HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1891-9-25, Page 2for
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well men be known one the wide wary,
seasWag meds to Ve•ea nor,
Yletsie. 7%. G., .•d "we irbrwt t
Minh The 1rAery r ....add with es -
Liam sem Pane' mtttmrr.
la tie esutkwe 1 as.rr of the mein
building nee the imbibe d Meek Ssedess,
who Mewed Ihe .mist Wean lines el the
L a C. Piro, Moves eon .sego. Among
them we asci ed the " Kitchen Whelk," •
emw mull lamp for coal it weed with
all theIe. .Iproveme.ta and the Demise
cr aeir The.ght .:rata Thea who are
ming ar s ti. e-
.. The • stove
bareemo. ad is one el
graduates. In seeking ..d
ee.aoesY d (`el. Mr. 8•.ade a has shown
at every heir eines the new teddies wee
epi ed. •std sltbourk seine to ea -
penes he dos it to Mem the fair. He
carries • fall lime of The i, a C. (Garvey
Coy'. stoves, reeve, heroeos .ad hot-
beds= and employe • large stag of
Tea unrarrons crwrAlns
were F. Jordan, droplet, who made a very
Gess exhibit of • ease of surgical appliances
ehessia chest protectors, •loeaiws and per-
fumery.Li. is the olaset in town.
Qm tie •ppeite side wee the dtsplay of (Gm.
Fear, is imeweaser. who reoesUy purchased
she desk et tae late Geo. Rhymes. Mr.
Fear bads very tasteful display of toilet •r•
Moles sed druggist's sundries. He Parris •
eime eka.(XiL$ .R. L aeon.
!yeti• a very pretty show, with the latest
1e� j � Gem sonic of the most noted
They were 1 csrepelni nnpi
chenille curtains
artistically sneered •ad the deli-
cate psgemgce the new shads were the Pen-
tre of •tlrMRitts; and the housewife heaved
• sigh as Met passed along with a wish that
Ms bid ceeogk to cover her best room. Col -
bonne Her. en the lamest importers of on •
pet mid emeteins in town,aed they have jams
peened t1.emgle the custom • large invoice"
to add to um* present stook.
TQ Puoraietre DrrrL'V
d Gees Stewart just et the head of the
stair hem the main entreats of the pavilion
was highly creditable, and specimens of
work were shown that .amid not be sur-
urpnessd by the best city work.
'Stallion, 4 years old and
opioids, (Aa. Chisholm;at•Uion,•ny age',
1 Aikeeke.d a laundry.
Re•deter.--Stallion, 4 years old and over,
sot las thea 15 nor over 16 hands high,
1 Jonathon Miller; stallion, Symon old,1 Wm
Clark, 2 Wm Pinkney, 3 And Taylor ;
MaUioe,yenrlmg,1 David Johnston; stallion,
any sge,1 Jonathan Muller ; filly or gelding.
3 yens •1d,15} hands ►nal under,1 Andrews
Brea, B Ina Potter. 3 Dr. Whitely ; filly
or salts, 2 yews old, 1 Win Blair, 2 C 11'
WIENeime. 3 C W Willem" ; filly orelder
htgy 1 H G Taylor. 2 C W IVO.
timen,-41 W C Potter ; brood mare, 15f
hands high and under, with her foal by her
side, 1 WG Jones, 2 Jonathan Miler, 3
Wm Oleisr ; foal of 1891,1 C W Williams,
2 Was Clark, 3 ,John Porter ; pair matched
keen, mares or geldings, in harness, 15f
hotels high and ander, 1 T T Coleman, 2 Dr
3 Sam! Potter ; single horse, man
r Ing, shown in harness, 15f hands
high and under. 1 1Vm Hamden, 2 Dr
cal , 3 John Knox : female, any age, 1
T T Cbiem..
Saddle. -addle horse, mare or gelding,
1 John L Aitken, 2 Alex Bogie 3 Robt Mc-
Lean ; pony in saddle, under 14 hands high,
ridden by boy under 14 years old, 1 Robt
McLw ; best boy rider under 14 years, 1
Jos Wilson, 2 Robe McLean.
Lady Riders and Drivers. -Lady rider,
1 Mrs A Anderson ; lady driver, single, 1
Mn Wen Elliott, 2 Mrs 11 Howell,
3 Mrs. John Gardiner : lady driver, double,
1 Mrs A Anderson, 2 Mrs J Spooner, 3
Mrs Samuel Potter.
Ponies. -Pair of pais nn harness, 12
Mods and over up to 14 hands, 1 Bishop
Uarriegs.-Stettin°, 4 years old and up-
watds,'over 16 hands, 1 Geo Whitely,2 J
P Fisher ; stallion, 2 years old, 1 1) Fher :
stelioa, any age, 1 D. Fisher ; filly or Id -
ing, 3 yeanold, over 15} hands, 1 Andrews
Baa ; 511y or geldin�gg, 2 years old, 1 Joseph
Whit.!',, 2 Peter McDougall : yearling, an,
or geldisis, 1 And Drysdale ; brood mare,
over 15/bands high, with her foal by her side,
1 D A Perris, 2 And Drysdale, 3 Jonathan
Miller ; foal of 1891, 1 And Drysdale ; pair
metaled carriage Minim, mares or geldings,
over 154 hands high, l T 1)urnin ; single carri-
age horse, mere or gelding, over 154 hands
high, 1 And A Voung, 2 Joseph Whitely, 3
John Beacom ; ferule, any age, 1 And
DJmdaj-W H Millman.
!;enrol Purpere. Brood man, with
her foal by her side, 1 John Andrews, 2 H
G Taylor, 3 J W Salkeld ; filly or gelding.
2 years old, 1 Harry Morrie, 2 Jam Hayden,
3 W N Coleman ; yearling filly or selling,
I Harry Morris, 2 1) A Purvis ; foal of 1891,
1 8 L .Soot. 2 John Andrews, 3 J W Salk•
eld ; matched team, geldings or stares, in
heave's, 1 A R Anderson.
Walking --Special. -Walking team, to
wwaaa1�{eonn empty, wheels not locked. 1 J R
Mcl[i11an. 2 W C Potter.
tarn!. --Wood .rare, with her
.Peal kir side, 1 McHardy Bros. 2 Jam
Davidson. 3John Andrews ; ally) oring,
2 ears old, 1 Percy Stewart, 2JHayden,
3 Jobe Trewertha ; ys•rling, all, or ge
Ing. 1 Robt Masan : foal oofi Robt
Maros, 2 Jam !henbane ; metalled teem,
geldings or mares, an harness, 1 Jam. Rey.
melds, 2 Robt Thompson.
Heavy Draught, Imported. --Steak's, 4
yywwtt� old and upwards, 1 A Allen, 2 T T
Oismss ; stallion, 3 years old, 1 A Allen, 2
Rid Sprees ; stallion, 2 years old, 1 Jam
Smell, 2 A A1lao ; ,Whoa, yearling. 1 W N
Coleman ; dalliom, any age, 1 A Allen ;
brood we, with her loally foullyher side. 1 Jr
80.I1, 2 W 12 Coleman ; 811y yearling,1
Jam Swell ; loot c a
1891, 1 W N Colesa. 2
Jas Snail • fa•. &+.y aass++ 1 Jam 8sel1.
Hurry lkmls•mght. (om.dian Brod.--Stal-
ks, 3 yeas old and over, 1 A W Wise ;
Million, 2 years old, 1 J 0 Stewart, 2 Me -
Hard] Bros. ; yearling atlliaH, I Thos
Bettis, 2 W l' Pour ; brood mare, with
bar foalhher side,' Jae filly or
D old, 1 J J Illsher, 2 J 0
3 orr Potter : galas or filly,
Matt Woods ; feet of 181101, 1
as ; span beery dh•ggbt horse,
mem or triage, to wages. 1 .T J Fisher,
2 Jam Ineymelfieks3e4V ) were s; Mathes,
Judgel -WWfihm G. MAIM
Durham .0 upwaids.'Jaetedila�,s2%esse.dm"
belt. 2 mom old, l Jam Jeskh) hat, 1
year std. Jen Take ; hell car, .mar 1
VIM1 Jam ras2 ; best bit d any
VIM Jae 9111111E. i• calf or stem milk.
1 Jen bad,hmat. l us,.Aa holo ;
! years1 Jae 'hob, 2 lane
t kilsyl i . aid 2 Jam Serb
erre/if , 1 ad 2 Jam laid
Hes.lyd ).-ped. ! yens
1 tin 9►� OIkiM t 1 obi, i
Mrs Wm Olds i Mat w am.
Mn wm d■l.1; ow, ha mf or glebes
milk. 1 Mn Wen Mint; biles osf, ander
1 year, 1 Mn Wm =Mot ; Mat heals, .1
est ease, l Me Ws nista. sou, yens
ad, a. Cee ; 1 year old, 1 John
McGre.or • ball calf, mdse 1 year, 1 Jobe
Cox, 11 -Joe" Mot�re or ; best , c1 say
ego, 1 John Cox ; cow, ia oaf or giving
asilk, 1 John Cox, 2 John McGregor ; beif
er, 1 year old, 1 John Cox ; hailer oaf,
maim 1 year, 1 Jaw McGregor ; bees b-
easts, any rayps,, 1 Jehn Cbz.
Jerry ('1ltsrsshbrd).-Ball, 1 year old,
1 A Allen ; heat bbuuII, d aeyea, l A Aliea ;
heifer, 1 old, 1 D Me
(Grade Cattle.---[.'mw1�g-lvlag milk or in
calf, milking .rad beefing qualities eo.Md•
Bred, 1, 2 ..d 3 Robt Medd ; heifer, 2 ears
old, 1 Robt Medd, 2 J T Dickson, 3 Mowry
Curves ; hater, 1 old, 1 Jam Tabb,
John Clark, 3 John Clark ; teller calf,
under I y7ear, 1 J T Dbksos, 2 Jam Tabb 3
X d -.chMr ; awe -year -ad stem 1, 2 and 3
X Baechls ; yearling Meer, 1 J 1r Dickies.
2 1) A Perris ; steer oaf, 1 Mn Wm KUiott,
2 and 3 Robe Medd ; beat tearals, any
1 Jam Tubb ; beet herd, oonsistiing of 4 fe-
males and 1 steer, 1 Robt Medd, 2 J T
Fat (otUe. --Fat ox or suer, 1, 2 end 3
X Beschler ; fat Pow oe heifer, 1, 2 and 3 X
ledge- -George Hyde
Lowy Wooled.
Leicester. -Rem, 2 ebears and over,1 Jam
Smell, 2 Isaac Salkeld ; sbearlin4 ram, 1 Jam
Smell, 2 J O Stewart ; ram Iamb, 1 and 2
Jam Snell ; pair d ewe., two Mears and
neer, 1 and 2 Jam Snell ; pair of .he•rling
ewes, 1 and 2 Jam 8.111 ; pair d ewe lamb.,
1 Jam Snell, 2 J 0 Stewart ; pea. of Laces
tors, 000siating d 1 rem, 2 ewes, two sheers
and over, 2 .heeding ewes end 2 ewe Iambs,
1 Jam Seen ; ram, say age, 1 Jam Snell
ewe, any age, 1 Jam Sae1L
Skeet Wooled.
Sosthdowna -Ram, 2 shears and over,
1 (;len Bros ; Mom -ling ram, 1 (:len Bros ;
ram lamb, 1 and 2 (;lee Bre. ; pair of rws,
2 shears and over, 1 (Giro Bros 2 Percy
Stewart ; pair of sbearling ewes, 1 and 2
(Gle. Bros ; pair of ewe Iambs, 1 (Ilea Bas,
2 Isaac Salkeld ; pen of Southdown, oon-
sistiug of 1 ram, 2 ewes, two shears and
over, 2 sheerltng ewes and 2 ewe lambs, 1
Glen Bros ; ram, any age, 111len Bros ; ewe,
say age 1 Glen Iron.
Oxfordshire Down. -Ram, 2 sheen and
over, 1 Jam Tabb; ram lamb, 1 and 2 (:len
Bros.; pair of ewes, 2 sheers and over,
1 sad 2 Jam Tabb ; pair of shearling
e wes, 1J C Strnugban ; pair of ewe Umbel
and 2 Jam Tabb.
Shropshire Down. -Ram, 2 shears end
over, 1 Jam Cooper : shearlinrhgg ram, 1 (:len
Brea, 2 Jam Cooper ; ram Iamb, 1 end 2 Jam
('roper ; pair of ewes, 2 shears and over, 1
Jam Cooper,2 John Salkeld; peu- of starling
ewes, 1 Jam Cooper, 2 J T Ihckaon ; pair of
ewe lemb.,1 Jam Cooper,2 J T lickaon ; pen
of Shropshire Downs, consisting of 1 ram, 2
ewes, two sheers and over, 2 sheerling ewes
and 2 ewe lambs, 1 Jae Cooper ; ram, any
awe, 1 Jam Cooper ; ewe, any age, 1 Jam
Cooper. Fat Sheep. -Rest pur of fat sheep, ewes
or wethers, 1 Jam Snell, 2 John Andrews.
Stoll fireeda.
Improved Berkshires. - Boar, 2 years and
over. 1 Jam Tabb ; boar, over 1 year and
under 2 years, 1 Henry ('urwen ; boar, lit-
tered in 1891, 1 J 0 Stewart, 2 Henry C'nr-
wen ; boar, of any age, 1 Henry Carmen :
sow, 2 years seed over, 1 Jam Tabb, 2 Henry
Curwen : sew, over 1 year and under 2
Jears, 1 Jam Tabb ; .ow, littered in 1891, 1
am Tebb, 2 J O Stewart ; now,of any age, 1
Jam Tabit.
Suffolk". -Boer, of any age, 1 Thome'
Poland ('hire -Boar, littered in 1891, 1
J J Fisher ; boar, of any age, 1 J J Fisher ;
sow, over 1 year and under 2 years, 1 X
Beechler ; sow, littered in 1891, 1 Henry
('nrwen, 2 J J Fisher.
Lar 8reeda.
Named -Any Kind. -Best pen of any
breed, b or small, named, consisting of
1 boar and 3 sows, of any age 1 Jam Tabb.
Judges- John Coultas, Blelgnve ; S.
Andrews, (Godetich; George G. Moffat,
rat LTR\.
ods, k•Q Voir
Brahma*, light, 1 Jam Munro ; Brahma.,
dark, 1 Jus Whitely ; Cochina, white, 1 Jos
Whitely : Cochin., black, 1 R J McLean ;
Cochin*, buff, 1 Jos WhitelyCochin,
partridge, 1 Jus Whitely ; Hamburg", black
and white, 1 Jus Whitely ; black Spanish,
white-faced, 1 Jus Whitely Leghorn",
brown, single comb, 1 and 2 nos Morrow ;
Houdans, no let, 2 1) Ferguson • Polish,
white. 1 Fred Hunt ; Polish, golden mad
silver, 1 Jou Whitely ; Wyandotte", no 1st,
2 R L Welton ; L.ngsbans, 1 R L
Walton ; Andalusian", 1 Fred Hunt ;
settle brown -breasted red, 1 and 2 Wm
Kirkbride ; Gare, black-breested red, 1
Willie St rebury, 2 Jou Whitely : game,pute,
1 John Andres ; pit gain, any variety or
color, 1 Joe Whitely ; game, beintem.,Wmck•
breasted red, 1 and 2 R 3 M :leen ; game,
bantams, pile, 1 R J McLean ; game, b n -
tams, duckwing, 1 Fred Haat, 2 Jus
Whitely ; bantams, seshright golden, 1 Jam
Munro ; bantam., wbrig t silver, 1 Jam
Munro ; bantams, any other variety, 1 Jam
Munro ; Pekin, bantams, 1 and 2 Jam
Munro : turkeys, brows, 1 Mn Wm
Elliott ; mem, Embden, 1 Jus Whitely :
gess any other variety, 1 Rich Sprung ;
ducks, any variety, 1 Wm Blear,
2 Harry Meld ; /Guinea fowls, 1 H (1
Taylor, 2 H' terry Salkeld.
Spring Chickens. Brahms., light, 1 and
2 Jae Munro : Brehe.s, dark, no lst, 2
Fred Hunt ; Cochin, white, 1 Jam Munro ;
Hambu • led golden and sinter, 1
and 2 Jss.. Munro ; Hamburg", blink and
white, 1 and 2Jaa Munro ; Leghorn" white,
1 Fred Hunt ; Leghorn', brows, single
comb, 1 anti 2 Thou Morrow ; Pollan, white,
1 Fred Hunt ; Wyandotte, 1 John Knox,
2 Fred Hunt ; Andalusian., 1 Fred Hunt ;
gams black -breasted rad, 1 and 2
William Kirkbride; game, brow. -breasted
red, 1 Wm KirkbtWs, 2 John Aadrsws;
pit g.aa anvariety or odor, 1 Wo Kirk -
brach, 2 John Andrews ; poi bantam.,
bleck-breasted ted, 1 mad 3 R J Mei ean ;
game, bantams, d.ckwi , 1 •ad 2 R 3 Mc -
[,".a ; beldam, seas t goidea, 1 Jam
Munro ; bantams, sea ht silver, I Jas
Munro ; tethers, bream, Lame Salkeld ;
=say other va�y. 1 Rich Sprs�. 2
Marry k.l4 ; collection of barnyard
fowls, a mwtiag of 1 r el flees., 1 pair d
turkeys, 1 pair of dank., 1 pear of fowls and
J taatr loris alike's, 1 Jus Whitly, 2
pkesdimg Plasm-gyhnw, light er dark,
1 Jam Mums 2 Fred Hut ; tea, ear
oder, 1 Jae Main : foghorns. any variety,
1 sod 2 Theo Morrow : Wyandoteea, any
vreiety, 1 Trod Hunt, ! 11 L Wales ;
�ome� emy variety, 1 Jobe Andrews, 2
Wm Kiebhrids; H1 hsrge. may variety, 1
aid 1 Jae Mems..
Judge --.K. G. Jovia
mint tall wheat, 1 Henry Climes, 2 T R
Walls, 3 Joseph Whites ashy eths
variety tall wheat, whit, 1 T' R Wan* 2
H. Csrww ; any otter variety �W��I� wheat,
red et aweaberr. 1 Leas 9daeld, 2 8
Ceiessdo, i H (. 2 Jam S•lkw M
3 1 Salkeb' tart mean et whit
Reaiaa, 1 Mo lin., 2 W C Potter ;
Urtsidwoes., any Other variety, 1 Jobs
, 2 W C Potter, 1 Heavy 8.14.14 ;
ax rowed barley,1 lame Salkeld ; two
rowed barley, 1 Henry Corwin, 2 Joh.
Salkeld ; two host large pease 1 8 Furs.,
2 Jam Tate ; small peas, 1 S Tures, 2 T R
Wallis ; two bask whit oaks, 1 H Curiae ;
black Data, 1 brae Salkehd ; Pas bush. Sax
seed, 1 J Salkeld, 2 I Salkeld ; timothy
sed, 1 8 L Stott, 2 J Pelkeld ; hof bust
clover seed, 1 Stony Brea , 2 1 Salkofd ;
hest Pad largest oollectiwm et gena u the
straw, grows by the exhibitor, 1 H Chy-
me, 211 Salkeld, 3 S Furs.
Field Root, Vegetable, eta --- Nine
nag rod m•egold, 1 Geo (Gres,, 2 J
N' 8alksld ; ams globs 1
H Careen, 2 Merit( t:ibboam ; nine
Swede turnips, 1 8 Furse, 2 H Curwen ;
nine Sold carrots, lone red. 1 sheriff Gib-
boa. ; sine white Belgian osrrote, 1 H.
Curares, 9 sheriff (Gibbon' ; peck miens, 1
Cham Chisholm, 2 Alex Kirkbride ; twelve
ears geld Dorn, 1 sheriff Gibbons, 2 J
Salkeld ; largest punepkta, 1 Wm Warnock,
2 Nicholas Morrish ; largest squash, 1 Wm
Warnock, 2 J `Wkeld.
Ten pounds table butter, salted, f Nicbo-
lam Morrish, 2 Mrs Harvey Howell, 3 J 0
Stewart ; 8ve table batter, salted.
roil or in .eta, 1 Nichol.. Morrish, 2
Wm Swale 3 Mrs H Ho+ell ; tab or
crock of salt butter, not les than 40
pounds, 1 W Sw•tfield, 2 Thou Hamilton,
3 Mn Howell ; ten pounds of melt batter,
1 Mrs Howell, 2 Thee Hamilton, 3 W
Swaffield ; chose, not las than 50 pounds,
factory made, 1, 2, 3 Sam'l Bissett ; cheese,
n ot les than 12 pounds, hone made, 1 J..
Symington, 2 8 Bassett : butter, 2 firkins,
made at butter factory or creamery, Ont
les than 40 pounds each, 1 (Geo Matt, 2
John Hannah, Seeforth, 3 John Hannah,
Apples. -Ten varieties, named, 4 of each,
1 John Stewart, 2 John Andres, 3 Imam
Salkeld; six varieties, named, 4 of each,
winter, 1 J W Salkeld, 2 J 1) Stewart, 3
Mrs W Elliott ; six varirtis, named, 4 of
each, cooking, 1 8 L Scott, 2 J Salkeld, 3
Mn W Elliott ; six varieties, named, 4 01
each, dessert, 1 Mn W Elliott, 2 Joseph
Whitely, 3 8 L Scott ; live northern spy, 1
Isaac Salkeld, 2 J W Salkeld ; five Rhode
Inland greenling 1 John Stewart, 2 .1 T
Dickson ; five Baldwin, 1 Andrews Bros, 2
Lease Salkeld ; King of Tompkins County,1
Glenn Bros, 2 Isaac .Like ; Spitamburg
Aaopus, 1 W J Harris, 2 Mn W Elliott ;
Fallawater, 1 Thou Beattie, 2 Andrew.
Bros ; Roxbury russet, 1 ,loon Porter, 2
John Stewart ; Hubberdson'a Nonsuch, 1 J
W Sakai ; Amsimen molds' rues... I
Joseph Whitely, 2 John Stewart ; Ribaton
pippin, 1 John Stewart, 2 Sturdy Bros ;
`i agner,1 John Andrews, 2 Mrs W Elliott :
Blenheim pippin, 1 W Warnock, 2 S L
Scott ; Biro Davis, 1 John Andrews, 2 John
Salkeld ; Swear, 1 John Salkeld, 2 Sturdy
Bros ; Hawtbornden, 1 Robert McLean, 2
Mn W Elliott ; Canada rod,' Judge Torn,
2 Jamie' Gordon ; swan pomme grise, 1
Isaac Salkeld. 2 A Binrham ; ponume grim, 1
Samuel Funs, 2 1) A Purvis ; Mann, 1
Sturdy Bros, 2 Joseph Whitely ; Ontario,
Jams Gordon, 2 Henry Carmen ; arrow, 1
John Porter, 2 Wm McLean ; Gravenstein,
1 Judge Toms, 2 S L Scott ; St. Lawrence,
1 8 I. Scott, 2 J .1 Fisher ; 20 -oz. pippin, 1
Glen Bros, 2 John Porter ; beau. of Keut.
1 (Glen Bros, 2 John Salkeld ; fall pippin, 1
Joseph Morrie, 2 Nicholas Morrah ; blue
l'earmin,l Andrew Bros : leaches of (Rdro-
burg 1 S Furse, 2 John Stewart ; any other
kind, named, winter, 1 .John Porter, 2 1V J
Harris ; any other kind, named, fall, 1 J O
Stewart, 2 Sturdy Bros ; plate crab apples.
1 Fred Hunt, 2 Sturdy Rio.:.luinoea, 1
.lohn Andrea, 2 Wm Stewart ; amentias
apple, 1 W J Harris, 2 Geo W An-
Pears. -Six varieties, mined, 4 of each,
1 John Stewart, 2 John `Salkeld : three
varieties, named, 4 of each, 1 Mrs. W. Fa.
liott, 2 John Andrea ; Bartlett, 1 1Vm.
Warnock, 2 John Salkeld ; Flemish beauty,
1 W. Semibold, 2 W. O. Jones ; Vicar of
W inkfleld, 1 W.11. Jones, 2 Henry Curwen:
Duchess D'Angouleme, 1 Alex Saunders, 2
Henry Curwen ; Boo Lucrative, 1 John
Stewart, 2 A. Bingham ; Louie Bonne De
,Jersey, 1 Horace Horton, 2 Alex Saunders
Bourn D'Anjou, 1 W. O. Jones, 2 Henry
Curwen ; white Doyenne, 1 Wm. Mclean,
2 John Andrew. ; gray Doyenne, 1 Henry
Curwen, 2 Wm. Mclean ; !lire's Ileac, 1
R Furse, 2 A. Kinmggham ; Sheldon, 1 A.
Drysdale, 2 .1. T. Dickson ; winter Nellie. 1
John Andrew', 2 Fred Hunt ; ReurreClair-
geom, 1 John Stewart, 2 A. Bingham ;
Howell, 1 James Dickson, jr., 2 .John An-
drews ; Seckel, 1 Henry Curwen, 2 John
Andrews ; ('Mpppp a favorite, 1 Horace Hor-
ton, 2 Wm. Mclean; Lawrance, 1 A. Bing.
hem, 2 H. Horton ; Rnffum, 1 Geo. W. An-
drews, 2 W. O. Jones ; Josephine De Ma -
lines, 1 A. Bingham Keiser, 1 John Stew-
art, 2 John Salkeld ; any other verin.y,
named, 1 Wm. Stewart, 2 Sturdy Rion.
Plums-Wamhinggttonan, 1 W. Stewart, 2 J.
T. Salkeld ; Rnvlafiaw, 1 C. A. Humber, 2
Wm. Stewart; Pond's seedling, 1 Wm. Mc-
lean, 2 Jams Tabb ; Victoria, 1 Wan.
Stewart, 2 Peter Fox ; McLaughlin, 1 J.
(Gordon, 2 Wm. McLean ; yellow egg, 1
John Stewart, 2 Jou Whitely Haeme'.
purple, 1 Wm. Stewart, 2 Mrs. R. W. Mc-
Kenzie; Lombard, 1 Mn. R. W. McKenzie,
2 Wm. Stewart ; Jefferson, 1 Ale: Saun-
ders : General Hand, 1 Wm. McLean
t'oe's golden drop, 1 Peter Fox, 2 (leo.
Sheppard ; peach, 1 Geo.. 2 Peter
Fox ; Gramm gyu, Jos Whitely ; Gode-
rich, m. Sitawart any other variety,
named, 1 Wm. Slaws.
Pescha-Seedling, 1 Glen Iron.
Grapes, Mama, eta -Six varieties of
grapes, mama, 1 M. C. GLmteron ; three
varieties,nsmed, 1 A. M. Res, 2 M.C.Cao-
erxrt: best anti heaviest,white, 1 M C. Cent -
erne : hest and heaviest, black, 1 M C
Caservn; twelve varieties, correctly mused,
1 C1mpt (Gibson, 2 .lam Dickson ; eight var-
betis, named, 1 Jae !limbo., 2 Wm Stew-
art ; four varieties, named, 1 J T Diaheom,
2 Jam Diana ; I)sl.w.te, 1 Wm Mel.men,
2 Wie Stewart ; ('•mused, 1 W Stewart, 2
11 Curwen ; Hartfm'd, 1 W s Stewart, 2
Jae Dieknon ; RmmeLe, J T Dickson ;
Rogers' No. 3, 1 A lingbme, 2 Jams Dia-
n n ; Irma, 1 Jas iliaknn. 9 A Bieghame ;
Rogues' No 4,1 the albite, 2 W Wawa;
Rogers' No. 14 1 ihpt Gibes, 2 Jam Dick-
son ; Rgss' Ie. 19, 1 Wm Stewart, 2 A
Bingham' ; Oreoslimg, 1 Wm Stewart, 2 J
T Desi ; ..balsam 1 Jae iM.bam, 2 A
Flashes ; R+m/lin flat, 1 W Waraeek ;
Ms en's early, Wm Stewart ; Brig/Mem
J T Diotaem ; say ether kimd, eased. 1
tea (ib.., 2 Peer Pox ; s.dl ng, 1 G
�•�amd ; three wear mama. 1 Wm War•
cask ; puma or mast Sri mads.. 1 A M
Rom., 2 Wm Womack j; spans. 1 Mn
Remy. ! Ms Rowell ; rel temaaMme, 1 Wm
S4.wse. ellieg'am t purple nes,
1 Wm t yaw 1 Wm
mow sea
Ceb.Man d ent gwss, 1 H L
WMee•, ! Was Mamas; near
Um &Min. no Maim d 1 Wm
Stoma ; lav varieties dandas, este Moses
of each, 1 H L Waimea, ! Wm Muwsrt;
.melee varieties v.ivea. 1 Neem d ewe.
1 H L Walesa, ! A iMaghem ; e varie-
ties reamed', 1 Mean d mei. 1 R L Wal-
.eosa,, ! A lMrgi e; fame' vereems
verbessa, 1 intone of sad, 1 J T Dia-
tom, 2 James Dickass ; le.r duress twee,
1 bloom of each, 1 John Ri.wsrt ; bead
bouquet, L H L Waseca. 2 Jams Ditann;
table bouquet, 1 H L Weems. ! J T Dick -
sou ; collection dlesthu., desMo, 1 A Bing-
ham, 2 H L Watson; oaleni m diaati s.
single, 1 H L Watson ; Gomel design, 1 H L
Watson, 2 A Bingham ; ooile tiom mama.,
doable, 1 H L Wane. 2 Wm McLean;
trues gesasimes, single Gower, 1 John
Stewart, 2 H L Walesa ; tree gerssisma,
double flower, 1 H L Wotan. 9 Jena
Stewart ; perennial phloxes, not tees then 4
varieties, 1 spike d each, 1 Wm Mama. 2
H L Watson ; ODUectios phloxes, mess., 1
Wel Stewart, 2 H L Watson ; twelve var-
ieties gladiolas, 1 H 1. Wanes ; eight
vsrietw gladiolus, named, 1 H L
Waves ; four varieties glediol.., 1 H L
Watson, 2 J T Diakena ; colleeties sass,
1 Wm Stewart, 2 H L Watson ; pansies, 1
.1 Bingham', 2 H L Wsto. ; balsam spikes,
u Wotan, 1 H L Watson ; stook span. 1
W t.. McLean, 2 H L Watson ; f-Meiae,
singles, 1 H L w atom, 2 Wes ILsao
petu.iam, double, 1 A Iii,•9 Wm
aLeas : anneals, 1 Boa R� 2 H L
Watson ; twelve soles, 1 John Stewart, 2
A Bingham, 3 H L Wanes ; six wxoombe,
1 Win Stewart ; tuberous b.gssiam, round,
1 John Stewart, 2 A Wnghses
rex. 1 H L Watson ; geraainaa., sing began"
L Watson, 2 John Stewart, 3 Wm McLean ;
gersaiuma, single, 1 H L Watson, 2 John
Stewart ; geraniums, double, 1 John Stew-
art, 2 H L Waksm, 3 Woe MoLese ; green-
house plant., 1 Wm McLean ; fo lege planta,
1 Wm McLean. 2 H L Wat.on : two hang
ins Bower baskets, 1 Wm Stewart, 2 H L
N ..eon ; owh.ngwg Sower basket, 1 Wm
Stewart, 2 H L Wtaon ; oollectio. motive
Sowers, 1 J C Strengthen. In Sowers there
was a collection of carnatoss wrongly en-
Judge -Horse. Foster.
uA*0LS VmitTA*L .
Peck d rose potatoes, 1 Geo Green, 2
Geo Sheppard ; white elephant potatoes, 1
J K Too, 2 Jae Gordon ; beauty of Hebron
potatoes, 1 Geo Sbeppard, 2 Wei Warnock ;
potatoes, any variety, 1 'Wm Warnock, 2
Geo Sheppard ; vegetable narrow, 1 8 Pot.
taw, 2 Mrs Howell : summer equnah, 1 D A
Straiton, 2 A Bingham ; winter squash, 1 H
Curwen, 2 i) A Straiton : celery, white or
golden, 1 J E Toni, 2 Alex Kirkbride
twiny, red, Alex Kirkbride • winter asb-
b�sg!e, 1 G Sheppard, 2 A Binghara ; fall
ems, 1 A Kirkbride, 2 8 Siena ; Savoy
osbbsge, 1 Thee Hamilton, 2 A Nicholeon
red cabbage, 1 A Kirkbride, 2 sheriff (Gib-
bose ; blood beets, 1 John Salkeld, 2 sheriff
IGibbooa ; turnip blood bests,! W Swalfield,
2 A Kirkbride ; radishes, 1 A Kirkbride, 2
A Bingham ; table turnips, 1 Judge Toms,
2 S Furse ; orange carrots, 1 sheriff
Gibbons, 2 Mardy Bre. ; early horn car•
rot, 1 W Warnock, 2 A Kirkbride ; soarlet
wrrota, Nance,! sheriff Gibbons, 2 W Kirk-
bride ; parsnips, 1 sheriff Gibbon,, 2 ABing-
harrn ; red onions, 1 Cie. Chisholm, 2 A
Kirkbride; yellow onions, 1 Cham Chisholm,
2 F Hunt ; silver skin onions, 1 F Hunt, 2
A Kirkbride ; sweet corn, 1 W Warnw:k, 2
A Bingham : corn, any variety, 1 sheriff
Gibbon, 2 1V Warnock ; three beads cauli-
flower, 1 A Bingham, 2 A Kirkbride ; col-
lection garden pruduce,1 A Bingham, 21Vm
Hutt MAS C/ALTCR tt.
Patchwork quilt, woollen, 1 J C
Straraghau, 2 (George Nott : patchwork
quilt, cotton, 1 J Symington, 2 Mn Camp-
bell; patchwork quilt,silk,1 Mn Anderson ;
knitted quilt, 1 Geo Nott, 2 J M Sney. ;
crochet work quilt, 1 J Sy 2 Geo
Green ; Smyrna rug, 1 Mn H Howell ;
twelve yds. home-made carpet,' Geo Greco,
2 Lima Buchanan ; home•made rag mat, 1
W l' Potter, 2 Lizzie Buchanan ; pair wool-
len stockings, 1 A C Johnston, 2 (Geo Nott;
two pairs woollen socks, 1 (G Nott, 9 T
Hamilton ; two pain woollen glove., 1 J
Symington, 2 Lizzie Buchanan : two Amin
woollen mite, 1 F. Washington, 2 Lizzie
Bucbsnan ; woollen yarn, home-made. 1
Thos Hamilton, 2 Geo Green ; special in
rag o.rpet, dyed with Turkish dysa,Rodney
Ladies' Work. -Gent's shirt, linen frost,
hand -made, 1 Thos Hamilton, 2 Linos
Buchanan ; gent's shirt, linen frost,
mnchins-made, 1 Lizzie Buchanan, 2 Thos
Hamilton ; gent's fancy flannel shirt,
machine -made, 1 Lizzie Iiuobanan, 2 Thee
Hamilton ; gent's fancy flannel shirt, hand -
medal Lizzie Buchanan, 2 Geo Nott ; night
dress, 1 Lizzie (Gibson, 2 Lizzie Buchanan ;
tatting, 1 A C Johston, 2 (Geo Nutt ;
crochet work,in wool, 1 J M Sseyd, 2 Limie
(Gbbeon ; crochet work, in cotton, 1 Geo
Nott, 2 M K Washington ; macrame work,
1 Jam Symington, 2 A C Johnston : engem-
dies lace, 1 J-Symisrton, 2 D A Parvo ; em-
broidery on linen, 1 st (' Cameron, 2 1) A
Purvis ; honitoa lace, 1 Geo Nott, 2 J M
Sneyd ; silk embroidery, 1 Mrs A Ander-
son, 2 J M Sneyd ; embroidered dippers, 1
Mrs l: Campbell, 2 Mn A Andersen ; draw-
ing -room screen, 1 M C Cameron, 2 Mrs A
Anderson ; piano or table scarf, 1 J M.
Sneyd, 2 1) A Purvis; worked whisk -holder,
1 Robt Dickson, 2 J M Sneyd ; wife pillow,
1 Geo Nott, 2 J M S Boyd ; tray cloth, em-
broidered, 1 Mrs C (aampbU 2 Lizzie Buch-
man ; table centre piece, 1 M C Cameron,
2 1) A Purvis : toilet est el any kind, 1 Mrs
C Campbell, 2 .1 M 8eeyd ; awe est table
ate, 1 Mn C Campbell, 2 Lizzie Boehastan ;
zest of any kind, j lassie Bnehemen, 2 Geo
Nott : tea , 1 M C Cams.m, 2 Geo
Nott ; shawl of any kind, .o 1@t, 2 Mrs C
Campbell ; fancy braiding. any materiel, 1
Lizzie Buchanan�2 2 Jae ,y • ribbon
work, 1 Geo Nott, 2 iln C (),ncpb.n ;
fancy knitting, by hand, 1 M K Washing.
tam, 2 S L Meett ; fancy knitting, by osah
Me, 1 W J Merril ; plain knitting, by meoh-
ine, 1 aed 2 W J Harris ; fancy pet coed work.
1 J C .M�ttrss.s��ra.s 2 M S W aeitiagto. ; out-
line 'embroidery 1 A C Johnsen, 2 M C
Cameros ; Rse m n embroidery, i. linen, 1
Limbs (Gnome, 2 J M S eyd ; darned est,
specimen of, 1 Geo Nott, 2 Mrs C Camp•
bell; rink reek, 1 M R Waehingw, 2 Ms
C I; patch ea an old garment, 1
Limos 2 Thee Hamilton ; fancy
1 Mrs Howell ; drawn work, 1
M C ( 2 Jul Rymiagto. ; damins,
1 A C Johnston, 2 This Munition ; pai.t-
iag es silk or satin, db (srnstwr), 1 Jul
2 Mn (' Campbell ; minim es
r esti., water onion Um•te.r). 1 urs
C Caopbdl ; paimting os gimes, 1 aid 2
Mies Davis; painting oe felt. 1 Mies Davie;
In seems, 1 Jae Ayoinglo.; hooey tidy. 1
Oe. Nail, 2 J M H..yd ; sosky, any hod,
1 R.M Disheas 2 1) A Straiton ' aroant
M.ss lees. 1 Sas Syaiyto.. 2 Mn C
seams matt. lees, 1 D A
11"112Jae troll
lees► Jas Sy�. Mrs
abswfle esheMimy am kf h.,, no
iMw , 410411 1 J >t !De.
sets•me week. 1 Ms A 4 Pas
Nat gray le eros(,1 lire d cL.
PION tM....i and T 423 Inionseem .�'a"g`iek-
�•g•+w• h asi Ose•epar es -.tech •eche
and assists coli i.
£pe' Pills. Is all
eases where a ca-
thartic is asadsd,
thea PUls.sreao�
.ended y Medias
Dr. T. IL Plebes!.
d Baltimore, says:
flyer's Pills ere the
bs eapseie.t whole testbertio he
reeds stew"
d ay paw
Dr. John Btoww, e1 Comm W.
Va., writes : " I have presafbed Ayr's
,hem sa-
I legs Sbeiy peaselos, redgennerallad ` w ba
bathes." For a somber d years I was slfetd
with bfloas•.s which aknetd.atr j.4
my koaMt I triod endows tems�ss
bed arias Asada nes until
I hems is tam Aysesaiglrefi. 8.
"1 Yhave used Ayr's 1111e for the past
thielyeses, and ana needed I Mould
mot be a today If not been
kr thea They curd me of dyspemia
when all amber remedies tailed, it
me Mas kept me to • ttmithy
ever aims"- T. P. Brown,
Coater. A
•Ifergli�B.,beeen sublime, for ran, to
sonselpto dind
s.s►iolla,1 at last triwithout ad siyer'.W 114.,
e nd deem it both • duty sed a pleasure
to Waft that I have derived pest hes-
eat home thele w. !tine' over iwo plan
past I brave tame em d time Ville
•v�y sight bane ,.Wring. I world not
trf116is1y be whine& thea" - O. W.
Bewma.. M East Mae eat., Carlisle, Pa
upwards timely •buSer's Plats ham bees rad la=
hem oempbstaly naiad ariztriit is
hem whisk I suffered many yesn, tks�
s/mded Pas greater relief tis. mob
Mine 1 aver frid. "-Thomas /Mane.
Hob 8pef ape, Teas.
Ayer's Pills,
raaraaxD ST
O►. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowed, Masa,
•all y .n Drawees Date r Iwir re
Lizzie Gibson, 2 Jam Spoliation ; skeleton-
ised leaves or flowers, no 1st, 2 Thus Hamil-
ton ; best and greatest collection of Indies'
work, the work of one person, 1 Jam Sym-
ington, 2 Lizzie IGibsos ; special for quilt
in outline embroidery, Jam Symington.
Work by Children under Fifteen Teen of
Age. --Cottee underclothing ( haled -made),
2 primate, 1 8 L Scott, 2 Thou Hamilton ;
trunmd canton pinafore, 1 Toes Haa,ilton ;
hemmed handkerchiefs half -dorm!, 1 Jam
Symington, 2 S L Scott ; crochet work, in
wool, 1 Jas Symington, 2 Mn A Anderson ;
crocket work, in coital, 1 S L Scott, 2 Jam
S drawing (pencil or crsyo.l, 1
2 Mrs A Andersom : col-
lection fancy arildas, eix,1 Mrs A Anderson,
2 Jam Symington • knitted stockings or
mita, 1 r, 1 ams Symington, 2 S L Scott :
fancy pin cushion, 1 Jam Symington ; full-
rigged boat, 1 Bon Robinson ; novelty, best
of any kind, w 1st, 2 Thou Hamilton ;
Wed work, w let, 2 Thos Hamilton ;
outline work, 1 Jam Symington, 2 S L
Scott ; scrap album, no lot, 2 Jae Syming-
ton ; kaitted lace, 1 S L Soot", 2 Jam
Symington : braiding, 1 Mn A Anderson,
2 Jam Symingtem ; diploma for greaten
number of prises (children's work), Jam
J Mioses Hutchison and Dickson
andMn Armstrong.
Profeenoasl Lin., Oil -Any subject, I,
2, 3 R Crockett; landacepe, Canadian
subject, do. R. Crockett ; marine view, do.
R Crockett ; Sowers or fruit, do. R Crockett ;
copies, any subject, do. R Crockett.
Amateur Ids, Ott -Amy subject 1
Mrs Colin Campbell, 2 Mies Jennie terse;
laalacepe, 1 A CC Jo.asWn, 2 Mrs C Camp-
bell ; marine view, 1 A C Johnston, 2
Jennie Lee ; animals, grouped or single, 1
A C Johnston, 2 Mn A Anderson, reeom-
mended Mrs. Campbell ; Sowen or fruit,
1 Mn Campbell, 2 Jennie Lee, res Mies
Davis ; overeat painting, any sub�'ect, 1 A
C Jobnnoa, 2 Mies Davis, rec. Miss (:smorou
and Jennie Lee.
Proteosionel list, Water Colors -Any
subject, 2 R Crockett ; landscape, ()median
subject, 1 R Crockett ; .marine view, 1 R
Crockett ; flowers or fruit, 1 R Crockett ;
Dopy, any subject, 1 R Crockett ; sepia, 1
R Crockett ; pencil or crayon drawing, 2 R
Crockett ; pen and ink .ketch, 1 R.
Amateur List, Water Colors. -Amy @abject,
1 A C Johnnie., 2 Mins Parsons ;
1 A C Johnnie., 2 Mrs Campbell=
law, 1 A C Joh.ato., 2 Mn Campbell ; .si-
osle,1ACJoh ton,2MnC'ampbel;Bowen
or fruit, 1 A C Johnston, 2 Mn Campbell
original any subject, 1 Mn Campbell, 2 A
C Johmeton : spies, 1 A C Johnston, 2 Mies
Pone ate ; p U or crayon den s;drawing, 1 A C
Johnston, R Mn A Andoreom and ink
Mketmb, 1 A C Johnston, 2 Mn Campbell
Hws�Do.mRrle MAUDrACTCRMe.
Dom►, f C A Htwbar ; Sugar. and -Hou, in
jar d hooey, 1 S
Bisect, 2 John Perm ; maple syrup, 1 Mrs
Howell, 2 Mn Wm Elliott.
Preserves, Bread, etc. -- CaUecios of
hose -made ptes�vm 1 Mn R W McKen-
zie, 2 Wen W arnoek, 3C A Humber; pea-
se. 1 Win Warmock; pears, 1 Mrs It W
McKenzie, 2 John Porter; citron, 1 Wm
Warnock, 2 J Salkeld ; cucumber, 1 Thos
Hamilton, 2 C A Hsmber ; .{ounce, 1 C A
Hmeth.r ; teat d home -mad. 6wd, 1 D A
Strobl.., 2 John Porter ; tea bisesit , 1
Mrs Howell, 2 D A Mesita" ;�joillima, 3 jars,
1 Mn Warnek, 2 Mrs R W McKenzie.
• Pspslar rtirww.
"What ie Bagl y's did shares!"
"His wife."
a Ogres With. &dente.
W He--Chsa4 y, why is that train clod
the "nmitedr
Rmchaad--Boman poker is shoat the
only paw that the pa.snger" ply.
A Lett Opperteaity.
"it wile • �ti�gshbt .maces, for ms," maid
Nests, am he Sedebe4 tine story d his ad-
ve.ay., .rad an old maid hamar widener -
td asAly to herself: "11 1 had only hese
Mango er Owp.
"Are yne the (Malt d tfii banes,
'I was likes the baby wee here 1 .m
u nder the impetus the none (was M
wbdtrlls a' -5.A
Onamar(tea wWm}-Winds is peer
Waiter --pant •
Children's Wear in Great Variety,
The regular millinery opening will be heli on WtwDRgaDAY, Barr. 16, y+
f ollowing days. Our Mims Oonagh has just returned from the cities, sad `e
brought with her novelties in every branch of the millinery trade.
Dt ars and mantle making on the premises The best work at modem*
Every lady in (loderich and vicinity is invited b roll and view as
millinery opening.
The Glasgow House
GoIe's Sassah&s Bled and Stomach Bi«c�s
For Biliousness, Headache, Constipation, Skin Diseuw,
etc., etc.
Careful prescription work All mor oharpe
at all hours. the imam
The 1kuggiet
Latest patterns and most improved styles. Prices right
Just what you want.
Best brands and lowest prices.
And all other popular patent medicines at
-r SSI%=
For cleaning cottons and woollens, metal and marble orna-
ments, wooden articles. kitchen utensils, etc.
Another Targe consignment of
Fresh Teas of superior quality.
In order to counteract the dis-
honest practices perpetrated on the
public by peddlers and others, we
are offering Special Inducements in
Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat-
Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square.
Orders by Telephone promptly attended to.
Wawa wiaraeat toes M eek .d Mae w rer.rt.te at the lowest NsMN. Prase&
u skier �ur/.Lieet,,3p
hr.Mmas ilerw.s. s /w +M tin.' w iies'r aim i .nae^
Vox CeolZ
Oneks stir .ed .g he the' re. r.M.ege he bees r wadi•s • c••d••saes 'r tw
�", 1 Jas bear ; hen Mms�so�
rte' a. e.edw�.w r w'ntiaes4 .. 1 le'7 rtilrY~fa.11-1 4411
..aestere. mat miss hilt.i nth. hall. MsJas edam tense wart M Mk. 1 Oemeses—OM"eofisemeusw ha mems�I'iarBAR t9"
fMC1mrMM,g1m Atr.tM.G1.er her 11 I7� wwni-nT1