ham the breads* *llaaln o� r3 wooer d 557 m w , sot she deem d tb • .S her who is AMS and wilikeg tis memo glebe : ('a a has the largest ewtiaaaae her rights. M K H A..l. A KT IW a big lee - Section 11 m his Monnet just Dow. BALI( ACEDA SUICIDES. TME EX -DICTATOR OF CHILI TAN�y MIS OaN LIFE Mashie 1. Deer t$•trwe• awl r,esteat Ise !Minket. 111. Batt to the Nese Wald in Mammal - f►k.trh of Nle ■ 'eessitoasn Career. New Yoke, Sept. `JD. -A special from \ alpr&r:.is • sot • that tlalma.wla, ex -!'rest leaf ,Pt'hdt• •,.•n•n.tte•t suic(le Saturday nuur:uny at 8 u'ct•wic . Jose Mooed iwi.mvv-la rats. of one of 11.. oil d nal eroll lost felonies le ('hill. 14- on. (.,fn in Soot a:•• a.: 111(1 He Mss i.t.•1 •tel to s*l.'r ti,.• c1,41'' I .11 his aw•tes t..•► oilier die 11. n. an•1 1 1 1st 1.n tecane Au attadhe..( ,-a-l're.n ant Mount in a syscial mor:ol. lo Isis ha ;,..'tired • good deal of Teo Dead Ra-r?rsl.le$t. prettiness from his connection with a lit. era: rafonn movement. Two years Liter he was elected a member of C..:ig 00% sial teen he remained until IAA Preside -to r'snta ]traria appointee 11a:tnrerdx lllnt.ter of Foreign Affalnaud afterward promoted hila to the highest udIetl position in the Cabinet. 'ILtime bout !Santa Maria's term llalntao.•l* was a ,.euuth supporter of his policy. and .ted much to secure the pas- sage of au1i-elorical Ines., aimed to bring shout eventually nseparation of churn% and ants. SVmew raw ws el.rtr.1 Prean: -tent in IN*47, 1111/ victory was generally regarded as a triumph of Iro,r--WI te principles. He pledged himself to elf et esononge in Imbue expendnur.••.. to promote the obits .•t the tarty slat Lad ed. etas! 1.ua, and to exert himself to present ultclals from interfering with eketiuoa 11•••linac.-,la was of the pnnactous sort of p,litictans who allow abedutely nothing to iutertete with their plans. Raltnacata war inaugurated in ital aid was elected for five years_ He ass charged with attempnug W execute a plan by whicb be would become prru.ntyaut dictator of the republic. 1 he events kadtnz up to tels overthrow are of s*8k/sntly revert data not to require repstihou. On Sunday, Sept. 13, while moving about the house. Mrs. Monnt astle, Chalon, had the misfortune to tall down and break her thigh Mane. Such an accident is had enough at any time, hut in the cane of a person that has reached the age of Mn. Mountastle it isextremely so. \Y was will Cowman RTRERT say to Sir Joe. Timerit oo now! He has a cinch on Ism, sure. \\'E'T Hrttos is represented in the Nous' of Conunons this ssesion, and there Is no mistaking the fact Lass, STA%LEI, on : and let an indignant people have a chance to Iury • corrupt Administration that already smell,' from ante- tem decay. Ir the oldest inhabitant ever saw any thing to equal the line weather of the lest two weeks during the latter end of Sept., let him *peek now or ever after hold hue pease. Os our first page we reproduce it leading article front that out-and-out Tory journal The Hamilton Spectator which rather rips the Tory whitewashers at Ottawa up the heck. AT last aceounta Monsieur 3drio tris was Min on deck, awl hal command of the Quellec ship of State. The cry " Man overboard : was premature so far as it re- lated t0 the smiling Hamlet. W. R. MRKCPuTH for the pet it loner has applil to have the trial of the protest against M. 1'. ('Argtuos, M. P., postponed. A. Tit SO.:NAt. has before observed, the next election will be on before the trial of the protest. A IAV is known hy the company he keeps, and Sir Jon. T,i.Mr...' engaged in the cheek -by -jowl act with thieves and Mxxdlers at Ottawa fixes the full market value of Sir .lois Toole rens as • patriot and a statesman. T14r Star Inst week published • two - column articleA rows The Toronto \Vorld to endeavor to ve that M. ('. ('.wakes, M. 1'., wuc,nneute.l with the .American ties 1'.mtpany. and wound up by puhliehing • straight-out disclaimer from Mr. I• exam It wasn't worth while publishing the state- ment when the denial overtook it in the sans issue- A stun that can sing sad wos't sing Travelling Oidds. GRAVID TRUNK IWLLIAY. Trains arrive sed darn ar Oedartoh as tai - levee : mid _ atttwva Lit _ sod Repress ...............•..., TO ADVERTId=RR. Notice of changes must be left of this Office not later than Mion.lay noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. all right, the (:oaernment is rotten. Mortifi.atioll ivaa set in in the case of the present Adminiatrwtion,eaen',efore the lent lynrttl has !eft it. It is rips• for burial. 'no. eoautry is erosive' through ini.g0aernnent Tout it has Lost or Found. OST -BETWEEN THE CORNER I of Waterloo ani 8t. Patrick's -Sts. and the Agnate, by way of West -M.. a pair of gold eyewlasees, with chain attached. The finder will tae suitably rewarded on leavint, them at this office. 37 It Pulpit 8ervioes. sereoa ' .l.Ob aria. Cie iiia.. Mtaatione Vassar `Issue M L*$I�M�Y "NT ib. nal SERVANT corysD.-7t') DO USN ern," bases wadi. Angdy to inti/. 11. C♦N1 CWl w.e. fN! IH4•6I 41.MomBsodwllioa. - THE HURON HOT=L. - THIS well -knows aid pss10kg o !Mod s been wed trawls toaaaaro a to ~ reo1N 7 measamedetloa for transient gttrai6la• CRAIG, Proprietor, the Some& THE PARK HOUSIE.-THIS WILL - known house will be kart epee ko - Winter and will furat•4 6rmleiess Mosso reasr•ble rates. 16R8, W. NOK. VICTOR I A STREET METHODIST • Church. -Her. W. A. strongman. pastor. Sunday. Sept. 37th. 11 ark." The Promise to us and ours.' 7 p.m.. "Tbe (hood Old Way." stranger. always wekwas. .t I Artleles lbr Salt TWO s'rovas FOR SALE CHEAP; me sew. Have now for theta. as 1 am start lot water. JAM. M. 50031 - HARD. South - t. 27-11 Wasted. AIT ANTED. -300 CORDS OF 000D wood, 4 feet long. free from back logs and limb'. suitable for City Coal and Wood Yard. Will bay delivered in yard here or at stump. JOB N s. PLATT. fteadence-Tr. falg•r etre.tit. opposite Buchanan S Son's o re. ANOTHER (1001.) THING -AN elegant line of parlor sailer In old go14. tens ewe. tapestry and plush. ha. ivat re caved a !Smith's Bomar and Furniture Store. Fleas line of sideboards in town. We can Ot you out frost kitchen to parlor at prices to **- tallish tonlsh yea. Buying for ,ash we can and will sell r leaf aa an) oar in the county. WILT MKR 8411TH. 111.11 I' OR SALE. -1 HAVE ABOUT 90 cords of building stenn mostly all Quar- ried ; can deliver te any p*R of town on sheet notice. JOHN 8. PLT T. 4541 Public Notices. 4' (Al T1a•N. ANY PERSON 11K A.1 pewees taking piss ton of wreckage, lumber. timber. lath, tie•a Posta, or any other damnation of wreckage, and radius' to report or deliver said wreckage forthwith tithe recei- ver to wrecks will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, t'AI'T. WM. HA HB, Receiver of Wrecks. Ooderich, Sept. 1st, l*l, 25 It MANES. 18111 -THE ('OLLECTIIR will he In his ogler. in the town hal, on Monday. Tuesday and ',Wednesday of each week Brom Sep. 11th to receive Waea% of axe& water rates. etc.. electric light rates Boating. I AXE SHORE BOAT BOUBR / Dederick. vat - P.caic parties *ad rheralsean make special amngemesls for use of hoots and large building on the beach at very reasonable terms. Attentive and exam( awed boatman always cm head. Superlatesd- d by CAPE. WM. BABB. Lifeboat Sanies. SHIN(ILEs.-XX. CEDAIt, AT !11.26 square- per square. XXX cedar, u r 51.55 p KXXX. cedar, at 51.75 per. square. D. FOR SALE -A SEWING MACHINE In order 1Royab with four drawers ted kta! esm 142, will sell for 515. Address H. M, MO 13-11 SHINGLES, XX , PINE, -A SPLEN. did thick *tingle. 16 hle0, at 51.11 per square. JOB KIDD. 114f LINE FOR SALE. -GOOD FRESH nos kept constantly on Mad at the Fall. Reserve liege kite. X. ItA1 ('HLEIt. 061st THE CORNER OF McLean's New Block VOR SALE -TWO is IN. CAST 1 pulleys 11 i*. face. 1 11-16 In. hare. or tan he bored to rat larger abaft. Good as new. Will be sold at a rrawnah;e Ilg'.re. Apply at Thu Sw1AL Wsam Print tug House. North -et.. Ooderl k. O141. DLOWS.-NO. 4 ENtILISH STEEL 1 Hoard. 513,00. Na 13 American Steel Board, $1t30. Na 9 American Steel Hoard. 511.00. mood second -band plows cheap for .'ash. Mouldboards for No. 13 and 11111'. Patent plows, froth $3.50 to $KY. OODKRIC H FtrU N DRY. HARD AND SOFT COAL FOR gala -Rest quality of hard and .oft coal, all grades. delivered to any pan of the town on short notice. Get my prices before ordering elsewhere. City Coal Yard, corner of Nelson and Victoria streets. opposite D. IC. Strachan's shop. JOHN S. PLATT. elf MedleoL rtas. WR1T$LY a- "UNTIL. i� 01140 -Oran d Opera HOass. eadM:k. _ *7 U DRS.SHANNON & SBAI'INON, Physicians, Surgeon, AeseMM-. Ro. ()Mc. at »r. Sha.nen'srtxnfle. . Oohs w ool 9oderica. O. C'. AH AVisas • RON. 1751 ROYAL CROWN BITTERS. K. Q C. Drone e& ('ure. Ptak Pllle. Carbolic Cream Dentifrice. Prof. Gore's Remedies. Taylor's. itloksecker's .ad Sse4y's Performs la balk. Dr. MoLasd's Remedies. All new osiers i. Dlamwd and Turkish Dyes 15 stook. Dr. Brown's Bai.ea., for MIRA J. Wmeow 'a Paaacarrnox Damm Steen A Aastiensse. Property tlbi' Sols or for Rent. PO SENT. -A LARGE STONE 1 house Go gast•M.Iadjoining Capt. Sher hand's. Apply at FOL SDI: V. 2711 FARM TO LET -BEING LOT 31, =rad oonee.sion, l(.WWMld Road. There on the place a good iotse and baro. also an ore ard. A goof stock fattier wanted. A part or the whole of the rent may be paid by rut- nmg wood. Apply to JONI A. SAI EL uoder,ch. 27-3t %OC WILL mu TILO OIEEAT K$TABLIbHMKNT or A. E. PRIDHAM T8in Gents' Furnlsher, Where you can get an assortment of goods second to awe of out leading city houses. It will pay you to find the place, for there in the best equipped store in our town, you will find the finest variety of men's goods that has ever been shown in Gode- rich. My stock for Fall is now al- most complete,and I have bought from leading makers only. IN LADIES' FQRS I hate got the correct stylist. All 1 ask is to call and see theta before purchasing elsewhere. New York designs in Storm Collars, Muffs, ()apes, Visites, In Beaver, Alaska Sable, Seal, Nutria, American Opossum, Sealette, Grey Lamb, etc, pAKM FOR SALE 15 EAST WAWA - 1' nosh. - farts of lots b and 3L on the 0th eonoesston, comprising 73 area. helag the estate d tis late 'William Manonald. The farm liIa1I•od sate of culttvuloo. There te are leadld Lmildinga : well warred. sad pan t is good roads. good markets and *ohm& Tam Y also • ttret•clam Gerhard o0 tSlwL Per further particulars to _ti ANuCS 1181vyONAfA>, JAM= licDIGIALD.BHellaP. 0. 27.2m FASMYOit SALL-LOTS Let AND Lt, oe the int �gj��p b township, Hayfield a� >lM ilrvi •ft and on the l*ke Rdad d= g from the town of Oodericb The (sad is of good qual- ity. and is sutuble either for grain or for stock raising. There is. good living stream through the , enter of the farm. For particu- lars address H C. HAY. barrister. 6oderich. 141A RM TO RENT -LOT 8,Cl)N. 6, E. i' D.. Colborne towaahip. oosWslsg.bout 741 acres. about 00 acre& ele.red. (lord high- land farm. good barn and dwelling hoose. Hent reasynabk for a term of yews. Apply to MRA. SARAH VAN$TONF either on premiers. or address l'aaiow P, O. 1121 rri0 RENT OR FOR SALE. -THE 1 house on corner of Kea and Victoria stints. Apply to JAS. ROBINSON. tfelm Youths', Boys' and Men's Overcoats Little need be said about this line of goods, as :ill v. dao inapt -alas' thea last season (tail to acknowledge that, combined with material, style and riot, they were the best value in the trade, and 1 must say this eea-wn's importa- tion surpasses all others. Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underwear, Ties, Collars and Cuffs, Braces, Hosiery, Dress Shirts, Night Robes and all the latest novelties in gentlemen's apparel kept attractive and fresh the year around. FOR SALE. -THREE FARMS, CON taking eighty acres each, as Std and 4th concessions Ooderieh tosraskf[i. three mile, from Ooderlch. ♦NII a MR8. ANN HiN('l(rl. on :he pest iii 24.84 144•OR SALE. -THAT LARGE AND 1 comfon.ble frame house .t the foot o Wed eat., immediately opposite the ('ark; e vary desirable location and would be specially suitable for Summer boarders_ For further particular. apply to W. T. MILAN. 2 t PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE.- Persons wishing to exclaage Osderink y, or farm lands adyolat ag. for Toronto or lou can learn full particulars by ng to ALECK 8AUNDKR8, Dederick, t 10-11 IN RUBBER COATS I have a very hors, stink in all the new shades and patterns, wither 24 -inch cape detachable. Take a look in and try one on. Pacts wili frighten you. No trouble to show goods. Don't forget the pplace--'ON THE CORNER OF Me- 1410R BLOCH. L10R SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT 11 commodious building os Ringo.. Bnu eela u t secap1.d as • Polat.bop by W m -Smit! le on sale. Terme ear. AdpL.tfr to F. 8. 8001"1', l31- . P. u. t L"OR SALE. -TBE FOLLOWING 1 valuable properties Part of lots 77 and 0. coa.•smlon 4. RD. Ash- bell, s - T►.15 'th of int 31, tad eemessaloa. East Wausassk. Macrae. TM ahem plwp.rtles will be soM o• terms to esu enc s e CAll ION. HOLT' a CAMERON. ISM -0 Uo.tertch. LEAN'S 'VOR SALE. --MR. WILLIAM Mc - 1 Loan. from wa1laa�d lY-k*anh. Ohm for .01.311031.55. sad aeoSai la tenni d maids tisk ertaelMltyw d i la attested as .�.d 108 5 .. far by er elm. •Sao. of Rssa1N*atga gar. �' �ti s while rydrrMnptl�rWt fieW sepla by � Pio PRO(; O�; tf 1RST-CLA58 BIUCIC HOUSE AND 1 LOT POR ON IT PATRICK •T. Tstar wo-Ahem t e= wall_ �tOss ttelaes=w .�roarOM )Gala' room i ' 131 A. E. PRIDHAM THE MEN'S FURNISHER. P .S. - I am agent for the Parisian Steam Laundry. Goods sent every Wednesday and returned on Saturday. Tenders Wanted ►PENDERs SEALED TENDERS 1 for improvements of North -et. Method- ist church. Godrrsch, wi1l be. recei-ed till It o'clock (Kaon.. Wednesday. September 30th. at Methodist parsonage. for the work *l a whole. of saintisg. etc.. separate from earpsn' ter .54 Slaws wort. Plans aad.pedfio.ttone to be man at iha ha�end8waare Owe of Mr. J. Tates. The Mow re calved. breeder of TrembeeSR Ssoe.aar 7 * 1 Meehaales' Iastltlelte. Y ODEItICH MECHA14Il*' I587I- kJ TOTE Lll *ARY AND '*KAIHNI3- ROOM, ca. of Ras: street and Square top slain, . Open from 1 to 6 p•m,. and from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. Leading Daily, ireekly nod lltitaketed Pearce, 1Yaq.sirss, etc, me Pile. MEM 1100MI IP TIO<KT. ONLY 'p.ea granting free *sot of Library and kaadinR- Rosa Applitation fee membership received by Librarian. is room. K D. SHARMAN. OKO. 8TIVKN. President. eees1ary. Oodorich. March 12th ISM. LegraL 12N. LEWIS,'BARRI$'CER, PROC•- tor in Maritime Court& of "Marla 0111ce--south Colborne hoes. I213 it4 0. JOHNST('N, BARRISTER, 111. solicitor. o7ntmiesioner. lo. lernt collections and real estate t ranuacnor (me rally attended to. Oofe•e -Cor, ((•antes .14 tit Andrews-st. Oodertch. Oat. emir JORRR DAVISON, BARRISTER, Solicitor. ('osveyseer. to : Maser w bad. Office over Float-0(Moe. Oodwkh. at CAMPION, BARRiST[R F. Solicitor. Notary Public. eta. Once Over Jordan's Drag Store, the nem formerly occupied by Judge Doyle- Ms C. HAYS, SOLICITOR. ea R. Orae. caner Sqw. .ad lr. West. Ooderlch. over tetegr.ph odes. P14 rate reade to lead at 8 per Dent. 1110 L ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR k.X Mears, At.orw s, Solicitors. Se.. Beds rich. J. 1'. Darrow. W. Promdfoot C1AME135, BOLT At CAMIIROI, ✓